Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 13, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    v -'. . til
... . - 11
Mnnwn nmiKNwi
207 Second Street hJ,
Medford Mail Tribune
Partly cloudy, protmMy rulti
Max, 70; Mln. UI,
Forty-fourth Year.
Unity Ninth Year.
NO. 175
v t
First Warning Note to Mar Harmony
In British Empire Since Outbreak
of War Blntne Laid to German
Interference and Proiiaoanda
Majority of Dutch Remain Loyal.
LONDON, HI, 1 :."() p. in. Tin
nlii'lliiin of u'wccllnn of llm Dutch
clement in South Allien, which bloke
mil tmliiy with Hiiililfiini'NX, Is the
liinl winning nuti Hint hits nutrred
the hiitmnuy In llm Mtilixh empire
Mtiee tin" otithicuk of I lie Mir, iiml it
llllN IllOlllltllllllil.V lilVI'l l'l llttflllillll
It ni tin- menus ui'iir tin hi'itil nV Ihc
Thai Ibis tixitig win ii'itl mill dun-
genius wu suU'ieicnllv pinvcil by
utlii'iiil dispatches fioiii Governor
(Icnciitl lliixtini to (hi iiiiiiiin gov
I'ltiiiirtil mid li.V tin' ilrnxtii step (tin
I'titl Limit llolhu mill Iim colleagues
have taken tn rtiiitii it mil hv Ihi' im
position ui' iniiiliiil law in tlu tvliuh;
union til' Smith At'tii'".
German Aicum-iI
Tln pnii'liininlion of tntiilinl low
ilitri'tly chntges tlutl the widespread
hii'ti'l piopnguiuhi of (In1 (li'iiiiniiH
with being tespoiitble fur I In seilnc
lion ui this roiiiiiiiiiiil, which wuh mii
nf thi four niiiiii'rt hi-iit in tint field
when tin' union government ttiiili'rtiiuk
In mlii'vi' Ihi lionii' gow'iumciit of tlii
Ittsk of dealing with the Ocrtumi col
onic in Ihi' continent of Afticit.
Il itppui cully is llii' belief n' Urn
till IIoIIiii'h government Hint others
besides those under I lit i mineiliale
I'liiiiiiimiil of Colonel Mniitr. tuny hove
hi'i'ii tiflVi'tt'il, lifiit'f tin' iiii'ltiHimi of
tin whole iloniiuion in tin oiiIit cs.
liihlMiiiti; iniirtliil law.
Oeiiuiiniiiig factors u n- said li
Hrilish iintliniiliiM to lime hiTii nt
wmk for M'iiih in Ihi' I'miiticr dis
trtcts mill lo haw t'vrii prrcnlulcd
into southwestern Timiswiul mnl
oilier Dnti'h dlsliicjs.
llutili Atf Ihi)iU
Tclcginms flotti Capetown decide,
however, Hint n ii'iijnrily of llm Dittc'i
i cumin absolutely limit, mul this
M'l'IIIH (0 III' hllOWIt ItV 1 1'l'olllttllllS
drawn up nt mi rmrrgenc meeting
of ln' South Afiifitn p.nty summon-
I'll illlllll'llhlll'lv II ft IT till1 IICWH of till'
ii'hi'llioit had leaked out. The meet
ing which wuh cumnoscil cntirclc of
Dutch spcuking Africondeis, eon
ili'iutii'il Hie eontliii'l of Colonel Mur
itz in (lit Hlrnngest tonus. A tolu
grunt wuh iliHpiilelu'il to Ptcmiot'
Ilotliu unreservedly offering the ser
viei'H f tin Capo Dutch in any cup
ui'ily dcsiied.
Tim Dtili'h paper Otis Land, nub
lishcil ut Capetown, indignantly tie
iioiiiiii'h what it leiuiH the tioachery
of Colonel Murilsr. iiml calls oh Hid
Dutch lliroiighoiil Kmith Africa loyal
ly to Htiiiul nt thu buck of tho tov
eminent. Tho Union Kovoiiimcnt'H
uctiiiu in humid to hi in" urn! tern to
it 1 1 cud mul In ilinc-loso llm trim ntti
I iiile of the Dutch clement, which, it
is couleiuled, to ovcrwhuhiiinitly loyal
lo Hid lliitihli cnipoie.
