t aWH-timmv n ivmwmv,nmrwt,vrTiwVrTw?sl& '4 4 i i '4 , ff J . , fa vrf w 5 J .mssssmss OTiDFOTcT) MATY, TRTBUNP), MfinTfOTtT), O-KIKION, KRTDAY, OOTOT3ER 23, 1014 REPUBLICAN PARTY REACTIONARY STATES CANDIDATE MEARS r-'it'il W Mourn, pniKionMlvo iioml ucu for niiiKH'Hii III tliu Klrnt illrlct, Hpiikii nt AhIiIiiimI Tliliriilny nftor noun, (iiiIIIiiIiik in-OKri'iittvu jmrly lirliii'liilt'u mitl nriUnK Unit volant ro ji'Vt nil ri'iti'tlimiiry ciiiiitliliitcii by HiilMioiiliiK tliithti Iiiiowm to favor pio-KM-HHlvt) nml biiiiiiinlturlttu pollilcH. Mr.'MciirH nitlil In pint: A'pnrl)' to iimliirti muni nnttwnr to tlio iM'onmiilc, Hirliil nml nioiiil iimiilrt of I tin iioph, It miiHt lntvo a con ntnutlvi program to moot tliu p-o-pln'n nt'oili. I mil uiiii of tlioHo wlm IhiIIovii tlntt tliu proKroHMlvo pnily HprmiK frniu llm iii'oiIm of our pioplo, WAN llOl II (l IIH'tll tlll I'COIIOIIlIc, HO ('In I mid nioritl ni'viln of thin Kcnorn. (Inn of tlm Aiiiitrlciiii pi'oplo. Tliu jiroKn'wiilvit pin ly In t ho coiicrt'tu ux. prt'KHlon In piirty form of tlm Krout pro;rrnNlvii iiiovciiiont. I ( n font viiiimirH uuo the proKimilvii-rpiit)ll-iiiiim ami proKicKHlvivilKiiiocrntH who Imtt It'll In ronnrt'iiH mill out iiilimt tpct'lul prhllt'Ko. Wo nrn ojipoMtil to tliu iluiiiocrntlt! party bcrimim It looUit nt uvnrytlilnK from tlm nlniiilpolut of tliu utato In hltmil of thu untloti, lift-anna It In tin a party oppont'it to Woman MtiffniKo, tliu Initiative, rfforoiiiluni ami recall. I'm ly of Ittailloii Wo it 1 1 oppoKiMl to tliu republican lmty ln'cniimi ll In rt-nrtloimry, lio rniiHt) lln rank nml fllo aro nimlilu to tli row off t li Ik ntmulpitt Icailomlilp, lit'cmixo nationally It Ih nullum tin llomtl woimtn MtiffrnKu, tint Inltlitllvo mill rofurontliim, nml tliu recall, nml lirniimo It MtamU for Hpt'clnl prhl It'Kti. Tliu olil Ntnmlpnt Icailitrit att III fontrol In ,SVw Vorlt; In I'viumylvniiln thcrit It IVnrcir.o with IiIh allloil II- tliior InttTritt: In Ohio tliu Miimlput lliinlliiK. frluml of Kuril l tr, Ih tint iiiptilitlcuii no ni Into for t'ultcil Statc-H mutator, In (milium llciiioiiwiiy Wat con nml tliu olil ittmntpitt crowd ntlll control; In IIIIiioIh, thu lioino of l.lu tola, wo hnvo tlu ruvolvliiK ntiimlp.il Sherman an tlm rupuhllcnu iiomlni'tt for Ht'iiutor Hiipportt'il by Jou Can nun nml Tuft olil campaign niaim Kor, W. II. - MrKlnloy. In KniimiH tlii-ro In tlm Htnmlpnttcr of thu ntmnl palli'iH, Charlie C'urtlH who ilcfiuiti'il tliu iroKroHAlvu-ripulillcAii Jou IlrU tow for thu ni'iiatorlal noiiilnatloii; In Cnllfornln vn liavo Freilorlrku, thu Southern rncltlc man for Hover nor, nml thu Htumtpni Kuowlnml for till) M'llAtt'. IN OKI-WON KAI.I'II WILLIAMS, Till: KAN'KI'HT HTANWATTI'll 01-' TIII'M AM., IK KI'IM'lll.KWN NA TIO.VAI. n.MMITTi:i:.IAN, WltllY- oomiii. a eoNHi:iiVATivi: :i:n tm:mi:n, who wim. m:t tiii: Ol.l) AH.SI'MIII.Y C'Oltl'OKATION' AND STANIUWT Cltt)WI) Ill'N Till: htati: ik hi: is ki.kctkd ciov khnoit, is tiik ki2i'uih.ican nominci:. tiii:n thi:hi: is it. a. iiootii who in tiii: statu bun ati: vothi) aoainst tiik phi maiiy law and who iiy ti.'.m- PIJItAMKNT AND TltAININO IS I'Oll TIIK 01. 1) OltlMCIt; nml thcru Ih "Pat" MuArtliur, u Htiimlpnltur nml mnrhliiu man, vho Ih runnliiR for coiiKroxri In thu Portlaml ilUlrlct. Ami In our own illntrlrt wu liavo W. C. Hiiwluy, frluml ami Hiipporlcr of .loo Cuunon, it coiiroHHuuin who Ih ho iilmorlioil In itt'ttltiK a fuw dollnm for ItlHllMtili't In thu way of appropria tion that ho lian no tlmu for thu Inrcur tlutli'H of hulpliiK to obtain no. rial Jimtlcu it ml Imliutrlnl fruuilom. Miami for PinXTty HIkIiIm With hiioIi lopiibllciMi loailomblp U It any vomlur that wu t'liaiKo ami tar, jirovo our cIiiiiku. that thu ru publlcnn