Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 24, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    9Y? 'SWH;
i n f
Fair tottlgtit imrt Swf '
Max. 7i MIm. JW.
Fnrly.fourth Tnar.
Pally -Ninth Yi'fir.
NO. 185
Untile Italics on Sea, Air ami Land
Without Definite Result Advances
In One Place Are Offset by Retire
ments in Other 600,000 German
Reinforcements Against Allies.
LONDON, 0.1. 21, hi.', p. m.
Suici lull wit davit hern mi frequently
ud in d'li it t tempt m In iloio.ribo the
I'liKHKi'inriiU nf tlio prr-M-nt war Unit
llii' eiiipliiihU nf audi li'ruiN nn "mint
dcftpcrulc," "violent," mill "crucial"
lui Im'cii weakened li - daily uc; lint
' (inlay mm though by iinitiiiil ugrer.
ini'iii, Dot li (loiiiiuiin mill IliilUli
iiouxpitpdnt chniaotcrio tlii 1'iiiiflk't
along tin' limit from Lilln in Franco
In tin1 Itclginu M'liboaul it h tile groin
on! -tumuli! ir nil.
Lmuloii iMiuNiiii'rx with iii!i'k to
m io llio MiggcKlinn of n Uorinnu mil
itnry expert iih ciilili'il here fnmi Nor
lit, tint! llii is llui crucial I'linflti't
of tin' wliulii cninpiiigu mill whether
Hum In; mi, it is iiiiiiIuihIi'iI Unit tin
initi'iMiin in likfly In decide tlio future
uf Herman operations In Franco. Ito
inforcoineutH of (100,000 men mo anid
to haw been rtifchcd In tliu flonnnn
light wing; mill it Mfi'ins no oxnggor
nlmn In nay Unit tnso operation
H'II (In' Hiipronio ofriirl of the In
Millers to break through tliu nlliiV
.lllilt llclng I'miI
lleing denied lliu iiM' of unr-li!"
which haw been rendering guild Her
ioo I'nr tlln llllloH, (lelltlllliy !h miiil
to lie throwing bur aircraft mill par
liciilnrly liFf Zejipellnit inuro ami more
into tbe fray ami news dispatches
retnle (lint lliu operations of Zen
ii'hiix Imvo born a marked feature
ol' tlio fighting to tlio southwest of
0teinl, Inward which seaport tbe
lump of Franco, Fiigluud ami Mel
uitiin mo said to be working tbeir
This in biivf. In a linnul iow of
tlio Miliinlion In Franco ami llclgium
frotn tlio l'nulisli standpoint. Winch
Milo Iniil tlio iidvaiiliigo Is not known I
I'M'opt In lliu Koiiornl' slnffn of (lie
nppniu; armies. All tlln public will
Limn, bailing MHitelbint; unfiiiern
in tlio mi I it re of it ciiL-ixtrnplin In one
aiinv in- llio nl li'lf, will bu (hat the
IcitiIio urtillcrv duel near lliu Mel
pun ooiihI Iuix onutiiiucil, ami that
niii' Mile wad iiiihIiciI buck liero only
(Ciiiitlituod on I'nno Flvo.)
W. M. Ilhlille of St. Louis, Mo., pniniim'iit in tlio rail
road affairs of the nation, formerly vice-president of the
Itoclc Island system, now one of tho receivers of tho St.
Louis & San Francisco (Frisco system) railroad, a director
in other great business interests and a heavy holder of
Itnguo, Kiver vallby.orchard properly, is visiting in tho val
ley. Optimism regarding tho future of this country and
vallev, and high faith in tho policies of President Wilson
arc expressed by Mr. Diddle,
with tho republican party.
"Now is the time for the entire country to adopt Presi
dent Wilson's wait and watch policy. This country is on
tin; eve of tho greatest era of prosperity in its history, but
it will Ito slow in coming. The administration needs tho
whole-souled support of all tho people at this tinio, when
conditions upheaved by tho European war are adjusting
themselves. Tho country and tho administration aro all
right, fundamental! v aiuU'inancialry. Thero is a good crop
of wheat in tho mitidlo west. This will bo sold, but must
wait largely upon tho return to normal conditions of ocean
transportation. Tho cotton of tho south, upon which so
muchf oui prosperity depends, must find a market. Put
all will be slow and sure.
"Money is scarce for speculative purposes. Also, it is
not free for legitimate purposes. .Hut tho banking laws
put into forco by congress 'will servo to remedy this con
dition. Thoro has been an unwillingness of investors to
free their money, but this will gradually bo overcome
iMuch of the present depression is due to tho extravagance
of tht American pooply. They aro the greatest spenders
in tho world in lact, reckless, 'J'hoy havo spent their in
comes without a thought of tho future, and thero had to
be a day of rookoniiig. It is passing, Tlio greatest war in
Booth Worsted In Debate by Gover
nor, Who Has the Goods on Him
Btjj Floral Elephant Made for
tooth's Expected Triumph Has to
e Trundled Off Into a Corner.
