V'F 'I , Vm , ft V PX0.15 SIX MRDirOKI) "MATL TKIUUNM, MKlTKOttl), OKKUOX. HATl'UDAV. OCTOMM 21, 1011 Vk ',! .fl T a : i V) ! r I M 1 ' h C II ri ' J 'i ( i vv CALAIS DUNKIRK OBETIVEPOINISOF HAN ADVANCE LONDON, Oct. 24, 10:02 n. in. - What u (Icrinnu military epott has culled .n lifo ami death .stntjr;lo for tlormniiy is still tne.fii nlonj the 'oust end of tin- wotorn battle front, ami every indication hnws tliat the tnvmlor.s nn hulling their tall utrenaUi against tlu allien in a dcter iniiu'il effort to rupture Dunkirk ami dilute. Strange repot ! came from cap tured cities in Hcljjium of evacua tion, or the preparation for depatt iire, of Uenntui force, hut those movements may merelv moan that ev ery available man i being thrown forward in the Kntneo-llcl:;inn fron tier ami doc not nooonrily forecast thu nhamlonnient of pii-ition. Ant werp is Raid to have been praetieally deserted and the wives of German of ficers in ItniHncIt are Miiil to have re ceived orders to leave within fortv- eipht Iioiiij. DciMratc FlitlitltiK .l'aris reports that the notion on tho allies' left continues with yreat mo lenoe, especially around Arras, La Unsscc and Arntentieros, where some of the most desperate lighting of the var has taken jdnee. Heiv the usual fseesuw oeeurs hetweeu the two forces. A special dispatch stales (hat the allies have advanced further on Os- tend, their lines now extending from the eoa.st to i point between Slype and St. Pierre qhajK'He. Other dis jmtches relate that the Germans, af ter a success on the Wer, are Icming the coast and working around by Dlx mude to Lille, thereby clearing the way to Ostend and leaving their po sition open to a Hunting movement by the allies. Pursuit of Ceitauiis I'etrograd rorts a continuation of tho pursuit of the Germans retreat ing from Warsaw ami admits an un expectedly stubborn resistance to Die Itussiau offensive from the Austrian on the Kan, while the official iVenna report, after detailing successes be fore rzemys and a dashing movement townrd the Vistula, admits that the llussiuns were permitted to cross the San in .several places. Knglaud is hoping today that the career of tho famous commerce de stroyer hmden is ended. This hope FORTS USELESS IN MOD WARFAR E UBMAi IES I JAPANESE CRUISER NOTICE PROVEN AI VERDUN D LONDON, 0.t. !1, R,!0 n m - Tho Time today prints a dlipatch In which Its correspondent at Nancy, L ARE 0 TOKIO, Oct. 21. hi.', p. officially announced that m. -It is the navy France, under date of October IS, .department now believes that the jjlves a vivid plctUro of tho flRhtlan Japanese crai-er Takachiho. sunk in on tho rlj;ht wing of the French army, "Thoimh the French official com munications continually state thai the situation du tho right win;; Is unchanKcd,'' he saH, "they do not mean that tho opposing armies are mnrktng time. Tho Germans have made fierce efforts to get Verdun. These efforts were as fiercely re pelled and the French field army still stands hetweqn the army of Metis and tho coveted fortress-ea of Tout and Verdun. Around Saint .Mlhlel "In the attempt on .Saint Mlhlel tho Germans were inoro successful. Hard fighting will bo necessary to eject them, hut tho German objoe- tie the Junction of the army of Met with the right wing of the crown prince's army of Argoime has been prevented. The French are praying for a heavy fall of snow Kino ChoV haihor Oeloher 1", was torpedoed by the Gmiiiau