, DCnglftJi.a,r4,.t -4-wjuHfw"- 4f - Jtr MMf -- i $Xati Tdxte' r MDFORD MAfTi TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OKFXION, TIUmSDAY, OCTOBER 8, WW i-M P W 'ii i; V H j Si V 1 K I Of I MEDFORD MAIL TKTDUNE AN INDKl'KNDnNT NICWKPAPRtl rtJBMBUKU KVKIIT AVTRHNOON XCK1T BUNIJAY BT TIIH MICUKOUU 1'IUNTINO CO. Offlcn Mll Tribune llnlMtnir, 35-17-SI North Kir atreat; telephone 75. TM IHtnocmtle Time. The Umlford IHI, Tho Mcdfnnl Trlbuno, Th South. rrt OrfKonlnn, The Aahlnnd Tribune. VBtOKPTIOK KATM Ono year, by mall .,18,00 One month, by mnll -..i. - .50 Tr month, drtlvrrcd bjr currier In Mnlfonl, JnckRonvllle and On Iriil Point.-. .... .50 Ratiinlny only, by mnll, por year S.00 Weekly, nor year .. .. .,-.,.- 1.60 Official Purer ot the City of MtjforC Offlrlnl Pajxsr of Jurkson County. Rnterrd nn nrcond-clnsa tnattar at afedtonl, Oregon, under the aot ot March 3, 1871. With Mrdfor 8tnrM)Ti E E WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. S. During tho noxt decado thcro will probaldy be nn Increased demand for American horses In the countries now engaged in tho European war. Tho demand may oven contlnuo much longer, according to investigators of tho U. S. department of agriculture, ns not only will horses bo needed for nrmics, hut when peaco Is restored, more will bo needed for agriculture. Already European agents aro said to bo endeavoring to purcliaso horses In this country and Canada, and thcro Is an increased Interest In many sections In horse breeding. To meet this Increased European demand American farmers may well endeavor to ralso well-bred liorses, although tho department of agricul ture docs not ndviso them to purchase a surplus of horses merely for breed Ing purposes. It merely advises that ordinary farm work should bo dono whenever possiblo by good marcs which should bo bred to good stal lions. It also dcRlrcs to emphasize tho fact that only horses of high quality may bo profitably raised to day. Inferior horses aro a drug on tho market, and their production Is to bo discouraged us much as the production of good horses should bo encouraged. Tho United States lias previously been drawn on to supply European countries at war. In tho Doer war over 100,000 horses were bought hero by tho llrttlsh government. It may bo doubted whether a foreign gov ernment could now obtain a similar supply In this country, except at ex ccesIvo cofit. Howovcr, It farmers tnkc pains to titlllzo their good marso during this winter to breed them to good stallions, In tho course oi bcvcral years (timo enough for tbe fnals to develop), America will bo better able to meet tho European demand. SEE ISLANDS 10 STOP WARSHIPS TOKIO, Oct. 8, It) a. m. (Jovirn ntriit oi'ljciulK ore t-aicful to k-i-ii a Iv Hint (lie Inking of the (Jcrmnii inluiul of Jitluil, bent of, government ill llio Mnr.-Iinll uru!iiiclitgo, l'ncii'ic, iiinl the destruction of the German Iuk.0, was not an occupation. Never theless tliov declare that Japan's as Miianccs Unit thu empire Iiiik no am bition for territorial n;:j;rnudizciiii'iit in u.-1 not ho inteioretetl to mean Unit Japan will refrain from tit!;in step-, iiccohbiiry for th pernterlion of com merce. Tho foieitip office him UmiimI no slati'inent relnfivo to the future status of Jnluit. Huron Kuto, inini--ter of foreign nffnii, hits nHured the American nmhnHdor to Jupnu, ,(ciirjc V, tlutlirjo, that the tiljiii' of the ixliiuil unri it miljtury Jicccnitv. Duron Kato said that the (lerman fleet eluded imrsucrs and that the Jiuiniierlnvliicli i( tiuvtirrti coal wuh n mystery. PARENT-TEACHERS MEETING ON FRIDAY The Wndiinjilon Hehool I'ntint Teaeherh' nstoeiation will meet nt the jhcluml Friday at !l p. in. After a hpef Imminent? M'hxiou tho following progriim will he rcudeieil: jiibtrtunrnifi mim . ' .Cninliim Paul Koadiu . -MUh IK'ithii K. Ilawldin oiifr-. r -Hceoud niudo pupils Kiibjucl for dincuhhiou, "1'iopcr Kuliiui'iil iiinl llntv to Olitnin It." l,cfiii'i, Mih, Zininiiir, Aljft. I mini n, 4U I'linilier. : IIP