Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 22, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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f J I tat 1
Mutt andJeff at the Front!
ji I, tut v w cm. r "it li'W lo
Srrj imNtt lO,lf;K,UOr.r
FK.CjwH, If Csk
Keportcd by Jachnun County At
tract Co., Hlitli ntul Fir HU.
' lli'i.l INlHln Triiiinfi'r
n.-llf Nirkrll l vir In V. W
(InlliinliiT, Iiiii.I in m'i. .
:i.V. ?
V. (IhOIIiisIht i-l ux lo A.
I,. Dlllllllil, HIIIM.f
lllllli'l' iV TlloniHilil I'm. I" !
P. Ili-nilrlolw il x. -I0
ni'tiw lii "'". 10 itml !'
I., HI.'JI'
It A. riiH i't l I.0M11 A.
KihI, Int nil INrrlili' IIVl'-
inii', Mi'.lfiinl
WniliHin KIHm.ii I't 11 lii. Thn
IhiM'ily i't 11I., I"l "1. I'll"
a, l.uiii-ilfii A.lil., Mi'ildinl
.1. P. Ili'iulriuk ol iu I" .1.
II. Duron, '-'III wrr in mth.
Ill nn.l 1.', fii. -Irt-'Ji:.
0. W. Mi'Duiiiilil it ux In II.
II. I.lmlli'y, Iniiil in Hfij. HO- '
J. V. HliMktllH I'l IK III Alllllil
(ImkIi llnilmni, Intx I, 'J, !t.
Aolilnml lliimwli'iiil Ani'i'
iitinii Irni'l l.(l,,
ii. I). PllK.T il n. In .1. W.
llintliin. miin1 '"
"Mntflifi .1. SI k i'l vir In .1.
0. Mar i't u, lot In Itnil-
niiul iiitililion, Axlilniiit 1"
Itolii'il II. 1.1'win i't ux I" !
I. Wlillli-v i'l nl., '-'i! '""
In hi... ai.II'J-'JK. 'I
l(. A. Ilni !' H. I "niy, Kill
Hitnin in i'0. IH-.'II.W f.
l(..ln'rl I'no.'V il ux I" '. P.
Ki.loy .1 ux, liiinl in :ill-ll 10
S. P. Pmik i'l iiv I" Hli"'r j,
llnmn, 10 iiiTox In M'i. 17-
.'18-IW. 1"
l I'. .nniiii I't ux to Iv. I
Mnxwull, a.'i.l" ni'ron ill M'l.
'J.ilS.UW. l,'"0
O. II. Ilrtiincr ( iiv In Klir.ii-
n'tli.l. Hlill. PJO ni'iis in M'f.
l!ll..'M.irc 1
ll.'iirv I!iiiii1irov '! ux In .lm
I-:. Piiilil, IiiIm in lilk. :i, Vil
.Mi'ill'niil 1
V. O. X. Smilli il ux In lli'iiry
L. Thomiih, iiiuii in an-ii:. . ton
,t, T. I.iltli' i't n.x lii OHvit P.
Williiiins, n 18, I.Ik. !l. Put
li'.. Hill Ailil.. Mi'ilfiinl I"
Snrnli P. Uiililwiu i'l nl In M.
I,, Uiililwiu i't ux, riulil '
way in hi'i-. 'J.VIIH lV. 1
Ui'irH of .luliii O'lliii'U In Hi'"!'
Uiililwiu i-l ir, :i-.7l iii'ii'H
in Hi-.-. un-:i8-iv. '-'.on
Miilimln .1. Hawk i'l vir In .Inc.
liu MiiiIiiiiiii, triH.tPi ni'ri" in
m-.'h. :i nn.i'j'J-iii-'ii:. a,.wn
' Tho inootliiB ' Mt'ilford MorclmntH
niHouliitlou Monitny nlulit In tlio Iro.
Iiytoiinu cliurcli unnux wiih tlio flrnt
tlio iiHRorlnltnu Iiuh hulil for tlirco
jnoulliH. Thuro wro alinut IR jirosont
ami n niimiitumiK linnqnot wiih sorvuil
liy tlio IiiiUuh or tlio cliurcli.
