Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 08, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    if 4"
I WMiy ffclJCi.iiOW'J-il
j""1- -v
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"" "PAttl
-"TJr '
C. K. Dodge or Seattle who tin
boon lioliiliiB special meetings In
town will continue Rervlces todny nt
a nnd 7:30 nl the Froo .Methodist
-You should boo tho two rod Key
utono comedy at tho It Theater to-
, night,, nue other fine comedy, nlno n
two root special feature, 10 cents.
tII. K. Uakor of tho Fish Lnko dis
trict spent tho first of tho wook In
iUedford attending to business mnt
tors. Wnteh tho Alco for full roport on
World Series games.
Shipments of Hoguo river valley
. -poultry to Portland markets for the
holiday trndo will begin in t wook or
When ordering your bread by
phono, always fay tho Pennant
Vrapped. 195
Whiter Tlownc and family leave to
iitcht for Now York City. They ex
pect to return March 1.
Miss Ilooscy for fresh hominy,
booth l'.i, Tucsdnys and Saturdays
James U. Thompson of La (Irando,
Oregon, Is nmong tho out of town
visitors in the valley this week.
Wntch tho Alco for full report on
World Scries games.
County Superintendent Wells is
making preparations for the opening
of tho teachers Institute for Jackson
nnd Josephine counties in tho high
Fchool next Monday, October 12. Tho
sessions 'will last three days, during
which ttmo there will bo no school.
Between 150 and 200 teachers will
bo In attendance, which is compulsory
under tho state law.
Call 349-L far scissor and knlto
sharpening. I call nt your homo to
do tho work. II. S. Allen. 170
Ij. Waters of tho Tnblo Rock dis
trict spent Wednesday In Medford
attending to business matters.
Peanut candy. 15c a pound. Get
It at DoVoe's.
Thunder crashed nnd lightning
flashed over tho Hoguo river valley
Wednesday night, a rare moteorlogl-
cal occurrcnco for October in this sec
tion. following an ideal Indian sum
mor day. A heavy rain fell most of
tho evening. A feature of thp storm
was tho display of ball lightning that
prevailed In the southern Bky, being
of extreme brilliancy, and highly
spectacular zigzagging across the sky.
Tho lightning flashes lighted up the
foot hills with every flash. No dam
ago was dono by tho storm.
Watch tho Alco for full report on
World Series games.
Mrs. F. K. Merrick returned
Wednesday evening from Kugeno
where she nttendlng a meeting of the
Stnto Federation of Women's clubs
nnd visited her son Emerson who Is
nttendlng tho University of Oregon.
Tho oldest exclusive agency In
Medford, reliable protection, our only
business. Holmes, tho Insurance
Louis IMrlch, postmaster of Jack
sonville, wns In tho city this morning
attending to business matters.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Ills
County Assessor W. T, Orlevo,
spent Wednesday afternoon In Med
ford as a member of tho welcoming
squad to James Wlthycombe, repub
lican candidate, for governor.
Coming back I
Chief Clerk Marsh of the federal
court left Wednesday night for Port
land, after spending tho forepart of
tho week In tho city. Deputy Clerk
Canon of this city now has charge
of the clerk's work before tho federal
Authentic war nows rccolvod by
Mall Tribune leased wlro will be
posted during tbo day at Hotel Mod
ford. The ladles of tho Catholic church
will give a reception to Father Pow
ers, tho now priest assigned to the
local church Friday evening. Music,
speaking nnd dancing will make up
the evening.
Get It at Do Voo.
W. D. Bridges was arrested by the
police Wednesday night charged with
bootlegging, nnd will bo given a
hearing before tho federal court nt
," o'clock this afternoon. Acordlng
to tho police lip admits selling whis
key to Indians. This Is the first case
of bootlegging since the opening of
the federal court.
E. S. Tumy writes all forms of In
surance Excellent companies, good
local service, 210 Garnctt-Corcy
Arthur Young of Montaguo is
spending a few days In tho valley at
tending to business matters.
