. s rt . A Medford Mail Tribune ii SECOND EDITION WEATHER Prolmble rain Mf, Mj Mln. 43 j Prcclp. .11. P', 1 Hi , . . Forty-fourth Tmr. Dully Ninth Yror ' AJUJii u rtr MEDFORD. OlUSCfOX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER u 1H14 NO. 109 : im -j-a J-Jit ALLIES EXTEND LEFT WING NORTH OF LILLE WHILE MIKADO'S i 'I I ffl V t ' UNE OF BATTLE EXTENDS NORTH EIGHTY MILES Left Wliiu of Allies Extending More mill More Widely Between Somme nntl tlc Olse, Alternate Advances and Withdrawals German Attack Near Sass'ny Falls. PARIS, Oct. 0, 3:04 p. in. Tim following orieliil communication wns t;l lit In Pails thin nflernoen: "On our left wing Uio front In ex lending morn ninl moro widely. Very Important innHMcit of Gorman cavalry liavn Ikmhi reported In tlm environs of l.lllo, coming front forces of tho oiiomy which urn making u iiioutnotit In tlm region to tlm north of tlm Him between Tourcolng, (In tlm depart ment of tho north, seven miles north cast or Mile), unit Arnirntlcrvn, (nlttu miles northwest of l.lllo.) (ii'itiiiiii Attack 1'nilit In Dm vicinity of Arrim ami on tlm rlKlil bank of tlm river Hointim I lio sliuatlon sIiowh little rhnngo. Ro ta ecu tho Sommo nud tlm Ainu there Imvo been alternate advances nml withdraw nlm Nuar l.ntialmty tlm one my unilertook nn linportnnt attack, s li loll, however, failed. "On tho right hnnk of tho Alsno, north of Holwions, wo hnve, with tlm cooperation of tlm llrltlsh army, itimlii a slight iiilvanro. Wo alio made boiiio progress In tho vicinity of ltcrry-uu-Uac. "Thorn In nothing to report from tlm rout of tho front. "In Helghim tho Helghm force, defending Antwerp have occupied strongly tlm Htm between tho Hhor Itupel ainl tlm Itlver Nelho; against thin line tho ntluckH of tho Germans havo failed. E 10 E LOST LONDON', (VI. O.-N'u oonfinnu linii has enim 1'ioni miy Oonniin Hiiiri'o of tlm reported rrumvel liy I Impel or Williiini of Field Marshal Von Mollko from the post of chief of I lie (termini general staff nml Dip succession hy .Major General Von voighln-lthclj'., This story was re ceived ill London Inst night from Anihleidnin. General Von Voighls l(hct, according to mi official nn nomieemeiit from lleilin Inst Sulur ilny, was iccoiitly appointed ipiurtcr mister general "' I'm (Ionium tinny in place of General Von Stein, who I. ...I I ! ...I ... Illlll IM'I'II gl.CII lUIIMIIIIIIU III llll llllllj OOlS, Fieneh lumps nie well established ill Alsace, according to n news dis- pnleli from I lei foul, Franco, nml the (Iciiiinn foii'PK I ie lore them are not numerous. Aimllier newspaper cor. icNpomlcnt telegraphs tluit tho Fieneh 1110 forlificil in excellent po hilionH in Hid Vosges. A MTond Hussion iirmy U now lliieiitening Ilia town of llusj-.t, in custom Hungary, according to nous dispatch from Koine, lluszt Is foity milcH from tlm lioiindary of (liilicin, near Ilia crest of tho Cur piilliinn inoiiiilniiiK. Tlm day ho far has hi ought no neuri from the hiiuiio of operations hi llm ciiHlcrii nrou of tlm war, iiIoiik tlm fleritinn-llti.-ihinn center, whore a lintllc of viihlcr proportioiiK than the mo in nnrlliciifctcrn Franco in unit! o he nliont lo lieyin. Kmpcror NicholiiK. im at llm Itiibhinn front nml llm im pending coinhiit inny hecomo of nn iicmi inipoiliiiicc. DYSENTERY EPIDEMIC BREAKS OUT IN BOHEMIA I'AUIH, Oel. II, I ill) p. in. Ill n ilUpnlcli from llomc llm eoiichponil cut of llm llnvnx aucimy hji.vh it In i cioilcd fiom Vlcnnn Mini nn epl ilcnilii of d,cilli'l'.v Ihih hi'oken mil in Jlolivinlii ami Moutvlii, VON MOLTK HAV WITH KAI ER" SARMY mm ISLES IN PACIFIC Bluejackets Land on the Marshall Group Assurances Given Japan Is Not Violating Promise to Confine Content to Orient Islands Used as Base for German Cruisers. WABIIINOTON. Oct. C Japan linn no dcHlKn to violate In nny Hcnne tho iindertnklni; nhu Kave at tho he KlnnliiK of tlm wnr to conflno Imr military oporntloiiM to tlm Far