; 207 tecwrtl ttrirt i V &l Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight ami IVIdrty cool, cr Friday Max. 8j Mln. 41$ 4 lrrt y-ftMir t li Vnir, Diillv Ninth Ymr M ADVANCE ARMY REACHES GATES Ruzsky's Victorious Troops Resume Westward Marcii Seize Oil Flrlils, Ciilllnu Oil Germany's Sup lily of r.nsoliiie-Huiifi Russian Wnlp From Baltic lo Carpathians. t I.ONMON, Sipl. '- I, .'28 . in. A Peliogiml i!ipalch I'm- Winded In I.Mllllnil III till llnlllC eonespomlent nf ill ViiIiiiI New lleni'V, MI.S f III t lid' Kii-miiii inlwtiicc khhiiIh iihi'inh llllU' IIIIIVcil lll'lntc till' All-dllllll n"rlri' !' I 'mi n. LONDON Sept. a I, U::i.'i n. iii. -The I'miM Mm I in prinlH a dispatch I mm I'.'linmiiil Hiiilinu Unit llie Oer until mImi ilinvi' (I'M'lill I'clincil ltlllitr Intel illtli I'll-"ill llll' li'pnll- vi) Iii ihi Milleied ti great ilcleut lit Sllbl. Tile l(UilHI llllVC ll'lll'l'llpicd Sultliui iii I'nM I'lin-oii iiii tin- Polish I'miilier. It if luV. tlmt llu tier iiimiix iin I'vni'iiiiliiiix l'i',l I'ru"ia In reiufnicc tin line I mm 'Dim it, in Wel Pniin. on III" tinnier nf !' Intnl. tn K'uli-, a limn in Kti-xiitn Poland. LONDON, Sept. 'J . 10.22 ii. in. I'riini thn oust conic news which hero In tiil.mi to show t lint ItiiHHln hits al most completed tlm first singe of what may ln considered tno most eolnsitll operation nvcr unrtprtafcen Tiy a military power. 'I'lm full of tin' A tint rtttn fortress of Jitronlaii virtually complete the In- M'ntiniMit of Przemysl, M far ah lines of cnmmtinlcntlou nro roncerncn. Kven thn continued occupation ( ('meow by AtMtrlnit mm (lermnn forces ha not nlili'il In Unit unction of Austrian unit German nrinli'K which In nciessnry to keep Hush I it from over running Gnllclu tittil pushing t:n arm im of Austria Imck to thn rhino thn Carpathian. Ih her conquests In Cttllrlii, IttiHHht titw controls thn Kic.ilost supply of ititHolInn in Hit iiin. 'Pli Im product Ih of Ihn turnout Importance to Itusslu, because of Iter iii'i't'HHtty for motor transport llilssla's Hugo Wedge Tim Ittisslun inovniiti'iit Ih now do ncilhcd mt ti htiKn wedge, thn rtgln linn of whlt'h I'NtninlH roughly front Lilian on the llnlllt', itlong the mil loittl tint) tl Warsaw. Thn Itusslnn general, Heiiiioiikainpff, Ih guarding t It Ih linn. It pinterl thn HiikMiiii sources of supply timl prevents nn outflanking movi'iniMit against Mm KiiHHlan tinny of ittliick, whtrti, m ii'iuly, itit'orillni; to tinwn In Loinlon, Ih hi'Kliiiilnr. to Operate In thn illrcr (Contliuii'il on jmKO two.) BRITISH SAILORS 10 LONDON, Si'pl. L'l. U:08 p. in. It i tinniinni'i'il ol'lifinllv I'ioiii Thu IhiKim Hint tin1 llrilixli Hiirivoi-s ol' llin nniisni'rt AliniiKir, Criwsy mill IIOKIM', ll'-'l ill III' NlU'lll Hl'll, 111 IM"U fill ht'iiiK ht'lil hy Hit' Ki'llit'i'lnniN (JIOM'lllllll'Ilt, will lit' IvIl'IIKl'tl ninl Will Imini'. Thfif iiilt'iinciil is coiili'Mf.v In Tin' llnlllt' ciniM'iiliun. Tlio (Mini'hponilt'iit of Hit' IN'iilcr Tt'lt'itniiii I'tilnpniiy kii,vh llial tlio follow inur -t'iniftirtit'iil htnlt'iiit'iil Iiiik liccii it't'i'ivt'il iVont Tlm lliiitn: "Tint inltiniatioiiiil ntm'ini'itltf HH.VH llifiti nun Iin in Inli'ininx of llrilix.lt Nilloi'H, wliit'li wi'in riiinu'tl t llin pt'itiM' I'tiiiMiitlitiii ol' IIIOS. (It'll' t'ltilly, if llio hnllln (tlio loxx f