lu. s 4v nuDFonn Trxm tr-tdtine, otjford, omwox. wtcdxebtyay, octotiet? 7, 'iorr PaGE TTTREE i 't '.. 4 :i H- PAY FARM LOANS NSTALLMENTS PLAN OUTLINED the arc of ' CIIK'AdO, OH. 7. Ilm.i'uimmilmii of lint I'unii inuitKiiKC IjiimIiicmk ho tlmt the lender will be tin- friend nml Hnnnciul mlvUer mid ejnwiliiiii, if ni'i'il lie, of Him borrower, wiik nihil' 1'iiti'il lnii Iniliiy liv Dr. .luliii ('milter. hi'i'imIiiiv of lltn I'nlli'il HIiiIcm cunimiMxinu mi riiinl erediK Dr. Coulter nMik" hel'nic the I'i im I nnminl convention ofllie I'iiwi Mnrl tfiiue Hunker' iwiicliillon. It Ik cm. hculinl, In1 niiIiI, Hint heller liniiiii'iiil principle lie upulicil In riiini iniiri i:ii),'i'H. Twit leudlim principle, hi) Mllll, IIIIIMt Kllilll' Ntll'll lllltllH. r'irwt, till' lllllllltllt Itlltl -H'illl III' lln limn iiiiihI Iii iiiljiisd'il to tin' purpmte tor which tin Joit ii in rcipiircd, Second, (llOViVlOII IIIIHt III lllltllf lor Illl t'.V- liiii'tlnu nl' lln' limn in minimi in hlnllini'iilH, To Itcoruiinle HjMetn "or tim ii,:iiiii,(Hio in hum iii United Slnti'H, iiliuiit l.liilli.liilli npcrulcil liv their owner, mid II l,:i'J7.(M)0 me iiioiIkiiuciI," lr. 'miller wild. "I'mlcr tin' ucncriil practice, thcc iitc iniiili' In run from lliri'i' to fivi yenr. I urnc Hint tin' length of tin' limn sliinilil vury willi tin1 iiii-iom'. "IT till' limn I made to riiiii tin' fin in with uiiieliinciy or Iivi-kmI;. it hlmulil run limn live to I en venr. It' it i tin' purpnc to ciiiinl riH-l build iiiU'x, tin' lomi miejit I'xli'iul mer ii jM'iioil of fil'lron ycni. If tin' pur )iuwi' in to iiuri'liici' tin1 I'm rin, the Innti iiiiulit extend from twenty-live uh I'm tin thiity-fio yenr. In Annual Installment "A to iiiv inoposnl tluil rnrui lotiiiH hlmulil In1 paid off in minimi in stallment, tlic I'nrmcr' revenue i produced in Mil way, mul itiilf.- I lie I'uriiii'r nuliiiillv teilucen tin- loan, In tH tlllllllM MIIC at itx iiiutuiilv to llhl. t'ni' u rcncwiil. Tlum In nil indebted i'm pili'h iii." Dr. Coulter Miiil tlmt hi' slroiiL'ly opposed to direct pivcnnncnl loans or Milediliix in I'liuni'i'tioii with farm niorlunci'N, Si-Nsiuns of tin' iikHui'iutiiiii ill t'oiitiuiii' over loutiirrow. Hunker 1'rnin nil part uf the cnunlry uri' to take tn rt in tin' ilicuinn. LYCEUM COURSE EN OCTOBER 12 Tim Mcitforit entertainment course opeim next Monitny nlttlit. October I'J nl N o'clock nt tlii' Niiliilorliiin with Itnlph Piirh'ttn In ItU lecture on "Tin' University or Hunt Knock." Four other excellent musical unit enter tainment uumliorM coiupluto tint con red. TIiIh In lino of (tin hi'Mt Lyceum courNvn ;vcr kIvcii In .MfiUoril nml U worthy tint Hiiiiort of all lovorH of It Ik li cIiihh, clcnn cntcrliilniiicntH, It U cohIIiik (ho rouinilttoo npproxl mntcty Jl'OO. All over Oils amount will ho Klvon to tlic puhllo llhrnry. Hccuiii your HcIiuIh now for tho nc kid nt I IuhUIiih driiK htoro. I'rlco 'J,r0 InclmlliiK rcnurvi'il Kent. UIiikIu iiiIiiiIksIou 7 Tic, Tho othor numhorfl nre: Tho Dunhiir Mnlo qunrtctto ami Hull ItliiKitrH, Nov. -.'I. KiiKonit I.iiuiiint ft Co., In MukIc Kxtrnorilluary, Dec. 