Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 08, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Statement hy Suiicrvlsor Pctrrson to
Scholars Wro Participated In In
dustrial Club Fairs In County anil
To tli) boys nml glrlx who luivn
ilimo liidustrliil club work In .lurk
stili county, or who oiiturud exhibits
at nny of our fnlm:
For lliit present year tho fair sen-
mm Is over, having cIohciI with thu
Mate fair nt Halom. .Many or you
won prUim at thu different places,
Home of you worn dlHapoplntod In HiIh
icspoct, although you il let splendid
work. Hul I (runt that llinsei of you
who won no prlzi'H will not liu ills
e'ournged. You l not ittnke n full
urn. Kouicoiio clue illil bettor than
ou, that'n all, JiihI roiuonilior, "real
falliiro Ih not for thu hoy who falls
unce: It'll In not getting up there's
proof of ( hit dunru," Ho If you ilhl
not win, iiiuki) up your uiliul tliat uxt
)iiia you aro going to i;lvti tlm oilier
fellow a harder ram than ho hail 1 1 Its
y ru r.
If you niailii n real nlfoit to pro
iluro something, hut illil not get a
single prle at any of tlm fair, your
uffortH hnvi! not hecu In vain. The
gicntcst pilxu of all nml t ho one that
will really May with you Ik Hid r-at-or
ofHrloncy that you have gained
iIiioukIi experience. If you wore In
tlm potato.growlug content ilurliiK
tho punt ncimou, and, stuck to your
work faithfully you surely Know
iiiui'h moro ahoul potato growing
now than you ilhl a year iiko. Thu
snino Ih trim If ou followed any one
of thu dull projects. Tlm knowledge
ami skill that you havo gained
through your ntforlw ami your oxper
leuro unit (liu real Interest that you
havo ar'iulriMl In thu work may prove
of untolil valiio to you In tluin to
roiiit'. At any rato you aro better
prepared to iiiitur tho ran- next year
thnii you woiitil havo kiin hail you
not trleil thlit year.
Spuds liy I'tu eel foil
I havo In niliul an Industrial rluh
In it little roiniuiiulty away ofr In tho
UiouiitalUH. I'nto wan ngaltnit thu
member. Their season was late,
crops illil not niaturo In lluio for tho
fairs; "scab" got Into tho potatoes;
hawkH look tho chicken, fruit Jam
worn liroken In shipping ami In other
waH. Tho ineuilicrs knew hufoio
they entered tlm fnlr that they could
not win any of tho'prlxcM. Yet they
illil not give up- Ah they aro 4"
miles off tlm main roml, (hoy had to
ship thnlr exhibit out hy parcel pout
com Including 'arri ami stalks, a
peck ami a hill of potatoes, cabbage,
onloiiN, carrots, parsnips and heatiH,
and canned fruit, All thexo wuut
IIiioukIi to tho Rtato fair, 3.10 miles,
hy parrel pout. And they arrived
there In good comlltlnn. TIioukIi
these boys and girls did not win a
prim t It Ih year, their efforts aro cer
tainly roiiiiiiemlahle, and I vendue to
assert that their experience Iiiih placed
them In tluo to give suuicono a
mighty Interesting rato next year.
The federal eouil ill I'nr.liiinl has
ilenicil llio iiiolioii of the 1'ily ol' Ali
luml for (he ilimiMil of Hie iK'titmii
tin u ieiuiiiut'iit injunction against
the eilv filed Noveuiher 'J8, IUi:i, h.v
Hie Ashland Kleeliio Cower & Light
company. The eity is lr. injr to ef
lent the leiuiiMil of llie equipment of
Hie elechie eoiuiiiu,v from the streets
n' Axlilaml. The company nei. Ilml
il linr heen granted u iieiiiiiiueiit
iVuueliixe, nml refuses to lio ousted,
The franchise was ih-sci .lanuur.v
I'll, 1HHII, hul was levokeil .Inly M,
till I, on the ground Hint the ooin
puny IiimI no! ftilfilfed its tonus, The
poles nml wires of the oompuny were
orilereil reuioveil from the streets.
Tlm coiiipnuy I hen us;cd for uu in
juueliou unit Hie eity replied hy til
ing it molioii In have Iho peliliou ells.
iiiIhni'iI, As ii result of Judge Wol
voi ton's ileeisitin the ciimi will now
eoiuu to trial, The point at isniie,
nct'oiiliiiK' to (he court, is "whether
it is competent I'm- tho council of
Ashland to confer it perpetual rihl
or iiulliorily to llm company." W. I).
