'.'.. '.. N ' ifF,DFcmr TrATr; TmmjNR mtcdfotid, orecjox, ratttrday, ootobet?. 10, urn mm ill I HI 111 m II "JPJGE TTTRElR A I' sty 1 I t' 4 ra an X V All communications should ho In by Prltlny. Address society editor, or phniiu N2-J, A lllUlll HllOWlT Willi hold W'oilllOH- dny nftornnnii ill tint homo of Mrs, .1, T, DnvlH, 1021 W. Ninth Mieot In honor of Ml ah Nolllo DavU. At 1:0(1 o'clock llr.lit lofroitliineiitii worn nerved, TIiohi) present wornr MrH. 12, L. DiivIh, Mnt, Itiiehol Kmlri, MrH. It. A, l)nls, .Mm, Puorl H.ivls anil daughter Viva mill win Alfred, Mrs. A. !', Ditvln, Mrs 15. J. DiivIh mul hod Out ml, Mir. P M. t'rulK nml two daughters, IVm mill Edith, Mm, llojd unit luiliy, Mm. II. V. Wiinl mul run, Mm. It. A. Oar rlnuii, Mm, I'm nil Lawrence, Mm. i:unry I'urillii, Mm. Johnston nml daughter Vlvlnn ami son, Mm, (1. II, Kmlrt ami daughter Irene. Mm. 0. H. Kudu nml diiughtor Itarluil, Mantur lliiriitit Warren mul l.llllo Ernin Dnv lH; MUhoft Nolllo Dnvlti, Nova DiivIh, drum lint In, Evn W'arnm, 0ial Clo lniiiiH, Iva Wilson nml Ethel (larrlmin. Minn Mmiiln Nowhorry u( Koss I.iiiio who Im n student of tlio University nf Oregon nt Eugene, linn 1it elected n iiuunhor nf tlui Lnilles' (lien rluli, of tint unhorMty. Two Mcdrnrd hoys Win. Vnwtor ami Donnlil Nowhorry, liai iilmi lii'on ehoon moinlior of tin IIoh' llleo rluli of tlio Hiiuin Instl tiiilnn. Thin In tpillo an lionnr an those iiiiIIh aro all freshmen ami there tiro inmiy cnudldiite for these places ami only eight art selected for eiich"eluh. Tlil mukos four Modfnnl students who nro represented uu tlio fmnoiiH (',! i'IiiIih of tlu count, llorhcrt Alforil being a member of tint Stanford ditto rluli, Mt'dfonl (tin well, bo iroinl of tlU'in. Tlio Hokiio Hlvor Woiiu'Ii'k Col lege rluli uii't IIiIh iiflornoou at tlio liomo of MIh Hnodltor. TIiIh Ik tlio only October meeting ami the nun mlttoo tihi'd tln Hiillowo'cu sugges tions, iti(ornlliiK tin' oiillro Iioiimi with tlio tropic or fullH. Tlio IiiijcIi. ron uart soned at .1 On nml the snout iiehoino wiih rnrrloil out In menu ami tnlil iliToratloiiH, Mm. Hoboe luid charge of tlio program. Tin subject under illHriiHHliin wiih tlio Econuiiilo riituro of Wonu'ii. Thin wiih nbly liiiudli'd In Mm Hid 'h own delight fill vsiiy. Tho committee In charge was Mm. John Parkins, Mm. Itobec, Misses Hnodlcor, Coryell, Moore, Miiiihoii anil Cor) ell. APHlHtnut Htuto Inspector Mm. I.lr xy Hiullli vlHltcil Chester A. Arthur Woman's Relief Corps, Wi'ilni'Hiliiy afternoon. Mm. Hmltli visited tho W, It. C. rour yearn ngo, anil wiih vi'ry imu'li surprised, ami pleased to flml It hail mnro tliun ilouhleil In Uo, havliiK at prciii'iit tlmo over fiO iiuuuhi'm. Hho PXproHiii'il homolf an well iiIi'ahoiI with tlio work and fl nnnrliil HtamlliiR of tlio order. At rhino of tho lui'otliiK n corliil tlmo, with a bountiful rtpHt wan onjoyed l.y all, Thn.Hoclnl hyjili'iio iloimitinont of tlio (Iri'iitiT 'Mcdford rluli hold n vnry In t (trek t In k inci'tliiK Thurnday, Octolior 1, nt tho homo of Mm. HtoaniH. "Ideal lloyhood'' wan tho topic Htudliul. Tho first roKiilar mooting nf tliU iltMuirtnumt