WAHHINdTON, Oct. 13. Moro
thiin aooo IIvoh woro lost III thu
uurtlitpinkfl In tho provluco of Konlu,
Tut Icoy, Dctohor C, uucordltiK to a
cahUtKriiiii tmluy from Ambngsmlor
Mni'Kimthuii to tho Htato doimrtmuut.
Thoimuiidrt or hitllilliiKH woro tin
titioyiiil, ruiidurluK niunlloHH nunibora
tlf JHIIIU hoiucluHH,
AiiihiiHuiulor MorKiiiithiiii wnu itiinN
flrlully rc(UCHtod hy Ilia niliiUtur (if
Iho liilerlur of tint TiirliUh Kovcni
incut lo nollclt liulp of thu ivoilo of
Ilia Hulled Hluttitf IhtoiiKli tho llm
I'M'tot mill otliDl' iff wuiilvutfuiw.
Braves Oefeat Athletics by Score of MwUSnaSUtSMBmWflwMh TeUtn!C ' "" " "'
nrtt to pitches WMPmttUV&B ter
Masterly Ball a Puz- 'ibs9HBffHiplVBp Th3t " " ' "'
Her to Ptiiladelphlans Record for M& (SSBPIWHmlB&H '" Ce"Ur AsSUTre'
Four Censecutlve Games Won. NRK: iBOES- V CMiaHHHsWS JVflMi mendous Proportions.
111. The lloHlwi lltavcH arc the
Win Id's Ihim'IiiiII chumpioim of 1IUI.
Tim defealeil AthleticM wore heuteti
hy the Heorc of !l to 1, the MoMon
witiniiii; Ihc Hcriex with four htriuulil
(iiiiu'n, Hie chmiipimis of the Attie
ricuit Iriiue not captiitiiiK " context.
Iliidolnh itched it imiMlcrly liiimc,
winning Iih Hi'i'oud coulcst of Hie
series today. The I'liiliidelphia team
could nut catch his eliisUc hlow hall
when lit I m would huc hcitt iiiiin ocr
Ihc plate. The Itoslons out-uamcil
and oiil-nliivi'il their oiioiiiiciiIh to
day in Hut iiflh iiiuiuc after to
in fit were out with HttdolphV sitili-,
.Mornu'h dimhlii and llveix' holid hlow
to renter.
It is the fiist lime that n world'
xi'iiex liax heeii won in four Httiiiht
CitiiiiN ami after the last man wiin
out tho AthlcticK ritsheil over mul
coiiKiuttilaled their rivtilw. The hpec
latorH went mad with joy and narml
eil the field hiimiiii: mul cliecitne;.
Itolltliiy In IIorIoii
IIohIoii tuaile it .iiiother lioliilny to
day. ThotiMttidrt took tint dtty off
ami throiuicil to I'cinwi.v I'nrk hefortt
the jjatt't wi'iw opened, Nearly every
M'tit in Ihc tiurcicrvcil HtamN wan
filli'il at noon mul liiimlreilM ktoml tut
UKititixt the fiiiee.H. Kcserved heals
Mild at a ui'iiiiiim. Tliete wnt little
hettine; on (he Kcrics iih the larne
timjontv of (he ,'rallH,, said Hostoti
wuh sure winner iiml no one witnted
the tdiort cud. Wafers wctc made at
III to (I that llohlon would capltttit
the context today.
Ahmit 1 o'clock Ihc mm hroko
IhioiiKh Hie clouiU, hut il was still
colli mid the players hud to work fast
to warm up. In the lloxtmi'n hattittt;
nnictieo Tom Hiil-Iick uxed his fast
halt in older to acctixtom Hit) homo
chili lo ! lender's speed.
jrnrpliy, rf. . .-1000 (I tl
OhlritiK', If. . . I tl 1 II 0 n
Collins, tilt. 1 01 1 d 0
Maker, :ih. .. .. -I I) I I I I) ef. ....... I 0 1 l.' 1 I)
Hairy, ss. . .. !l 1 1 0 ft 0
Schiinir, e II II (I II 0 0
Shuwkcy, p. 2 0 1 0 :i 0
IVnitoek, p. 1 I) (I (I 1 I)
Totals- . ... til 1 7 'J I 18 II
All. H. II. I'D. A. K.