I'Vntou iintl A, V, llou-jli of (Irnuts
I'lisH represented thu plaintiffs, while
V, .1, Mourn nml A. I!. Kennies of
Metlforil were In chart-u of tlm cm mi
for thu ilefcuiluiits
lo It Tooay
rtoolvo to amoko (lov, Jolnmon c
litri) Uio boHt, nnd thorohy palronU
Iiuiiio luiliiHtry, ' U
Tholr mitlHractlun In kuowliiK that
tlmy carried their proJectH through
to thu end Ih III Itmilf a doHlrahlo
prlyi). II hIiowh that Uicho lioyn and
l-lrlN havo In tlinui tho niakliiK of ineii
and women who will acconipllnh real
HiIiikh In tlm future,
IIiiIcm to lie Hlmpllflcil
TIioho who nuut oxhlhltH to thu ritato
fair will rncelvu thoiu hack no far an
II In pohhIIiIii to rein in thoiu. Home
HiIiikh, nuch ii m nielonii, wuru cut hy
tho JuiIkch and of coiiiko can not ho
returned. Thuro would hu llttlo or
no lice In roturuliii; Kreeu vi'KotnhluM,
Koiuo HhlpmeutH reached tho fair
without Identification martin ami It
wan IniponHllild to toll whoKo the
were. If hoiiiuHiIiik of youra Ih not
rittitrimd, tulephotu! or wrlto to tho of
flco of Siipnrliitiiiidout Wells at .lack
mnivHlo, kIvIuk a full description of
llm article. It will ho located and re
turned If pomilhlu.
Wo aro not prepared at proHciit to
Hay much aliout duh work for tlm
co in I n year. I low over, It In Hitfo to
imHert that tho mien will hu much
ulnipllfleil and that wu nIiiiII hu hut
ter iiropared to carry tho work
throiiKh morn aurccHHfully and with
KriMiler HittlHfactlou to all coucurneil.
ICvery hoy and ulrl In tlm county
who coiuphttiid a duh project, wheth
er he won a prize or not, will ho kIvoii
a certificate anil iiImi an acliluvumuut
I.It of .liiiltMin (.'iiiinty I'rlo Winner
nl SI a In I'ii I c
Com, flmt, l. I'. I. K, trip. Claim
Charley, llrowiiHboro.
I'olaloeH, flrnt, P. I. I. i:. trip,
Audley Mejer, l.nku Creek.
Corn, firm, $1 .SO, Kilmer IIiikIc),
Talent; third, ll.oil. Tyranno Kiikk-
diilo, 1. it ho Creek; hitoiiiI, J 1. '-'.',
Thou. ItiiKHdalo, l.nko Creek; third,
$1,(10, Pontile Lowe, Ahhhiml: fourth,
"Sr, Audley .Meyer, l.nko (!reek,
Watermelon, find, f I.SO, Viva Mr
Douotinh, AhIiIiiikI; hecoud, $t.'JS,
Henry I'are, Tnlent.
I'limpkln, third, $1.00, Viva Mc
DoiioiikIi, AhIiIiiikI.
I'otatoeri, fifth, SOr, CcorKe (Jrny,
Ahhland; potatoes, fourth 7rc, Aud
ley Meyer, l.ako Creek.
CahhiiKo, tlrnt $1.S0, Joe Dnvln,
Oliloiiri, find, $t.S0, Walter I.nw,
ItoKUe Klver; flrt, $1.50, Carl Ma
Rerle, ItoKiiu Itlver.
Illrd hoiiHii, fifth. SOc, I.nw route
Amlerxon, Cold Hill.
.Manual Ann, find, $I.S0, Itoy
Cinry, AHhlnud; hccoiiiI, ILL'S, Arnold
Itlckuian, AhIiIuiiiI; fifth, SOc, Melvln
Whipple, ItoKiiu Itlver,
CoinpoHltlon on Mnniinl Arts, first.
$ I. Till, Kdwnrd Cauiorou, Snum Val
Ilrend, third, $L00, Mildred Lynch,
Talent; fourth, T.'c, Alta Dunlap,
Derby; fifth, SOc, Chloe ItohertH, Tnl-
out; flrHt, $ l.SO, Maud McCatdln,
Canned Trult and VoKetnbloR, sec
ond, ILL'S, Leta .StovoiiH, Talent.
ChlckoiiK, third, $1.(10, Leta Slov-
eiiH, Talent.
i:. it. iKTi:it.soN,
ltural School 8uporlbor.
