Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 23, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    flrtqnn HUM"' Se!V '
207 Second Strctl -'J
Medtord Mail Tribune
I'nlr (onlght, cooler Thins
day Max. mij Mln. 40,
Forty-fourth Tear.
nllv Ninth Ynr.
NO. 1H8
Loss of Austrian Fortified Position In
Galicia Severe Blow Przcmysl Is
Now Isolated Russians Push on
Toward Cracow and Prepare to At
tack Kccnlusticrtj.
LONDON, Sojit, U3, t 10 p. tit.
Tim fall of Jnroslnu. the AiiHtrluu
fortified position lit Gnllcla, Im re
garded hero na tho most dorlslvo
stroke announced front tho continen
tal battlefield In tho Inst 21 hours.
Tho Hiisslun occupation tit this Im
portant fortified railroad renter lu
considered In London n likely to
li.ivo a greater effect on events In tho
western nrena of tho war tlmn any
thing reported from Franco for ov-
nil days past. Tho Russian nrmy
wlilrli took Jnroslati ty storm la In
hot pursuit of tho Austrian, who nro
teportod to ho retreating on Cracow.
A l'rzomysl la now lnolntcd, It seems
probable that tho Russians will ho
rontent to innHk thla fortress, while
they push on to C'rncow with n view
of Joining tip their forces propnrntiiry
to a march In tho direction of Urea
Ian. To Attack KiciilulMrtf
Curlher north tho RuhsI.iub. ac
cording to Information reaching
London they have renamed offonatvo
against tho Germans In Hast Prussia,
and they nro reported na again pre
paring to attack Koonlgsborg, tho
unreal ral homo of tho kings of Prus
sia. Tho 12th day of fighting flnda tho
liattlo of AIkiio Ht 111 swaying undcel
lively. Tho (iermana, according l
llrltlsh opinion, ubvlnualy hold tho
advantage In heavy artillery and tho
formidable natural position (hoy oc
cipy would render a frontal attempt,
to dlilodge thorn an almoat nuper
liumau tank. Hence Importancn la
attached to tho movement of tho al
lied army working to tho caat ward
with a view of outflanking General
Von Kluck'a forces and threatening
lilt ciimmiinlcatlona. Tho German
rlKlit already la reported In nowa dla
patches to linvu heen turned lint con
firmation of thla still la Inching. He
porta received hero declnro that en
trenched poaltlona havo heen pro
pared hy the Germans along the Itlver
Sainbro for uso In tho event thoy nro
i (impelled to retreat.
Nuvy 1osh it Itagalelle
The lima of three Ilrltlah crulacra
In the North Hea yesterday, vessels of
a type not tided for several years and
hroiight out of reserve now to under
take aperlal duty, la counted aa a
bagatelle by Ilrltlah iiuval men,
What hurta la tho Irreparable loss lu
officer and men who went down In
efforts to rescue their comrndoti In
dlhtreaa. Tho Abouklr deemed to
have been tho heavleat Htifferer. Ap
pareutly only 18 men wore saved out
of a complement of 8 III. Tho threo
cruisers carried a total of about .'10
naval cadets who wore drafted from
the naval college when tho war
LONDON, Sept. 2.1, 7; 17 n. in.- A
llapatch to tho Heutor'a Telegram
company from Ccttlnju aaya tho Mon
tenegrins yesterday occupied Rogutlt
zn, about tun miles from Harayovo.
ROMK, Hopt. 22, via Paris, Kept.
2!l, 7:10 u. in. News received horo
from Coltlnjo miya (hat within thla
week tho MontongrliiH expect to havo
on lop of .Mount Lovehon long range
cannon capable of dismantling tho
forla at Cattaro ami with which thoy
can bombard tho Austrian ships, thus
allowing tho Aiiglo-Troiivli flcot to
1 11 pi tiro tho stronghold,
JIOUDKAUX, Kept. 23. Tho lulu
Uler or iiiarliin uuiiouiiceil today tlint
it Troiloh fleet has landed heavy guns
anil it detachment, of gunners nt An
tlvurl, .Mouleiiegro. Tim guns will
be mounted on Mount Lovelieii,
whence (bey will open an tuiergolle
lioiiibithlliiiuil of I be foils uml bur
bur of CiiHiimi, In Jiuliimlbi, Tlio
oils ut Hi mouth of ('i 1 1 11 1 11 liui
bor were denl lined mum ilu uko by
it bomburilmeiit eai 1 led mil ninler I ho
dlivtllon ui Adwliul D Upuyium,
Tin en Torpedoes Blow Out Section In
Bottcm of Bow, Capslzlnu Ship
No Time to Launrli Lifeboats
Cruisers Hoyuc and Crcssy Next
Struck Latter Sunk Submarines.
