Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 29, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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207 Second Street . -'
Medford Mail Tribune
I'rtlr Mnv. 7J Mill. 4SS.B.
Forty-fourth Ymr.
Dully Ninth Yr.
Homeric Struggle in Fnuhteenth Day
Nccrs End Colossal Loss of Life
Weakens Both Sides Present Fury
Decides Issue Censor For Covers
Operations Zeppellws Feared.
LONDON, Hepl 20. J.2G p. m
Ttin 1 Hilt day or llio battlo or the
Alsno IIiIh fur has brought no dcclslvo
ri'Ntill, hut all Indications continue to
point to an aiiroachluit end of tho
Homeric struggle. Hand lo linm!
righting now raging w ltd sued fury
In hound, It U generally held, to do
ildo I lm Ihhiio,
.Mouuwhllo tlio fog whlrh tin)
Krone official report )cstcrdy an
imiiini'il liail prevented nitrations In
I lm Wnovrn district, cover metaphor
lially tint rent ol tliu long Initio lino
Public In Dark
All Hint tho public In permitted to
Know from tho allied xlilo Ik that no
far tho British nml French armies
have hold thulr crip on their positions
nod have consistently thrown baric
tint iiiukhch of Germans who havo horn
liruvcly and Incessantly litjrloil ou
tlicin In an effort to break through
tho liiiiutiti harrier.
In Berlin, It In nsKortod that thoro
has bnun no change In tho nltuntlun
and tlio claim of tho ulllc that tho
scale bavo turned slightly In their
favor. In stoutly denied.
Tlio losses of ttin opposing armloii
In tho last few dnvn of tho combat
havn boon colossal. IIvpii tho uffl
clnl reports contain a Brucsomo pic
Hint of thousands of dead and
wounded lying In tho flro nwept zona
between tho two armies, and every
flesh nKHiiult Ih addliiK to tho ghastly
Zeppelins lti'tHrliil
Gibes no longor aro hoard at tho
luartlvlty of tho Zeppelin balloons,
which now kupiii omnipresent. Thcs.j
unwelcome visitors created ronstorna
Hon yesterday at Walystok, to tho
KoulhwcHt or Grodno, soiuo CO miles
Inxldo of tho ltUHMlan frontier. Thli
dlrlKlhlo apparoutly was mora fortu
unto In getting away than wuh her
ulster ship, which was shot down In
tho neighborhood of Waruaw tho da;'
It iu'iiiiih now to bo officially ad
mitted at lluiln Post that tho Hub
shins bavo secured a Reed footholJ
on Hungarian anil, having crossed tha
froutlor In (ho UiiKhvar district In
roiiHldornhlo strength, On tho plain
In ri out or tliPiu tho UuhhImih will
find their main olntnclo (o bo fo
river Tliclss. It In believed there aro
no forlH on tho plain but simply for
tlflcatloiiH recently thrown up.
IIKULIN, Hopt. 20, by wlroloHH to
Huyvlllo, L. I, Information Klyon out
In llorllu today declared that tho Auk
trlnu government under date ot yes
lerday, duiiled Kusulnii biiccomhos noar
the fortreHH of Przoinvul. It la furth
er declared that tho iiltuatloti on tho
liver Havo Ih unchanged,
Attention Ih culled hero to tho
Dally Citizen, u workman's papor
published in London, which criticise
(Ileal llrltalu sharply for accepting
help from Japan In tho present war.
Thin paper, It In Maid, predicts mi
foiluimlo eonsuipioiirou for Australia
and Amoilca from IIiIh muvu and says
that ono hundred thoiisund Japuuusu
mo loudy In embark for ludlu,
(lei miiii powspupiirw havo eu'M'ssud
nppMiilulliMi of llio protest of Lord
Molhiirim, former HrllUli colonial sue.
