Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 21, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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WAHIIINUTON, Hold, 'i -In nil
dltluii (o working out a iilnn for fud
'ml alii to Moil roitila mill a now
IiiinIm fur inllwny mall pity, both ot
xvliKh Imvo huoil fiiwirftbly roiioj lol
lo coiiMrtuut, fornwr Hciiulor Jotitilliii.t
Hnuriiu, Jr., Iiiih lii'i'ii ItnliiMlrliiiiMl)'
building ill' ncntlint'iit nl lliii nittlutiiil
nipltiil In fnvnr of a rniiMtlliitloiiiil
iinii'iiilmmit dlxi'stlng tho iircslilutt
of liU power of appointment of foil
itial offltluls In (lit' Httwntl KtiilcH mill
providing for tlmlr election by thu
nuiilit In tlii'lr ri'icitlu districts.
This riiiihiliullonnl nnioiidintmi con
liMiiia(M tho popular idoctlou of
ponliiuihtrrw, tollrrtora anil npprnliu
i'i of customs, collectors of Intorual
lovi'iiuu, United Hltitus marshals niiii
dlsttlet tiltoriieys. anil n'nllnrn anil
ret elvers of Inuil office, Hiiiirnii
tut secured assurance of consider,
nhln support for tho proposed mil.
Hltutlniinl nniiindnient In liotli
house of rougrnss.
Tim principal rensoim given ly
llouriie. for advocating anu'uil
mciit depriving tho president of hln
appolnlliiR power nr, Hint ilUtrlbu
Hon of federal patroiing nimble tlm
presldeM to dictate to congress, Hint
possession of tlm nppolutlng power
enables tlm president to Itullil up n
imlltlcnl iiinrtiliio which ran control
national convention, that tlm pro
pit of tlm Mineral district In which
fmlernl official servo aro tlm Iwtt
Judge aw lo the person best quail
fled, and thnt appolnlmiint of loral
fedeial offlrlnl by tho president
lend to tiureaucratlo government
from Washington and disregard of
tlm principle of homo ruin,
It l ijullo rertaln that owing to
limitation of tlm present session of
rniiKress, thl subject will not cnnto
tip for roinddemtlnii at tlm iiunt ses
IIh uiiKiuiitiug lo 18,000,0110 wire in
the IHLVI tital .iiwiik bitnU ol' the
eouutry Auginl ;i luM, itecordiiig to
it preliminary examination todit.x ol
lepurth tit 111 poMiifliee depart
meul. The inciiitn' in Augiil ii"
the liirgrM niuee I lie Xhlciu ii in
inigtiniteil, nniouiiting to ulmut fl,
JOO.OOO. Neu Yolk Cit.V. itlnlee.
itr. Intuiting f."t,:itlO,." 1 1, IciuU nil
ollief nl'liee.
tlllier ofl'ieeK fltviiij Imp' in
rieiiHi'M in AugiiM wcte:
l.o Allgile. ."r.TJ.OOO; I'orllatlil,
(he., jKtl.OOO', Unite, 1 1,000; Seat
lie, VJ7,000; Tiii'iniiii, fJI.000. Ax till,
nble ilitlit inilienleM Inetvifei. of fK',
(Mill for Sun l'rnnei-o.
NKW YOIIK, .Sept. -Jt. Ctiloiiel
(lolejewhki, uiililiiry iiltitclm lo tlm
IIUHhiiiu eiuliiihhy, ini'il loiluy tlio
1'nllewlni: olliriiil hlatciuenl, wliieh 1 1 it
hitiil lie Inn! received I mm IVtnt.
"Tlin Aiixliiuii lear u'liunl vvliielt
ntleiupteil In ilelnv our nilviiuee uonr
Hiiriinoii unit lwovv, vveie ilriven
linck with hi'itvy Iim'-. Our itilil
Iciy Is liouilianliti .Imio-Iiiii,
"Fililin with lite Kitriihou nl'
I'ueinynl Iiiih Intuit j the urtillery ol'
tlic loitii'hH Iiiih opened tire,
"In tiih.inj,' IIiioiikii the wood- our
troop found Imtteiii's id' uuiih iilmii
doited I iv lite AiihtiiiuiH."
LONDON', Sept. 'J I, H;lll u. 111.
