p PAQF, ENGLAND LOOKS TO- WILSON FOR PEACE IN TIME MEDFOKP-.MATL , TRIBUNE, MEDFORD,, t i l,ON.DOK, Sqt. 20. J:nr, ,.. in.--Sin'eo i'l-uxiiiciil Wilim uinilc liis Htulrmrut Hint peace uvcitnrus More )irrmn(nro ill t)io lime, Knglixlt offio jiiIh Imvo fell renesmetl mul tlit'.v uow express rnnfidoncp tlml the Viillril SlnlcK will, at. tlu projwr time, oxer! iIh pioil offices to Itrinj; tlie rwhc lo a olov mitlor condition:; in wiring n pcrninnciii pence in Knropc. II fall official loilay expressed confidence .tjiivt H' United Slnlcs, lifter flie eontincntnl comlintniits had lieeonio tioniowlint exhausted l.v the tJIniRvlp, would exert a powerful in fluence for pcaeo ami make it pos siblc to negotiate a treaty which would require EuroH?nn nations to submit their future differenrcs to the United States for arbitration, tlni waking a recurrence of war impos .siblw BLACK WINS OVER TURNER BY 15 OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept. 29. Tho official Btatc canvass of tho primary returns of Soptombor 8, show William W. lllack nominated for United States senator on tho democratic ticket over (icorgo Turner by 15 voles, tho for mer having 12,.ri.r.O and tho latter 12,535. Their votes were: Illackr first choice 5503, second choice 7047; Turner, first cholco S642, sec ond cholco 3S93. E E PRESIDENT CONCORD, N. II., Sept. 29. Pres ident WIIkou'h administration was endorsed "In tho highest and most unqualified terms" and ho was pledg ed tho "un wavering trust and devo tion" of New Hampshire democrats at the state platform convention held here today. The platform declares for the ini tiative and referendum. BIRDMAN VIEWS BATTLE BUTCHERY IN LONC FLIGHT LONDON, Sept. '2 .'::. n. in. A loiter front nn officei of the. royal (lying porp-, under urtc of Soptom bor !. describing a view "front it n aeroplane of the bailie eastward of Paris, says: "Yesterday 1 wax rp for a teeon- ,nninuiH over this laim.' name, i bol tt will be remembered h the hi!; gcl in lti-lory. It extend' from ('omnio'Mie right ttwnv lo Helfort. "We flew at r o'clock in the even ing. At that (ime the ItritMi gun all opened fire together. From n height of oOHO foot 1 saw n sight which 1 lioe it will never be my lot to see ngaiu. The woods and lull were literally out to ribbons all along the sonllt of I.aon. II vn marvel lous watching hundreds of shcllrf bursting below one to the right and to Hie lef( for miles and then to sec (he German guns replying. "I fear there will be a lot more awful fighting before this show ends, hut up an' certain it will cud with us on top, nllliotich we all had our doubts about three weeks ago during that nwful retreat." Writing again on September ll, the officer says: "The huge battle vill is going on. Our machines, nfter being out all day still bring in the same news. Tho Germans have got into one of the strongest pitions iwis.Mblc. Inordin ately reinforcements are arriving and arc coining up on the (Ionium right at SoisSOIIs. "I simply cntve for cigarettes. They need to be carefully disguised, though, or they will be stolen on route." The officer intnti. nod thai ' the aeroplanes are shot and shelled by friend and foe every time thev as cend. They hardly ever dcM'ond without bullet holes in the planes, but fortunately, the writer .uys, the fly ing corps hud lost oulv one pilot and passenger up to September !. NKW YORK. Sept. 'JO. A volun tary petition in bankruptcy wn riled today in the federal (list i id court against the Atlantic (5a & Klectric company, a :nxnitlni under tho laws of the state of Oiunectictit, with offices in this eitv. