' V'. ci r l T -i Y NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS AGLE POINT EAGLETS. Ily A. C. llowlett. .MixH Minnie dlwu anil .Mi. Tim lull' Dublin wi'ii' in niir town on lum ini'MM Iiih Hii! hi iliiy, I'oiiy I'Vler, win of lln 1oimmi-k iif Hie Itiutiie Hut viillny, hum In Imwi iiIno ul KiiIiihIii.v. I nuked liim In miliirilm lor the Mull Trili inn1 Mini ho cvimii'iI lilniHi'ir mi the ginuml lliul In1 I mii Ihimv in llic iliiy lime llml Ini ilmi'l Jinvit limit, mill llinl In' iiiiii'I nut' In I'.'ii'l ill nixlil, iiml mi Int linn In iln wiilinnl the new. Mr, mill Mr. Li'lmil Kmilli, wlm live nil I hi) llnllywnni) iilfliunl, writ' (luiiilf liiMniH in our town iilxn llic f mtinn ilny. ', .C A. Nimwlrnm iiml Inniilv nl' Lalm (siintk wen' uiu'nIm nl tin- Sumiyxiili' Hnl in ilny, f liny A"Iihii, unit nf nur linnluiiii' ini'ittliiuilM, wnn I'tilli'il In u" l Tinll I In1 I11M nl' tint witi'l, n wi'iuli n Inini'li n,r Willie I'nr Aliini N'iilinU nl Mi'ilfnnl. lunppli llniniiili mill wife wi-ic in liiwp In lime mi ui'liiug tooth healed .Siiliiiilny. ,Mi l.oioim (liigliv nf ( 'I'M I nil I'ubit fiiiiif mil lnt .Miititnliiv in Ln In ilnt moving pii'luie hIiihv iiml lit k'tnl llm iliuii'i', Wliili' here In' uii ii Kill! I't Hi'' Kllllll.iili'. I.. I". Sinilli mi ulii'i' fiiTt'lv limni' Siimliiy iifluniiiiii). II. It. Kyi1 Mini wife. Mr. Vwnl mill wife mid uliililitii f (lulil Hill win Umi nl Mr. mnl Mr. A. .1. I'ltm-v Sunday. .litlin II. TruMy nr F.lk fwli, Trail pimliilTii'i', t'liiiii' mil tin' Iiml nl' llm week nflur ii liiinl of applet., Oint nf Hit. liMium I ruin I lu Klvrr vlnw niiicli i'niii' mil Mi. ihIii v mnl took mil ii Imnl nl' water pipe. They lmt' hii I'lci'liii' itinii mi llic Hindi, mnl no tlnulil llif pipe i In rli'inl lint wilier hVKli'in In oilier pniN of I tin Hi i in. Two wngniu with nexernl Indian pnwM'il iIiioiikIi lien Monilitv morn ing rrinn Klmmilli enmity nn llii'ir wny In Mrtlfortl. .1. V. (Irnvi'r mill V. II. Kiiiulilon wont nut ln"l week In take n limit, ii'luiiijiig Momliiy. They m'ciihiI ohm ' deer. Ilotn -'Oi'lolii-r ., In Mr. mnl Mr. Wlllimn Nii'l.i'1, in'iir llrnwntdnini, u itiii-ioiinit liny. Dr. Witt in id I'. Holt was in iitti'iuliiiii'it it llic time. .1. T. I'rv "f Tniil imiiii mil Mon lii) mnl liiiiuglil mil with him Mm. liiooinfirlil r Miillnnl mnl lti'. I'hihh'M mnl wife of Atlilmnl, who Imvit In-ill iilli'inliiiK tint iiiir)rl.v meeting of lln Fiee MrtlitxIUl nhiiri'li, mnl while In- wn lime iciiew i'il llif "lilifi'liptinii In lint Weekly Mail Tiili .1. ('. Mnthi'WH nl' (Vnlral Point mnl .loliii ('iiiiiiMT of Itiuiiiil Top were here Tor dinner mi Mmnliiv. Mr. Itioomfii'lil nln lonk dinner nl lint Siiiinyt-ide. 0. II. Wnninlev mnl hi duughler, Miiot Malii'l, are helping frank Niili oU with lii tipple. MitH Mint Triply, who Iiiih heen helping in tint telephone olTiee, Iiiih nwiuui'il her poxitimi mnl Iiiih ii'miim i'il Inn flndieH in 1'iiifitHHor V. II. Itiii'liiiiuin'M mum, mnl Mi-it Clnru .liiimmiiimi Iiiih lnl;en her plnee in tin plimnt olTiee, Mr. and Mr. I.ee ('. I 'oil of .IneK Mimvilh', who hnvit licen mil in the l'niel eHi'le thin Kiillillier, lie heill).' one id llie I nl el raiitfers, eiiuie in Monday evi'iiini; on I heir way hmne. lerry (rCiiiini'll nl' I'oillaiiil, a linviillnx HiileHiiiiin t'or Hie Napa Tan Shoe eiiinpnny of Napa, Cal., was heie Tiuwday fur dinner. Monday iil'tt'i iihoii niii' einieHpon ilenl lonk a Npin mil hi the eoiintiy to ilo a liltle eanvaHKiii I'or the Mail Tiilnine, mill the lir-d place I .np piil wax at