POIITI.ANI), Orrt., Oct. 2 1. An
onoritioun crowd gnthcrod for thn
llooth-Wost debate lint night, tlio
crowd beginning to arrive nt 4 o'clock
In tlio nftcrnoon. Thousands worn
unntilu to gain adinlltnnco.
It, A, llootli, roinilillcnn nominee
for I'nltod States aonntor, ooncd
with a bitter personal attack on Cov
entor Wont, whom ho ncriimnl of
having unstated Dotortlvo W. J. llurnii
In lliu liiinl fraud prosecutions. Ha
drclnrud Hint his timber had bectt
acquired honestly, mid nld:
Of tint ono million ncroa of bind
that hn pniMod throiiKh our lunula,
09 per cent lind the title Inltlntud bc-
foro wo begun our luitlneau. We
never buvo ticen dlspnaacased from a
single nrre, nnd Icaa thnnono tenth
of one per cent of nil our Innda have
ever boon attacked."
Governor West's apoech wna largo
ly the feuding of evidence from fed
eral court record. When ho read
tho toatlmony of llooth'a own rela
tives nnd employs, hIiowIiim frnud,
tliero wan a great dcmoniltratlon.
West allowed thul Hooth hjid no
cured clnluia worth from 13000 to
Si'000, hut paid tho ontryinen. In
cluding Itla own relative, only $100
Tho Riivernor charged nlao the
fraudulent nqulaltlon of acliool landa,
throiiKh ronulvnnco with atiifo offl
clnla. Documentary evidence nnd of
ficial recorda wore conituntly cited
to Hiiataln tho cliarcca.
In rebuttal, Hooth culled upon cm-
ployea nnd rclatlvcH who wore on the
atn;o to contradict Went. Hooth at
tacked blttorly Judgo (lllbert who
wrote tho declalon In tho United
amies court of apopula, forfollliiK
the llootli tlmbzor clnlutH.
fttulo Cliiilrinun Clinrllo Moorca had
n Iiitko flornl elephant behind the
aconcri to he brought out (nt the cli
max of HooUi'h oxK;cted triumph,
but the clliniix necr cniuo, npd tho
elephant was trundled off Into a cor
ner. Thitt Went proved IiIh cnao la tho
who has always affiliated
President Says Right, Not Cannon, Is
Weapon to R;ht With Tired of
People Whose Virtue Is Selfish
Because It Is Self-Pretectlve
Despises Moral Cowards.
PITTHHUKOir, I'n.. Oct. 24.
1'coce commlaalon treutloa of tho
kind ncRotlated helncen tho United
Htntea nnd many foreign countrica
were apokou of by Prcaldcnt Wllaon
hero today na tho nioana tor "alied-
ding llglit" on' dlaputca which will
iiuiko tlio forco unncccaaary. 'Tho
president predicted that after Inter
national dlaputca havo been ' d In
clined for a year aa provldcd'ln thcao
tnatU'H rnnnon will not bo found
neccaaury to aettlo them.
Tho prcaldent pleaded for homes
with Christina utmoaphcrca, miylng
that "Cbrlstlnnlty Ik catching" nnd
that children reared In Christian
homru aro more apt to be good cltl-
mi a than otlicrs.
"It would lie good for men, both
joiing nnd old, to detach ttiemsclvcs
nioro from bualneaa nnd think of
higher thing," aald Mr. Wilson nftcr
bu hud oiicued hla addrcaa by an) lug
that by hla being away front Wash
ington congress could "havo mora lei
sure to adjourn."
"How tired I am of the men who&o
virtue la aclflah because It la self
protective. I Jtale the moral coward
and J deaplae hint aa wolf! I wish
tho cowarda would atny on tho aldo
linos and let others do tho things to
bo dono. Do not follow people who
Htand atlll. Nowndnya loaders must
bo nggroaalve.
"It ou can guess lieforo hand who
your lendcra nro to be, tho chances
aro thoy will bo uaolcsa. I bellcvo
In popular government, because un
der It wo do not know from what
family or claaa or occupation tho
leaders will come.
"I hopo that there will now bo a
great ruah of Christian aplrlt on tho
doers of evil. What ou havo to do
la to fight, not with cannon, but
with right."
opinion of tboKo who heard tho de
bit to and tho Hooth ieoplo nro deep
ly dojectod today.
tho history' of tho world has found this nation free from
any foreign entanglements. Upon American conditions
this had a depressing effect. Many expect a quick recov
ery, when it must come slowly.