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM NM EXI CO SOUGHT UAl.TIMOltK. .Mil., Sept. J!. Fol lowing a conference today with far diual GibboiH, bishops in ut tendance in the convention of the Aulevicau Federation of fuiliollk hoinlles adopted a repot I protesting ngaiitsl the recognition by the United States of any pivi'riuiicut in .Mexico ,tlmt does not guarantee icligious liberty. This report was later adopted by the com cation and it was decided to scad it delegation lo Wushiuutoii (his aft ernoon to lay the whole matter of alleged atrocities on Catholics in Mexico before President Wilson. The resolution, it is understood, denounces the outrages which it al leges arc being perpetrated against Catholics in Sloieo: deplores "the silence of the press" on the subject; calls on this government to "right Ihe wrongs" and urges the president "not to reeognir.c any government in Sloxico which does not guarantee civil mid religion libeity in its fullest sensi'.' SOCIALISTS GAIN IN STOCKHOLM, via London, Sept. 29. 1:07 p. in. The final results of tho Keneral election for uicmhars of tho Swedish parliament show thit tho socialists havo 57 seats, the conser vatives S6 and the liberals 57. Tho liberals lost 14 seats to the social ists. The conservatives neither lost nor gained, jot at tho conclusion o! the war It Is expected that a social ist government will be formed. ommoNv TU MKADO 'S MEN BEHAVIOR PF.KING, Sept. '2D. A missionary writing from Ping Tub Chow, in Shan Tung province, contrary to other .repot Is receive , fays Hin Jap tuii'M' hoops have behaved very well. The conduct of .'Olid .lapauc-o who went through this city was exemp lary, he said, They occupied bousis liojutyliicli the pconlc had tied, I ut tlicriwoplc, would have run iiwi.v fronu aivV army. It is a fuel Hint (he- hlolc I'bii'keus. .but rhev mil. I uioro (hail the market rice for leir puroRnscs,' and there Was neithei' plundering not attacks on women. BRYAN HOPEFUL ME MORE BRYAN PEACE PACTS SIGNEO WASHINGTON, Sept. 'JH. Three more of Secretin v Jlryan'.s peaco commissinn treaties ire on the way to cousiimiiiatiou. One with Greece will bo signed roou; the Kuj-miiii mil bassudor will confer uilh .Mr. Itrynn tomorrow over the d'nil.s of another and still another between the United States and Sweden is being prepared. MEXICAN PEACE WASHINGTON. Sipt. 211. Sccre tnry Itrynn late todav said that the most recent dispatches from .Mexico indicated the situation brought about by the breach between Carrniua nud Villa might be composed. Kepre seutatives of both have been meeting in conference, according to reorts, endeavoring to bring i.bout pence. ARMY DOCTOR 10 CRITICIZED. QUITS WASHINGTON, Sept. lit).- Presi dent Wilson has reeoixed and accept ed the rcniguation of Dr. Louis Liv ingstone Seaman r-- first lieuten ant of the medical reserve corps of (he army inactive lit. The resigna tion was written .before Secretary Garrison called on Dr. Seaman for un explanation of his alleged criti cism of the conduct of (he German camaiutt in llclgutui. Statements attributed .to Dr. Seaman were con strued by war department officials as a violation of President Wilson's or der for all offiiVrs to refrain from partisan discusbiiui of the Kurocan war. Dr. Seaman's resignation, however, closes the incident. KSlAYM SUOTMUtitt, 20, .11)M ESH99EBESKQSS9e!!3SK!Ulll..M I'L.LfUiuuuiJi.L-.a hwihuj-u. n.i- N ZEPPEll BOMBS WRECK CONVENT LONDON, Sept. 20, 'J: lt p. in. iV Central News dispalch I'nuu Ainsler dam says dial fitrllinr atlaekH hnvo been initde by Zeppelin dirigible bill looit. Four iiotnlirt wej'c ilropia'd on Deynr.e, nine mllo- southwiwl ol" Ghet.'tnid twb thrown on Thiclt, fif teen miles southeast of Hinges. Al Ihe fonuor plncm Die convent of SI, Viuooul was badly damaged., TSING TAU NOW IN JAP HANDS ai (Continued from paw 1) TOKIO, 8ept. ao. An offlelnl nn nounccment today concerning tho pro gress of events In Klao Chow says: "Japancso forces during tho day and night of September 27 drove tho onomy la tho direction of Tslng Tan. "Tho Japanese, casualties were 150. Tho (lormau losses are not known but 