J. O. Oerklng. tne- best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always rcliablo. Negatives made any
where, Urns or place. Studio 22S
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Fred Cummlngs was arrested this
morning for speeding nnd entered a
plea of not guilty. Attorney Gus
Newbury pleaded tho same. It. A.
Hubbard was also arrested for speed
ing this morning.
It. A. Holmes, tho Insurance Man,
has ? 1500 to loan.
A. Dean, age 17 years was lectured
and freed by Chief Mego for tho theft
of a bottlo of milk from the Now York
Hair store.
Hemstitching and pleating dono
Argument in the triul of TIioiiiii
H. Smith in the fedeinl court, licenc
ed of the murder of l.iug Kivor
Hcnll, a fellow tribesman of tho
Klnnintlit, were begun Ihi- mornim.
mill the cuo wiU be given to lite jury
Into (hi nlteruoou. All lite evidence
in the c-e wns completed nl 11
o'clock tin morning, when A-i-lnnt
UNIriet Attorney Hcckmnn opened
for the government.
The defendant took the Maud in
hi own behulf and -md (hut he
."truck in self-defeiiM'. A eont ho
wore the day of the futnlity una
jdioun to (ho jury. It wn torn on
one ide, u point the defense uigcd
n showing the iolenee of the ntluck
of Henll. The defendant recounted
the event lending up to the oiinrtel
mill denied uiulice or ufoicthouulit.
A bit of mi Indian love storv crept
into the evidence Wedne.-dnv niter-
noon when Lottie Ilenll testified that
he wns engaged to be murried to the
alleged slaver of her father.
r.viuenee wns introduced nt tno
morning -e-Moii -.bowing that Smith
had spent a mouth at the Henll home
as a guet, nnd that on the day of
the crime he had been di inking. The
government took the stand that
Smith. fird by liquor, wa peeved
when Henll upbraided him lor being
intoxicated, mid then ordered tiini
from hi home, after slinking him.
The government introduced te-li-niony
lending to discount the plea of
selt-defense by vvitnee. who met
Smitli after the row, who averted the
defendant did not tell them anything
of the fight.
A feature of the trial is he num
ber of "murder" fan, including n
number of women, who d rink up ev
ery word of the trial with engerne.:.
W1II4 MVI IU3 felV I -- . . ! 14 J'Mtl UlTMU
Tho funeral services of Mrs. Ettajand models mado nt Mrs. Honey's
McDonough wil bo bold from the
Methodist church Friday afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock. Interment will be
in Jacksonville cemetery.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Orer Isis Thea
ter. Miss Jean Anderson, a high school
girl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hert
Anderson, sustained a broken right
arm Wednesday evening while crank
ing an auto in front of tho Anderson
homo on West Main. Two bones Just
above the wrist wero broken. Dr.
Picket set tho injured arm.
Full detailed report of world's ser
ies baseball games at Alco.
A particularly ornory gang of
wanderers infested tho city Wednes
day afternoon, seven of whom wero
corralled In tho city Jail for public
protection last night. Tills morn
ing they woro marched out of town.
Three of tho gang had rings to sell,
and when people- refused to buy grew
nbuslve. Another division had a
bottlo of alcohol, mixed with cocalno,
one swig of which Is sufficient to
kill an ordinary human.
Watch tho Alco for full report on
World Series games.
Mrs. Fred Pelouzo of Eaglo Point
Is spending tho week In tho city while
Mr. Pelouzo is doing Juror service be
foro tho federal court.
Make your winter homo at Colonial
Flats, 217 South Riverside.
Fred Williams of Grunts Pass
transacted business matters In this
city Wednesday,
Coming back!
Hurry Walsh, a 10 year old boy
of Jacksonville who ran away from
homo a week ago, has been located
nt Uklah, Cat., and will bo brought to
bis home, bin mother leaving yester
day afternoon for that purpose. Hlu
parent allege that ho was induced to
run away by bis cousin, Leslio
The finest equipment in Oreion for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co; ""
, At' n, meeting of tho high school
football team Wednesday afternoon,
Leslie, T'lymnla was elected captain for
the season.
