Atrfr "n1 207 rfL'" "iTfiV I Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER I Fair Mid cooler Mm. ' ttj r Mlii. 48. u " fJ ortyfourih tur, Dullr Nlntli Yr. MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1914 NO. 183 LINES AT WARSAW DRIVEN BACK H MILES BY ALLIES. HOLDING BATTLE LINE IN Furious Onslnuuht of Germans Fall In Dislodge Allied Forces Devel opments Generally Against Invad crs Brltith Worships Join In Con test Russia Claims 'Victory. LONDON, ..l'()r. 22, -Northern Fijuiiv; A )ui uul rai 'i HeigiMuf ht'lll m',.tln' Hold -luro (tin most tiiiiorii(iii. fjKhlW lb. th western, iit.inu ni tlm wKr iijiitliHU'H wllh the uiniiiKt stubbornness, liut in ).ft without rvHUlt. Tho French w'ur nfflc.i announces Hint lli nlllnil lliitM urn holding l P H uf l1"' tl,r Ioiih onslaught of tho enemy, while niivsit dispatches from London assert Hint d.-U'lopiiionl gwierally nro ni;iiltint (In liivudom. Miirlln, howiiviT, has not been heard from since oMerday. Lucking u (I.Tinnn report, tho situation Is being reported only (rom tin iddo of tliu allies. Tim Herman aiinounee input or clerdny unlit that In tlio flKlitliiK wmI f ''I"4'. Oqrinan troop, taking tlio offensive, liml repulsed tli enemy at soveral pointy Warlil IMnyrd Part llrltlsh warships hayo played on Imporlnnt part la thoso operations nml there nm Indications that their urihlttvH nn not at an end. Tho flKlitliiK In t'.nlnj; on nKhl ami iluy nml thy.alllu nro said to ho ap proaching closo to tho Herman posi tions before Mllo. No ronflrmatlon of (ho reported ovacuntlon of Ostend hat boon re ceived. Tho Herman garrison at Antwerp In iinld to hnvo boon re lined, nml a Herman column of re Intorremonta with two of tho fain oils Hi-Inch BHiii In reported a hav ing panned through Antwerp on ltd way to Bruges. OiiIhIiIo of Belgium, tho fields or hutllo nm numerous, I'lrardy, Chum' jingno, tlm Argonim, tho Woovre, l.mralno, tho Vosges mid Alsace- be ing referred to un localities where fighting In diking plice. In several or theso districts tho French rlalm officially to hnvo repulsed Herman uttnrks, which thoy describe ns not mi sovcro bh In the Ilolitlun field, Tho French say also that thoy havo niado progiosH In to Argonnu and tlio Woovre territory. Ilolh Claim IVngies A house sheltering tlio headquart ers of tho (lermnn staff nt Slypo, on tho Belgian oast, him been destroyed by shell flro fiom lliltlsh warships', according to n nown dlnpatch received In London from Dunkirk. Tho Hormnn casualty lint tlU'8 tho iibuich of ubout H.fiOO, men killed, wounded and mlnulnff. In tlm eiiBtorn arena of tho war both hIiIch clnlm jiroKross but not In tho winio locality. 1'nrU aaya offi clully tluit tho IttiRslanii In the vlcln. Ity of Wnrnnw havo driven tho ene my buck elKht iiiIIuh ami tho Potro Itrnd war offlco declaroH that Hub ulun troopu hnvo saved Warsaw from u (lermun bombardment. There linn been hand to hand flRhtlUK In tlio vicinity of llolono ml l'rouschkoff, In KuhhIui) 1'olnud. Tho flKhtlnR uouth of I'rrcinyHl, ncrordltiR to thin enilo', uulliorlty, )ih boon roIiik on (iir.nlx dayu with heavy Iubhcs ou the pint of tho Auatrlann, BROUGHT TO FRANCE LA UOCHRLLn, Oct. 23, via Purls, 2:10 p, m. Steamers arrlyliiE hero from CiiIuIh nro bitiiHliiK many thous uuilit of llulKlnn rofiiKous. Ono vcs vol IiihI nlnlit biouKht 1775, Tho rofiiKuen tiro Kieeted with tho ut miiKt MudmiMH by tho people horu who mipply warm illnneiH mid IoiIbIukh. Tlio IIuIhIiiuh mo beliiK (lUlrlliutcd umoiift jiluroH In tho luteilor, uc. corillim to u plmi imiilo by (bo uov uiniiiHiil. The