NACt), Ariz., Oel H. After n hrief
lull heuiiiuim- iihoiit miiiui'iht, (lover
imr .Miiyloieuu reopcucil his itttuck
toiluy upon Hie Ciiiniliii utiiri-on in
N'iico, Souora. I IU sliiapuel fire up
pt'iired to he much moro effective,
mill (Icncrul Hill, coiiiiniiiulin Hie
iowu's ilefeiulers, hcpiu prcpiirntiiuis
to retreat.
During Iho firiim mine liullels fell
tu to the American town than ut any
lime provioitMy mitt protests uniii
were uiiiile to tlm opposing Mexienn
Similar protest iliinii; llm mis)
few ilnys elicilcil the sluleiucnt front
Miiyloreuii Hint hi; couhl not entirely
control tlm Yuuui Indian, who lnic
ly coinpo-e liis forces.
J'AltIS, Oel. 8, t'Ji.Vi p. in. A
niiriiiiiu imroplium ilyiut' over I'uri
unit llm sulunhn of Aulinrvilliurs ami
St, Denis ut II o'clock this moiuiim,
ilroppeil two homhs, mm of which
woiiiiilcil Ihreo pt'isons, Thu oilier
tliil no ha ii n.
With Mmlford trudo ) Htdford nmde.
'i , JmdmKGmj
WASHINGTON, I). C, Oel. 8.
The fpeeinlistM uf the fruit uml eue-
tuhle utilisation hihorutory of the ilr-'
paitmcul of iiyriciiltuie have cum-
pkicil urriiUKcuicuts I'uru eoinmeieial i
lesl of Hie recentlv ili-roverol !
uietlioit of eoiiceiitnitiut; upple eider1
hy frcc.m uml cent ri filial uu-lheiU. I
A u rcMilt a cider mill in the llooili
Itiver xiillcy, Oieou, will tin- Inlli
iiiuleitake to iiiiiiiiifiic un- nml tivt on j
thu retail maiket H)(l(l iiIIoik ot oti-1
eenlrateil eider, which will rci'icM'nt
."itlllll 'iillniw of oKlinary apple eider
with only the water icuiovcil.
The new uietlioil, it i Imlicvcd,
miikespo-.hihle the coiiceiitiiiliu of
cider in Mich a wuy thai it will keep
hetler than raw cider uml iiImi he mi
reduced in hulk that it can lie ship
ped profitably onj ili-luuees from
the upplc-rowiiiK ieiou. The old
iitlrmptH to concentrate eider hy
lioiliuK- have been fniliiio. bceiui-c
heat dctrot Hie delicate thu or ot
eider, t'uder the new uuthi'd until-
in is taken from Hie cidtr hut the
water, uml Hie rcMiltuut produet is
u thick liipiid which coiitaitiN all the
applu juice pioiluct uml which can
he leslored to excellent sweet cider
by the simple addition of four pail
of water. The hhippcis uml consum
ers, therefore, nvoid painu freight
on Hie water in onlimirv cider. In
udilitioii, the product wluu piopcrh
harrelcil, because nf its higher
amount of Miynr. keeps better thmi
raw eitlcr, which ipucklv tun:', in
The proees as iIcmmiIihI by Hie tie
partuieut's specialists consists of' oiilinary eider solid. The
cider ice is then crushed and put into
centrifugal machines such lis me
usetl in iiinkiu cane tn:iir. When the
eider ice is whirled rapidly the cou
ccntnttcil juice is thrown off ami col
lected. The water icnuiin.s in the mil
eliiue us ice.
Al ordinary household lefiiycralor
temperatures this sirup-like cider
will keep perfectly for a iiionlh or six
weeks, and if kept ut low tempi ra
tines in cold storue will keep for
prolonged periods. At nidiiinn Iumim
temperatures ii, of course, will keep
u sho.rler lime.
To make the coifcculialctl sinip.
the eider will must mid to its ctpiip
meiit mi iee-ninkiiiy; iiuichine uml ecu-
triliiynl niiichiiiery, so that the pro
cess s not pnmlicable on a small
scale. The specialists nie hopeful,
however, that Hie coiiuuercial test
soon to bo iiimujitrulcd in Oregon will
show Hint it will be possible fur up
ple Ki'oweiv, to concentrnle their ex
ces cider uml ship it profi ably to
the far south or to other non-pro-ilui'iiiK
regions. The specialists also
believe that it will enable apple pro
ducers to prolong the uiaikd for
- i i i
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. Investi
gation of ii' finuuciiil operiitious ol
Iho Chicago, Itoek Maiul & I'aeihc
railroad hy llm inlci'slnte cninincrcc
eiiniiiiisslou will hc'tiu here Oeloher
1(1 Imfoic I'niiiiiilwiiiimi' I'lciilfiiU.