PE SE HR WAR A FOR PROHIBITION A SI NO 101? Mi mid xonlous crusadiM' in tho t'miso of pro hibiiion writes, ronroaMiinij tho Mail Tribune for not aiding in tho "fight, to extirpate evil," as hu stylos tho prohibition oanso. savs, ainoinr othor things: There aro Mill sowings of the devil which are scattering deatli and destruction abroad. At tho forefront stands tho saloon, destroying ntoro lives than war, dealing nut mirroring, shame, sin ami death to multitudes; destroying more homes than war. Are roads and orchards of more value than our boys and girls? Shall hornet ho ruined and youth defiled and no voice raised by ou In protest? Arc you wllllm; to contlmto to stand only for tho material good of Mod ford and tho valley? Will ou not work, nt earnestly, for their moral, as for their material uplift, and for the security of their homes and youth? It' logislativo aot oo initiativo hill oonld aholish sin and sorrow, ohanijo human naturo and bring tho inillouiiuu, tht! .Mail Tribnno would bo only too glad to champion it. Reform, to ho offoctivo', must bo from within rathof than from without. It is tho result of knowledge, not ol emotion. It is impossible to out the chains of habit, and upset sincere conviction by manifestos. This regulation of other people's a flail's, this effort to. club people to bo good, according to tho clubber's desires, bv the passage of suijiptuary laws, was given a thorough tryout in the time of Cromwell. Despite a Puritan army to enforce repressive and prohibitory measures, the kill joys and long-faces failed lamentably in their efforts to coerce the people into virtue, and in the relapse of the restoration, vice ruled triumphant. In the law of naturo, moderation is virtue and excess is crime. The individual must develop the strength to resist excess, not only in the use of liquor, but in all things. This strength cannot bej conferred by coercive laws remov ing temptation. No sumptuary legislation can create vir tue and no amount of community guardianship create strength. Because prohibition entails an obnoxious and busy body interference with personal liberty, creating a never ending turmoil of trouble, and is therefore undemocratic; because it is a revival of the narrowness and bigotry of Puritanism with its sniffling liypocricy. a relapse froni the enlightened tolerant democracy of the twentieth century to the intolerant darkness of the seventeenth, the .Mail Tribune now, as in the past, opposes it. Prohibition is a failure because it docs not prohibit, nor can it bo made to prohibit. It is impossible to enforce a law opposed to the wishes and desires of a large portion of the people. This is demonstrated iu every prohibition state or community and proven by the Increased manufac ture and sale ot spintous liquor, despite the increased "dry" area. The proposed Oregon prohibition law makes no :it tempt to prohibit. It openly sanctions the "distribution" of liquor, forbidding only its sale and manufacture. Lt opens wide the door for mail order and express shipments, stimulates business outside the stale and kills Oregon in dustry. Prohibition, however, docs abolish the saloon. It sub stitutes for the regulated anl licensed place of distribution the unlicensed, unregulated blind pig, the boot-legger, the club locker and the mail-order house. The control of the liquor business is a local matter and should be left f the community as it now is. Those communities that wish to abolish the saloon can do so now. Those that wish to retain it have that privilege. Prohibition docs not improve the morals or economic status of people. Dry Kansas is no better or more pros perous tluit wet Nebraska. Dry Ashland is no better or more prosperous than wet IMedford. Local option permits each community to regulate the liquor problem itself, and home rule is the foundation of democracy. A great majority of the men of America! arc moderate drinkers. The Committee of Fifty, in its famous investi gation of the liquor question, reached the conclusion that not more than five per cent of the great host of drinking men can be classed as decidedly intemperate. 