An Ol'liccr jiiHl lettiined from Soin
mum bluti'H tluil mi tit roiluim recoil
niiihiiiico Iiiih nivi'niio lo tlm con.
viclion thai it lutpi porliou of tlm
(lerinitii I'orci Ih ii'litiiik' with IIh
IrniiiH mid heavy hloics, hiivh ii tU
piileli I'l'oiu I'ltrix lo llm r,pri'HH.
"It U Imlieveil oidt'l'H lilt 0 hi'Cll
leeeivcil I'loin lleiliu lor Jim iniiiti
Juiitm lo retim mid defend the (ler
mini lVouliei'H, leiiviu only 'J00,000
ini'ii lo dalViul lliii foiiilied lilies mid
rover tlm rellieiueiit.
Voh (Jet llm flrxt
Tlmro It whun you iiiioK Our, Juou
ou clKuri and patroniro liomo Indui
- -"" '
(Krom tlm Now,)
HupiirlutuiKlittil Ailaiim atalon that
tlm uiirollmeiit In tlm untile for tlm
flrt day of ncliool wiim 100 pupllx,
while tlm IiIkIi achool wan niutorlnlly
IncrciiKcd, tlm filttmdancn IicIiik 18.
HUteeit IiIkIi hcIiooI puplU leKlHtnr
from tlm (ounlry. Koveral umio
rural ntuduiita will enroll iih kooii ait
tlm raiteli work will porinlt thulr at
tendiiiuo. Thu rumuviil of flnlmry rack at
Anient duni, dun to tlm prmntit no
tlon of Himator Chauiliiirlnlii upon ro
iiueni of itoutliorii Oickoii iinnlorH, 4
piirmltlltiK llm larKent run of miliiion
neiiu In lui'itul )eara to tnko thu IiIkIi
way to their ttpitwuliiK riffle, Johnny
Heed of tlm Hon Ton AiiKlorn' outfit
ter)' , In uiiJo)Iiik a record itnlo of llm
hlK emit) polen which aro tilted In Mil
inoii fUhltiK. Hti'ollicnil iiiikIIiik ''"
tlniH'H to hu uxcvlleitt, many of theio
ImvlttK nlo helm held hy thu flill
racks, Thu much reviled hall Unit
oriimii, who utllUo naliuou ork to
tlm uitdoltii; of iitaity wary (rout, aro
atttlclpatlni; their IniiliiKit with tie)
fall heiiKou.
MInn HeNiili) Newton departed on
WediiDttday for Corvallln, wlmro alto
will tnko a complete con no In iIoiiiom.
tic kcIciko al tlm O. A. C.
Mr, and Mm. (I. I.. McClellan df
pnrted Tiiciiday for Montana, wlmrs
thpy will vlilt at tho liomu of tholr
daughter tlurliiK llm winter,
C'onntaldo Tliouuia I'aukoy hat
added ti hln offklul diltlcH that of
city peuco officer, ItavlnR keen at
pointed by tho council at a recent
(Ilenii IMdltiKN arrived Wednenday
iiiornlnK, and will remain for a
inontli'a vacation with hit parcnta,
Mr, and Mm. Nort KddltiK. (Ilrtin,
a liaa been related, l an Kspco fire
man and a Reed ono.
Kuperluteudciit and Mn, Hurt A.
Adam entertained tlm corpa ot
teacher with a reception al tholr
toiy homo limt Friday uvmilti.
(lame, mimic ami refreshment!) were
tretily rnjoyablu feature of tho oc
ean Ion.
Itoad Hupervlaor Jay Davldian and
H. T. llodKe loft on Tuesday for up
per Itamney rait) on, where they will
plan noitin iiiurli needed Improve
menta on tlm road and tnko advnnt
no of tho Kplondld liuntliiK wcathei,
It' a two to otto Kainblo that buck
meat hwiiiik In cntnp before Wednes
day inornliiR.
