Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 10, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
ItMln Mm. H..1i Ml. i
rrrclp. .01,
Forty-fourth Ysr.
Dully Ninth Yrnr,
NO. 170
White Flan Files From Cathedral
Zeppelin Airships Direct Firing ot
German Heavy Artillery With Ap
palllnn Results City Mass of
Ruins and Charred Embers.
TIIUIAGUF., M. Kl, via London,
VIM p. in. Atitvri surioiiiloretl 1"
tlin Ocnuiins tit J::iD . in. Friday,
October 11.
Tlic war I lug wus I films til from tliu
I'lillirilrnl ami a while flag raised in
it place al II a. in. 'i'lif iii'IiimI nnr
Hiulcr took plnco live aiul tun lialf
hour later.
Il in ili'i'liuril hero Hint lln oatho
ilrnl of Nolii' Dame bus nut linn
Tin (li-riiiniiM dclixcrcil ono nf their
hist furious attacks between (I ami
7 o'clock Friday morning. Tin 1 11 -giun
resisted llii'in valiantly in their
trenches mill tlio desperate fighting
resulted in wry liravy losses on both
ItiMMlinnlinrnt Appitlllng
I Inline "II Thursday night Zoppo
tin airship directed tin liring of the
(li'iiiiau liraw nrtillory, Ihe i-miiIk
of which xverc nppiilliui'.
Tin (li'rmnn artillery foiccd it-t
way ncrioH the River Nettie, In which
muii.x nl' tint artillerymen xvcro drown
ill. Tlii' lighting has lifi'ii indesrib
ably sanguinary.
The llclgian succeeded in blowing
1 1 1 (wo anil pnssihfV morn ul' tlii'ir
enemy's batteries ami hi'avy artillery.
Tin' official niinnuiiiTiiU'iit of tin
fall nf Antwerp, given mil at (li'iniaii
headipiiulers laic lii"! night ami
Irniisinitlcd hero iu .Marconi wiro-
"This fiiri'iiiiMii soxeral foils nf I lie
inner line of I'nrlilioatiiuis nf Antwerp
Iiiixo I'alli'ii. Tin1 town since mul-duv
has lii'i'ii in our possession,
"Tin' cniniiiniulor ami the Karri
miii I'vni'iialril tlio fnitificntiuiis. On
ly a few foils art' still oi'i'tipii'il liy
lln I'liriny ami this is witliimt in
I'lucuce on onr position in Antwerp."
Tin nil) or Holgo
Tlio scigo of Antwerp, wliii'li cul
iiiinali'il in ils fall Ootidior 1), began
September 'JH, mi I It it t tlio Oeimnns
look .jusl ti'ii ilny to reduce Hit' for
midable fortifications which Mir
roninti'il tin Icinpnrurv I'apllal of tin'
llclgiiins. Tlio (lei mints hud, 1ioxv
oxer, for a loii) linn' previously pin
pit nil Ilia way liy taking a number
of low dm in its vicinity.
Tin firM ntlnolc witK against the
foils at Wni'llii'in ami WavrnHl.
Ciillicriucs. These were leilneeil hy
llit aiil of big siegn guns. Meanwhile
the fnits at l.lorr ami Kouigshoyokt
hail nihil been attacked ami these ami
others nf I lio out hide line of l'ortifi
cation were tnkeii liml week.
Inner l.iuo Atlackeil
The hint few day has Keen the.
fighting advance In the inner line nf
forts and nlniig Ilia Scheldt, prinei
pally al Sehonnorucrdo. At the Inst
iiiiined place soxoro fighting oeenrred
several days, hut tlio Mtperior nrtil
lury of I ho (lerniaiiH gradually foreed
Hie llclgiiins hack until in the last
day or Iwo the fightiui- reached prac
tically In Hie suburbs of Antwerp.
(In Wednesday, October 7, canio
reports that Hid Itolgluu government
wn siuovlng to Ostoml and Hint day
nlho brought reports that Ihe popu
lation wax I'lcchi)' in terror toward
the Holland frontier.