Moran, rf. I 1 1 0 0 0
Kvers, 'Jh. :t 1 1 :i II 0
Coiiiinlly, If. 2 0 0 0 10
Mann, If. 2 0 0 10 0
WJtilted, cf. :t 0 2 1 0 0
Schmidt, lit 4 0 1 12 0 0
(lowdy, e, .... 2 (I 0 8 2 0
Maranville, ss.... U 0 0 1 ,1 0
Drill, :ii :i 0 0 1 4 0
Hitdolph, i... 2 110 0 0
TolnlH 28 II 27 1(1 0
Heoio hv innings:
I'liilailelphiii ..(I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
llostou . . .0001200 n
Siimmury Two-lmso IvitH, Walhh,
Slniwkuv, Moruii. Hits, off Shawkcy
4 in fivo iuiiinj,'H off l'cnuock, 4 in
Hi leu unlinks. Stolen Iiiisch, Wliil
tcd. Dotthlo phiyn, dowdy ml Kvcrs.
Left on liases, I'hiladelpliiu 4, Dos
ton ft. First haso on halls, Shuwkcy
2, l'ennoelc 2, Ititdolph 1. Sltiick out,
hy I'eimock !l, hy Hiidnlph 7. l'asscd
hall, Seining. Wild pitch, Hutlolph.
Timo, l:..
vahiiinoto737Tm, 1:1. Voiiuk
on Mount In thu war iovoiiuo hill ho
Him In tho Koiiato Into lodiiy, tint
iroiouLd lux of l.7fi u hairol on
licor lielim uxriiuil lo without u roll,
cull, DUi'inoilou of Iho lux of flvo
cuiiU u kuIIiiii on tcrllHud whluliwy
:ji v t m-m. . - w r - ij-l. rmmjmmm
Till i Photograph
LONDON. Oct. in, 12:10 a. nt.
Tho Side's ('openhaciii correspond
ent snys thu Vuxxische Zciltuie; of
Merlin ifoortH that frown I'tiucc Al
c.xmuler of Sen in has heeii sliyhtlv
wouiiileil mid that his hrolhcr, I'tincc
(lrorno of Scrvia, hits hceit mottully
hurt in the llliliii itniti-t the Aus
IrimiflT' -
Crown Prince Alexander of Scrvia,
second son of Kiiik Peter, is 2(1 years
of ax" ami hucame heir it'iourcut to
Hut Servian Hit one when his hrother,
Princo dcorp', who is one venr hix
senior, renounced his rights to ncces-
sioit in IIMID. I'tiucc (leorue had
killed his servant mid it wits hclieved
ho had developed homicidal tiiania.
Prince Alexander acted as recent
of Scrvia diiiinj; the illness of the
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. Colonel
Uutflold, conmiamlltiR tho American
troopH on tho Arlzonti bonier, re
ported to ito war depnrltneut curly
toiluy thaV tho Hltuutlon at tho bo
hIorciI Mexican town ot Nnco, was tin
cliutiRod, v
"Desultory flrltiB contlnttod
through JHto nlKht," tho dltspatcli
uuyH. "it Ih Iniposslblo to prevent
bullets from fulling on tho Aitiorlcau
side as lontt nit firing Ih continued. A
Hlirnpnol tdtell yesterday paBsod
throuRli tho rear of an unoccupied
house near tho border. It was an
nccldont and tho flro was corrected
Immediately on demand. In addi
tion to tho two men wounded some
tltiib uROf n corporal hutt boon shot
In tho tljunib'
Ieur Admiral Howard notified tho
navy donartment that conditions nt
Acupulca wero finprovim; and thotiRht
all iiortslon He wont conut of Mex
ico woroVqulot,,
LONDON, Oct. 13, 11:05 it. nt. A
dlHputch to ltouUir'H ToloRruin coin
puny from l'otror.nul miyu:
"It U evident thut u big hattlo
wuh foituht ut tho vIIIuro or It tier. It I
(between AuRttfltowo uud Suwalkl)
after tho defeat of tho (lormauH at
AiikuhIowo. Tho (leiniun rluht wIiik
runted on Ititezlil October K, hu Unit
hIiiiih, after tmveii dayu of I'outlituoiiH
flKhtliiKi tlt'ovu out Hut (loriuuim who
crixontd tho ilvor mid Hunt pouted
thulr BUiiat on tho It 11 Ih. Hoyernl
bu(u)itit, liirlildliiK Hiomi Hunt UN
rtliirnitittlii(iitii from KotulliinbuiK,
uuio tupluieil,"
Show Them Giving Fiftl Aid to Wounded
LONDON, Oct. l.'l. 12:10 p. in. -Kcttler'.s
Tct'xrtim company has re
ceived it dispatch I'toui Satajcvu,
lioxtiia, snvinu' the imlictmcut iiyiiinM
(lavrio I'lini-ip, the tisHasxiu of Arch
duke FraticiH l-Vrdiuami and his wife,
lop'ther with tweiity-onc of iiis nc
coinplices, has hecn nun I ihcic.
