" " .1- ' ; iAirSfiv' a'jfott trMEDF0jit)"AIliTTRTBl)kfe, MKDTOttD, ' OUKOON, TUESDAY. SKPTWAinKR 112, Vol t y w- i i. is. 1 Medford Mil tribune AN JNnfiPKNttteNT NEWKPAPKR rOUS:iKI) RVKIIT AFTKItNOON BXCICPT BUNUAT ItT Till Micoronu nuNTiNU co. Office Mall Trltmns UullJlnc, It-IMI North Fir treat; ttlephon 76. The Dcmncmtlo Time, The MfrtforJ tell. The Medford Tribune. Thn South ern OrcKonUn, Tlie Ashlsiul Tribune. nmcBiraoK mats On Tr, by mull 18.00 On month, hy wall ,(0 Per month, delivered by carrier la Mearoru, Jacksonville ana cen tral rolnt .SO BeturJuy only, by mull, per year 1. 00 Weekly, per year. , , .. ... -. .. 1.80 Official Paper of the City of Medford. Official Taper of Jackson County. Entered aa eecoml-claee matter at Medford, Orrcvn, under tka aet of March S, 1R7V. WHh Modfor 8top-Orw T IS FRENCH AIM GERMAN RJGH FORCED AK t PARIS, Sept. 22. 2:3C p. m. Tho 1 following announcement was made In Paris teday: "Along the cnllro front from tho Olse to tho Woevro tho Germans man ifested yesterday, September 21, a certain rctlvlty, without however, ob taining appreciable results. "First, on our left wing, on tho right bank cf tho IUvcr Olse, the , Germans won) obliged to fall back iKJforo tlw French attacks. 'Between tho Oiro ant! tho Aisnc tho situation remains u:.chauged. Tho enemy has not delivered any serious attack, con tenting himself yesterday, Monday evening, with a continued cannonad ing. KnemyV Offensive Movement "Second, on tho center, between Ithcims and Soualn, tho enemy at t tempted an offensive movement, which was repulsed, while between Soualn and Jbe Argouno we have mado Fomo progress. , "Between tho Argonne and tho n Jtlvcr Memo thero has beea bo change. "In the Woevro district the onemr mado a violent effort; ho attacked the heights of tho Mcuso along tho , front between Tresavaux, Vlgnclullcj nnd Hcndlcourt, without, however, succeeding in gaining posltloa on theso heights. "On our right wing, In Lorraine, tho enemy has again passed tho front- icr, using in this operation a num ber of small columns. Doncstro to tho south of lllamont has been re-oe-' cupled hy tho enemy. Capture Twenty Autos "During tho days of September 20 nnd September 21 wo captured 20 automobiles used In moving provi sions, together with alt tho men at tached to them. Wo also captured on those days numerous prisoners bo longing principally to tho 4th, 7th, ICtli, tr.th, Kth. 9th, lr.tli, Hth and ICth Gorman nrmy corps, to the Ba varian Inndwehr and to tho reserve corps. "Concerning tho Russians In Gall (In: Tho rear-guards of tho Austrian nrmles Iiavo been pursued by the Bus shins and havo suffered conslderablo losi-es. Russian troops have comu In t contact with the Austrian garrison Jicur Prxomysl. Tho heavy Russian artillery Is bombnrdlng tho fortifica tions of Jaroslav." TO MOXTRBAU Sept. 22 French Canudlaus will visit Ottawa soon to obtain tho prime minister's sanction for tho Incorporation of a rciglmont recruited In Quebec for foreign ser vleo In tho next contingent bout from Canada. The presence of a French Canadian rotflment at tho front, members of the delegation tsiiy, would do away once and for all with tho suggestions that hnvo been mado that tho war is not popular in Quobcp. ITALIAN SOCIALISTS FAVOR NEUTRALI1 KOS1.K, Sept. 22. The extreme wlnjs' of llio bociiilUt paity h.ib pat'd ii resolution hi'ttiiiK f'lilh its opposi tion to war uiul uriiiK tho iii'cot.Hlty of IIhIv'4 inuiiiluiiiinjr neutrality, C'letitluuulio lh rooolutjon uHifinn tho prlnttUlou nf liili'i'Hlloiiiitim ami HHiIW lllllnllllllll of lllOM wUh ivniUi lit muliv ifiitilily jvpcuivil. PRESIDENT V01ES IN NEW JERSEY PKINCHTOX, N. J., Sort. 22. President Wilson paid n