u . i ( 1'- PA OK TWO MKPKOm) MAIL TKIHUNIO, .MKOKOUl), OKMION. Tlll'WSDAV. OCTOIUM 1, U)M I I f 6 ' . t IOCAL AND 1- PERSONAL Eighteen ctlUotin nil with tliolr blankets on tliotr backs passed through Medford Wedncsdnj nflor- npon, nnd blvoucked In tlio southern pnrt of town, until the pollo told thnni to movo farther into t'i coun try. Only ono wanderer asked lor shollor nt tlio city jnll. Thp nnnual touruoy of the Bed ford Oolf nnd Country club will start nt tlio Country club grounds next Sat urdny. The scml-flnals will be played-on Saturday, October 10, nnd tlio finals Saturday, October I th. return t candy, ICc n pound. Get It nt, DoVoo's, Ucn C. Sheldon of this city, who Is limiting n tour of the stnto in tlio In tercuts of the stato normal school at Anhlan1 Is now In Douglas county, nnd addressed tho Koscburg Commer cial club on tho advantages to bo gained by tho passngo of tho amend ment. secure flro Insurnnco upon your fruit whllo in a packing house. Low rates. Special short term policies. Tho W. O. W. Medford Camp No. 90 held a meeting in their lodgo rooms Inst night. Consul Command er Louis Ilonnctt presided with J. H. Atwcll ns advlFor. Several new ap plications for membership were voted on. Speeches wore mado by 11. O. Harnett, Geo. E. Boos, K. E. Gore, nnd Leo Jacobs. District Manager D. J. Donkey told of tho growth of tho order. Tho meeting wns tho opening gun of n campaign in this county to bring tho member ship up to 300. Kodak finishing the best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Ovor Isis Thea ter. Probation Officer Charles 1). Gay returned this morning from a busi ness trip to Portland. Attorney 11. F. Mulkoy is attend ing tho iitatc fnlr at Salem this week, nnd boosting for tho rc-establlshmcnt of tho stato normal school at Ashland. Make your winter homo at Colonial Flats. 217 South Riverside. Leo L. Jacobs, democratic candl dato for county recorder, began his campaign for tho office this morning with a sortie up tho Applcgato to meet old friends. ' Friday ho will in vndo tho Hnglc Point district and ex pects to spend n week or ten days In tho eastern part of tho county. Mr. Jacobs is well and widely known throughout tho valley. The finest equipment IB Oregon for printing fruit labels. Med ford Print fag Co. Grovor Corum, Hon Plymale, nnd John Wilkinson will loavo Saturday on n duck bunting trip in Klamath county. Andrew Jcldncss of the Blue Lodgo district is in tho city for a few days visiting his family. Tho oldest exclusive agency lu Mcdford, reliable protection, our only business. Holmes, tho Insurance Man. Tho Elks will hold n smoker nt thejr lodgo rooms thin evening, tho principal featuro being a ntcelhcad feast. All tho Elks havo Invited n friend or two to participate in tho goodfcllowshlp. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop, Over Isis Theater. Derailment of a freight train near Glcndulo in tho Cow creek canyon caubed u half hour delay to south bound passenger train No. 15 Wednesday afternoon. Thrco car loads of U, S. regulars assigned to the Presidio from Fort Wordcn in Pugot Sound wero aboard. Authentic war news received by Mall Trlbuno leased wire will be posted during the day at Hotel Mod ford. Attorney Gus Xowbury will leave tomorow to spend the day In Grants