The men nrc charged wilh lii).i
treason. Three other persons have
been chained with limim; eiuiccaled
weapons with which the outrage waa
The iudictiui'iil deals at length with
the Servian society called Nnroda
Ddhiana, in Itelnnle, which orau
irotl the conspiracy; with tuethoils hv
which thu bombs ami weapons weie
siiiiickIciI into Itiisuia, ami relates
how the conspirators at Santjco ic
crnili'il their necomolices, distrilmt
nig their weapons ami look their
places on the street to await Ihe coin
ing of the iirchdtical party.
Ptinip, under cMimiuatioii, ad
mitleil tliat with a second bullet he
intended to kill Field Marshal Oskar
Potiorek. Ihc governor of Hosuia. hut
that he used it for the nreluluchess,
" Kvery auto owner in Medford
is nsked to report with his or
"" her car nt the Medford high "
"" school building at 2:110 o'clock ""
" WcdueMliiy uftertiooit in order
" to give the visiting teachers of
"" Jackson mid Jiwepliino counties
a ride about the city nud valley.
"" There are JI00 viiting teeachers
" and neatly as many other vNi-
" lots ut the annual institute now
"" in session uud Ifttl nutos are
Medford Commercial Club
SAN FHANCIHPO. Cal.. Oct. 13.
Tho Hulled States circuit court of
tipepalu denied today mi appeal of
JharlCH K. Houston and John II. (Hil
lock from (heir Hciitouco In liMU to
u year In pi limn mid flues of I'JOOD
ear 1 1 upon rnuvlrtloii of eouuplrucv
lo defraud Hut uovtirniueiit In tho
Huht of coul for AbiHldiii foils, Thu
neul wits mudii tin lechliilcal mounds
whirl) Wcio upheld In lino dWnculliitf
German Soldier.
j linitLIN, Oct. 13, via wireless to
I Snyvlllo, I. L. Information Riven
lout for publication today bayu:
"The llrltlsh ambussiiilor at Con
I Htuutiueiih: ban ordered the women of
thu emhas.ty to leae the Ottoman
capital today.
"Information rotolxoil from Sofia
confirms tho report that tho Hits
slan lllack Hea fleet Is falling south
ward. "The I'orto declined the demand
undo by the Triple Kutento that the
Herman naval oflccrs In Constanti
nople bo dismissed."
LONDON, Oct. 13, U:20 a. in. In
a dispatch front Athens, dated Oct.
12, n corespondent ot the Exchango
Telegraph company says 1500 Greeks
have boon expelled by tho Turks
from tho town of KrRell, on tho Sea
of Marmora 53 miles west of Con
stantinople, under tho pretext that
It Is neiesury to fortify this region.
Tho correspondent declares that
conferences are being held at Con
stantinople between Halll Hoy, pres
ident of tho council of state, and the
diplomatic representatives ot tho
power?, with tho Idea ot concluding
treaties to replace tho capitulations
granting special rights to foreigners
In Trkey recently abrogated hy tho
Turkish government.
