Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    .' H
' V
MEnFonn TrATr fmrnriNrc, mrwonn, oumpx, wiwNEanAV, ocvomm 7, 1014
i ci
" k'W
. K-.
Tim Cnniini'icliil dull incutlim
.Miiiiilny iiIkIiI, warf turnml Into u Vtn I
(iililn rally, mainly In hulinlf of Urn
normal. Hun llhehlou tnnitu 11 mont
nriillflui; it'iHiit n'Mitrillnu Hid it
lonk In Ki'iiunil, which kiwi iiii Im
imtiiH In 11 whlrlwt)il t'liinimltui to
Im InniiKiiriilcil at once, unilnr thu
IIIIHlct of II Mll'Cllll I'OlllllllttCO If
Itiii, tti iiiIho iiii nilillloiiiil 11000 to
ii.nillli) tlm movement to clvo piili
Hilly iiiciitiimm In Imhalf or Hid
iichnol 'i'ii wider moii), Ah h rn
mull llio nllvor lining to llm fliianrliil
lutroim'tor Ih already tin llio i Jmt.
TIiIh now coiiiinlltitn will nlno iiiko
tlm iiinruliuntH ror tlm Hum ImiIiik ut
leant, to illMcojilliiiii) (ho hIvIiik or
tllllllllK HtlUIIIM llllll Cllhll lllHCOUtltH UN
Initio IiicciiIIvch, tuinliiK tho fdielln
which would t li Hit ho i)Xut!uil Into
tho iiorniul rum), 1'lcloihil feiitiiroti
on a IiIk hciiIo nro iiIho ciiIIIiii; atten
lion tn tlm normal, untun extra hirno
oiioh on tho local hllllioiirilH helm;
niUal to tho nilvnrtlitliift Hicrlnltlim
of llio llarnuiiillally rhow In It
luiluili'M ituyn. A lialr iIihoii or moro
now nn'iiihtint worn added to tho ron
tor of lid) iiiiiih, Tlm chili wan prac
tically uniinluioiiN In mloitoil tho
inKiiliilliiii which prodiloM for tlo tip
imlutinout (if ii Hccrotary by tlm hoard
or truxlooH In lieu of tho old plan or
cloclliiK that official.
(irnttU I'uxit Mill try coikIiihIouh
It It tho local Mull hcIiooI footliall
miuud, on homo kioiiiiiIm, Saturday,
Octolior in.
Tho cau of lllinui I'mor, who wiik
llm (Irtliu rwntly or a hull niotit
incut aKiOiiNl tho Southern I'nrlflo
(Htur mrvlculii (ho loial htockyardM
U pioKroNNlnK fuunrrlily. Tho hull
turned out to hit a iti.'iililnncd nicer.
I'rtuor In mpcrlutriidcnt (if tho wator
vrtlro on llio HhiiHta dlvlxlon, and
(van liKuNtlKiilliiK tho ciuidltlon of tho
mi!liiiii)tit In tho itock pciiH when vl
rlomly attached uuauaroHiiud iter
liiiuly Injured, nohody oIho hcint:
aioiiud at tho lluio to rvmlor nitlKt
nncn. Hnvunil rllw woro hrokcu and
ti nhnuldnr hlado fractured, lie fin
ally niaiiauvd to crawl out and uiado
hi way to tho H. I'. Morcl.oupor'rt
office. Tho Htoer wiih tho only mil
tuul occiipyliiK tho pen at tlm tlum
and wim half-crazed through IicIiik
crippled, l-'or the proeiit I'riucr In
MoiiphiK with till frleml Hloreheeper
I'olt;, lint, ulll bo roinovcd to tlm
niinpnii)' Keueral huiipltnl at Han
I'iiiucIkco HjU wej'l.. Dr. Ilnidniiitfi,
!l. !, nirjjuoii, ban cliarKo or tho cam.
Mm. Ilcdlntjto'n or Seattle, who con-
ducted detnonntratlouH In "cookliiR, wen- overal niln, one of which was
by wire" hero recently lH u ilniiKlitur .hy ,Mi. IM Andrews, which wax u ije
of A. II. .Moacbnm. rormer nuperlii- jlidil In all. I.iclit icfrei.hiuciith were
lndent of Indian affalrn In roiithern 'mtximI ut the eloe of the nfternoou.
