-'-i '',' XI i ntx mmouD TsrAiii tutkunw, MionffouD, oi?i:noN wkdnictav, ootouku ii, iom "W ' V ,' I. ' ' IV". I''ro rv 'j : ii i5 j! I '. .1 RAILROADS FACE SB SAN l-'ltANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 14. "The condition ot railroads Kcnornl ly Ib n serious problem lo lie faced mat tlio opcnliiR or the Panama cannl and tlio diversion to tho canal of btinlnosa tlio railroads liavo hith erto enjoyed adds to Its perplexity." nld President William Sproulo of the Southern Paclflr company. lon bin return from Now York, Sunday, October 10. Sproulo has been In tlio east Tor three or four weeks on roiitliio matters of business. "Tlio problem of railroad earn InRS," ho continued, "Ik rapidly be coming n public one. for unless tho railroads can make liberal earnings to maintain their credit, to they may Ret iow money to make. Improve ments and extensions, responsive to tho business or tho public. It Is tho public who will suffer. The public will suffer bccaunu tbcro will bo no field of expansion Into which tho gen eral business of tho people can de velop, -and further, It business should, within Its present bounds or distribution, boo again ns it did 1(1 1901. 1005 and WOO, there will bo mich a congestion of railroad facili ties In tho country ns will stop tho boom by congesting Hie business of tho public nnd preventing thnt kind of material Improvement and devel opment which every man of business, largo or small, Is looking forward to Tor his salvation. For example, tho railroads are not ordering equipment In any considerable quantity because they cannot pay for It. In every way they have had to shrink their expenditures. What this nation needs more than anything else Is a soundly Informed and constructive nubile onlnlou. Instead of the de structive criticism which destroys confidence nnd helps to make hard times. Dad methods of n few should not bring censuro on all. Xo Intentions Planned "With public opinion directing It Bclf toward helpful methods of build ing up tho general business, wo will bavo constructive statesmanship, which Is the crying need of the time, regardless of party or ot party names. At tho present time, tho Southern Pacific company contemplates no ex tensions or special Improvements for tho general reason that tho European war has resulted In tlio dislocation ot nil financial arrangements in this country ns well as In other coun tries, and for the particular rearon thnt, while the company's earnings last year fell off by several million, the company's earnings this year are dropping month by month below last year, so that it has not tho money or tho means to enter into any special or now undertakings." Mr, Sproulo declined to dlscqss tho poltlcnl situation, saying that the Issues generally seem to le not ho much political an n serious ques tion Into what will mnko for good times. Dry Agitation Surprise "However ho said, "with respect to California, tho East finds it Impossible- to comprehend the sugges tion that California Bhould think- or voting 1o extinguish tho wlno indus try. I saw In one of the leading Now York papers un fditorlal about it ex pressing as much surprise as if the champngno district In Franco woro about to abolish tho making or wine in thnt district, or, similarly, the Moselle or Murguudy districts in Franco. Indeed. I have been asked tho question whether tho proposal to confiscate tbu vineyard and wlno Industry was Itecause ot women's suf frage, which Is still regarded in the enst as luading to novel suggestions Jn legislation. I am one of thoso who hnvo a strong faith In tho Intui tive good sense of women, far be yond what most men glvo them credit for, and, naturally, I unuwered that tho Biiffrago question hud noth ing to do with It. In ract thu voting since our womon folk got tho right to voto has shown that they exercise thulr right Jimt as sensibly us the men. '"From the east as well as from California come roports ot Inquiries with respect to winter travel on a larger scale than usual. Wo hopq these will bo followed by tho trav elers, themselves. Tho