Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 16, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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oir ttfm, Sr
Medford Mail Tribune
Jlalrr, Mrnic RORtfHrIjr win
Mnv. 7! .Mln, 41.
NO. 178
Korty.foiirlh Ynr.
Dally -Ninth Ynr.
Only B;ul Aim on Part of German
Siilimarlni ?aves Sister Cruiser,
lln ThescusHawkc, Cruiser of
7350 Tons, Sunk In North. Sea;
Graveyard of Six Other Warililps.
I. ON HON', Oct. I ft. IU p. ill -
Another tin mil rmm the dm man "'"
mmlno iutr li-i li nibbed llio Brit
ish nuy if tin) cruiser Huwku uud
has mined the tally f Hie 111 of
ships 'mini. !)' tint Herman to
Mcn. To this must lin milled tlio
vlrlutil destruction or tin' cruiser Pel-nans
by n German warship ul Vmh
ritmr Tln Hawke, ii cruiser of tons
iiml.T imuiiimid of ('uplnlii Hugh
Williams, was sunk yesterday In the
North Hen. tin graveyard of nix
oilier wm ships. vdhn of Herman
It wuh only bml nlin on the part
of tint Got limn gunner Hint saved
llio llnwku'f Klntcr ship, tint Thcmiis,
Tor tluit cased, too, wus attacked
'lint itlnt escaped.
l,t of lost Vessel
Tim cruisers Amphloti, 1'iitliflinliir,
Ahoiiklr, Cressy, llnguc, I'eKnsti nnd
llnwke ami tlio torpedo gunboat
Hpecdy, innko up tint Hrltlsh forinld
nlilit lint of losse. In warship In tlio
first ten wevks of tlio- war. Aj;alijtit
thin tint llrltlilt admiralty claims four
(Ittrtnnn cruisers, two torpedo bout
destroyers, ono torpedo liont, three
submarines mid flglit tinned coin
incrce detroyors.
Omitting tlio armed niorcliiuitmcn,
tin ngurcguto Miirshlp tonnage loss
to Knglnnd Ih, of course, much great
er tlmti Hint to Ourmnny.
In liolh cases, tlio lout ahlpa with
tint exemption of tlii cruiser Am
phlnu mid tint submarines worn older
crti It used for acoullng purposes, thu
ship Intended for tlio sterner work
or it fleet nctlon heliiK hold III safer
waters for tint dny when Germany
elects to stilly from huhlud her iiuval
huso or Helgoland.
'I'n I'm lliciidniitiullts
ArrnrdliiK to reports from Berlin,
rii.riiiiinv exiiectH Hrltlsh dreud i
naughts to play n putt In the dofenso
.. Al.tiul V.ttlilni. iilui 111 llln lir.'H.
of Oslcuil. Nothing else tit llio pros
rut moment scums uvnlliililo to keep
the InvuderH out of tint llclgluq sea
port, hill, of course, events further
Mouth will dueldo tint ultliiiuto tic
tlon wllli regard to OHteud,
The udiulralty huj given out tlio fol.
InwIiiK nnnoiincomenl concerning the
Iohh of tint cruiser llnwke:
"llln Majesty's Hhlp Those-us, Cap
tulu IIiikIi HdwnrdH, wuh nttnckod hy
a Htihiuiiriiiit In tlio northern waters
of tint Ninth Boa ycntnnlny after
noon, hut wan mlneed. IIIh MnJety'H
Hhlp lluwko, Captain II. 1 K. T.
WllllaniH, wim nttaeked nliout tho
tmuiK tiimi mid wiih mink.
"Tho following offlterH with 40
men of tho crow havo luten lauded
ut Aberdeen from n twaler:
(Continued on paKo nlKbt.)