torpedo I boat destroyer S-Kll. l'rovious of lie ial announcements had It that ttie eruNovhnd been sunk by it mine, but German and Chinese repot ts credited the S-PO with the feat. Unofficial accounts say that the S-PO, masked liv heavy sens, dn'.ed I out of the bnv and launched her dertit- Iv torpedo. She then nut the block ade and was pursued by the eitemv's destroyers. For -eeiin; her fate, her commander drove on the shore and fired the inugn.incs. The captain J and the crew ot m.Iv escaped to shore and were interned by Chinese soldiers. Viee-Admirai Sadakiehi Kato, conimander of the second Japanese squadron before Tsing Tan, reports that the condition of teh wnvknae of WANTED TO BUY l .10.000 pounds lions. 10,000 pounYls Spring Chickens. r,000 pountls Oltl Ixoostcrs. ji,000 pouiwM Ducks. t Ai niiia ami will con! met all you can raise in next six- mouths. GET BUSY. Medford Poultry 6. Egg Co. the DM which would seriously hamper tho. the Takachiho. the fact that flames enemy's movements of supplies and J from the explosion could be spoil for might even drive them Into tho oKii like wolves. "Tho guns of Verdun havo novor yet been In action, and there Is no prospect of the fall or Verdun unless tho French field army allows the Germans to get their big Btins within range. Forts Arc FseSess "Tho whole history of this war, however, goes to prove the utter uselessnes3 of forts uudcr present conditions. The best typo of forti fications seems to consist of batter ies from which the guns can be eas ily moved to a new point as soon ns they are located by the enemy. The day of the fixed fort Is gone. After the Germans had entrenched them selves at St. Mlhlel their big guns made short work of the French forts at Trojon and Cramp I)es Komalns. Tho guns of tho forts had a range of only five nillei against tho Ger ma slegcra range of sven miles. "The Germans have placed a bat tery of Austrian 42 centimetre guns on tho site of Camp Des homalns. which commands St. Mlhlei and n large part of tho Woevre. It Is twenty miles nnd the story of the sur vivor- convince him that the Japan csc oriii-er was torpedoed. Iiumcdl atulv after the attack the uuignr.iiu" of the Tuknchiho blew up. According to survivors, manv Jap anese sailors wen' blown ovcrhoitrd. These men united in siuyiug the chorus of the national Japanese an them ami thus peiished. "This is evidence as to bow brave ly Hie men died and how they vol-cd their love of country in the supreme moment," Vice Admiral Kato reports. flic commander of the Takachiho died at his po-t on tin bride. POULTRY WANTED Wo Are llotulqtiarters for Poultry In Mcriford Will always pay you the highest market cash prices. Can use all kinds. We solicit your trade. MEDFORD POULTRY S EGG CO. TELEPHONE 583 129 FIR STREET Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Kffoetlvo fiom August 1, Jttt-i.to August 1, HUG, nml ttunrmi.rod ngnliiHl any reduction during Hint time! Touring Car , i? Illl Ituimhoiit HH Town Car.. 0110 F. O. II. Detroit. All enni fully equipped. (In tho UnlUM Htnteii of America Only.) Further, wo will lie aldo to ohtuln tho muxlmiim efficiency in out fnetory production, nud thu minimum cost In our purohitHing unit xales deportments If wo citn reach tin output of .10(1,000 rnrn be tween tho nbovo dntos, And should wo reach this production wo ngreo to pay ns tho nuyer's Rhnro from 1 10 to jr.o por cur (on or about Angina 1, Ifliri) to