Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 21, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A&oritlct ot $!H wns granted by
Justice ot iho Ionro Taylor In a suit
of J. A. Smith against Dr. Conroy,
for inhor performed In tho lnntnlln
tlon of ft fnrnnco. H. O. WorthliiK
ton was called ns an expert witness.
Meno Darkdutl, 1)111 O'llarn and
Ilaldy WorlhtoRlon ljft Sjtndny
morning for tnq Untpnai divide l
Old hoc Ynk to Mint ; deer.- loo
hnllied UT hilhv ouliuf town, nn oil
plpd fcpHhKlng "a leak. "The hunters
used Wd Instead ot'oll pelting hack
to Mpdford. They will mako ntiotli
er start tho Inst of the week.
The parents nnd TeacherV clrclo
ot tho Washington school met last
Friday nfternoon for tho first tlmo
thin J car. Tho attendance was
xplcndld nnd the program was very
InterestlnB. The clrclo is ptannlnn
for good work this yenr.
Ladies lsit Oress & UnMnr'u tail
or show Monday and Tuesday and see
tho newest In tailoring.
Suits, coats and skirts hand tail
ored to your measure by nn export
ladles' tailor at Orres & LnMnr's tall-
or shop. Special showing Monday
and Tuesday only. Yort aro Invited."
Joe Wilson of Talent Is a business
visitor In tho city today for n few
Prosecutor Kelly attended to of-
firm lmsWsa In Jacksonville this
"Mr. Robert Kason, expert ladle
tailor, is now located with Mrs. K. d.
Mror's dressmaking establishment.
Your patronftgo solicited. " Second
floor, Doucl nnd company. 1G2
Margucrito Carloy of Montpoller,
N. I)., who is visiting with tho fnm
lly bt W. N. Campbell writes in tho
Montpellcr Magnet, a descriptive let
ter homo describing a trip to Crater
Lake. An apt description of tin
scenic wonder of tho west Is that It
"looks like a great tub of bluing."
Sec1 tho "beautiful woolens and
fashions for women's tailored gar
ments for fall and winter at their
special showing Monday and Tues
day at Orres &. LaMar'a tollor shop.
Major J. J. Morrow, U. S. A., in
charge of tho road work at Crater
Lake, arrived In Medford Saturday
night from a tour of Inspection of tho
work, and left Sunday morning for
secure firo insuranco upon your
fruit while In a packing house. Low
rates. Special short term policies.
Guaranteed Insurance with E. S.
Tatny, 210 Carnctt-Coroy Did.
Tho resignation of tho Rev; Mac
Cullough of tho First Baptist church,
who has received a call from a Seattle
pulpit, was accepted by the congre
gation Sunday morning. A commit
tee was appointed to secure a suc
cessor. The dato of the acceptance
of the Seattle call has not been fixed.
DeVoe Is celling gum drops at ten
cents per pound today.
Superintendent Will G. Steel of
Crater Lake Park, returned Sunda
morning from a week at tho park.
Highland Blend, hard wheat flour,
$1.50 per sack. Hutchison & Luras.
F. !!. Klser, Crater Lake photo
grapher, who spent a week In Med
ford securing photographs to embel
lish a boat on Crater Lake, returneJ
to tho lako Monday.
Kodak finishing the nest, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Orer Isla Thea
ter. F. H. Parker, engineer of tho gaso
line locomotlvo, hauling sand and
gravel for the stato highway com
mission at Phoenix, was Injured Mon
day, when ho was struck in the bacU
by a car: His injury Is not serious
but will cause a week or two lay
Highland Blend Flour nono bet
ter J1.G0 per Back. Hutchison &
Born To tho wlfo of Tom E. Han
ley at Grants Pass Sunday morning,
an eight pound boy.
Get It at Do Voo's. '
A. H. Ilerger was arrested Satur
day evening by tho police on u
charge of bilking a number of Med
ford iwoplo on subscriptions to news
papers and magazines, nnd is having
a preliminary hearing bofore Justice
of tho Pence Taylor thU nfternoon.
Kdgur Winters, agent of a German
paper publtshod In Portland swore
out tho complaint, alleging that Ber
gor followed In his tracks, and
Hwiudlod a number of his patrons.