Irfrtajta., ,
Onveinor Oswald Wesl uiriveil in
leill'oiil this moriiiiiK on his emu
puipi of Hut slnlo in reply lo the Oi
(Ktiiiinn's elmlli'iiue to expose the
inelliods of II. A, llooth, repuhlieuii
emiiliilnlit for lliu roiled Klnles sen
ule, in M'eiii'iiiu: I'oiitrol of Oii'uoii
liiiiher, mill tin ill's" t'OHll'ol of the
li'uislnliiie. (loveiuor West will speak
ul IViilnil I'oilil HiIh iil'leriiunii n 'J
. o'elni'li mul ul Aliliiml hniliihl ul H
ii'nloek. Hillnnlii.N iiI'Iitihioii lie will
KfM'iiL ill Knult' I'oiul !"! h'iiionoiv
iiIhIiI "I H n'i'liii'li Hill ihIiIm'm Mi'l
i'ii voltiHii ilm Niihihiiiiiiii.
(Inteniiil1 S"I In" mlt' I'H'iii
I wo o linen lllM" ilnil) hi IIIH'U'll
)umv till Hihiiiuli Mm Wlll'imilh
inlliiy uml him Miiltt inriwil
i uiim cimIihI im'j'liiyb
Battle Indicates Germans Thwarted
In Attempts to Straighten Front
and Plan to Use City as Winter
Quartersr-French Confirm Success
ef Allies Along Extended Front.
LONDON', oh. in, 7 p. in. A iIk-
piileh hi tin.' Kxeluiuee TYIei'iiipli
eiunpany fioiii llnsel mi.vh tlinl lieiei'
IIkIiIIiik I'h l,l;',,l l,,,u',' '" ""K1''
I'liHM's in uliieh n (leiiiinu eoliuilli
wuh liurlril lini'k willi heavy loixei.
I.OS'DON I. HI, 7:I'J p. in. A
(Viilrnl News illcpnteli rroiii Auittcr
ilniu hii.vm thai 1'iiKiliM'H who hue iir
riiM nt' Ihe Mnleli I'loiilier ilielure
tluit (iHt.'ml him I'lilleii into I lie IiiiiiiIh
of the (leiiiuiiiH.
PAHIH, Oel. Kl, 12:1.1 p. m. The
IVeiu'h war offiee miiile an offieiul
miiioiiU('i'iiiei)t thi iti'leriioon lis Tol
Ioivh: "The proresx iiulieuteil in the
eoniiiniiiii'iitinu of yertlenluy has been
"On our left winj: tlio field of w
tiou of the allied force extend lit
tint precenl time from the ivjjiou of
"In Htistih, on the left lmnk'.of tlm
Viitula river Hie lliiMxiaii troop dur
ing the day or Oetober Ul lepuNcil
the Herman iiltuekH on'Wiiniiitt- uml
"A buttle in Roin on outli of
Wnrsntv Krene of llutllc
IMCTHOdltAI), Oet. l.'i, vin Lon
ilon, Oet. Ill, 1 :1." p. m.Fik'litiiii;
between fleriniin uml IttixHinii tumps
in now Kiinr on within eiulit milen
of WnrMiw, lliissiun I'olmul.
The offieiul ileelston to defend tint
city of Wnnniw in reKiirded here iih
important in two wuyi. Firht, it in
ilientei Hint tlie (lermiius linve been
thwurted in their nttempt. to
HtuiiKhleii their front iilnnjr u nortli
uml houth line, ho that it would ex
imiil I'lnin OrfiniliMikn. sixlv miles
northern! of "iiiiiw, throuuh Sun
)omir into (lulieiii, mid Meoiul, Hie
lennaits liaxe been obstiueted in
ir plnn lo use Wmmiw hs winter
With the nxeeptlon of mi enj;ni;e
ineiit hoiiIIi of I'reinvsl, wheie the
lliiwjiini Inl'l iviiiir in remitted HH IlllV-
inj; been Hiieceshful in repnlsinj,' Hie
ndvmu'ine; AiiNtiimis mul Ounimns,
nelivity nt other points on tlio nuo
nppenrH to have been iiispendeil.
IkIiIIiik CViis"n Kn-st I'liissln
fleniinn troops uro now nroiiiul
I'olmipeu mul .liirhunr, just uerosn
lliu boiiiuliiry of 1101 tlicust I'liissiu.