1 localise the five per cent cannot control their appetites is no argument against the moderate and wholesome use of alcoholic bev erages by tho vast majority of sane and upright men. Temperance means moderate use and enjoyment. Why punish the ninety-five, for the sins of the fiveV Why sac rifice society for the sins of its weaklings' This is no argument or defense of the saloons. They are permitted to exist in some communities in return for licenses issued, for which they pay roundly, because experience has proven that this, if not the best, is at least the most practical way of solving the liquor problem. The saloon of today is entirely different from the saloon of a few years ago. The' brothel features and gambling games have been eliminated. Strict laws com pel the keeping of order and regulate the sale of liquor, torhmuing it to minors, lemales or habitual drunkards. In other words, the saloon has been and is being made respect able. The saloon has" no business in politics and .should be conducted within the law as any other business. "When this is fully realized, and it is so conducted, the hysteria against it wjll largely subside. U'Ren Upon Exemption Law To the Editer: Will you or your reader, or homo of (ho mortgage ami diamond own- eih who mo opposing the l.'iOll homi'H tax exemption, kindly and fully anwer tho following ipichtiens: Fifteen hundred dollars invested in a mortgage is not taxed iu Oregon. Why hIioiiIiI not .-flfiOu also he exempt if it )H invested iu farm buildings', eows, tenuis, laud lileiuiugs ami or churdK with which o make a living' PilU'i'ii bundled imlliii'tf spent lor diamonds uinl jewelry "in iietual use" is h law oM'iupl fipm lav in Onttoti, Why should iin fl'fiOO b)i'iit I'oi (i dwelling- house mid furniture "iu ac tual use" he exempt from taxf The uroposcd .fl.'iDII homes lax exemption does not apply to corpo ration. The "real dcuaitinciit stoic, will get nothing from this neither will the hkyMTiipcr nor the rail- John A. Perl UNDERTAKE Lady Assistant M H. IMIITLKTT fboatw M. 7 M 47-Ji tuibuUupt feririro lpuy (Vrosr Dollarhidc Toll Road and Its History Thin article upon tho Doltarhlrtt, toll road Is furnished by O. II, Wat son of Ashland, attorney tor Mr. Hol Inrtitilu In his controversy with tho county, and presents the Dollarhldo view: (Continued ftont jesterdity.) No effort was over made by .lack son county to Interfere In any wn with said road until September 1. I SOT. the said county court made an order directing tho road supervisor to remove the toll gate. On Novem ber I, ISOfi, tho order not having been complied with, tho writer, as attor ney for Dollarhldo, moved said court to expunge and revoke said order on tho ground that the "court under tho law, neither had nor has any Juris diction !u tho promises, or over said road, tf make such an order." The court revoked said order, and among other things says: "The court having heard tho argu ment and the law thereon, and being fully advised In the premises, "It Is therefore ordered and ad judged that said order bo and the same Is hereby revoked and shall stiuul for naught and as though tho same had never been made." Subsequently tho ownership and possession of said road and nil rights and privileges thereunder, became vested In L. 1). Dollarhldo who has never sold, alienated nor Incumbered tho same, Tlili tuny scent somewhat lengthy hut there has been so strenuous nn effort made to make It appear that I. D. Dullarhldo Is an Interloper and highwayman, th.tt In Justice to him and thu public I ask that this bo pub lished In fu'I. Thu historical data aloao Is worth It Dollarhldo sold that portion of the ro'id from Darren's place up to Stein man to the county for Pacific high way purposes at tho beginning of tbe construction, rlure which time It has been tho ilu'y of tho county to keep It up. The lounty has absolutely ucgleeted