This Is tho first publication fako to
bo discovered In tho city since last
Flour. We have bought two car
loads of Highland Blond Flour and
aro selling at 1.50 per sack. Evory
suck guarantcod. Hutchison & Lums.
don. , ' i
Indian summer dawned upon the
Boguo river valley today, with clear
sklos and a bright sun, nnd a touch
of frost in tho nlr, after tho rain of
last week. This Is Ideal for tho or
ohardUtH who aro In tho midst of tho
picking of their apple crop, hut Iho
farmers would have rejoiced at moro
rain to make fall plowing Reed.
The fluent equipment in Oregon for
printing fruit UUU. Medford Print-'
tog C.
E. J. Pnrton, tho corn king of
Hagle Point, spent Saturday In Bed
ford Attending to business matters.
Bud Anderson will mnko his re
turn to the ring next Friday even
ing nt the Pendleton Bound Up. The
nrfalr will bo an exhibition, with no
Seo It. H. McCurdy for Atna Fi
delity and Surety Bonds.
Al Gnrrcttson attended to busi
ness matters In Talent Saturday.
It. F. KliiKsley ot Montague. Cal.,
its among the out-of-town visitors In
I tho city this week,
Guaranteed flour, Highland Blend,
hard wheat, two carloads nt fl.M)
per sack. Hutchison .t Lumsden.
Leah Walthcr. Jean Budge and
Helen Purncker woro tho week end
guests of Frances Kenney at her
homo In Jncksomlllo.
J. O. Gerklng. the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives mado nny
whero, time or plnco. Studio 228
Main St. Thono 320-J.
A squad of strange Chinamen who
wero figuring on mining this winter
on Palmer creek haw returned to
Yrckn, Cal , the deal for their secur
ing the water rights fallliiB through.
The Hev. MncCullough of the Bap
tist church delivered his lecturo on
trio European war nt Talent Friday
evening to n large audience.
Hair dressing, manicuring, scnto
treatment, facial and halrwork, hair
dyeing. -129 M.F.JtH. Bldg. Phone 137
Alex Budge. emploed by the en
gineering department of C. C. Mooro
company of San Francisco, Is vis
iting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
William Budge of this city.
Charles Cooley of Yreko. manager
of tho lumber yard at that point Is
visiting friends and relatives In thli
Tho oldest excluslvo agency in
Medford. reliable protection, our only
business. Holmes, tho Insurance
Man. '
Jack O'Connell of Phoenix at
tended to business matters in this
city Saturday.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over fsls
Theater. "
Bill Fancher of Gold Hill vis
ited friends and relatives In this city
Authentic war news received by
Mall Tribuno leased wire will be
posted during tho day at Hotel Med
ford. '
Frank Coleman spent Saturday
evening in Gold Hill attending the in
dustrlal fair.
W. C. Jenkyns leaves this after
noon for Eureka, Cal., whero ho has
a position.
E. S. Tumy writes all forms of In
surance. Excellent companies, gooi
local senrlco. 210 Garnett-Corey
Bldg. "
Will Bevcridge, employed by tho
Northern Pacific at Spokano will ar
rive next Friday to spend tho winter
in tho valley.
Automatic base ball, that brand
nnw out door came, has arrived In
Medford. .See -It at DeVoes toalght
lust west ot Hotol Medford. '"'' '
JjouIs Uirich and wire or Jackson
vllle spent Sunday In this city vis
Itlnc friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Carnahan have
returned to the Blue Ledge district
after spending a month In the city.
Chief of Police Hlttson hpent Sat-
uritnv In Hold1 Hill skirmishing for
votes among tho fair visitors.
Leo Jacobs, democratic candidate
for rnnntv recorder will begin nn nc-
ttvo campaign for Iho place begln
nijR October 1st, visiting all section
of tho county.
Shorty Miles nnd ob Deuel re
turned Saturday, from a deor hunt
on upper Evans creek,
Father O'Nell hns returned from n
trip to Portland and Willamette val
ley points.
Edison records for salo at 25c each
as long as tboy last, at Palmer's Pi
ano Place, Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2-1
South Grape street.
