v-,,-. !.& ' i . .' .?J . MET)FOKT ISrATTJ TttTBTTNTC, OTDFOKD, OTTCflOX, TTTTTRftTUY, OOTOBETT f. i91-f u fii i r!PXflE TTmTJW ..; r STATE TREASURER KAY'S REMARKA8L E ECONOMY RECORD HAI.H.M, On)., Oct. 1. Out nf till) $.'17,000 granted Out slute treasurer's officii for lh biennial pnrloil liy tint IiimI li.KlHliiliirit, Hlnlit Tu'iiHiiMir ThoiiiiiH II. Kny iinnouiirod yesterday Hint ho would turn buck to thn Httito oviir f toon, In1 having ln'pt III" ex pense's belnw tlin iiiirnirliitlon liy Hint amount. TIiIh Im uniiililinil nil usiinl In tut line when Hindi offliinls urn uiitnrloiiH for spending nil tint money given In tlii'iii, ninl nidici. Only l I Mil I 'Mil Mr, Kny suld tlint out of trnvnl I nit expense fuml of WOO, only $ IhO liinl been used ninl Hint tin n ronso iiii'iicn nlioiit film) would Im snved to lltn stnln tlinrii, Tim nfflro wns given IM.tn to iiivor tlin expense of postage, ntntloniiry, ftiriiltuio ninl oilier Incidentals mnl Untie will Imi nlioiit fltoiiii unexpended In Hint fuml. Out of it fund of $11,000 for derli'iil nsslstiiiicii there will In, Mr, Kny Htnti'il, nbinit 1KOO left to turn duck to tlin state. This In nil nicniiH u totnl of over $11100 to Hio tntnl fund which will ho unexpended. Hitting In ll'iiiirknlili Tint fmi Hint nny sating to Hoi stute wiin Hindu In considered Mill inoio ritmurkiihlit when It In taken Into nrroiiiit Hint Hio now furniture for Hin nnwly fitted up offices of Hio stitte treasurer was paid out of tlin icguliir fund, The nuiount of business trnusnrlfd In tho Male treasurer's officii hint In creased .'III per rent over Hint of tho liml (wo years of the term of Mr Kii)'m predecessor. In spite of thin furl there linn henn, Mr Kny slates, no Inrreiisu In exieiiNi. PEELS POST CUTS ;t of l N'KU YOUK, Oel. I.-- The unl of the iiofliee department ut Wnxli Itmlon in being Miualit liy l,itimiti,r Kelly In the riMiipmuii to letliuc the eiixi nl' livinu' in llriiiil.hu, nccitiding to nu iiniinuiiccniriil niinle loiln,. The iiiitiiil "Uniiihe nf the nl lUlliler gcliclitl Iiiih hern obtained, the iiiiuouueciueut Muted to a plan cull ing for the clnhli.liiiirnt-.U..Jji'ji.'iili pii-lnffiecx ill the ccnlml I'liilronil mnl ell-chic line inien(ier muni in llrooklyu for the rect'iut mnl ilclitcr.t liy parcel nost of ficfh egg, tern1 initio unit other produce I nun the liuck guiilcn of I .nil): Nliiinl iliiecl In i'oniiinci-. ut h liciug ilone in cwiu wchlcin eitiCN. OF WASHINGTON, Oct I -Hlslwp Currier of Mntitnxns, Culm, ninde reprcMeiitiitloiiK todny to President Wilson unit Herretnry llrynn against solium of Cnthnllc church property lu Mexico by (oiistltullonnllsls mnl ngnliist alleged killing nml robbing of priests mid nuns. Tlie president tuld him Hint evnrytliliiK possible was IikIiik itoiin to relieve tho nit nut Ion. T OF GOLD $15,626,813 WAHIIINOTON, Oct. 1. Alnskii'it mlnerul output Inst yenr hint n vnluu of $lU,li:i,0'.H, tho geological stir very nunounceil today. Of till amount the gold production wiib val ued ut $ir.,ii'.Sli,Ni:t. Tho totnl value of thn gold production up to tho cIoho of t It tit wnH t'.'liH.IIIiL'.filO, In nddl Hon nearly $17,000,000 worth of sil ver hnd boon produced In AluHkn, PUGILIS T FROM INJURIES IN BAY CITY BOUT HAN rilANOIHCO, Oil., Oct. I. "Illll" lludille, a yoiitiK puiilllMt