Tlio fnllowliiK now inomtiors worn
votcit Into tlio HHHoclatlen: Oen
Jlrown uml hoiih unit Von ilor llollon
llrothcrH of KiibIo Point, 1). II, Mil
Inr ami Merrill and cuiuimii)' of Ciold
1 1 1 11.
1'J. II. Wnrnor, dotoKiil I" Hio Hlato
inuiilliiK at l.ii (linmlo inuilo n ronort
and loiiclmil lirlolly on Hovornl of tlio
prlncliiiil IoiiIch dlHCiiiwod, Ho mild
llio imiinliurH all nvor tlio wtnto havo
iiovnr forotliui llio i;nuiil limn tlioy
lent In Modforil two yearn nun uml
luivo u warm mot In llmlr lunrl for
(ho rlly ami lior pi'iiplo.
II, 13, lluko, iiiiiiiuKtir f U M"l'
ford raiiulHK fiirlnry, told wliut Uioy
urn diiliiK i'l !! fiiclory uml mild
tlii-lr Kriiiiliml Iriiiililu U In i'.llluK
prmliiilM lo puck. Tlmy urn now
VMirliliiK pilui'lpiilly on IiiimuIiikii mid
. ciin prl( ihiiihlu llm unioliiit lliry UN
ji'ulvlnu- 'i'luy liuvu nu HoiiMo In
r- .nil .' r i iii.,. -r-j in kid i fit; i f i !.' 1 cov ' Vf'Vxr i
drSJ&i ? -.Jllf Jilp Jab " ' r " -""-g.-'
cofvvtottr s tf 2y -fy g Co. '
. - i - rrrZT... Tn .u.pmrHM,.Wi:ni!H U08INKK6 HIIlKCfOnY IIU8INES8 DrnKOTOKY
lllllllll I II II IV I All IIIV I ,m... ., ...,....!.. .ulll t.,. Iit,l Hwi .. , i ......... .1....1 Kilt CUIJ.M 1U.M1UM.H. , .....,..., o-i1i .r.
lllllllll ill II lill Ill fill ....... u .,. i n,iir. r . ' ' i. :.... ii.... I l'eroby onriounco myU an tho iK rnr. cxccllcrtt con.IUIon. IMiono POIlTKIl J. NBFF. WM. I. MEALBT 1L
IP y0y
(iiM-;i'.Nvicii, Pnnii., Si-pi. aa.
I'rniii'H Oiiiuii't, auiiiti'iir itatiniiiil
pill' i'liaiiiilnii, wan luali'ii a up and
) In play till aricrrioon liy (Irani
Pi'iii'oi'k, a Prlui'i'tnii univi'thily ttti
ili'iit, a( tin1 Ilr-t riiiiinl nf tin (In-rii-wii'h
P.mulrv i'IiiIi'h itivilatioii K'lf
Inuiiiiiiiii'iit. Pi'iinirk'w IVul i'iiiihi'iI a
'WASIIINOTON, SimiI. aa.-Prooi-
ili'iil WiUnn li-fl Iuti' at H n'l'I.M'k fur
Prini'i'lnii, N. ,l wlii-ro In- will voti'
ul llio pnnmrv i-li'i'titui. Ho will n
turn In WimhiiiKtnii llii- I'Vi'niii.
N'n inoro war iimvm ly fpoiiul "er
xii'o, al Irn-t until 1'iirlln'r niiti'H'.
Tho fiiil Iiiii kiii' forth. "No mm .
mi linHi'llnN.' Tho xi'rvii'o ouit rl.'i
i,r wi'i'l-, npnl ii, williuul diii'iiuiit
nr trailing .Mnnips. Inlcrl linn
liiKCi'il fnr m.iiio liiao piief, ninl Kiloli.
i'Iut'h pcwiniilii' pmplii'i'y that llio
slnlw;l,, wnnlil lat fur lluvc .v.-an
ilniiipOiiril tho nrilur of lhno who
IMii'i iiiiv a I'fiit. In tho oarlv itayrt
nf tho oiiinpaiuii pin-Ti'Ulun h yuipu
HiircrK, with lomt Iiiiikkhko mid iiiiu'Ii
nf il. roi'hloMv nfli-ri'il In wiijji'r
ninny pri-lroln, v ilh nut fow InVorw,
dial "Papa Willu'lm" vmilil lie cutiim
Inuit iimiiln tho walU nf Pari lu
fnrc tin- idi'H nf Su'li'ialior. Thru
raiuo a iluiiip whru Uo lli'luiaii linvt.