Coming back)
Owing to tho shortago of lock fnu
rots in tlio city, Flro Cliicf Luwtou Is
behind In hlu cnmpulgn for tho safe
guarding of property In tho residence
districts, Tho lock fuiiccW uro nee
unitary for uho oh gasoline tunko out
Hide tho bUHluesH district, A supply
will be received next wook, whim
strict compllHiiro with llm ordliiuiiro
Mill bo exuded,
Idressmaklng parlors, Moo's store. 192
Tho ladles of the Elks gave a din
ner nt St. Mark's hall Wednesday
night. A largo crowd attended and
enjoyed tho excellent menu.
Sweet elder at Do Voe's.
Clarcnco Attonson of Hilt, Cal., is
in tho city for a few days on business.
If you want to save money trade
at F. IC. Deuel & Co.'s.
Miss May Bernard of Gold Hill Is
spending tho dny In the city.
Tho showing 25 cent four-in-hands
at Deuel's is exceptionally good and
will savo you money. Deuel' & Co.
A gang of hoboes this afternoon
wero arrested and ordered out of
town, charged with being drunk.
They all wero peddling cheap per
fume. An entirely now stock of men's and
boy's up-to-dato clothing nnd furnish
ings arc now on display. Men's all
wool suits. $10.00 to $22.50, that
sell elsowhero at $10.50 to $30.00.
Children's Norfolk suits, latest mod
els, $2.50 to $10.00. Elsowhero you
will pay $3.50 to $15.00. You may
bo from Missouri, but wo can "show
you" If yon will como In and give ub
a chanco. An entirely new stock of
Munslng Underwear. Wo glvo Fi
delity trading stamps. Deuel & Co.
A. S. Hilton has returned from a
business trlji to Griffin creek.
Home dressed young pork for sale
every Saturday beginning October
10th. Forde, booth 23, public mark
et. 172
John Ingalls of Grants Pass is a
business visitor In tbo city.
Registration closes, October 15th.
Register now at tho Mall Trlbuno of
fice. White's dairy Is a now place of
business located at 32 South Central.
They sell butor, rnllk, cream, butter
milk, eggs, Jco cream and sorvo light
lunclies.,Mr. White will contlnuo his
velvet Ico cream factory in tho Nat
Mr. Fannie MoXulty, charged
with defrauding the Jackson County
bank out of .:iS0 through forging the
Higunture of Mrs. Snrali Collin- to n
certificate of deposit, wa bound over
to tht! grand jury Wednesday after
noon bv Jiisd'ru of the IVaeo Taylor,
under .f.'I.SO bond, the amount of the
alleged theft. The defendant broke
down nnd cried bitterly when the de
cision wns given.
The hearing of the evidence was
long drawn out nnd was enlivened by
Tom Frekas' mutilation of the Eng
lish language and a couple of warm
pusHiiircx of word between Prosecu
tor Kelly and Atlomev Mulkev. I'ru
ku wns a boarder nt the McN'ulty
home mid testified that the defend
ant wns sick upon July 1I, the day
she is allced lo have forged the eer
tiiicate. He could not grasp the
meaning of the (picric directed to
him, nnd took from five to leu min
ute to get a lucid reply ft mil him.
Mr. Sarah Collins, the complain
ing witne-K, testified to shoWing Mrs,
Mc.S'ultv the ccitiricutc. Hank offic
ial. identified the- handwriting on the
Mrs. MoXulty in her own defense
tenljlied that she was sick in bed on
July HI, the day the forgery is alleg
ed to have been committed. All tc.
timoiiy showing her willingness to re-
tin a to triul from Itoi-e wa thrown
out on the grounds of being "i-elf-serving."
The 'Ultio Triangle llrnnd" of
Rogue river pearn uro carrying off nil
tho laurels thin geasoii. TliO other
.ny, tlioNortnvMisleru trull wxrnniigo
of this city, ngentrt for tho Ruguo
River Fruit & Produce Association
of Medford, nun'ouncod tbe sale of a
ctirlond of Huerre Hose, nt nn nver
ago In Now York of 2.15 pur half
box, equal to $1 :I0 per box, Now
coiiiom the report of sale In Now York
yesterday by tho Exchange of tho
first car of Hluo Triangle t'omlco of
the season nt prices which establish
the season's record of tho whole New
York market, which, In high grade
pours, Is to say the world's, market.