Mr, and Mr. C H. lladeuMdt or
roiupanled Mr, Dlrknon of Klamath
Tall on a motor trip to Crater l.ako
and tho Klamath country Monday,
They expect to upend tho tlmo fUlt
ItiK and return Katurday. Mr, Dick
mn ha Ikh'ii for tlm pant week the
Ktiest uf Unrlu Jim HuImoii and fam
ily. Three public drinking fountain of
iaftlc detilKit and undoubted utility
havo been ordered to bo IttHtallcd at
local vantage, point by tlm city coun
cil. Kucli fountain I double, pro
viding a continued flow, while, tho
Miami aro of bronze In ornamental
iIokIkii. Oiiu wl be Mtualed on
Front Hi reel near tlm Tritax rentati
rant, oiiu near tho bank building
mid tlm third on Third nvenun Joe
Hick I liiNtnlllng llm convenience
which will bo la operation before fair
Statu Knglnccr Chlitool; initio tip
Thursday on liurltieNK.
Mr. Power returned to llntto
Fall Saturday to do mime carpenter
lug here.
Merle llralnnrd lias bought half In
torem In tho planning mill,
Tho l.odlea' Aid mot at Mr. Vra
ilonhiirR'a Wednesday,
Mr. and Mr, Kopp returned to
tholr homo hero Tlttirday from n
IhII to Ashland.
U. II. l'etorson and J. Torcy Well
rnnio up Monday In tho lattor'a car
to visit tho hcIiooI
Tlm Mothers' club met at tho
chapul and culio mid coffoo were
aiirved. Only a fow momborfl wort)
preKiuil but thnt did not provont u
very IntoroHtliig mooting.
ChiiHtlnn Kitdeavor will bo reauiucd
tlm twoutlnth or till month, It wan
illNcotitliiuod during tho Buntmor bo
catiMti of tho warm vvoathor and tho
uecoHHlly of curly houm,
II. I). SleplieiiMiii has bought out
tlm T. I!. Iluiley livery hitiii of Jitek
houville. A. I). Melvee Jk liiiryiiij.' Iivdriiulie
il)ti tiudei' tliti bed of llm river for
irrigiiliiiir pui)oi.i'H,
It. l'ltillii)H in Intuitu): liny from
I.tllln Apli'Kitle.
All llm I'oii'hl looltiiiilrt me off
llieir lookout poInU now,
Mr. Cliiixf, Urn Helmol hiit'tlor(
vUlli'd I'ltluinr ini'i'l, ht'litml Moiidiiv,
l.tieillo ItitibiT uf AnIiIiiiiiI vlcitcd
llt'l Iioiiim nl AxllliHld iin I'llduy nlld
Mih, Vry I vIIUiik her liiilmnil
uf Jot) Utir,
M.vrou I). IIIcKh, roini.'iir nf the
.Slur Iheuler, died Niidileiily ut liiH
Imiim In IIiIh city Fiidny iillenmoli
fiom mi iii'iite lien 1 1 tioiible. He hud
heeii upon llm htrcotH hut n hhoit
lime before llm filial stroke, lie wiim
ii mini of middle iikj mid litcit
heie iihont it year, eomiiiK 'rout
MuiyHville, Cnl. He was u Spimihli
war velenni mid lind truveled ox
teithively, Hoveiitl yenin hinec lie
lost mi itt in. He leave a wife and
child. Ili ft'itlier in .1, Hieka of
lliin eily,
Fiiuerul aervlco wofo ludd Httnday
afternoon, conducted by llev. J, A,
Loinory. A niimbur of Hpanlnh war
vctorans ccortnd tho body to Moun
tain Vlow cemetery whoro tho bur
ial took plaro,
l.iculenmint T. V. Hammond, fit
milmrlv known us "Tinn," it former
Ahhlmid boy, and urndiuile nf UVht
I'oint in IIKI.'i, Iiiih jiiht been detailed
us football eoneli for (lie army Iciiiu
ut the itatiomil mililury ueademy,
lireliuiiiimy to the iimiunl si niggle
tlii fall between the imiiy and imvy
eoiitint-TiilH. . U.H tliiN appoint
mint hv v III no of beitiK an itll-routnl
iillileli', wliieh wim pi lived tint only
dtirinc, but previoiiH lo hi endcthliip
diiyn. Fur two jenra tin with liibtnte
Ittr of iimtliemiitieM ut WVnt I'oint.