flying visit to his former homo hero today to vote In tho democratic primaries, lie wns met by only n small group of Prince ton sttulentB nnd faculty momticrs, as college doca not open until Thursday. Accompanied by Or. C. T. Grayson and Professor Stockton Axson and secret service men, tho presldcn' went directly to tho polling booth In a flrcttouse. A small crowd followed him. A republican was ready to volo and tho president waited for his turn, re fusing to allow tho voter to stop aside. Mr. Wilson was handed a democratic ballot and after looking at It for a moment ho entered tho enclosed booth and marked It for tho rc-noml-nMlon of Representative Allan Walsh. He also voted for throo tncmbors of the general assembly and for sheriff. THREE-YEAR-OLD PACES MILE 2:01 COLUMHl'S, 0.. Suit. 22. What wns Mtiil to he u new world's record for Ihrec-vcar-olil luecrs was hung1 ui at the concIuion of the Htnc He view futurity, purt-c $:I00U. nt the grand circuit meet ih ufteruoiu. Annn llradford (Murphy), won; Siitiantiiiii. -eeund; Prince Jolln third, The Whip fourth. Ret time. 2:0Ui. Anna Bradford not only broke her own record for the world of 2:03'U when she paced tho second heat, but also broko the world's record for the fastest two heats as a pacer of her age, according to announcement at the track. Margaret Druln won the $10,000 Hostcr stako In straight heats. Ityth Jiiel was second; McClosky third, "Mirthful fourth. Best time 2:05H- INTEREST ' ' MASSACHUSEnSVOTING HOSTOK, Sept. 22. The alicnoc of n content for the head of the ntalo ticket in any of tho three iartie led to tlu expectation Ih.-i not more than a third of tho voting strength would bo rcprchonted nt today's Massnehus ctlu primaries. Governor David Ij. AValh will be renominated hy the democrats, former C'onj:rehniiui Samuel V. MeCall w il he nominated for governor by the republicans nnd Joseph Wmlkcr, fonucr heaker of the honne, hy tho proj-res-ive. Of the eongrossmc.i seeking return iunlion. the only mw cneounteriyg strong opM)-.jti(in win AugtistiiK P. Ganlncr, repuhlioaii, i:i the sixth ilix rtrit, whose phwc y.w houht hy A. l'iatl AuiirewK. HOSPITAL AT ETAIN llOIIDKArX, Sept. 22, 11:15 a. in. Madame Paul, head of thu French women'a ambulance corps, has ro ported to the Kn(nimtnt from Klaiu, in thu department of Meiiso, dcicrih UiX the humbarduient of a lioipital nt that place hy llui fioriuant Auu-t 21. Thu t ir-t hhot from tho Uonnau artillery, Madumc Paul (-aid, brought down tho Red Croon flag1 on the mof and a fragment of this hcll shat tered a baiu lieiido a table on trhich Dr. I'routit of Pari-, wah nperittiii n a bcrioiis enne. Tho riot-tor then movori into iinotlii-r tvn:-; of the huilri in, in which there were five wounded (U-nuaii hohlicrs, 'J'lic hIioIIk lic-.-an to fall faster and iiu.illy Ihin M-ction of the hoxpitul had to he aliuurioucri. The womidoil were moved to Verdun, twelve uijles uway. 40,000 FOR WAR OTTAWA, Out., Sept. 22. It U umloKtooil that hy ,K)uuur, Canada will havo ahioad, cithci on thu fight in? linu or in Kiiglainl, upvvardx of 10,000 mou. Tho ill ,000 to he ncnt from Valcailier probably will go to a depot in Kuhuid, from nhich they will lie hi-nt (o thu front when thor oughly efficient. itccruiU o fill gipx in til" ranks caiisvil hy carnal tioM uiul (iii'knohM will ho nynt iioin Caiinda Id IliU ilcpoi from liino o lime, ptohahh hnnuiHt the l"lil o -10,000 h Jiiniiiiry 1. AUSTRIANS RETREAT ALL ALONG LINE PAHIS, Sept. 22, 11:22 n. in.