17. Harmony Concoct company, InHtru monlalliUH, Foh. S.'lil. MonlravHlo Wooil, ncluntlHt, April 7th. Tim ahovtt ntlrnct Iimik ant all mmr antcoil lycoiim nmuhurH. Fullor In formation ahoiit thuHo attractloiiH will ho Klvon tliroiiKh tho pichh ami hy ini'iuiH of horalilH from tlmii to tlmu. Tim jirlco of a hoiihou ticket Ih $2,0 IiicIiiiIIhk rt'Horvcd tntat, HIiikIo tickets nro 7Gc per numhor. Ticket Hnuy ho Hecuri'il In iiiIviiiuo from any one of tho following committee inoinherH! Itnv. V. K. HhlolilH, MrH. R. K, Ooro, or 0. It, llowmnn, TickotH may ho Hoiiuri'il at MuHkhiH1 ilrm; Htoro, alno whoroHualH aro IioIiik rcHorvml. HiilmorlhorH wIioho tlckotH have htinii ilollvoroil will ploiiKo notice that tho iluto of tho Dunliur Malo Quartotto ami Hull ItliiKorn Ih dnuiKod to Npv. iUh. ThlH milked tho Itnlph I'urlettu lertuie tho flint attraction, Oct, nth. MEXICAN PRISONERS MKXICOCITY, O.'l 7. Ko I'ur iih i'iiii lie li'iiiiii'il here no iii'linii Iiiih hi'cii (alien cither hy ('iiitiiiiii or Villa inrlirtiiiiN In norllii'iii .Mexico lowuiil lihi'iiiliiiK imUiiuim'h ichii Icil liclil hy i'iiiIi hiile, Tin1 convention of kciii'IiiU nml miviii'iioi'H limn Hi'iit IcIi'KniiiiK ciily lii4 tvi'flt Kiinci.iif Ulldl -11)11011. SEIG GUN E 10 SHELL INNER F ANTWERP ORIS IIKUI.IN, Oct. 7, (hy wlrnleim to Hnyvllle, I.. I,)-Tim llrlthih an nouiici'inent (Kiiicernlm: the liiyliu; of inlncB In tho nouthorly part of the North Ken Ih iuIIIhIiim1 In llcrlln HiIm mornliiK. ConiiiieiitltiK on thlH uiuai uro, It wiih polntuil out Intro that It virtually cIohoii Hut rhamil to neutral hhlppliiK ami Hint thin holt of inlmtH iilreti'hliiK between lliuiiHKaln anil Ok. ti'iiit loiiNllluti'H an effocllvo hlockmlo of the portK of llolliiinl. The (Ionium ailmlialty Iiiih rullor nteil h ili'clnratlou thai (loriuan lulneH have heen liilil only nloiiK tho count of Ureal llrltnln. Nijwh recelveil huro from tho Hltua llon hitforo Antwerp hcIh forth that tho Herman hit: mum have heen nil vnuroit to new poMtloim for the hoiu hanlment of tho Inner lino of forU. The military critic of tho l.okal An r.olKr exprecneM tho opinion that a heavy homharilment will ho ih'cok nary heforo a hreueh In thexo (lonely 1 1 nk oil fflrtiriratloiiM can ho mailo. He MtiyH ili'Hperato noil leu tuny ho ex pecteil, No ileHnltit neWH of the Nllunlloti In France or Oallrla hail heen slveti out In llcrlln toilay. VIENNA am RUSSIAN DEFEAT VIF.NNA, Oct. 7. (via Amterilatn ami Komlnii 12:25 p. in.). Tho followltiK official Htntement, nkneil hy (lemtral Von Hoofer, deputy chief of the Konernl Ktaff, wnn Klvon out In th(Kclty teilay: "Octoher i: Tho Hiiihlen ailvnnro of the Herman nml AiiHtrlan forcen In ItiiHNlnu 1'olnml ncoiiin to have, completely MiirprlHitil tho HumhIuihi. AlthniiKh they moved ntrong forcen from Hnllcln to tho north, they went toiuilKoil nml ilrlven hack ucronH tho Vlntulii hy the allien, whlhi ninkliiK uu effort to rroxN the river In tho tllroo lloti of Opalow. "Our troopx cnptureil n hrhlito hold hy tho HiiHHlntiH near Kamlomlr, "In Hnllcln wo aro advancing In accordauco with our plntiK, "In the