He Jtit m almi hccn herviee in Alaska
mill roeenlty hud liren nshigncd lo
Ktinrd duty on the Mrxicnn holder,
lie i links iih fir I lieuieiiiint, company
II, hlxlh regimrnt, I'. K. iiifantrv,
Colonel l'ciliinu' eomiimnder, now a
brigadier. I.ieiiteuaut Hmnmniid ih
Hie hon of A. I'. Hmiui.otid, deeeiihed,
n former ixisluinslrr of Asltlmid and
n brother of Jim. J. It. Turner of this
city, lie Ik due lo ivc for the Mill
ipiinc with his regiment in Decem
ber. Kiirle Vegltte, ut present liviiif; ur
Klamatli FiiIU, Iiiih I ecu visiting his
I m rents .n., jr, m jrH C'liartvr
Vwgkte. ttii'iMtlly he niiiile the round
trip trout the Fulls to Ktiin Mills.
Cnl., on din inotoreyrle, in tliirtern
mnl one-lutlf liourx. The distance
was 'J."iO miles, mnl tlm minis werv
rottgli. Aiitiul rtinniii" time was
iibout ten hours, j nitMiiticli its he
Mopped three hour nt Yivkn ami'
half mi hour at Ktiin .Millx. Tito mn
rhino used wit-, it lltiley Davidson.
It. Is. lliirdie, stoekliuyer and ship.
Mr, left tiiilnv fur Sun Fmneisco
with three eitrlonds of prime hogs
for the Hay I'tty market. These wore
hoiiglit at Central I'oint mid were in
keeping with tlm fine porkern tor
wliieh Unit locality has the reputation
of misiiij,'.
Hlitine Klum nf Mvdfonl, maimger
of practically all billboard privileges
in the AslilauiUMedford circuit, wits
ill llm city Friday. He has recently
milled iimti'tially to the number ol
siiiaiv feet of udvertibin stirfiiee in
this locality.
V. W.l'ssher, malinger of the local
telephone exchange, nominee for
coroner on Hie republican county
ticket, has just received word nf the
safe arrival nt Huston of his father
mid mother. The father is llm Itigltt
Itev. II. II. IVsher, Kpiscopal liMmp,
with icsiileuce nt Dcdlmm, Mass. The
bishop and wife have heeii touring
lite Hritish Isle fop m-vciiiI months
past mid report that when their good
ship hove into the baked beau bor
ough of Huston Hay tlm shores nt
America looked doubly welcome to
Work mi llm Shorty Hope mini', it
ilolctt proH'ity in the iilighboitmod
of tho Ashland mine, pioiuiscH to lie
leimiiieil. Alter joars of litigation,
which chums In have been settled,
Major Carter of this, ,it, and It. It.
Unit of Itetldiiig, Cul., took over (ho
property on Tlitiidnv of this week,
having secured u two-yenr lease. The
Shorty Hope's teriitmy tuns pant
let to the Ashland mid cmhriiccs '200
iuuch i iicxtcut. It hu iiliuudmit wa
ter power unit is cipiipped with it ten
stump mill. The lessees agree to in
creiisti the present working foicti ut
mi early date.
Tho First National Hank, its it te
Milt of its coiisolidutliin with tlm
United States National, makes a hel
tor hlpiwing1 tliitu over in its second
offieiat sateiiieii( since the merger,
Hk( tiitnl ix'soiiiccs mo .tSILM'JII.'JO
in its Septi'inlmr Hi report, us coin
pared with W.'I.SHH.dll June 110. Ho
posits miiotiiit (o nearly .fli'J8,000.
Until tho Citiceus limik mid the
Stitlu Hank of Ashland also iiiako
tirst-olass showings, cxliibitin sub
Htiiutial incroiisuH itloug all lines. Tho
hrst Niitional is capitiiliited nt --f 100,-
000, the Citizens at if.MI.OOO mid tlm
Stain Hank of Ashland OM.OOO. Tlm
two latter Imvo savings departmenls,
Itulntivelv Hie Citizens has inadii tlm
largest pec cent of ineieiiso in tlm
last three mouths.