the henntil'iil orehanl of .1. M. Will ley, and there 1 1 hU I'mi'mmi, ThoiniiH Vi'nIiiI, and hi xi ler, MiH, Will' red .lael;, mid in a very hlinrl tiiim Int hud a receipt I'nr a ycnr'rt siiliM'i'iptiiin In the Daily Mail Trihiine and one nf iom AIikIiiii'I inaps that the Mail Tiilnine is yixiiiK' In ycaily Hiiheiihi'rH, I'Vniii lliore j went In Hie I'm ini nl' (Irecii MntliewH. While I did nn hiisiiii'ss with him in the way nl' MiliMMihiiitf, 1 hiivv hoiiii an line cm ii as have sera anywhere in llm alley, and it was raised on (dinky. I'Vont I hern I went In the limiui nf (lordiin Cox and t'oiiml him hiuiliiiK in his apples, mnl in a few iniiinles ha had a receipt t'or $l.ri() an his Htihseriplion In the Weekly Mail Trillium, mid luriiititr mv enniho for hmne, i'mind W. A. lli-jinliiilhmn thoio mi his way to Mcdl'nid fur hi win tnr HiipplieH, and in a hlinil time his hrnlher, .lolin, eaine in for Ij. K, Smith to no mid weiyh a load of hns he had Ih'iiiikIiI in for Men Mrnphy. NOTICK. Notice In hereby j-lven (lint tlm tin dei'MlKacil will apply to tho city coun cil nf tho city of Moilfonl, Ori'Kon, ill 'lln itaxt regular umutliiK, Octolmr "iiiih, l!t I, for a IIcoiiho to mill malt, vlanim anil hpIiIIoub llipioiH nt their liliii'ti of IiiimIiichh, on North Kir lilrent, Meilfonl, Oreumi, for a -imioil if mIk niniilliH. l);iln. Oi'lnhor 7, I!1 It. IIOIIIIi: IllVIJIt VAIil.HY IINIVHII- IIITV OlilJII. CENTRAL POINT P0INTER8. i Mr, Hlinrpi' mnl wife and ehildicii lel'l Kiitiinlav fnrZlllah, WaMi., where limy I'Mpcel lo miiki' their hmne. I'mil l.niiye depMilcil tlm In h t of llm week for Siii'iiiiiiciiJip, Cal., at which city he will he ciiiplnycd lor llm mm I few nmntliN, Mix llai'l Itvimii or Tahle Koek wiiH a vihilor In this city Monday. Mm, William Illinium of .lacUmi ville xpnnl Ihe week end willijicr par mils, .Mr. mnl Mm, It, II. Slenin-, here. W.i:. Price, It. I. Pearl ami 1 1. C (Irim wcic mnmiu Ihe IiiiiiIcik in ihe lamintniiis m'nr heie iceeiilly, Mr-. V. M, lliophv of Taleiil en joyed ii i-il with lelatlvi'H heie Sun ilay. MImh Mmt N'cmI if Tahhi Hoel. was ninimi; tin1 visilniH in (his city Saturday. Mr. mnl Mrs, Warren Mint and family of the Appli-Kiilit ilinlricl were lMlint: at the Iioiiicm of Mi. Mills' parenls, Mr. and Mrx. Cleiii-n linn MulxniMt, mill that of Mr. Mills' !. tars, Mix. I'mnm llclili. and Mis Mary Men, llm hitter pail of hixl wcel:. MNs Audrey Holme, who i leaeli nu at Phoenix, was a home visitor Saturday mid Siiinlnv. Mrs. ,Mns ami litlin xnn left Sun day evening I'or Kiimniih, wlieie Mix, l.ymin uoi'N to cl lie up an cstnle. Mr. Swain and wile and family iiiinle theii depatliire from this place to their new hmne in eiit-lein rireymi a lew da.vn past. Mr. Swain was for two yeats foremmi of lln1 K. S. Pal mer limno place mnl had .'iiiued n iiumlmr of slauneli friend heie, who reu'iel much Ids leiuiim. W. ,1, l-'iieinmi lum ictiiimil from u Imsini'ss dip in the Oreumi melinp hITm. .IiiiIi!' ChailoH (lav of Meilfonl wn here Taesihiy i-it !hk his patents. W-nk has commenced mi the Pa elfin liitsliwnv in the immeilialn 'i nluily of Central Point. Harry Cm Itoa left Tuesdav eve niiiir willi a eailnad of Mock for Poillauil. I PHOENIX PHYLERS I Only a few iluyn left la which to rct-lmer. .1. K, Wortiann In imrvliie on tho federal Jury Uil week. Cement work on Pacific. hlKhwny lam reailii'il I'lrnt ntrcet. Tlm Intosl word from Mrn. J. !', Van Uylui ami lit t lit nun Ih that they nro Hlowly Improvlm;. .In m en Morton Ih In Vnrdiln--ton near North Yaklian, whoro tin Ih