I'nxt. the JnpaneMo cmliamiy hero announced today, and tlm landing of Jnpniicim bluojackctn on Jalnlt Inland, one of tlm MarKhall Kronp of (icrmnn Pa cific IhIiwiiIh, In recorded at tho oin tinBhy hero an fully within tho ncopo of tint plede. Without direct nthlcoH from Toklo on tlm Hiibjcct, tlm official nro lonfl dent that tlm nolo purpoiu of the Japaimim lamlliiK In tlm Mumhall Inlnmln wan to protect commerce; prlvllcKO npcclally rcucrvcd In the Jnpancno tindertakliiR. It In known that Jaultilt had hecn iiinde a haim for Herman eminent In tho Honth Pa cific which were pre) Inn on llrltlnh and Jnpancno cotnnmrco. It In Mid too that largo qnnntltmn of ntippllcn had Itcen Ktlicrcd there hy tho (Sur man government. .Ia;w Don't Want lUtirin ArcordlnK to tlm undurntandliiR here, tlm Jnpunrno have no inirpoKc or dcnlro to retain ponncftMon of tho Mam'liull Kronp, an wan cyldent hy tho dentrnrtlon of tlm German forti fication", nnnn and nnimunltlon found there, which certainly would have been retained If tho Japanese denlKited to entnhllHli thcmnclven per manently. An noon an further unn of Jalnlt an a Cerman hano of nuppllen linn heen rendered liuponnlhle, It In expected that tlm InlandH will ho vn tated hy the Jnpancno though a cruU er tuny ho left on guard there, or al lowed to pnnN Into llrltlnh ponnesilon an wan (Icrmnn Samoa. Kahle ndvlcen to the cmbanKy from Toklo liearlug on tho complication that haH arlneii helweeu China and Japan over the neUuro hy tho latter of tho Hhan-TiuiR Hallway, net forth tho Japaneno contention that thin ac tion wan.no moro In lolntlou of Chi netm neutrality thnti wan tho landing of troopn In tho neighborhood of Tnlng-Tau. Ilnilioads Ovtncri Uy (irrnmiin Though nominally owned hy n pri vate corporation, It In declared that the railroad wan nctunlly a German governmental property and an nucli wan nubject to nolzuro hy Japan as nny part of tlm German property or fortlflciitlonn at Tnlng-Tau. Tho rnll rond nlxo wan nald to ho absolutely uorennary to the development of tho JapnnoKo plan of campaign ngnlnnt tho Gorman naval ntntlon and lta out lying defonnes. Tho Chlneno government Itself wnn declnred to ho thoroughly conversant mnko no Ihhiio with Jnpnn on thorn, further thnn It regnrdn nn necessary to plnco on record tho fact that It has ntilvcn to bo absolutely neutral In or der to avoid ponnlblo futuro punish ment at tho bands of Germany In tho uveal that tho latter should In tho end prove to ho victorious. CONFEREES ACT rrtpT ON ALASKA BILL WASHINGTON, Oct. C Final iiRrcomcnt wuh reached In couforoncb botwoon tlm houuo and senate on tho Alaska coal laud leasing; bill, do Hlgnod to open up tho coal rosomcoH of Alaska. Tho conforonco report eliminated senate amendmenta which would have given claimants to these coal lauds preferential rights. It re tained most of tlm ho u no bill provi sions, Tho conferees adopted tho senate amendment to appropriate 100,000 for surveys and other work and HKreud to make Krunllng of Iobsoh ilUrretlnniiry with tho serretury of the im vi lor, liibivutl of iiimitlittory. HELD BY KAISER MAP SHOWING BATTLE LINE IN SHOW THE l P p wisszisJ U J : a,.i fK ouwim o um f. s Ls L '' V J r "MMiutjtx n v. (f h I "TA ( '' -JSC5tnrtv-'x j luw.4 J I PARIS IwAli-its u' , Y Vf V SP9UTING FRON UPON TIG TAU VICTORY ON BOTH LASSEN'S CRATER REPORTED FAILURE! BATTLE FRONTS CIlll'O, fnl., Oct. 0. -Hulls of fire ninl llaines of ros ucre iecii liiht iiioiit spouting fiom the craters of LnBHcn I'eak. Therm iirelialls are what the volciuioloninth call Ixmilm, nml are Hiiperhcatcil boulders torn liMwe from the throat of the erater ami shot upwaiili hy explosioin of hteam. The streams lisini; on the snow clad slopes of the mountain are lirinpii! down so much rit, ash and slime, that the initiation ditclics in the valleys are becoming choked mid the nl falfu fields uic bciu oveilaiil. lliinelif r ami homesteaders have m- titmncil the government for pcniiw niou to build catchment basins on lint Crook anil Lost Creek, thirty miles down st i cam from the foot of the mountain. RUSSIAN REPULSE LONDON', Oct. 11, 11:17 j. m.