The ItiiHsilniH it present nio making
no effort to ndvuiieo l'uither (linn
Hut east houuilary of east 1'rnssin.
Here the fiejitine; Iiuh eeiihetl, wliile
nloiiK the southern limits of east
Prussia there nre few troops of
either army until tho Vistula river is
reiiehcil. Ilere Ihe (lermuns nro en
ilenvoriiiir hi mlvmteo nlone; llio loft
bunk of this. Htremu to avoid ihe
sroii(r fortress of (loorgievsk, on the
tilit bank.
LONDOK, Oel. 1(1, -1:12 n. ni
Tlut Amsterdam eoriehpoudenl of
Heuter'ri Telenrnm eompnny sends u
ilispuleh III wliieli lie iptoleu Couneil
lor Lmiuilnu of Aulweip as deseiib.
hiK lliu Hltiiuliuii In Autweip us fol
"Aulweip now lias u triuilsoii of
17,000 iniiiliifri mill '.MID ol'l'ii'i'ls,
I'oiiiiiminli'il hy mi iiiliuiilili Am ii wnr
I'linliihiilloii Hip (leriiinui. ileiiimuh'il
ilm) liuiiiln'ilni'lulil ul' Hiluhu'K ilnlly,
'jooii buiileM of wim, hicuil hie I In
vlinl.r mm l. hi, H.V)(I() i'Iiiin frtllli
LflowtntiiM of men) mul pny for Him
llllHTI MHil liollll'l, llIIIHHl'l U
4-jDyOOU JhII,'
aQlRwKH0HV''' fPliliiiiHliliifiLtilBiHi0S-ilKi I
uaaaaaHBaaEaBESaaSaBflaMBaOJBflB J 'S ' KBBKMlJBm&BHL
DOVHIt, Oct. 10, vln London. 3:5."
p. m. Threo -tliotuanil reruKeon
from Oatcnd nre mill either on tho
(piny hero or In vcol that have not
et been nblo to dock,
Tho port of Dover Is cloned becniiHc
tho city Is fortlflud, but the port of
flclnls hnvo been obllBed to ml in It
tbeno boats carrying women nnd
chlldron ffccliiK from IIcIkIiiiii.
Tho railroad facllltloB nro Inmlo
ipinto to nccommodiito tho great
crowds. An emorBoncy committee
has provided food ami wntcr for tho
fUKltlvoi hut It Is unnlilo to lvo
them qunrters us all IiuIUIIiirs nnd
homed In Djivor nro filled. Sovcn
thotiHnnd pernons from llelRlum enmo
In two daya. Their advent Hwumped
tho town. Of tho women on tho
bonlH unnblo to dock, many nro
separated ffpm their liusbunilR nnd
children. These rofiiBecs lrt Os
tend Wednesday nlslit. Tho cup
lulim of Bhlps which nheady hnvo
docked declare they saw hundreds
of persons leaving Ostend In small
row bouts, liopliiK to reach some
point on tlio French coast. Hun
dreds of others boarded llttlo trawl
ers and still bunts, which nro stilt
BtraitulhiK Into Dover. Their pns-
seiiRors often hnvo been without food
for 3d hours. Many small bonis
from DelRlum aro puttliiR Into Lowe
stoft nnd Folkestone. These craft
nro manned mostly by volunteers
who know iiollihiK of tho KiiRllsh
ports nnd bond In wherever they enn
sea docking facilities.
WABHINOTON, Oct, HI. Colonel
(loethnls cabled tho war department
today Hint truffle throiiRh the Pniiu
ma cunnl, bloclied by a landidfdo Into
Culebra Cut Tueuduy iiIkIU would ho
ni'opuiied lu about u week iiiiIohs
(hern were further earth movoineuts.