vicinity of TarnoveniK wo routed a illvhdou of IttiHNlan Infantry." LONDON, Oct. 7, :i:i:i i. in, The Central Now Iiiih uunouiieeil that n lliitihh Huhiiiariue Iiiih himk u Her man mrpi'ilo hoat ilchtro.ver off the Km estuary. LONDON, Oct. 7, 2:10 . in. A iliH'ateh leeciveil hero from AinMor iliim hiiv'H Hint u (Ionium torpedo hunt destroyer is report oil to have heen sunk hy a mine off the estuary of the river Kins, hctwecn the Neth erlands mul Knst Fricslaud, in the North sea. , KILLED IN BAnLE LONDON, Oct. 7, a:2l a. m. Tho KxprcH today confirms Iho roporlH tliut lion, (leoffrey Pearson, third hou of Lord Cowdray, tho well known UrltUh contractor nml flnuuclor, hasj heen killed In hattht, Ho wan actliiK iih a motorcycle doHpatch henror with tho army norvlco corpH, and with another motorcylo rldor wiih cap ttirvd hy HhlatiH, who wero attacked hy tho allien. I'oiirxon and lilx com panion mailo a dimh for llherty and wero fired on hy tho (leiinimti. HEADACH E NEURALGIA PAIN When your head iicIioh you tdmply miiHt huvo relief or you will ko wild. I I'm iiociIIohh to Hiiffer when you can tako a leineily llko l)r, JameH' lleud ncho I'owderH ami relievo tho puln and uuiiniliilii at oiice, Heud mimeono to tho ilniK Mloro now for a dime packaisii of Dr. JamiiM' Ihiailacho I'owdeVw. Don't miffer, In u few iiioiiinulM you will fool flue 'head- ueho iioiiii-no iiiuio nuurululH pulu, --Adv, C N T ZEPPELIN PREPARE GREA T AUSTRIAN SCLAI i RAID BRITAIN LONDON, del. 7, :i:lfi n, in. In n iliHmleli front The llamie the com Aii)tfiit of Die Daily Kxpress says ncnnmi neHpnper reiiehin there iiiillentii tlmt Count Zeppelin is now tit U'illielmshaviii, on Hut Noil 1 1 sen, with hi stuff. Wilhcliiishuvcii is Hie point from which the uient air raid on Hid British Isles is expeeleil to sturt. One of these papers puhlisheH tin interview with the count, in which he is (pioted us Haying that he had not forgotten Kuuliind and would prove il soon. II js nlso reported, the eorresponil cut of the I'xpress oonlinuiw, (hat fount nml Countess Zeppelin were recently summoned to .Main, hy the empetoi'. His majesty said to the count Hint he relied on him for u Ctcul work iiiul offered to make him eouuiianiler-iu-eliief of tho (ionium air Heel. The count smilingly re fused, hut said he would accept the title when he returned frrun Kii"- lauil. The Zeppelin Muffs tire working day mul uiylit tit Willielmshaveu and utiolher slatinii is heiuu estnhlished nl Kiiiden for oilier tvpiv of nit-ships. ALLIES SEEK TO RUSSIAN I EAST HUNGARY LONDON, (Ut. 7, I V, p. tn. It In officially announced from Jliimiot, MarnmroH counly. 1 1 injury, that AiiH trlan forcoH have hien heavily n Knod with KtiKftliitiK hIuco Motidny, at a point near Te(-.o, t"li'j:raphH the AniHterdam correNpondetit of rteu ter'M Telegram company. Tho Uuh hIiiiih retreated. The hattlo came to an end near Krlrttfalva with com plete victory for the AtiHlrliirm. Tdcho Ih ahoiit 'id iiiIIck HoiithcaRt of HiiKHet, on the railroad, and Krlc Htilva Ih ahoiit the fame dlntntiro oast of UtiHMtt. MnrmaroH rounlyllH In tho extreme caHt of Hungary, KAISER'S TORPEDO 5 DESTROYER SUNK I Al RY Fl RATINR MINF klTS Jk wi iuuiiiiiiuiiiimi. 