-Ac cordiiiK to u incsMigc fiom Iludit Pest, sny tlm Kcuter otirrospoudonl at Ainstordaiii, the battles with tho HussinuH who entered Hungary have not yet been concluded, hut the Itus sinus havo been repulsed at it fsiint to tho northwest of MttrniuorosciKV and at Tnmrkoez. Genuan troops participated in the fighting. Hctwceif I'olonn and Aknos, tho HiiiiKiirittn dispateli says, llussinns iiRuin nttctnptcd to break through tlw allied Qcnnaii and Austrian lines, but xvcro forced to retreat. Tho Austrian mid Oonumt troops hotly pursued tho Hussions and captured many prisoners', JURISTS PAY IRtBUTE TO CIXUINNATI, O., Oel. ll.-Promi-pent jiiiH?tH,muliiiciubci. pjl the bar from four stales paii) tribute lo tho memory of jhe llite Justice Horace II. l.urloii of the United States su premo eolirt in the rooms of the cir cuit cotut of appeals hero today. The supreme court of tho United States was lepresented by Associate Justice William It. Day, who presided at the exercises. On tlm bench with Justice Day were Judges Warrington, Knap pen mid DtmWon of tlm circuit coiut of appeals, and praclically nil of (lie federal dlxliicl court Judges of this circuit. The Ohio Hiiprcnie com I lit'iivli ul (ended in body, AUSRIANS CLAIM NORTHEASTERN FRANCE-TODAY'S DISPATCHES ALLIES' LINES EXTENDED NORTH TEN MILES BEYO NO LILLE I'KKIN'O. M. (5, 7:i: p. in.--A coiiiiiiiinicatioii received hero from n Ocniiau source in Triur Tnu, the for tified Ksition ur thi Kloo Chow ler- ritory, muv that in a (Ipnnun sortie last Friday iv'ght the flernians Ul niio mnn killed and three wounded, while twenty-live (icnuiius nr'c miss in. N The Mnti-li battleship Tnuniph, nccordiug to this same infonuntioii, lias participated in the bombardment of Tsiiijr Tati. A (iennan toriicdo boat recently engaged with the Japanese has re turned to the harbor, undamaged. The (icnniiu gunboat Jaguar was slightly damaged. Information lias been obtained fptm a reliable source that Inst night the German authorities giive instrue lions for the destruction of all rail road bridges and stations still under their control along tho lino running' cns ad west through Khan Tung province. The Germans endeavored further to trmisfer nil the rolling Kock of this lino to the Tien Tsin J'ukow road, but tho Chinese hoard of communications issued instruc tions to prevent such transfer. The Kussinu government, it is re lated here, hns undertaken to find capital for the Chinese government for the construction of n railroad line from Harbin to Hlngovicshtchcnsk, with n brunch to Tsitsikhar, in Man churia. A leecnt dispatch from Toklo said tbnt in n suiiunse night attack against the Jaoanese before Tsiug Tnu, the Germans had forty-eight men kjllcd. This same dispateli said that four Japanese shells had struck the Genuan gunhont litis, a sister ship. of tho Jaguar, which retired to the inner hatbor nftcr the CNcbiuge of shots. BUTTE OFFICIALS BY JIUTTB, Mont., Oct. 6. Sheriff Timothy Drlncoll and Mayor Lewis J, Duncan weru today found guilty of neglect of their duties mid removed from office by Judgo Royo Avers In tho district court after a trial of tho two rases which lasted moro than two weeks. MEXICAN RAIDERS ARE REPULSED AT ESPERANZA VF.UA CIll'Z, Mux., Oct. (). Mexi can raiders, followers of Ocuuial Aguillai', who appealed at F.permixii josteidny, were driven off by the lo cal uiiitUoii. Tlieio weio hut few ctutiullictf, IIKKLIN, Oct. 0, hy wirclc-is to Soyulle, 1- I. An order of the day written by General Von Hoohcn, pub lifhed officially todny. says that Fort Camp Des Itoiuaiiis, on the river Meuse, near St. .Mihicl. after u iitim bcr of hnrd fight-, Iiua been taken by the Gerimins. Five French officers nml more