.eppeliu lioiuli iitliit'kH which did
much dauiaci) uml killed hcoivh of
people, added to the terror of the in
hahilaiilH. The (Ionium force which have
taken Antwei) are nald to coiihUI of
Tiva army corpn. Thoy wuro uniler
coiuniaml of (Icuoral Ilium Von Hoh
eler, a veleran nf the war of 1870,
called from retirement to do I ho work
of ii'ilui'liitf Antwerp
To Attack I'liKluml
(Imioral Do (Iniho wan in comiiinml
of Ilia llel'-iaii defciiilci'H, Kill),' Al
lied aided Ihcni hv IiIh poinniial dirco
Hun ii InitiMt In Ilia IiinI, iil
Aiilwcrn. iiccniiliiiL' In icpniU. only
ycMciiliiy innriiliiKi iiohiihl.v when (hoj
villi vii bvwii
First Klnu of Latin Principality In
Balkans Born a Hohenzollern, Di
vided Allegiance Between People
and Family Won Iron Crown
by Defeat of Turkish Army.
AMSTKIIDAM, Oct. JO, via l.oii
ilou, (I::i0 p. in. A teli'irrnui teccived
heie froui Vienna nays thai Kiui;
Charlex of Uuiuaiiia died (IiIh mom-
ChailcM 1 wii Kumauia'H fnt
kill). The Mary of his career hpan
nini ycai-, i that of a
(lei man prince elected to uovcrn a
Latin people, oat of which experience
I'tumininiiri or lhoe who have follow
ed the fortunes of that liuffer Ntale,
will recall much that is Mtirrinu'. if
not roiuautic.
Horn llolnnollern
I'liucc Charlex waH horn a llolieu
olleru, an older hraucli of the fam
ily than thai of Kiaperor William of
(lermaiiy, hut none Hie lcw proud ot
ilH lilood. He wiim the miii of 1'riuec
CharlcM Aulhony of Holien.ollein
Sii'iiiariaccn, who xolnutnrily re
hiKiicil (he llohcuollerii rcKi'iithliip in
faxor of the I'riiHhiiin crown ami Mih-
xcipicnlly hecaniH prime ininlhter of
I'riishin. '
It wiih while (,'harleh wan srrvinjf
at the n-jo of '" yeai, iik an officer
of hi-'h rank in Ihe I'msHian Kiianl,
that the Turkish provinces of U"al-
lachia ami Moldavia united to call
themselvcH Hiiinaiiia ami, castiii);
their eyes nhout I'urope for a for-cij-ii
prince to overn llicm- -tince no
uatixc prince had heeu hiit'ccshful
took the advice of Napoleon 111 ami
invited yntui-- Charles to he their
Willi Austria ul that time prcpar
Iiij; to fiht I'rushia, vomijr Charles'
depaiture for limuania was such a
perilous iimlcrtnkin-; that he made it
secretly, lie dis"uised himself as a
Itushiau merchant hound for OiIc-hi
nml sailed down the Dauulic, jumpiii';
ashore on Itiiinauiaii territory on
May 'JO, lKlill, and made his way to
the palace at llucharcst, where he
was proclaimed prince three days
(lltcu Iron Cniwn
The renown of I'rinee Charles
spread, and four years later, out of
a cannon ho had captured al I'lnvnu,
Ihe Itiunaniaii people j-ave him an
iron crown." Willi conscnl of the
powers they placed it on his head in
18H1. Froui this timu on Kiiij
Charles wiih unixersally ackuowledi;-
cd the leader of his adopted people
ami tlio kiui'doiu of Itumatiia hocamu
a factor in international politics
lie held aloof from the common Mnl-
kau war tijuiust the Turks, hut was
s lined in her own hehalf hy Unitar
ian j;reeil for territory, and after the
wars Kilt); Charles pressed his coun
try's claim for MOO miles of territory
us compensation for the neutrality
Itiiiiiiiuiu had preserved, and started
an invasion of llulpiria. The Hill
Kin's soon sued for peace ami hand
ed over tlio coveted strip, extendii!-;
ahout 100 miles inland.