Hn'" Hrilihli I'liiiht'ih in Hi.' North mu) IiiuI lici'ii I'milil i'lMilo I Illicit li'i-rilotiiil wnlt'iM woiilil tlio Diilt'h ho inillioriril In inli'i'iio llio hiirviyirs, Ailit'lo XV ol' llio Id'il I'm v'onvi'iilioii prt' hniihiiiH: iiiltuniiitfi il" iit'iilrnl power tin nol olliorwiMt it(tl't't, Iiiih lefoirnn' only lo Mtiloi's IniiiU'il ) y wur vehxt'l' ol' Id'HiKi'i'i'iil Piiwi'ii, linl nol lo xiiil or-, who, iin in tlilri iiiift', wi'ii' hiiiili"! l llt'lllllll llll'l'vlllllll blllW, CRACOW HOLLAND SENDS 1 GIVE AND TAKE ! All E E No Decisive Action at Any Point Aloiin Baltic ol Airnc Sulimnrliic Returns Unliurt From Slnkinu Warships All Mcmlicrs of Crrw Ocroratctl With Iron Crosses. linitLIN, Knpl. 2 1, hy wlroh'HH to Hit) villi', L. I. -Tlintifflcltil aniioiiiin'. ini'iit iHHiietl hy llio lii'inlitiurli'rH of ilm (li'iiiinii ttrtnv finH thtit (it'rninn lii'itvy arilllnry hi HttrcnHnfiilly hoin- hnniliiK Troyon I."h riiiociti'H, i amp Doit Koinnliinn ami Llottrvllln Thn (liTiiinii mihinitrltio I'-O, In Wiiirr.n of Llmili'iiiiiil (' minle.' Wi'ilillcmi, I'Hiitpi'il iinhiirl nftnr tlm mIiiMiii; If thn llrlllHh CnilHi'iH Alimil.lr. CrnttHi nnil Hokmo In tlm North Hnit. All in hers of thn cmw of thlH liiihiiiniliii) hiiM' hi'i'ii th'i'or- iiti'J with thn Onli-r of thn Iron t'rodH. An off li-ltil Htiiti'iiiitit N.iy! Hint thi' llrlllnh I'Milxcr I'alliflinli'r wiih sniik, not hy n initio, hilt hy tin) Ourinnn Htiliniurliio r-21. ThU nnhiDiiilim uIho iH'.-tml niiliiirt. Thn Hltitninont follews: Di'tuIN of (,'reat Itutlln "Tlm rluhl wIiik of tlio (Icrinnn went tinny, ht)oitil thn Klver Olim. has hi'i'ii miKiiKnil In hnttlo with tlio I'ri'iirh, who trloil iinsiircoHiiftilly to onvoli'p It. "KaHtwnrtl, ns far an the ArKonne forcut, thorn was no linportnut ett- Kncntnt'ittM today. "To the mint of tho ArRotino r'K Ion. Varitnes wns cnntnreil In tho cotirim of tho tlay ami tho nttarlc Ih proci'i'illiiK. No llrrlilvo Aitlini "Onrinnii troops attnckltiR (ho riniit'li forts south of Venluu vle torlotislv reiinlReil a violent rotutter nttark tnnilo from Vonltin, Tool and aprons thn Itlver .Metiso. Tho heavy artillery tineil aKtiliiKt Troyon les l'aroi'ht'H, Camp Des Itoinalns ami Liini'Vllln wttH lnllily sticresHftil, "In I'lenrlt Lorraltio ami Alnacn frontier French mlvmtrn Kttnnls have al hoiiio points hei'it repitlht'il. "There has heen no ilvclslvn nctlon at any point ' "No news litis heen torelveil front either tho Uolnlati or the eaxtern theaters of war." BATTLE LIKELY NOOALKS, Sonnm, Mev., Sepl 'Jl. --(loveiiini' ,Iom .Mii.Moreiiii lel'l here his inoriiin Inr I lie linnl, luenh five iniltw rust ol' here, where il i ie put led llinl n hnllle is iiiiinineiiL A iiii"litnl trniii hlattril in Hint tliree lion Insl iiiohi. K.'ilrotnl liriilt:es Kinilh ol' heie wein hiirneil hist nilil, (leiieriil Villa Iiiih nsUil the I'nileil Slnles hniilei' patrol not lo allow (leiieriil Hill's I mops to cross1 the in leriiiitiiinnl lioiiiidiif.v. Two inure lroov-i of Hie lenlh l;nili'd Slates cnviilrv linve heen oiilereil lo N'titjii. les, A ii. AI CRACK OPEN SAFE .VMIANY, Or.. Sept. 'J I.