riiH'U)M uiu ciiliyluu IVIU wljlipul (,'liuilie, NORTH FRANCE E BILL ADOPTED: Conference Report Adopted in Sen ate by a Vote of 35 to 1 1 House Does Same by Rlslnn Vote Ad journment at 6 o'clock Ton':ht Is Afreerf Upon. WABlufitlTON, (VI. 2-J. The foliffM-inwri'iMirt on Hie wnr trwiiuc Mlirwn'jfj.ilt'(l in (lie m nale lotlav bn0ole of .m to 11. Iluec hciiii lorn nliii.'diil nut olo were eounted as .jifeHni' lo make u iiiorniii. AllJoillllllU'llt Of COHKleHS (it (I o'eloek louiRht win nrnuiKi'il lv ' inlnUtrntii'ii lender of both holism loilny, nml a formal rrinlution to tluit I'lfrel wk ri'nrrd. There iter,, kiime nnnlililiLW of n filllillxter by Noiilhern luemberH, vtio wnut ler islatlon to relieve the cotton xltun Hon, but Hie ilrmocrntlii leadcrn Hprmril Hiiro of their jdnn. Hv a nxing vote of 15(1 to .r2, the Iioiino nilopteil tlio ronferenee report ou Hie war revenue bill, after but one Iioiii-'h ilebntr. Iteiluclion of Hie non utr (n on beer ami cllminnttun of the T renin a Rnllnn tnx on rcciified MintH liml removed iirnetically all opposition. TJir finnl npecment was tiy i strictly imrtlxnn vote, r')ublienn otiiiK npaitiHl Hie bill. The confer euro rcotrcil the houKe.iir.ovlMon that tho new Inxos hIiohIiI ro Jnto .effect the 1ny after the puiwnRe of the bill. After the conference report had done over to the senate, Hcprxcnta tlv ITcnry of Texas liejrnn a mild fili biiHtcr nml mircedini: in getting the Iiouhc lo apree to Hike up the cotton wnrelimiso bill, provided a special rule uiulcr which amendments to Hie linnlf law arc lieinL' cmihidcred could be itWMiHi'l of. The Toxns rcprescn . i' i... '. i .. iii..M rn... n....ii IIIIIVC pr.Miureu a itiiei iiwiii .ir- ilcnt WUon e.xprct.Mnu Hie liopi Hint coiiKrcHK would iiks the bill before tho adjournment. In tho sennto Senator .Smith of flenrgia held up the confcicnce re port tcinuoriuily while lie messed n rctnliition fin Heniitoriul conmiis hiou lo iuvehliKiito Hie cotton export hitunlion. 'The resolulion was adopt ed nml the senate proceeded to the conference repoit. When a quorum was obtained, Kponker Clark signed the war revenue bill and sent it over to the sennto. Ki.iifilnr minimum nml ItcnresclltnllVC Underwood then telephoned Hie pres ident, ulm drove to the (Ull)itol to siRU the bill as soon as the vice-pres ident's signature was atiaeneu. ALLIES AIM TO LONDON, Oct. 22, 1:57 p. m. Ono of tbo allied commamlorn near the llolgian border la quoted nn hav ing nald yesterday: "Wo Hhnll most certainly bo In UriiKMilH under a month. I, myself, expect, In a fortnight.'' Thla probably reprcsontn tho Im prcsslon obtalnlnc hero oven though there Ih to bo found little demon- atrablo proof of any upcclflc bucccbh, ro declulvo In Ha conaoquonces as to conHtltuto a real victory or dofeat. Meanwbllo tho anticipation of a fJurmau evacuation of the Uolglau coast la atlll unrealized, though If tho IlrltlHh fleet Is about for a Uttlo 1 1 mo longer to maintain undisturbed Its present point of vantage, It can aRsurodly render tho fow miles Im mediately abutting tho Hea untenable Whether tho network of canals In this part or llelglum will onablo tho monitors to go Inland has not yot transpired, Tho fighting, from all accounts Is as stubborn as In any stage of tho war thus fur, Kvory foot of tho buttlo grmiml In West Flanders Is contested, Kvory vlllago lu taken and re-tukun. Tho rush tactics which churiicterlied tho flist putt of Iho rttiupalgu uru being re puuluil uud both sides claim that thuy rviiuUrly lepulnu tlivvu puluugbii, WAR REVENU CONGRESSQUITS SCENE IN MEDFORD'S SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC MARKET, WHOSE HHHVmK,v inBMBBjPjMj klF'lH' HBmrnm JtaVISBmmmmmHKBmmmHHdLK . JmH EBliB. r' PSMJ 2l iSHiMHfilP' JmjM9ZZ iBS' - - VHBMH .BBV. wPBBBBBBlLSr. BMBHIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl WL BBBBBBBBBBBBk 4 BBBBBBBBV R .BBBP BlBBBBBl mWWBiT rBBBKr ft (MlBBBBBBBBBk 1 I.' r '.r' vbbm uBW- . , iJBBBBBCAZMtfHBlBflnHKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm' BBBBBBBB i t . jj i f, fJ&v WW A IJBfckHlBMBflBMBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBW " BBBLB ' V' 'Tr1' -4' $&'&. BB ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB . HiH M V 7,j t. WMMklBBlflBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBBK BBalBBBBiBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBSI ftfc W fclJ 'jLfMBftBLi'iuBBBBBBBBBBBH lB KVBbWT. BBBBBBBBH llllBMrllnBWlBBMBBBBBBH ' WITHYCOMBE OPPOSES II PUBLIC MARKET AS That Dr. .Tallies "Withyeoinbe opposes public markets and does wliat ho can to prevent their establishment is proven by tho following letter written the t,nl Tribune in January, 1912, following a speech he maricnr a local ban quet against the market. This speech was criticised by the Mail Tribune, which was conducting a newspaper cam paign for the market which ended in its establishment, and the letter below is Dr. Withyeoinbe 's reply to the crit icism: OREGON EXPERIMENT STATION, James AVithy- combe, Director, Corvallis, Oregon, .Jan. 27, 1912. To the Editer: Through the kindness of a friend T am just in receipt of a copy of the Mail Tribune containing an editorial criti cism of my position on the public market. Permit me to say in reidv thereto that I stand first and at all times with the fanner, but POSITIVELY OPPOSE THE SO-CAT.L-JOD PliHLlO Al ARRET VPON THE GROUNDS T1TAT I DO NOT CONSIDER IT TO BE TO THE BEST IN TERESTS 01? THE J-'ARMER. THE PlBLTO MARR ET IS AN UNORGANIZED, CHAOTIC METHOD OP DOING BUSINESS-IT NELTIIER AFFORDS AN OP PORTUNITY JVOR STANDARDIZING VALUES OR QUALITY OE PRODUCTS, NOR OIWERS AN IM PETUS TO 1 M PROVEM ENT. Tho allusion (o tho fruit growers' organization is sim ply bogging tho question, as there is no parallel whatever between the two svstenis. SEIZE BRUSSELS JuiIkIiib from tho Krench official communication, tho allies hnvo ac quired n "holding" habit which waa lucking In the earlier utaRca of the war when they vvoro admittedly In n stuto of unpreparednosa. Tho retl cenco'or tho Gorman lutelllgcnco do partment, howovor, largely bafHes tho attempts of unbiased obsorvors to gaugo tho actual situation which, when llerlh Is heard from, may as sume an'ontlroly dlfrcront aspect. AT LONDON, Oct. 22, 4 HO p. ni. A ditpatch to tlio Kvonlng News from Venice snyaj "A company of Italian marines lauded at Avlonu today, Tho Italian 4 7 til Infantry stationed nt Locco U said to bo reudy In ombark for Av lonu. It Is stated that tolophono communication with oilier parts of Albania has houu novel ed In order to prevent tho spread of the. news of tho luuillug." Tlm llulluu embiiHsy In Loudon, bus no voudrinutlun of (he fureuolug, ITALIAN MARINE LAND AVONA thoso organizations are inor ON CLATSOP SPIT IS TOTAL LOSS ASTORIA, Ore., Oct. 22. Tho steam schooner llochello, which wont nshoro last night ou Clatsop Spit op- poslto lluoy No. 12 nt tho mouth of tho Columbia, was bollovod today to bo a total loss with nor cargo of coal. Captain Klldnhl and his crow of 19 men nml the pilot, Captain ll, A. Mathews, wore landed early today nt Hammond and fort Stevens. According to Captain Mnthovvs, tho wreck was