LONDON, Oct. S, l:'(l a. m. Tel-ejrrntiliin-
from Antwepi umler date
of Sunday, Hie Tunc eoricspomlcut
describes the fichtinir in eonueetiou
with the (lennaii a tempts U eio-s
the river Nut he. He says:
''The hail, bv nll accounts, a
drcaiTiil experience last uicht, whidi
wan describi'd to mo ihutc ttiday by
oliicurs who "e'C eye-witnesses. The
Oenomis siiccccdfd in ecttiug a pon
toon coiipdetcil iintl tliev came down
to Hie ucr bank In solid masses to
cross it. As they came ewry llelgimi
Vim that could he turned on thy spot
wits concent rated on them, uml tliev
were blown away, blocks of thcin ut
u time, and still the masses enine on.
The llelginii ntficers spoke wi.h cn
tliusiiism of llicilcndiiips and gal
lantry with which, as each company
was swept away, another pushed into
its place.
"At lat the bridge wont, shatter
ed and blown to pieces. The Hcliim
jjutis continued a while to search the
opposite liver hunk, but Hie (tcrmans
fell buck and no more masses of men
came down In where the pontoon had
May Find Help in This
Swan Creek, Mich. " 1 cannot upeak
too highly of your medicine. When
tlirough neglect or
overwork I get run
down nnd my appe
tite is poor and I
havo that weak, Ian-
.v., til .ll.ln.ia ttosu!
Si'ji feeling, 1 get a hot
Mifi tloof LvdlaE.rink-
ifft hamn Vogotnblo
Compound, and it
builds mo up, gives
mo strength, nnd re
stores mo to perfect
health again. It is truly a great bless
ing to women, nnd I cannot speak too
highly of it I take pleasuro in recom
mending it to othora," Mrs. ANNIU
Cameron, K.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
Hebron, Me. "Before taking your
remedies I was all run down, discour
aged and had female weakness. I took
I.ydia E. I'inkham'a Vegetable Com
pound and used tho SanativoWash, and
ilnd today that I nm an entirely new
woman, ready anil willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
your medicine tt was a dread, I try to
impress upon tho minds of all ailing
women I moot tho benefits they can
derive from your medicines." Mrs.
Hebron, Maine.
If you wuut Hiieolul ntlvico
wlto to I.yillu !:. Pluliliuui Neil
leluu Co., (uoiillileutliil) Lynn,
Muhh. Your letter wll ho tipcnod,
rend mid answered by u woman
and livid lu Htrlct coullduiivo.
Hy uu overwhelming popular ina
jurity, "Mikuilo" lias been sdec 'cil us
thu opera to he given at the Page
Saturday evening by lie Wtdf Hopper
mid his all-star cast.
Dp Wolf Hopper alone is uu at
traction that appeals to every the
atergoer, and Hie fact that he is more.
continuously on the Mngc in "The
Mjkmlo" than any other of the op
eras in his repertoire makes this se
lection a paiticiilarly happy one.
It was the success of this satire
when revived a few yearn ago that
bronchi about the organization of the
compiiny headed hy De Wolf Honpcr,
which has since presented iiiany of
the Oilbeit tc Sullivan operas. In
"The .Mikado" the charm of the
music ami (he happy humor of the
libretto prove again that the fresh
ness and iiiHiilingiivH of Gilbert &
Sullivan' masterpiece arc peren
nial. De Wolf Hopper will he K'u-Ko,
the lord high executioner; Herbert
Watcioiis, the lord lifeli e vcrythin-.'
else; Arthur Ciiniiinylimn, the mik
ado; Arthur Aldridge, the mikado's
son; Nanki I'oo, (Jladvs Caldwell the
Yum Yum and Jayiie Herbert the In
tislia. This rcvhnl in marked by ex
tpiisilc delivery and Hie utmost care.
lu making these revivals it has
been the aim of the producer to ail
here strictly to all Hie stage tradi
tions which surrounded Hie manage
ment of the Savoy theater, London,
where these operas were originally
produce il, and to that end all the bus
iness found in the original prompt
hooks, from which the present reviv
als were rehearsed, have been car
ried out. '
(Set a 10-cent box now.
