1 - j ; -' " r p jf- 207 & Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER ' I'rolinMo rnln Mat, M, Mln. Ii!' Prerlp, .11. Q 1 i. ,1 H Knrty-fourth Vrnr. 1 mil v--Ninth Ynir. MliJDJTORp. OIIWJON, TUricKIMY, (XTOIWIt 8, V.M NO. 171 ANTWERP, ATTACKED By FIVE GERMAN ARMY CORPS REPORIEO NEAR FALL v I .(V! i 1'4 ' ii GREAT EFFORTS F CAPITAL MADE Citizens of Antwerp Flee hy Tens of Thousands Bombardment of City Under Way Belnlnns, Reinforced hy Orlllslt Troops and Guns, Confi dent of Huldlnu City. I.O.N'DoS', del. H, lUtfili p, in.--I -i v . (li'tiiiun nriny eiiips, iioctiidlii to icliubla t 'poi l w, m 1 1 1 - were butter ing their way toward lln inner MtminlinlilM of Antwerp, tlio chief foil Hied city r llolo.iuui timl until tin' pifxi'iit siege tln temporary oapi liil nl' tlm kingdom. Although if In -i'c Iiiisc I li'il tln city by thousands, tin' king iiml llin ipieou nl lliluiiini, it I iimiIi'IhIimmI here, leinnln, lis ilu till' AllO'tli'llll diplomatic 110.111K I.HN'DON, O.I. H, 10 :-tn n. in. All oyi'K liiiiii'il Inihiy to Anlweip, whoso lull' wjix icguidcil hi'ii' iih impiiitmit Ullt III till ptopotlioil til till' IllllllbolS of men engaged in Its attack unit de fense. (K'liumiy must not only Loop mi njii'ii door ito Frunec, it i argued, lint must lie pri'piui'il In close tin' hack ilonr In K-M'ii, a most iiiipurtinit (li-immi inililiiry center. Tin war has presented no pli'liiii' of greater !--llltliui tllllll llllll of the litctr of H't 1100 llci'lllg lloni till' Ills! Itclgllill liougholil, (liciit i'iovmU of tin1 'il iyens of Anlweip, iliiuili mtli Ifiicii, nit' llcidiig toward J-aiuhiud mnl I ll Imiil in hiii'Ii iiuinlici lluit llu hospi tnlil, of these I'liiinliii'H is lil. civ to li Iiim'iI to tin iilniiixt. Tin' llllitH if these iclugcw has lii't'ii ncooler nliil hy tin iippcuiuuco over ih oily of Zeppelin airships, dumping des truction mnl ili'iitli. (t'CIIIIIHlH C(IH .Willi' Tin- only my of hnjn from tlm nl lies standpoint in foiiinl in tlm news lluit tho almost exhausted gnnison of Antwerp has boon ri'iufori'i'il b fiosh troops mnl nfiuv guns. ,'i to tho present only nut' meat (Ionium siege uiiu hns lii't'ii brought into play anil thin piece of artillery is i nil itifii'ipiiiillv. Guns tuilf tlu sio of Iho destroyers of l.iego anil Naiiiui' a io liciiii; used to batter Hit' riiiH of lot In which mu round Ant WOl p. Ilotli niili'N cnnfiiiu tho ropmt that tho (loraniiiK have crossed Iho tivor Nellie, lint tho trenches along tho Scheldt mo still holding out. The (Ionium oflVusivo movement is up pinuohing tho inner ling of forlH, mnl llorliu loporlK tlm enpture in tho upon fiohl of four honvy hnlleiics, fifty two fiohl guns mnl us tunny machine guns. Moniliaiilnicnt Ilcgiiw Ah tho not is- drawn t filter iilmut Iho city, Ilia cfl'oilH of its defenders ma iciloublcil, inaiiy of tho soilies hnvo lioon nun kfil hy Hunnuiiuiiy ilhtiup A i liutr t formal notification soul into Antwnrp hv tlio (loruian riiiiiiiiiindor, tho nolivo lioinlianlinonl of Ilia oily is now uiulor wny. Thin (Continued on vngo two ' T,AW.:r snaymanz TAKE 10 HEELS VKS'irK, Oct. 7, via I'atix, Oct. 7, Dillll p. in. KopuilH from Hilda Pont Miow thai Iho Uushiiuw onmplololy Miipiisoia hinall Imily of fiiiutior miaul ii iit'l Willi' niilliuied iiIIoh, who ttiuv huldliitf 1!.ho 1'asrt, Tint ltussiaim Hiiddcnly