- In a dispatch from Nish. Sen in, dutcil September 20, tho correspondent of Huvns Xovvs agency wi.vs tho Am- trimw hntl boon forced to rollout nlunsr tlio oiitiro front botwoon l.iou boviit, Svoruik mul l.nsullr.ii, uiul that llioy woto hoinjr holly pursued ly the Servians nr.u- ICtuiriiitciln. The Servian destroyed tho bridges over the river Oriun, hut ofter suf fering heavy losses tho Aulrialm n in on the opMisito hank. The Austiinu ntl-niipt, tho oorro sDOiulcut voutinuod, to cross tho river Save botwoon Mittovitrit and Shalmts failed. In liruin yesterday tho Servian-. oooup'u the heights west of Kojrulnitra. EMPTY LIFEBOATS OF LEGGEIT ASHORE PORTLAND. Or., Sept. 22. Two lifeboats of the steam M-hooner Francis II. Loggctl, which sank sixty miles south of tho Columbia river Fririnv with a los of approximately -ovontv Ihcs came ashore today on Neah-Kah-Nio beach, noar N'ohalom. Xeither boat contained any victims of the disaster. Karly today there I ad boon no ad dition to the lit of eight bodies picked up hy schooner-. yotorday and the one washed ashore on Keah-Iah-Xie bench. Or tho four dead brought into Nowjwrt vc-tcnlay by the schooner PnKv. one is believed to bo I). A. Goldsmith and another D. Caldwell. In Caldwell's pocket- were bills from merchants at Aeosta and Aberdeen, Wash. The badv of tho wo.nau discoveroil on Xenh-ICa-Xie iirnrh ye-terlay was found to hnvo within the stock ing of the right foot, tied about the ankle, a card hearing the name "Nel lie Lee, Tacoma." She was dark skinned, irpiutrcntly a ' mulatto or Mexican . SAY RUSSIAN TROOPS NBW YORK, Sept. 22. Among tho pasengors. arriving today on tho steamer Iceland was Henry Da Si hour, an American living' la London, marooned nt Bclfort when tho war broko out. One ono field ho saw squares of dead German soldier. Thoso on tho outsldo had fallen but tho bodies toward tho center of the squares wcro standing upright lean ing against each other. Officers told him machlno guns wcro respon sible for tho wholesalo killing. Mrs. I)c Slbour said a relative of hers who Is an officer of nn Kngllsh railroad had told hex his lino had transported 250,000 Russian troops across Kngland. The steamship Aqultanla, sho was told, was used to transport tho troops to u remote point of tho French coast. NINE KILLED WHEN GERMArt SHIP SINKS LONDON, Sept. 22, 10:25 a. m. The admiralty has i .sued a list of (annuities on the Carmnuin, which sank an armed Gorman mop-hunl steamer off the South American coast. It shows that nine men were killed and live seiiouly vvounded. No officer's name appears among the dead or seriously wounded. IIKRLIN, Sept. 22, via Rotterdam and London, 11:17 a. in. The report of llui sinking of tho Cicniinn armed merchant cruiser Cap Trafalgar Hep. tembor II, olf the cast coast of South America by thu Canard linu steamer Carmania, converted into a Kritish auxiliary uruiier, has been confirmed in an ofticial statement given out here today. This com munication adds that the crew of tho Cap Trafalgar wto wuveil by tho Oer man steamer Hlenon; Wournian, i Rummage Halo, St. Mark's Guild will hold a. ruin niago sale Friday and Saturday, Sop tembcr 20 and 20 In tho storo build ing which Is now vacant nt tho cor ner of West Main and Fir strcot. Those who have articles to donate for this salo will ploave thorn ut St. Mark's hall or call up No, r.OC-.M or 172-J, and such articles will bo sent for. John A. Perl UND1KTAKSB " Lady AwlHaat . M H, HAK7MCT7 ffcCHMW H. 47 Ml 47Ji tuibulaiH Itorflt JtHlr Oom KILLS WIFE, SELF, TO L SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 22. Rather than face a charge of pan ricrinif in police oouit, .lohn Muniho son, I'onnoily of Seattle, hut latterly proprietor of a billiard hall in this city, killed his wife, Dora, today in a downtown hotel and thou commit ted Mtioirio with tho same roolor. They had iutrrolod frequently and from their charges and counter charges