LOWKSTOIT. Sept. LSI; via l.ou
ilon, 7 :'-." p. m. So fur ns enn be
iiM'crtuiucil, 1(1(17 offtceiH ami. men
weie suod nut of u tolnl of 'J'JII.ll
who were on hoard flu lliree llrilish
mixers when thoy were mink h.v u
(Ionium siihtmniue tftoiduy.
YMtMDKN, Holland, via London.
Sept. 2a, l. m. Thla little seaport
town la excited over the landing
hero of 2S7 aurvlvora from the Ilrlt
lah emitters sunk lu the North Hen by
Centum Nubmarliiea. The men were
brought here by (ho Dutch iiteamer
Flora which happened to bo lu the
vicinity when disaster overtook tho
Ilrltlah warahlpa.
The slreela are crowded In tho vi
cinity of the hotels whero tho sur
vivors are staying and nroiind the
hospital where 20 wounded are being
cared for by tho Dutch I ted Cross.
Crows W'ero lleM'rvUts
The crowa of all three sunken war.
ships were cmupoKcd largely of naval
reaervlata. Tho Abouklr waa the
first ship struck-. About 0 o'clock lu
tho morning she received threo tor
pedoci and tho explosion blow out a
big section of the bottom of (ho how,
capsizing the ship. Tho crew had
no time to launch lifeboats and tried
to aavu themxelvea by Jumping lu the
water. Tho boat was out of sight
beneath tho wnvea within threo or
four minutes after tho' explosion.
Tho cruiser Hogue, nearby, henrd
tho explosion and launched .lifeboats
and iK'gan to save the swimming
survivors, but while thla was going
on tho Hogue herself was torpedoed,
apparently exactly as tho previous
ship, three shots reaching her hull.
according to survivors. The Hoguo
sank In a few minutes, but tho great
er part of her crew wcro saved lu
their own boats.
Shelled .Submarine
Tho cruiser Creasy nt thla point
discovered the presenre of two (lor
mnn submarines on the way to attack
her and began shelling them with
heavy projectile's. Tho ('rossy'a
marksmanship was excellent and both
submarines wero demolished, accord,
lug to survivors.
This statement, however, Is nol
confirmed from official sources.
.Meanwhile from the other side tho
(.'ressy herself wan torpedoed In two
places and sank Immediately,
When tho attack occurred tho
cruisers were steaming lu a lino ahead
three miles apart. Tho presence of
the submarines was unsuspected un
til two of them woro sighted by tho
Three Cruisers Sunk
No other ships wero in sight at tho
opening of tho attnek, but, tho Dutch
steamer Flora camo In view on tho
horizon Just after tho Hoguo sank.
Tho captain of tho Flora signalled tho
OroKsy mid was about to steam on bin
way when ho saw tho Cressy Htidtlonly
keel over and go down, Ho Immed
iately steamed towards the scene ami
lowered his boats. It wnn then for
tho first time Hint ho understood
that threo cruisers lu nil had been
Ho picked up many sailors cling
ing to spars and to pieces of wood,
Among tho survivors Is tho rnplnln
of tho Hoguo. Tho captain of tho
Flora sayH that several Kngllsh sail
ing bonis aro coming to Ymiildou with
inoro survivors.
CONSTANTINOI'l.i:, Kepi. a:i, vlii
London, 1 1 ill) 11, in.--Kiglil liiiudied
lioiie 111 (he .lewikli iiuil lei's of
lliulicui, on llie (lolilen lloin, weie
iluwlroyi'il bv lite liikl iiiuli). Three
llioiliilld .lews lire oinele mid ill
gienl ilil re.
The iiiilliunlii'M hlii dlllillllllllK
bieiiil iiinong Hie aliieLeii. The Aini'l
nail iimb.i-inor, Hem .Moixeiillniii,
iirlni'b piiiln ipuli'il in Hie iniiiii'ii-i
Iiuii of ivIlW wuiU.