This car contained 123 hnlf boxes of
Hlue Triangle t'omlco which aver
aged $2,S!i per half box, equnl to
$."i.7S per Btnudnrd or full bex: tho
car also contained mi experimental
lot of 57 "trnvs" or single Inyer
boxes which have been recommend
ed by the Exchange's London man
ager for several years nnd which
renlUed $1.50 per tray, or tho equi
valent of nbout $0.00 per box. This
would Beem to show tho wisdom of
this sort of parknge for t'omlco of
the finest selections, ns this package
Is designed to protect tho fruit from
bruising, which so disfigures It. Tho
Idea Is taken. from tho French grow
ers who pack' all their finest Combo
In this manner. This car also con
tained 330 "Red Triangle," tho next
best grade of Cmalco In half boxes
which nveraged $2.34, u really phoo
uomlnal price, and 15 half boxes of
D'AnJou completed tho car with nn
average of $1.70. The whole car
grossed $2105.07.
The nearest approach to this record
made by the Santa Clara valley, Call
fornln Cornice was recorded on Sept.
It. when a car of the celebrated
'"Itlock llrnnd" nveraged $I.S2 per
half box, which Is $1.07 per half box
lower than tho Hlue Triangle halves
and even 52c per half box les than
tho Red Triangle, tho number two
grade of tho Rogun River Associa
tion. The value of organization, fa
cilities, management nnd sales facil
ities are splendidly llltutrated in thin
sale, .as other or "Independent"
brands of Rogue river pears sold in
Now York yesterday under Identical
conditions of mnrkot, etc., realized
far less. One car of this independent
fruit brought for Comlco hnlves $2.07
another mark $2.05, wt III another
Comlco In full or stnndnrd boxes
nveraged $2.39 or lon than hnlf the
price realized by the Echango for tho
Triangle brands.
Tbo Exchango also sold a cur of
Roguo River Hose ix-ars as follows
Hide Triangle halves averaged $1 97.
Standards $3 21, Seckles In hnlf
boxes $2.00. Outside or Independent
fruit sold In New York yesterday
brought much lower prices; olio car
Hose standard nvernged $1,0(11
another averaged $2.00 for one Hue
nnd $1.77 for one line.
James Wilhviomlio, republican
candidate for gov ei nor, i in I he oily
today, and u public leccntiou is be.
itig held at the .Medford hotel lliii
afternoon, at which Doc Keene nnd
other (I. O. I. liulil of this section
ate shining. Till punning Dr.
Withycnniho i-itcd Central Point
mid Jacksonville, and this afternoon
mid tomorrow nponlng he will shake j
hand vvilh voter mi thi cilv, Icav
iugitt 1IU.VJ for Klmmilli Falls, when
he will remain until Tucdnv, rcluin
leu or fifteen miles of the llelgiali
border, while beyond lliei points,
masse of eavolry continue do strug
gle ovo tihe lioiilier line mid ililo
llclgium. Along the cienter pint of
llie flout, however, the iiiilimoiiisl
seem conical to watch each other
without attempting any doHmtc move
ments, New (leiiuuii effective have
appeared in the Lille district, and the
struggle oix'osito the Ihiee livers
may decide the I'Vciieli cmupniMU.
Hatter at Pi cut) si
III the east Die KusMimoi are hal
tering away at I'm'in.vsl, vvhiali is
said to ho Mill'eiing sevoiely under
uitillery flii. All elToits of the Ai.
tiiau lo icllevo Uiis, foitioN aie ic
porlcd a haviior limn repulsed.
The ltiisiiip general staff iepois
Unit the (leimaii iiiii, delenled' on
cils( f'riiHslaii
.,, ...
iV'pil rollrilli'i
'toiitier,' vvheie ll
ieil lo
nig upon dn to Ashland,
wa a guc-t o the I uivvi d
at a Iiiiii hcoii llu-. uoisii,
llcr:uj;e it is
I'AIMS, del. S, :l;tll n. in -A lla
vas agency dispatch horn Cctlinjc
say .Mniitcucgiiu detachment oper
ating in Herzegovina inflicted Ih-iivv
losses on the Austiiaiis and occupied
impoilant strategic position-, in'iir
(latzko. After hard lighting the
.Mouteuegiiiis occupied Ahlnk, Stcpcu
and Kilpjutch, taking a large number
of ptisiiner. ti tit I much ittnuiipnlinu.