fight liiK nt M'J pouinlH, dliid eurly today ft Olil Injuries ho received here Inxt nlulit lu n Mix i omul hunt with Arthur (Knorkout) Cm roll, lliiildle wiih flooriid In the f Irwt loutid with u rli;ht to Hie Jaw, mid Htrurlt the rnuviiH hard, The opuii Iiik hell for the Hoenud found him np piiriiiitly frenh mid he wim not notice uhly lu dlxtntHM iikiiId, iiIHioiikIi lu the limt loiiud ho wan knocked down u Mccoiiil Hunt, apparently not ho heav ily iih lu the flmt. Curioll wiih Klven the dciiiiliin, While drcMKlliK, lludille rollnpiicd mid mtver reunified ronncloiinntri, OiiiciimhIoii of the lirulii wan kIvoii iih the mime of dentil nt the private Iiok pltul to which ho wiih reunited, Tho limit wiin promoted hy Jaiuen W, Coffroth. AIHioiikIi no arrenlH had liceii nindn I'liily today, Police Cap tain Mooney, lu whoxe tllMrlet thn flitht wiih held, nnld Hint wiirruntH would he Hwoiti out iih hooii hm the foriunlltlitM peruillted nr.aliiht every one directly Involved, The flrnt urrcNtn uiiide were tliofie of licit McI'iiIIoiikIi, tin referee; Car roll, the NiirvlvliiK prlmipul nml (IreKory Mitchell, the iiiiitchuinker, All weto char;ed with uinunlaii'.hter KAISER PERMITS SOCIALISTS TO PUBLISH IIKItMN, Oct. I, via The HuRiie nml London, Oct. I, 3;.T.' p. in. The decree orderliiK HimprnMliin of the Hoclnllit pnper VorwnrtH lum Ikmiii rcHclnded, conditional on the avoid mice hy the pnper of reference to cIiimh hatred mid cIiihh MriiKKto. TheKe nre ileHcrllied an wholly Innppllcnhlo to tho prenent Hltuntlon lu view of the unnuniulty of Hio Oeriuun people lu the prcRcnt wnr, The ninunKouietit of tho VorwnrtH linn given UHHiirnnccH of compllnnco Fl WAHIIINOTON, Oil. 1. Thn Hrlt IhIi Koveiiuuntit today throiiKli Am IiiihhiiiIoi' Hlr Cecil HprliiK'Klce, not I flml Hio hIiiIii iliipiirlnieiit that (lienl llilliiln. would not Interfere with iihlp innlitH of foodhtllffH from llui Hulled HtliluM lo llnllmiil, RAILROAD MEN WANTED TO OPERATE FRENCH ROADS LONDON, Oel. I, 'Ji-'O i. iu Tim lllillsji v.ii' iiHli'i' lum mhiii ii cull inr i)no hHil nilliotiil ini'ii In (! ll )u llni njiiiMiii'ii nl Ho1 I'hiii'Ii ioiluut. TO REIMBURSE ITALY iio.mi:, Oct. i. iu Luiidiin, j i.i p. in. -The Anxirimi utiveriiiiicnt Im- ie plied to !hu 1 1 it I in it pintexi immut Hie lliialiiiu itiiuct in the Ailruitie cii. Au-tiiii ilcplorcK the sinking of Italian teeU mid pnnnic tit (like ineiiMUCH to rciniite lite iiieuuee lo Kliipniuu mnl In fullv iiiilciuuify the I'mmliin nf the wclim. It h leunilcil Hint Italy ilciitmuU mi Indemnity fioui Ainlnii of -rl, (ItllMllin. RUSH ORDER PLACED FOR KANSAS FLOUR HT. I.OUIS, Mo., Oct. I. A mull order for 110,000 harrela of flour wiih plnccil with n locnl mlllliiK com pany ycHtcrdny hy repreHentutlvoH of ono of thu wnrrliiK European nntloiiH, tho Identity of which was not dls cIohciI, TIiIh Ik tho InrKOHt hIiikIo hiiIo of flour over Hindu here. Tho price wiih not Htutod. Tho flour will ho of Kuiihiih wheat mid will require CIO, 000 IiiibIioIb, STOP SUFF NOW FROM RING ASTHMA Co to the ilniKtjNt listed hclow ami liny n packaBC of Dr. Rudolph ScliiflT niami's Antlunailor today anil If it docs not jjivc instant relief, nml even more, If jiiii do not fun! it to he the very hct reinctly jou Imvo ever used, go hack and your money will he cheerfully