oiuorpoil fiom liiddi'ii forosl paths, Tint Austrian worn Hpccilily I'uiccd lo iclical ha i'oiii this hiipoiior fori'O. Ill lobpiiiisa In loloKl'upliiu I'llll, MiiiiH wi'i a hmiii'd I'niwaiil finui Csuiiliis, Inil Untie wo ra no huiHCrt ilniK thoni up Ilia iiiuiiiiluliiH mnl Hi1. miiiN wain Mi'iil hiiolt In CkoiiIom, Ii wind which Ilia Kiimiiiiim mUiini'i'i), Tlioy wi'in ini'l It v n Hiinliir luivn Mini llii'll wi'io iliiti'll hurl. In (III1 J'li'lillt'itfi OR CAPTUREOF AUSTRIAN UK ALLIES REPORT Tl Official French Statement Asserts That Kaiser's Attacks In North Repulsed Center, Nothing Dofny No Chanue In Formation on the niflht Wlnu. l'AlMS, Oct. 8, ;i p. in. Tho fill lowiui official miiioniiooiuoiit was imiih) In I'atis this (illorneoii: "Miv.1 On our loft uiii" in tho ii liloii of tint ili'piutuicu! of Kind, tho oiioiuy hiiM'inailc piotoss til no point. At octlaiii points ha has iiinM'il hack, patlicnlnily to tho ninth of Arras, where Ilia fiuhliut; is Icvi'lupin; tuc tier romlilioiis fiiMitnlilc for ns. Tin opciatioiis of Iho opposing foiccs nf eavali v nro ilcM'lopint; nl Iho present linii' alnn'-t us far us tho M'li coast on tho mirth. "Ilotwccn tho Soianio mnl Iho Oise, in Iho vicinity of Itnyo, the ciieiuv is still in foicc, Inil i imvi n'tiikt'ii Iho tifujor par! of the positions wo were nlilip'il to ixc no. ''To tho noith of Iho Aisno tho nu merical Mrcni'tli of tho (Iciiiiiiu (loops seems to Iiiim iliiainislicil. "Sfi'oml-- On Ha liter, liclwcen Hhciiiis mnl the Mouse, Ihcie is imlli MU; to repoit. (In Ilia JicioJ nf (he Mcac liclwcen Yciilnii ami St. Mihiel tin; oilemv has ihiiun liack to the noith of llalti'lieliiilcl. II" still holds St. .Mihiel' mnl soma positions In tho iinith of Iho St. Mihiel, on Hit' rij;ht haul; of tho Mouse. "In the Woeuo dixliict tho violent attacks delivcicd liy tho enemy to tho west of Vrcmont. "On our rilit wiim, Iinraine ami tho Vo)os, llieie has lioon no cliiui;c. "In Kitssia, nloiii; the line nf Hast PrusMii, Ilia KiiHsimi offousivo oon 1111110". Vorv spirited 1'io.hlinn is tiilc U) place on the frontier to tho oast of SlNWllhl." SOUTH HOLLAND i LONDON', Oct. 8, I:.m a. in. Tlu IIiiKiio ooriosponilont of Iho Kxpiess says Soiilh llollniiil is swamped with icl'unooK from Autwoip ami (Uv sorihoH toriihlo hooiich of desolation ami dcsinir iiiuouk tho thousands of lloljp'mw on tho road hot ween K--hiohou mnl llosouilnul. At Iho Itosondnal Million, tho oor ixispondonl nayi, hunilieds sit weep ing, haviii); lost praolioallv ovory thiiiK mid many, mud with griof mid anxiety, have inoroiiHod the dutioH of Ilia authorities who aio doiuo; ovorv thine; poHvsildo to alleviate suffering. ThousaudH alieady tiro housed tit KoM'iidmil at iiahlia huildiiiKK, while at llioda mid smaller cities other thousands are hoiui; eared for. TERRIFIC LOSS OF LIFE BIGS CALM IIHIIblN. Monday. Ool. f, via lain- lion, Oct. 8, (l::ill a. lit. AooonliiiK In tha latest dixpntoh roaohiiif; hero froni (nniiif dololod hy ooiisor, hut prnli'dilv isdiih placo in Fiituoo), fron till utlaoliH have loved so costly in lives to holli sides Hint they have lieiiu dafoiioil. Tha mitiiKOiiists are uwniliii" tha iosiiIIh of flaukiii); iuovoiiiouIk which piomiso greater ef foot with fower oiimiullioH, ' Tho (Ionium soldiers in Ilia center uf tha liua (hi I'Ynneo) live in their lionohoK. Tho