Nr.V YORK, Oct. 10. The (Mil
ciiko, Hock Island & l'acifiu railroad
is to ho sold at puhlio auoliuii at Ihu
county cuurthniihc. here al a date to
ho determined soon. The last Icj-al
detail prelimiuary to advertisiui; the
property for sale was settled todav
when ,1 initio Mayer of tlio Ihiiled
KlatcH district court signed tlio de
cree of forecloNiiro and sale,
Default in piiyinenl of interest on
I per cent (fold hmulx resulted in
fnrcoloMiiri) proceediiiKs hy the ('en
I la I Trust oninpany, inn-leu of Ihu
humlhohlurM, The niiiouiil nf such
hmids uml lhv Inlcrccl due thereon U
Kin-tic Itiver peats arc lniiiK
itiK K"d money in the New
York market. A carload of ('-
" mica front the Three Oaks orch-
mil, sold tliroiiHli Hie Co-opei -alive
Fruit Orowers' associa
tion in New York yesterday, ax
uniKL'd t-.-l 'at half hoxc,
while No. - pears, in full boxes,
averaged .f'J. 17. These were top
prices for the day, and the car
Hold well, cnusiilcriiu' the fuel
that some of Ihe, fruit showed
hail murk. Other (-rowers from
the lloKue river district sold
four cars on the saine market,
"half ho.xi'H Cointco avernyinir
.fl.8.- and full hoxes .
4 4
---' '
ON UOAIll) V. S. 8. WK8T VIK
(UUNIA. MAZA'ri.AN, Mexico, Oct.
10, CotiBtttutlonallHt intitlnoiirri at
Hnnta Kosnlla havu uhot Major
AKtinyo, tlio military cointttunilcr
tlioro, looteil tliu cuitotus ltouio,
nclieil tlio Moxlcnn ntcatucr KcrriKan
III, ami put to tica.
TIiIm Is tho J0WH ,l0n- hy wireless
to Knur Admiral Howard, coiiitnnnil
IttK tho Pacific fleet, hy tho cruUcr
Albany, which tho admiral ordorod
to Hnnta Iloealln to report on condl
tlonK tlicro, an soon an ho heard tlioro
hntl been til -on! or.
Santa ltosalla In tho headiiuartcrs
of nn Important Trench copper min
im? coticenlon. Tho troopn mutlnlotl
Titt'uilny nlRhl and attempted the tap
turo of tlio Hteniuor, which Ih ownod
by tho Iloleo company (French) but
flloR tho Mexican flaK.
llnther thank rink tho loss of tlio
veancl nnd all tho compnny'u portable
assets, tho rcHlUent director turned It
over without resistance All the
troojiH except 25 cmburked nnd put
to sea, prcuuniRhly for Oiiaytnau.
Miiny porao'liH wore placed under
Arrest durliift tho rlotlnp, Including
tho CoGrninn Consulnr nRont, a Mcxt
can war rclcabed after jmylni S00O
peRos rntiBoin,
Cottdftlouti at Aculpo havo Rrown
ho bad that n Ited CroRB Rhlp thoro
Ih urKcutly needed. Tho troopn con
tliiuo rlotlitf- and plllnt-liiR. Supplies
aro Nrarco nnd denr nnd tlioro In much
sufferliiK. Other west const ports
aro qttlot.
VUNlCi:, Oct. 9, vln l'nrlR, Oct. 10,
1:50 n. m. Tho trial ot tho persons
nrcusotl of tho nsHnssluntlon of tltot
.helr-appnrotit to tho Austrian throne,
Arch Duko Frnncls Fordlnniid, and
his consort, tho Duchoss of Holten
bore, will begin Monday In Sarajevo.
It is expected to last throo wooks.
Tlioro nro a prisoners, 21 of -ivhonv
'aro SorvluiiH nnd four Croatlana. Ten
tf tho prlsonors nro under 20 ytnrra
of iko.
Tho Indlclincnt charKos IiIbIi trea
son. It further alleges thnt ovldonco
obiulned proves that tho assassina
tion ot tho Arch Duko was only tho
moans towards other treasonublo
ends. v
LONDON, Oct. 10, l'J:.V.' p. in. In
a dispatch from Amsterdam tho cor
respondent of the KxuIiiiiiko Tele
Kia pi i ciiuipiiiiy says that Ihe llureau
WehiKi'hi', a si'ial-oll'ielal new
au'cncy, iihmiU Hint a ilcchiratloit nf
war on (It'iiuiiiiy hy l'oilna U ex
ja'cled IWlllll (l liny MIVtK'lti
National League Champions Defeat
Philadelphia Athletics in Gruelling
Contest Only Bun Made in Ninth
Inning James' Pitching Simply
Baffling Fielding is Brilliant.