Iliilixh linn ami l(uiim dear n-
NUIIII'll llio llffl'lliv. UoMlll, III
Pii'iii'h fniK-caliiu; Imii vivanl" wonr
n Miiilo nf I'oinpliici'my wiiloli IhiN
fair In hi'i'iuuo pi'ii'iniii'iil, wlu'rwih
llit vi-naf nf llio iivo-nm' oluiinpion
nf tlio kai".'!' i'.liiliil aliuul ax uimii
ipn.Miiin an a ilu.w-iluiu -ini.nm'.
Tliiwo I'ni'ial I'hanii'l 'lii.lii'", hnwovor,
me Hilijcct In oliano witlmul noliri'.
In (ho nii'iintiiuo, Ihu Mail Tiiliuno
will fiirni-h iU uiifivalh'it M-nioi',
hulli'liiw nr nu lnilli'li:ts arriving horo
prnmpllv at 5 ". in., with ilispali'lion
alinoHt twonly-four hfiirrt lnlcr limn
conuu'liturH. Now h tlu liuio In Mill
Horilio lioforo llio poaro paii uiin in
its work'.
Honolulu VMior
Dr. .T. T. Wiiywoii if Huunlulu, T.
II,, wiih in llio i-ity Sntunluy o n
lour nf iuxpoi'ttou nf his Iruol in llio
llouo livor oniiaril Imhlinpi, mirth
nf town. Iitdiij 1'iiu'il for liy A. 11.
Ilavi'iihill. U a nativo nf Wiibh
iut:tou uml Iiiik hoi'ii in tho Ulnmtx
nvor Iwi'iily yoars, inL'ii,ri'il In pri
valo prai'tii'o uml uovornmont .cm
piny, llo ivporlK llio ailvnnoo in
hiirih' uriimlni'i In ho n honu In llio
planloi-H nf Dawaii. UN hip In tlio
(tinnt wilt a liuriii'il nio In nnlor h
ooiiHiill San I'rnui'iM'O hiuiiialNln
nvor oyo uml oar IrnuhloH. In phys
li'nl iipponriiiioo, Dr. Vnyon olu-cly
ivsi'inhloK Unitoil SIuIom DUIriol At
Inrnoy Koanipi.
Mr! ami Mr. I). L. Minklor, old
linio rosidi'iilK Iumv, havo (juno tn San
Jimo, fill., for nu o.xU'mli'd vinil with
Mi'H. Williani Si'lianinlnflVl and
'ilaiiulilor. fftinior ivhidoiitri. havo u-
hinu'il tu Kaoiaini'iitu nflor it visit
with I'olaliviM 1 1 cro in Iho I'auuly nt
Mr, Kllcahclh Van Saul.
Itoally Aclhlly
Ah nu imli'.x nf rom-wi'il inli'ii'xl in
liiiMini'Mh I'Oiiilitiuiix, mil' firm In town,
llio llcavor Itiwillv I'liiupiuiy, icpmi
iiuHpoi'lho iIciiIn In nun wccl. uimiiv
ilK r.'II.OIIO,
V, P, Miiuio, "liniil MUmmrl,"
pnilli'iilaily Uml puilluii in ami nlmul
Vi'I-niiIIIi'm, m Wxlllnu: Ni Illicit iIiiuhIi
lii m hi'i". Mi". V. II. McNuIr ami In r
xlli'N, llm MUm'm Helen uml llcil-link',
............... J i.i.!. .i.r -r.'.'f: tVKu. lassimW ! ii 1
LUI Mt 'ollW.b roup. wiuu wrv; -- i , ,5Ta0 - ' BsBstVl. I
; V - StBM A
Jeff Now Knows there Are French Spies in Europe By "Bud" Fisher
-l II irus I - HtH V , ... , .,.r. V III- JT 1 " .."" f
IM Illusion Mnrh'il fur Calpiry,
AIImtIii, Tiii'mIuv innmliic tu imi"li
ato priHpi'cN fur n real otalo ileal
iu thft way of .'xehniitfiiic Caiiiuliaii
fur OroKiiu pnipi'rtli'M.