"The slliUi uiTiii'ied on llio north
ilo of Hie run I neur Hold Kill,
IfiUO feel Ioiik." nihlim (.'oloiml (un
Hulls. "DivdKi'S wem inowwl In II
when Hie iiHiveiimiit huKmi uml uru
now opmullVK I" "l"ii llio rliumivl
for biml I'lili' filMliiT IPoM'iDi'lK
Ofi'UM, iupei'1 lo llUW rlmillli'l 0iun
WASlllNC.TON. Oct. 10. -Sir Cecil
SprhiR-IHce, UrlMsr nnibnKsndor,
called tho attention of Acting Secre-
tnry Lansing todny to nlloRed vloln-
tlnna of neutrality in the Philippines
where he snld the Hrltlsh Rovern
ment believed various German ships
had been conled at sea from Manila.
Inquiry wag directed Immediately by
the stnte department to tho authori
ties at Manila.
According to advices to tho cm
bassy, other neutral vessols th:t the
American steamer IMo Paslg, recent
ly seized as u prlto by tho Drltlsh
nnd carried to Hong Kong, have
been secretly supplying tho German
cruisers which have been preying on
Hrltlsh commerco In Far Kastem
Tho umbassndor discussed with Mr.
Lansing Ilia question of what re
strictions might bo placed on France.
WASHINGTON', Oct. 1(1. Capture
of Ihiniiescnmp", southwest of Arms
by Ihe allies uml an nilvnnee by the
flenuniw from Audeiinnle to ("outnii
were niiuuiiiiceil in mi offieinl dis
patch miiile public liere todny by Hie
French cinbu-y.
Governor West
Ashland, 8 p. mM Friday, Oct. 16
Eagle Point opera house, 2 p, m
Saturday, Oct. 17
Medford Natatorium, 8 p. m.
Saturday, Oct, 17
GIRL FLEES .10v, .
CHICAGO, Oct. IC Frederick
Henkel, whose sister Marie, fled from
her home here yesterday with bor
rowed money to go to tho bedside
of lie wounded lover In Austria,
of her wounded lover In AuBtrla,
"Aro you Rolug to bring her
back?" he was asked.
"No; I'm going to help llcr,,, he
Miss Henkel, aged 22 years, met
Count Wllllo Fcodor Mines -von Sea
grcd while touring Europe with her
mother last summer. A fow days
ago she received a letter full of en
dearments nnd mentioning that tho
writer had been seriously wounded
In a brush with n regiment of cos
sucks. "Send me something to re
mind ino of you,-" the young count,
who Is nn Austrian officer, concluded
bis letter.
Miss Henkel determined to appear
in person as a roply, but her par
ents would not supply tho funds.
Yesterday she pawned some trinkets
her girl friends hnd contributed and
obtained monoy enough for passage.
to New York, n steerngo ticket to
Genoa, $-5 for passage from Genoa
to Triesto, and S5 for meals nnd In
cldeutnls, Has Something
Worth While to
Say to the People
of Rogue River
Valley. He will
speak at:
NKW YORK, Oet. 10. Sir George
1'nMi, advisor to the British ehnn
eellor of the exchequer, reached Xew
York todny aboard the steamer Bal
tic, to confer with treasury depart
ment officials at Washington nnd
bankers mul financiers in thU city in
regard to ctubHshmjj n basis of ex
change between this country and
The Mntirehiniti nlso arrived here
today. It was said that this prob
njily would be her Inst trip to New
York for some time, us she will he
laid up at Liverpool for repairs on
her return there.
Sir George said that he was here
at the invitation of the secretary of
the treasury, lie was accompanied
by Basil B. Bluekett, mi official of
the British treasury.
''While 1 am hi America," said Sir
George, "I expect to investigate the
situation here so far us the bundling
of the cotton crop and its financing
is concerned, as well us the exchange
situutioii. England is vitally inter
ested in the cotton situation here."
Sir George and Mr. Bluekett snid
they thought tluit before the British
moratorium expired on November A
somo plan might he nrrnuged where
by the London stock exchange might
bo reopened.
Financial conditions in London
ave now practically iiormm, ' sir
George said. "I consider that wo are
readv to weather any storm mid wo
do not expect any trouble when the
moratorium expires. There is much
gold in London nt the present time
and the government will protect those
who nre unable to pay their debts
which are due on November 4."