Dr. F, K. Aliisworth uf Sun Fran
Fiuiiclsco, IivriI Hiirseoii of thu Bouth.
vm 1'aclfla )tum, nmdo a flying
trip to Ashland Bundsy, for con
foienco with coiiiiiitttvo over thu lulu.
oral sprluu pionpect, Ho arrived at
K a, in, and leluriiutl nt t:'A0, occupy
lug llm pilvutit car "Man FlHiicUro,"
Onw ood (urn dutoviutf uuivr,
It wa notlr'id Hiindoyv that n Htudn
bnkor car was helping a Ford out of
a tight pl.ue, noiiietlilng out of thn
ordinary, Inasmuch a tho Ford gen
erally ad thn part of tho Oood
Samaritan on mol every occanloii,
M. C, llrntfllcr and C, J. Coburn
havo iiurchaiMid (ho Hendricks Hprlngn
near Stolnmaii, I lulle from th'i
I'nclflc hlpliwa) They will IiihIlS
picnic ground and dovelop tho soda
wntor and vapor bnth fraluro. Thn
projierty ouibrace about .10 ocrii.
Mr, and Mr. J I', Dodge and their
daughter, Mr. II C, Oaluy. vlslte.1
Saturday In Mcdford with tho V. 1.
Dodgit family.
Tlm latest Ph In tho HlaUlj on
toll road matter reported lioro I that
Dollarhldo Horved comidalnt against
tho Pacific highway people on ac
count of dumping excavation upon
and cloning III right of way.
Tho Blar Theater recently con
ducted by tho late Myron Hicks, ha
been (taken over by Orra Iv, Anglo
who ha for some time past been con
nected with the management.
K. V, Hunter of West Talent wa
marketing some fat hogi in Talent
Two carloads' of apple are being
loaded at Talent from tfto Suuercht
orchard, just cast of low it.
Mr. mid Mrs. Maik Fern' of Frm
Valley were trailing in Tajent Thurs
day. Mr. (. Ititteheart returned
from Klaiuulli Falls last week and
will stay thin winter In Phoenix.
A. II. Houston of I'hofiiix mid his
sister, Mrs. Nannie Widf, of Mod
fonl, hit Tuesdav for Missouri,
where they will sKlld the winter with
friends mnl relatives.
Mrs. A. S. Fnrrv and husband vi
tied the hitter's sister, Mrs. John
(Irnl fes, Tuesday.
Mix. Mitpnret Kliugle of Lake
Creek will the guest of MrN. Joe Un
der this week.
F. K. irry and son, Milo, mid Joe
Knilcr have gone to Head Indian for
n Intnl.
Mr. mid Mr. II. O. Shearer of
Medford were guests over Sunday at
C. CareyV.
Talent is laying piM as far n C.
Carox's place from the city well and
will furnish vvnler for the mixer at
fur its I'lioeni.x, And preparations
are giiing fnnvnril for both ewer and
paving in the little City of Talent.
S.- S. Stephen look u loud of tout
utiles' and nther.r vegetables to Med
ford Thursday. .
I.loyd Colver'e.aiiie near getting
seriously hurt ntllieTnek crusher at
I'horiijx Tueviny,pigit. being knock
ed down by the hell that carries the
gravel dredger. )lut not being stun
ned, he got out of harm's way with
onlv a few hcntU-hes.
Talent is soon to have a new den
tist. Dr. Fni'nlc Holietls, fonnerly of
Myrtle Creek, Or., has gone to Fort
laud to buy up-to-date fixtures for
his new dental parlors in the Ames
building. Talent. He will bring his
fitmilv and settle hi our town. A good
dentist has long been needed in Till"
eitt mid we predict a bright future for
Dr. Huberts.
The Hagley cannery nt Talent is
running full-handed rud is giving
employment to a largo number of wo
men and gills, t mn informed thai
I hive carloads ol apples have tilready
been purchased, while as many peat
have already ht'fii handled. Tom
atoes, too, in large Humilities are be
ing put ii) by the eiiniicrv.
Something that creates a pax roll
is xv hat a town must have, in older
that people uiav live and p.ty tent,
or tit.M's, in it.
A light front Friday night did con
Mjcrnbla damage In this district,
I.esllo Davis who lias charge o(
tho Kay Orchards .at Tolo, was a
Tablo Itock xisltor Sunday.
The progressive people of tin
Meadow havo completed a teloplionn
lino to that place, putting thorn In
touch with the world
John Vincent of Jacksonville vis
ited relatives hero Sunday,
The County Fair at Medford last
week was not as well patronized by
our citizens as It should have been.