returned hy this druKuiit, without nny qttcsiioit whatever. No ntaltrr what cite has failed, Adlimnitor mnl AnUunailor Ci urcttct will kIvc luitnnt relief tmully wllhiii 10 ircomli, hut nhvoyi wltliiu IS inliiiilei. It tloei not matter how vln lent the Attack or olmllualo the raie i, or wliat the luul Ihhii tiled uud fulled, Ailliiuador will relieve iiitlaiilaiieoiul. If It doci not, thii parkaue will cott you iiolhinii, fio luil; uinl uet ,our money rr fiiinlnl. Von ure the mle Judge bi to wlni In r Unii'ilcil or iml, Vim run no i lik In Iiii)Iiik llili liiiH'ii timler Ihlt poiltive uiiarimlee, I'n nun llrliitf ilivtvlirre will hi? iup ttllril liildrr lite mine ;imM!ilri l' llu'lr im dinMiM of iilnii k Pi H H lIf - Huuii )i l'ul Mum, I'wr lv dn I' WrdfnH J'liHiHimy MARJ0RIE MURRAY AND ELEANOR DANIELS IN KITTY MACKAY RN REPORTS LITTLE CHANGE AT IT OF BATTLE GIRLS! BEAUTIFUL, CHARMING HAIR, NO DANDRUFF 25 CENT DANDERINE I Your hn(r becomes light, wnvy, idnndruff; cloanioi, purified nml In fluffy, abundant and appear as of t, I vlRorntos tho ncalp, forovqr RtoppltiK lltiRtroun anil licaHirul an a yoiinR Itchinc nml falllnR hair. ulrl'H after n "Oamlnrlnn hair clonmo" Hut what wilt nlnriso vnti rimul will Oct. 1, 10:30 a, m. All I . ... ,. ,. . mntt:t a rlnlh lli tin nlnr n tnvr WAntfa USA tuliAn vnn ...-. .... u .u.. .......... ...... ,.,.,,,. J., I, LONDON'. orflclnl Ktitteiiicnl lufuioil from Hio n llttlo hnndcrlne and carefully draw Iwili nntually roo now hnlr flno nml Herman htnilrpiaitorit under date of It through your hair, taking ono sniUll downy nt first yen hut really now thn evening of Boptnmber 30, In Riven In n illnpatch to Itoutur'H Telegram company from Hnrlln via AmMonlam. It naK: "The hostile, forcen iidvnnclnB to thn north mid Houth of Albert (n town Htrnnd at a time. Thin will clcnnnc .hnlr rowing all over tho Rcnl. If the hair of duM dirt and oxcorrIvo y0)1 cftro for prfitty Mft hft,r nm, Mh uii anil in Jim i. u iuw juuiiKJiiin uu t i have doubled tho beauty of your hair. of It Ruroly get n 25 cent hottlo of HcRldun beautlfylnK tho hnlr at once KnowltonV Dnnilcrlno from any ilniR- O.iiidorlno dlssolvcR every particle of , kIj1 or toilet , counter, ttnil Jugt try It, AmletiH) have been repulsed. Tho 'front battle line Is without news. I J "In Argonno our attack In progrcR-j Ring Rtendlly though Rlowiy. At thoi 'outer fortK on tho MeiiRe the lino In ' H - f Kilty MacKiiy In on her way i nml nil New York went lo hm. IIiIh without change. hcni! Ciitherliii) CIiIhIioIiii CiirIi- charming oung Minn. Seatn werol "YeHterdny the onemy ailtanced In Ing'n hi llllnnt comedy will ho Rcen nt plnced on Rale eight week In ml- AIhocc und Lorraine In the central the I'ngo Thenlor on VcdneRilay, vanco lit flrat, then 12 weelm and Iip- , VogeR. IIIr attack'R were energetlc Octoher 7, for one performance un-'foru nnyoiio knew It H)ie hud Mittled ally repuhed. The cnRtorn theator der tho dlrectlnn of William Klllott. down for a long Be.mon'H vIrII. Other without newn." "Kilty MacKay" made her debut In, plays ciiine and uenl, hut "Kitty"! New York morn than n year ngo en- tlrely iiukiinwn. No one wiih nwnro of her exlRloiice until Hint inado her nightly uppeuied luioro crowded I IIOIIHOH. I The Hanie company ami production ' bow n the night of the opening per-'that were Recti in the metropollH will I oriiint Tho next morning nil New he xeen horo for hut a Mhorl paiiHe In I York klll'W (bat "KlttV" WIIH III town llln.lr lomr Irnnu.inriildw.niMl 1,...