Mrs. L. A. Salado, her daughter,
Janette, and son Louis, left Sunday
for Philadelphia, where they will
spend tho winter.
Frank Simpson of Sterling spent
Saturday In Medford attending to
business matters.
Tho first cold weather wandoror of
the season applied to the police Sun
day night for shelter In tho city jau.
Ho said it was too cold to sleep out
A pillar of red flame appeared In
the southern sky about 7:30 p. m.
Saturday of n highly mysterious na
ture nnd was witnessed by dozens or
Medford people, who woro puzzled by
U appearance. Some said it was 'i
reflection from n forest fire, otliori
a now outbreak of Ml. Lassen, and
othors a (ailing meteor. After 10 or
16 minutes It died out. It aPPearo-l
at a point slightly to tho weBt of the
summit of Mt. Wagner.
Mr. Edward .Adams uanircn, a
noted Chautauqua nnd Lycoum lec
turer of Portland will discuss tho
Twolvo Fundamental Fallacies of
Prohibition at tho Nutatorlum Hall
Tuesday evening at 8 p, m. Mr. Cun
trell Is a finished speaker and should
bu heard by every voter on this very
imnortunt subject. Ills theme is
"Tho Cavo AKuliiat Prohibition," und
Mils subject will bu bundled In u
musterly way,
' ' M'ulil Adv.)
Vire, ,vunpoeill.v ,Mii'tl liv hiully
giw pipe iMinneetioiw in Iho Kitehen,
gulted Iho home of M. l I'ileher. the
Mvoml-lintut denier, on YYet Four
teenth street, early thW mornimr, nnd
ouiimmI u (lutnnge to (he building nnd
household effect etimuted nt ipollO,
ptirtinlly rovercd by inur.uii'o. The
nliinn win turned in ut 1 SS!0 n. in.
All effeot in Ihe liou-o not damaged
hv firo weie ruined by -moke nnd
l Kuglehnrt. n mneher living on
the road to rngle Point, -ought tin
nrre-t thw morninir of one ot In
workmen, Hniry Hall, who gnve hi-addre-i
u -101 I, -Heel, Tm-omii,
Wn-li., nnd hit ne n- 111 year. I.n-t
Thursday Knalehnrt Miughl Ihe nr-re-t
of four of hi- apple picket- who
refu-ed to work in th. rnin und mud,
nnd iiihiii Ihe elinnre of fnilin)! to pn
hi-, wife for board. H.ill replied to
Kuglehiut'- hellmerencv with hi- ltK
inflictinc bump- on the brow uml
peelimr the -kin off the no-e.
After the battle Kuglehnrt rif-hed
to I'ro-eeutor Kelly M'ekim: n war
rant for llnll's urre-t. After the ver
moii of the young man and Knglclmrt
had been told, the i nance of n war
rant wiw refused on the ground that
Knu'lehurt hud been the ngvrt"-or
ami forced the i lie wild -ad re-uIN
to hiiu-clf.
An unknown innii, n stranger in
(hi- xcction, wax killed about '-"lO
o'eloek this afternoon near ihe
Cowlet corners on the Big Sticky
road, northwe-t of the city, when a
team he wax driving attached l
hinder ran away, hurling him beneath
the wheelx, canxing instant dentil, lie
was employed on tho Alaho ranch.
His name is unknown, ax he storied
to work this morning. Deputy Coro
ner Under left at unco with Ihe Perl
ambulance for the "cne.
(Continued from Page 1)
hcaffolding on the end of the
cathedral, where repairs were going
on, caught fire nnd noon the wholu
network of pole- und planks wan
ablaze. Then the roof of old ok
timber caught atire and t-oou the
ceilings of the nave nnd trpn-epN
were n roaring furnnee.
'"file blaring piers of curved
woodwork crahhed to the floor, where
piles of straw- had been gathered in
connection with the work of the field
ho-pital, So Mion ns this cuiight fire
the panelling of the altars, the chairs other furniture was devoured.