ii'Ihi), uKulimt wliul nrii rliurucler-
Iim ut Iih inilriieieporlN of (Iuiihmii
Mlroclllvi puUIhoi u U judou
Tlmw. JA im
. .JijJLi.i.n
French Reports Say Numerous As
saults by Teutons Repulsed Cen
ter Resorts to Cannonading, and on
Right No Change Many Prison
ers Taken During Fighting Monday
l'AHIK, Sej.L I'll, :t.0I p. in. "Our
left uIiik nloiiir I lie liver Soinine,"
the rreneli oMleiul ..inleuieiit hmied
hum iiueriMHiii wif, "the (leimniiH
nlleiiiiled Miiiiii'iiiiiH rltiick'-. which
Ih nlliiw ri'imlNeil,"
The text ol" the nIiiLimciiI is as fol
lovvh: "Firsl On our left win;,', to the
north til" the Homme riml hetwr-m tho
Soinuio ami Hie Oise, I he enemy both
by day ami bv uifjit i.elivereil hVvenil
ntlneU vvbieli have, however, been
lepiilM-il. To Hie north of the AiMie
there Iiiih heen no enmifje.
"Seeoml- On the ci titer in Cham
piiKiic, mi il to the cii,t of the Ar
Koue( (ho enemy lm. iehlriete.1 hi'.
aetivitHV to heavy .uuioiiadiuu'. He.
wren the A routine mill Iho .Mciise
there Iimh bien nliulit proreHN on tha
part of our (loop-, who ore eon
I'ronletl bv ol lonely oiiinicil pohi
No (Iinoko In lrralno
"On the hriclilH of the Mete, in
llio Wocvrr tliitriet, and ou our right
win;:, in Lorraine, ,uu the VitxrH,
there him been no notable moditlea.
lion in the hitmitiou.
"Ocncrally Hpenkin-'. our line iiiur
from tho iiin to tho vvcht through the
region of I'ont ii-Miuivmhi, Apremont
am! the Meuse, through the region of
Saint Mihiel, nhniir the hviglitN lo the
ninth of Spaila ami through a por
lion on tlit heightH of the Meie. To
Iho southeiiht of Verdun, between
Verdun ami llhciiiw, th,. general front
is indicated liy a line passing through
the region of Varonncs to u north
of Souaiu nml the lioinuu roiiilvvny
which rmiH into ItlieiuiH, the outposts
of llheiius, the road tr Itheium to
Merry mi Hue and th-i hclghln known
as Iho '( hcmiiiu ihw Oames,'
"On Iho right bunk of tho Aisne
IhU line (lieu ilrnvvM near lo the Aihiie
nml contiuucH into tho region of Hois,
son-. Mel ween Sojsmiuh nml llio for.
'M of I'Aigh. it nuis over Iho first
pliilenu of the right bank of Iho
lielweeii Iho Oise mid the Homme,
Ihls line runs along Iho front from
Hllieeoiirt (which lielouas to us) to
l.ushigny (oeeupicil ny tho enemy), to
Koyo (whieli helongn to us) and lo
Chiiiilncs (in Iho poi-scssion of (lie
enemy L
"To the uorlli r tlio Romnio Iho
line continues along the plateau be
tween Albert and Coiiblen.
Many I'rhonerN
''V again took many jirisoners
during Iho day yesteioay. They be
long irineipalv to " seventh m-tivo
corps and Iho kovciiiIi ivservo eorpi
of the (Ionium ntiny, end also to the
lenlh, twelfth, lifteenlli and nine
teenlli Ocniinii nrmy eoiM."
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 20. A plpn
for u democratic houso caucus to or
der a Hpoi'lal rulo for consideration of
tho shipping bill nt tho beginning of
tho next ueuslou was understood lo
havo tho approval ot Iho president.
Tho plan further contemplated that
tho hoiibo recess tho first week In
October hu( tho senate would romuiii,
lKIIIK(ITONr, Hepl. till. In
cieumi of min-ijiiiiilcr reul per mile in
llio i'ohI of nilUvuy milciiuit ImuU will
become fffenllvu on October J. Tim
luriifM piniiokliig mi julviincii will m
he miKicmlei liy llm lnlerlle coin.
incicii lumimikkimi, m may lm lie
W'slljfUli'il luliT Vllllv i'l'fvvlii
Kaiser's Forces Afonq Aisne Fear
Approach of Russian Steam Roller,
and Launch Desperate Assaults for
Quick Victory Terrific Fury
Marks Battle.