2forJC'I iiN LONDON. Oct. 7, 2:1.'! p. in. A1 MiMn Ma Ml Jforman a New NAME OIRECTOnS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD WASHINGTON. 0 1. 7. (Imern nietit or eln-ts "C" directors of the federal reMtrve Intnl. in Cliieuito nml Innas City were mimed Joilti.v hv Hie federnl reserve hoard. This loitvo only the Cleveliind direetors o he uu noiinccil hefore Till twelve hanks ure ready to lie-in the tietmil wotk of or-vniiixnlion. LONDON. Oct. 7, 2:1.'! p. in, A Herman torpedo hoat destroyer, cruliu liiK off tho fHtuary of the Kiiir in tho North Una, Iiiih heen mink hy a mine, ncconllni; to a dlHpalch from AtriBtor dnm to the Keillor Telegram com puny. Till nowK reached Aiimtordain In a dispatch from tho Inland of Shlor monnlk, one of the I'rioilund Inlands In tho North S"n, helnnKlriR to Hol land, Thin HK'HcnRe unyn that at tho tlmu of the dlimntcr, 11 o'clock thin mornliiK tho destroyer was the north caul of Bchlormonnlk not far from tho entunry of tho Riiis. OhHorverg on tho iHland heard a Midden explosion and flaw a Iiiiko mnBH of water nrlne from under tho Iiowh of tho destroyer. The boat keeled over and disappeared under tho waves within three minutes. The perlscopoH of two HithmarlnoH appeared on tho ncene. Their na tionality could not ho ascertained, lint they probably were Hermans. A Herman crulner arrived from tho Kms estuary, tho dispatch received In Amsterdam says, In time, to Have the crew of the destroyer. ARROW COLLAR cloic fitting, graceful collar with smartly cut curved front, that admit! of easy cravat ticing. CLDETT, PEABODY tc CO., Inc. M.kert, Troy N. V. REGISTER NOW In order to vote at the general election in November, voters must register before October 15, when registration closes. Register Now. OPEN DARDANELLES I'F.TIIOOIIAD, Ifussm, Oct. 7. The president of the lusmn Indus trial Meieluuils' AsMieiatiou, M. Av dukoff, litis npproaeliPil Foreiu .Mm ixler Sasoiioff on the subject of tin closing of the Danhitielles. The for eign minister uiil the powers of the triple entente, Idissin, (I rent Itnlaui and Frmice, were eoniinuiiiK their ef forts to have the Dardanelles reoo eticd to commerce. He hud particu lar emphasis on the neeessilv which confronted (usiun commerce of ill vnrciiie; itself from (lermmi iiitlu etices. The Itiissky SloVo puhlishes u dis patch 110111 11 eoretVHiudeiit u'U lliu' lirief details of the hiitlle on the Nie men liver. He suvs the (lerumns suf fered enonnoiis losses, the Ittissian nrtillere iiiukin- henvv inromls on their ranks. Tliousaiids of hodics of (leniian soldiers lie 011 the left hank of the river, the eorre-ponilcnt ilc old res. NO STOMACH PAIN, GAS Nl IN E IN FIVE MINUTES "lleally (Ioch" put had MoniacliH In order "renlly does" overcome In dlKCutlon, dyspepsia, j:n8, heartburn and HournoHH In five minutes that just that makes Tape's Dlapepsln tho larjtest sellliiK stomach regula tor In tho world. If what j'ou eat ferments Into stuborn lumts, you belch kiih and eructate Hour, undl Kcstod food and acid; head