duo to tho channel lights not burning In tho rlvor. As soon as tho vessel grounded on the south side of the breakors, tho seas bognn washing over her. Sho was half filled with wator when the crow was taken off. Soon uUerwards sho sunk, only tho top o fhor house appealing uov tho surfneo, Tlio rescuo was made by tho Point AdniiiB Llfo-Huvliir, crew with the greatest difficulty, I'urt of tho crew were IruiiNferred from tho life-saving bonis lo the tug Wallnls, which flist saw Hie rockets sent up by the lloclicllu ufiur Hhu struck, STEAM SCHOONER I ESTABLISHMENT OR. JAMES WITHYCOMBE FOUGHT ON STUMP oughly organized business units, where the growbivk iot bothered with the problem of distribution but leaves this with a hoard of directors who establishes standards and employ thoroughly trained business ifieirto attend to, the market end of the organization. IF THE BEAUTIFUL AND PROGRESSIVE CITY OP MEDFORD ESTABLISHES THE ANTIQUATED PUBLIC MARKET IT IS MY PREDICTION THAT IT WILL PROVE TO BE A LONG STEP BACKWARD. The problem of production is entirely different from the problem of distribution and arc two distinct 'fields of endeavor THE FARMER. SHOULD DEVOTE HIS TIME AND THOUGHT TO THE ART AND SCIENCE 01? PRODUCTION AND LEAVE THE SUBJECT OF DISTRIBUTION TO THOSE TRAINED FOR THAT CLASS OF WORK. It would be far better if the farmers would effect an organization, elect a board of directors, empoworcd to employ a thoroughly trained business man to take charge of a central market and to whom all products for sale are consigned. In the absence of this, the next best thing is to trust to tho local merchant and develop if possible a closer business eo-operation so as to reduce the nrarginal difference between what iho xH'oduccr receives and the consuiiier pays to the lowest possible limit Very trulv vours, (Signed) JAMES WITHYCOMBE Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon. BANK BANDITS 11KLL1N0HAM, Wnili., Oct. 22. In a revolver fijjht between fivo men supposed to bo tho men who robbed a bank nt Sodro-Woolloy, twenty miles south of here, Inst Sntunlny night and killed a young boy while shooting to frighten people away, ami threo immigration officers at North Bluff crossing, on the Orent Noi th em, two nmt ono-hnlf miles north of Blaine, nt 3:30 this morning, que of tho bandits was shot dead, Cliffotd Adams, a British Columbia immigra tion officer, wns killed nml a second bandit wus shot through the (high. The wounded bandit ran n short dls tiuico and then fired a bullet through his henii, dying later. Tho other threo bandits run in a northerly di rection and ono of them wns sur rounded by a poso of 200 nenr Ha jdeinero. Ho shot ami killed himself after exchanging bhols with tlio posse. On Iho dead bnndit was fount! be tween $1000 and f.'inoo and on the bandit wounded was .1700, ncuily all In gold, Tho five men, who look to Im Ann triiius, crossed tlio bonier early Ihlft morning nt Doiigla. Frank MuPon old nml Leo Hyde, on giinnl, saw the men cross ami iiilriiiplt'd In hull them, Tliu bumllU kepi going, how ttvurj Uliil lb two iucii firv't eu tuvw, STEP BACKWARD SLAIN IK BATTLE These shots ntlrneted tho other mem bers of posses ami word was sent on north to watch for tho men and head them off. K. II. Keith, a Qrent North ern detective, and Cliff Adams and A. E. Burke met tlio bandits nt North Bluff crossing on tho railroad tracks, Burko o ni c red tho bandits to stop. Instead, the leader drew Ills revolver. Burko whipped his revolver out am! ejiot tho bandit dead in his traukg. A general fight then followed in