Official Announcement States That
Severe Fliihtlnu Occurred on Lett
and In Center Little Activity Up
on Rlht Enemy Repulsed In Se
vere Counter Attacks.
PAiiis, Sept. 'j:i. ;i:imi p. m.
According lo nllieinl iiuiiouiieeineiil
given out iu I'niii thi- uftei'iioou, the
nllicH, niter miwio lighting, inUiiiie
oil 011 their w extern wing. They 11U11
lepul-i'il (lermiin ullnel.M on their
ciihlein uiug.
The ol'lieinl eummuuienlioii iend:
"Fir-I On our lei I w,ing, 011 tin
tight bank of the rior Oi-e, we have
udwiiici'il in the region of l.iiHxign.v,
whore there have heen ioleM en
counters with lire enemy, (lu the let I
bunk of die Oic anil to die north of
the ller Amic the Mtustloii !
"Second (hi the ecnvr between
Kbeiliw uml the iir Meuc Iheie
Iiiin been no eliuuge of iiiiportauee,
lu the Woe Me dl-lliel, to the liuilli-en-t
ui' Venluii, uml in the diieetion
of Moiiillv and lloiupierre, the en
eniv nuileitiiiik Moleut ulluek wlili'h
were lepnl-eil. In (ho houthern mtt
of the Wueue ilistriet tho enemy
holds n line from Itii lieeouit to
Seiehoprey to l.iionville, limu
which ho Iiiih not i-ued.
"Third (hi our tight wing, 111 Lor
mine mid the N', the (leiuinii"
Imve evueiiateil N'omeuy mid -rri-court,
mid have howu lil lit activity
ill the eonuliv around HoineUe.
"The en pi tiro liv tie Kiismiiii. of
llio foitresx of .lnni-liiu 111 (litlieut in
IIHIH.IN, .Sept "J I. MM Loud
Sept. 'J I, 'J; JO p. in. The heiulipinr
telH htalf, lu fill tiler e.xplillliltinu of
the liombiiiilmeul of the cathedral of
Ithciiir! Htt.Vf?
".Since September "JO, when 11 wluti1
t'lujr w"s lioiled ill llie steeple, the
eatliedrul Iiiih been i'epecled by our
urlillery. We soon dieovercd thai
the French hud used the steeple n
11 point for obseiMilioii, which ex
plained llie good shooting of the
French urlillery.
"It became neeex-ary o lemove
the oliMTViiliou poHi, which iciiiomiI
was offeetod by xlirupuel I10111 the
field gull-. The fire of lienw urlil
lery was not allow eil mid llie boin
liardiiieut eensod niter the obervn
lion po-it was removoil. We could -ee
the sleeploH t ill lnndiiig. The ex
terior of the eathcdral is slill uiidum
uged, hut the roof Iiiih been destroyed
by fire. Our Imopi did no more iltnii-
iigo t l)ii it was nholiilely ncoe-nry,
The Freiieli iiloue arc to Illume for
misusing the white Hug."
Al'HTIN, Texas, Hopt. 2!l. A spu
rial session of tho Texas leglslaturu
began to consider a central bank of
Texas with JIM), ODD, 000 capital.' The
object H to provldu an Institution
which will loan money on crops,
Tills Is tho second special session,
Tho first, which ended yesterday,
passed a hill enabling cities, (owns
and Individuals to build cotton ware
house undue stale supervision,
I'KKIML Kept? ail, II HO it, ID -Tim
('Milium Koverilliieill liks replied
lo llio pmli'st i)1 (leiiiiuny miiiiIiihI
llio lundlliu of Jiipiiiiii'si 1 1 oolis In
Chins, illsiluluiliiK responsibility fur
Hie vli'lMlluii of hoi' lieuliHllly, whldi
sm buv( kIiu s uiiublu lu ilv'i'iidi
f tf-A,j'lBiBIIIIIIBIIIIk3lllliB(BflllKHBvilfflBLi
' J1 s ' : I i i ml
The arllat writer Hint there wna no lack of ,'olunlecri for thi work, for
which the I ren h hud waited for forty yenra, Thla frontier tenrk, Isikrlng the
word Dcutmhe Itil. h' and a Hack rngle, stood nt Hie brad of the C do In
iir.111.1. .iep. a. mu ire.ess 10
Hayvllle. I., l.-lteports received by':,.., w,.,, ,,liKt....I m.lov .1., im,.,-.