will ho hold nt tho library Monthly, Octolior 12, nl 2:30 o'clock. Dr. Harbor will talk to iih on "Ideal Hoyhooil," All uiotliOM nro nryoil to nttoml. Mm. It, I.. Wlmor ontortaliioil tlio llttlo rolkn Kntiinlny In honor of lur llttlo ilniiKlitor Loua'H fourth lilrth- tlay. (liuui'H ami iiiiihIc formoil tho tmtortiiliiuioiit for tho nftoruoon and lofroHhnumtH woro Horvcil, TIioho proHout woie: I ,nii Hurtou, Htollu I'ortor, Nollo (IIuhhcocI;, Kaillo HIiii liioiiH, Aidlth (limit, l.oo Krauk, Km inn Hliiiuion, Hurtou llutcji. Mm. H. O. Hriilnaril of Now York wiih tho r.ui'Ht (IiIh wcolc of MiH, M. Ottiudalil. Mm. llrnliiind In on i onto to Idulio whoi'i) Hho will upoml tho win (or with hor hoii. Hov. KIiIiMko nml wlfo loft tlilK wcolc for I'ortlr.ntl, Hov, Kldrldno Iiiih boon piiHtor of tlio MothoillHt chinch ror tho pjiHt throo yviim, MIbh Molllo Hi lit ami Mm. Nottlo ThompHon of .liickHtinvlllo woro kudhIh Tiii'Hiluy or Mm, Wilbur Joiioh of IttlHH 1,11110, Mm, Phil lliiinlll oiiloiluliioil lit liinclmtiii KrMiiy for Ilin ploiuiiii'ii of hor iilorti, MlMri Mnjorlo lluivoy, Mh Null Hlonii loft thin wcok for Ii I W3P Tho int'olliiK tbhi wcnk of tho U'liitiii'Hiltiy Htiuly club wnn ono of tho iiitiHt onjo iiblo In IIh blHtory, wlum it liincboou wnn mirvoil fit tho home of Mm. York, Tho lahlori, illuliiK loom nml llv Ini: toum, woro tiiHtofully ilocoratod with i oil ilahlliiH ami Wooilbluo. Mm Mourn, thr proNbitint, piovoil It HI. .Hi orfll'loUl.llllll Witty tOIIHlllllH' troHK, Tim flrnt toiiHl, Our Now Moiuhom, Mm, Mourn, wiih roiipomtoil to by MIhh AtiHtln, In a cliariiiliiK, brlo( mlilroHH promlHlui; tho lojnlty nml Inturcut or tho now moiuhom, Mm, II. C. Ktoddiinl broozlly ro npomloil to tho lonnt Tho OptlinlHt, provliiK tho tiuth of tho optlmlHt by kIiowIiik tho aliKiinlltloH of tho PohhN llllHt. Tho KiikIIhIiiuiui nt Home, onubloil MIhh Yoiiiik to nrouno mlinlratlon foi tho loyalty or (ho Hiotcliiuiin, tho IrUhiunn, tho Wolchmnn, tho (Nina illnn, tho AtiHtrlnu, tho Houlh African, now nil KiikHhIiuioii, Tho Hliuly for tho yonr Ih Knitlniul mul WnloH to which twolvo nftor- iiooiih will ho uhi'ii In plnco of the uhiihiiI ton nftcrnooiiH. Mm. Alforil ami hor aHHlHtmitR MoHiIninoH. Pfipo, Warrior, Wortinnu ami llnrmoii iloiuoiiHtrntoil tho In Hpocllou In (holr appolutmcut nn tlio (lood TIiiioh coiiimlttoo. A moHt niirroHHful public rocoptlon wnn tomltroil Mr, William I Inn ley of HtiniH, proKronlMii nomtnou for I'ultoil KlntoH Houiitor, TiiiHilay even liiK at tho Mcdford Hotel, by tho lud Ich' llanloy club. An onjoyablo iiiimlcnl projjnun wuh Klvon ilurliiK tho ocnliiK ami rcfrcnli nii'iitH wcro Hurvcil, Aiiioiik tbo billion on tlu reception coiiimltlee woro MohiIiiiiioh V.. II, Hun. ley, I'rod llopkliiH, I'rnuk Mnilden, (IcorKO DnKKett, ChllH. Sclllerfollu, J. I'. Hoot, IM AndroWH, BarKont, J. !'