Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 16, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 5

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'5 '
Mini cilipli)ii iniiitii,,t Mcdfniil on
'I'liuiHiliiy uVdiiliiK, r.u.l wurii rIvoii It!
Ihiiiih to m out, ).r tiiwnliy tlm io
Jli, Ovor :;oil loiul nuuull coin
luliiiul Hid (irl( of oho,
''. 1. !!. fl, WiiimI who will mioali
M tlm Viiro Tliciitur I'rliluy uviiiiIiik
"I H uVliirli, wiih IiihI licnnt In Mail
furtl wliim lit UMH Ht it in pi n k till) Htitto
iw Woodiow Wllwin mill ho U ono of
thu inimt iiownrful Hiipiiurturn of tlm
WIImiiii iiilinlnltttriitlun. Cwiio nml
hum Ii Ik iciikoiih why )oii hIiiiiiIiI
voln for Win, llnnliiy ror tlm IJultuil
Hliitiw ni'iiiitn. A Hilonilll iiniHlriil
jn iki am will lio rtMiiliirril, coiihIhIIiik
if hoIoh liy Mm. , M, AiiilniwM, Mr.
WultiTH nml llm llownll ornlnmlri,
MIhh Kntlirliin tiimn of tint Ai
ili'i!ln Mi'nl Thiiiiiiliiy In Mmlforil.
Wlnm tiiiliirliiK your lircinl liy
plioim, nlwiiyH niiy thu I'niiuiiiit
wiaii'.Miil. l5r.
It. V. It uli t mill Mfi mul iliuuili
tor will rutiirii (ho hint or llm month
from Koihroril, III.
Thu uppunrmicn of Col, C. 11. H,
Wood nt tlm I'iiko TliciKiT Krlilnr vniiil.illmii
MIhh I'Mdrn Tlioiupnon of tlm couii
iy cIdHi'm offlco iipmit Tliiuwliiy nvoii
'.nj! vImUImk rrlomlH In HiIh city,
Kounk rinlHliliiK tho licit, m Woi
on'n (Jin ii urn Hhop. Ovor IhU Tlmn
Mont of llm roiiipllmcnlitry votoH
niHl jjl tlm ni'Xt I'lcilloii hlil fulr to
Ito pollotl liy MIhn Miirlnn Towno of
Tnlont, ilitiunarnllii rtinilliliilo ror tin:
H'KIhIiiIiiiii, inn) din only .ImcIikoii
I'oinity women m'uldiiK plcctlon, I'or
mmiy yi'iiui, MIhh Towiw worlioil In
tlm roiinty t'lerli'ii iifflco, nml Ih
wull nml wltluly known throiiKlmiil
tlm iIIhIiIcI.
I.orli rmicntH ror kiikoIIiio tmiln nt
Hinltli'n iln Hlmp, I SH. North (Irapo
Cniilnlii itiich or Kuril Hpcnt ThtirH
iliiy iiltniiiDiiii In MiMirniil iittuuitlnu
to llllrllll'MK lllllltlllH.
KimIiiU IIIUkIiIiik filli) iuipltltl t
Aohtuii. Cxiiiri Hhop Oor IiIr
Tlm polliD urn loolilui; ror four
lllllh kcIiooI yoiKlix uho Htnlu tho
Hpiirli pi ii u of mi miloinolillo loft
hIiiiiiIIiik In front or tho I'iiku Then
lur, mul nthiTwIrii iliiiimi'd llm iiiii
chliio no It could not tut run. Tin
nmuiM or nioHi or tho yoiitliH In-
Uurnlri KooyMiiltli who linn noun lil U, 'K. Krotiior of tho lUinu vt
Hncroil Henri lionillnl thu hint nix charily four iiiIIi-h nortlicimt or Mil
wi'('l Ih now iililo to liu nhoiit, 'ford, hn rernlvml mil nWH rrom IiIh
Krcnli i'KKH !lc nt tho Dnlry Htoro, hrotlior, profonitor n( Iho Itoynl I'oly
32 Hoiith Coiitnil. tfi'linlciini, Munlclj, (lormmiy l'lrt,
llm notice or llm death or tholr
IxikIiiohh t"""K"t hrollmr, who whh court
HouiiHolor In Auntrln. thon (hut four
'ulttf flf III,, lirflfl.hffir IIHVmi II. Ili..l
It. A, lloliiicH, llio Innurmico Mnn, ,, ' ., , , ,. '
-..'.... . lucrntlvu i.oxltlon lo Jon tint nrmy.