Puss on professional business. E. S. Palmer and wlfo nnd ton have returned from a six weoks tour of tho east nnd mlddlo west. Get It at Do Voo's. Hay, wood, and hogs aro being hauled Into tho cjty by fanners tills week from tho country districts. Tho stock shipments from this bcason, to dato, because (he farmer like the, rest of tho world, Iih 'tho Idea, that the Kuropeun war will, cause, a big boost in pilcod. IS. S. Tumy wrJtos nil forms of in surance Excellent companies, good local service, 'J 10 Garnett-Coroy Mldg. Wg Ashpolo motored to tho Llttlo Hitlo,ill8trlct Tuesday, to Inspect and weigh n couBlKiimont of cattle. O. X. Nelson of the J'onii Mutual l.lfo Insurance company hits received a draft, payable to Mrs. Charles Drown for 14806, the amount of (ho policy hold by her husband who wus iil(j;liocittnl ut (ho Ice plant fire u innnlll UK). A uoUi for 1102, Khun In )a'JH'Ut of the policy Jw deducted Uvw the original polk) of Mfloo. J, P, OerklUK, itiu u. ij arouuo lUv(wrvUer Ih suwlliwrw Oruw County Clerk Gardner spent, Wednesday nftoraioon In tho city on official, business." ltlg thrn'ntns In millinery com mencing Friday nt Huudtett Sisters, 103 North Central. 165 V.' H. Mclcalf," superintendent of the Slinsta division of the Southern Pacific with headquarters nt Duns-i mulr passed through Mod ford Wednesday ccnlng In his prlvnte car. Flro sain of millinery begins Fri day nt Uundlctt's. 103 North Cen tral. 165 Another batch ,of London papers have boon received In this city, nnd one editorial nsks why tho North Sen fleet does not show more signs of life. There nro several articles recount ing tho glories of past sea deeds, nid the general tenor of tho articles seems to be that tho English neoplo expect their squadrons to do some thing besides burn coal. It. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man, has $1000 to loniu Mrs. George Nuebor returned this morning from n visit with friends nnd relatives tn Gold Hill. Tho annual dinner and meeting of tho University club will be held in tho club rooms Saturday night. Ilummnge sale. The Presbyterian ladles hold n rummage salo and sam ple groceries In Water's Paint and Wnll Paper store. SIS E. Main, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1, 2, 3. 157 King Seal, owned by Tom Taylor, finished fourth nnd fifth In the $2000 raco at tho stato fair, the 2: OS pace, a contest ho was expected to win by many of his local admirers. Eight horses entered the race, Ovida win ning in 2:07i. Judge and Mrs. W. II. Canon have returned from Sacramento where they visited Fay Canon who was ser iously Injured by being thrown oft an automobile- as It rounded a corner, breaking his ribs and otherwise bruising him tevcrely. He Is now on tho road to recovery. , Mrs. Esther, Putnam of Pierre, S. D., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Archibald of southwest Medford. Mrs. Putnam's husband was a lineal descendant of General Israel Putnam. D. Archibald of southwest Medford Is moving his family to Rogue River. Charles Youhg returned Wednes day .from & hunting trip In the Evans creek district. Coogan nnd Cox of tho Pantagcs circuit nppeared at'tlio Pngo theater last night in vaudoTille, and offered ono of the best bills ever seen In this city. Tho eccentric dancing of