party Ih IioIiik iu-or;miUiMl iih thu coumirvatlvu or Htmulpat party of llio nation, u party placliiK Itu uiu IiIiiihIh on property rliilitH ratlior than on hiiiumi HkIiIh, ".Stick tu thu party of Lincoln," 1 hour koiiio oiio wiy, Stick rnlhur lo tlio prlmlpK'H of Lln coin, ovun though IiIh prluclploa of hiinian rltthtH ililvo you Into a now party. I.oyulty to iiiuiii'h, whutlior ol mail or purty, hIiouIiI novor moan iIIh. loyalty to principles Ah Abniliitni Lincoln loft thu olil WIiIk parly nml foiimlud thu now rupuhllcan party, ho wu iiiuut clcillcato ouruulvuH to thu now party or thu people, ami for thu pupplu. Tlio pronroHHlvii party linn comu ho cniiHo of thu iiuuils of thu pcoile. Wo aro flKlitliiK for Imliititrlal mid bo rial Jimtlco, for tlio rttlo of tliu people, for thu moral uplirt of our nation. TIiIh Ih why I am a proKroHHlvo, i do not liavo to win, hut 1 do liavo to bu truu to pilnclplo, SCENE FnOM "NEVER SAY DIE" AT PAGE THEATER, MONDAY, OCTOBER' 2(J, IN WHICH NAT C. GOODWIN, THE COMEDIAN, WILL BE SEEN AT HIS BEST AM F GAMBLING INDIANS TO BE ESTABLISHED Porliiijal Revolt Dies A-Bornltifj LONDON, Oct, -'II. '.'iCO a, in. Thu nltenipt lo Mart a involution In Port. UK'il by royallMlH Iiiih Iiuuii completely miiir(iHeil, na)x tlio KxrhuiiKu Tele. Kriipli'u LIhIioii roiii'Mpoinlunt, Thu louder i( tliu imnoineut, Lloiituiiiint CnimtMiiolo umi forty or liU uilliurouU it ro mi li lo Imvu k't'ii urroHieil, Ah onu of IiId f Irwt Htepn toward liiiproM'ineiit of moral roudltlotiH ninotm tliu ImllmiH on Klmiinth Ken ervatlou, taken by Agent William II. freer hIiicu hu iiHMumt'il offlro last MUinuiur, Ih i-HtublUliuit'iit of a prln oner'n road camp where Iinllann found KiiHty of KmnhlltiK ami tlrlnk ItiK wilt Ik detained. Tlio ramp hn been entnblltthcd on thu Buddie Moiititnln rond, between Klamath AKvncy and Yalnax, and hero thu In dlami wilt hu reiiulri'd to work on thu road iih piiulidiiiu'iil for KamblliiK. ilrlukliiK and other offepA'ti,- "I nm worry to wiy thnfr a larKi portion of thu Klaniaih ImllaiiH are of a rather low xtaudnrd In moraU and are not litdtiHtrloun," nnld Amnt I'reer liiNt t'veuliiK on IiIh return from Mt'dford whure lie attended the Jim OvorKu murder trial. "There nru notable exceptloim to thlri rule, nx many of thu ImllmiH are kooiI. obiir, IndimtrloiiH men of IiIkIi character mid tliono aro heartily Riipportlnt; uiu In my attempt to ulu- va() (ho Dtmidard or moral and In- diiKtry anienj: the utherit. "My roiirton for cntabllidilnK a road ramp where the convicted In dian will have to work Ih buued on the Indian's Inherent abhorreiito of work of nay kind. Kveii on their ranches they will do little lieyond Hiipervlho thu work and rldu after their utock. Many of thorn will him men to work their far urn while they do iih little iih pomdhlo; until tlio Hplrlt of ludiitttry Ih luutlllcd in them thuro Ih only hiiiiiII hopu of helpliiK Ilium to a hlKher piano of living. Thoy had rather Kamhlu uwit) t,helr hiiiiiII havings at their tilbal Kaniu of ' honi'H" than work to bettor their living couiIIIIoiih. "Payment of a flno for offense iIooh not affect them much, hut hard labor Ih Invariably Hhiinued. That Ih why 1 plan to punish them by making them work on thu public roiulH, which hrlngH notlilng concrutu to tliuiu iih IndUldiialH, and I hope thin plan wilt koIvo thu iiiirHtlou of low moralH and lack- or aptltudu for work," Klamath North western, FORMA L P AGAIN . Why Not Gut tlio. beat nnioko, (lov. Jolinaon. and nUo patronlio homo, HEADACHE STOPS, NEURALGIA ON Nervo-racklng, Hpllttlng or dull throbbing hondachcH yield In Jtmt a few iiiomuntH to Or, Jainea' Head nchu PowdtiiH which coHt only 10 ciiiiIh a packaiiu at any drug Hloro. II'h (ho iiiekt)Ht, Hiiient headiii'ho ro ller In the whole win Id, Don't Hiif furl Itelluvo thu aitouy ami iIUIiohh nowl You can, MIIIIoiih or men ami women liuyo found tliut licudaeliv r n it iiih Id I it miner)- l iieiHllcnn, (let mImiI on iimI (or. Adv. T SEIZURE OF OIL VESSEL WASHINGTON, (let. J.I. -The IJiileil Stall", hit decided to formal ly protehl In (treat Britain iiuiii-t the Heiniro nt' the Stamlanl Oil lii, the I'laturia, demanding her releiiM' from llritisli detention at Stnruoway, a poil in the Lewis Mantis Scotland. Tli" piotit which is identical to that filed in the o.