which Adams was killed, Keith was shot through tho linnds am! Burke. ,bud a bullet through his, lint. AFRICAN CHIEF KILLED BY GERMAN FORCES LONDON', Oct. 22, 2:15 p. in. A dispatch to tho Kxchango Telegraph company from Tho Hague says that Magna Hell, the natlvo chief of the Oormuti Kamerun, hug been executed becuuso ho uttompted to foment among tho natives u rebellion against (lorinany, The announcement of this U credited by the correspondent ta llerr Kbermuyor, Herman gevernw ttt KaiueruH, mmwm DEFY ENEMIES "Our GeM-ie" Says He Has Twenty Years In Pufche Lift mi Has Yetlt BerAttNMtJ tf a Mt " fl V '.I to'lMaMt!( jtriHmumati Al rf'f tiAUnT . ..i.. &w Wilson administration tariff re- duel ion bill,, the currency re- form bill, the Alnhka rnilrondf bill, the income tnx hill, the "" trndes' commlsHion bill the greatest constructive legislation Hint hns ever been unsscd In tho history of the country for thq benefit nml emnncioation of the ninsses from eapitnlistio power; if you want to repudiate the pol- irifs oP nur nrvHwfonf. wkn " "" stands for world-wide peace axl " the nrosiwritv nnil Jeanniiiiit flf tllA Tiolinn vaIa BHiut dm T-ffor I stand for 1m nruun'nlaa ' iand will fight ferlhew im ltc as there is any fight left in aae," - , 4-44.44 Senator George B. Cheiavheriek Xatatoritua. Wednesday "evetiing bbm! received an ovation whea he chal lenged those maligning him to sub stantiate n single charge against his integrity as a public official. "No man or woman, child or newn paper," said Governor Charaborlata, "can place a finger on one dishonest net of mine. I challenge anyone ie substantiate a single charge against mv integrity ns a servant of the sta ple. "I have given twenty-one years of my life in tho service of the people of this state, and in that time millions ef dollars of tho money beloagieg to the school children of this state1, and great tracts of timbered and other lands have been under my control but no one can point to one instance where I wns recreant to my trust. Might Have Had MUUea ."If I had used these years and opportunity I had to acquire great holdings of. timber lauds, I might have had a million dollars, foo. But 1 would rather leave to my children tho heritage of a good namo than te leave them a million dollars, and have .the method by which I obtained it in vestigated rtuestioncd and subject to attack. I would rather die poor than to leave a fortune with a question mark ns to how I got it. "Jfy good friends, I want to tell you there are millions in this fight ngninst me. Wlicther there is a com bination of two millionaires in the fight against mo or sot I have net l'oiiud out. My opponents can find m fault in my public record, and as a last resort thoy have gone dew iat the sewer and into the garbage aan and nro employing the methods, (f, tho character assassin to defeat aae.' "All I want to do is to warn yW people of the kind of fight that Is be ing made ngninst me, and to ask y to, sift the charge yoii Way hear aisf then Vote on November 3, as your bwt , judgment dictates." WlH Defend Self t t Kesoundhig applatwe waa aeepraffi (CoHaued,onge!nim,f M StAlMS 9NKJi V pT It :V - TfflTEEN VESg LONDON, Oet. tt. I:SS a, . A' Norwegian ateawer whtak mI H Los Pal mas, Canary Wanda, MtaasV ng to a (Heoateh (rent Ukat nlaf If Keiuers TMefrant eewaaaji that nn wm vMUd h ft rulaer wbf aaDiato dMaae4 bj t$ ksalL.. T I IaJA 4 J JIf yen want ts.fcpiai'll 4 J ottU'iconfltraejIve 'icjiMiitiMi' y that has deeu cmiet'eil 'bv'Hie lh$M' '" MM t Li' i . i tt h 'V: i .". ifi ,"3 n.i . i. , s " nfiig,n imsfiei