the pair was good. They close their en gagement tonight. An extra strong run of moving pictures wns nlso of fered. A large crowd saw both per formances. Fans of the city wclcomo tho nows that Illainc Klum was negotiating for the appearance In tills city of the All Star teams of the American and National Leagues, Monday, Novem ber 2. It will likely bo known today to a certainty whether tho deal will b0 closed or not. It Is expected that tho two teams would draw a couple of thousand people would bo drawn from northern California and south ern Oregon counties. Next Sundny, October 4, is tho day set nsldo by President Wilson ns n day of prayer for the return of peace to Europe, and the churches of tho city will hold services to this effect. Tho proclamation of tho president urges all peaco loving clflzcns. of this land to voice tlio hope that tho wholo salo butchery in Europe bo shopped. DEI L CHARGE ICE OF FRAUD MAD OLD Mi BY MRS MI Protesting her Innocence of tho charge of defrauding tho Jackson County Hank out of $3S0, through n certificate, of deposit, Mrs. Fannie McNulty returned to this city from Poise, Idaho, this morning for trial In tho custody of Sheriff Slngler. Though lawyers of tho ldnho capltol mndo itronous efforts to Induce her to resist extradition Mrs. McNulty re fused, nnd expressed ix desire to re turn to this county without delay. She Is confident of establishing n complete refutation of the charges. According to the authorities Mrs. McNulty maintains that she Is n vic tim of circumstances and mistaken Identity, nnd that she wns never tn tho Jackson County Dank, but once, nnd then with a woman friend to change n $20 bill. She nsserts that Mrs. Sarah E. Collins, who alleges the certificate of deposit wns stolen from the bottom nf her trunk In her homo on Second street, told her of tho loss of tho check six months ago. Mrs. McNulty was running n rooming house lu Dolso whq'n arrested. All of tho evidence ngnlnst Mrs. McNulty wns collected by the Pinker ton detective agency through the Portland branch: Ono of their most mysterious agents spent n week In i this city slucthlng for data, the most Important being tho similarity In handwriting bctyscen tho signature on tho deposit certificate, nnd the bill of sale for a cow, that Mrs. McNulty owned. MULCTED EVANS CREEK CmZENS A niee old KonlKJhinn, who on u 0. A. KVImltdu Itf llie.lum'lolii t.ul etl liliit'.t'nu(; eullcjd upon U'MtlciiH ol KvIium eteck, UiUljnu null driiil from Ihu lhMto.r1W,"mtuiy a ilulliu for u yciii'V Milwiitituin to Hi' "(llolie.f WMioWfMitiAJfylJtiyii wont ,u dqxvii UvctAiifu'HitiiilJ'Nip unit mums.. T (jtf 4 iSc c I htiWiytu pillievn'M uilil tUCMcmjt'ji liuq luriiiiu to Ml)juiir Hi(JluuY&ii.V mi. tyo'd tilouslltv l.ikHpMW,prjyiiit;il'nlMig tint i-ln-si. owk. Mie nlluiiuu' ofTi i failed to "pan (i'uf7'"''H jt'n-l ncemieil lliix week to n iujnibe,i' orMil-i'iiliiis thai lhe' might lmveoy" liilkcil. Tlio nice old mini was amiable niul n Halite, uud'mvurtliui; to nuwt of tin (leeched lie w n "ti'dil uinrt" of u V talker. The rcceinN lie anve for the (lolltir were written on nu onliiuuj receipt liootc with the iiaiui "Ulnht" stumped nt tlio tun. Where tin "llloho" w;i- pulili-lieil i not known In lii -In.v on livunx crook- tin) old man made iniutv