to do so until It Is nliuo.tt Impassable and yet the public Is made to believe that It Is Dollarhldo'x road and his duty to keep It up. Dollar- Geography of CHALONS Silt MAItNi: TO NANCY The ctftutrv him; between Chnlon Mir Marue and Nuiicv In rich iu historv and full of point of present-day intere-t. Ily mr-liiie the din twice between Nancy and Chalons U S.'i milex; by rail it in 1 It miles and by canal, "The Marue ami the liliine." which extend from the head of mitigation mi the .M.irne rier into (Icnmiuy, about I '(). The tir-t mi pnitnut town out of Chalou by tail is Vilry le p'runcoN, with a popula tion of about illlUO. Thi. place wa fonnorh fortified, and, being located at the eni-i-roitiU lending to Chalons Cliiiumout, l-'oiitaiuhleau and other point, is a rdrntegie position. Mc yond Vilry h an unintere-lln;r farm- in;; country, aflir which w one to Itar le Due, with its monument to the boy o" the .Mcuc, who fell in the war of 1H70, it beautiful church of St. I'icire, and it monument of the .Michaiix, a 1'amilv who iiitiodueeit ii)iortaut inipio.oniciilf in the mniiu fuel lire of hie,ccs lleyoml Longc vill llicie h a railroad liiuncltwo and a half iiiilcn long, and a long hit ies of cut and I ills through which the line wies through the height i between the uillcy of the A'-ne aril the Mene. Ninety-two mile from Chaloim in the foitificil Iowa ol'Toiil, which resisted the Hermans lor fortv days during the Franeo-I'russian war. A little fuillicr on lien Livei iliia, where a tunnel carries the .Meiise road, hut the little merchant inn save something on his tuxes. The mortgage lax law of Oregon wiiti repealed iu WXl, and moitgagcs have not been taxed since then, in iiiii-t of the counties, including Clackamas nd .Multnomah. No one can justly oppose allowing the I'll nner itnd the little home owner so small an exemption while so many wealthy people mid corporations are exempt on their mortgages and dia monds, not to mention the money on which thee never do dii" tax. Kuiet rely yours, Y. S. C'llKN. Oregon City, Sept, III), 1UII. STAR THEATRE TODAY Kl&w and Erl&nger Present "The Fatal Wedding" OTHER PICTURES IOC ADMISSION 10c li'do guvn the county and the con traitors tho light to cross his toll toad In coiiMi'iictlug tho I'aclfle hlglu way with (lie e.vpreim undeistandlnii that Hun 'oio not lo block or oh. tllicl It, Vet they hao comitructed a fill directly ncioss his io:ul funp side to side, that Is It! feet high on I tho down hill side ami eight feet high on the other side. Tho contractors have also, without leave, llceuso r consent nppioprhtcd 000 feet of tho toll road and forced tin ttao cut of tho tool and among the locki, Many things Unit aro absolutely tnln., have been puhtlhhed to the dun. it;n of Dollarhldo th.tt could and oukIc to have been corrected by the author Itles. Dollarhldo has not tried t obstruct, hinder, nor delay tli-i con struction, lt would bo foolMi for him to do so and ho Is not n fool lie knows tho highway will bo Itit'l and has done many thing to fa )r it. lie knows too, that theru Is no other road for travel between .lack sou county and California hht this toll road. Only a fool would expect him to keep It open for free travel Were he to tilt work on It It would bo Impassible In two weeks after bad weather sets In, yet It would appear that tho effort being mndo against him Is for this purpose and may suc ceed. Tho road was built and has been maintained by private enterprise for taoro than E0 ,ears without n cent In tuc, to bo paid theiefor. It has been offered to tho county at various Union at a cost which Is a mere baga telle, but tho county has refused be cause of tho oxK)iise of maintaining It. Tho building of tho Pacific high way across tho mouutnln at a prob able cost ot almost $20n,ti(H) suggests tho very high Importance to this county of tho travel over it, jet we have this effoit to hamper Mr. Dol larhldo In his aim lo arcommodato tho travel until this elaborate high way Is reav to take It