Mr. mid Mr. A. T. Wiirm-r n'
Inni'd the Iti'l of Iho week from P.-uii-mIIi',
IihI., wliillior lliov went re
.'.'iillv with tin- ii'niniiix of Mix. Idcil,
iho niollii'r nf .Mi. Wnrnor. who wn
liuri.'il in Knulhoni Imliami, tho for
mer lintm' of the fnmlly.
Talriit Indiiilrinl Pair
P. II. Pn liner ami dnuithtor Alia
nnd Mi-H Maiidf llalley were Hold
Hill i'x'iiriiiui-tM wlm i.'uiaiaed in
thai town uter Sunday iitiitK vvilli
Pntiiliii'lnr W. V. Hhilnek uml wifo
nro Inuring llio Deuwr. Sull l.nko ami
Yelliiwxliino Pail; Inonliliiw nf tin
iuler-tmuiutiiiii roinii.
Thu oity is lieiiiK' hilled fr lip Tal
ent indtitlriiil fair, In ho held' W'eil
noHilay of this weak, mid iu view nf
iho multiplicity nf event neeurrins
within Iho next few iluyn, lliu fuel
hhoulil mil he lust xinlit nr that Talent
putx up the host kind nf ontcrluiu
laenl when she nmlorliikoM it.
MisH P.lsie Humor, ilmiclilrr nf
Mr. ami Mi. .1. I.. Ilntner. loll Mmi
dav fiir l.ns AiiKiies In enter mi arl
Mr- Mary .1. Wcctlnko, Hiler nf
.Mrs. V. IC.Siiiilli, rrturni'.l In Oak
laud, Pal.. Monday, after a visit with
relative hero uml lit various oilier
point ii far north iih Vancouver,
II. P..
Kutlfo l horoliy i;lven Hint Iho tin
domlKtied will apply to tho city coun
rll nt Ha ineetliiK to bo held OcloUor
0, I'.iH, for a llreiiKO lo Hell mall.
Hilrltuomt and vliioun llquurfl In
iimmtltloH leH titan n Ktillon at Us
plnru of IiiuIuom, 13 South Frnn'.
Htreet, city of .Medford, for a porlud
of Mx laoulliR.
llul.'.l Keptemlier SI, ID I I.
C). M. SK1.S11V,
SpeaklUK nf lMvernlfle.l I'aruiliiK
No, 1 3'J acre of orchard, and M.
fnlfa, plenty of both, flno Jorney cows,
flno huuKnlow and other building,
In center of valloy on paved high
way, hook It over. It Is inaklns
Kood money and priced nt H,000.
Thoro nro $0000.00 worth of im
provomeatH. No. 2 00 ncreii, under lrrlfintlon,
tho finest, rhcapost oporntoa 8ytom
In tho valley, 20 acres of flvo- ear
old penra In flno shnpe, tho bnlnnro U
Ideal dairy and Kardon, and farm pro.
position. Reed bungalow, stock ami
equipments. Look It over at $12,
000.00. C. D. HOON
It la ray business to Know tlio best
buy In Jackson county and hnva It
optioned at tho lowest cash urlco.
That best buy today Is n 190 aero
stock ranch, 100 acres loam soil, Ir
rigated, now In grain and alfalfa.
No bolter alfalfa land In Jacksou
county, ditch built covering 140
acres, porfect wator right, alone-
worth 110,000.00.
This land 'lies between tho Apple
galo river and tho foot hills, all bot
tom liud, belt of rnugo, most do
llghtrii! climate, no suuw or fog,
Modern, uuw bungalow, barns, fences,
corralls and orchard all ready,
This plum should bring far.,000,00
will sell fur IK, 000, 00, half cash,
$1)000 worth of machinery nnd stock
wild place, Meal lioniu and toU
ranch, (lest I liuvu ever offered,
Hint NaPI Hunk Hldtf.i I'lmmi lt'0.1
... i-" --- - - mawrw rmtmm wm wm
POL1IIUAL UAHUa .'.--.-- " n , - - - 1
foIi cou.vrv iti:a)inu:it.