ar rancliit: to cxclmnKe hlx fnrm here for a Htoro In WnHlilnnton. MlHri Marlon It. Towim tpon( Tuoit- dny In AMilniiil. MIhh Klnlnliiiiaiaer, of Yrokn, Cat., iipent tlm firm of (ho week with linr hlMler, Mr. S. (J, Van Dyko. .Mr. mnl Mr. AiulerHon or (!rnnt I'uhh Himat purl of tho week with .Mr. and Mr. II. Akt. A. ItolmrlH mnl Hon Churlc Itoli tIh nro huntlnt: In the lilt Ih. K. K. Kurry mnl A. S. Furry loavo thin wimiIi to Hpeinl (lireo wnnk at I lend Indian. .Mr. Krnnrli, a repicKentatlvo nf tho'OroKon Acrlrultural C'oIIok, will Klvo a Incdiro Thurmlay iivpiiIiir oa Community CenlerH." Tlm Incdiro In fmn and I'lmenlv and vicinity nro urtteil to rotuo mnl hoar her. Mth. II. AKnr mnl llltlo daughter Blinnt pnrl of (ho week with lior par- oiiIh at (IraatH I'ubh. Dr. MiiluiKmii' now drnj; ntoro Ib io ho InilK of mono quarried from I'olvor hill. Workmen nro now liuny pr.'puilni; (ho utoiin for (ho IiiiIIiIIiik. 'I'ho fraino work of (ho now ChrlH- iian caurcn ih up and work Ih pro- l.rnchlni; rapidly on tlm now luilld l;u:. Mrfl. CarlnHH entertained taw frlniuls 'fit lunchoon TuoBdny aftnr roon, .1. Under loft TunBilny mornliiK to bco nftnr hlii IntoroKtH In (ho Dead Indian country. Architect C. O. Power, of Meil ford, who hnR churRo or tho work on (ho new IiIkIi Hchool hulldliic wn In town pait nf the wook miinirlntentl Ini: tlm flulHhlUK the work on tho ln toilor, :t ALONG ROGUE RIVER Mr. Mnrrinln moved Mrs. Andy Kluni to Mcdl'oitl from Trail Tuns, tiny, Jessn lliifffilaln of Trail look his sou .lohnnin to ( 'rut nil Point Tucs. ilny In lake llm (rain for Salem to K" to the hlinil institution to snluml. I. ,1, 'Mnrcks is doinj; Momn re pnii' woik on Ihe Trail Telephone linn, Mr. mnl Mrs, dene Hollows took Mr, mnl Miw. (Indium to HnIe Point to lake the train for llm cnM In Hpeuil thn winter. Ilnnry I'Veimh Inudcil a narof wood fur Mrs, Nichols of Meilfonl. Mrs. (Jeoiuo Vy cnleiliiincd Mr llowaiil mid Mis. Kiinlnr ul iliiumi Tiinsduy. .iis, .iiiici iimmiiii win in i.ayii i mnvonv hatl TmniiNrc, Point Sunday Inum-.' Houin diulal work doiin. Mr. iiui Mrs, Syrmaii wt'ie in ten I in I Point Saturday, T, C, Haines altcmli'd tlm anclmu Miik at Tolo Tiii'Milay, Mrs. Daw Iiiim rented the Oliver place nn Trail mid i moviiiK her limihi'lliilil cIIVi'Ih up o llm plnee. MImh Mia llammli rctiirued from Med Colli (hi) lllsl Of Ihe weenie. .Iiisper lliiuimli went to Central Poiul Mmiila. E Ito'iorteil hy .lacknon County Al (rnct Co,, Hlxth unci Kir 8t. Circuit. Haiiiui'l McCllntock v. CforKO H. Cliiimliiirlnln nt al. KlmrlffV return nf KUUimriiiH, Hiimiiel McC'llnlook vh. W. V. Malor el ul. Hhnrlff'n return of hiiiiiiiioiih, I .e Juliet on Keitlly Co. vh. Knra A, Print et al, Hlieiirr'n return of hiiiii iiioiih. l.oxliiKlon Knotty Co, vh. A. K. Hamlin. f;iini Iff return of huiii' iiioiih, I.exliiKlon llealty Co, vn. Clarence V. 1'nrxonH nt nl. HlierlfCg return of hiiiiiiiioiih, ' MnrMiiret 11, Ilutterfluld v. I.ucy W. WIIkoii, o ii x. Hherlff'H return of miimuoiiH. , ' O. M. CornllliiH vn. .1. Merlin Ar cher, et al. Motion for defr.ult. AiiKtiKt Neriimyer vh. ICiirIo DriiK Co, Rllpplnmnntnl coillplnlllt. Hullo 1'al Ik l.umlier Co., vh. Crnutx I'iibh lln ii 1:1m: Co., et ill. Decree. IMellu II. .Seinon vs. Clm. L. Hchelfelln. Order denying motion, W. II. K.vorhnrd u. PnK.