"As I said before, this country is fundamentally and
financially all right. By its righteousness and'fiirsiglitcd
uess it will take its place as tho dominating nation of the
"Tho attitude of big business towards the Wilson ad
ministration is changing. I am a corporation man myself,
and I fcol that he is sincoro and that in time his polices
will provo a blessing. T ho country should be thankful that
ho 'is our president. Many would have plunged' us into a
costly war with Mexico. His forbearance at that time will
stamp, him as tho greatest Of Aiuqrican presidents. Tlio
couiitrv ueeds.liim. I am a republican.' At tho'lasplt-'c-tion
1 tli'd not voto,for any ono. Put .now the greiii mas of
tho American people are daily putting more confidence in
Wilson and tho policies ho fathers."
Speaking of legislation affecting railroads, Mr. Biddle
said thero was too much ot it. "Jor instance, iorty-livc
states through their legislatures aro yearly making laws
against the railroads. Thoro is also tho interstate com
merce commission, which is a groat thing. Put a man can
not serve forty-six mastors.
" L havo tho greatest faith in the future of tho Pogue
River valley, othorwiso I would not be adding to my in
vestments in this section. I own two orchard properties
in this section, and do not regret it. Some time I expect
to move to this valley to live.
"There is just ono thing for the people of tho nation to
do -watch and wait, and be prepared for coining events,
upon which so much depends. President Wilson is en
titled to the nation's good will and support,'
DEIIUN". Oct. 24. Via Amsterdam
and Londpn, 5:38 i..m. German
army hcadquartera makes tho follow
ing official announcement under to-
dny's date:
"Tho fighting continues severely
in tho ulatrlct of tho Yacr canal. In
tho north wo succeeded In crossing
tho canal with great forces.
"Kaat of Yprea and southwest of
LIHo our troops nro lowly advanc
ing. Hrltlah ships catorday bom
barded Oatcnd without reason.
"In tho Argonno forost our troops
nlso aro advancing, capturing some
machine guns and a number of pris
oners. Two French aeroplanes were
brought down. North of To ul near
Floury tho French declined ft short
truco to penult tho burial of the
deud nnd tho recovery of tho wound
ed who nro covering tho field In
front of tho French battle line.
mL FJalnliV LlTT-w t-;,rHMnWBBM
. L isaajyni i. i Tnnnrt --...
saE l J " '.. : "C . - . . . 1 1- -' -T-ytM AUJTT30-
WASHINGTON, Oct. St. Tho sec
ond session of tho sixty-third, congress
ended today when both houses adopt
ed resolutions to adjourn at 4 p. m.
Immediately after it re-assembled
at - o'clock the houso passed tho
resolution to adjourn at 4 p. 111. by
a voto of 56 to 27.
Tho sonnto then also passod tho
resolution for tho 4 o'clock adjourn
ment and both houses marked tlmo
for tho clerk to record that hour.
Tho filibuster of southorn in em
bers' for legislation to relievo tho
cottonvsltuntlon collapsed at tho last
moment! after holding up adjourn
ment thrco days.
House. members moved the .clock
liumtri ulieuil Mini "wfoeint was-fietunllv
::'J2'it wns officially ,1, unit Speaker
Cla'rk'.dloimed'his KuW'lnifil.tteoUir-
oil Hio(loilv ndjtumvyd. stub, dje,
. TlieVsVimlo followed sultjind
journed sinO ilio ut a ;'J7 o flock.
lh a statement to tho house, Rep-
rctientntivu Henr" Biiijtl ho wj con
vinced thero, wua no hone of iJeVurins
a ouorum to pn?? the cotton IcgUlu-
tion and that therefore ho would not
continuo tlio fight-. ' .
".My positive infilrniationjViJie enid,
"that emigres will bo 'reconvened In
oxtnioi'iliiiaiv bosMon by the middle
of November. It will therofuro be
but three weeks until wo ran return
and lake no tliu fiht for tho relief
of (Ito KOIllll."
HONOl.ULUTOet. St. In sight of
marine observers at tho mouth of tho
hurbor tho J up tin one battleship HUon
ruptured today a small (leriuun steam
schooner, supposedly fiout (ho Mar
shall Inland,
1 jm :;SSLftN,'
LONDON, Oct. 24, 5:3S . m.
Tho Admiralty today issued the fol
lowing anneuncement:
"All of yesterday monitors and
other vessels ot tho Drltlsh bom
barding flotilla fired on tho German
right which thoy searched thorough
ly and effectively in concert with tho
operations ot tho Belgian nrmy.
"All German attacks on Nlouport
were repulsed.