Oiopmi at the tliuo or the Cnnliy nuinH
aero In lST7:t. In thovo dnyx xlio
wiih a llttlo ulrl and lived with tho
family at Hiilcin. She Ik an old tlpio
aciiialiiauco of tho varloiiH Apple
Ku'to fiMiilllcK. partlrulnrly tliono llv
Iiik In Khuntith county, W'liHo hero
die attended thu pioneer Kutlierliu;
al .lacliKinvllle with Ahhluml rrlendx,
and mow remlulHcent over llm trim
1'ijy whuroln her rathor bnrvly en
cnpvd with IiIh lire.
Mica llortoiuo Winter, dniiKhter or
Mr. mid Mih, 0. Winter, Mi Tuurii)uy
for AiikcIch xliero him will at
tend an art hcIiooI,
Win, I'Niv, director In No. rii, tho
Wnmier crcok dbtrlcl, onn or tlm
uioiiol mid biiuimr nclioola In .lnckiiou
county, wan tit Atdilaud Tiicailuy, lie
tnrvlixvInK Dlruclor T, II, HlmpKiin
of tlm local hcIiooI liounj, rcgardlm;
addliloiiiil e(iilMiet for IiIh nchool.
Wanner creek Iiiih orecled a nopnrnto
hiilldlnK for IU luminal training do
puitiiiitit, u mitiHlnntlnl Htriicturo
n:ii! which will bo oiulpiud with
iKory ri'iiHl(o nocosiary for luntruc
tlnu aloiiK thodu lunla. )oimtlo
M'leuco will nluo bo taiiRht.MUH Oruco
ltnilioltz, prlmniy tcuclilnt,', htivluR
that Hpeclulty In clun'KO. (llo.uu Wax
ililp In principal In tho liiHtltutlou
l IiIh tenp. Waynor crook (ii'lioiil M
two uillcH from Talent, mid huii nbout
III puiijlH,
Hlnco opItomUIng tlm portrait
ciHH(lcatl())i an applied to political
emnlldntori In Mouday'H Mall Trlbuuo,
tho HthoKriiph of another prointnont
pejKon iiih appeared on tho ureuo.
I'oW coplfB mo tlniH far hi ovldunco,
thoy IiiivIiij; arrlvod cmjy in tho
weok, throiiKli llm Hopopd ono of ho
parcel poet Horvlco. Tm nprlrult
Iiiih lmou,ppnltlvoly doutlflod iih (ho
noKiitlvo or Hon. II. A. lloolh. roniiti-
llcuu cauihato for Uultod States hoii
utor, ami H Iiiih found n mifn ropoHl
lory In tlo wIiiiIqwih or tho First Na
tional Hank,
!'. HurdluK. capltallHt of 1'qsndonn,
Cat., was In town Tuesday, Ho wiih Her but also iih regards scholarly nt
iiccoinpauh'd hy Mrs, Harding, and talnmentH,
lmy nro tntirlnit llm valley wlti ii Roy fiiinhurH, forost ranger, re
view. or selecting lompnrary qtiurtnrti Hinted lo tho vicinity or Hack Lake,
ror Hiiiniuer resldeiicoduiliiK Hint pef-JTMesdity, after it brief visit with hs
lod when oxlmoucp In Cullforjilu jfl irnntM hero, The Lake of the Woodn
iiioiu or Ii'hh opnresslvo nnd u bore. iikIoii Is also in territory which Ih pa
W. U. I'leor, of Han I'Tnndsco, van trolled hy him niijl tt half dinteti other
In town early In llm week, Interview. ningeiH, tho headiiiailors or llm In
lug Mi'tiui'ti, Kllvor mnl llulliiy on mill- illviiui iicn bdnu al) niniiorli'il ll
ter voniivutoii wi)li u uoiiH'tvo iittr-
Mr. OicnIiiiiii vIhIIci! lor llio week
uitli IiIh hUIci', Mim, liny NIcIkiIh
It. W. Mhlcii miih in (IiiiiiIm I'jihh
ilcllveiinj; ii our Until of HiipcrplioM.
plmle Tlmixiliiy mill I'Ylihi.v.
Inlin Hllyf II. .I. Yii.lii' iiml A. H.
Illiickfoitl iiiolorcil to Atcilf'oiil Sultir
(lll.V. .Mih, Diimhi ciiloiliiliii'il nl din
hit .Siinilny for tint follewing: ,lr.