it oamo out that the wife wns formoily tho wifn of a Dr. I'mossor, shot m UMl while Inn cling thioitglt Montana on a train. Tried for mur der, she was acquitted. Murpheo lii-oiiylit up tho old sturv when ho comptaiurd to the police that she had threatened him with a revolver, and that he was afraid of his life. In tho end, however, fhclr story seems to havo eventuated the other way around. When dolcolivo luoko in the door of their bedroom tho bus baud was found Iviug across the hod, a revolver tightly clutched in one hand. At his l'cct on tho floor lay his wife, still breathing, hut mortally wounded. She died soon afterward MurphcMiu was to have apcarod this morning to nu-ucr u charge of pandering brought against him by his wife. IN MAESTRICHT TODAY AMSTERDAM, via London, 1:10 P. in., Sept. 22. An aeroplane of unidentified nationality dropped a bomb In Mncstricht today, near thu Brussels gate, ncconllug to a despatch received hero today. No lives wero lost but a big hole was torn In tho ground; trees wore broken, tho doors of a nearby hoiiso were riddled nnd windows for a considerable distance shnttcrod. Automobiles wcro sent In pursuit of the air-craft, but It disap peared, going south. Men Pay Homage to Mother's Friend "I ftm not surprUft to nlrrv thn number of men hb nimo Into llm nturn to purclMKo 'Molhpr'rt Krk-nJ.' " rrmarked n lending- itruKslnt. It 1.1 a happr thought to Hon il nullity to tho ilme store. ".Mothrr'n Krli-nd" It nppllol rxtrrnnlly over tho ulxlomlnat muicU'. It Ii a Kntlff. soothlnir lubrlnint. peaetrntcs to thn 1noiirtirk of nrrvnt Unciith tlio kl.lu ami lat it marked tendency to rrllcto tlio muiwrulnr stniln to which tlirwi limud, tut nb-lomla.it niUM.-lcn ore huIpJ-vIkI. Tho corilx. ten dona nml llirntncnti uro thus txr-nlttcd tu stretch without tlio corrviilKindlnc surfaro strnln mi often Involved durlnz tlio pcrloj of ixioctntlon. Tl.s In turt no junts for the cntlroubsenrr. In rnnny ensc.-t rriKitteil, pf uauscu, momlnir slcknriui nnd other iUlmw, rnirh larrritl-m of ln rtil fli-rmU nflru n iiw wln-n t UI cntle lotm ot nbrlcil"ii l nrslrctdl. "JIolhrn JVIccd" has Imn blchly recomm-rruloj by n hoal of wuiium win know from i-xprrlenra un-l by ncn who know from obtrn-allon. Writ Ilm-lricM ItcguUtor Co.. Ill I nmnr lll-ic. AtLinti Co.. and wn will rrml ynu it vuluatlo lttl lxok tu cxiM-ctiinl nothers. MRS. H. L. LEACH Expert Corsetiere 32G North Bnrllott. Phone 563 M. Light Housekeeping Apartments Fully Modern. Prices Reasonable COLONIAL FLATS ii!7 .SOL'IH IllVKItKIDi: Office nt Medford l'lianiuicy, l'hono 10. .Night I'liouo 70 1, Medford Hotel DR. A. W. KOKINEK VETERINARIAN AiiHivcrs All Culls, Day or Night Southern Oregon Electric Company Light, Jfoat and Power Wiring. Oct our cHlimuto bol'oro lotting your Job, 010 S. Uivci'Hido. I'lionn IRO-rt AIii'iIh lmH dollvurcil AVOID TRIA T SONORA STATE KOGAhtiit, Mow, Sopt. 22. Re ports to tho (ontiary uutwlthiituurilng (Joiioial .In a a llaral, said today that tlonerol llonjiiiulu Hill, whom ho wns sent here to succeed, would turn uvor tho oftlco of military roiiiiniuulur of Sonorn to him. Cnbarnt's principal difficulty now scorns to bo with Gov ornor .lose Muvtoronn, ordered to ro Itmiulsh inllllnry affairs ntiil rttlro to llormosltlo tu dovoto hlmsolt to civil funrtlous. Cnbarnl rouferrod vvlth tho gov ernor hero today, seeking to Induce Mnvtnrcun to surrender ooiamitnd of hU troops. Cabarul In an Interview said If tho governor would do tills, Mill would turn over his command also nnd affairs In Sonora, now on tho verge of open rebellion, would bo promptly settled. Calmntl snld ho wus not Inclined to force tho guvor nor, but desired to glvo tlmo to con slder tho effects