ionu iin ntllluln onn im (Irxt llmiinn
K. T. Jaiiich of CotliiKR drovo M;wn, ono ,IK volunteer, nml oim iih Hiir
liMiilliiK n row dnyH In tho city oiiBPOn. A nr , . ,tllM,,nil fronl.
IiiikIiiiikii, lr tlm Hiiiim hb mii nnn- illHtutit
K, V. Coffin Npoiit ThurHiliiy
Kiiltln Point all(jinllii to
linn ll'iOO to loan.
Ilnlnly IrlinuiluK'. Tho IiIiiiiiiIiikm
of Alliiiuii unrumulH wilt nppcnl to n
woiiiiiii'h mi iih ii of (IiiImHiicbk, nnd Iho
dainty appcaranlo Ih not IchhoiiiI hy
waidiliiK. I-', K, Doiiul & Co.
Tho Hov, V. !. Hhli-lilH returned
ThurHilny nriortmoii rrom Klmualli
Vlxlt our rent room hccoiiiI floor.
Kren In ovoryhody. !'. K. Deuol &
MrH. T. A, MallhowH unilerwuut
ii miiikIciiI oporiitlon at KiutmI Heart
hotipltnl tho Mrnt or llm week. I fur
dmiiilitiir, Mrn, 0, (!, .Iiirvlo of Halimi
In nt her Hide.
Authentic war nowg recclrod
tlnll Tillnino lenoed wlrn will
rehillvcH. Another illimpoliitineiit Ih
Hint on nrconnt of the war, ho could
not ntlond tlm Civil KriKlncinliiK Con
KreH nt Ron Frnwlrco next uprlnB.
to which ho vnn nppolnlcd hy hln
government. The letter whi tin
hcnlod and novrii woKh on llio wny.
Tho ordluiiry tluio In two week".,
Try our Imyn' rlotliltiK ilepart
iiiont. Ken window, Hpcclnl hIiowIhk
HiIh weoli. I K. Deuel K: Co,
W. II. Hvcrliarii rold a Iiouho on
Wont .liicKnoir Htrcet to IfsiiLoL Itnw-
Vldlt our depnrtiiient.. C'or
reln fitted and altered freo or rliiirp.'.
by I Now models now, . K, poiiol Jt
ho I Co.
I'WtnliiK Ih of InternHt lo all mh lm Ih
ii man of IiIkIi literary nttalnmeutH
uud a hrllllanl Hpealior. Them will
he n nplemllil uiiiHlcnl irormii cou
I'lHtlm; of union hy Mrn. K. M. An
ilinwn, Mr. WallnrM and tho llownll
ou'liu'trn. I'reo to nil,
Andrew .IoIiIiichh who Iiiih heeu
HpeudliiK tlm week In Medford vIh-
HIiik lilt family, will return Hatiitilay
to llio llliiii l.eilcn dlHtilct.
Comiut cnudy, l&c n pound. Oct
It nt DfiVmi'H.
voiveu am iinown ami action will lm ' ponied durliiK llm uny l Hotel MeJ-i Mrn. Ccoruo II. I'ellett left Tliurn-
tnKeii tiKtiliiHi them. The iiutlmrl-j ford. 'day ror lu-r homo In Hoiithorn Call-,
Hen nay thin In hut nnn act of petty Mrn. Ilertha (Jcortfo of the Klnmatli Ifornlii, lifter n three uioiitliK vlnlt
coiiimltli'd hy "rreMli" reiiervatlon, whimo llluenn wan the I with her rnrciits, Air. and Mra T.
ntiideiitH hIiico Iho openliu; of nelmol. crouiidn ror a contliiuiince or tlioj.l
Hwcel elder at Do Voo'n
(leorKo Older r Monlacue, Cat.,
Ih HpeiidliiK it Tew dnyH In Iho ell)
on litiMlnenH. '
(Sot It nt Do Voo'n.