Wo uiiderbtand that a real ostato
deal Is about to bo pulled oft In thin
John Nealou went to Trail Sunday
lo take charge of tho tchoot In Hint
Mr. Uuiilnp and wife of I.nko'low
nro making their annual visit at the
I.yitlurd homo. Mr. Ouulap la a
brother to Mrs. I.ydlard.
Our school seoniB to bo progres
sing nicely under tho now manage
ment. Much Improvement Is noticed
In tho school government.
At a mooting of tho Arrow Head
l.ltorary Soclot) lal Saturduv night
Lawrence Fltzpatrlck was elected
president und Mario Nealou secre
tary. A. i. Sea brook purchased u load
of hogs lit tlm Agate district Tuesday,
Two eiilerprtsliiK farmer uf this
ni'Uhborhouil liuvtt nathvred 200
pound of sweet clover sued front
aloiiK tlm river bunks,
A. I. HlouU, u prominent luniiiur
of Hie Meadows dlUfUi, ban diiovd
of hi property there and ha lenxcd
the Mlnlc and Orr ranche at Agato.
Itosc Nealan comtnonred school It
(ho Iteene Creek district lnt Mon
day. A cry cnlliiiHlaKtlc meeting of tho
Tublo Itock Improvement axoclallou
wa hold at tho school houo Wed
nesday night. Much bimlucs of Im
portance wa transacted among other
'things, the namclng of our road
iwii taken up. Ily a majority voto It
wa decided to call the road running
north from tlm brldgt thn Dylxo
llrlilgo road, and tho onn running
west from the store the Table IlocK
Mr. Person of Agato has moved
hi family on to tho Nordwlck ranch
and ho will act as general nionagcr
!of the same.
I Home confusion wa caused hero
'by tho report that tho quail season
opened September 15.
Farmer In thl district are golm;
to make a great effort to prevent
hunting on their lands this coming
fall and winter,
I'rofCHRor Henderson, county pa
thologist and Prof. Ilelmor, who has
charge of the experiment station at
Talent, will spend Friday visiting
with tho orcbardlsts and farmers of
thl district, and In tho evening will
conduct a meting at the school
house when matter of great Import
ance to every one In the district will
bo discussed.
Thcro will be preaching at thu
school house Sunday evening at 8
o'clock by Itev. M. C. Davis.
Bv A. C. Howlett
The last time that I wrote for the
Mail Tribune when I got as far its
I thought the imticnc" of the editor
would permit, I just stopped short
mid left ipiito a lot of items that I
thought might be of interest to the
renders, so ! will commoner just
where I left off.
K. 1). Hriggs mnl wife, Miss
Nellie Hriggs, his daughter, mid son,
M. E. Hriggs, mid wife of Ashland,
were here on Sunday for dinner on
their way to Hrowiisboro; nlso a
gentleman by the name of Cornell,
were here at the same time.
Miss lite. Willits of Persist started
on the 12. h for Monmouth to attend
the normal school. She has already
passed the examination fur her state
papers as n teacher, but concluded
to attend the normal ami thereby
comply with n technical requirement
of tlte school law.
Mirt Daley of the Hillerest orch
ard was here last week on a bunting
excursion with (leorgc Von der Hel-
leu and others whose name. 1 failed
to secure. They brought home the
go Otis,
George West and wife mid James
Stevens came in from the Prospect
country on the 1 Ith in-t. Mr. West is
one of the forest rangers and Mr.
Stewart has been out during hi va
cation from the Washington univer
sity. Seattle. Wash,, scouring a prac
tical knowledge of the forester's life.
They came in in George's car and
just stopK'd long enough to eat din
ner and went on to Medford.
.Miss Corn Hiiehar.aii entertained
a number of her little friends on
.Monday, the 1 Hit, it being her sixth
birthday, mid mining the quests were
Misses lnris Hoogerh.xde, (Jwendolin
Hrophy, .Diry lloltz, Allis and Dor
othy Strung mid Mclvn Simmons.
Miss l.uretta Childreth and How
iiril Painter have gone to Pendleton,
the former to visit her uncle mid at
tend the round-up.
On Wednesday, September 10, the
county convention of the Women's
Christian Temperance I'inon met in
the Haptist church id Eagle Point.