-d Klre mnn'ii liiBiirance Co. of I'hlladelpliln. .Million, Lot tin I,. Pellon vn. Anhlaud Pre. BervltiK Co. Certificate of levy, TIioh. II. CoilpaHiuro vh. II. J. Tay lor et nl. Affidavit. .1. O. Case vh. Mr. .M. M. .MrArdle. .lackHon County Hank. Cerdflcato of nttncluncnt. MarKiirel Head vn, Win. A. Allkln, rt nl. Default. Clins. llatotaan et ux vh. Alhnrt Kike et ux. Heply In unit lo foreclose mortKiiKe. W. K. I'liliip va. John Itoclio. Suit to quiet title. H. I.. I'oPwell vh. Hn'nnnh Ollbert nt nl. tiult to foreclmx) niortKai;e. .Mnry C. Cook vh. W. A. Cook. Di vorce. W. X. Camplndl vn. V. I). Slend mnii. Action for inouey. (I. D. lloBley va. D. T. Staples. .Sheriff return nf Summon, Siiinuol McCllutcok v. C. K. Hen- drlckH et nl. Hlierlff'g return of titim IIIOIIH. Rainuel McCllntock vh. (J. A. I.an IU el al. Hherlffs return of aum- iiionn, Saiuunl McCllntock vh, Cnrrlo M. .Ioiioh, KhnrlfCfl return of RumiiiotiR. W. II. KdinuiiilB vh. Nuera MlnlnR R MlllliiK Co., et al. lteply In salt to fomcloBo mechnule'ri lien. Prolialo KBtnlo of Kolly KleldH. PeJHIon and order nppolntliiK administrator. HOLY SEE ASKS FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE 110MU, via Paris. Oct. S, 2i IT. n. in. An arllclo piilillrtld hy the 6aer- vnlortt Hoiaano, the Vatican orKnn, xayH that the Holy See put her nils hIiiii or pouco and charity amoiiK tho peoples or (he earth without distinc tion or raco or religion, nliove every other Interest. The article reminds the clergy and (he faithful that above (he aspirations even or legitimate patriotic fooling mitxt Htand the general Intercut of tho church and humanity and urgo tho clergy to speak to the people ndmou iHlilug thuui to set aside the wish for victory for their own country, which 1 legltlmato In Itself for the more hu manltmlau ami Chriattnn one of unl vwrnnl peaco. It endfl hy recouimeiiillug that (ho cliurclieH he "iiHyluiu of jmaco, ousea or tranquility, where human parlous mid hatred must not enter." GRANDMA NEVER LET HER HAIR GET GRAY Kept her locks youthful, dark, glossy and thick with common garden Sage and Sulphur. Yhon you darken your hair vrith Sage Tea and Bulphur, no una can tell, !- cuius It's ilouo do naturally, no uventy, Vrejarlng thin mixture, though, nt homo Is uiussy and troublcnoino. Ker CO cent you oan buy at nay drug nloro Uto rooily Umiso toafo cjiIIchI "Wyi'th's Siigo nad Hulpliur Hair IteniiMlv," You hut dampen u BHngo or soft brueli with it and draw this through your hair, taking ono biiiuII titraiul at a tlniif. My tiwira lag nil gray hiilr dgn)Hum, mid, after umdher uppllcuthm or two, jour hair Ih'ouiiuu beautifully darkened, gla&iy and liuiirhint. You will nUo dinner dun drulf is genu nil liulr lum topnd falling. dray, faihl hiilr, tlumgli no dUgnux', U a Blgn of old age, uml u wo nil do lru u jmitliful inul nttrvodvu i'S'ar men, get lnmy at once with Vitlh' 4$u iuh! Hulliur au4 luvk jcaiyiuimr, GOURT HOUS NEWS medfokp, omwoy, TfirnsnAY,, ofiToiirai?. b, BUSINESS IN DRY TOWNS IS MUCH BETTER Oregon Committee Gives Report on Cities MERCHANTS TO VOTE DRY hy outos ii. oooriww. 1'uMlclty DrjKirlinriil, Coiiniilllre tit One Jlumtrrtl. The Committee of One Hundred, composed entirely of prominent Oregon men and women, Iimh made a care ful investigation of every dry town in Oregon. The result lias shown that nusiness is lar better in every dry town as a whole; that collections and morals are iiiique.Ktioiiahly hetter; that civic improvement has heen much increased; that building generally is much greater and that sentiment is now overwhelmingly in favor of a dry town. There Is no town In Oregon now dry that will veto wet. Tliii can ho stated without fear of contradiction. J'rotiecutiug officer testify that ar rcits nro fur lean, ranging in one