every retail buyer who purchases u now Fold car between August 1, I HI I, and August t, t D t f. For fuither pnttlrultirn legariling these low prlron and proflt-nhiir lug plan, see tho nearest Ford llrnuch or Dealer. Ford Motor Gar Company C. E. GATES, Agent .Hpailu Itulldhu; .Mcdfnid, lcon. Special Round Trip Fares TO TIIK Greatest of Human Blessings Ths rno-l 'r -fit ti;t l( tl- vorU la lovo cxprrJKol In the liolplrrx Infant. A .J amomr Ihotu r.;.! nnil coniforU tar expectant mothorn li tl.o writ Unuwn ".NU ther's IYIpiuJ." Thl Is nn rxtcrnal r.riilnttan ti tmiblo ttio nMon-.lnal taut clcs to Ixvotn nom Iillant. to ospanil naturally r.-umxit livvWB? VrO it based i.ii two more r Ics cryptlo most Important that tho French re-LlraIn cord.,u-';r, &S cuiiles from Domini v. one lued In capture tills position, hut it will tnkol A!n)lcJ uj OlrL-vtvtt uron iUoao munolo.i tlm I.. fist svr LI ii, I nt- n,.l.iln.r ,. I imwi ot" m- imv mior ui do SO.-' tho lionibnv government, declariiiff that all hcii routes may be con-idered rea.-oimbly unto from II o'elock in the ovwiinj,' of October 21, and the other an uiieoufiruicd report' from Mombav to the Morning I'oM, dated the 22d, that the F.tndcu hud been uccoiinted for. l'VvtlitiK Stai-Mn DcIkIiiiis The problem of feeding tho htnn--liij; peolo of Ilfliiim i, daily row iu more acute nud the American comminxion finds itcdf hnmpered by the food cmbnijio uevallin hero and the equally hopclos tabic of tlndlnj,' adequate Mipplic- in Ilolluud. KnylundV order upiiiit the hnpor tution of Miar i Mnificnnt of the KovoriimentV attitudo toward the movement of any cominodily that might ahhit it ciiciiiii". BY LONDON, Oct. 24. 10:20 n. m.- J no aiimtruity, tliraush tho prefw bureau, iBHiied today n list of officers and men of tho Hrltish Biibmariiio K-.!, with tho statement that it la fenred no hopea for tho safety of the Bubmarfuo can now bo entertained. Manufacturers and Land Products Show to in: iiki.d i T LONDON, Oct. 21, 10:03 a. m. -Tho Coruian rlnj; around Verdun, ac cording to tho CoIoKno Gazette, is becoming closer dally, eaya a Central XoS6 dispatch from CopcnbaKcn. All French attnckn havo been in vuln. Colonel Groy, n brother of tho British foreign xecretary, who wag capturol near Peronne, France, when a Hrltish aeroplane wan brought down by the GermaiiB, ban been Bent to tho prlsonor's camp at Darmstadt. nerves with which nil tho munctcs nro sur-lteO. Thus a S"e--t uliaro of tho tlns bo much ilrca Jed ma Im nvutdvil nr..l tho i period of expectancy pacil la comfort. Tbcro Is no question but w!ut auch ' relief liaa c narked lr.flucnco u:o.n tUo I Cpneml health vt fio n-other. Ic a llttlo look crt by tnall much use ful .Information is c!ea to Inexperienced I'riend" and how to avoid caln? lrmil.t. It has been prepared In our Jntiorntory for over forty year and It known favr cMy to most drugsUU everywhere. Ot t bottl to-day and vrrlto for boo!: to DnninUd ItCKUlator Co., S00 Ijnn- lildi;. Atlanta, Ga. Uo euro to nk f.cAuJ n.u ttut you fe'tt "ilothcr'u IVKnd." Portland, Oct. 2 6 to Nov. 14 Round TripFarc Krom Medford-$13.20 CorreHiionilonlnf: low round trip fnrcH ftom all other poluliCMalu l.liio and Ilranclie.i. S.llilJ DATKS I'rom points noiitli of Kimcno (Including Klnmnth Full) Octobor 27-.T0, Nvooiuber 3-tS-lO and 13. Final .f'cturn limit Monday follow Iiik (Into ot milo. z I'u II particulars n to fare, train Hchcdiileit