1 hereby onriounce myself ait tho
democratic candidate for tho offlca
of county recorder of Jackson coun
ty, lo bo Toted on nt tho pcnoral
election on November 3, 10M. f
nloctod, I will do my duty as I havo
In other responsible position that f
havo held. MCI3 h. JACOIIS.
Pald Adv.)
1 whh to placo my narno befori
tho voti'M of JaekFon county as an
Independent candidate for county cor
I hereby nnnounco myself as tho
democratic nominee for sheriff of
Jackson county to bo voted on at tho
general election November 3, 19 H.
- (Paid Adv.)
F()K 8Af.i:ll()t?Kiy
FOII SALE tyjTon room bungalow,
strictly modern, lot 50x315, plenty
of fruit nnd. berries, largo out
buildings. Will sell cheap, phono
417-M, mornlngH.
FOR lti:jT itocsr?
FOR RENT Six iroom house, close
tn Jackson school. Will furnish.
$12.00. Phono J22-J. 159
FOR RENT Furnished flvo room
house one block from Washington
school. $ I s;0P. No children. So.
Chas. Ony.
FOR RENT -Flvo room nioriorn bun-
galow, woodshiMl attached, $10 Kr
month, 20" Cuttugo tpaed) St.
FOR RENT Two four room fur
nished modern flats. 730 West
11 tli. Phono 521-R.
FOR RENT Four room houso, wutcr
connection, mono ;. .u-J. i"i
FOR RENT flood six room house,
cIoeo to school. $5,00. Humphrey.
SI5 E. Main St. 257
FOR RENT Six room bungalow,
closo In. Might furnish partly,
new. Phono S39-X.
FOR RENT- Our furnished four
room homo, no children. Phono
S20-h. lhi
FOR RENT hargo sleeping rooms,
and modern housekeeping apart
ments, prices very reasonable.
Phone 247-h. M2 Bouth Holly
FOR RENT--Furnished housekeep
ing rooms, gas; also hall bedroom,
234 East Ninth. 1C1
KOli RENT Modern liousokcoplng
rooms, gas and bath. Call aftor
4:30 p. in. Phono 65-H. 219 Tal
ent St., off South Central nvo
nuo. Cl
FOR SAhE- 40 aero dairy and hog
ranch situated ono-quarter of inllo
from Talent, Ore., on Pacific high
way, six room bungalow, water
tower, good barn, other outbuild
ings, electric lights; over hnlf tho
land Is Uenr ereok bottom soil n
alfalfa. If sold nt oueo price
$S000, half cash, terms on re
mainder. Deal direct with own
or. Address l O. box 491, Mod
ford, Oio '
FOR SAhE A Fresh cow, call UP
403-J;i, or address box 77, It. F
1). No. 4. ll
J.W s
FOR HAhK HI 8houB, I good young
hinod sows, and nnu big old tow;
also llrowu U'ghorii chlrkons.
First farm east f hospital, T. II.
Hills. II. !' H. No. 3. 10
FOR HAhE- Flesh two-yonr-old t'OH
with heifer calf, $U0 fur bulh If
lalieii befiini Orlvlmr 1st. I'liniio
5KII-JI urK H. Hull. 167
POH HAhE hlilln pliisi Hose uml
Poiiilca mil PiuM. W. J. Hurl
Wll, Phono CJ1, Bw
o t.i ir.i
U-. - .
FOII RAM-: Dlnlnc table, work
table, kllchcn treasure, library
lable, steel rango. heating stove,
liedroom fet, Iron hod, spring mat
tress. 210 Heatty St.
FOR SAhE Young goblcrs. one-year-old.
II. F. D. No. 1, box r,5,
Talent, Ore. 13s
FOIt SAI.U Comiilcto electric plann
ing outfit, 1 horsepower motor.
I 6 Inch centrifugal pump, trans
former, cheap. Mos 25, Medforn
Mall Tribune. 15U
FOR SALE lleautlful Spitz pups.'
Call 712 West Jackson St. 15S
FOR SALE 1911 stripped Studebak
er 30, guaranteed to be In 'perfect
running condition. Nowly painted,
electric lights, ovcrslie tires. Well
suited for truck purposes. Havo
extra flvo passenger body and
fenders. A bargain at $100.