Tho country dlntrtcln am helm:
flooded wllh literature hoth ror and
nKnlunt prohibition.
Athena underwear aelunlly Ih ii
Iuiik ntep In the ItillorliiK or form
flttliif! iinderwenr the r.irthent ntop
In tho uinklnx or ono mtlclo of
murder ttlnl or .Urn (loorKo arrived
In the city W'edtioHilny,
Hpeclnl hIiowIiik of up-to-the-minute
htylen In ladlen' eonln, hiiUh
and millinery, iiocoud Hour. I. K.
Deuol fi. Co.
The OreKou ntnle llaptlntn' conven
tion will open In (irntiiB I'ntsn next
Tuenday. A uuinher or HiIh faith
rrom HiIh city will ntlond.
"Tlny-Tol" Athena garnientH ror
Infnntn. There KnrmentH nro moHt
Tho oldont cxclunlvo npenry In
Medfoid, reliable protection, our only
bunluenn. Dolmen, tho Insurance
Mr. nnd Mrn. CeorKo Andrews nml
Mm, K. M. AndrowH rang nt llio Han
ley liieetliiK' Wednenday ovcnlnR In
(irnntK Cans.
Cnnollno tnukn with lock faucet
nt Huilth's tin shop, 2H North (Jrnpn
TTo npiienrnuee of Col. C. K. 3
I. ii. .Miwuiau of llUHouiirjt. In at- women'y niiiiftni. iiiitirii,,iiini ..r .nt-.fntii. ,i..Lii...,..i c n... i.,.i.i... , . .,.. ., .,. . .........
teuillliK lo loual matleiH In tlm city J which Iiuh heen ro Kreatly neijleclod. Uoiufort. Tho rnlirle In each in sue- ..venlnic Ih of Interem m nil n i, Ih
' A low uioiueut'H llnio nKut In IooIiIiik Iclnlly selerted for Iln iurKe. Com-'a man or IiIrIi literary nttnlnmontH
HiIh week.
., ., ... I .............. ..f i v.....; r.-i". .- , n iui pri:, bum- II lllllll Ul IIIHU llll'rnrj- III IHIIIIIIVniH
im oo will rend )ou Dm Weekly ,ai mi Athena pniiioi.t will deuinu- mon faiilta of ordinary undcrwenr mid a hrllllnnt sprnkcr. There will
OreKonlan H montlin for 70c. jntrnti Iho rotnnrknlilo ndvantiiKeH of 'am corrected. Thoy are mndo vlth he n hptcndld niunlcal piosratn ron-
I III) hoiltherU I'acKIc lUierlal lAtlii-nn liliilnru..iip Tli,. .al4u,.iii,,., I .!.... I I ...... I. ..i... i ....., .... ... ... .. ..
i ' . ......... . n.i,.n,h n, iintsii in iiiumun iiiiu ' FiriiiiK ui suiun ij ,ir. r., .!. All-
iiKoiitH urn IntonilKiitliiK aevnrnl rases. Ill the knit uuderwenr dennrtment ImdleH siifflcloutlv wldii In urni.orilun .ir,.uM Mr. u'nii nn.i ti. u,.ii
nr always Kind to point out tho to the nlr.e. K, K. Deuel & Co. orchentra. Frco to all.