Is dUxy and aches; breath foul; tonmio coat ed; your InsldeH filled with bile and IndlKCHtlhlo wasto, romeinher tho moment "Papo's Dlapepsln" comes In contact with tho stomach nil such distress vanishes. lt' truly aston IhIiIiir almost tunrvolouH, and tho Joy Ih Its harmlessnesH. A lurjto fifty-cent case of I'npo's Dlapepsln will kIvo you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druitKUt hands you your money hack, It's worth Its welKht In Hold to men and women who can't Ket their HtomncliR rogulnted. It bolonr.s In your homo should alwayn bo kept handy In case of a sick, Hour, upset stomach during tho day or at nltiht. It's tho qitlckcHt, aurest and moil harmless stomach regulator In tho world. Adv. DAISY BRAND BUTTER Have you trlod It? If not, i;ot n roll toilay, It will pleaso you. (luar antced. Mudo hy WHUE VELVET ICE CREAM FACTORY I'llOHU NullllOlilllll lllllllllHil frv Hr2f3s, lV ,-v-. L7 Every door is made in our fac tory and guaranteed right or money back. We nuke IMMED IATE shipment anywhere from largest stock in west. S-Ciuil'.DclI)oori.l5iicS1.30up front Doori. 23 t)lc . . 2.75u Cralttmin Doom .... St. 50 3rijrFlrVDcerDoon . . .2.75 French Doort, prr pair . ,6.00 VTE SAVE YOU ?i ON Sath. WiJw aJ llr trim. Klil. B.iMcn' Uui n. Nicb UUm.i. fiu, V.tnitbct tm& Glait. WRITE I OR CVTALOC 31 $4.00 Will buy you. a pair of those now stylish hoota, Ilroeado or Cravancttu tops, 1'alont leather or all Oun Metal. Flat button, spool heels with plain or cap toes to choose, from. Sco Our Windows At tho Sign of Opposite Mann's Btoro .&icdtM 3 Wo Alvo S. & If. Green Trading Stamps V-EKS- 1 tOAVX'-1r saw- ; JX'o SSSSsa &. mm &, .. m : vC-:!Swoi "3 ftcSSS iSSti :::: SSfeSisik :t .:;-:.... immm t!:5. &SSs :: mm & . ..K.-K' ?J-' ..-'..SS?a fA'::::?5i:Si :S:.::::.i;?i'S t?::h::::iW: IS'JSMvXM :S'ftSS m I 9 neres a double header! Frinco Albert tobacco works both ways. It's kinrr- pin3 rolled into a makin's cigarette or jammed into a jimmy pipe. No matter how you handle P. A., it just punches smoke joy and smoke satisfaction right into your system. It's a regular home run in the tenth with the bases chock-full 1 Calch the idea? Men, get into the know that Prince Albert can't bite your tongue. can't parch your, throat. It is made by a patented process that cuts out tho bite. And that's some fact-talk I ce Albert m the national joy smoke will hit your favpr first time you come to bat, becauso today it is the natural choice of men who have found tobacco satisfaction for tho first tiinol Tiioy like it; you'll like ill You get right into the game and prove for yourself that P. A, is real and true man-tobacco, bully in flavor and bully m fragrance, It's a mile away from the yiYe-brands and dust-brands. You huro luwo some high time:, coming if you'll sport a bit and lay a dirae ugdirst u tidy red tin of P. A. Go to it like it was your middle name. t Buy Prince Albert everywhere, Toppy red bag$. So hamh fur cluurntte amokera); tidy r tin$, 10c; oho hands 01 no pound and half-pound humidors. V. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win.ton.SaUm, N. C. .