only wiiini meal tlioy Kot Ih served lii tha nielli, It is im poHsihla n kliulla u lira in Ilia ihi, illlie, IIS hllllllill lliHIllOhOH (hull pos- Hun, Olheiwiso iha men live on oiild violmilx, I'iniU mnl hculs, Tin MiiiiloiioMlin ol'IVli'-ivo npoin Huh liinmil Hiil'iijotu ilia ilevehiliit liauiiihl), Fi INWS GERMANS BACK EHGLJUID'S ' , " ' " ' . L BtiK BlHIHPrGflHHH3piHSBB9lni SUM wU. I Ifll' ' H '' ,- - ' .' ' '& ' ' 7Ka ' v J Jl1 ''' -. . - . ... -.... . . - . . - . i 11 NT. i HowtheRoytl SUBMARINE LONE ITALIAN KWUIOIIN, Italy, via I'm is, Oet. 8, 'J:.")0 p. 'in.--Tha oiuiso nf tho Italian htiilt sulnuaiinu which h-np-ponrod from tha dull' of Suyin sumo days an and later turned up at Ajae oio, Corriiou, hns oonio to mi end. Tho Froiiolf. mithorilios of Ajaecio, who took possession of tha ossol, nuked Paris what disposition (hey should make of her. Paris comma nioati'd with Home, sent a destroyer to put tlm suhmariuu mid tlioiv is ovory reason to heliovo she Is now on her wuv homo under this oouvoy. This Hiihinariiio was under coin uiauil of a retired naval lieutenant, Aiicolu llollouo, who, leainu u letter irpwhich ho said Italian uoutrnlity was u mistake mid Hint it was tho duty of every Italian lo work iitdi viduallv to Iniii'' ahoiit Italian inter vention in Iho present war, headed for the open sea. lleie llollouo said to his crow that lie hail heeu entrust oil with u secret mission and that ho was on his way to tho island of Cor sica. On nrriviiif; at Ajneoio Ilia crow hopuu to suspect that nil was not liciit wilh tha expedition. They voic ed their suspicious to the pint nil Hun ities, who tit once took posses sion of tlu vessel. All Ilia tuciuliorrt of tha eiow n tinned today lo l.clnnn from Cor sicu, mid tha suhmatiiio iloiihllesh will ha in tlm hands of her on nets in u low days. L0MMER INDICTED IN LA SALLE DANK CASE rilKWUO, O.I. H. -niiiuor fulio.l Slnles Koiuitor Williiuu l.uiiiuoi' was llitlli'led Inihiy mi Iha I'luil'Ki' uf lulu lipiiliipillllloll of Ilia funds uf Iho l.il Hallo HI i nl hunk, nf nhieh lio in liU'ohloiil, NA USED WA ARTILLERY DOES VALIAATT WORK IM THE Field Aftfllery FiKt.DrvnbyCKHstophcr C2KrK.fronfcht5phrc. SENATE CAUCUS 0. K. B' : E BODYi WASllfNOTON, Oel. 8. Final eousideintion of tho war revenue lull hof-mi in the sounto today when the measure, as perfeoted hv the deino orntii' senate caucus, was repoitod favotahly hy the liii.nu'o ooiiuuittoe. Hut a single change was made in the lull, mid this will he proposed us an uiiieudnieiit to the tax on cigarette nianufat'turers. I'udor tho unieud uieiit maiiutactureis makim: up to 10,000,000 eiarotlos a year will pay b'2l tax; thoso uuinufacturiii); from l."i,000,000 to 'J.'i.OOO.OUO, ifKS, and tlioso luanufuoturin more tluiii ''."), 000,000, .itlti. The ooiniuitlee left lo n suh-ooin-mittee Iha disputo over the. tax on domestic wines and if u compromise hetweon Paeifiu coast mid oentral stales wim'HTowois is reported it will ho pieseulod iu llie fonn of mi aiueuduioilt lo tho hill. A Hood of petitions- pincstiu against the stamp tax on proprietary iuodieine as adopted hy the eoniinil loo was presented lo (he seunlo hy Senators Towiisoml, Climuhorluiii and llurlon, eaeh of whom hud uumeioiis telegimus donoaneiin; the proposed tav. Chaii man Simmons of the finaueo I'oiiunitloo opiosseil the opinion that Hie senate would pass iu hill hofoio Iha end of next week and clear (he way for uiljourniueiil of ooiikioss. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Waller How no placed u olas sil ii'd iidveilUeinenl in Iho Mail Tiihiuia Weilnosdav I'veiiiny: uf- i foiiiijf ii I'niil iniiiihiiiil for sale. la hud liilleteeu ol'lurs hofiiia H ii'i'hiel, mill hud mild Hie em lor I'iMi. tttlMMMMtti INANC LAN MOWED DIN MERCILESSLY BY GREAT GUNS LONDON, Oct. S, C:S2 a. m. A lUsnntch from Ostond to tho Keutor ToleBrnm compnny dated Wednesday says: "Tho llelglan troops today victor iously repollod tho Gorman attempts to cross tho ltlver Scheldt at Schoon- aordo, near Tormonde. Tho enomy was forced to rotlro with consider able losses." Tho correspondent of tho Telegraph In nolRlum. under dato of Monday. sends a description of tho fighting at Schoonaerdo. Ho says: "Tho (lorinan attack on tho Rolglan front near Schonuordo began Sunday afternoon, their lino extending from a lino oast of Termondo to a point boyond Schoouaordo. It ccntcrod In a desperate attack to cross u ,rtver ovor a brldgo which tho over-confi dent Dulgiaus hnd loft staudlug at Schoouaordo. Sple.s Ijocnto Trenches "When tho GorinatiH opened flro with their heavy artlllory tho Bel gians woro nBtouIshed at tho accur racy with which they found tho llelglan tronphes. Later it was found that fieriunn spies had boon all through tho district on previous iIiih, mapping out tho oxact location all of llelgluui'B defenses. "Tho town of Schoonuerdo, which Is on tho smith side of tho Scheldt, wiih iu possession of tho Uormiuis. Ah ii result of tho liormun accuracy on their shell flro, tho llolgluuti vveru loiiipolled to withdraw their ad vanced poHltlmm to trenches 500 )iirdH buck. They Buffered contdil uiuhlo Ioksosh on iicmint of tho bud Kioiiud mnl iiiiiimIiom whlrh they wore nimuied to croirt under flro. Homy of this around wan mi svviiiupy Hint ii llellllaiiH wailed In wutur up o their wutM, IfilnlJ fll HI n iHi'5'.' -Sm trii'iwaijwuMJm-. NETHE CROSSED! BY INVADERS TO SHELL ANTWERP LONDON, Oet. 8. -1:J: n. m. The Oonunus sueeceded in crossiuK the Kiver Nellie early on Tuesday, ac cording to tho Times correspondent in Antworo, Teleuhtphiiij: under dnte ot 'luesilny nijiht, he says: "At 4 o'clock this mominjj the Ger mans biieeeeded in innking jjood their footing on Hie north side of the Ilivcr Nethe. Three times durinjr the nijiht small detachments had not across nnd were driven hack or wiped out. lvvo thousand Germans were on this side of the river, 1 believe, by (5 o'clock this morning and since then they have by nil accounts been com ing in numbers. "Presumably Antwerp will now have to submit to a bombardiueut or perhaps to a sie'c. "Two boats leave in tho early morning with the Inst of tho Knglish mid French colonics mid with both ol the consuls general on board. The oonsuls are going becauso their use fulness is nbsolntoly nt an end. The burgomaster has issued notion Hint no icstriction will bo placed on the depnrtuio of the civilian population, and gient numbers probably will go tonight or tomorrow while the roads lo Ghent mid Holland are still open. "Presumably the boats mentioned will bo the lust lo leave, so Antwerp is putting its house iu older. We still cling to Hie hope Hint Hie cuoiii) may yet ho driven buck ucioss Hie liver tonight or tomoirovv." MAYT0RENA ENDS FIRING ON CITY OF NAC0 NACO, Atlas. Oel. 8. Miiytoronii cciiM'd 111 tug on Nni'ii, Komirii, shoit U hol'oia nniiii. 