Alhenn special features. K, K. Tom Martin of 8nms Valley spent i Wallace ItoKcrs, non-parllsan can
Deuel &. Co. Thtir'iln) In Medford nltcmlliiR to dldnto ror shorUr, was In Mediord
Kprnmio Itelj-el orVlold Hill In In iliunliiess mnttern. 'Friday. Mr. Uokits hn been a rcl-
tho city today vMHiik rrleiidn and at- HomntltchliiK nnd plcatlnc done dent of this county mohi of llio tlmo
tendliiK to hunluens mnttern. nud iiioilels mndo at Mrn. Haney's since "2. served In the Indian flKlits
K. 8. Tumy writes all fonni of In- ilrcsniiinldiiK parlors, Moo's store. 1U8 helm; a member of Company C, First
nurnnco. Hxccltont companlos, Reed After a week of Ideal weather. Cavalry, Oroson Volunteer. Mr.
local scrvlco. 210 Oarnott-Corcy rlouds today filled tho sky, and n.ltoRers stands for Oregon dry. for
""" 'chilly wind blew over tho vnllov. ' the Southern Orccon Normal nnd en-
V. H Marshal Montnj; loft Thiirn-1 Itnlu In predicted. i forcement of rill laws.
Corhln IMgell Iiiih left ror Now ! Tako tho Intcrurhnn nutocar to
Daisy Hrnnd crenmery butter inado Central Point. Hound trip 2fi cents.
In Medford. 75c per roll nt thu Dnlry Tluiocarilsal waiting room, llasklns'
of eai pllferltiK hetMeeti thin city anj
ItiiMilitirK. Mlieli or the depieda
Hon In attributed lo wanderers, who
In turn Ida me the thlovlmi on tho
biakeiiieu. An attempt wan mndo
Thursday night to break Into a re
rrlRorator ear attached to a south
hound frolKhl, but tho prowlers wero
frlRhtened awuy before nrt) (IiIiik wan
The finest equipment in Oroson for
prlntliiK fruit Inlmls. Medford Print
Iiir Co,
F. K. Deuel Inn Thursday iiIkIiI on
u bunluenn trip lo 1'ortbiinl
day for Klnmnth Fulln to bring back
Indian wlfuenM's In the .Mm CenrKo
murder tilal who have failed to io
npohd to Kovernmeut ntibpoeuan.
Col. 6, V.'ttWSbil w-Q 'winimak'
at Iho I'iirii Theater Friday oveiilnR
at H o'clock, whh IniU heard In Med-
'ford when ho wan fttumpliiK tho Htnto
'lor Wood row Wllron and ho Is ono of
tlm most powerful stipptirtorH of tho
Wilson odmlnliitmtlon. Coum nnd
hear bin reasons why you should
voto for Win. Ilnn'cy ror Iho Cnlto.1
Hln ten senate. A sp'euilld musical
proxrnni will bo rendered, connlntlng
of noloK b; Mrn, K, M, Andiows, Mr.
Wnltera nnd the Howell orchejtrn,
Another chapter war, written In
Iho business history or Max William ,
Meek, Renernlly known an Frnnklo '
Kdwards, Wednesday, when nn order
was Hied by tho circuit court order
ing tho payment of nil claims. Kd
wards' IcrhI clansiriratlou U nn In
solvent debtor.
A force or men employed by His-,
iMyou country nro repairing tho londj
In the Dine l.edgo district between t
itho Oregon lino and Copper, (for-j
iiutI) Hiitton), Cal , In order to com-1
ply wllh Iho postal regulation for J
road luiproycmcnt for mall carriers..
Two bridges are being repaired.
' Fancy, smooth nou-lrrlgatcd, ns-
forted potatoes, and nil kinds of;
apples for sale, delivered. Phone .1.
W. Wnkefleld olMcc I'll or resi
dence 2PJ-L. 180
H. 1). Holmes or Faglo Point spent
Thursday In Medford on buslnors.
Kd Wllklnron returned the first
of the wcok from an extended stay
In California. Ifc reports that Ills,
son l-M die, who Is HUfferlng rrom .
lung trouble shown marked Improve,
Mr. Itobert Unron, expert Indlesi
tnllor. Is now located with Mrs, B. S.
Myer's dressmaking establishinent.
Your patronage solicited. Second
floor. Deuol &. Co.
Attorney Ous Newbury attended
to legal matters in Jacksonville Oils
Kd Oeary, n local rharactor was
arrested last night hy the police and
is held In the county Jail awaiting
action of the federal authorities on
a of selling whiskey to In
dians. (Scary Is the sixth mnn to bo
urrcetcd In tho last ten days an the
snmo charge.