cum) from f!0 to one, to four to one. Officials nmert the vant majority of criminal ennus uro hio to liquor. When crimo dlmluinLea taxes will dimlulnh. Oregon Dry Lower Taxes. Kcncc, Oregon dry means not only better builnees and more work, but lower tale. lu Iloieburg practically every mer chant cauio out openly in favor of a dry town. In b.ilem and Oregon City n largo majority exprem'd tlicmcclvc.i. In Anhlatid it was found Impossible to find a merchant v?ko favored a wot xeglmo. I'endlcton, though wet now, was anserted by many bindncsit hicn (o havo fhown far better condiUunn dry than when wet, nud they nertcd tho town would, In all probability, voto dry, but that Umatilla County mot certnlnly .would voto dry. Dry Towns' Collections Better. Pry sentiment was unusually strong In .Med ford beeauso .Medford moirluuits have noticed the enormous amount of business dono and tho fact that col lections aro better In dry (owns. Albany vra overwhelmingly dry mainly for business reasons. In tho whole Willamette Valley there was Lnrdly noticeable any wet senti ment of great weight. Merchants and residents declared tho hop argument hud fulled heeauno it wan realized that PS cr cent of Oregon heps wero sold nuthiilo Oregon, and Oregon wet or Oregon dry could not affect tho Oro gou Lop crop at all. nop Pickers Want Dry State. For the sumo reason, hop pickers renlicd their jobs were In no danger, mid by far a majority of hop pickers favored Oregon dry because they knew n dry tdnto would bring bc((er comlN tlons in tho hop fields by banishing liipior and drnukeuness from them. At least half n dozen prominent bop growers camo out openly in favor of Oregon dry. Hecauso of better busines?, lower taxes and better collections it now seems certain the merchants of Oregon will voto the tnto dry. Ttld tdrcrtliemtnt by tb Commute rt On Hundred, 718 Morfta Building, Fort Uad, Or(oa. iv L E I N FOR LOTHES M ADE IN EDFORD WANTED lluuiur nrrumteil for wan-nouo on S. I1, (rack4-, ean take rare of 1'J to 15 ear applet for lorago ut a low rate hy (he month. Bennett Investment Co. NEW TODAY Two good lots on tho east sldo, no assessments, will exchange for good team, wagon and harness. 35 acres of high grade alfalfa, and good bulldtugH near Riverside, Cal., will exchange for n good stock iiuich lu southern Oiegou. A bargain lu u six room bonne, beats pu)lii; mat, C. D. IIOON POLITICAL CARDS for coijntv JiKrnuoun. I licrdby nnn6unco mysolf ns tho dcmocrnllc enndtdnto for tho offlco of county recorder of Jackson coun ty, to bo voted on at tho fonoral election on November 3, 10M. 'f elected, I will do my duty as I havo In other responsible position that I hnvo held, LICK h. JACOIJS. (Paid Adv.) I hereby nnnounco myself ns can dldato on tho Hepubllcnn ticket for county recorder. If eloctod I will I'.lvo my imdlvliled attention to tho duties of the office. Klectlon Nov. 8. l'JH. CHAUNCKY KI.OHKY, (I'ald Adv.) COItONKIt. I wish to plnco rny namo hefon the voters of Jaekson county an an Independent candidate for county cor oner. JOHN' A. 1'KKIi. (Paid Adv.) W. W. Usslicr, republican and domorrntlc nomltu.'e. Subject to election November ?, 19 It. (I'ald Adv.) ron siii:itirr I hereby announco myself as the democratic nomlnoo for sheriff of Juckson county to bo voted on at tho general election November .1, 1011. J. K. I1ITTS0N. (Paid Adv.) Hereby announcing myself as re publican cnnillilato for sheriff at tho coming election, I stand on my past record of efficient servlco In tho In terest of tho taxpayer, nnd respect' fully solicit