LONDON, Hept. 'JO, 8 a. in. In bin
review of the nltuatlon ot tho battle
In northern Franco, tho I'arla cor
respondent of the Timer, nay:
The Trench loft continued to mako
progrcnii. Ou the other hand, tho
(IcrniaiiN havo attained no apprecia
ble advantage from their micccm ou
(tin helghtr; of tho Meuno. Tho
breach thry mndo Ih too narrow to
permit Of the pannngo of tho Metinc
by forccn In sufficient numbern.
"Nothing decisive baa jel oc
curred but tho scanty iigwh available
Is certainly to tho advantago of tho
allies rather than to tho enemy. The
furious battle of tho Alnuo In a sold-'
ler'a battle In tho nenso that ground
Is won ami the final victory must bo
attained by tho courago and tenacity
of the Infantry. On no point along
tho glgaullo lines has tha Anglo
Troncb wall been pierced.
"Tho (ierniau center still holds
strongly. In fact it seems clear, as
pointed out by Colonel Iloussct, tho
military critic of tho Liberie, that
the Germans havo received orders to
break through tho French lino any
whora and at any cost. Tho Hussion
steam roller has come, too close to be
any longer disregarded and it in felt
by tho German general staff that a
decisive siicccsit must bo won against
tho allies in tho western theater of
war in order that Germany may be
ablo lo turn Its attention, with some
assurance, to tho victorious advanco
of tho Itiisslaus.
"Tho enemy continues to fight with
great fury at certain points of tho
line, though tho action Is generally
less Intense along tho Immcnso battlo
front. A narrow strip of territory
which they succeeded In gaining as
tho result of violent attacks was lm
modlatoly ro-won by tho allies who
captured cannon, prisoners and
. Ill ILL 111 nilLUTIO
f I'AltJS, Sept. 'JD, 2:1.-1 ).. in.
Williunf JtiuMcl, Ameiieini eoiihiil.ut
Itlicims, his wife, Ii'h diiughler mid
Ins soil lire tlio only American! left
in thu'rVcnclj city.
., Thoy lmvo spent most of the lime
itiirinilho Inst two weeks in n wine
collar 100 feet under ground, Iho
upeiiirlir to which is within hull! a tiictr uweiiim'.
' Major Spi'iieer Cosby, tho military
il It nolie at lnris, Iiiih just returned
from Itheims-, where ho went with
Whitney Warren of New York.
hits street car
I .,. t.t
1'UIITI.ANI), Or., Sunt. a. Tliwu
oeeiipiiutH of mi uulomoliilu which
collided with u Williams avenue ear
1. ...... ....!.. 1...I.... II.. . .1 I
ju-iu viii i,v iuiiii.v, oieii huverill UOUI'rt
later IIS 11 rcHlilt of Ihnir' inlm-?.....'
Tho dead urf : W.IJ.'lleiidriekHNV. (1.
Ihiicstou mid A Heir Cook, A fourth
niemhufof Iho pmly, Frank Oono
vim, U believed to bo fntiillv injured.
Tim oilier men were ulighlly injured.
WASHINGTON, Hepl, 30, llecausu
of Iho fulluio of We I'oliit mid An
nspolls o iiKitm on lilies fur thu army
and navy fool hull gumu, Hocrelsiy
(JuriUuu inioiiiiuuiidoij o Iho Wol
I'oiUt wulliuilllMs IliHt Ihu yuuiu b
kbntidouvi. jH'Kimuvnlly,
LONDON, Sept- 20. 3:13
P. in. Tlio official press bur-
eau today gave out a state-
in c nt which says:
"Wednesday, September 23
was a perfect autumn day.
The absence of wluu gave our
airmen a chanco of vyhich they
look full advantage by gather-
lug Information. Uuforlu-
nately ono of our aviators,
who had been particularly ac-
the In annoying tho enemy by fr
dropping bombs, was wounded
In a diiol
il In tho air. Dclng
a nlnglo seated mono-
alone ou
Plane, he was not able to uso
his rifle, and while circling
above a German two-seated
machine In an endeavor to get
- within pistol shot, ho was hit
by the ovscrv'er of the German
fr machine, who was armed with
u rifle. Ho managed to fly
1 'Alt IS, Sept. , lij-20 u. in. Tho
comparative calm on the French bat
tle line yrsterduv utter SundiivV
storm of shot mid shell was a sur
prise. It wiiK Mippo-cd that the ex
treme violence of the flcnunti ultaek
mean a determination to finish the
eampai-.Mi ou the Aisne by hi caking
the allies' lino at nil costs, ami the
pressure, it was expected, would con
tinue, esKeially on Hie allies' left,
where the Germans bad hroudit up
The center, however, was the only
point seriously attacked, probably ou
the siipositiou that tl e line here had
been weakened to reinforce tho left.