MeS'iiMxer, .Ml I", .McN'iihhct noil
MInh K, A, I'icldiril.
CIiiiciico l.ovciu mid wife (iitcil
MiK r.lliolt l-'riiliiy.
A rouiiiiiK icIiomihiiI for the (Innie
IUokiuiu Slililliliiy evi'tlillj; wiih lichl
IViilny ut the linine of J. V. KMcii.
.Mix. II, W, Stone euteituiiicil u
iiiuulier oI'kiickU nl illniicr .Sitturilay
Mr. I'eniiel, who wiih iiii Hm I ii ti tt (
in lallliii: I'rniii u loint of liny mnl
hi calmly his eollnr Imuv ouil Mivcnil
rilis In inipi nvin rapiilly.
Having hi'iiii Invnicil liy the Will
llnnlcy i('lcntiiiii of Imly hoo-teiH,
Willow Kpiiuux In now pnlicntly wait
inir for tho Cliiiiiiliciliiiii ilclcuitlimi of
A mil in. v piihlio will he ut the Wil
low Spline NehoollioiiKe Sntiiiilny
t-iiintr for the hcucfit of tlioM ulm
Iiikc faileil to icMcr.
I,ailie! LiiiIIchI l)n not 1'nrp't
to riM-ter. I)u nut I'm act to (olc.
Time i nlmit mnl it n of (ital ini-
pnilai that you vole iulcllieiitly
for riiilroarii, uoiul loadN, jiroliiliiliou
anil other impoitaiit iiiciihiiicm.
The (irniie incetiiijf Satunlav e(e
ninir, Oeloher ltl, "111 take the foiia
of o "IimiiI tiiiicM Hiieial" with pump
kin M'i mnl eoffee, iefrcliinciit. All
jiicmheih not eomiiii; in cimtmiic will
he ilulv fiiuil, Imt do nut fnil to come
SomelliiiiK ileiui: liie elillie e(cuiii
Satiinliiy iilteiiioou Mr. McKcc
wii the lnihte to the I'u rent -Teacher'
ilnli iiml iiImi the tiin-l Mill chili
of Meilfonl. 'file iiiiue- uiceliny of
the I'litciil-Teocliert dull (oteil to
iiiieliiin "TIid Kml of Da;," by
Allan, have It framed ami procut it
to the kcIioiiI. At the no Inurnment of
thJM mcctillK Hie III ii I Hill dull Ionic
diiiij.'c, the eliaiimaii, Mm. IoIiii
Itiml, miuoiiuccil tho lin-t t-penker,
Ml. Itcdily, lme hiihjeel, ''Why
Wouicll Sholllil Vole," vn- ileli(cicd
with eloipiciiiie, while the M'comt
peaker, Mih, '. llnnlcy, poko of
Will llnnlcy mnl hi platfonu in n
iiioxt ilceiive inaiiner mnl onicill
In (he iMiiut. Jlw, Scliiot li'lin uncc
the IihIicm smile iufiiniiulinii well
wnijlj icmcmliciiii, mnl i;rent inter
eht to ever jnili(iilual family. In
lerxpciKcd with the liiwiue-M tiicclmy
Mr. Wil-nn and fiiiiulv ami Mihh
Mnv Neiilou of Tnlilc Ifoek xpeut
Sitinlay wiih Mr. mnl Mr. Colt Law.
Due to the illncsf of Colt l.uw, hi
hi-ler ((Uh eallcil from Tuhle Koek
Monday. Mr. I,aw ut lliin dalo t
mipio(ii. Iiowcver.
cIihho of tlm (illlollo llthln Bprlngn
properly cant of town. Tills ninttcr
hriH been titillated frotn time to tlnm
ror roino ninutliH pttKt, Such n xalo
would Imply tlm erection of a com
moiloiin hotel on tho property.
J. J, Murphy, ono or tho big
rancheiH In tho Hnilitrntu creek hcc
lion east or town, will bocomo an ur
ban rculilent, Iiik lug lenmi the
Wright cottngo In tho ultra faiihlou
nblo Nol) 111)1 tlliUrlct. 1 1 In non Mur
rny, who N on the wuy homo Ironi a
weildlnj; trip to lown, will horenrtur
inmtiiKo tho ranch property which cm
braccH over 1-00 ncrctt till told.