Kllll'lv I'AHK, I'lllI.ADIvU'HIA,
Oct. 10. Tho Iloiton National
League chain plons on tho second
Kama of tho world's scries today by
lionlliiK tlio riilladelphla Athletics
one to nothing, it was a gruclllnK
flRht to tho finish and Hoston did
not put their run over until tho ninth
Inning. A double by Deal, substitut
ing for .Smith at third, followed by
bis steal of third nnd Mann's single
brought In Hoitton's run, Tho Athle
tics threatened In the ninth Inning,
having a man on first and second with
only otio out but a sharp doubto-play
engineered by Mnranvllta ended tho
Athletics' chances. James' pitching
was simply baffling, tho Philadelphia
club being helpless before his speed
and fast breaking splltur. Hoth clubs
fielded brlllantly, Maranvllle and
Harry's play being especially bril
liant. Day A l'crfcct On,.
The day was built for babcbull.
Tho sun dried up tho moist clouds
during tho morning and shone bril
liantly on tho soft groous of the field.
An August teuiMrat'je presaged a
good workout of the players In prac
tice and a fast Holding go inc. Tho
crowd enmo early. Tho last linger
ing spectator of tho Athletics defeat
had scarcely turned his way home
ward yesterday afternoon when tho
lino began to form at the entrance
to tho unreserved stand behind left
field. Fifteen minutes n'ter tho gale
wore opened this morning tho -1000
Hi'iitR xverc filled nnd tho gates were
closed. Tho Toservcd stands wore
not completely filled until gnmo tlmo.
liohlnd tho Itostons' bench tho
"Hoyal Hooters" from Hoston gath
ered In forco and gavo encourage
ment to tho Hoston band that battled
In face ot n hostllo crowd.
Hoston Hooter Joyous
After tho game tho Hoston rooters,
led by President Untfncyxf tho Hos
ton club, Captain Kvers And former
Mayor Fitzgerald of Hoston paraded
around tho field whtlo tho bnud
played tho Hoston battle song, "Tcs
sle." Tho txvo clubs leave ror Hos
ton tonight. Tho world's series now
stands: Hoston National, 2; Phila
delphia Americans, 0.
Tliu storu by Innings:
AH. H. H. PO. A. K.
Mann, rf 5 0 2 0 0 0
Kvcrs, 21 i 0 2 0 3 0
Cathor, If 5 0 0 2 0 0
Whlttcd cf a 0 0 10 0
Schmidt lb 4 0 1 12 1 0
Gowdy c 2 0 0 8 10
Marnnvlllo ss 2 0 12 4 1
Doal 3b 4 112 2 0
James p 4 0 0 0 3 0
Totals 33 1 7 27 14 1
AH. K. II. l'O.A.U.
Murphy rf 3 0 0 2 0 0
Oldrtng If 3 0 0 0 0 0
Collins, 2b 3 0 15 2 0
Hakor 3b 3 0 0 2 3 0
Mclnnls lb 3 0 0 7 0 1
Strunk cf 3 0 0 4 0 0
Harry ss 2 0 0 2 C 0
Schang o
Plank p
Walsh (
.3 0 15 2 0
Totals 25 0 2 27 14 1
Walsh batted for Plank lu ninth
Hoston 000 000 0011
Philadelphia 000 000 0000
Summary: Two baselilts, Schang,
Deal. Sacrlflro hits, Marnnvlllo.
'Stolon buses, Doal, 2, Harrf. Double
play, Mnrunvllla ami Schmidt. Loft
on buses, Hoston, 11; Philadelphia, 1.
First huso on balls, off James 3;
Plunk 4, First baso on errors, Dos.
ton 1, Hit by pltchor, by Plink
(Mttruuvlllo), Htriick out, Junes 8,
(Ci)ilniVt oil Tupe 'J,)
The first consignment of
Koguc lvcr x alley potatoes he
ing ser, to Forks of Salmon and
other California points by
Charles S. I.cbo, throimh parcel
post, were shippul out this
iiiornini; on southbound passen
ger train No. l.i, delaying that
train fifteen minutes in the
loading. Tliu weight of (lie total
shipment is 1 .",,000 pouuiN, and
will bo sent out in three lots.