Terms If desired. Seo W. A. Cor-J
minis. '
FOlPsAhB Airedales flvo months
old, will sell cheap to closo out the
litter. Phono or write Geo. I).
Saltnnan, R. F. I). No. 4. 1C0
FOR SAhE Rest paying wholesale
nnd retail ronfcctlonery In New
Mexico. Would take as part pay
ment, a small, modern home In
Medford. For particulars, address
box 34, Roswell, Now Mexico. 159
FOR SAhE Ono now six H. P. Ful
ler nnd Johnson gasolino engine
Can bo seen at Rex plant. Phoenix.
Phono 15-F-4 or wrlto California
Rex Spray Co.. Phoenix, Ore.
WANTED Man and wife wants work
on a ranch. Address J. F. Pullin,
425 So. Grnpo St. 157
WANTED Position by Japaneso boy.
cooKing or general iioiimj worK u
tho hour. Rest work. Phone 419,
George. 1C1
WANTED Position as housekeeper
by middle-aged woman. Rest of
references. Address box 002. 100
WANTED Reliable, experienced
mnii with team, wants cnargo oi
stock or fruit ranch. , Almei
Wright, Phoenix, Ore. 15S
WANTED Position on fruit or stock
ranch by experienced mnn. Ad
dress box 101, routo No. 1, Med
ford, Oro. 15$
WANTED Jnpanoso boy wants nnv
kind of house work by hour. Phono
4C1-R. Shlmoda. 1C2
WANTED Loan of $5000 for three
years on 40 acres, pear orennru,
sticky land flno Improvements.
Box $, care Mall Tribune. 102
WANTED Contract for cutting
cord wood or logging off. F. G. L.
Tho Cottage, Medford. 157
VANTED 100 Angora goats on tho
shares. Address bor K., enro Mall
Trlbuuo. l&S
WANTED Day boarders, $5.00 per
week. 14C South Ivy. 207
WANTED To purchase- well Im
proved llttlo ranch two to ton acres
in or near Medford from partv
who will tako somo proporty at
Bend, Oro.. nnrt somo cash. Ad
dress box 313, Bend, Oregun. 159
FOR SAhE OR TRADE 120 acros
about 35 acres cleared freo soil
Box C, caro Mall Tribune. 159
FOR EXCHANGE For hay or Block.
Doublo hack, eight foot body. Ad
dress box S, enro Mall Trlbuuo. 1C0
EXCHANGE Want to sell or buy
anything U C Rader, 114 N.
Front St. Phono 135. Nuff Sod.
FOUND -Worrell filly, ago two years
Hiuall star and stripe In forehead,
weight U0O. Owner run ho
sauin by paying limine, 33 North
Riverside. 10f
iWI- T1T..- 8
TO MMN Wu Imvu Jiioimy In limn
nil inprimil tounlry piopwily l
idkiil per relit. Phum 317, Cm
Mh l TMrlur, '
Attorncys-at-Law, Ttooms 8 and
9, Medford National Dank bide.
A. E. REAMES, hAWYEIt Carnett
Corey bldg.
,Vm. M. Colvls, Oeorgo M. Itoberts
C01,VIU & HUUtlllp, liAWYBlia
Medford National Hank Iiutldluc
i Attornejs at Law. Jackson Coun
I ty Hank Building.
law. room 7, Sparta building. Med
ford. Oregon.
OR. A. R. IIICnfJES, Dr. Loalse K,
Hedges Mechano-TberaplsU, Chiro
practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These
systems, Including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-therapby,
etc., produce results In both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor
ner Main and Oartlc'.t. Hours 9
a. m. to 6 p. m. utner nours uj
appointment. Pbone 170.
DR. R. J. hOCKWOOD.. Chiropractor.
nervo specialist Rooms 203-204-205.
Garnctt-Coroy bldg. Vapor"
baths and scientific massage given;
needle spray, head and shoulder
shower In connectien: advice In
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydroptherapy. Lady attendant
Phone, office C43. residence Cll-R.
GARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good service. Phone 32C-L. F
Y. Alton.
Office 42 North Front St. Phont
315. Prices right. Servlco guar
Notary l'ubllc
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic. Bring your work to mo at the
sign of the Mall Tribune.