50 men and four-maehlno guns wcro captured. This action, which was Hpeedlor than anticipated, hits accoleratcd tho general attack. "The fleet has attacked tho llth fort, effoctholy aided by tho army." Chinese officials Would not-say whether tho blow Inn up of tho rail road bridge at Tau-Ilo, lit miles went of WcMlstcu, by Chinese troops, bad been ordered by tho government. It ban been learned, however, thot the Japanese minister hero Informed tho foreign offlco yesterday that tho Jap anese Intended to occupy tho railroad Into Tsl-Nan, the rnpltal of tfhnn Tung province. To this tho foreign office refused to agree. Tho Information wan obtained In IiIkIi quarters today that It Is the wlsb of President Yuan Shi Kal to avoid troublo wltb thn Japanese. Tho military men of China, however, are under Ortnnn Influence and a largo number of Chinese troops rec ently hnvo been mobilized In Shan Tung province. LONDON, Sept. 2. 5:22 p. in. Tho Kxchange Telegram company publishes a dispatch from Shanghai haying that thn Japanese havo occu pied WcI'Mstcn and control tho Tut Nan Kii'Kalo-Chow railroad. 'This action was taken, the corres pondent says, because of tho discov ery of a German mine outsldo of the zono of hostility and as an offset to this Gorman violation of Chinese- neutrality. NEW KRUPP GUNS TO GUARD KIEL COI'K.S'll.UU'JN, Sept. 20, vbi Lou don, 0:6G p. in. Travelers arriving hero from the Kiel canal say that thu' llermauH are busy placing now ord nance, which tho hrupp works has been experimenting with for thn last two years on tho armored cruisers n,nd .dreadnoughts. The ennui IimIo Horlbed us being crowded with wnr nblps, Including tho largest battle shins. Tho arsenals are -busy day and iiIkIiI and long trains arrive contin uously with Immense guns tor tho ships, The Germans are reported as de claring that Uio whole fleet will soon bo ready to fight, BOSTON CLINCHES NATIONAL FLAG NKW YOHK, Sepl. i!ll. The llos ton club is Ihe neiiuant winner of the RNationnl league Cor I'JM. I lotion de feated Chicago in lloslou today and when tho New ork Giants lost to Pittsburg in this cily by a score of ft lo 'J, Huston been me winner of tho M'iiiinnt. ' With u uiue-gamn toad, Hostou could lose all her umalniug games and still finish first m the race, L LONDON. Sept. 2f, 2:02 p. in.- Sir Charloi Johnston was today elected lord mayor of London for ono car, beginning November 9. Ho succeeds Sir Thomas . Howoter. Ilccauso of tho war tlioro Is every probability that tho annual pageant of November 9 will bo abandoned and It Is probable that the great banquet In the Guild Hall, which annually marks tho Installation of tho new lord inn) or, also will bo omitted. Do It Today Itcsolvn to smokn Gov. Johnson cigars, tho host, and thereby patron Izo homo Industry. tf HySHHHBUJtlJUJU, .III ITALY PREPARES ENTRANCE T UPON ADRIATIC IIOMi:, Hepl, II Si, !!! p. in., via Paris, Kept. 2D, HillO a. til. (Al bania) Humors wcro circulated "ore today that the occupation of Avloua, In Albania, on tho Adriatic, by tho Italians was Imminent. Home of tha reports oven had It that tho occupa tion hud already occurjod as an an snor In tho abnormal conditions pre vailing In Albania, Tonight It was officially denied that any expedition was even Imminent bo caiino It was stated Avlona wan now absorbed In tho grratnr question In ulliig the whole of tho Adriatic. Tahoma Crew- lo Cordova SKATTLK, Wash., Sept. till. It is expecled that. Ilia oiglity-lhice men rescued lifter the abandonment of Ihe rcNcmic cutler Tnhoiiia will be taken In Cordnui on the steamer Cordoin, which, though classed as u freighter, has passenger aceommodatioiiH, Most of the refugees are i.ow on tho Cor dova and her destination is Coidoxu. The leicuuu cutters d not lea mi Her iug sia until the eloH.i of navigation on October 'M. RELIEVE YOUR ASTHMA IN FIFTEEN MINUTES If Aithmador dci not iiuOntty re lieve the very worst attacks of Attlmu, llronchial Asthma ami the Asthmatic symptoms accoinpaning Hay Icr, wo aulhorl-c the driifiKiit listed Mow to return your money. 