The time miitouneed for the meeting
was 10 o'clock a. in., hut owimr to
the rain they did not arrive until af
ternoon. Nineteen of them started
in one of Med foul's touring cars, and
from all accounts had unite ix time
pelting here, but you know thnt when
women undertake to io in tjiing that
all opposition may as well iptiet down
mid wait for the results, for they
always succeed, und ej-poeiully these
W. C. T. I', women, for they never
Miy fall. On their arrival they found
that dinner wits ttlreudy ptepaivd
a basket dinner, mid after attending
to the wants of the inner mini thoy
all ii'iMtircd to the church to begin
business. The delegates were: From
Talent, MoMlaine.s Vigcli, Wilgamol,
Uncus, Cook and Slppy; Medford,
Mesdames, MiicCiiilimgh, Howell,
Manning, Jenny, Fleming, (lodlove,
Pouting, Scott, P. II. Daley, Woods,
McDonald (of Trail) mid Mis, Velum
Woods; Ashland, Mrs. Aslmraft;
Phoenix, Miss Cope; Kuglo Point,
If tho work that women do and
tho pains they suffer could bo meas
ured In figures, what u terrlblo array
they would, present! Through girl
hood, wifehood mid motherhood
woman tolls on, often Buffering witn
backache, pains In side, headache
and nervousness which aro tell-talo
s)uiitoius of organic derangement
which l.ydla H. I'lnklmm's Vexetablo
Compound made from roots und
herbs can undoubtedly correct,
Women who suffer should uot give
up hope until they hv given It u
McHdmne, Hrymil, T. E. N'IoIioIh, A
.1. Florey, I,. I,. Simmons V E. Hu
elianaii, II, (). Childreth, lloogrr
li.vdc, Painter and Curtice.
Mr. Howell, (lie county president,
presided, mid Mrs. McDonald KI,H
choen a secretary. The exercises
were opened with .""glnjf, Scripture
Icihoii mid prayer, and (hen the reg
ular routine of lnidiirfct was iittcndcd
to, but this was interspersed with mi
occasional sunt', and the siimiiijr was
worth a trip from Medford lo Eagle
Point to hear, and a short address
or n rending. Amonir Hie visitors
was Miss ln's E. Smith, the stale
evangelist for the . C. T. t'., mid
she favored us with some short talks
ami songs that always would bring
down (he house. She was eneored
several times und would iilwnys give
us something new und spieey. Dur
ing' the nfteruooii she sllpx'd out mid
visited our school nnd entertained the
children mid later Hiev came in a
body, mid she rendered her Mitry of
"Fritz and Jacob .Schneider," and
siugimr some of her favorite songs,
such ns "Mollis mid the Habies." She
sisims lo he csierinlly adapted to the
work nmoiu.' Ihe children. During Hu
afternoon the Indies visited the bus
iimss part of our town in their dig
touring ear, singing some of their
pntnotic and trmiiornnee song. They
were welcomed by quite a number of
our business men.
One of the saloon party showed up
nnd he enine tr (be window nnd ttp
Iteared to he drinking out of n bot
tle. At night Miss Smith gave us
another short talk nnd then Mrs. N.
T. McDonald of Trnil favored jis
with a rendering of ''Thn Itcasoa
Why the Judge Heftfod to Drink,"
and then Mr. MneCnllough of Med
ford gave u a very interesting talk
mi "The Iteason Why We Should All
Vote for the Dry Amendment Novem
ber .'I." There was a good attend
ance nnd the different sinkers and
singer kept the jicople interested un
til about 10 p. in., ,vhrn Miss Smith
gave us n short negro sermon, took
up a collection and we were dis
missed by Itev. MiifCullniigh.
Owing to the inclement weather,
dnrk night nnd slippery roads the
delegates concluded to remain the
rest of the night, so they scattered
around nud found beds mid the next
morning started in their big car for
Medford. and the last that I heard
of them they were plowing through
that new grade that Ed Duttnn made
between here and Ihe Antelope bridge,
nnd most nf the ladies wi re out walk
ing through the mud. The grade has
not been linished vet, its Mr. Dtitton
is going to gravel it as soon as pos
Dr. Holt reports that the stork has
visited (he home of Mr. and Mrs,
Jesse Storm on Elk creek on Sep
tember 1'J and left a fine boy.
Mrs. Ernest Cole of I.os Angeles,
Cnl., is here vi-itintr her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W'rt Peel.