Ono theory is thai the armistice of
four hours grunted bv the French for
burying the dead win not sufficient
and Hint Iho iuvailcn needed the en
tire dav lo get rid of Ihe bodice en-eumberiii"-
the trcuchcH and another
is Hint it further shifting of troops is
in progress meparnlory lo n violent
shock elsewhere, all efforts ugninst
the left having failed.
Ill tiny ease the opinion is prevalent
here that the (lonuaiu are losing vnl
liable lime and that a return of the
bad weather would ucihtips find them
still burrowed in tho chalky clay of
the district --.) that thev will
aguin bo forced to rneover them
selves by invadin floods.
Military operations in the 'extreme
east of the Vosges nnd in Alsace
have been hindered by had weather,
as there is snow on tho heights mid
floods in the valleys. The Whine is
much swollen, while tho Holier, 111
nnd Thur rivers havo overflowed,
Tho plain between the Muclhuiiscu
and the mountains is under water to
it great extent and it Is impossible
lo move heavy artillery, which gives
an advantage to the allies, who have
comparatively light guns.
llotli sides, however, a to handi
capped, and if the hud weather con
tinues' it will havo thu result of pro
louu'ing the campaign on both sides
of the Vosges and in the Ardeuuo
The- French people mo busy iio
puling winter underclothing for Iheii
soldiers in tho tield.
LONDON, Sept. lil, U;oU p, in A
disputed lo Ihu live ting Hlur from
I'l'llOgrild Hl)n Ihu lilllloim Kllxnluu
icvoliilliuiiii'v leader, Vliidinili' lloinl
relf, vi lm icluiiicd o 1iihii o Uuhl
I'of Ihu luiiil I'ioiii which In ecuM'd
wljlU u p.miui' In Wihvilti, lius lit fit
SI3PTEMB13K 29, 1914
Surface and Subway Traffic Suffer
Heaviest Congesticn In History
10,000 Late to Work Third Rail
Imperils Hundreds Underground
Fire Adds to Difficulty.
XKW VOIIIC, Hepl. 'JM.-Three eol
lisioiiH of subway service ears
sent IH' niTsiiiis. niitri. limn hull' nf
,1WI tt0Ulctl, ,IH),tal, todav. Two
r . ijlar,a Ilrc h.,, ,0 ; ,llor.
tally hint.
Four iM'rsoii wcr-j injured in u
crush between .iilivvnv trains nt One
lllllidred and Fortv-vtoud sticet and
licx'wylon nveuue. TTc siilnvny was
blocked mid tens of thousands of
persons were delayed ou the wu.v (
Car Huns Away
Nx K'isoiis were the vieliuih of n
vollision melwien smfneo curs in (lie
center of the One Hundred mid
Foityjiltli street bridge over the
Hiiilcin'rivcr. One ear that hud been
struck, deserted by eievv' ami passen
gers nml not held bv its broke, then
shot down the iiirlin of the bridge
mid crushed in'o uuother trollcv cur
ut the end of the bridge.
F.ighl mole peroni were taken to
hospituls ns the result of the acci
dent. Traffic Onigc!tlon
The traffic congestion that follow
ed the, collision in tlip subvyuy was
the worst in tho histi'ry ot the citv.
At several Intions more than .'000
persons crowded ou the platform,
nml those nearest the rails were fore
wl entirclv otf, mid in sonic oiisc
vvnlked along- the trucks between htii
tioiis in perilous proximity to the
third rail. Surface eors were crowd
ed. Milk wagons, trucks mid deliv.
cry earls of nil dmcriptioim were
hired bv the thousands, waiting to get
down town, nnd a sl-mdy stream of
these vehicles, loaded to overflowing
with men and vvoumi, rolled south
throuch the chief thotoughfarcs dur
ing the eurly forenoon.