11c is selling Dr. Rudolph Schlffnuun's Aitlun.vlor and Asthnmdor Cigarettes upon these terms. No matter how Invotcrnto or abstlnatn your c.o, or how olten of violent thn attacks, Asthmador will Instantly relievo you, usually In ten seconds but alwa within fifteen minutes. The driiKgist has Is-en authoriicd by the Doctor to sell every package of his Asthmador on a guarantee to return tho money in rvcry single case where it does not give Imtantnticous relief, or it not found the very best remedy ever used. You will be the sole Judge ybursclf and under this jKisitivc guarantee jou abso lutely run no risk in huyiiqrthii famous remedy. Persons living elsewhere will I sup plied under the same guarantee by their local druggist or direct by Dr. R. Schiff mann, St. Paul. Minn. I-or,salc here by .Mcilfort! Pharmacy 6h f $ $ Xt II fr3MMfrfr HCH6HSM8 '04 &4 t NEXT WEDNESDAY WILL BE "RED LETTER DAVTEN FREE STAMPS WILL BE GIVEN TO ALL VISITORS TO PREMIUM PARLOR BALCONY BRING YOUR BOOK WITH YOU Munsing Underwear, the only place yon can get it. AVe make combination but tons, all sizes. M. M. Department Store RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS m "SlvCuU Patterns We make half ball button to order. SUPERB SHOWING OF NEW FALL COATS AND SUITS Critical women who demand authoritative styles will find in this collection garments decidedly to ther liking. Not only are the modes correct, but the tailoring and finish are so different li'oin V tho ordinary run of Suits and Coats that their superiority is noted at a glance. '''..., .aft BIG SHOWING OF SUITS f r f ? T t T J r ? T i t. kfai ',-. J-C 9BKr J r BIG COAT ASSORTMENT Big Coat assortment $10.00 Big Coat assortment $12.50 Big Coat assortment - $15.00 Big Coat assortment .. $16.50 LADIES' SHOE SALE New heel, vesting top, patent .. $11.50 New heel, plain top, patent ; :.". J. $3.50 Plain heel, plain tpj),' patent , '. I $3.00 Gun metal top, connuense- sense heel .....! $3.00 Sizes '2.1a to 7io ' CHILDREN'S SHOE SALE U11H011, gun metal, heavy sole, at ' $1.29 to $1.4U Button, patent leather, heavy sole, at . $1.2f to $1.75 Button, cloth top kid, heavy hoIc$J..20 All HV.CH. is Big Showing Suits Big Showing Suits Big Showing Suits Big Showing Suits $15.00 $lo.oO $20.00 , $25.00 BIO ANNUAL BLANKET SALE 08c Kxim nrni hym, Um, wny and white, beuitl ii) M11C7 ImivKth, viiliifN fully worth J.fiO, owwhut- . . ... ..Ofty LADIES' HOSE SALE (JO (lose, Juki, received, 8 (0 JO, fnnl black, n-g illur Ji() VHUim, nn huo, pair 10 LADIES' SWEATER SALE SO Sweaters, regular $3.00 and $JJ.50, fancy wtjave.s, red and white, all sizes, on sale to close out.,.., $1.49 T.TWWa ' OnrJincn stoekri are now colnpleto in every detail, offering thp best j)roducts "'v ''of fluAvorlfl'H bestluoniH. Women who love buuutiljil linens will admire these new arrivals from Ireland, France, Oer niauv and Austria. 08-inch Linen . ...'. ...a 05c 1 70-ni'h Linen v.( , 85f 71i-inch Linen $1.15 72-iuch Linen $1.35 72-inch Linen $1.75 I OUTING FLANNEL 100 JOxtj'a heavy tpiallty, 27 inches wide, white, cream, pink, blue and fancy Hfripcd. FALL WAISTS ! mm mr3lirfffffn ll JsiMll 1 r iMtii 11 !' 'sPf'l 1 t 1 ThisCozy Rocket tke ciMir f 1 ttmuni jys FREE! CAVE K GREEN 0 Stampt and add com fort to the home without a cent of cost! This it the very essence of economy. The map are glv le yen PRBK-bMrfully-a4 with then you have tha Pramlua failor, with It ihevMaS l bMuiliul artleUa. at your it. TART A BOOK TODAY. Jdujuin Hlrip'jd, black and wlillc BOYS' AND GIRLS' STOCK- INO SALE lOxfra heavy ribbed . ...15c Medium heavy ribbed . Jlty Ah good iih many nell for 25c, HvnmluM, I'ihI black, trijdo Uimu W44r..r4