(Continued from I'axo 1)
In America
Ims entrenched 1 1 sell, tiild llcillu sup.
pletueiilH this iufoiiiialioii with the
slali'tneiil Dial the Uulim have
lieiju icptiUeit Willi u los of U,7tHI
prisoner and nine machine gun.,
The (leimaus elmm ulm that in minor
cugiigciiiciil ear Ivagoroil, south
ensl of Warsaw, In Itiis-lnn I'olaml,
Kiev loo!; I.NIIII pilxiincl",
I'cliokti'tid declines llini m iioiiii
conllict along the Vistula river h lis
no a ,vel ilcwihmeil, ullinutli lliero
have been piellniiiiiii v' eiiMiigemeiil'
llelweeiiHidviliiced fdicot o
is confirmed bv lei infers to (Mend,
In noilliea-lt rn l'rmue, on the al
lies' left wing, the main positions ,,
the contending forces reach within
TOKIO, Oct. S. A hundred women
shell divers of Shlma province of
fered their services to the navy to
clear the mines from Kino-Chow Hay,
Tho offer was declined an tho govern
ment prohibits the employment of
women in war operations.
Stove Polish y(90(H
WANTED--Ry refined, chlTdless
comde, small, now bouse fur
nished, with barn preferred. ISox
25, care Mall Tribune. 171
TTn different from
others because more cm
is taken in tha ruul.lnf;
ami ino materials men uro
higher griuW.
Black Silk
Stove Polish
ilakc a PrPUnl. illkr po!!!i (hat (tooa
no I tub oft or uust i llm MijaIal
lour tlnicn nt Ivn:r i"i orUlnnry iovc
pollkti. Used on samplo livcn nwl oulU
by hanlvrai v uml frncrry (!ualun.
All wnU.Ilflii. U"ll in )KirrJ, (,
jwir V'lyr w.nvcryuur bu ttntfa. If ou
iun'l 00.1 It lh t,l ! puh tuu m
um4. jrMir iWwJrr l sutlwHif.! I r cfunj uir
onrT Inii in l!Li.k liilk hiov I'Uub.
UmU In !J.j!! vr p(j gul.ty.
Dlach Silk Stove Poli.h Work
Go to the druggut titled Utovv and
titty a package tf Dr. Hudobih Scbifl-
'mann's Athmador tclay and if it doci
not give itKtant rrbcf, and even more,
if j ou do not find it to be the very !ct
remedy ou have ever tiv. go luck and
your money will be rlucrfully returned
by thij druggist, without any (pirstiou
whatever. No matter what the hai
failed, Atthmador atd Aithmj '.r Gg
arcttcs will give inrtant relief tiMtnlly
within I0 ncotiilj. but alwayt vvi!iiu 15
mintiieii. It W inner how vio
lent the nttark r,r o'-itiuate the caic U,
or what die had Inn triul ami faib-d,
Auhmador will relieve hetnntaneoudy.
If it doci not, thU pac'.:ace will cut
you nothing. Co back and net otir
money refunded. Ymi arc the sole judge
n$ lo whether brnrfited or not. You run
no riik in buying tbii remedy under
this poiiiivc I'tiarantee.
Pcriionj llv'nif cLtvvhcrc will be sup
plied under t' e same puarantce by ibcir
toe-ii -bll'dj i r d.rrt I y Dr. R. Seblff-
nu'iii, . ' i oil, amiii. i or kjic uerc ny
.WislCoiil I'liariiincy
Oho PriceAlways
25 cunts per pound
Jvut VSTm-m
In All Hrnnclies nnd Kloculion
Will teaili theorv, ilefinilion,
mialv-i-, icadiiic, conducting,
lllilt'i'iiiy, ii'ucii r p. -a.' :;,
picparalorv cuiu-c lor music
college, advance vvoik tor lust
ycni'j stiideiil., iiico placiiMC,
bieiilhing, iiitieuliitiou, inter
prclntiou mill cvprouiiuii.