- I-'ireil upon tiller I hey lunl hlowu oil llio outer tloor of it siile, lltieit inen who titleinpti'il lo roh tlio nierehnmlise store of Dennis & MeKereher til CruwTiirtlvillo early I 'tiny, were forc ed to t'leo without oliluiniut,' :iuy hooly. Thn rohheir. lunl mil yet lon etriiteil lo the iiiouey ilruweis when n number of men wcte nllrueletl to the seeiio hy llio o.vplosloii mill opeii etl firo with rifles nml slititi;ttiis, ASIATIC CHOLERA APPEARS IN AUSTRIAN ARMY AT FRONT LONDON, Sepl. 'J I, '2:1)8 p. in. Official coiil'iiiiititioii lias leuelicil London of I ho iippi'iii'imco of cliolcru in llio AiiKlriiiii iiriity. According lo this inlelliKencc, il in uilinilled llial llit'ie nre nliin eases of cliolera iniioiu' Austrian wotimletl senl hncli 1 1 oiil Hid J'lonl, ALONG UN ASSERTS D N N A BORDER MEDFORD, ALLIES ADVANCE WESTERN WING TAKINGPERONNE Effort at Flanklnn German Line Con tinues, 25 Miles Matlc Since Yes terdayHeavy Fl(jlitlit at Eastern er.il of Battle Lin-. Allies Alter- natcly Advancinti and Rctreatlncj. I'AIMS, Sept. 'Jl, '.:Vi ii. m. The allic hiiM' nihanet.l eoiiMilcnihlj aloiin their wesieiii win, uceupyiirrf llie Inwn of IViiinne, j.eventy-lie miles nut til of 1'nris ilespile ieper ll In li'sislniice, nei'iilillllii In the of. tleial iiimoiiiiei'iiieiil of the I'lVliell war ilep.iilineut Huh alteiiiooii. Al tl iislelu end of Die hlltlle lllte ill ruiliee lliere litis heen lieavv ll(jhl Z nit the liver .Meiisc, the allies a I ternately iiihaueiiitr and leluiiii;. The I'ollowinix miiioiinreiiii'iit wiih made: I'etoiine Orrnpleil "I'irsl, on our left wint,'. helucen the river Soiiiiiie nml the liver (Use, our troops hate uiU.iiiied in the li reelmn of Itnye. A ilelaehiiiint 01 eiipieil IVrnniiejinil hihl Ihis position in 4pile nf it sp'nileil iilltiel; on Hie narl of the etieiuy. "llet ween the liver Oie ami llie rier Aistte the enemv eontinnes to iiiniiitiiiii iinpnrl.int hoilien of troow, well eitlrenelieil. We have ininle n xlichl inlvitnce lo the nortliwitnl of Herry-aiiMae. "Seeoml, on th liter, helwecn lllieinis nml the Arpiiine ili-triet, the sitiiation xltows no ehaiim'. To the east of Hie Arctium' ami on the licit-Ills of Hie Metise, the enemy has eontiiilieil his utliick-. ileliveniif them with special violenee. The llililiiii; eoiitiniies, iiceoiunaii'i'il hy itllernate relireuietils ttt certain points and ml vttiiees nt others. Altai ks llepnlseil "tin our rinht winu there hits heen no clianiic of importance. "In Hie region of Niniev ami i" tl'1' Viisyes cerlaiti iletiieliiuents of tin enemy have tieaiti ntleniplcil to en ter upon Kieneli oil, ilrivitti; hack lichl coM'iinir hollies of our troop., hut theii offensive w.ts soon stopH'il. "In (Inliein the l,'iisiiui., having taken possession of .larosluu, aro coiiiiilelelv itiM'stiu.r l'rein.vsl and eoiitimiiiiir their olf "isie iniiei!ieni on t'raeow " LIMIT DEBATE ON WjRM BILL WASUINfiTON, Sept. '21. Hilia o on the war leveiiue hill wliieli P'. viiles (.peeial tti.M's oL iilOII.IHlO.dOO, wits lituiteil in the house to so mi hours hy the passun" of a spe, ml rule hy lite vole of '201 to LD. Tits action is saiil to assure llie p.issii'.e of Hie hill lonioriow. The speeiol rn'e limiliiii; ilchale was cpposeil hy the teptihlicaiis hiilerlv timl hv III'' tr -i;res ives. IrlOMAT NTAY YOIIK, Sepl. '2 1, fount Vmi Heriihlorff, llio Oerii'uit iiuihussinlor, mi hi loilay lie lunl received a letter I'ro I u Huron W'ilhchu on Schoeit, an allnelio of llio (leiiiiaii eniliassy, in