Stubborn lllazc Hagos
Adding lo the diffi-iillics of tho
situation was the stubborn lim thai
lilaed ui when I he I ruins crushed.
For ten blocks nlong Lenov nvciiuo
every manhole belched billows of
black oinoke.
Firemen tried lo fight the blaze ly
placiii'.' Iheir hose through these
Ihirly-iuch ouenings, hut made little
hoadvyiiy. The underground firo
raged fieirely for more than two
NF.W VOIIK, Sept. Jll.-Kvlnrm.
which came sloulv this forenoon
showed Hint James W. Wadsworth,
Jr., was leading: William M, Culder
for the republican nomination for the
United Stales senate from New Vork
by tia.Oal) in 11171 dislriclsjouUido of
,-ncw iork- uiy. iieiutcii returns trom
1 00? fleet ioli district's oilHiic of New
Vork City ino'relisett VHderiok M,
Daveuiiort's lend over William Sulzer
for the progressive iioiuiiiiilioii for
gxiveinor. At noon Davenport vvus
leading Hulxer by Hill).
J.U.MMJ.-N, Hopi. JU, IS U p, III.
A lleuler disputed from Tho lluuuu
suys that it Dutch comml!to has been
formed under tho primidone nf Dr.
J'rulut, keeper of Ihu Mutu archive,
for Iho purpusu of inslorlnif Ihu
library hI lumlu ilustroyvd by iho
(Jcnasim. Hniiy of (ho touuhy's
Plmluvut pertou bavti Uvh JuyjUd
V v4-uprIVi
Overwfielmlnrj Force Compells Ger
mans to Flee Outer Defenses of
Kfao Chow Mongolians Show the
First Resistance to Mikado by
Dynamitinn Railway Bridge.
I'KKINO, China, Hepl. '). Tim
Germans in Kiuo Cnovv have evacu
ated the Wiihlcrscc line of defense
heroic an overwhelming force of the
enemy. Tsing Ton s now complete
ly invested. The German buses were
This information is contained in o
disiiatcli received here from n Ger
man source ut Ti Man, Slum Tung,
which evidcutlv is a wneless commu
nication from Tsjug Tan. It adds
that the Japanese, a i mured cruiser
fipmdrou bombarded Thus Tan Mou.
day without doing anv damage.
.Japanese official reports corrobor
ate the foregoing and explain that the
engagement occurred Monday morn
ing. They declare further that the
Ucrmuiits are now- huek ou their main
line of defense, five ir.iles from Tsihg
Tail and that .Inpare-e troops oc
cupy heights commanding the lines
which the Germans now hold. Three
German wiobips iumiIo Tsing Tim
harbor and two Japanese aeroplanes
participated in the fighting.
Wei Hsin, Shiiutui:g, China, Sept.
'JO, 0:20 p. m. Chinee' troops today
blew up nnd destroyed the railroad
bridge at Tayu-Ho, six mife.s west of
here. The sound of tho cxplo-ion
could he heard in thU city.
The foregoing dispatch is the firsl
indication that Chiuoc troops have
taken anv active part iu opposing the
military operations ot the Japanese
in Shantung province in the hitter's
campaign against th- Germans in tha
leased territory of Kiuo Chow.
To facilitate this campaign, the
Japanese lauded in Clinese territory.
At this China protested, but the pro
test was ignored by Japan.
Heeent dispatcher from l'ekiuj;
said the Chinese believed the Japan
ese intended lo cuptcro till the rail
road stations to the west of Wei
listen. Three liundro I cav
alrymen left Wei-llsicn recently, go
ing wesl along the railroad.
TOKIO, Sept. 'J8. "A Hritish war
whip joined with the .lupunese iu the
bombardment September 18 of two of
Iho IVing Taof oris. One of the forts
replied, but without effect. The re
suit of this bombiudmeut is not
known, but a building, believed to be
n bin rucks, was demolished nnd the
defense works were damaged.