A total postai'c of .fl.Vi hat
been paid. The potatoes are in
fifty-pound packages.
-r f-f-f
J.KN, Russian I'ollaud, Oct. 7, via
The Hague and Loudon, Oc. 10, 7 a.
m. Tho llussiaiis finallly have de
cided to tako the offensive. The
(lennniis heretofore have often com
plained that the enemy, though twice
us stmn-j niiinrricnllv, refused to
leave their trenches, but for the last
three nights the KiihMuns have tit
tacked hlon; the entire front, ex
tending hixty mile-., from nbout Wil, north of Aupi-towo, to a
itoint below Lyck, Fast I'nissit. The
attacks were rcpuNed, howover, the
Russians losing lieavdy, ,.vlule the
German losses were li-jlit.
No wounded were mi from Stall
uponr, east Prussia, to the firing
line, xvlneh your correspondent
readied in the afternoon (date not
given). The Russians had just be
gun an attack on the Herman left
winjr, but it was quickly repulsed, the
firing lasting about thirty minutes.
The Russinn artillery, which evi
dently has been reinforced hy heaw
artillery from Kovno, at times shot
xvell, hut often their shells fell short
of the position of the (lertntin artil
lery. (Irenl iliimm'c has boon dn cv-
crvxvhcro in tho country in which the
fight has been rocini nml several vil
lngvs, have been burned.
Tho German soldierii everywhere
nre in the best of spirits. They nro
xvell provisioned, as the supply ar
rangements aro xvorkiug without n
hitch. All the roads leading from the
fighting' zone aro filled with refu
gees, carrvimr their household ef
fects, and many of them driving their
cattle before them.
LONDON, Oct. 10, 3:31 a. in.
Tho correspondent of tho Express in
Pnrls tolegraphs tho follewing:
'Tho immedlnto objoctlvo ot tho
German army Is now no longer Paris
but tho channel ports. To sum up
tho Gorman plan tho first blow on
Paris having failed tho second blow
must bo aimed at England,
"Tho noxv Uno-up of tho opposing
forces moans that northern Franco Is
destined to suffer a desolation, sim
ilar to that already visited on Bel
gium. All of Franco's rich cities in
thQ north havo boon marked for cor
tain destruction and ruin.
"Tho French gonoral staff Is con
fldont of success hut It Is recoguUod
that thoro can bo no decisive victory
whllo the masses ougntied are so
enormous, It Is posslblo to hopo for
tho defeat of tlio enemy' plsii only if
tlioro can he a rountSHt slreum of re
Fating Under Satisfactory Condi
tions, Asserts French Official
Statement Entire Battle Line Is
Maintained, Despite Violent At
tacks Advantage Gained in Oise.
PARIS Oct. 10, :i:II p. ai. The
following official announcement was
riven out in Paris thW afternoen:
"The fighting is under snti-Tnotory
conditions. Our entire battle front
has heeu maintained in spite of vio
lent attack of the enemy at several
"On our left win:: in region included
between l.a Hassp, Anuciiticrcs and
Casftcl, the fightinj: between oppos
ing forces of caxalry have been con
fused hecuuse of the nature of the
"To the north of Oic our troops
have attained real udvanlagcs at scl
eral nlaces in their zone of action.
In the region of St. Mihicl we have
made material nrogress.
"As to Ilelgium, it is announced
that Antwcp" xvas taken yesterday.
The conditions under which this place
was occupied by the enemy are, hoxv-
ever, not yet known.
"In Russia very spirited fighting
continues on the frontier ot F.ust
Pnissin, xvliere Russian troops have
hail partial successes. They have
occupied (he town of Lyck (in Kast
"Tho seigc of I'rr.emyl continues
under conditions favorable to the
Russians, who have taken by iikmiuU
one of the forts of the main Hue of
PARIS, Oct. 10, 0:.V.l ji. m. -In
contrast to the rapidity with which
the OcrmuiW have conducted their
campaign f.gainst Antxverp, the tide
of battle i flowing slowly in certain
parts of France. The engagements in
the Woevro district, tceording to tho
statements of the wounded soldiers,
brought back from this territory,
continue to take the folia of a Blow
nnd .steady siege.