. Hoidly, Prank Owen, IVdroy Ootcboll, (' M. KiikIIhIi, IlutchlHou, J. P. Miimly, Prol MwIh. IMutt, Hrncl,uu rlod, Portor Neff, llornco INdton, (leorKo AmlrowH, MIhhoh JoHophlnu Hoot, Douol, Pocbrnn, Dorothy DnK Kett. On ml I no AndrowH. Tbo i:i!,H' lailloH unve a omul mic coHHful Hiippor WoilnoHiIny oiouliu; at Hi. .Murl.'H hall, which, wuh very ivoll attouileil. Tho proceciU ko townriU tho fiirnlHhInKH of tho now i:ikn toiuplo, Tim TuoHilny Luncheon club hail their luncheon thin scok tbo homo of Mm. York after which tho club ad journed to tho homo of Mm. I.oiiIh Wnkoiiinn for cnnlH. Mr, nml Mm. Prank AmlrnwH of Kenton, Ohio, aro tho i;uos(h of Mr. mul Mm. Jnp Andrewn nml tlulr ilaiiKhtor, Mm? llnrry Llndney of Cen tral Point. Mr. nml Mm. 0. II, llrnlimrd who liavo lived for tho pant yenr In Mcd ford loft t tt la week for their former linnin In North Dakota. Mm. P. 13, Merrick leavcH Momtny for I'uitene. where hIio kooh to attend tho Htnto convention of Peleratoil clulm, Mr. nml Mm, Our Nichols of Hrow unborn nro vlHltliiK'wItb Mr, ami Mm. John H. NnrrlH of Mldvnlo or chard. Mm, Mablo HohcrtH, grnnil chief of tho P)thlaii HlHtom, wag tho kuohI (IiIh wcok of Mm. John A, Porl. MIhh Joannotto Pnttomon Ih spend liiK tho wcok-oml with MIbs Olmlys Natwlck at KiikIo Point. Mm. Mnislo Hiirnott mul Mm. Ocor Klii IIoIihh havo returueil from n visit In California, Mr. nml Mrs. Preil Polouo of KiikIo Point nro HpomlliiK tlio wcok In Medforil. Senator II, Von dor I lollop of Wol loii him boon upomlliiK tho wcok It) Medforil. Mm, Prank Owen Itan na hor Iioiiho KiioHt, hor BlBtor MrH, 13. Wallace OBhorn. MIhh llollnu McDonald of HtiHohuri; Ih tho Knout of frlonilH In Medford. Mlit Vlrttlula ('ardor In tho kiiohI of rolatlvoH In (IranlH Piihh, t Mm, Itolieit Tolfor nf Kiiitono Ih vUIIIiik rolatlvoH In Dili) city, MIhh May lloinuni of Clolil llll) In vUlllnn In Mudfiinl, Mm. Prank Owon entertained TiU'M ilny afternoon for her llttlo rmlihow, Kukoiio Chelpii Onborn, to celebrate JiIh Hotoutl hlitlulay. Iitiuchoon wan Hervoil for tho llttlo onen ami fuielKii (IoIIh woro owed iik f ii Jiru Tit ft ttifil lifirif n tut n tauf I'liuint iii itiwiiniin uiiii u iw frlemlH cmuo In Inter for ten, Tho KHoHtH were: Peitglo Ilurnlll, Herlba Porter, Ituth Ilowno, John Pianrln Heddy, Honnoy Pattemon, Hand) (iutlirlo, Mm, (JeorK Curptin ter, Mm, Prod CowIoh, Mm. K, Wal lace OhIioiii, Mm. Pred MopkliiR, Mrn, Wiillor llowiio, Mm. (Iutlirlo nml MIhh lliirvey. The Pnrciit-Toiiehom' iirxoclutloii of tho WitHliliiKlon nehool held their ri.'K ular iiiiM-tliiK I'rldny aftornooii. After n brief biiHluoHH hohhIoii the following proKrani wiih kIveii: liiHtrunieiital nolo, MIhh Ciirolluo Paul; reudliiK, MIhh llorthu Kllzabotb llopklun; ho uc by hocoiiiI Knulo, which wan fol lowed by ii iIIhciikhIoii on "Proper Kitilpinent mul how to obtain It.' Tho leatlom In the iIIhcuhhIom were Mm, liiiiner, MIhh Devero mul MIhh Piiriickor. Mm. DmilelH received flmt boiiom mul Mrn. Wakciunu hccoiiiI. Tho honor I'.ueHt rctolvcil a box of Kpllx enbnrc upplen dccoruteil with autiiiiiii leaven. Mrn. ('. J, lliitcblHuu, Mm. Clinrli'H Palm mul Mm. Harry Kind nay tirHlHteil the hoHtcHH. The KUcHtH, benldo tbo honor Kuont, were: Men ilaiueH KnlKlit, PnKe, Purilln, Carey, I.iiiiihiIcii, Kentner, Vawter, Plrkol, Now'hury, lllijdle, Daniels, Undue. Wakoiiiau, Hokkh, Kotitter, HiikIInIi, l.liulHiiy, Palm, IlutchlHou, Hoot, Mc