friends nnd iuiuii- i-od to return in the pritijj fur mnioj Mili-cribcr.. Hut in lite iieiiitiiiir tliiMo U no ww m vet' iiileniini: tlio tables ol' llmr MtftlfiT v - t OENSOrl KEEPS BACK NEWS (CouHnnod from pan. 1.) Iiaili'd l the iillics ih iuoullntly xlg iiit'iouiit. Tlio (lorninu nav !h slinw jut in- OICIIM'll lUlOvilV Oil tllO llllllio I'OIIMl, ll is In ioihIiiui to MiiH(i( (loiiuaii laud loroo il' Ihov aiooocil In I'nii" AS?fv MXU12JUPS4I When Wc Say MADERITE In America )tiii may be sure and ( positively .sure tlint it is made RIGHT. One tac, per price alwnys poti ml CITY'S ANSWER 10 BE FILED SOON numiiminu niiitea to tlio oitv tor the filing ot'nts nnPu'r to the -nit of the (.'uTitoruiu-Orcooii l'uer ooiu puny extend the time limit four or five iliiys wliioli will ho uod h.v tlie hpvoinl (vutinhel in preimrin-,' the pu per.s. The ori-riiinl limit was fixed n. October 1- todnv. Spocinl f'oiiuool (lu- Xewlmrv i nrcimrin the aitiwor nnd has it nenrl" ooimtlctod. lie will so to OnuiN l'a- in the merninj: nnd coiiMilt with Hoecinl Conu-cl II. u. .Norton or that Oitv on the .-nine, It will he tiled eurlv next week, proli-nbl- after the rcsjiiltir moctiii" of tin oil louuoi'. New Jewelry Store 1 havo opened my now slot l of Jewelry, Watches DIsuuoiuU nndSllverwnrW Al ' now, bright nnd snappy goods. Wo tako pleasure In showing thefo foods, nnd invito you to come nnd sco them. JOHN W. JOHNSON ii:vi:i,ku, Mi:iit)iti itooic sTem: iiiK tlio piinHiigo ul' llm liver Mimiioii, 111 (III) nioifu'WljIlo tlltllf Ilil'H doiii to bunion niUirt Hint It It I i i u xyook a now KiikhIhii unity a million nttmi will join the pi'osoul annios in I'M and ami (llilloia for "KiikhIuV )iln- oipal iiltaok on (loriiiiiuv " HiHIhIi lovouitoH for tlio find half of the fiscal your ending )oHtonlay foil i:iri,i!00,lUM while iivpondlturon wain lunoimuil by nonrl) fa.'io.uoo, una, AiiMlila Iiiih i(iilli)d In prntoHlH or Italy ciproijsliiK, loKiot that Aimtilau miaou lu tho Aililallit havo iloslnDod Italian rhdilitg lioatn and proialNod foiiipoiiHiilloii mid nt enter oitio 10 giiidliiit IhoHo iiiIiioh. It Ik rupiiitiMl thai Italy doiiiaudu nu luiloiiiilty of UOIHI.IMMI. Agnes Isaacs Merrell TEACHER OF PIANO t Tliono 83J)-L . 315 O!on Slroul Europe at War An iiji-lo-flit'-iiiintile nlluK of Kin'opt' niul llic wtir xoito, cDiiininiii i'ull dclails of iirniics and navies of warring nations, illuslntlin I'lft'ls, aiiTi'itl'l, land I'tH'ct's and offiriM's, Itigt'lhtM' wlili lalt'Hl maps tl' t lit wtirld, Kni'opc ami Great Britain Germany Russia France Italy Austria-Hungary Montenegro Netherlands Ueltfitim Sorvia Turkey Ron mania Yon cannot, keep Irat'lc of tlio war willinnl ftm stanl roference to thin ino.st, (.tnnprt'lionsivi' alias. Issued by the MEDFORD MAIL. TRIBUNE PRICE 25 CENTS --j -j"5'-2 5j--55j XJ5" J 5 J C t NEW FALL AND WINTER WEIGHT COATINGS AND SUITINGS I'.ii ? in gr E OF GARY RESIGNS FROM OUTSIDE CONCERNS NEW YOIIK, Oct. 1. Klbeit il. Oar' oliiiirinmi of the I'nilod Stale-) Steel oornoratiou, iiiiiioimocil tin- at' leriioou that he had n-igiicd iih di rector from nil ooiiinnuii". with which ho hud boon nreviou"'" coiuiooted ex oopl where theo oupuurus. weie not iifniiatcd with I ho corporation. WI17 Sot Oct the best smoke, Got. Johnson, od also patronize bom. With Medford trade is Medford made WAMIIXOTO.V, Oct. 1.