than .1(H) men were made prisoners. The remainder of the French force peri-bed in the ruins of the eascmntes. It is officially stated that the Hum sians were completely defeated near Suwalki and Augustowo, on the east Prussian frontier, October J and '2. The Germans made MOO prisoner?! and captured eighteen cannon and many machine guns. The situation, it is announced, is most hopeful everywhere for the Ger mans mid Austrimis. TURKISH ENVOY RUSTEN BEY LOST NKW YOK, Oct. !. The where abouts of A. llustein Hoy, Turkish ambassador to the United States', and his plans for returning to Kuropo caused considerable sKeulation to day at the offices of the Turkish eon sul general here. Kusteui Hey came to tliis city last Saturday from Washington, with the announced in tention of taking a boat for Europe, but at noon today no accommoda tions were reserved for linn on any outgoing steamer. Itustem Hey engaged passage on the Sunt Anna for Naples yesterday. The Sunt Anna wn due to sail this afternoon. Later in the afternoon the Turkish iimbas-ador letiirued to the steamship offices and cancelled his hooking. Still 'Inter in 'Hie day, lliistcm. Hey caino bud; for tJicvthird. time and re-engaged passage. Tills morning ho eunevMcd Jiis, pTityugt' COLORADO STRIKE WASHINGTON, Oct. C, Prosl dent Wilson and his cabinet today consldorod tho Colorado strike situa tion and as a result furthor efforts will bo made to got the coal operators to uccopt tho plan of settlement al ready adopted by tho minors, Secretary Wilson said a settlement wus still bo I ii b sought along the linos of tlm urUlnul plan und thut uo other method, was III conlvmplRlJoU' REFORMS FOR MEXICO URGED BY CARRANZA Resignation Offered by Mexican PuWic Schools From Proceeds. Leader Promises Municipal Lib erties, Division of Natural Lands and Cuttini Uo of Large Tracts MKXICO CITY, Oct. 0. -General Vcuiistianu t'nrranza proposed the following reforms for Mexico in the statement which he submitted last week, when offering his resignation to a conference of eoiMitutionulist general), and gov croon : "Assurances of municipal liberties, division of national lauds and of lands which the government may pur chase from Inrge holders, expropria tion of lauds in the vicinity of mun icipalities of oOO or more, the pro ceeds, to he used in creeling schools, markets nml courthouses; obliging all large bit-iness interests lo pay weckl in coin nil their employes; limitation of hours of labor of Sun day work; workmen compensation laws for injuries; just taxation of laud; tariff laws intended to help the poorer classes; importation of ne oeiticv, sneh us the couutry does not cultivate, mid reformation of banking laws to penult the establish ment of state bank-." General CnrrnnJi proposes giving the marriage contract u civil char acter, at the same time taking nwny all undue intervention of state offic ials; establishment of absolute di vorce Inns when both parties con sent and the general betterment of the working eliisscs. T I PKTltOGHAD. Oct. C Tho follow ing official statement was given out today nt Russian general headquart ers: "Tho Russian offensive campaign continues. Tho fortified positions (of tho enemy) on tho frontier are under a heavy artillery fire. Tho enemy has received reinforcements from tho garrison at Kocnlgsborg. There bus been particularly desper ate fighting in tho vicinity of Uakal argowo. "Railroads In East Prussia are Crowded with troop trains and our aerial scouts ronort nn uninterrupted movement of Germans In a westerly directions. German columns and Gorman troop trains are withdrawing across tho frontier." JUDGE DAY HEARS E CINCINNATI-, Ohio, Oct. C As 80cla(o Justice William R. Day of tho supreme court of tho United States tjook a l!aco on tho bonch of tho cir cuit court of appoals hero today to hear nrgtmi6nts in tho appeal of John II, Patterson, president and oth er officials or