I'roddluK Home party or pnrtlcH
will fuiulnh threo ncrH or laud, eli
gibly tdtuittod, ami coming up to ro
itilromont in vmloiib pnrtlculnrd, n
$100,000 hotel will ro up on tho
premised. Surb Is tlm utatomout ut-
trlliuted to Auto 1'olloc'U, Htiperln
teudeut pt (lining car nud hotel uerV'
Ico or the .Southern Pacific, who wiih
n (ho city Monday, further Investi
gating the mineral uprlngH outlook
hero In ItH'rolatlop to the dutunnd for
lucrcugod lintel racllltloH.
The Kk, who have taken ovor (lo
hoi'Ioh or enlottalpmeulH afforilud hy
tho Itodpath Kycotim lliiieau, open
tho HciiHon TJuiVHilay ovouIiik of tlila
(v)0k with Hulph l'ttjiotto, "tho lee
turor (vti a laugh." Four other on
loiliilpinoiitH follow In duo kcmhoii.
llormami H, llerlug or Hoston, con
nected with tho board or Joctureuhlp
o( tlm ChrlHtlan Hclenco mother
olturci, Uellvored au.addiCHH at thq
Vpilng Monday night, Thoto wiih u
Imgo atteiulajico, mid tlm talk wan
highly pralHod not only along oxpot.1
toiy llnoH regarding tho Hcleutlflt ho-
' I'liciiu niTVk'o, J
Charlcii Woodon wan n Moilford
vlHltor Monday, Charley had n vijl
tiahlo mule tied lit IiIh bum belong
ing to a Mr, Mlnnol, when ho canto
bad; homo ho found llm miilo had
become tangled lit tho ropo ami
broken ltn neck. The owner Ih al
Crater l.nlto mid left IiIh Block In
(JhurlcH cine, no one to hlamo hill
thu mule,
,l)avo Cotorll mnl W. C, Chapinmi
woro vlBllum at tho county mint MOn
ilay. Tho farineiH or tho north end or
Hoguo rlvor valley nro wnltlntc pn
tlonlly ror that Irrigation ilKcli to
(omo, mid give them n chance to com
pete with thu balance or thu valley,
hoiiIIi or the river. ThouiianilH of
acton or laud could bo tuiido to pro
duce good cropn with tho water ror
their tine In tlm dry hcuhoii, and water
Hum it In In plenty going to waHte In
Itogtti) liver. Wo fnnucm feol Bitro
that Bopio ono iiittu or corporation Ik
rcHpoimlhlo ror thin mid that It
ought to be called to the attention or
the governor or tho date. If IIiIh
valley wiih In California wo dnitild
have been tmhig water ten years ago".
William .lotion, Jr., ot Jleiigle, a
fntcHt rungor, Ih In from tlm inottii
tiittiH, IIIm many friends were Kind
to hcu him hack again.
Charles Woodon, tlm bachelor far
mer, has moved to (he Angle ranch
near 1'ngle Point, which ho lion
tented on tho pharos.
A few or tho nsplranti! for county
office wore bunding their cards
around among tho farmers recently,
Mr, H, Conlcy and family or the
clioppiiro! dxtrlct started Friday ror
their lionm In l.migcll valley, Klam
ath county. 81 leaves a legion or
friends behind who wish hltn suc
cess In his ttuw home.
flcorgo Stacy of Jlcnglo Is nicking
his fine crop of apples and storing
them ror a hotter market.
Mr. Carlton tlm Central Point cat
tle hiijer wan busy this wed J among
tho farmers of thin section n good
number of cattle mid hogs changed
hands. Come ngalu Mr. Carlton when
you want stock.
Frank ItodgorH-tho Aulloch carpcu
ter Is helping our supervisor repair
Mime bridges that woro In n danger
ous condition.
Tlm Atttloch Literary htarteil, Fri
day night wiih a fair attendance overy
ono Is requested lo come to tlm next
meeting. Let us nil Join In and help
the teacher do Komclhliig for our
young folks.
Mr. S. , Ailntiw etime tip Weil.
iii'mIiiv to her lioiue tit ,1. II. Mp
kineV, nfler pfiiiliu:: the -mininei
with fiieinlh in the willev.
(nek 'itiigliu mm cil liw hoii-e
tiliniil HH) yntils In tlie ninth In-1
week. It ir now on the public roml
near the lnn:e harn he icci;ntlc Iniilt.