- The Mrit- Nil amhaf".ador Sir Cecil .Siiriu Ifice conferred with htnte dcpurtmoiit officials n'nin toilnv over Hriti-h seizure of American cooper shipments in neutral xluiw. Alalia -ador i'a'o ut Loudon mil I'oufer tomorrow with Sir Kduanl Orev, mini-tor for fir eiun affair-, mi tho Mibjool. A I wy r?lab, KiufHtlv md uy wfMHt, Uw nr fU. Wudlu it TOO MTK TO CLASSIFK. STOLKX Hlcclo, Knoll malfo, had child's beat behind handle bars. Frame had been broken and re paired just above craolci- banner. W. J. Warner. IC7 Mother's frknd BtforeBaby Arrives T5urtas forai wtcki of rxtwyiancy tbero Is o, .'uplemlld external rmhriK-atlon In our "Uotlicr'N I Tlonrt" In which tliousands of women havo thu mot un Iioutiud connuencc. Tln;y tinvu uncit It ami know. They toll ur ItM wonUt-rful Itc ltuinco to cane tin nlxlomlnnt rnuncNii and how they avoid id thoa dreaded itretchlncr palnn that aro so much talked about a his Mfe external application is Btntly uwd mr the nkln to render it umeualila to tho natural utretcliln which it underKO. Tlia myriad of nero threads Jiwt beneath the skin In thus rcllecd of unnccenxary paln-produclatf cuumcii nnd Kreat physical rullef is thi result nu oxprced by u lioat of happy luoiliern who write frum experience. It Ih u nubject that all women should Ixi familiar with as "Mother" IVIead" )ib f- u la me inanr yean, aud In rvcord. mended by trrandwuther wb lu their ear. IIt day learned to rely upon tlila aplcndld aid to vromen. Vou tan obtain "AfoUier I'rlend" nt almoat nny drug store, Oet ' a bottla to day ami then write for our llttlo boot bo uefi:l to expectant iiiolhir. Addrw Ilradllebl lUKUlator Co,, 313 iai(UAl UHlK; AlMIlin, UU. Tio Finest Qudlitios Vithout Excensivo Co.it Oni' Vom1oij" Dress (Jmk1s St'i'lioks Jiro filll Us n t'l'FUvinr with the mosl, iiioilish. wtnlhv niul lu'iiutiful r -"'- . laoi'ics.' -Ml that is lit-w ami good j$ L'opi'csciittMl in swcfpuig v.tnHy, with a lull iiota l tin .staplt' weaves wtnni.iuiHt'a.stMis liiaivj'' iio'nauti. iueejtii.se v.irieues arc to iTiiiafKaiii einnpieie aim ueriume imr op()niJjeipi;iees are so attractive, tlim is the hesi tunc to inspeet, anil Iniv Ironi llieni. An Exceedingly Great and Varied Afisortmont of Woolen Coatings from $2 to $3.D0 tho Yard. "Wo have never had such an extensive variety of wea es, weights and eojoriugs as this season. Nearly e er day some odd and heaulit'ul neweonier is added lo the stoelc. H. is ft showing that vwy woman within reach oP this store should see. Included are 'a halines, Omhre PJaids, Noueles, Scotch .Mixtures, Solid 'ol orcd Novoltjcs, New Uoinaii Stripes, Sell-Colored KuneiesoJ' douhlo weight. All ofiJerfeet weave aud qual ity and all full ."G inches wide. Values tlud cannot he equaled elsewhere at $2 to Jjvl.50 a yard. 44 to 56-inch Suitings in the New Shades of Green at $1.00 to $2.00 Yard .Just in an extensive showing of the extremely fashionable and, much-wanted (liven Colored Suit ings. All weaves, all widths and all shades, 1 1 to fG incli fabrics that art1 matchless values, from SI. 00 to 92.00 a vnrd. Plain and Novolty Suitings in 44 to 50-inch Widths, at $1.00 a Yard The new season's weaves ami colorings in Serges, Crepes, Poplins, (Iranites, Shepherd Checks, New Scotch Plaids, Mroadclolhs, Novelty Wowfeds Crepe (Jranilcs, etc. -I I to oli-inch widths, priced SJ .00 to t t t t f t ? ? t ? t ? I K'w '111 Sfll II VOU BALK Illuo Mission and Tokay Kranes delivered. Ueury orchard. 