KL PASO, Texas, Oct. lfl. Casus
CI in ndes, (own in Chihuahua, lu
miles soiithejist of Jmirez wits uttiick
ecd lust night hy a himd of Mexican
styled filibusters hy ('nrrmin mid
Villa repri'seiitiiMvi's. Both (tornumi
mul Villu men told todny of llio ul
(licit mul snld It ciimo front severs)
M'lilh'riiig hum! operulliiK In wcslmi
Cliihiiiiliiin is ho linve li-tur hwit rol
Ici'lcd miller one lemlvrshlp. Ji'lw
Iomii of ('uHN (l-mulcx I wuriiMtMl
hy In ey hmdi VUht w44iw mi
Uvy mmifM U ImUm utt n4
tHflifm, wm4w l VJHkV M(t
u Jmtii,
President Anxious fer CtrjeM U
Adjourn and Opposes AwmdwiMs
to War Tax Southern SeMtori
Demand Relief for Cotton Cftwctf,
But FaM to Secure DeclaratlM.
. WASH INOTON, Oct. IC Adjourn
ment next week of the present .es.
hIoii of conKreSA wuh profited -In an
agreement reached In thtt cenftte, to
day under which tho final vote on tho
pending war revenue bill will bn
taken tomorrow.
WASHINGTON. Oel. 1(5. The de
termination of southern senators to
secure some legislation for tho relief
of the cotton situation nt this session
was laid before President Wilson to
dny by Senntor Overman of North
Carolina. While the president up- t
proves the cotton pool plan of Fes tut
of St. Louis, he hns not favored any
of the legislative proposals.
The president is anxious for con
gress to ndjourn and will seek to pre
vtnt it being kept in session by
amendments to the, war tax bill.
Taxes on tobacco and wine nnd on
telephone and telegraph messages an
framed by the senate finance com
mittee were adopted today by the
sennte ns a part of the war revenue
bill, leaving the proposed cotton re
lief provision its the only matter still
in dispute.
The tobneco tax ns incorporated in
the bill would levy n graduated tax
of from .;i to ', 48 iwrcent of il up
on manufacturers of cigars, cigar
ettes and tobneco. Under the wine
section manufacturers of till MC
wines would pay 8 cents jer gallon
oil their product nnd manufacturer
of sweet wine would pay Oft centrf.por
gallon on grape brandy or wine spir
its used in the fortification of sweet
Numerous petitions, urging legisla
tion for the relief of the cotton pro
ducers of the south were presented by
southern senators, including a tele
gram from Sir Cliarles Macarn, an
English cotton muuufaeturcr, who
suggested co-operation between tho
United States and Great Britain in
n movement to maintain cotton prices.
After tho senate hud ngreej to nil
tho amendments to the bill Senator
Pomercne proposed an amendment
which would make permanent the 05
cents n gallon tux on grape brandy
used in the fortification of sweet
Senator Pnmcreno's amendment
was rejected by a vote of (hiily-oiio
to eighteen.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Oeaeral
Carraniu'a resignation lias sot beet
presented to the Mexican conveathm
at Aguas Callentes. Today's rPrta
to the state department reltrtM
that tho question or his retlremMt
would not be taken up until addi-
llonnl delegates from General Zap!
Official dispatches today said th
temporary organization of the con
vention had been pemaftMt
and that tho delegates whoa rv ,
Hals had been approved1' liurabiff') u
130. All took the oath, wcarhH-j If V
abide by the decision ef th tnjrav
tlon, which la proclaimed On act
erulgn power In Mexls, '
LONDON, Oet. 10, M p. wf
"Importmit German rtHftmwaiiia,
especially artillery, hsyn Immw l
lliu west Iron I, ' eWs Uw Gmm
liHgeu rorrttiponilvnt of MwaltVn )M
t'itrxM nowiwuy. "My MmmLvbi
hsw Jul rulHrttwi mm( r4 ' mm
dniiMHrw twmtymlfM iMaW f
WtlL itjui uiJ 1- SmWmmBmS
rtn K PHP flliFaiiW WiaT iaP
.,, Mtr)j