J. O. uerKing, ti. -est all around
ynotograpbor In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made anr
wbore, tlmo or place. Bludlo 228
Main St. Phone 320-J.
It. K. Ityan of firants Pass Ik
spend tho day In the city on business.
MiffljoKTirafli ifHTKitv r
Kplsoilo No, 11. In tho Path of
tho Fast Kxprons.- Florence find Nor
ton start for homo by train. Tho
"lllnclc Hundred" learn of It. Vroon
iuid Coiintesit Olgn bonrd tho train.
Norton sides them. A terrible acci
dent linppens. Norton regains con-!
scloiisnoftH, finds Olgn, but Vroon nnd
Florence are gono, Norton carries j
Olga to n farm house, lonrns thnt
Vroon with Florence pnssod that way.
Ho dashes to tho rescue, Is nm
Ijushed by Vroon nnd his band, In
bcanto- after a fierce light and car
ried to tho lonely hut where Florence
Is held prisoner. Tho threats fall nnd
they carry Norton, lied hand and
not, to the railroad. Florence makes
a desperate escape. Jones nnd tlm
police appear, and nil null to the
rnllrond nH the fant exjircsH thunders
down the lino. Always 10c.
With Medford trsrto l V.iUforrl msd
(store. H2 South Central.
drug store.
You Get the neat
There Is when you smok Cor. Joun
on cigar and patronize heme Indus
Look back at your childhood days.
Itomcmbcr tho'"doso" mother Insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated them, how you fought
ngalnst taking them.
With our children It's different.
Mothers who cling to the old form
of physic simply don't realize what
they do. Tho children's rovolt Is
well-founded. Their tender llttlo
"Insldes" are Injured by thorn.
If your child's stomach, liver nnd
bowels need cleansing, glvo only dell
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action Is positive, but gentle. Mil
lions of mothers keep this harmless
"fruit laxative" handy; they know
children love to take it; that It
never falls to clean the liver and
bowels and sweeten the stomach, and
that a tcaspoonful given today saves
a sick child tomorrow. ,
Ask your druggist for a 50-ceht
bottle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which has full directions for babies,
children of all nges and for grown
ups plainly on tach bottlo. llcwnro
of counterfeits sold here. 'See that
It Is mado by "California Fig Syrup
Company." Itefuse any other kind'
with contempt. Adv.
Home Industry? V
Daisy Ilrnnd Creamery RmUw hJ 0
Medford Product. Kve'ry" tniKnil
guaranteed. Try It. If your grocer
man does not have It, except no oilier, ,,
Call nt Tho Dairy Btore. W have
milk nnd cream, buttermilk, lev
cream, eggs, bakery goods, light '
lunches, everything that goes with it
dairy Htoro.
I'liono IH1
"Foot Siefc
sick all over11-
There's moro thrutli than poe
try In (tint quotation, as thoso
sufferers from tired, achjne
feet will testify.
Our pnnaccn for foot tils is
slmplo remedy of comfortable
shoos, and wo can supply them.
Our method of fitting is
somewhat different than most
stores. Wo study tho foot and
glvo you shoes that will conform
with every requirement.
We tAko tlmo to fit your fcot
right your comfort has our first
And comfortable shoes need
not bo largo and clumsy looking
on the contrary, they be in
the latest style lastj and pleasing
to the eye.. If you hare sick
feet, wo'd llko to meet you.
Jdehung 8fo atom
$ J onowing r ar Above the Ordinary in JDeautitul r all W earing ADDarell
! r r 1 x
Our Store
First o( alt n relmlile xtnri', mi fin
n en 1 1' nml cll'.nt run ncliiew it,
not iiloni" in ineichiiiiilie, hut in nil
oilier mutter; in our lulwiliMiij:, of
Next to that, ii hti r giimi u.
ui. , Nut u "liiuuiii olnre" iii the
ni'iliiiiir.v iihe of lliut uonl, Is it C n
xlnre in wliieli n little money will pi
iih fur iik il run p iiiiywiiiMo ele
M'iluiih t'liillier.