the Herman admiralty show- that the
destruction eturtlny of three llrltlsh
cruisers In the .North Hon was accom
plished by the Herman suhmarluo U-'J
The sinking of Hie three llrltlsh
armored crnlcrs, (he Abouklr, Hogue
unit dressy of I'J.UUII Ions each', by,
(ierinau submarines, Is the big news
feature lu today's llerllu uewMpapers,
HetallM of the battle are not ct aval!-'
The news was received with parti
cular pleasure as It ened to recon
cile the Herman sailors with the pol
icy Imposed on them of higher strat
egy, under which the officers and
men of the fleet are chafing despite
all admonitions of patience from tho
newspapers and public opinion.
A hostile aeroplane dropped two
bombs near the llusneldorf airship
hall yesterday. The etploslou of tho
missiles caused no damage.
No news concerning llio fighting lu
franco was given out today except u
statement Issued by the Herman
headiiiarters staff, which said thaf
the cathedral of Ithelins was respected
until the Trench osluMMieil an obser
vatlou on the spire to direct the
Trench artillery fire.
The Hermans used shrapnel instead
of shells to drive (ho observers from
tho spire and the fire was stopped
luiodlately after this was accom
plished, E
LONDON, Hopt, r, I .'UI n. in. -Tho
Telegraph's correspondent with
tho llelglau army, under Muto of
Tuesday sa)s:
"Tho llelglau army emerged from
tho ruinparlH of Antwerp today lu u
HOille against the Herman army based
011 llrussels. The advance guard ex
changed shots with the Herman out
pouts on tho road, HI miles from tho
WAHIIINOTON, Hi'il. 18,1, Tim
l(iiNiiiii foreign ol lice Im- nnlhiiiixoil
lIlO llll-xlllll lllllllll-'llllol, (looigo
Hiildiciiicliill, lo iicjinliulo 11 pence 1
I'oiiiiiilk-ioil hoiil) tvllh Hie I mini
Hi llie, iiciuildiiiu I" ml ice. iccelvcil
hy Heeli'ltu'V III. Hill Indus . Nliniliil
OoiiHi's H010 lulled In -1 Monk ho
I u ecu llio I 111I11I M.ilc noil OiciiI
ilUllllll mill I'VUII'i',
N,w V,K s , .,x .,.,,,, ,.f.
view with Dr. Tied S. .Miimiii of New
Y01 1;, who letiiincd 'ii Hie (llunpic,
in which the phyxieiuu chiim lo lme
been informed b 11 high I'lench of
ficiul Hint it wic Lord Kitchener,
lfrilnin' iuinl:or of w(ir, who fo ro
od the lo-igiintion of the Trench culi
inel sboiilv nftor the lutlhiciik of the
"When Kin. nun fit it t-lt un.le.r (ien-
eml Tieileh wen oppoei hv 'J'J.'i.tMIII
Hi'imiiuo of Heiietul Von KluekV
tinny ul .Mini', (loucrnl Trench miw
Hint ho wu 111 11 desperute 'iluilliou.
Alter tin liiM ilu' lighting mid
when Hie oeiwheliuiUL' force-, of the
(iciniiuiK ihienlencil o -urroiiud the
nine lliili-h oxpodiliounry force,
(Icnerul Ticiicli scut an enriici np-m-iiI
for aid to the Tieneh nulitury
eoiiiiumiiler of thai ili-lriet, lleiisk
ed that lll.llllll Trench troops he
ill-lied lo bin ii-itiince ut oiiee,
"Tie-iileul I'oiiieiue, eager lo
llllll.e every ennccssiun lo I. old
Kilehoner, force d Hu1 ieignulion of
hw whole ciibincl, which wiik di-pos-cd
lo back up the wur miuier in
opposiTmu 'of Kitchener. This was
AllgtlM '.Ml, nboiil 11 week llftoi' Hie
bnllle of .Mini-.. A ei ion-, erisi in
llie affuiih of Hie iillic wiu ihus
11 vet led mid Kitchener triumphed."