which llio latter emphatically denied Hint lie hail staled in an interview thai he holievoii war helwecn the United Stales and .In pan wits inevit able. Huron Von Seiioen 1'iirllier ile nietl he lunl iiiatle itu.N slatetnent that could he const rucleil lo mean the Mime thin),'. E WASIIINOTON, St pi. '21. Presl ileut Wilson M'lil to llie senate loilay the nominations of r'n'ilcrii' Jesup Sliui)soii of llai'viii'il university to he iiiuhiiHhitilnr lo AiKi'iilina, ami llciuy Priilhei' ni'lcher, now iiiiiiisler lo Cliilc, In bo iiiiihii-iiilor In thai count i y, ORKdOX, TUTRSDAV, CENERAL LEADING THE GERMAN RIGHT WIN 3 CCMEPAL VOS KLUCK Ceiienil von Klm-k N conimaiidliic n In rue army on lie. evireinu (iermuu ilKliI, now oM'ralhiK In Trance. It U rcporicil the llrltUh ore hulillut; hla nnn) In Ihulr Kilp. TOF I GREATER DAILY l'lVriUKJKAD. via Pan-. 7:1.. v. in., Si't.l. '2-L An i.ffiu.il eoiiiuiuni. ealioii issued hy the yencnil staff says "On Septeuihcr '21, IJtissiaii troop look hy-sloriu the fotlincnthn of .laioshiu, on the r i : 1j t hank of the river Sail. They took Iwcnly can non, even though the enemv offeicil heavy reisiiuce ami hlew up the hriiljre oer the San. Two ilax pre viously Hie Ktissiniis lunl oectipiiil Staioiuiiisto, I'rewoisk ami Lituciit (to tlie north ami west of .laroslnul. "The Hii--ii.il cavalry is piii'stunc the retrealiiiK Austrian reaj- ijunril ami inllictiti heavy osse, althouuli the Aitstriatis iletroyeil litany hliilyes. "Kvery day the nuinher of piion ers ami seiyeil cannon increases. The ileiiioralijr.alioti ol the enemy is shown hy the pillaiiii; ami panicky letreat. I'li-oneis uuaniiuoiislv nsert that a inajoiity of their olliceiis are killeil or missing ami that the soldiers feel the loss keenly. "The newly formed lttiKiiui ies- nients have covered theiiiselves with dory, liphliu side v Mile with the veterans." 4 RECEPTION 10 OPEN An iuiiuwilion will hiiiiilroilticeil in Hie (Irealer Meilfi.nl ehih litis year, its itisieinl of liiivint; Hie first nieet iujr, a receplion will he-hehl al tho Meilfonl hotel uel Monday tiflruoou front '2 until .". o'clock. An effort will he made (o t;ive etteli meinher a personal invitation, hut in case any one should he omitted it is hoped they will attend, us nil the inciiihei. nre epcclcil lo he present The coiiinnllce in ciiiire wi-lies anyone who has asters (hey eati jjive for decorations will l.imlly telcphiini' Mrs. Jap Amlrews, :ir;i-,I, hefore Mnmliiy. QUEEN OE HOLLAND , KOTTKUDA.M, Sept. till, via Lou ilon, Sept. '21, I: III n..in. Otioen W'illieliiiniii iiispecli'il loilay the troops aloii',' the bonier, lenviiif; this morniiiK and retiirnim,' tonidit, Two liiimlri'il nml nil-M" hiirvivoi'M of thn Hiitish cruisers smile in llie Noilh sen were Iriuisfcrieil this ufleiiioiiu to (liisli'ilaml for inlcniiciil. Cup lain Nieliolt.011 of the cimer llotitio paid u vUit loilay o tho llriliuli cm hussy. Kiiiv h oi's himlilitf u( Hie I loot, of llollniul hate heen laKcn (n J'lli'itliillil. ltilHlaH 'm 'T fjPPl"lPtjBBBBBBBl RUSSIAN ROII AUS RIANS W SIOI'TIOMIUOIt 2 f , 101- i 1 El SENT HOME DV A. Rustem Bev, Ambassador From Turkey, Returns to Constantinople In Fortnlrlit as Result of Talklnn Too Much Wilson Determined to Preserve Strict Neutrality. WASIILNT.TON, Sept. 2L A. Hus tem Hoy, thi! Turkish