F.loruliioi and the unenMary
ph.VHiral exetcixcN for tho five
mid ! uWi of tlm whole
body in Minxiug and imking.
Iloyn' and giiU' das en
rolled Saturday, Oelolir Hi,
10 a. m.
1'iivntu Hludeut enrolled
.Saturday, October HI, II n. m.
Amlitoiiiiiu, Hiiilis eliiin'h
building, corner Ninth (Vutnil
mid Fifth street.
Tho In rue mum nnd platform
is ideal for nil vocal work.
Home elielc cIivskc, alo
private lessiiu in students'
home can he engaged, heo
instructor or drop caid, (leu
cial Deiivcrv. Mcdlunl. Or.
Coats, Suits and
piiiIhkIv h world ol" iiov
t'lly unit rlcvtM'ticH, null
llicy mv I it'll it ft fully l.ii
lort'tl. llliicK, NTavy, Co
liciiliiip'ii, IvInkuiii or
Olive (I recti, UussM
Urowu, Telt' lc Xl're
ov Prune. Von nre as
sured of siimrliieHK.
!) DUk (Hit AJr.Dyl Iran I,im, nn
(frtn,rrKui.r, ,,AU ,uUnj,
Un BUck Silk M.I.J fMlmk UrmiU nE.Ll
urtrKM. ttluurufivuliirtutvaiuiUmiAAU.
I.Uil Sdioolof I'ijIlO
Instructor, Accompanist, Coach for
Ensemble Singing
Studio 1105 West Main St.
Phone 361
ft '
hU m33
WANTKD- To rent, small pony rig
,wlth prlvllego of purchase If at
isfactory. Uox 2.ri, caro Mnll Tri
bune. 171
KOMI-:, via I'uiis, ()e. , l'J m.--Impiiiieri
iniido in (Jermaii mililury
elidles with retaid to icpoils that
(Icueial You .Mollko hud been iciniiv
ed an ehief of llm gummil uliil'f of
lliu (lei'iijiii iirniy, IiHiim I'm Hi Ihc
Mliitemeiil Unit llio uiioit i Incur-lecl,
Tho Bclotlnlfle, Intidllgorit,
driiglc-KH, efficient daptntluu or
glatucu for tho aid of vIhIoii uud
tho relief of lieiiducho und ayv
(Ireon 'J'uillui; HliunpH (liven
208 East Main Street
The Only .Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time o
place hy appointment
Phone M7-.T
We'll do the rest
E. D, WESTON, Prop.
Ik what you vvnnt for your vnliiiibhm and you nro miro
of It when you dopoult thorn In our Flro mid Iliirgliir
t'roof Vmilt.
Tho coHt ofa Safe Depoult Hox hero In only JU.OO mid
up po year,
A droiwy milt in n French
Ihimiuo Htyle, nt might 'fiout
fiulouliiK high at U with Jut
InitloiiK. Itufflod hlKh htuiol
lug collar of velvet mid ruffled
velvet cuffd. A nllk cord mid
velvet oriifimoul ut tho vvaUt
lino In baili, ,Meimllno lined.
Tho hltlil for4(ureH tho new jolto
top tunic- .miolhnr iuIvjiuco
Fall'' ntjlo Idea. ChmoH In
Flench llioiidclolh In blarl,
Many New Modelfi
Just in by Express
212 East Main Street
Having Sepured the Services of
of Chlrngo, rpcontly of Kugono, I nm now pro
pared lo glvo my pntronH an addltloiinl aorv
Ico whoro promptueniimid unllty of work
will meet with roul rcj. npproeliitlon,
In each dnpurtinont of repairing, wntehofl,
dlninoiid Dotting, mniiiifueturliig, ngnto nut.
ting and mounting, engraving, will loproHont
thu bout,
For llm Corral Tllim, rliunu 10 THE JCWCLCII