Millan, h'cnntlln, Harly or Cincinnati, Ohio. Tlio marrliiKo of MIhh Nolllc Da Ih, datii;hlcr of Mr. mul Mrn. Perl DiiiIh and Prederlck Purdln, hoii of Ma) or Purdln, wiih holeinuUed on ThiirHilay eM-nlui; nt tho home of tho brldo'H pareutfl on Went Hlevontb mieet. The wedding wni a or. pretty affair mul the Iioiiho wuh nr Untidily decorated for the occiihIoii Mr mul Mm. Purdln are well known ami havo many rrlomln here, where they will make their future home. Mm. Jtip .tulrouH cn'.or.talncd iiiom chariuliiKly I'rldny afternoon for the pleiiHiiro of her nlHter, Mm. Prank An dreKH or Kenton, Ohio. The home wiih nrllHtlcnlly decorated with uiuhh oh of uiiUiuiii leaven iiKoil for hack Krouiul with different color hchomcM In each room, ami tbo Hcheuie of ilt c oration wan iiuiHt etfi-cthe. Mm. H. C. Coru Ih Id Portlnnl to work for tho ro-cHtnbllHlimcut of tlio Southern Oregon nnrinnl nehool nt Anblnul. Hho will nttoml tbo liicotttiK of tho State I'ederatlon of rlubH nt Hiiiteno, lief ore retumliiK. Mr. U. It. Crnntlell nf Preeport. I,. I., who ban been vIhHIuk IiIh hop Jiiiiich II. Crmulell, left ThuiBilny for California. MIhh Corn Cnutrell of Salem, whose former homo wns In Mcdford, Is HpemlliiK tho week hero, the Knent of frlomlH. Mm. W. W. UHHhor of AHhlmul linn returned to hor homo cfter a vUlt with frlomlH bore. Mr. Ilalph JiicoIih rotiiruoil thU week from u month'H Btay In Califor nia, Mm. 0. W. Hoffman Iiiih returned from n iuouOi'h visit In San I'nin- ClbCO. Mr. mul Mm. Prod Tlco Iiiih ie turned from a vlalt In Klaiuuth PiiIIh, MIhh Mildred Novak or Hcdilln& Cal Ih vIhKIuk Medforil friends. MIbh Maude Nowmnn leaves thin week for hor homo In Kurek.i, A Wet Day? Go out on the job wearing REFLEX SLICKER Wo la It Bd.ri Ii". mul lit tU over let con loit, tilting rnuuh IoiIaiuJ the Hinn of hij trttlcr. nj wtuipiool thiouth J lluuuh. No It Ihlt tig talum wlt cnnol tun In wnf im (ruali ovf iup and Uitloo. Out lrntd Ituiif EJft Mop n y iliop. $3.00 Everywhere Satislactioa Guarute4 . Cahhg nt A. J. TOWER CO., Boston DR. RICKERT OPTOMETRIST Tho Hclutliitflo, IntolllKont, driiKloHR, offlcloiit ilaptiitlou or kIiihhoh for tlio aid of vIhIoii and tho lollef of liomlucho mul eyo HtlUlll. SUITE 1 find 2 0VKK DKUKIAS (licoii TiiidhiK HHiiiipii (llvoi jbrr.w (Iriiml Pntrliirch 0 W, Wrluhl, of Allinny, Oro head of tho oncainp iiieiit brunch of I, O, O, P. for tho 'Hint 0 of Ort'Kon, United tho local ori cainpiiioul on WediUHilay, October 7, ami khvo ii very nbto arjd ItMtructlvo ' n IjI hu h ftlt fil l'iu.'lili Itt iukum nn m nii'jiinniii( Hrolbor J. M. I'lemlriK Knve nevernl comic notiKH mul reuillni;H, The nmllonco wan nlno untertnlneil by n iniilo tiinrtot cnnHlntlnK of Ilrotb orn llralnnnl, PleuiInK, Under mid Dennett, A HiiiiiptuouH hamitict wnn nerved after wliftb Ilrother W, It Merrick of Look Hindi, Cat., Knvo nn IntereHtlni: talk. Tbo Caiitonn' In full drunn uniform from Cold Hill, Jnc knonvllle, and Med ford worn In full nttetidnnce. About l'i() iuciiiImth and Hebcknlm 're prcnent. A very enjoyable time .wan hnd by all. WednoHilny evenliiK at 7:30 o'clock tb inemberHlilp or the Methodliit Hplncopnl church will kIvoii reception nt the church for their new pnntor, Hev, J. K, HnwkliiH. All meiiibem of the church nml frlemlH aro in vited . Th Purent-TonrherflnHBoclntlon nnd nil mnthem of Medforil are urged to he nt the library Monday afternoon nt 2'. 