NT.W MHJK, Sojil. 'J.t. Itohilcd
iciioil-. I rum uiiHAiiiiix cMiihlifdicd
throughout Hie world hy I'loliylcr
11111 church, niiide public here loiluy,
loll of world-wide conditions unpar
ullolcd in Hie history of Hie chinch,
There is no spot umli r Hie miii, no
eonling lo Hios(i reporl", where llio
Tiiropeiiii wpr ho-, failed o Mriko 11
blow ui eouuuoi'ce.
TJie Kiluuliuii iu 'cl Allien is
cnlioiil; Syriii is ougulfed hy idler
Impclcr-Kiic; I'eisiu is in 11 chaotic
condition, ul leusl so fur im fiuiineoN
lire concerned; iiiihhiiimiiich in lililiu
lire shil off It in oul-ido linuueinl
nidi Chile In iu it piliuhle plight be
oiiiisii of Hie i'ijstrntiiui of her in
liisHlu, mid in (liiiileiuulu llio poor
pro driven hy hunger Hi llie point of
eoiili-cii(ing llie lood-l'iiHV 'of Hid
ueiillliv fiieh Is llio hoinlirc pcnie
of oiiiiio of llio tnili'll fields iovoiiI
oil b llio I'lO'hyloiiiiu lioniil of for
oign uiiskjuiis, Hnoiiuh llov. Dr. A. W.
HnUey. lis soeioliii.v.
I,0,N)ON Hopl. n, I; nil p. in. -Tim
(Jrliusliy liavtler Kllliuil'iiuck huh
sunk hy u 111I1111 on Hie Nnilh Hcu you
lunlii)'. Only lliiou ipeiiiboM nf Imr
now wioipsihoiI Thu imu' wiin
hhiwn fu I wo mid wi'i iIiimii In-slmitlf.
President Asserts It Is Duty of Oper
ators In Colorado to Accept Basis
for Settlement Proposed by Fed
eral Mediators Threatens to
Withdraw Troops From Scene.
WAHIIINOTON, Hopt. L'H. - 1'iesb
dent Wilson today (old .1. T. Welborn,
president of (he Colorado Tuel and
Iron company, that he believed ll to
be the duty of the operatorH In Colo-
ado to accept the basis for the settle
ment of the strike proposed by fed
eral mediators. .Mr. Welborn told
the proddent that the operators ob
jected to several points lu the plan,
hut Hie president asked that they re
consider the iiuestlun.
lu answer to the objections of Mr,
Welborn, the president said ho could
not act as the umpire between the
operators unit the miners and that he
felt It the duty of the operators to
accept the plan already adopted by
tho miners.
To Wlllulrnw Troop
The couHuuanre of federal troops
lu Colorado was discussed and Inter
It was said the president would with
draw the troops utileux a tmtlsfuctory
sttlomenl was reached. This was
not verified, however, In official
The president had expected lo re
ceive a committee representing the
Independent conl operators Involved
lu the Hlrlke. .Mr. Welborn told htm
that tho other operators were tinahlo
lo be present but would write. Tho
president nsked that Mr. Welborn
tell the other operators that ho could
pot accept n refusnl of the plan.
HeJeilK Alternative I'lnii
Mr. Welborn presented an alter
native plan for the solution of tho
strike trouble but the president re
fused to consider It. saying that ho
did not believe a compromise pos
sible. The president declared that
the public Interests demanded the end
of the strike and It wns the patriotic
duty of the mine oisuators to accept
the proposal.
Mr. Welborn declared after his
Interview with the president that tho
Uiichlloo was still open and Hint ho
would Immediately report the result
of his talk to tho other operators.
ANTWI'KI'. Sept. 'JII, m London,
Scplonibor '.M. A Mieco.ful rnid by
11 Mpiuilmii of live T.ngliMi iiviuloti-
011 the (lorinuu iiviutmu ennip ut
Itiokondorf, noitr Cologne, ih roporl
cd hy the llaudeMilud. Iliekondorl
i the center for llio Zeppelin nil'
c rii It ami. uoooiiliug to the tory, Hie
llrilihh from u height of l.'illd foot
dropped bombs Hint mI fire to Hie
linngurs. Tour of the uviutors re
luriicd to Hie point of their departure,
while tho fifth was obliged to de
scend, owiu;; to engine I rouble. Ho
succeeded, however, iu lunilin iu
A.MSTT.IMIA.M, Hopt. 'J.'l. viu Lon
don, lL':;i"i p. 111. liofoiriiig to the
rnid of Knglih nintos 011 Hie (!or
iiiiiii uviiiliou ontnp ul Hiokouiloif, u
(loipuln newspaper leooived hero Miys
Hull only two bombs wore dropped,
niul the only duiuiigo with the break
ing of u few window -.