Instruction in Music
Teacher of piano aud harmony, an
nounces season of 1914-15 begin
ning September 7th. 1914. A lim
ited number of now pupils will be
accoptcd. Courses In harmony
and musical history to all pupils
this season without extra charge.
Pupils recitals. Halght Music
Studios, lie South Laurel St.,
Medford, Oregon,- phono 176-R.
HAIGHT Teacher of tho art of
slnglug, tone placement, dla-
phragmatlo breathing, body poise.
opera, oratorio, concert repertolre
classes in signt singing and read
lag. Children's singing classes will
bo formed. Iu these classes of six
the foundation principles of cor
rect broathlng. tono placemen'.,
and sight singing will bo taught.
Halght Music Studios, lie South
Laurel St.
MRS. HAhhlDAY-HAlGHT W 1 1 1
also conduct a class of younger
piano pupils this season under Mr.
Halght's direction at tho Halght
Music Studios, 11C South huurol
A Quirk, Handy, reference for Busy V,
Haled Hay, Flour, Feed, Grata
L. B. Brown, Rubs Mill, also
poultry supplies. 139 South
Rlvorstdo... Pbone 529
Civil Engineer
Osgood A. Brown. T. W. Os
good, Asio, M, Am, Sue, C. E.
A. Then Brown, deputy couuty
urvoyor. Medford National
Bank Bldg Pbone 261
Electric Wiring, Fixtures, Httppllee
Southurii Oregon Electric Co.,
Mutda humps. U Kouth Ctmtral
' Avenue ,....l'hou 21C-Y
Farmers iHiplemeuU
Hubbard llrothers. Full line of
John Duere wakes. Fur spo
ol a prices oh buggies, S3S
least MBlB.-...,.-..,.PkBBe III
PltiuiMug and hMMtf
Vsu K, I'trirwu, III Hvflh
0rgp.,,M4.MwvM,.riMma ih
99 V
are operating the largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Use our spring
when others fall.- Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St,
Portland, Ore.
Kmployment Asjeacy
Wo are here to help people get re
liable competent help, we iur
nlsb help In almost all llnea of
business. Ave make a specialty of
competent men and wive for
ranches. Wo solicit your patron
age. Ulttner's Real Estate and
Employment llureau. Rooms 6 and
7 Palm Rulldlng, Medford. FB0e
358. Mrs. Uyrd Carter, Manager,
Qarnett-Corey DIdg., IU lit
Medford, Ore. Phoae 85 .
u . m J M-
SHOE REPAIRING First ekise she
repairing, on odera eleetrte
machines while you wait. K. N.
Blden. located In KIdd's Sftoe Store,
Pbone 313J.
l'liyeslcloaa most BarsjeosM
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Cerer
bldg., pbone 103C-L. KesMeae
2C South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303 Garnett-Cerey
building. Pbone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glosses sup
plied. Office 228 Bast Mala 8c.
Hours 8:30 a. ta. to 8 p. m.
E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack
sou County Bank bldg. Office
phono 43-R: residence pbone 68-H.
cian and surgeon. Office Palo
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone UQ-J.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician u(
surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician
and surgeon.
Practice limited to diseases of
womeu. Offices 232 R Main.
Phones, residence, 814-J2; office
H. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. 0er Hutchison & Lams
den. 215 E. Mnlu St. Phone 77.
DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician ana
surgoon, Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os
teopathia physician, offices 3-4 HL
Mark's block, Phone 160. Resi
dence the Dow Hospital, Central
Printers una Publishers
best equipped printing office in
Bouthoru Oregun; book binding,
looso leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir Bt.
Royal Bakery, bread, pies,
cakes. Corner Main and Grape.
taetsseMesMsrOel f
FurnUiH-e Ndw W4 8eee4 Hassi
Scott Woolf, successor to Me
doff & Woolf, complete house
furnishers, Speulal low prises
on Axinlnlster rugs had furni
ture, n South Kir. PneM
Guns, AiiiHnmMloi, HprUm flroia
Kwlum dun ltHe, flsMag
tackle, sportUg goes. tli
West Main ......., Pks all
Real Kstat. lAHUf Ml
Page Hi ww Is r UMiH
iU all A tf tf e4f Mt4 fj pTMM j H
HituU aw4 r
(5. Vt
', 'I