limllH, etc., can bo ob tained from nearest iiKent of tho Southern Pacific John JI. Scll, General lMcii;er AKi'iit, I'ortlnnd, On'Kou. You Will Need Fence During the Fall Fencing Season Page Fence Gives Greatest Protection winn rcD a briow titcorwinti. I CMiU US Sl.ylo .KM.'J-A (Ifiisilc stHMijjIli 10,000 Ihs.) Nu(( close holtoiu .spacins, making :tu oxcclltMii. pir, lmg and slock fence Your (lollni'H fapllici when you buy I'ACJK 1mhm!. Wc deliver to your shipping ioin(. i GADDIS & DIXON "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" 1!M North Iiivei'sidc Ave. Med ford .aa.a..aa.a..a..a.. &.& ...-.-....a aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA yh&z&r4iiy&i&iizl -WV-W-VT-W-WVWTW v -r -w -w -r Ilcrliu official advices under date of October 20, stated that tho Hrlt ish mibinnrJne K-3 wan buiiIc Octobor 18, by Gorman wandilpri In tho .North Son. Tho destruction of tho U-3 Is tho first loss suffered by the DrltiHli Biibniarlno boivIco In tho war. Tho boat was comparatively now, hnlnK boon completed In 1U13. Shu car ried IG men. FEWER DESERTIONS IN UNITED STATES ARMY WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 Desert ions In tho United States army lust year yero lower by many hundreds thun ever befuro In Its history, ac cording, to tho uuuuni iuport toduy Of Judgo Advocate General K, II. Crowdor, Tills U uttrlbutod In largo pail to the bciioflclenl luuUlutlun by con Krfwi uilllKnllii( tho treatment of do itvi nd olhyr mllltitr offemloru. KAISER NEARL TAKEN PRISONER BY RUSSIANS LONDON, Oct. 21, S n. m -Tho Potrograd correspondent of the Cen tral Nowh sonds, tho follewing: "Soldiers from the Warsaw fiont Bay thnt Kmperor William was per sonally on tho field of battle. He was almost taken a captive, barely osraplnjr by automobllo," MADERITE IN AMERICA and you can's .buy a bettor Haitian Pow der. Ono prlco alwuya 2! contB por pound. Illllll I Bv'iiiLti'fl WW Sold by all Orocerfl Rl fflTll STcnuinc t&e, Etruscan One of the I popular pnt- ' tcrnt in Gorlinui tublu slher- u.irn standi villi tlielM'StpMKliicIs of the Mlddlo Ut'orKioii Period. TIiudrilh'iii-rAof that tlmu Here Etronitly iinprt-- fd with iuro (jreck nnd Itoiimn forms, invuriubSy atoidln thu n- crK-o, tho f.intns- tie nnd thu orimtu. This new Oerlmm pattern, inodvlcd ii(on ilicjo iiliiu- dints, nttnictt by Its classic sim plicity nud li es pecially (ipproprl- am . m utu to Loloiiinl (onrififin dliiiuir xmiws. Mudu in .Ster ling .Sihcr only, nml sbiuipcil nith the Tritdo 1M rli i I. Ion, An chor and letter (S W (ii inn m. nr., liIchinMurc allty nud ity of design. J lew Location r 212 E. Main Martin J, Redely Jeweler 1 -KrtC t T T f T T J T t T t ? T s,- -. . '. t I A t y mST MiTvr! A KWm HVA K71 Wm W9 14 pjj cj rsamm m r? mp ftmff $ J) 9 Electric Cooking VA ec Can lie done hv the clock instead of bv kiicm. tricjty alone iven the same measured heat every time it. is always under control, and in every one of its many applications is most efficient, convenient, and safe. What electric liht is to the candle, electric cooking is to the other methods we have the latest. aiid,nio.st; approved ranges on the market, ranging in price from $25.00 to $150.00 Iflat rate of $5.00 per monthfor current. California-Oregon Power Co. v . &n t. Phone 108 216 WEST MAIN 8TREE.T fed ford, Oregon & A A. A A ::: :: ltytytyliltyllityllilify I K ,J J t T ? r T r r r t T t y T t T ? T t i f 5 7 7 7 ? a , W V V i