WASHINGTON, riopl, t-M. Iloduo.
Him of hiihuiOH of goM'iinucnt oll'ic-
illlh, lliolllllillg hOlllllol'K, ICplCCIllll-
livt'H, iii'iuy mid uuy olliooix mid the
pi'ONiiloiil hiniocH, wii miipo.ed in 11
I'OailllllllUI llllllIN b Hoiiuloi' Micp
1 111 nl iim 11 iiioiiiis of inccHiig the
"oiloliiiiui slinin pul 011 llie I'cilcinl
lroniio hv llio wiir in lliiropo."
The loiliicliiui Hiiiild wut I10111 J
per com on oiiliiiio ul tl'JUii lu VI
per colli mi ubiile nt 01' IIIIIHI. mid
uniild ho oMVellko lot niie om 1 1 mil
NllVl'MllH'l' I. J I'll.
Notices Posted at Nounlcs hy Gover
nor Maytorcna of Sonora, Who Is
Reported to Be Prcparlnn to March
Aualnst General Hill, Carranza's
Military Commander.
NOCAI.KH, Honors, Mexico, Hopt.
23.- Notlrcu wero posted hero today
that General Villa hnd proclaimed a
revolution against Cnrranzn. Gover
nor Maytoroua of Honora, supoprtod
by Villa Is lu command hem and re
ported to bo preparing lo march
against General lleiijaiulu Hill, Car
niura's military loiiimauder in tho
Kl, PAHO, Texas, Hept. 2.1. That
General Villa Is assisting materially
Governor Maytorcna lu Honora
against tho Currnnza government In
tho belief of observers of Mexican
affairs here,
Klght carloads of guns, ammuni
tion and military supplies which tho
Vila offlcinlH are sending through the
Culled .States to Maytorena's agents
at Nogales left here tbday.
Two of the cars have been held
here some months but were relcusc't
by American military authorities!
with (ho lifting or the arms embargo
recently. Tho six other cars woro
sent by Villa agents from the cast
but Instead of being delivered at
Juarez were rushed on to Nogales,
Carratun agents hero heard today
that Moytorena was preparing to
move his forces from Nogales to at
tack the constltulounllst army under
General Hill, near Naco.
General Juan Cubrul, commissioned
to take over nil military force In So
nera, Ims been recalled to Mexico
City by Cnrrnnza's orders.
WASHINGTON, Hept. 211. I'aul
Tuller, who recently returned from 11
mlsflon to Mexico as President Wil
son's representative, reported to tho
president today he did not hellevo
Ihero was any serious danger to for
eigners In Mexico and that progress
wns being fade as rapidly nB possible
lu pacifying tho country. Ho did
nut believe there was n break be
tween General Villa and Obregon.
150,000 RUSSIANS
MKItLIN, Sept. lia. Michael
.Schwab, 11 prominent llnvarlan social.
1st serving In tho landwehr, Iish been
decorated with tho Order of tho Iron
Cross for bravery on tho field.
Tho Gorman press today empha
sizes tho loyal American nttltudo lu
refusing a loan for Franco. At tho
same time they say that Gormnny has
no necessity for obtaining loams
A loiter from n llnvarlan general
atnff officer says that tho Trench
systematically fired on tho Hod Croaa
ambulances carrying away wounded
soldiers from the firing lino.
Copies of tho llusol Nuchrlcton say
that captured Gorman nmbulnnco
guards wero stoned by n Trench mob
and robbed of their luggage,
It Is officially stated that tho Rus
sians lost lu tho battles near Tau
ucubei'g iU.OOil 111011 captured and
150,000 men killed.
IIOONH, loHii, Hept. '.'It. Colonel
lloosevell, malting a speaking lour of
llio middle west, lu behalf of llio pro
gressive purl), niiived here (oilsy,
Mr. lloosevell made 11 wluiil speech
ul Armory Hull and left fur Dos
Moines, whole ho will spouk this
Ills spouMilH illHiigoliioilU ut
Alimiis Hits riiiirnllud by his ili)slilsn
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