the support of all voters W. II. SINGl.KIt. (Paid Adv.) rnr.VTVTm:.sriti:is. I am tho democratic nominee for treasurer of Jackson county and wilt appreciate your support. S. (SID) I. IlitOWN. (Paid Adv.) I hereby announce that I am the republican candidate nnd nominee for (ho office of county treasurer. FItKD L. COLVIO. IIKI'IIKSHNTATIVE Marian II. Towno. dcinocrntlc-pro-gresslvo nominee for rcpresentaUvc. (Paid Adv.) 1'OIt STATK SKXATOK. II. Von der Mullen, (present Incum bent). ItenuuIIcan nominee, en dorsed also by (he progressive parly, (Paid Adv.) rou.vrv sritvi:vou Democratic candidate subject to election Nov. 3, .191 1. I respectfully rofcr you to my past record ns a basis upon which to Jndgo my qualifications for tho nbovo named office. During tho present term I havo been chief deputy county surveyor, and have been actively engaged in tiiu practice of civil engineering ami sur veying In (ho county for (ho past six years. If elected, I will endeavor (o servo (ho public in a manner that will re flect credit upon the office. A. T. 1II10WN. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby nnnounco myself ns a can dldato for your Insurance. Polling plnee, Jackson County Dank building, open every day. Holmes, "Tho In surance Man." (Paid Adv.) I'OR ItENT FURNISHED AITS. Fb'RTiKN'lTwownTthreo room npnrtmont nicely furnished. Tho Oxford, 223 West Main. 173 FOU ItENT FU11N1S1IEI) AITS. FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phone 247-L. 222 South Holly street. for itent hoard and rooms romvnboaiId Ivy. Mrs. C. L. Grant. 192 FOR SALE OU EXCHANGE Itoguo River Vnlloy Fruit Lauds. Dairy, utocfr, poultry ranches and Timber. Colonization Tracts. Hcsi nll-t ho-) ear-round climate on coast. Health Hosort. Wonderful Moilici ual Springs, Heaver llealty Co., Ahlilund, Oregon, WHY? I am making deals' for a larger per rent of my customers than ut any time sluco I atnrted buslnoss. I want your proposition. I am making up a Real Estate Exchange Rook. I will not list propurtlos ut Inflated values elthor for salo or trado so in quoting prlco of property, give lowest cuhIi valuation. 'JOl Flint Nallniial Raul; Building Plntiio 1U0-.1 J. C. BARNES inn ron nn.M mwsns I'Olt UKNT Four room house fur nished, modern. 717 North Illvor sldc. 17(1 FOIl IlKNT Six room tiOilso, No. 925 North Contr.nl Ave.: nlso 20 nrro ranch, one mile north of cty. Ap ply to J. 14. Howard, room 408, M. F, & II, Hldg. FOTt HUNT 8lx room house, close (o school, C.r0 per month, water paid. Address I, O. box 77fi. 171 FOIt HUNT Two room furnisliod house. Largo rfoset and pantry, electric lights and city water. 3 1 1 West 2nd St., phono C30-M. FOU UKN'T Desirable, strictly mod ern bungalow, with fire plnco nnd screened porch, east front on (lo n ova avenue, See Humphrey. 22 Ooneva. 17." FOIt KBNT Two four room fur nished modern flatn. 730 West lltli. I'hono G21-U. I'Olt A I.I-: ItKAIi liSTATB FoiC&Ciifiij "ocrea Ian d partly Improved, 21 miles southwest of Grants Pass, pear road to coast land Is creek bottom and red bench, prlre $12 per acre. Address box 10, Selma, Ore. 172 FOlfaALK-Alfaira land; In tracts from 20 to 100 acres; price tlnO per acre; 30 per cent cash, balance In 10 years nt 0 per cent Interest; will guarantee five tons alfalfa per acre at $7 per ton in stack; abund ance of Irrigating water; paid up water right with land. Applicant state amount of land desired. This offer holds good until October in. Address "Alfalfa," care Mall Tri bune. 173 fok s.M.n nouHiia FOU BALKA sacrifice, six room bouse with store room and bath, lot r,0xl30, Improvements paid for. filS H, King street, Medford. I'rlco $1200 furnished, worth $2000. Call at later address or room 218, Oarnctt-Corey IJIdg. 