1'honq Jt-Ui-W. 1C7 KOIt KXCIlAXCi:- Will exchniiKO laying White and Drown Leghorn hens for HprliiK roosters, Medford I'oultry Ai Kb Co, 1C7 1'Olt ItKXT Hlx room house, cjose to school, ffl.liO per inontb, water imld. Addiosu i'. O. box 77.',, 171 IOil MA.K Clivl '4t liali wukoii, two fcouted sijiri')', 10 llirh Jilow, hiurly new double hutno, hIiibIii haniBcn, lliilil wuou, bro'j,liorw, bi.c hint ,iin, fume fiiMiliy.r!, ) lii mile iU)s( Oiiljbl i'vn, B(ib )(). Wbiu KlitlU'f JU CHEAP GLASSES A few people havo Kalncd the er roneous Idea that my churgos aro un reasonably bl;li, wlion, on tho con trary, they are most nipdqrato, nnd It Is hut proper for mo to ray that no one can do tho clans of work 1 do at less prices, In flttlnc glasses, more than in nlmott nnythlm; olso, clicaji work means poor work; il means Incompetence; it means ills satisfaction; It moans work that has to he done over hkmIii, and that iicuiis it Is dear work lu the end. Coue in urn) Islk It over, DK, RICKEH'f utv t UK) inuvli . This illustration shows two children in union suits. At the left the drop-seat, three buttons, liiffh up on the waist-line. At the right, the "Luzerne" Closed Crotch. f (Clt.Oci. 10, IPI0) '' witli one button, low, at one sde We carry the celebrated luie.jii xerue Closed Crotch I'mjonyuar for ladies and children, so highly recommended to mothers by all the leading health and sanitary authorities of the large schools. .Misses Union Suits Sixes :J, 1, H, (J, 7 $1.0 Sixes 8,0, 10 $1.25 Itovs' Union Suits Sizes '-i's 2H, :i(), :t2, .'II.. .Jjl;25 Ladies' Union Suit All sixes up to 8 $1.50 New assortment all-wool Chal lies, regular (() rade, now sell ing at reduced price of '17 Jiti-inch All-Wool Storm Sci;ge, all dark eoloi-s aud black, special price '18tf :i()-inch Chiffon Taffeta, uWte i ligjit and t(hi colors, guaranteed to wear) pi;iee only .$1.50 Imported Venetian Cloth, new broeiulcd patterns, look like silk and has a vi'vy soft, luxurious finish, comes in the new fall shades, special price 50 IIG-jnch Skim)iu Satin, jbtypta and white r J u : ,1 & l, ..Coals' best Six-Cord Spool CqtVm, 7. spools for, .25 Ladies' 'A'll-Liieil Initial Ifaud keiw'hifr?; fine tpialily aud full sixe, Ojich, '.a. 15 CliihlnMitiHi'l All-ljineu School Handkerchiefs, 5d each, or ( for , . ..' .. !. . . 25 r0 pieces new I'incy Ifibbons, vaJucH up to 7oe, your choict I J- . J CMfllKVtlV It 7fV'niro'JO II 1- M A Ifltt Jfooo A V ? y v y y y y y y y f y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ? T y y V t y y y y y y I while they hist . 25cl and 115 1000 yards Valenciennes and Liu- X en Luces, values up to 10c yard, $ op sale at, per yard . . ..5 X One case of Ladies' Ij'k'occd llju- & ed Union Suit, high neck, long sleeves or low neck and short. sleeves, worth 75c, special open- ing pric at . . . ifV ! Complete line of Pictorial I'litlcrns now in block Jioe&Vv. Coinplclc line of I'icforinl I'allcrns now in Mock MEDFORD'8 KXOLUUIVE DRY OOODH BTOHE "irm'r" "TTT Urn, Himy'H Dwmmklnu Parlor are now located' (u our Now Annex, 1 11 ..