two exposi tions are not as welt known In tho east as thoy should bo. All tlio rail roads. Ijowovor, aro doing great work in advertising them, particularly ex ploiting tho Panama-Paclfio exposi tion. I noticed, however, that somo of this advertising Is dpqo under the name; of tho "Pon-Pnclflc exposi tion," This contraction of tho word Panama should bo stopped, as differ ent titles for the samo exposition are not durable." Why Not Ret, the'boBt smoke, Clov. Johnson, puil aiso'fi'fttronl0 homj, K PROBLEMS DECLARES SPROULE FLOOD OF APPLES SWAMPS SEATTLE E SIUTTI.K, Wash., Oct. II. WW! 5T0GR0WERS tern iiwnne jnl.l.ei me cmlouvinu:rl,,'' dtl l,y ,1,e Mo,mml (,IM" to assist n.-liiii:toti growers to liv ing profits on apples by liohliti out individually for .t lo $l.Jo for Jon athans. Several of the older nnd InrpJi houes yesterday, netiiii; on this idea us individuals, nkel Hint price from all buyers who panted the best fruit. Only for Mime of Iho smaller houses, whose principal rev enue comes' from the consigned fruit nnd the eoiilinis-ioiw puid I hem tlii standard of values, jobbers declare, could easily bo maintained. Commission men who have been on the street for M'veral years and have witnessed the frequent changes in ownerMiip of firms that were short lived, declare the conignnient plan, which growers have ponuitlcd to thrive and wux fat, is responsible for much of the demoralization of the prexent apple price. They maintain thnt jobbers who do not buy the bulk of their fruit nnd produce outright encourage consignment direct from growers, in onlcr, without risk, to take l.'i, per cent commission. The result is Mint day hy day, with no governing factor to prevent it. orch nrdiMs iudiM'riniimilely send fruit to this market, already overloaded, only to suffer the loss of profits as job bers endeavor to get the offerings into the higliwn of trade. On ltit Saturday there were sev enteen curiond.x of tipples on the rail road tracks for this market, the bulk of which wa consigned. There was u grnnd total in fruit and produce of 1)7 ears for that day. Thi- showing was not extraordinary, hut was typ ical of the reasons for looses lo the actual producers under the consign ment system. There is now a concerted effort on tho part of the oldest houses lo put the business on an f. o. Ii. basi that is compelling all jobbers to buy their stock outright, as in other lines of commerce. In this way it N point ed out, there would never be need for publicity enmpnigns to sell the apple crop or for demoralized market1-. I'n less the plan originate- with the growers, however, jobber-, insist that it would be likely Jo meM with failure. Odd tiiinj? about this Prino Alborf to bacco you get on' mighty faruilinr speaking terms with it by the timo you've smoked half n pipeful or n joy roll cicrarcttc. Just Und of built that way! It'ssocasytp get acquainted with, li even tobacco-shy folks go-to-it natural and easy, because men all over tnc nation went to r. A. as natural as falling off a loj. Decaubo it's a revejafion ju smokingu. And you get this: Five yearn a-o Prince Albert bh info town unknown, unsung ! ' Today it I.as cat:r,qd three men to smoke a pipo 'wh.cve one smoked Ijiefbrc right crhurl tcctiinony that hern is tobacco that will tir.klo your palate most! Get that listen into your syEtcm for what ai!o your Bmokaipetito I 77 t-ipy rt J bat l. .r-v lltlUt, WBzgm RESOLUTIONS FOR E The following resolutions were re- merclal club favoring tho ro-cstab' Hslttnent of the Weston, eastern Ore gon, Normal Schoel: Whereas wo tmllove one of tho Im portant duties, of the citizens of Ore gon ts to give to the youth of the stnte every opportunity for education In order thnt they may bo better fitted for tho responsibilities or clt Uenshlp; ami Whereas our schools In order to be efficient should have men and ASTERN OREGON NORMAL ADOPTED women as teacher who have hadu this country without King ma proper training for their work, snchnigucd nhuunfull). lie toel: up the training as can only be obtained tnjehnrgo that ho had been corked