former officials, of tho National Cash Register company of Dayton, convicted on tho chargo of voluttng tho Shormuu anti-trust law, No decUlon is expected for sovoral months. According to Judgo M, L. Femed Ing, chief justice of tho Ohio court of appoals, only ouco boforo In tho history of tho United States has an associate justice of tho supremo court of tho United States presided over a lower federal court, This wag dur ing tho trial of Aaron Ilurr for trea son In May, 1807, when Ohlof Justice John Marshal of tho supremo court sat lu tho district court ut Richmond, Y, RUSSIANS RFPOR GERMAN A WE CONTINUES AN CAS STAMP MS UPONMEDICINES VOTED IN BILL Perfumes, Cosmetics and Chewing Gum Included in War BevttHW Measure Passenger Autos Only Affected Tax Proposed Up Amusement Halls and Theaters. WASHINGTON, Oel. 0. Stamp tnxcrf on proprietary medicines, cos metics, perfumes mid chewing gum, such ns were included in the Spanish wnr taxes, were voted into tho war revenue bill todny bv the dciuocratM of the senate finance committee just before the mettsnre wns turned over t othc democratic senate caucus for approval or revision. The committee added the medicine tax section to make up for a deficit that their original revision of tho ImiKe bill might cause, and nVso (o increase the revenue i much as pos. siblc, it being understood that the secretary of the treasury would not object if the estimated revenue to be derived should exceed 10().00l,000 by a substantial amount. No accu rate estimate has yet been given the committee ns to the amount to he de rived from this new tux, but it will amount to several millions. Graduated titomp Tax The amendment would provide for n graduated stamp tux of of u cent on articles costing not moro than 5 cents, to of a cent for moro than l."i or les than 25-rcnt nrliclcs, nml Vff of it eenl for each !M centn of value additional. Articles included in this list are pills, powders, cord ials, traehes, bitters, tonics, piasters, liniments, salves, ointments, waters (except natural, mineral or carbon ated natural mineral waters), es sences and nil similar articles for which a private formula is claimed. , Similar rates of taxation would be applied to perfumery, cimelics, hair oils, pomades, hair dyes, dentifrices, etc. The proposed tax on chewing gum is 4 cents for each box worth $1 or less, and 4 cents additional for each added dollur of value. Tax Upon Automobiles In perfecting the measure, the com mittee stipulated that the proposed lax of .")() cents per horsepower iif automobile sales tdiouhl apply only to passenger automobiles. Another tax added is on sparkling wines, not otherwise Specified in the bill, at tho rate of 1 cent for pints or less mid 2 cents for more than n pint. In the proposed tax of 10 for gen eral amusement hulls, exception is given "chautaitipias, lectures, lce tuns, agricultural ur industrial fairs and religion, mid charitable enter taiumeuts." Senator Simmons, chairman of thu (inanco committee, submitting tho bill to tho caucus, pleaded for party harmony and proutut action. (Continued oi page two.) HOUDKAl'X, Oct. 0, 4 p. in. Ncwx described ns ''most citeouragiug" has been received toduy from Antwerp. It is said that thu Geiman attacks oh this place stem to bu blackening somewhat in intensity. The German troops reported in tho official miuouiiceuicnt of this utter noon to be near Lille, in the depart inenl of Nord, indicate, in (he opinion of French observers, Unit GeromHy " has been forced to draw off force, from Antwerp lo iclicvo tlm GerwiHii right wing in France, which U. hard pressed by the allies. It haw been miuoiiiicMil here by n creditable iiullmrily tlit Wiwlw, Kpeucer Cliurcliill, iirl lurd of Uw lliitii.li udniimlty, is now ut Awtwmy coiiniiltiii" with the HttflM bluff, BESEIGERS QUIT ANTWERP TO 1 VONKLUCKS FORCE V.J .Ai " rtj ym iVJ i- ' j 'A , '.'ra O, Si J ir1 ! I I! ' ' f ,-J. o rTrrf