-im' of thu Ittimlilla, lit'lil at Halifax, will go forward lute today to Atu1iii"iidiir Page at Lou iloii. The I'latiirin, which like the llrimlilla carried illumiliatiu oil. wn Kiiinlaih' houml from one neutral port to another. REAMES PLAN TO HOLO FEDERAL GRAND JURIES HERE CRATER LAKE TRAVEL Supl. Steel of ('rater l.nke National pink hlenviiij; trael for the pre-cnt m'iioeii: Travel, 101 I Travel, lUKI . iiuiyiyu- Aiiiomojillc. 101 1 AutoiuoliiluH, 1DKI 7.11(1 ii,'j::i 1.1. '.7 l.'l 1 1 7011 Itu'ioai-i . t ."i81 There won ii lienxy wim! Sumlav night ami U iueher. of miow on Tucn ilay, liul, ery hloppy. t'nlted StnteH Dlnlrkt Attorney Clarence Iteamus left taut night for Portlaml following the adjournment of thu Octolier term of the federal court. The present criminal term wnH the first ever held In Medford. Mr. IleameH exprebsed hlniRelf as being inoxt well pleaxed with thu llloa of trying Important litigation In Medford In those cases whero the witnesses renldu In tlio southern Ore gon countleH. To bring over 100 wituc'Hfi.4 fro id Klmiinth county to Portland by the way of Weed, Cal entails n ery grCat cxpeno much of which ran hu vaved by holding the term In Medford Instead of in Port laud. "Thu new trial or the caso against Oeorgo will be held In Medford In November," ald Mr. Iteames. "Pro vldlng tlio condition of tlio calendar Ih Kuch that It Ih postdblo to do It. "In a few moatliH we will liavo our own court room In Medford and then it Ik my Intention to nt least once each year empanel a grand Jury here; uliould a grand Jury be em paneled In N'o ember here It would be In kcskIoii approximately ;,0 d8. I w know defiuituly about this In a few da.h." TWENTY MILES OF WmmmSk GOVERNMENT ROAOS I Xl Flr IN PARK LPs A 2forA'l 2ScKm m 1 face Ttmm i mmmmmmmmmm 4i F Having finished more than 20 iiiIIck of government ronds In Crater Lake National Park, tlio corps of government engineers who have been at the park all summer, ar rived hero yesterday afternoon from Crater Lake, en route to their homes nt Portland for the winter. Tlio party consists of Oeorgo li. Good win, Aimlstant Engineer In Charge W. II. Peters and wife, K. . Wertz, C. B. Chapln and II. P. Kchroedcr. all of Portland. The year's working season nt Crater Lnko for the road builders lasted from May 1 to October 20 and was one of the in on successful sea sons put In. The work completed to date totals approximately 10 miles, as follews: Park line on Fort Klamath side to rim of Lake via Anna Creek Can yon, II miles; Kirk side from park line to Kerr Notch' via Sand Creek, 9 miles; Kerr Notch to foot or Cloud Cap, 3 miles; Anna Creek to Sand Creek, 12 miles; elimination, of "corkscrew" or Medford road, 1 4 miles. A location was made this year and underbrush cleared for the road from the hotel to Watchman; about four miles west of tliu hotel at the rim. The work clone to date Includes all the most difficult pieces of road on the projected road around the rim or the great natural wonder. It Is planned to hard surfneo the roads already built noxt yenr, provided congresjs can be persuaded to pass an appropriation for this work. Thero Is still enough money remaining In the last