Tho German trenches in tho
Woevro have been const ructed in txvo
lines, one behind the other. The out
ermost is furnished with quick-firing
guns, xvilltout no-ts constantly on
guard. The larger detachments shel
ter themselves in tlio second line.
These trenches arc Inrgo and com
paratively comfortable, mid nt inter
vals they broaden out into subterran
ean rest rooms, in which tho troons
may sleen in comparative security.
The first line js reached from tho sec
ond through underground passages.
Tho allies havo just installed a
system of drainago in their trenches
xvhicli up to tho present time has been
successful. Drainage is a most nec
essary precaution, as many of the
troops arc suffering fieu: inflamma
tory rheumatism.
LONDON, Oct. 10, 0 it. in. -A dis
patch from The Hague to the Fa
chuugo Telegraph company Htatcs
that Field .Marshal Huron Von Dec
(loll., governor general of Itclvliiiu,
has, lu tho name of ihu (leriuau chip
eriir, iiiilercd Ihu lleliaii'. In accept
(lennnn currency on His nine quot
liiy us Ik'lulmi curieipiy, TliU is
i'Hllng trouble at Hrwt'Ui
Chief Forester Would Realize New
Upon Assets by Aiding Communi
ties Affected-Scheme Devlserf fer
Securing Funds for Construction f
Highway Tbrouvh Reserve.
Henry S. Graves, chief forester of
the United States nnd in charge of
tho bureau of forestry, in a Boench
at mi informal lunchcol tendered him
at the University club Friday even
ing, outlined his plans for making tho
forest reserves of great assistance to
the communities they serve hy nil
immediate realization upon a portion
of their assets through congress. Hy
tho plan outlined, mi improvement
unit could he created for n district,
presumably iv county or group of
counties served and an extensive sys
tent of highways or other improve
ments constructed such, for in
stance, as the Crater lake highxvuy
through the Crater lake forest.
Mr. Graves said in part:
Realize 1'm)h Resources
"In the Crater national forest there
nro vast timber resources aggregat
ing over 10,000,000,000 feet, but
much of it is not available for imme
diate sale under present conditions
without great sacrifice of public in
terests. A olau can bo devised hv
which the national forest uiuy aid
noxv in the great xxork of developing
this section xvithoitt sacrificing tho
purpose for which it xvas established.
"Congress has recognized tho prin
ciple that tho national forests shall
contribute direcllv to the devclon
meut of the local communities. This
is not only in giviii" first considorK
tion to local interests in the admin
istration and uim of tho resources,
hut congress actually appropriates 'J.'i
per cent of the gros receipts from
the forests, for the benefit of schools
mid roads, and an additional JO per
cent for roads in the forests for gen
eral iublic needs. This plan works
admirably xvhere it is possible to
utilize the resources noxv.
Secure nn Advnco In Cash
"I do not propose liny general leg
islation or general appropriation.
Particularly, 1 am not advocating
any general federal aid in highxvav
construction. I proposo rather taking
a given development unit as a coiiutv
or group of counties within which a
national forest stands, and securing
noxv, on the basis of the public timber
resources, an advance to bo covered
by receipts xvhicli it can ho shown
will eertaiulv como in inter. .Tliu
money to bo used noxv in construct
ing specific publiu improvements.
"The real agricultural problem in
this state is in tlio lo"edoff lands
xvhicli are today Hnr idle hecuuse
thoy nro inaccessible or nro held nt
prices prohibitive for the settler
whoso only capital is his strength
and pioneer spirit. While it will not
solve tho xvliolo problem, at least tho
development of roads in theso regions
will be the first step toward getting
peoplu on these lands to build homes
and develop farms,
llecictatloii Use Resource
"Wo regard tho recreation use ot
these forest regions as i naturul re
source xvhicli should bo developed.
"The building of highxvays through
the mountains will not ouly connect
fimniiur communities xvith a market
and open up our forests for greater
(Continued o vf tw.)
NACO, Ariz., kU M),-(UiV!ritft
Maytorcna harassed th Cam
garrison of No wU dywmti4
bombs Just night, but nmmtUy
without rt'ftuli, 1IW KiwrV4w4r
also plwxt-d HwH tU Imwlm 4 Ik
dufrmU'r, but Hmmti UiM.
. -1
i y
t :