UO.Mn, Oct. 13, by way of Paris.
Cardinal IMotro Gasparrl has been
selected by tho Pope to fill tho posi
tion ot secretnry of state made va
cant by tho death ot Cardtual Fer
rata. OFFERS!
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. An of
for to sell or lease the Copper Ilivor
& Northwestern railroad to the gov
ernment for use in connection with
the railway the government is pre
paring to build in Alaska, was made
today by J. Pierpont Morgan to Sec
retary Lane of the interior depart
ment. The secretary replied Hint pend
ing it repot I from the board of en
gineers now surveying proposed
routes in the territory, lie was unable
to consider any proposition for ttc
iptihitiou of existing lines,
As Hie head of (ho New York blink
ing house, of Morgan & Co., Mr. Mor
gan represents Hie control of Ihe
Copper llhcr & Nortlincslein rnll
I'oud, which is owned by wlml is
known im (ho AlusU syndicate, u
pool in which Ihe Morgan mul Gug.
guitlteim luU'icfls ut o the iliiiclpu
Tim rmiil I HUM j uiih'x long mul
lUltiidw I'toui I'oiiloui, lla NOtlllt'
LONDON, Oct. 13. 10:15 a, m. All
ores today are turned to tho eastward
where, under conditions of fhe tti-
ntost secrecy, tho Teutonic allies and
the Russians arc preparing to en
gage In what may prove one of tho
most decisive combats of tho war.
Kvidenco is accutnmitlatlng to show
that this gigantic conflict will be de
termined In Russian Poland, and tho
only question disturbing British ex
perts is as to which side has chosen
the battto ground.
' Ilerlln admits having withdrawn
i from tho Nlemen river, and at tho
same time discounts tho whole move-
'ment in that region as being ot no
strategic Importance.
Russia Withdraws
It Is now clear that Russia has
abandoned tho narrow point In Ga
llcla between Przemysl and Cracow,
Russian forces having virtually occu
pied all ot Gaticla with tho exception
ot these two places. Petrograd
claims this operation Is duo to
ttrateglc reasons, while Vienna main
tains that tho rejuvenated Austrian
armies havo relieved tho Prxemysl
fortress and driven tho Invaders out.
It Is unquestioned that tho moro or
less demoralized Austrian forces,
stiffened by German reinforcements,
hnvo resumed the offensive, but thero
Is no information here to indicate
that tho Russian retirement Is any
thing In tho naturo of a rout result
ing from vigorous fighting.
I Advance, in Center
Whatever may bo tho Intention of
j tho armies operating on tho ends of
tho great Russhin hattlo front, It Is
clear that theso movements have
paled Into Insignificance besldo tho
i tremendous advance In tho center.
Rroadly speaking, this Is now tho
position ot the antagonists awaiting
tbo word Jo open tho engagement.
Tho main Gorman armies In Russian
Poland nro moving toward tho Vls
t tula river on a north and south front
(extending through Ffotrkow, 90
miles southwest ot Warsaw, Klelco
land Rusk, on tho Dug river, 30
(miles east of Lcmberg. To tho left
lot this army, between Lodr and
j Knllsz, Is another German forco, and
on tho right ot tho main German
army Is an Austrian forco.
Tho bulk ot tho Russian troops aro
on tho cast bank ot the Vistula, but
aportlon ot their forces are stll on
tho west sldo ot tho river. Tho na
turo of tho country akes It probablo
that tho center of tho hattlo lino will
be between Sandomlr and Ivangorod,
both on tho Vistula river and about
60 miles apart.
ern terminus on Princo William
sound, in u notthensterly direction,
to Keunicott, the location of the Ho
nmizn copper mine. It constitutes
tho outlet to the seacoast of the coo
per mined by the Guggenheim inter
ests in Alaska, it imssos within
thirty miles of Ihe rich Bering coal
fields on thu east, and it is said u
branch lino easily might reach the
Matnnnskn coal fields on tho west.