auihasHiulor. has Inforiueil I'reslilenl Wilson that liu does not ultnr the vh.'Ws he recent ly oxiirciHctl In a inihllsheil Interview ami will leave tlio United States within a fortnight. Announcement of the withdrawn! nf tho Turkish amhaxxailor, tltoimh r.ot unexpected, ranccd a profonnil Kensiitloii In illploiuatlc circles. To Sllenre Dlplimmts I ('oinltiK clone on another illplo- . matlc Interview yesterday, of which tlio inlmliilstrntlon at otiru took cok- n I in nee. that of Huron Von Hrliocn of the (lortuan emhassy, iIwcIIIuk on tho poHslhlllty of war between tho I'nlteil Htates ami Japan, It was In terpreted as an Indication of Presi dent Wilson's determination to si lence comment hy forelKit diplomats considered daiiRerotm to the neutral ity of this country. It was understood that tho atlrnln Istntlon would let It ho known that the president would decline to receive diplomats who make comments which ho considers obnoxious. Although Count Von llerustorff and Ilaron Schoeit have repudiated tho baron's Interview, the state department, at the direction of the president was to day still looking into It. Askcil to Keep Silence The Turkish ambassador's inter view however, was considered par ticularly objectionable by the ad ministration, and Secretary llryaii, at the president's direction asked the ambassador to refrain from such ex pressions. The Turkish ambassador In hU In terview had said that the sending of American warships to Turkey In con nection with the report of uprislni; against Christians would lead to a serious situation. At tho samo time. he said that while massacres had previously occurred In Turkey, they were tho samo nets as any people nilKht commit under provocation. Ho cited tho lynchings of negroes and tho "water cures" In the Philippines as Illustrations, reminding tho Amer ican people of tltoso Incidents. Statements Objectionable The ambassador later explained fConlintietl on Page tl) 1 AI LONDON, Sept. 21, 7:53 n. in. Interest In tho fighting tetany centers in Woovre, says tho llortleaux ror responilent of tho Times, where tho enemy is making n serious effort to pierce the lino of forts Unking Vor ilnu nml Tout. "To the northeast tf Verdun," tho correspondent continues, "east of tho Mettso heights, anil in tho direction of Motility and Datnplorro, thetr fur ious attempts have, failed. In the, south of Woovro they hold lino posi tions running through Rlchecourt, Selcheproy nml Llronvlllo. Tho gen oral situation remains unchanged. "On tho left and renter tho allies have tho best reasons ftr confidence In tho result of tho battle. Let there bo no mistake, tho euomy is going to givo serious trouble, along tho lino, where, with striking recttperatlvo power, they managed to gnthor their routed hosts, fleeing from tho battle of tho Mnrne." T OF DR m U IN WASIIINOTON, Sep!. "21. l.ri.i announcement was u.tulo (inlay liy Secielnry lliyan Hint llieio would be no polioiiciiit'iit ol the Ptiiiiium I'll elfin riiniiliiii ill Han I'YuiicUcu mul Hint no foreign nation lunl given iw lice nf It iiilciiliuii ' i vmIIuIiiiw liom iiillirialti'ii 11 in i i ii.t ni Hie I 11 j ju'iui wur, TO LET VILLA DO ALL ATTACKING Mexican First Chief to Act Upon De fensive Amcriwn Troops to Be Withdrawn, Despite Trouble Be tween Generals, Who Will Be Left to Straighten Out Own Quarrels. WASUINfiTON, Sept. '21. Ailviccs to the wur ilcpart'mcnl 11X111) "Mill llalllllAtl !" 