"Muc dainago was dono to tho
enomy by tho naval firo and priso
ners taken yesterday and tho day
beforo testify to tho heavy losses tho
oneni'hns suffered.
' "Firo also was opened in tho at-
tornoon on tho .Gorman batteries
near' Ostond. Admiral Hood now
has a flno flo.tilla of vessels very
suitable for this work, but tho same
tlnio not ot .great value.
' "During tho day our ships wore
persistently attacked by an enemy.
"Submarines and torpedoes were
fired without success at tho Wlldliro
and the Destroyer Myrmidon.
"Other Drltlsh vessels again at
tacked tho submarines, Naval aero
planes and balloons aided In direct
ing tho firo. Tho weather condi
tions were flno and favorable. No
lobs was sustained by tho flotilla yes
(orday.'1 NEW YOIIK, Oct. 24. The stato
niunt ot tho average condition of
clearing houso bunks and trust com
panies for tho wook showing that tho
cash revenue increased $!), 31)4,800,
Icuvlng a deficit of b',4tI0,U50 below
legal requirements,
Defense Closes lefore Naen ami the
Final Arguments Are leing Mtfc
Witnesses Assert Saw Man Run
ning Away After Shrt Mf4
hsunds Trailed Man Three MIIh.
MIKKOLA, N. Y., Oct. 21. The
defence of Mr. 'lorcneo Conkllu
Carman, on trial for the murder of
r3. Louise Ilailey, rested shortly be
fore ndon todny. Counsel prepared to
Mini up nnd indications were that tie
ease would reach the jury lute this
Rudolph Locwc. the first witness
for the defense, testified that he wnrf
on hii wny to Ur. Kdwin Curman's
office nnd within fifteen feet of tho
window when the Bitot which killed
Mrs. Dailey was fired. Locwo henrd
the fcbot, looked up nnd fftid ho kuw
n man run nqross (ho Inwit and leap
over the fence.
Other Witnesses Sees
Altbotigji very deaf, Locwo waft
positive ho had heard the shot. The
witness said that 'nftcr hearing tho
shot he looked into Dr. Carman's of
fice nnd saw tho doctor with a wo
man in his arms. Locwo said he look
ed into tho doctor's office for about
thirty seconds, und that before ho
left the sccno ho saw n door open nnd
a woman in white enter tho office.
By that time, he said, the woman who
had been shot wus lying on tho floor.
There were two women in front of
'ithe'housc, witness added. .lie ?ki&
ho nlso saw a man he did net know
standing: in tho vestibule (o tho doc
tor's office.
John J. Dunbar, n Frccport police
man, testified that nftcr the murder
ha brought bloodhounds to the Car
man house. He said ho found tho
broken picket in the fence, mentioned
in tho testimony yesterday. Tho
picket wns opposite tho broken win
dow, he snid. Oil tho premises next
door he found near tho fence a place
where n man's feet hud been. Appar
ently the man had been standing there
for somo time.
lUoodliouml Ineffectual
After brinpnf tho blooilhoundri (o
tho house, Dunbur 6aid ho took them
to (ho trampled gromid mid they went
from thero to tho broken picket. Then
(ho dogs were allowed to smell tho
window sill. They crowled, ran till
the wuv around tho house, cumo up
to tho place in the fence whoro tho
picket was broken, left tho premised
nnd went went ,so fur as Lynnbroot;,
three miles uwny, where thoy stop
ped, having lost the trail.
On cross-examination, Dunbur said
ho hud tuken the screen off the win
dow tho night of the murder, propping
it up with u pieco of now shinglo
which ho found near tv small out
houso built in tho rear bf tho Carman
residence. Tho dogn, nftcr binellinj:
tho window sill, went to this house,
ho snid. Tho district attorney seugh:
to show that the tinimuls followed
Dunbar's back trail.
DKLLINQUAM; Wash., Oct. 24.
Officers und possorf are" guarding qr
ery road in western Whatcom county
toduv iu tho expectation of capttiriag
tliu one surviving bandit of the bund
which held up tliu First NuUohhI
bank of Scdro-Woolcv luht Saturday
night und oscuped with 11,040. Two ,
of tho outlaws were killed near R-.
zoluicrc, I). C-, curly Thursday Mni
iug und two othors were shot to tUatH
an thoy were crossing (Ita raUnul,
britlgo u( Ferndale, twelve wilwi.Horik'
of here, ut 1 o'clock (hi worniNC. A '.
total of whs found Mi. tk
bodies of tliu four robber, 'T'tlfffe,
member of the k'! the untrtf W-''
liove, iy still in the vkiflily FtHK'.
(lulu, anil hi (rtcape U tjjMitm
lllllJHHHHUIV, ,
i '