Mr. Vaughn inletulK to add xevcral
rooiim to his hoii-e, paint it and pipe
the wnter to it,
Charles .Manniti1.' i helping licit
lligitihothmn with hK full work.
Frank litiwoilli went to Mcilfntit
Satutilay. Frank has hectt ufferin
from rlicmiiutL-ni for several week.
I). ('. mnl (I. A. Illapchitril, who
hao been (idt'in;; old friend mnl
relulivivi for the iitict six ((ecks, left
Satiinlay for their homes in Mi. -Mitiii.
.Mr. iiml Mrs. I), lllandmnl
look litem to the xtntion.
Kml I'c.don was limiliiiK K",l"
from Dcthy Sition Sntmdny.
Mr. .Mnithfielil in litiviu u trans
former iiihtalleil to enable him to get
elceliieity from the liigh-power line.
Kenneth mnl Margery F.ivkiuo
fienl Sinulay ut (I. KiiieuidV.
McHMH. Vincent mnl I'lticli took a
pice bunch of cuttle (o market last
A liaiul of WIImiii i!c NeiilertnyerV
sheep came out Moinlny from thu ic
J. F. Ditswortli U ott the federal
jury itiiil will go to town Tuesday
Reported by Jacksou County Ab
tract Co., Sixth and Fir Bti.
Real ICitnto TriuiNfors
V. M. Swnrlr.fiiger to Alon.o
J), Harrell, one-tliinl nilercsl
in niiuiiig- claim in hcc '()-JJ1-IW.
. - ?!()
W. Al. Kynrtzfiiger to M. (1.
Wilmuek, otm-lliirtl iutcicd
in mining utmm in sec. 'JO-Itl-IW.
. . . m .. .. Ill
K. Vr J.ictJly et tivtii Iilu ;in;;,
lol I, luk.'j, .Inekijni Aijtl.i.
j xorici:.
Notice Is hereby given that tho uu
dorslgneil will apply to tho city coun
cil of tho city of Modrord, Oregon,
at Its next regular meeting, October
20lh, I Ul I, for a license to sell malt,
vIiiihih mnl splrltoiiH l(iio'rti fit tlmtr
place of liiisluesH, on North Fir
died. Medford, Oil(i;;:i, for a period
of hU IIIOUtllH.
Dated October T. I IM I .
l'oii coiJN'iv itiiumnKit.
1 hereby mnimmro myndf as tho
democratic, candldato lor tho offleo
of county recorder of Jackson coun
ty, to bo voted on at tho rennral
election on November .1, l'JM. f
oloctod, I will do my jluty as I havo
In pther rcHpoimlhlo position that I
h'avo hold. .'A. JACOHKA
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announce myself as can
dldalo on tho Republican ticket ror
county recorder, ir oloctod I will
glvo my undivided atteutloti to the
duties or tho office, Election Nov. '.',.
(Paid Adv.)
I ivlMli lo place my naino bororo
tho votorn or Jackson county an an
Independent canilldato for county cor
(Paid Adv.)
W. W. Ussher, republican and
democratic nominee. Subject lo
election November 3, 1911.
(Paid Adv.)
van kiikiui'f
I hereby announce myself as the
democratic nominee ror sheriff or
Jackson county to bo voted on at tho
general election November 3.M0M.
J. F. IUTT30N.
(Paid Adv.)
Hereby announcing myself as re
publican candldato for sheriff at tho
coining election, I stand on my past
record of efficient rervlco In tho In
terest of tho tnxpayer, and respect
fully solicit the support of nil voters.
(Paid Adv.)
coir.vrv TitKAsritcit.
I nut tho democratic nnmlnco for
treasurer or Jnckron county and will
appreciate your support.
H. (SID) 1. UltOWN.
(Paid Adv.)
1 herahy announce that, I am the
republican candldato and nominee ror
the offleo of county treasurer.
FIti:i) I,, coi.via,
Mnrlatt II. Tow no, democratic-pro.
gresslvo nominee lor representative.
(Paid Adv.)
mt'.vrv siuvcYoit
Pemocratlc candidate subject to
election Nov. 3., l'.M I. I respectfully
refer you to my past record as a basis
upon which to Judge my nuiillflcntluiiM
for tlm above named offlre.