and results of con tinued rebellion. CHEAP GLASSES A fw people hnvo gained tho er roneous Idea that my charges nro un reasonably high, when, on tlio con trary, thoy aro most moderate, and It Is but proper for mo to say that uo ono can da tho class of work I do at loss prices. In fitting glasses, more thnn In almoit anything else, cheap work means poor work; it moans Incempetence: It moans dis satisfaction; It means work that bus to bo done over again, nnd thai meaiu It Is dear work In thu end, Como lu and tnlk It over. DR. RlCKERT Kye-Hlglit SpcolalUt Suite 1-2 OVcr Doilul's TT Theatre .Monday ami TuoMlay Mntluco - P. M.. K cuing 7 P. SI. Our Mutual Girl Tho World's (Sroatcst Detective Scoka for Hur His Hour of Manhood Two Itcul Domino Feature The Success of . Selfishness Tllunhouser Riot In Rubeville Mjijcstlc Comedy I lie Always lOo Qet Your Noxt Hull ot LOTHES MAlii: AT L E I N piticKs r-.ou UP Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Notice Ranchers and Farmers Tho Medford Poultry & Kgg Co. havo opened a house whero thoy will receive your poultry aud eggs dully and glvo tho highest markot cash prices. Wo uro situated In tho first build Ing south ot tho XJulon Meat Co.'s warhouso where you will find us ready for business. r , Wo solicit your patronage MEDFORD POULTRY & EGG CO. r-"" Pliose OHil 'I " ' WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Main Strcot Medford Tho Only Excltisivo Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Mado any time or plnco by appointment Phono 147-.T Wo'll do llio rcHt K, D, WKaTON, Prop, WR EAENS b rrili nn I lit A l'rco Trrali Collrol ImUiI ctnclrti or imVm o( wrothe p-irlngr i-nnUhihiff sunrlmrnt ol ".Siipicino" IJjIiilIri will or " you Y uti'fl miiI alunhilcly (tvf. K. V. IIAItADON They Ar SON Kcop Crisp Lonp.est ZEROLENE Keeps the )jB Ap Motor ) CnrA ? V Dealer f-vervu-rirfi- c acency ahout dclivciy in hulk. Standard Oil Company (CAtirnitNiAj Medford i Jm5-5s "4$' TX 5 5 Page Theatre TUESDAY Better Wltli Our Regular Program THE SOB SISTER A Melodrama In Two Tarts A MAN AND HIS BROTHER Two Parts Featuring J. Warren Kerrlngton THEIR PARENTS KIDS 'i Comedy llciir tho Lurgu Page Theatre Orchestra IIAKKV IIOWEI.I., Director T t ? T ? J No Advance This Big Bill AMITC la PiriiTC v l ' BOOKS VffM ?ej6mj() (ifikaceS lii nriinlhr inrtil lUinilna' Supreme Sodas 12 rnd IriirU fiitiu "Kiipifine" miy klml, mill ilturt t w m ii cnmplrls in,,i. llakrd l .. itrlrr Vfc LM ws. &w"iB2 rniR a 1-OSIUNH, OSMlIlN Bartlett & Netherland Taxidermists and Furicrs Ynu know our ability a.s Tnxiih'rniirilH. Kurs I'lfitnt'tl, ropnirt'tl ami rtMiiotltilistl. Ntv fiii-s iniulc to ortlor ami carriotl in sttH'lc. AVateh tho windows at Mwing's Gun Store, 112 W. .Main st root. KHvWite im nxi. t-ttfi A-k nur nnr. U . J 5 v 5 ? ? f ? ? V t ? ? y t t T f t ? t t ? t t t I Babies Oil HOW TO RAISE YOUR CHILD Mrs. LcMoyne Livingstone who gives tho lecture, Is giv ing her life to u campaign for u butter ruro. llulng u first cousin of Or, Dnvld l.lv Ingstoiic. tho noti-d tixplorer, tho gentle lltllo wuiiian Is ov ploriug tho dark niglonu of Amnrlru whuro children uro born mid bred iindur rouitl tloiiH that produce tho per vert and tho criminal, Her iiicHsaga is bulug curiind across tho country with IIioho most Intorcstlng uiul lustriictlvu moving plcturos nml tho spoliuu word. Opo of the I'ortltind novvspapors says: "Nn woman In tho United Hlatcs Is doing u big ger or bettor vyorJc, In u quint, uuoHtoiitatloiiH and iit self sustaining wuy, tliiiil MIhm ldvtngstiiuu." This giuut lesson for Medford iiiothorH mid fathurs will bu hum Ttio.siliiy nnd Wednestliiy Only In Price for f 'IIIIIILTW n rpuTC OPEN 7:15 jT vi iPr ilt W