Tllirtl, u Mti'uo of eiiiuti'Ny u
iMiuileny Unit ! Miuii'lliiii;; more lliiiu
iniiulli-ili'i't u eiuirli'Ny Hull ih tine
lo nil i-ilmx, wliellier euliinieiK or
not, whi'llier luipi iiiiieliiixeiiH or
miiiiII iiiii'liiiM'iv, wlietlier iiiiuri'iil
y rich or iiiiiiri'iill.v iior, wlicllici
or mil tlii'iiiM'lvi'h eoiirleoiiN,
Fourth, n prugiohive hlmo, eager
lo lentil, ittiek lo apply, eoiiMunl in
iih ili'i-iie to iui)irne.
All tills lias, o' iiune, liri'ii Miiil
hernie, II is i cully u viiue wonl
liielliie ul' Hie iileul of every meri'li
mil. Like mo-l iilcuU, it in I'lir eiih
ier Id o.Niirt'hh lliiiu to ueliiow. What
wo luio Hiiil in ii iuriigriiili or Imi
wo liiive hpenl Hie larger pail of our
liven in tr.viiij; to alliilii.
Mill, llioiiji we full xlioi't of pcr
IVelinn, wo hIiuII eoiitiiiue to xlritKglo
lor il nml to grow tiiwunl it, Iteliu
liilily, good vnliicn, eiiiiite,v nml pin
j,M'i'f"iveiiitM urn not mere woiile to
nn. They are ileuirooeil iiriueiiilcH,
mul we I'oiiiiiI our hiiKjucn upon llieiu,
Always Koiiioihiiiff ww, lit
tlt dilTiM't'iit lo hIiow you.
Drop in on your next 'trip
down lowu, You will find It
)ll'IIHIllli (O KJOp lll'I'C,
TVHIS IS THE STORE for Style Craft Garments. It will pay you to make
JL "Style-Craft" acquaintance this fall. These garments are in high favor with
smartly dressed women. Elegant fabrics, elegantly made up. Perfect styes,
perfectly fitted and finished. This is what has given such a natural enviable
reputation to the Suits, Coats and Cape Coats that bear the "Style Craft labels
"Style Craft" Tailored Suits
$25.00 to $50.00
Other Tailored Suits $10.00 Up
"Style Craft" Coats
$15 to $57.50
Other Coats $9.50 Up
('oiiforiuiut; (o the most l'iM'cut ideas of fashion's directors.
window display will give you an inkling of what we are showing.
Handsome Hluck Satin Masque Dresses, beautiful Crepe De Chine
and Algerian Crepe Dresses in fashion's newest colors. The line is
the most complete yet shown this season, from a simple wool dress
to a handsome silk gown.
Ueautiful Crepe de Chine Waists in an elegant quality, made up in
fashion's newest mode and colors, at ' ..$6.50
Also prettv new Lingerie Waists with a daintv scroll or button
trim touch', at $2.69 and $3.25
Jlas many pretty new Pattern llats to show you, always something
new, ever changing, all most reas pliably priced.
JEm B rB
in such handsome new patterns, such soft, fleecy ma
terials, many are made of Beacon's Blankets, ex
clusive patterns and rightly priced, $3.60, $1.69
up to $8.50.
.Many have slippers to match.
One, of special mention is a xvvy heavy duckling
fleece, new pattern ' $2.69
Made of such reliable outings as Amoskeag and
Amoskeag Daisy cloth, full cut, novel cuts and priced
where you cannot afford to uiako them yourself. Ex
cellent full tint garments in all white or dainty
stripes, in new and staple styles, at $1.00
Others pritjed at 89, $1.19, $1.25 up
The time is now here to supply your wants in Under
wear. Our new department is now completo in all
the good numbers. A silk and wool makes a nieo
garment, does not irritate, will not shrink, in union
suits, high neck, long sleeve or low neck and short
sleeves, at $1.98 and $3.50 per suit
.Other Union Suits ...,65 np
Home of KABO, the
Live Model Corset
Home of KABO, the
Live Model Corset