During tho present term I havo
been chief deputy county surveyor,
and have been actively engnged In tlm
practice or civil engineering and sur
veying In tho county lor tho past six
H elected. I will endeavor to servo
tho public ,In n manner that will re
flect credit upon tho office.
A. T. UltOWN.
(Paid Adv.)
iiiii i7r..T Fi'HNisiiini aits.
FOll 11I5NT Two and threo room
apartment nicely furnished. The
Oxford. 223 West Main. 173
FOR RENT Largo sleplnR rooms,
and modern housekeeping apart
ments, prices rcry roasonablo.
Phone 247-L. 322 South Holly
ROOM AND "HOARD At" 115 South
Ivy. Mrs. C. L. Grant. ltl 2
LOST No. pinto 11,597 mid electric
tall light. Reward ror return to
R. It. Fruit Si Prodttco Asso.
Hoguo Rlvor Valloy Fruit Lands.
Dairy, btock. poultry ranches and
Tlmbor. Colonization Tracts. Rest
nll-the-year-routid climate uu const.
Health Resort. Wonderful -Medicinal
HetKor Realty Co,, Ashland, Oregon.
I mn making deals for a larger por
cent or my customers thmi ut any
tlum tduco I started business,
I want your proposition. I am
making up a Real Estato Exchange
Hook, 1 will not list properties nt
Inflated values either for sale or trado
so In quoting prlco of proporty, glvo
lowest cash nluaUon.
'M First National llmik HuHtllug
IMnino' l'JO-J
Two good lots on tho enst sldo, no
nssessmeiitH, will exchange for good
(emu, wagon and harness,
35 acres hi high grade alfalfa, and
good buildings near Rtvorslde, Cal.,
will uM'hutiKo for a good stock lanclt
In southern Oregon,
A IhiikuIu lu ti six room house,
heals ptoliiK rent. '
ro ttKMinnvHr
nTTP?ri:NT--i:Tg7it "roonY modern
bungalow, clone In; paved ntrnet.
good In wit, tiliado, Call at C18 W.
Main. 170
FOll UHNTI!oiiko or six rooms nrttl
bath. Apply to K. II. French,
phono 730-11, 170
FOll ItKNT Six room house, No. 2B
North Central Ave; also 20 acre
ranch, ono mile north or illy. Ap
ply to J, S. Howard, room 103,
M, F. ft II. Illdg.
FOll HI-JNT Six room hourc, close to
school, ifj.50 per' month, -water
paid. Address P, O. box 775. 171
FOll RUNT Four room modern fur-
nlshed house. 717 North Itlver-
sldc. 170
FOll WONT Two room rurnlshod
house. Largo closet nnd pantr7.
electric lights and city water. 31 J
West 2nd St., phono GliO-.M.
FOll HFA'T-Desirable, strictly mod
ern bungalow, with lire place nnd
screened porch, east Trent on
(Jertevn avenue. See Humphrey,
i'i Geneva. 17..
FOll UI:NT Two rottr room fur
nished modern flats. 730 West
lltlt. Phono C21-II.
FOll iThNT Furnished room In
modern hottre, clofo In. Phone
fok sai.i: i:i:atj kstatb
VO II S aM:A 1 f alf a" land r in tracts
from 20 to 1(50 acres; prlco 1150
per acre; 30 per cent cash, balance
in 10 years at 0 per cent interest;
will guarantee Hvo tons nirnUa'por
acre at " per ton In stack; abund
ance ol Irrigating water; paid up
water right with land. Applicant
state amount or land desired. This
offer holds good until October 15.
Address "Alfalfa," caro Mull Tri
bune. 173
roil sai.p. houhks
fci 1. ww
FOIt SAM-: A nacriricc, six room
house with store room and bath,
lot 5(1x130, Improvements paid ror.
5 IS S. King street, MctHord. Price
11200 rurnlshcd. worth $2000.
Call al later address or room 2 18,
CJarnctt-Corcy IJIdg. 171
FOIt SAIi: WRltrsoWH Willi 57 plgsi
nil fat; threo milch cows, ono heif
er, fresh November 1; team marcs,
weight 2100; turkeys, geese, hares,
machinery, furniture. C. h. Foley.
It. It. No. 2. Mcdford. Ore. 171
FOIt SAI.i; Four head of Iresh Jer
sey milk cows. J. L. Itagsdnlo.