171 FOU SAT, T.lVfcSIOCK FO II S A L K-I : I g h tso ws" w It h 67 ' plg all fat; three milch cows, ono heif er, fresh November 1; team mares, weight 2100; turkeys, get-so. hares, machinery, furniture. C. L. Foley, It. It. No. 2, Medford, Oro. 171 FOR SALE Four head of fresh Jcr scy milk cows. J. L. Hagsdalo. Lake creek. FOR SALE FIno well broken work team nnd harness. F. h. Ton Velio, Jacksonville 171 FOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Gas wood saw outfit and small centrifugal pump, like new. reasonable. Dox G6, Itoguo River, Oregon. 17 FOR SALE Corn. !. W. Isaacs. 175 FOR SALE Dine Mission grapes. 1 cent a pound, delivered. Phone R-13W. i; FOR SALE Hot water tank nnd small show case. I'hono 167-J. FOR SALE Half priced two 120 egg hot water I'etaluma Incubator used but once, good as now. Address box 314, Medford. 175 FOR SALE Rig pay. big value, low- priced raincoats. Frco coat. Wrlto for agency. Tho Far West Sales Company, Albany, Oregon. 174 FOR SALE White Leghorn pnllotts. Address Dox. 30, euro Mull Tri bune 171 FOR SALE Corn, 1 cents per pound, 3 miles west of Medford. P, I). I.ofland, phono 403 Jackson ville. 172 FOR SALE A few second hand wood and gas heaters. Palm Rooms, 130 W, Main. 11 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Elderly lady cook. 9 -Flu. Call WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Contracts for wood cut ting or land clearing. P. O. box 302, Medford. 192 WANTED Sowing by day or piece. Mrs. Marquam, 245 So. Central Ave. Phono 379-l. 180 WANTED IISrntLL.4M:OUS WANTED Real estiKo, small ranch or acreage for business nnd resl denco lots in Oakland, Cal., to vnluo $3400. Clins. Nunan, Med ford, R. F, D. No. 1. 172 WANTED Auto In good condition for n moving picture show operat ing lu smnll town, closo to Med ford. Address P, O. box 33, Ash land, Oro. 174 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Good 3tf wagon, horse and truck, Incubator and broodors, want polo wood, cow, shonts or what. Phono 25-R5, 172 FOR TRADE Good violin In case for medium size heating stove, wood burner, Phono 751-J. 171 FOR EXCHANGE Eight room house clear, to trade for live stock. Bouuett Investment Co. EXCHANGE Want to soil or buy anything? U C Rader, 114 N. Front St. Phouo 125, Nuff 8od. ...... .r. LOST LOST No. plato 11,507 and electric tall light. Howard for return to It. R. Fruit & Product) Ahbo. LOST I laud grip lu Medford. Ho turn lo Clay Colo, 81!) Tuylor H(. Howard $2.00, 174 LOST Overcoat between Ninth and not tli olid Central avenue, Return lo 11. II, F, H. P. usuii., 18 Wwl Mulit mid recelvu rewurd, 172 pAtJw.fjfiyR.- - -j-'jv "T7 HUBiNHMi iHjiKtmm. .,j.-:s it00m fltttv rfWI)ninl LAMER AUTO 8PRINO CO. W aro operating the larest, aldtt and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use our uprinw when others (Alt. Bold under guar snteo. 