"Tho work of mine sweeping eon
iinucs successfully, Respite the fire
ot the defenders ou ';ore. One Jnp-ane-e
boat was bit and two men were
"llydronejoplanes have heon in
vulunujtiri fccoanoiteiing, and one is
believed to have demolished n portion
of Iho defense works with a bomb."
TOLUIJO, Ohio, Sept. 21) Theo
doro Itoosovelt iu an address hero to
day murto oven moro emphatic than
in previous speeches tlio stand of thu
Ohio prottrokslvo purty ubuIiuI thu
liquor tiafflc
Colonel Ituosottdt iuiiiu from Co
liimhus, HcrumpHiiled by Waller V.
IIiowii, ihulrmuii of tho progrewtlvo
lulu lenirsl (ommltiiiu, a parudu
f m)irvn4 vn;ied dim to
ho(t wduru iu tntv4 hni h4 IuhcIi
tu, pruvjou h oInv Iv (bv thtsUf,
Seek New Naval Bass fcr Attack off
British North Sea Fleet Rush Na
val Reserves From Kiel Aisne
Battle Result Key-Dutch Watch
ful of Neutrality.
ItOTTBttDAM, Sept. 20, via Lon
don, 10:50 a. m. The activity along
the Dclglan frontier Indicator that
the Germans aro planning for a bIoro
of Antwerp within a few days. Moro
than 25,000 men of tho German
naval reserve havo been brought from
tho North Sea towns of Kiel and
Hamburg to Urussels and aro being
hold In readiness to servo on an
Improvised German fleet should Ant
werp and Ostcnd bo taken.
Dutch Watchful
As a direct result of this movo
tho Dutch authorities along tho
Scheldt havo increased their watch
fulness, for during a slego of Ant
werp, England mjght like to send
reinforcements through the Dutch
Scheldt, which would bo a breach ol
neutrality, whllo on the other band t
German victory would bring danger ot
an attempt on the part of Germany to
uso tho mouth of tho Scheldt as a
baso trom which to attack the Brit
ish naval forces In the North Sea.
Communications with Antwerp
havo been almost suspended. Tho
town can be reached by automobile,
whllo ono small freight line from
Rotterdam maintains a desultor"
dally scrvlco. Only thoso provided
with extraordinary passports and first
class credentials, aro admitted.
Tho fear of German spies has
somewhat subsided. Meantime, how.
ever, all Gorman and Austrian sub
Jects havo been expelled and oven
thoso who aro of German and Aus
trian descent but whp havo been Hoi
glan subjects for many years, havo
been placed under strict military
guard In and around tho trlanglo
formed by Ostend, Ghent and Ant-
Great llattle Key
Tho moment for tho actual slogo
of Antwerp, according to tho best
Informed circles hero, will depend on
tho outcome of tho present battlo In
Northern Franco. Should Gormany
win In this battlo tho attack on Ant
werp will be pushed at onco, whllo Iu
caso of n German defeat, tho troops
now- holding tho lino of tho Scholdt
will bo used to resist any Belgian at.
tempt to cut tho routo of tho retreat
ing Germans.
It is Imposslblo to get correct fig
ures regarding tho strength ot tho
German troops, but acording to the
best Information to bo had from
Brussels enough German troop trains
havo passed through that city sfneo
last .Monday to bring tho number uy
to 150,000 men.
(Continued trom pag 1.)
DOUOLAH, Aii.., Sept. 21). A hri.
glide from Maiizanillo has been ar
ticled (o Ouiiyiuas lo participate ju
the Houoru ciiiupuigu, according lo a
messagu from General Hill, iu Cur
ran.a coiamaudcr at aco, which, wun
relay d through hco loday. This
force, formerly coimmiiiileil by (Jen.
era I .limn Ciibiul, bus been iiulriiclid
lo co-upcrutu with Iho i'orcit o 10"
000 men under Ocneral llwihide,
which la Muppioteil In bo mbvhijt ffHU
Cuiriiiizii p'flciHl ii Aum l'rH4
mehri) woiil Ji4V ikui IWi IWH
Hlulc MiilhorilkM Ml W'nMuS ku
Ui'iiiili'il iwNii"lfi Jw QmA IIW Ut
ut JiuHlM IHmm ttmn Ut Mm
AH., w iv !, m
s- 1
' '
1 il
4 I