1 li shell- landed iu Ilia lowti, Inil did Utile ihiniiiuo, the liiiiimiuiliiui appealing In lia ilefeu tUe, I ZEPPELIN RAID UPON ANTWERP CAUSES PANIC German Aircraft Drops lambs Upen People of Belgian Metropolis, De stroyinn Houses, Killing People Reinforcements From Britain Ar- i rive in Nick of Time. ".ANTWKitP,Tbct. 7, via Tho Hapuo a'njjl Lo'ndo'n, Oct. 8, 7M0 nm. ft'io condition of" panic among 'tho popu lation wan Increased today by tlio p ;earance it 11 o'clock this morning and'a 6'clockfU.ilfl afternoon of Ocr monJ .aircraft Which dropped bomb, destroying seven houses and killing a scoro ot people On account of tho Zcopelln's suc cess, tho largo avenue leading to tho railroad station quickly became black with a struggling mass of persons eager to escape from tho city. Seized with an unreasonable, terrible fear of a bombardment or ot a charge of German cavalry, tho residents aro transporting Invalids, cripples and evon tho occupants ot lunatic asy lums. Pathetic SlKlit Prrqucnt It wag a, pathetic sight to see tho poor people, nonio carrying on their backs their hopelessly maimed or Idiotic relatives who woro crowded into -railway vans and transported northward to remain In some cattle shed or railroad platforms until rooms can bo found for them in Dutch as turns and Institutions Tho situation, however, quickly changed ngaln. While nt 2 o'clock even grown men wero weeping with terror and ffghting for places around tho railway station, at C o'clock everybody was again certain that thn forces would bo nblo to hold out against the Germans and oven throw them back across tho river Netho, whllo everybody waa tolling hla neighbor how far superior tho guns wero to tho German heavy artillery. Taking to tho Cellars Tho peoplo remaining In tho city tonight are taking to tho cellars pro pared to hear tho first shell In tho morning. Tho Belgian ministers uro trying to reach Ostend though Flanders and via Holland. Tho Belgian army is marching Into tho city, tlrod out, leaving tho guard ing ot tho forts tor the night to fresh troops. Tho asterisks aro given to denoto words cut out by tho conslr. Evident ly they related to forcos and guns brought to Antwerp by tho Drltlsh. LONDON, Oct. 8, 3 a. m. The Cen tral News quotos tho Vienna Ilelch post as stating that furious fighting has taken placo botweon the Bulgar ians and Servians and that tho Uul gartans have besieged Islip, Servla. If this dispatch is truo it would In dicato that Bulgaria has entered tho war on tho Blda of Germany and Aus tria. Thero is no official notlco that such action, however, has been taken and it may bo ttjat Bulgarian Irregu lars havo attacked thot Servians on their own account. REFUSED INJUNCTION: NBW YORK, Oct. 8.-,Tio federal district coiut ruled today Hint ilhud no jiiiUdietiou iu the suit drought iigiiiust ricurvlury of ttiu Navy Dan iels mid four naval eeiiHorskiiw hy Ihu Marconi Viieles 'Vlru4i L'tin. I may of Aiumica, in pravent tha mtX', eminent fiom kovplw tdiwrnd Hie wtat les sIhIIoiih nl KiucOHi, H4.t iiml Ken Oiilc, N, Y. Tbn &Hm&' iippllcHllou fur mi IhJiuWIhi am Jw MiMMHl, REPORTED BULGARIA ENTER CONFLICT y i-n ) l SSi Y. ii ; i f i i A W St ' v.M '1 ., tg