- I I " "" , - -- . ;.--;- v --. '.-aat.-.,rrr r -aj I TEDDY MUST STAND L AT ALIIANY, N, Y, Oct. 1 -Jiihtlcn ITALY TO PROTECT ACTION OF TURKEY UNCLE SAM PLANS BOYS' APPLE CLUBS WASIIINOTON, Oct. 1 Formn- ttlon of apple clubs In various parts of the country Is being planned by the (Jepnrtment of agriculture In co-opera- jtlnn with agricultural colleges, It was announced today, with a view to In .. I iterestlng hoys and girls In tho possl- ; oilmen 01 uiiiu cuuure. nutii ciuun ,Ih ready to make 11 proton to Turkey iUr planned In the New nngland) I'AltlH, Ort. t, R 45 a. pi Chester of tho Kiipremu court todny Ulilllisneiliueuppiirniionioriicmillgo ........ .... ..... ., .. '.tnlnn New York. NVw Jersov. I)la UIIIIJBV lilt' illHUIMUII III me lupuuiu- of veiiiio tiimlu by counsel for Colonel iwure, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio. Hheodoio ItooHevelt ngnlnst whom a ,,"" ut n-'0""'"'"". according toIda,0( MonUnBi 0regon and Wash stilt for libel hns been brought hy n Itoiin. dispatch to the llnvns Agcncy.'lngton. William Humes, chairman of tho New York republican state committee. Justice Chester hold Hint Mr. Roose velt could obtain n fnlr trial In Al bany county. Mr. Ha rues sued for $',0,000 damages. mtSBSwi Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1, 1014, to August 1, I0IT,, and gnsrnnleefl against tiny reduction during that time: Touring Car ...flM Itonnbout ................ - 440 Town Cor 0 F. O. I). Detroit. Alt cars fully equipped. (In tho United States or America Only.) Further, wo will bo able to obtain tho maximum efficiency m out factory production, and the minimum cost In our purchasing and sales departments If we can reach an output of 300,000 cars be tween tho above dates. And should wo reach Hits production wo agree to pay an the buyer's share from $40 to f GO per car (on or about August 1, 1915) to overy retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1. i3la. For further particulars regarding these- tow prices and proflfaear tng plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Ford Motor Car Company C. E. GATES, Agent Sparta nullitlng Medford, Orego. IN SUCH PAIN WOMAN CRIED Htt(tvA Kvrvthinrl Infil R. I stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Florence, So, Dakota. "I used to bo verv sick every month with iK'nrinir down putns anil ; backache, nnu had hondnchc n good deal of tho time and very little ttppotite. Tho itolns ,vro so luul that I uav0 to sit right down on Ui j floor and cry, be cause it hurt me so and I could not do nny work at those times. An old wo man ndvUed me to try Lydla E. I'Juk ham's Vegetable Comjiound and 1 got a bottle. I felt bettor tho next month so 1 took three moro bottles of It and got well so I could work nil the time. 1 hope every woman who surfers like I did will try Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. P. W. Lanskno, Kouto No. 1, Florence, South Dakota. Why will women continue to sulTerday in and day out or drag out a sickly, half-iu-artodexiutenco,missiiig three-fourths of tho joy of living, when they can tlnd health in Lydia E. Plnkhum's