Mr. Moigttu pointed out some ot
tho advnntaes he believed niielit ac
crue to the goVernineiil front control
of Hie line, nud said ho tleslied that
the secretary should hu iissuicil Hint,
in the event Hut Cooper river prim
city bo tei'iirdeil as desirable lo the
government, it would bo mailable til
agreed upon Icttiis,
A yi'iir ago William Loch, Jr., -(till
malinger of the Guggenheim lit.
IcicmIs, dUcittxril with Kecictitry
(.mitt llm tifipiUilioti by Hu govern
iiieiit of Hie ('miner IHvcr lint, but
111111 (oiliiv llolliliiK lilliuildo i)uVi'loi-
I'll (lotll IIIHJ Illkt'liliklOII,
Germans Marching, Upon Seaport
Bicyclists Already Near Eecle,
North of Ghent Cavalrymen Near
; Ernies ritish-CMsul Turns Af
fairs 'Over to A4crican
tt OftttJfmtf -A. i - - i-. i ' (
r tino(iiitJu.N, ' 'UeN JJl.T-i-TM
Bnliidj rotistil nt (MeniMinH
fits interests'"' in Hie hands of the
American consulate and will leave to
morrow, the occupation of Hie city
hy tho Germans being expected. Con
sular dispatches to the slntc depart
ment loday said Hntges -i I ready wart
in the hands of the (iernmns.
letter advices from the American
consul at Ostcnd, however, said eotu
miinicntion hv telephone witlt IlrugM
had established (hut the town Still
was held hy the allies.
March on Ostentl
AMSTKHDAM, Oct. Ill, via Lon
don, 0:50 p. m. The Germans: nrn
iimrehiti" toward (Mend and German
bicyclists already have been seen
near Keeloo, eleven miles, north of
Ghent, uccordiug to Iho Telegruaf to
day. German cavalrymen are near
Jiritgcs. rite inhabitants of the coun
try went of Ghent are fleeing in thu
direction of Arileiihurg, nud the Ger
mans are throw im.' if pontoon bride
nt Selzacle, ten miles to the north of
Ghent, about tltirlv-five miles lp
the east of OsteuTt, was occupied
Monday by the Germans after two
days of fighting near Qtiatrccht mul
Melle. Cnvulrymcii anpeaivd nt first,
hut did not stay. Litter infantry ad
vanced from all sides, occupied the
hotel de ville uud camped in tint
Rig Hattlo Near
LONDON, Oct. i:i. That disposi
tions nrc now being made by both tho
Germans mid the French mul llritislt
allies for n big buttle between Lens
mid Cosset, on the westward wings
of the opposing hosts, is deduced
here fnnn fragmentary information
disseminated by the intelligence de
partments of the belligerent powers.
Cnssel is eighteen mils inland from
the fortified seaport of Dunkirk, on
the Straits of Dover.
The elniining of deeisivJ victories
has dropped out of fashion since
they so often have proved untrue or
greutly exaggerated unit since it luiH
become recognized Hint the possibil
ity of brilliant eoups mid surprises
by enterprising commanders bus been
largely eliminaied hy the scouting of
lHCKLlN, Oct. HI, v!n The irngito
mid London, -:32 p. m. Thero ih "a.
minor .current' hero todny, jbt' it
lacks confirmation, that 'Lcmbm-,
Galieia, Iiiik been relakeu hy'tlu) Auh
trinns. ' !' '
I ' 0
VIKNNA, Austria, Oct. Ill, vln
Ainsterdam and Loudon, &) p. hi.
An official uunounceiiiont eiveu out
ju Vienna today reads as follews:
"Tho reliof of Pueinysl has been
completed, To Iho north mul south
of this fortress what remains of Him
hostile in my has been uttucktMl,
Jarosluii mul Lrxtipk uiti ours.
"A si rung force of (ho cuewy Um
rclircil fropi Hieniuwn, To b wit
wiiid of Chryscti our off;tIv wwtf ,
luenl is proKrcssluK.
"In llucsimi 'o4ahi Mil Mttli. ,
iiihiIm by tnm Umtti tm ti
cnw4 hu rivtr ViMMin to rt PmHk ,
Jit li'ULLLtfllft'AliJ ilUK'ti -1"J lUAXUMJul.T
t H wniTri ff"'f