up wel equipped collegts nnd normal 'ami delivered canned speeches and schools; and assured the audience I hut It was not Whereas the people of the eastern i true, lie tmlil he had been tiiunu.nl part of Oregon are asking the people of the state to restore to them the Normal Schoot at Weston In order thnt tho young men and women who desire to'teach In the schools of that part of the state may have adequate training for their llfo works; and Whereas tint Medford Commercial club has always taken an active In terest In tho catist of higher educa tion. Ho it therefore resolved that the Medford Commercial club place Itself on record us being In favor or stun- iwrtluc the Eastern Oregon Normal School, and that it is our belief that the people of eastern Oregon are Jus tified In asking thu voters of the state to suport them at the polls In November in their efforts to provide proptr educational facilities for their section of Oregen: nnd lit) it further ' Hesolvcd that we declare uurvotvoa in favor of state normal schools whorevor they are nuoiloil for the proper maintenance ot our educa tional system. BELGIAN GENERAL NOW HELD PRISONER IJKItLIN, Oct. H. vln London 3 a. in. Lieutcnnnt General de Gulso. tho Oetglan commandant at Antwerp, Is a prisoner or war and has been t,rans- three years In Oregon before he1 ferred to Cologne, according to the, bought a piece of laud for htm-elf correspondent of tho Lokal Anzelger.and urrod the people to believe him at Alx-La-Chapcllo, iiTFet vtffJaanLJ.w1r mtica Here?s flue whole family! M( it s so geatle-c: the ndiionaljoy smoke 0m 7, rldy fa tin im 'j"ll if" DRIVING ESE A E Dr. Wlthycombu mlur.h'd a plea for sympathy with his (iieuter Oie gou with hot and cold water for every house" adress to uu audience or 100 people In tho Ashland Armory Tuesday evening. The preliminary auuoiincementa and Introduction took ten minutes and Dr. WHIiycombe SO minutes nnd tho audience was out ot the hall by 8:4S. Dr. Wlthyconibo complained all through his talk about inlsroproson tatlon by tho democratic preiw and declared that be regretted that an honest man could not be a candidate wlth dodging tho saloon question, and Justified h'ls action by assert ing thnt his party hud not taken a stand on the question, therefore he was not privileged to talk, hut asked those Interested to look up his rec ord, declared the liquor question was a moral and economic Issue and not a partisan one, and In earnest voice said be could treat tho dry and the wet In a righteous mail ner." Mr. Wlthycombu denied being In favor of abrogating the Chlneso e.- i elusion laws though he believed what ho had said about Its being a mlHtake that Oregon people bad listened to San Francl'co agltatots. and drove the Chinese from thHr work In clearing th lands In Claekaiuat count) for $1.1 per acre and that this 100.000 acres of Mac land was so productive tint the owners netted the price mm the first crop. He declared he knew this U' bo true from personal knowledge nnd hnd mentioned it In bis speech there, and rtt hurt thnt be should bo misrepresented lUclnrlnx the press was the cunw of, politics. He de MISTAKE SAYSWYTHECOMB dared In grieved toiics that be was. which has directions for Imblos, cltll being cruelly useif bj the press by.dreu of nil ages and for urown-ups blng declared unfriendly to labor j plainly on trio bottle, lownro of when he had worked for wages ror (counterfeit sold hero. To be sure I when ho said ho lMlevtnl "Hie lab- ::rx uvuaurm.