Vegetable Compound? For thirty years It has been tho stand ard remedy for female ills, und has re stored tho health of thousands of women who Imvo been troubled with such ail menu as displacements, Inflammation, ulceration, tumors, Irroguhirities, etc. If yon want special advice write to Lydla E. Plakhaw Medicine Co. (couU dcMtial) Lynn, Muss. Your letter will be opened, read und answered by a woman ami hold lu Uriel conftdciM. wM Br On Il0 ill 111 111 I llllrjr LiaL W f MtteGiwfotMdniiialAiifflCti AtfwdteorMmwM&MISR? 1 r " ' 1" ( ' ' - v.$x. Sltirac.oT' Sotl-Atiictt. "I, GcorKO Woshlnston of Mount Vernon, a citizen ot tho United States and latoly president of the same, do make, or dain und declare this Instrument, which Is written with my own hand and every page thereof subscribed with my name, to bo my last will and testament, revoking all ethers: 1TB.M -To my dearly beloved wife, Martha Washington. I give and bequeath the use, profit and benefit or my whole es tate real and personal, for the term of her natural life. As I also do my household and kitchen furniture of every sort and kind with the LIQroitS and groceries which may bo on hand, I give and bequeath to the said Lawrence Lewis and Eleanor Parke Lewis his wire, and their helm, the residue of my Mount Vernon chtato all the land north of the road leading from the ford of UoKtte Ilun to the Oum Spring as described In the device of the other part of tho tract to Uushrod Washington until It comes to the stone and three red or Spanish oaks on the Nnowl ihenco with the rectangular lino to the back line (bctweon Mr. Mason and mo) thence with that lino westerly along the new double ditch to Doguu Kun. by the tumbling dam of my mill, thence with the said Hon to tho ford uforcmentloned to which I add all the land I possess west of said Doguo Hun & Dogiie Crk. bounded, ensterly and southerly thereby, together with the mill DISTHLLUKY and all other houses and improve ments on tho premises making together about two thousand acres be It more or less." Mount Vernon, 9 July, 177'JO. -i Read tbis extract from tbe last will and testament of George Washing ton, first presi dent of the United States, and see for yourself. ,1 Statu of Virginia, cc. County of Fairfax, & p&J w-. I, F. W. Richardson. Clerk of tho Circuit Court, nf sntil Coun ty, the samo being a Court of Probato and of record, and hav ing n seal, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of Oeorgo Washington, do censed, as the samo appears of record In tho will books of said County In Liber II, No. l. folio l, and that tho original of said will, U now on file In my said office In said County. IN TESTIMONY of all which I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal or said Court ut Fairfax. Vlrglnlu, this 7th day of Feb ruary, A. I). 1U12. . GUARD Your children's health by fmidluy milk (mm liupotind rows Hiut Im been pro-cooled mill nrlnled with inodvru iippllsiiriis mnl mind In slvillUtnl bnllluR, BAST KIDIi DAIRY Mmuli'tf Mini AIU'hmhiii IMIttrr, I'lmmi IHMI. i I :4 -,s A . ir - ' it .1 ' 0W (Signed) F. W. HICI1ARDSON, Clerk. T 4 1 y ., REGISTER NOW ,-. Registration Books Close Thursday, October iS VOTE 333 X NO t t "ct. i- W f L ? -m? (i'ulil AilM'tllkwitiriil, Tl")i" h4 W!u )5rii UW 1! t)tmt l'rJH4, Of,) M 1 , M .1 f .Fl 1