1 -'l- centialinir his fonts at tfucnt- cens nml Villa's; army wits "l"'r'M" "' Torrcon. Ifit ilro.i.l " communication nclwceit th- l.i.llilk t.tl li...tt kMCil-nit I" '"" t t' 4 WASIIINOTON, Sept. 2L (Jencral Carranzn has Informed tho United States government he will not attack General Villa but will order his force. to he on the defensive ami resist at tack. The first chief's communication ile dared the national convention would be held as scheduled on October 1, when a provisional government would be established which he hoped would be satisfactory to the United States. Troos Still to (Jo It was officially stated at tho white house today that the latest troubles between General Carranra and General Villa would not alter tho plans of the United States as to withdrawing troops from Vera Cruz or the status of the embargo on arms. No date hail been fixed for moving the troops, and It is generallv understood departure will be ilelaye.l pending adjustment of the quarrel. After a talk with President Wilson, Secretary Daniels said that the trou ble between Carranza and Villa would not change tho plans for the fleet In Mexican waters. He added that It has been the intention to keep ships at Vera Cruz until after the withdrawal of the troops and that this course would bo followed. Must Fight It Out President Wilson is understood to take the position that Carranza and Villa must settle their differences apart from the United States and that the presence of American troops at Vera Cruz would not solve tho dif ficulty. According to official Information here, Villa Is willing to have Car ranza become provisional president or resign now and' run for tho presi dency later. They ltavo been In formed that Villa objects to Carranza doing both. As outlined in official circles today, President Wilson will continue to pursue a watchful waiting policy and allow the Mexicans to work out their own destiny, providing that rights of foreigners are not transgressed. Villa to Join Zapata John IL Sillimmi, Amerieiin con sular representative, nml the Hray.il imi minister conferred ill length with Currnuxa today ami were shown Hie message from Villa cissivowiu-r Cnr ninza's uiilhotitv as lirM chief. At the eoiisiiiu lonulist ngeney (Continued on pssi 2.1 Y TO KEEP NEUTRAL rilKlSTlANIA, Norway, Sept. !M, 11 :10 n. m. The press of Norway is making- a consistent effort to niain tnin strict neutrality. The newspa pers publish virtually nothing more than the official e minitiiiculioiis, giving Hie Knglislt, c'renoh nml Oer mail texts. The .Mjiruenbliiile divide its columns carefully, giving j'tist as much space to flennitii us Hnglisli news. The Venleiisguug publishes more KuglUli uew, bill this inference of paitisiiusliip in coutritilicleil eili toiiully, Norwegian officials are enuullv cautious to inaiiitalii lltcii nciilialily. Since Hie ileclanilion of wur Nor wegian I'xpnil In fJ.riniiny have nn I'iciikcil nly, Of fliinli ilcii), how ever, I I111I I'liimiiliilliiji lim bvfh "fill' mil nf llie mount I y. The Niiiui'iiiiiii iiiiiiv liu Iten jiilftj nmi nioi)iiioi CAKRANZA N W TRIES NO. 159 PEACE EFFORTS IN PROGRESS AT CITY OF MEXICO Sensation Created Amonp Military When News