Ntod Stiff erers
Want to Know
Tfee Light is Turned oa to a
Subject of DarkiMM.
Tbe mrr fart that 8. S. H., the famou
blissl purlflfr. ilrlvci out i)lwo U a
world's story, s topic of conrersatlou wbtr.
rtrr turn c-'t tosetbrr.
Tbry wonder bj, stmply traue moat
rrturtllr are mjallntd and put before them
aa "dlicoTfrlca." Tbe fact are tbat we
pay too mucb attention to poatlbllltlea anil
not rnousb to real, homeipun acconiplltb
ment. 8. 8. 8. U a remedy of our falbtrt.
It hat a blatory Ibat la written deeply In
men's minds became It baa dene tbe wqrk.
driven out deep aeated dlaease, re lived
hope, put tbe O. K. on appearance and
clamped down tlfiU any effort ot verms
to k-et tbo upper band. Any sore spot on
tbe akin la an Immediate demand for
8. K. S. a nee tbe ant principle ot tun
famoua remedy Is to atrlke out for places
of trouble. This la a pbyiloloslcal (act
and 8. 8. S. la true to tbe workings of
our body.
Get a bottle of 8. 8. S. today at any
drusgUt and begin blood health, tt will
muter anv blood dlseaao und do It In a
way to emphaslto Its tnfluence. And If
you would like deflnllo advice wrlto Tbe
Bwlft 8peclnc Co., 30 Swift llldj.. Atlanta.
Ca. Their medical department Is where
moat peopte Brat eeh advice tbat puts
tbeni on tb atralgbt reatl.
licit located and moit popular
hotel hi the City rhcuUtiiifr tec
water In every room. . .,
Especial attention to laalle
travelling alone,
Kiccllcni, rratoaably priced mm.
Mccl your frlcmli at the Manx,
! rl. KU II.M w.
Muna$mnt, CkititT W, KtUty
f T. aasTAimCU-l
$12.00 Round,TriiJ to
Owing to the Ittolomoncy of tin
weather last week (be Hall Taxi Co.
ban extended (heir reduced rates to
nnd Including Sent. SNth. Only thrcn
mora schedule trips to innko, Wed
nesday, Sept. 2Hd, Krldny, Sept. Stith,
Monday, Sept. 28th, Now Is the most
beautiful tlmo to sea Crater Lnkm
Halt Taxi Co., phono 100. 157
Grandma kept her locks dark, ((lossy,
thick with a mixture of Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
The old-time mixture of Saps Tea and
Hitlphtir for darkening gray, streaked
and faded hair is grandmother's treat
meat, snd folks are again using It l
keep tlielr hair a good, inren color, which
Is quite sensible, as wo are living in an
age when a youthful appearance Is at the
grenteat advantage.
Nowadays, though, w don't hare tlia
troublesonia task of gathering the asm
and the raussy mixing at home. All
drug store MI the remly-to-uae product
called "Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Ilalr
famedy" for about CO cents a bottle.
It is very popular because nobody eaa
discover it has been applied. Blaaply
moiaten your comb or a soft brush with It
and draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morning
Die gray hair dinappcflrs, but what de
lights the ladies with Wveth'a Sage and
Sulphur Is that, beside beautifully
darkening the balr after a few applica
tions, it also produces that soft lustre
ami appearance of abundsnea which Is so
attractive: besides, prevents dandruff.
Itching scalp and falling hair.
Office) at Medfonl Pharmacy, Phono
10. Klght rhono 761, Medford Hotel
Awhcm All ChIIh, iHiy or Mght
sassaaasassassjsssxa-asastasai asssaassaassasasasssss-asasasM-Tss
No War Prices
oh our
Goodyear and
United States Tires
Watrli for sncflcatloiw on rie 1015
Cnillllac tho xxoHiler of the Motor
SltcrlflcAllons tor our Ittl.t Hup
mobile have nrrlvel.
208 East Main Street
Tho Only Exclusivo
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
place by appointment
Thono 147-J
Wo '11 do the rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop.
We liuxi u hig block of
Stnjif Jtirn, sdziM. mil. from
1 gallon to 10. Just thu
thing for full pickling;.
Also Mason and
Economy Jars
Bcuond door oHHt Kfrot )lnU
Hank, Phot ftat