20 North Fifteenth St., rortianu, ore. SUlA'HSSa Notnrjr IMiblio HELEN N. VOCKEY Notary pub lic. Drlng your work to ma at tho sign of tho Mall Tribune. a Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STOItAOH CO. Office 42 tNorth Front St. J'hon 316. Prices right. Service kuai tnteed. Attornuys PORTER J. NEFP, WM. 1 MMALHY Attornoyn-nt-Lttw, Rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford Nutloual Dank hldg. A. E. REAME3, LAWYER Coroy hldg. Garnett- Wm. M. Colvlg, George M. Itolmrts COLVIO & ROUERT8, LAWYERS Medford National Hank Jlulldlng. n. F. MULKBY ft OEO. W. OMERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Rank Building. , NEWTON W. DORDBN Attorney At law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford. Oregon. CJilroprnctom DR. A. It. MEnons, Dr. Lbulso K. Hedges Mechano-Thornplnts, Chiro practors, Spondylothnrnplsts. Thefl systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thoraphy. etc., prod uro results In both acute nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and DartlcU. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. PR. R. J. LOGKWOOD,, Chiropractor, norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205, Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and sclcntlflo mntsago given; noedlo spray, head and shoulder shower in connection; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics,, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, office S43, residence Mt-lt, Employment Agesc We are here to help people get re liable, competent help. We fur nish help In almost all line of business. We make a specialty of competent mon and wives for ranches. We solicit your patron age. Dlttner's Real Estate and Employment Bureau, Rooms G and 7 Palm Building, Medford. 1'qom 858. Mrs. Byrd Caster. Manager, auccesser. a DeatUU DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN BCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey Hldg., suite Sit Medford, Ore. Phono 860. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 32S-L. k Y. Allen. Instruction to Miwlc i HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO 110 So. Laurel. Fred Alton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence Halllday Halght, volco. Telephono 17C-R. Hlccngrapnere SHOE REPAIRING First class she repairing, on modern electric machines while you wait. K. N. Blden, located In Kldd's Shoe Store, Phono 313J I'hycslclnns ana Burgeons DR. f O. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopath! physicians, 410-417 GarnetC-Corey bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 2G South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physicians, 303 Onrnett-Corey building. Phono 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician ana surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, uoso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Main St, Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. . Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; rcsldeur.o phone fiS-R. DR. MARTIN O. BAHI1ER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Pain block, opposito Nash Hotel. Houre 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician aud surgeon. Phones, office 3C, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. . MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited' to diseases of women. Office 232 B. Main. Phones, residence, 8J4-J3; office 814. U. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Luma deu, 215. E. Main St. Phone 77;' ' DR. MO M. M. DOW Ptiyslclu taae '.-; I aiirgoon. Dr. Lydla S. Dawr-Oe-i . Nl teopathlo physician, offices 3-4 Ut, i- Mark's bock. Piionn 100. Itest- denco tho Dow Hospital, Cktrl ",4i Point. '.r i rg Printer aita Publisher '? ui'nr.'nnn puintino r.n. ku th best eaulpped printing offlow. l " southern Oregon; hook MMUiK, '"-' loose leaf ledgers, billing yswe etc, Portland prieea V )feft Ftr St. f ' WterlMMi'leM DR. A, W, KOItlXMJK VUfwl. oriiee in miwiwh 10, night tiktm Hotel. Ahwmm tilubt " fi n 4 '4 1 S" V J . ijj imgri "... ..'.W. lMi- A