Lake creek. ,
FOIt SAI.K flood Jersey cow, fresh
10 days. Phono lt-1111. 170
FOH SAI.K Flno well broken work
team mid h.irnesH. F. I,. Ton
Velio. Jacksonville. 171
von samv Misc;i-:iii.M-:ous
FOIt SAM-; nine Mission grnpes. I
cent a pound, delivered. Phone
II-13W. 172
FOR SALE Hot water tank nnd
small show case. Phone 157-J.
FOR SALE Half priced two 120 egg
hot water Pctalutna Incubator used
but once, good as new. Address
box 311, Mcdford. 175
FOR SALE nig pay. big value, low
priced raincoats. Free coat. Write
for agency. Tho Far West Sales
Company, Albany, Orogon. 171
FOR SALE Whlto Leghorn pttlletts.
Address How 30, caro Mull Tri
bune. 171
FOR SALE Empty whlskoy bnrrols
for elder, vinegar, etc., $2 each. R,
C. Washburn, Central Point, Ore
gon. 170
VO if SALE Corn, 1 cen t s per
pound, 3 miles west ot Mcdford. P.
I). Loflnnd, phono 103 Jackson
ville. . 172
FOR SALE A few second hand wood
nud gas heaters. Palm Rooms,
130 W. Main. Ill
WANTED Man nnd wlto wants
ranch work. J. F. Pullen, 125 So,
Grape St. 170
WANTED Contracts for wood cut
ting or land clearing. P. O. box
3G2, Modrord. 102
WANTED Gcnornl work by day ot
hour. George Taknce, phono llv.
WANTED Sowing by day or pleco.
Mrs. Marquam, 2 IS So, Central
Ave. Phono 370-M. 180
WANTKD Real estato, small ranch
or acreage for busltiosa nnd resi
dence lots In Oakland, Cul to
value $3 100. Chns. Nuunu, Mod
rord, R. F. D. No. 1. 172
WANTED Auto In good condition
for a moving picture show operat
ing In small town, close to Med
ford. Address P. O. box 33, Ash
land. Qro. 171
WANTED To ront modern, fur
ulsliod house, absolute aatlbfactlon
guaranteed. Lula M. Watt, 215 E.
Jackson. Phono 081-.!.' 170
FOR EXCHANGE Good 3V4 wagon.
horse and truck, Incubator and
brooders, want polo wood, cow,
shoatH or what. Phono 25-R5. 172
FOR TRADE Good violin t cao
lor medium ze heating stove,
wood burner Phono 751-.I, 171
FOIt EXCHANGE Eight room
hoiivo clear, to trado for live stock
Dennett Incontinent Co,
EXCHANGE- Want lo sell or hit)
ttn UiIiikt n c ituiiur, nt n
Front Hi, I'ttouv m iNurf IM'
VKhV VA)iTKt-Mj1iK
WANTKD-Kxpcrlencod miner as
caretaker lor gold mine. Address
0., caro Mall Tribune.
Auto Iliippties
nro operating tho Inrnost, oldest
and best cfptlppcd plnnt In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others tall. Sold under guar
antee. 2(5 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Oro.
Notary I'nbllr.
HTaiiiNNT ' YOOK : B Y -Notary" ptnV
lie. Ilrlng your work to rnc at tlie
sign of tho Mall Trlbuno.
Orilco 12 North Front St. Phoni
315. Prices right. Service guar
9, Medford National Itank lildg.
Corey bldg.
W'm. M. ColvlR. George M. Ilobertt
Mcdford National Hani; Ilttlldlnc
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Dank Dulldlng.
NEWTON W. DOItDEN Attorney at
law. room 7, Sparta building, Med
ford. Orogon.
Dlt. A. Tt. HEDOE3, Dr. Louise K
Hedges Mcchano-Thcraplsts, Chiro
practors, Spondylothcraplsts. These
systems, including dietetics, ciira
tiro gymnastics, hydro-tltcrsphy,
etc., produce results In both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Deuel & Co,, cor
ner Main and DartlcU. Hours 9
a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by
appointment- Phono 170.
DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD,. Chiropractor
norvo specialist Rooms 203-204
205. Garoett-Corey bldg. Vapor
baths and scientific massago given;
nccdlo spray, head and shouldot
shower in connection; advice lo
dietetics. medical gymnastics,
hydroptherapy. Lady attendant
Phone, otflco 543, rnsldance Cll-ll
Employment Anmcy
Wo aro here to hclt pcoplo get re
llablo. competent hoi p. Wo fur
nish help In almost all lines ot
business. y mako a specialty ol
cotnnctent nton and wives for
ranches. We solicit your patron
age nittnor's Ileal Bstato and
Employment Ilurcau, Rooms C and
7 Palm Uulldfuc. Medford. Phont
858. Mrs. Ilyrd Caster, Manager
, Dontlsts
Gnrnott-Corey nidg., suite S10
slcdford. Ore. Phono 856.
OARHAGE Get your pretnlsct
cleaned up lor tho summer. Call
on tho city garbago wngons lot
good service. Phono 32C-L. F
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Music
Laurel. Fred Alton Ilnlght Piano.
Mrs. Florence Halllduy Haight,
(olee. Tolophone 17C-R.
SHOE REPAIRING First class she.
repairing, on modern electric
machines whllo you wait. E. N.
Olden, located in Kldd's Shoo Store,
Phone 313J.
Phycslclans nnri Surgeon?
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physicians, 410-417 Garuott-Core)
bldg., phono 103G-L. Kesldoncf
20 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostcopathu
physicians, 303 Garnett-Corej
building. Phone U04-M.
DR, J. J. EMMENS Physician ana
surgeon. Practico limited to oyo,
ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Office 228 East Main St.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m
B. II. PICICEL, M. D. Orrico Jnck
son County Rank bldg. Offlci
phono 43-R; resldonco phono 58-lt
clan and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposlto Nash llotol. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. R. W. OLANOY Physician and
surgoon. Phones, office 36, rosl
douco 724-J. OHlco hours 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician
and surgeon,
Practico limited to dlseusos ol
womon. Orriecs 232 E. Main
Phones, rosldouco, 814-J2; off let
It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. 0(er HutculBon & Lums
don, 215 E, Main St. Phono 77.
DR. MO M. M. DOW Physician and
Burgeon, Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os
teopathia physician, offices 3-4 Ut
Mark's block, Phono 1C0. Host
denco thu Dow Hospital, Central
Printers mid l-uldlHiers
best equlppml printing offleo In
southern Oregon; hook blni)lnK.
Ioohu leuf lodgem, hlllhiK Hj'dtniia,
otit, Portluiid (nice, 3 oiib
-u n w i
L E 1. 1ST
I '
ade' irf
Light Housekeeping
Fully Modern. Trices Reasonable
Office nt .-Mcdford pbnrniacy, 1'tiona
10. Night Phone 7(11, Meilfonl Hotel
Answers All Calls, Day or Night
Southern Oregon
Electric Company
Light, ITcat nnd
Power "Wiring. Oct
our estimate before
lotting your job.
3.15 S. Riverside.
Phone 189-R
Itfnzdn Lamps deliycvcd
j?or 12 to 15 cars apples ad
joining S. P. trackage, low
rate. Inquire Bennett In
vestment Co. or forenoons of
R Ossenbruggc, 401 S. Riv
erside. WlliamHanty
IAM a candidate for tha alllca
of United States Senator
because a great many peeale
thought I ought to be. I waa
born In Oregon and have livfd
here all my life. Extracts from
my platferm:
Mining should
receive the same
encouragem c n t
that agriculture
u receiving. Ge
ological stations
should be cstab-
jjhed in Eastern and Southern Ore
gon at least.
Regardless o f
what the state
puts up for the
purpose, the gen
eral Government
should complete
t h e topographi
cal surveys as speedily as possible
These maps arc necessary for road
building, canal construction and a
infinite number of purposes.
I have always
favored equal
suffrage. I fn
or N a t i o n nl
equal suffrage.
A woman lias
the right to sVy
into what sort of a world her chil
dren shall be born.
I favor the
strictest regula
tion, backed up
by c d u c a t c tl
public opinion. I
do not favor pro
hibition. I be
lieve it docs not prohibit; it promotes
hypocrisy and invades for a. few tlie
personal liberty of all. I tlunk per
sonal freedom the greatest fwee
(here is, constructive of character.
(Paid nilvcrtUnintnt by thjiS
riitiln Cmniiilttwr, O. C. ,
MantiKW) f
T :;,i:,v;.i
J it
K " i ' i i''r
' .il
1 1
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