10 when Or, Harbor will talk to llieui on "Ideal lloyhood." . Mr. It. W. Itiibl left S lay for Hockforil, III., where Mrn, f tu til mul little dmiKliter have been KpendliiK tho niimmer. Mr. ami Mm. Itulil will return the flmt of November. Mm. S. C. Ilowlett of P.nRlo Point wan a Mcdford vinltor thin week, comliiK in to attend the reception Klveii Mr. Wl Ham Ilanley. Mr. mul Mm. Waller Howne anil little daughter loft Thiimduy for Now York, whom, they will spend Hie winter. Mm, Kionrt, her niece, MIrh Opal I-anc of Portland, ami Walter Mer rick havo returned from a hunting trip near Prospect. Mr. nml Mrn. A Ilngm of WchI Jucknon ntreel nio hciIvIiir cousrat iilutloiiH upon tho birth of a son. Mr. mul Mrn, V. D Joiich of Port Valley, Cal., nro the gtieMH of Mr. mul Mm. J. C. Smith. ' Dr. mul Mm. J. I, Helms havo re tiicued from Hnlmu, where thoy at tended the Htnle-f.ilr. Mrn. l.'Jrly of Cincluiiatl, O . Ih tbo' guert of her daughter. Mm. Ceorgc Hobortn. Mm. Dolwln Smith Ih vltdllug in Portlmul. t MIhh Thcodoro Ileall leavcH soon for a visit In San Prauclsco. f t T T T ? ? T ? ? t ? ? ? ? T ? t t t ? T T t t EA. wm iBaHHH Ev 7& B s g - i SCENE FROM "THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN" J'ni;c .Sunday Afternoon anil Evening Mrn. Wlllard Campbell entcr- tnincd the Nulle club Thursday after noon. The guentB of tbo club were Mrn. K. II. DnvlH and Mm. I-'dgar I In for. Mm. T. II, flodnrd nml non of Har vard, lowu, aro tho RiicntB of Mm. Ooddard's pnrentn, Mr. and Mm. II. II. (lodilurd of Talent. Mr. mul Mm. John A. Wustorliuu! left TucHiIny for San Francisco, where they will attend the Califor nia apple show. .urn. l.llllau Pattemon of Ashland wan the Kiipm thin weak of Dr. and Mrn. lleluiH. MIhh Prances Carlson of Slnxon Is the guest of MIhh Maude Wolfe. Minn ICva Olsen or Portland Is tho Kiient of frlemlH In thin city. 212 East Main Street a The Kind of Lamps to Buy CAHHON or CSKM lamp- mo the oliciipet in firt cot mul lnt loiiKcr than other hlyliv-., hut consume mine emiont for tho nmoiint of oniulle power ilelivcrctl tlimi Tuug-ti'ii luiiip. Tiinf-ttMi or .Mnziln lumps nre much cheaper in price tlinn formerly, me very ocoiiomienl of eurront mul if luiiullcil cnrefully will give good uveruxe life. Thoy houlil not lie luiiullcil roughly, or submitted to oxrebMve vilinition mul shoulil he lighted before living clcunoil, ns the filmnent doe- not break ! euily when hot i" when coltl. The now Nitrogen filleil lamp", give n lirillinnt white light nml nre nn economienl lump for lighting Inrgo iutcriius. The tiihlo liolow gic ouncnt cniwumption in wntts cmulle power, mul the mu ions oir.o of lamp-: CAUHON' OK (iHM LAMPS candi.i: POWKR o r. 10 .20 WATTS 10 JO & Mtici: ? .