Mont of tho Ills of childhood are
caused hy a sour, disordered stomach.
sIiikrIbIi liver and constipated bowels.
They catch cold easily, become cross,
llHlloiis, Irrltnble. feverish, restless,
tongue coated, don't eat or sleep well
and need n gentle cleansing of tho
bowels hut don't trj to force a nau
seating dose of oil Into tho llttlo on'o
already sick stomach tt Is cruol,
needless and old-fashioned.
Any child will gladly take Casca-
rets Candy Cathartic which act gently
never grlpo or produce the slight
est uncaclnoss though clcanso the
llttlo one's system, sweeten tho stom
ach and put the 'Ivor nnd bowels In
a pure, healthy condition.
Full directions for children and
grown-ups In each package
Mothers can rest easy after giving
this gentle, thorough laxative v.'hlch
costs only 10 cents a box at any drug
store. Adv.
Watch Space for
32 South Central
Your children's health by feodlnj
milk from Inspected cowa that hi
been pro-cooled and orlated wltb
modoru appliances and sealed In
terlllicd bottles,
Morning mill Afternoon Delivery,
I'houo lit Ml.
11' ill
1 1 IP
Surely try a "Damlerlno Ilulr
Cleanse" Ir you wish to Immediately
double the beauty of otir hair. Junt
moisten a cloth with Onndcrlno and
draw It carefully tlirough your hair,
taking one small strand at a time,
this will cleanse tho hair of dust, dirt
or any cxccsslvo oil In A few min
utes you will ho amazed. Your hair
will bo wavy, fluffy and abundant
and possess an Incomparable softness,
lustre and luxuriance.
Hcsldes beautifying the hair, ono
application of Dandorlno dissolves
every particle of dandruff; Invtgor-
In order to vote at the general election in
November, voters must register before
October 15, when registration closes.
Register Now.
Special sale em llnlli.t. We are sclliu- our bulbs out nt cost, as
we are overstocked, so are going to give the people of Mctlford nml
vicinity the benefit, fall, get enir prices.
Downtown store nt Palace c f Swcett.
(irecnhoiiscs, 100.1 Kat Main. Phone .'171.
ni:w .ii:vvi:i.i:u
I am prcpanl to ;or.t!cr to my patrons first class servlco In all branches
of icpalrlng.
I havo new and n'odern facilities for doing high class watch repairing,
stono s-cttlng nnd jewdcry manufacturing, and I carry a very largo stock of
materials fiv all American watches and can assure you of prompt, as well as
efficient service.
Your watch and other articles of repair will receive my personal attention
and you car depend upon a clara of workmanship that will give entire satis
faction. A. trIM will convince you.
Johnson The Jeweler
Mr.nroitD hook stokk :
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Kffcctlvo from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, and gusran.cod
against any reduction during that time:
Touring Car ...... ....-.............f ISO s
Town Car . .......... Ol0
F. O, U. Detroit. AH cars fully equipped.
(In tho United States of America Only.)
Further, wo will be nblo to obtain tho maximum efficiency in our
factory production, nnd tho nitnljnum cost lu our purchasing nnd
sales departments It wo can reach au output ot 300,01)0 cars be
tween the above dates.
And should wo reach this production wo agrco to pay as tho tiuycr's
share from $10 to ?G0 per car (on or about August 1, 1915) to
every retail buyer who purchases a noCv Ford car betweeu August 1,
191-1, nnd August i. i9lt.
For further particulars regarding theso low prices and prodl-shar-Ing
plan, see tho nearest Ford Hranch or Dealer.
Ford Motor Car Company
C. E. GATES, Agent
Sparta Hiillding Medford, Oregon,
Fortlaad, Or.
' -. '
atca tho scalp, stopping Itching and
falling hair.
Dandorlno In to the hair what fresh
showers of rnltt and sunshlno are to
vegetation, it goes right to l-
roots, Invigorates and strengthens
them. Its exhlllaratlng, stimulating
and life-producing properties enuxo
the hair to grow long, strong and
You can surely havo pretty, soft,
lustrous hair, and lota ot It, If you
will Just get a 20 cent bottle ot
Kuowlton's Damlerlno front nnv dniK
(store or toilet counter and try It an
I directed.
stop at the in
comparable Hotel
Benson. Modern,
fireproof, central
Rates Moderate. Send for
free booklet.
Hotel Benson
vWi IMMHvjrjp flJpt