-M " ' You ivgi.t to i -now liir.i: P. A. couldn't bite tojtjr.ietf if it wanted to, hccaiiso it is made by a patented prcccst; that removes tho bite and the parch, leaving for you just delightful flavor ar.d fragrance. Now, get all that down right pat! But y m'H Know it by heart as soon us you :,:C c!. .. r.uiy with I pA Prince Albert IrmlJ l.t tnppy lurriKarnlta ncrl tuly rvil linn, jMc; alio in fianitioma pound ami I mil- pound lumi'ifur. R, J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. ( rn" ,iT??CVrr. ts " .. i t.iSL.'25.J?S, .crjsv e-V&Cf, Iifl .! m WMmrffi ; -lfii f&r&-. orer was worthy of his hire." "I am being fal-ely chanted with being opposed lo the primary syHtoiu because I had the teuieiily to say that I wan In favor of a convention to help parly tmtiiiiixuttnii." ( .lie frequently Injected ti note of '.tier and declared that his lit jonrs In Oregon. had been an open btvik. "t wish politics wtno cloiiniH' nr more honorable and rejerot that 'when u man runs Tor office ho can't gel a sipiato dual.'' Ilalr or hid speech was devoted to praising Oregon, he lug delivered In two dirfereul part. of hla addiess. The tone of Ills reniurKa drew sympathy but It waa maultestl.v plain lo nil that he either was un able to grasp the leading Issues or the times In which ho lives or that he had cautiously sidestepped them. It. I. Million, aslstaut imperlii teiideul or tho state null saloon' league, was. In the city and Or Wlthycoiiibu Invited him to uddreK his audience before he made his ad dress. Two wet leaders heard ot the Invitation anil objected and the liivl tallou was withdrawn. li f Cliff TONGUE IF SICK ,F Look at the to,.KMe, mother' U coated. It Is a sure sign that wittr tittle one's ).oiniich liver uud bowils need a kciiIIc, tlioroiiKh cleansing at onru. When peevish, cross, llstlow. pule. iloiMU'i sleep, doesn't eat or ant nntu rally, or Is tevrl-'lsh. nloinash, sour hieath bad; has stoninch-aetio, sore j throat, .diarrhoea, (nil or cold, Klve )u teaspyonful of 'California Syrup or j Fins.'' and In n few hours all the j fonl, rotistlpatod waste, unuijestcd food and sour bib gently moves mil or ll llttlv bowels without xrlpluK. and ou have a well, plarul child ukuIii You ueiNlu't on sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative," they love Its delicious taste, and It always makes thorn feel splendid. . Ask jour druKKUU tor a 50-cent birttlo or "California Syrup of Figs." you get tho genuine. nk to see that It Is made by 'California Fig Srup Company." Uefuso unv other Unit , with contempt Adv rt! hrrg',!ie'iftany round - ! tr tint m umitiar :"5- '$& CROSS EVERSH TMyiywSjiiTiiUiaMliiiiuntMHWBWMi SlorXX'I A clone fittinj;, j,'raoc(ul collar wit r Binurtly cut curved front, that ndmi v "S-0' easy crstvat tictnfr, i.UF'rT, l'KAIIOHV ti CO , luc Mlirr, Tiny N V I POULTRY We Arc Hrnilittiarlors for Poultry In Mctlford Will always. pay you the highest market cash prices. Can use all hinds. We solicit your trade. MEDFORD POULTRY & EGG CO. TKI.KI'IIONB 5IW 12'' I'"' STKEET wl. 3ffij!ir "iili.i aicljMti ' t"ttBy.S'V BKl J. PACKARD INTERURBAN TRUCK Apple nnd Miscellaneous Frcijilit lluulinf? All Valley Points A. S. AMES, 23fi S. Central Ave. lnfiiT outilpiin-iit t'r mit'dal iccnlou. Lcavo pliono will or ilrop 11 ,,0tn!irl.or. t.-nmluu N rtMMilvo un .1 alow. Ilnro yr ilc hmiKM l now by the truri nIn; Umo mill in imy. I'lmmi hr.n-N. Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Kffi-cllvq f roiM Aiimint 1, 10 1-1, to AiiKiiiit I, lUlfi, ami isuiiriin.eort uicnliiiit any reduction ilitrliiK Hint tlmoi 'I'mirliiK .'ai- "i"1" Hiiiiiiliout ,.... ' " 'I'nuii Car .' '" Vt O. U. Dulnilt. All cttr fully c(uliifil. (In tho United Btutca of Amorlra Only.) l-'iirllior, wo will I'Q alilo to obtain tlio mnxlniiiiii orflcloncy tn our factory iroiltictlon, uml tlio iiiinliiiiini cohI In our iiiiriiliiuiini; anil Hal" iloparlniontH If wo can ruuuli an ouliut of JIOO.iluu cam bo- twoon tlio nblivt daon. And Hlioiilil wo reach HiIb jiroilutillon wo arco to pay in tho nuyorV Bharo fioin'?I0 o ?0 I""" car (on or about Auttmit 1, lUlfi)' to ovory retail buyer who purchamm a now Kord car botweoh AupUHt 1, IOM, and AnKnst i, xDlo. 1'or further partleularH roKiinluiK (bono low prlcoa and proflt-stinr- liiK plan, hco tho ncaiunc I'on llnuich or Dealer, Ford Motor Gar Company C. E. GATES, Agent Spuria IIiiIIiIIiik .Miilfopl, On'KOft. .'.'-. 'V-11.1 .i.'-j :-;-;-!-I?7.yrsgasg.tag5aeK r1 . t f Jii yforman aJfew ARROW COLLAR ith nuts WANTED J fireproof, central Rates Moderate. Send for free booklet. Hotel Benson Portland, Or. Carl Stanley, Mgr. II A . , . hiV, wrwiwyiiBvrtti SSHtM