over. No otio knows how soon tho highway will be open, and It does not auger great business Judgment to absolutely rlo all traffic with California except by rail, the War Zone and liliine eiuinl beneath the town. The scenery in llus icyton is nid to In- pciluiM the most beaulilul In tin cnlue journey from Can to Sliii bnrg. Nitnev is 'JO mile from Tool by rail. The railroad from Chalons to Nuiicy parallel the Mnnie nxer and canal to Nnucui le I'etit, crosrc the .Mcuse near Sorev uuil the Ifloue near Naney. West of Itar le Hue tin allcy run east ami west, wjiilc cast of that point they mil uoith mid south, which mnluvi the mililarv piob Iciu in the two sections somewhat dil'feieiit. You (let tlio Ilest Thcro Is when you amok (lor. Jo un ion cigars and patronize homo Indus trim - - j Planning for the Stork's Arrival ArnenB, thri llilnu which nil women lliould know of, iiinl many of Minn tin, Ik a siilemllil ex ternal iii4eitiiii l)i In muHt ilrug alnrrs umlcr thn nnnio of "Motlii-r's rileml." It Is a jwiiPtrnlliiif llnulJ iiinl many ami mnny n mother tells limv lt no wumlorfully nl'lr.l thfin throiicli llio jrfrlixl of ekpo Inner. Us clilrf purp'rtn li lo rcmler llio tmi'lons, IIimiimiiiIm iiinl iiiiicIoh uh pliant that nature's oxpimlun may lio nrcuin pllnliri without thu Intonxu nlniln- nt rten clmructrr.latla of thu twrlud of (Xpeetiiuey. M any nito It It rcnnonnlilu to ltlovo that Klnro "Mother's Krleml" lias lum a loiniuitilon to ninttiQrli'Msl fur more tlnti halt a century no morn tlm ly mlvlcu rou Id ho kIvoii th'i Inxn:rlc(ic-1 mother than to HUtfllcat u dally uio durhu; cx isttmicy. Ask at any Oruj; iloro for ".'folher'n rrlTi'l." a imirtratlmr, external lliiuld of Krwit lirlp ami valuo, Ami wrlln to llnnlllelil IltKUlntor Co., 303 1-ainur IMi;., AtlAiita, (ln for tlitlr book of iwful nml timely Information to exixetnnt mothers. It rotitiiliiH many niiKctatloim tint nru of Inlttol lu ull wuinun. TT Theatre vi:iNi;sn,v -TiiimsiiAV Kvory day matlueo 'i p, in. till r. p. in. KvoiiIiik 7 p, in. till II p.'m, A contiuiiotiH iihow. rtu:i) uv iu:avi:u uki-ikk Two reel K-!5 of myatory and thrlllH, oikIIiik In a lovo romaucu, ix Tin: oi.im.'iiKs oktiik .x TWO m, KKVKTOXK COMIIDV TUIIKCV TIlOT TOWX A ThanhoiiHur, I Or .WiW.W'r) 10c tirl QMW7m PAGE THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Mnllnvc 2:30 1. M. Kvi'iiIiirs 6:30 l. M.. 8: 15 I'. M. Doors Opni 'llilrly Minnies llofoit' I'ciformiiiHi! WILLIAM FARNUM INTIU';TIIKII..IN(i CUIITINC IMIOTO IM.AYOr ALASKA uric diyK KEp ' t n)M mi: inniK nv ui.x iikacii riiuiK At. is, mm; I'Ains PKICKS OK ADMISSION Matinee, lower floor Ue i M.illuec, billion 0c Night, lower Moor 2.'.e MkIiI. balcony IDe llox Seats . . ftOe An advance, in tin; ri'tilar price of nilmiMiioii lo (lie Vav. 'I'lttNiIro tint it rctliiclidii in tin price climncilMor "ihc Spoils" in other cilice I PAGE THEATRE I (II ill I ill cjl C) (I ill j Saturday Evening, Oct. 10 1 ONli NIGHT ONLY 1 'i di I.) - . , ,;, I MR, WILLIAM A. BRADY 1 ANNOUNCES DeWoli am Gilbert 6 Sullivan Opera Co. Willi A llltll.l.lANT Itkllu I'atlcrson Cl.tdys Cnldwcll Jaync llcrhcrt Aniilicl Joiirtlnn KrrlMTl Wiilcrotis Henry Smith Miiuilt! Mortlntiiit Una llrooks AM) The Finest Light Opera Ensemble andChorus ever heard in America "MR. IIOITKIl AT HtS BEST" CIiIchko Trihmic. Ill Revivals of Gilbert & Sullivan's Greatest Comic Opera "The Mikado" A Real Gilbert & Sullivan Revival PRICES OF ADMISSION 1st 14 rows lower floor $2.00 Balance of lower floor 1,50 Rows 1, 2 and 3 Balcony i;50 Rows 5, 6, 7 and 8 Balcony .... 1.00 Rows 9, 10 and 11 Balcony .... .75 Rows 12, 13 and 14 Balcony . . , , ,50 Seat sale now'on. Box office onen 10 a. in. dailv. Mail Orders received for s payable to Pnjjo Theatre. &Whty'ttM'fiitWiiiitttyi!t'HiWii$ i . -taI Hopper mi: CAST INCI UDIMi Arllinr Altlriiluo Arllitir ()iiiiiiiii;li:iiii John Will.ird Herbert (Jripps which checks should he made MT&r, Jt . 4 . ..MMMttltu' JtVHKl,'MnMtKJUJli.mMtUrMHl4 f -HAmHIH. t. ,. mm wjwnH -