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 MTHOtSKX CAXHLK rowKit WATTS 40 ego 700 1000 G50 S00 1200 1U30 iGalifornia-Oregon Power Co. ; 216 WEST MAIN STREET hone 1S Mins Helen Purucker left this week for New York where she will study voice culture under Emma Locfflcr. Judge Wolvcrton and wife of Port land aro spending tho week hero, while tho Judgo is holding court. Mr. and Mm. K. C. Gnddls are re ceiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, October 3. MIhh Ina Cochran returned to Mcd ford Saturday from the University of Oregon at Kugene. Minn Ituth Vaughn ban returned to her home In Cold Hill after visiting frlemlH In Medforil. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. I.ano of Klarn nth ure visiting In tho city. Mlm Minnie nrown of Salt Like City Is a Medforil visitor. Having Secured the Services of MR. J. N. CROCKER ot Chicago, recently ot Eugene I am now pre pared to giro my patrons an additional serv ice where promptness and quality of work will meet with real rcs.1 appreciation. In each department of repairing, watches, diamond setting, manufacturing, ngato cut ting and mounting, engraving, will represent the best. MARTIN J. REDDY For the Correct Time, Phone 10 TUNfiSTKV OU MAUA TjAMPS I'V'ivix CAXDLi: 'l,l! iovi:u 2Ti 24 40 29 (30 liO 100 105 ico inr 250 275 COO 700 ritici: ? .30 .30 .40 .70 1.10 1.80 3.S54' riLLKI) LAMPS immci: 3.40 3,85 G:C0 S.M Metlford, Oregon .f DRAMA LEAGUE ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS ON THE DEATH OF MRS. IURKE At a directors meeting of tho Mod ford centor of tbo Drama LeaRun hold at the library on Friday ovonlnK, October 9th, tho following resolution wnn adepted: Th directors of tho Modfanl Con ter of the Dramn League stricken In the death of it? founder nnd presi dent adopt thin minute of their sorrow. Mm. IMmiind nurko, with her strong sympathy for tho finer things of life, strovo to clennno ami broaden worthy draina In all forms, and with that purpose rounded by hor own of fortii this branch of tho Dranut Vague, To It nho Rnvo unspnrlnRly of her self, nml to her unHelflsh efforts tho drama lovers of this community nro Indebted for a larger nml moro dis criminating enjoyment of tho theater, and for a moro Inspiring nml donor acquaintance with and appreciation of tho notable plays of today. On the personal si do, Mrs. Hurko possessed In rare measure tact, dlK nlty, and graciousness. Hor outlook on life was broad. Hor prcsenco called forth the best In hor follow men and women. "Wc express our sense of tho great loss that has now como to tho Drama League, to tho whole community, and above all to ourselves individually ami desire tnat this memorial of our Borrow be spread upon tho records ot the League, published In tho news papers, and a copy sent to tho fam ily or our late president, to whom we extend our abiding sympathy. MEDFOIID CENTER DRAMA LEAGUE, Hy Jeanne Launtot Hrncklnreld, Vice-President. Elizabeth Putnam, Secretary. CHICHESTER S PILLS W THE UUMO.IP HKAKB, A fcl-k-Lr rut Is U4 I TL a tkvi Hr r ihakond imi.ts fliLA, sa Iftww u Di UZatet. Alrt IUHM4 C'i n v , TfTi; p.Toyviyf 0$ THE JEWELER i' m wAfl n r (f 2 J I 1 11 x 2 w 4P ' A ci H'M Ml -il if! 'i 'Jl J h'r ! Of ''5 1f, fl J .i!- it vll In I'uilliiml,