of Quarrel Between Villa and Carranza Breaks Out Gonzales Appeals to Villa's Pat riotism to Cease Discord. MKXK'O CITY, Sepl. 2L Kffort.s are heiti" minle her' to pnlcb Ihn jiiencli of f'ltrrnuza ami Villa, it was announced today. Kffort.s were made to enneenl the break, but new- of 'i leaked out in certain circles, cnu-ung a sensatioii amoii'r inilitnrc men, It wits regard ed as most serious, (leneral Pablo (Iontiles, d So f of tin- unity of the east, has telegraphed Villa nit appeal , which gives eight re.ison- why Villa hlioulil reconsider bis action and rr iiiaiit friendly to ('nrrenzn. Itutlle at ToiTcou KL PASO, Tex., Sc t, '2-1. If Clen eral YillaV revolt .igniitst the Car rmi7.ii t;overmiient r-'-ults in united revolution, the first battle probably will occur ut tJie old battle grounds of either Torreon or Zaealeeas. General Villa, for-id to nbamlon bis expedition in assistance nf the Maytorenn revolt, today rushed Jtis forces .south from lunrez nml C'hi liitiibtin City to meet what wan re ported its n strong foice of Carranza soldiers moving north from Agttns Calienles nml Zuculeens. All was astir in Chihuahua, the state which for four yeurs nml in almost many revolutions has fnrni .lied the reat est ami mot efficient force. jd: figlit iug men. Villa's Army Is 10,000 Aeconlin lo offieinl ostiinnles, Villa controls nearly 10,000 troops. Maytorenn bits mobilized about ,')000 troops in Sonora. They are mostly Yaqtii Indians. Kfforts nre being niade hv the Ciirranzn element to en list the services of the Mayos, u rival tribe who outnumber the Ytuiuis in the west coast country. Villa nKn probablv will be able to recruit muiiv troow from Diirango state, where ho litis operated frequently. Carntnza's forces eoinprise Hie unified force of Oeneral Pablo Gon zales, his eastern divisional comman der, probably numbering about 110,000 men, ami tbo-e of the west coast tnioos under Ohregon, which partici pated in the entry of the national capital. ' i It was nsserleil tlio t nil of the west coast forces with the exception of , those led by Maytorenn, would staiul loyal to the Ciirrmuu government. Tl CITED AS INSTANCE OF WASIIINOTON, Sept. '21. In con nection with the alleged refusal of national hanks to in I end ctcdlts, Secretary MaeAiloo loilay issueil this .statement: - "Senator Leu of Teunossee in forms mo that the Mate, of Tennes see has 1,1100,000 i.l Minrt lenn notes maturing October 1 ; that Hie state desires to renew, or cxtvn.l $1,-100,000 of these notes; Hint n commission representing the state has been in New York for some time try ing to effect this loan, but without Miccess. "It is preposterous tlmt one of the great states of the union should find it impossible to procure from (be banks such 11 comparatively small amount of inoney. Semite? Lea in foriueil he was goiiitf to Now Yotlc last night for the piirptmo of joining lint coiiiinisHion in IU efforts 1 1 ob tain the iiceileil loan. "If Senator l.cu anil bjs iih'OcIuIm ate unable o procure fjom IninLw 111 Ilm city iif N'evv York, or Uih')im,m Imlay, nml 1111 ic(ipiiblw (diiii, w ih'niii'ij Ioiiii, I will iyclr mm If bniiU niniiol be rouoil o ikw Hj bU fonw for lljf MwIp of 'IVH,, m Hii rirl t th'tliUff wt w 'fWH iMu ivmm awl -H n iwmW n Wf )llftll." NN BONDS BANK TON (,tl 4 il t u 'i'i i fi 4 !1 m