appropriation to build a few more miles of road. Klamath Northwestern. SYRUP FIGS LOIini: .NOTK'Ifc!. o A. V. & A. ,rr Work ill M. M. Nr night, 7.30 p. m. M. degreo to- A N. HILDKllltAND, Sec. fireakfast in a warm, room IL 3 J fmf fitll ftttullt UnrllUI( It gives the day a cheer ful start. The perfgtion quickly chase3 the chill from bed-room, bath room, dininc-room, nursery. F.:tsily carried from room to room. Dealers everywhere Will far kookht "Wurmlh Standard Oil Company ICAIOKWA) Poi'llllllll OF FOB CROSS, SICK FEVERISH CHILD .Mothers cob rest easy after giving 'California Srup of Klgs," because In a few- hours alt tho cloggcd-up waste, sour bllo and fermenting food gently moves out of tho bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Children bliuply will not tako the tlmo Iroin play to empty their bowels mid they become tightly packed, liter get sluggish and stomach disordered. When cross, feverish, restless, see If tongue is coated, then give this delicious "fruit layatlvc." Children love It, and it cannot cause Injury. No dirference what nils your llttlo one if full of cold, or a fcoro throat, diarrhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath, remember, n gcntlo "Inside demis ing" should always bo tho first treat ment given. Pull directions for bab ies, children or all ages and grown ups are printed on each bottle. How aro oT counterrelt rig syrups. Ask your druggist for a GO-cent bot tle or "Caliromla Syrup of Flg.s" then look carefully and seo that it Is inndu by thu "California Klg Syrup Company." Wo mako no smaller size. Hand buck with contempt nuy other fig syrup. Adv. Norman a New ARROW COLLAR A close fitting, graceful collar with smartly cut curved front, that admits a of easy cravat tieing. CLOETT, PEADODV fc CO., Inc. Mkrt, Troy N. V. 8, IL IUutnaa MEDFORD B. I. VaaGUdrr u???miMat O"' SCHOOL OF MODERN METHODS II N. Cup St. Medfwd. Orroa BUSINESS, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH COURSES DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL DID YOU KNOW Thnt Ave Inn! home of the best equipment for vapor baths on llio coast. WHY 00 TO MINERAL SI'JilXGS AND SANITARIUMS when you ran get n' good and in most canes belter Kcrvieo with better equipment right here in Mcilfonl. We have made nrrnngcincntM to give mineral vapor baths, u.ting the celebrated Lang'tf Mineral Wonder. Telephone or calf for prices nnd nppointmcntM. DR, R. J. LOCK WOOD, Chiropractor 203-0 Oanictt-Corey Illdg. Phono S-KI WE lMY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOU " Butter Fat AND Fresh Eggs THE WHITE VELVET ICE CREAM CO. MKDKOIll), OlthXiO.V , Phono -1H1 UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South ltivorsido Phono 100 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Proprietor. NOTICE WANTED TO BUY 10,000 pounds liens. 10,000 pounds Spring Chickens.' . 5,000 pounds Old Roosters. " 5,000 pounds Ducks. At once and will contract all you can raise in the next six months. GET BUSY. Medford Poultry & Egg Co. POULTRY WANTED Wo Arc Headquarters for Poultry In Medford Will always pay you the highest market cash prices. Can use all kinds. We solicit your trade. MEDFORD POULTRY S EGG CO. TELEPHONE 583 129 FIR STREET YOU MAY HAVE THEM QUICKLY There's no delay in getting Snowflaket. They're made right; here in Oregon. That insures a fresh cracker. Start eating Snowflakes today. You'll -, joy the insinuating appeal in thir critp, salty flavor. Serve thi at every ml mm between meals. It saves work and adds nourishment. At your grocer la ifcnereut 10c and 25c pckSrt old in buMc, too Don't ask for crackers, say "SNOWFLAKES" I PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY fOKTUNl), OKKOOH X n 1 1 1 4 m M tt ft 4 tf 3 4 i U - 'i 4 fi