Kcscuiil by Priest
"The Herman wounded would have
been burned ulite if the French doc
tors had not removed them ut greut
pemonal rik. There was a had mo
ment while these Ciennnn injured
were being removed. A crowd of
people hnd gulhered outhide watch
ing the flames, and when the Her
mans, some in uniform, were brought
from the trnn-ept door the crowd
gave a howl of uncontrollable rage,
and earnest voices M-reamed: 'Kill
Iheml' Some of the soldiers in the
crowd levelled their rifles to dispatch
the Hermans, when a prie-t, tho Athu
Andrieu.x, sprung between the Her
mans and the rifles.
'"Don't lire," he suid; 'you would
mnko yourselvcn as guilty us lliey
"The crowd calmed somewhat and
the (Icrmuiis were carried into the
shelter of the museum amid hisses
and I In cuts."
IliiiuiimKc Sale.
St. Mark's Guild will hold a rum
mat;o salo Friday nnd Saturday, Sep
tember -''' and 20 In tho storo build
ing which Is now vacant nt the cor
ner of West Main and Fir street.
Those who havo articles to donate
for this salo will plenve them at St.
Mark's hall or call up No, GCO-M or
172-J, and such articles will bo sent
FOB HAM: Dining table, work
tublo, kitchen treasure, llhrurv
table, steel rango, heating stove,
bedroom set, Iron bed, spring mat
tress, '.'10 Beatty Kt,
FOIl HAM', Young goblors, ono.
year-old, II, F, I), No. I, box OS,
Talent, Ore, J08,
An injunction wax grunted by
.Indue F. M. Cklnx in the chcuit
couil thix mouiiug upon upplicution
of the county eouit lltloiteli Pro-e-
eulor Kell.v. re-liainiptf I.. I). Dollar
hide, owner of ihe toll road over'tlte
Sl-kiyoux, fro'iu'inlcrferiug with wniK
on the l'aeilie hmhwuy. Dollarhule
ix ulleued to have made llliealx hack
ed with a xhoTguii uguiu-t woikmen
emploNcd on the mad. The light of
wav I- over udleiumont land, bill
Dollailude claims the side light to op
erate a highway thereon by iilue of
a licen-e umnted to him in territor
ial day-.
(Continued from rago 1)
slttou In Franco while tho main body
makes a stand on the frontier hat op
timists hero believe It Improbable
that Emperor William's troops ngnln
ilurltiK the present war wilt assume
n general offciuUe on French terri
tory. They contend, however, that
a retirement of the German fortes
from French soil limn soon become
Inevitable unless tbe offensho Is as
sumed, CntMii Prince I Us) renin
British c)es Kee further encour
nRement In tho backward movement
of tho army of Crown Prlnre Freder
ick William, which. It Is argued,
means tho failure to establish for the
Invaders new and shorter mmmiinl
rations by way of Metx -and the
Dispatches say Vienna newspapers
continue silent' concerning the opera
tions In Gallcla and nnrliutt the Ser
vians but they nre appealing dally for
moro nurses, doctors and medical sup
plies to bo seht to the front. Tho
Austrian hospital equipment Is said
to be woefully Inadequate, tho
wounded often lying on tho field
from 24 to 4S hours, greatly Increas
ing not only the suffering hut tho
From Trieste the principal Aus
trian seaport on tbe Adriatic Hon,
concerning whose attitude In case of
an attack there has been much spec
ulation, came n utatemcnt today from
the governor that In case of being at
tack ho would not evneuato tho city.
Trienfo WliritrIM:' ' '
"Trieste," he'sal'd, "will resist.
Tho Anglo-French fleet, however, be
fore attacking Trieste must denl with
tho Austrian fleet nt Pola."
Throughout tho British Isles en
listment contlmlos unabatCd and n
noteworthy festur'O Is tho hkh stand
ard of tho recruits. Students nnd
young professional jnen aro conspic
uous In nvcry squad sedn on tho Lon
don streets.
"It's a long wny to Tlpperary" now
has become a fixed classic In this
war, much In iho same 'mariner as
"There'll be a hot time In the old
town tonight,1' Bwopt through tho
American army In Cuba during tho
Spanish-American war. Even tho
German prisoners Interned in Eng
land havo caught tfio fever and may
bo heard singing as well as they can.
It was announced today that David
Lloyd-George, tho chancellor of tho
exchequer, Is heading a movement to
ralso a complete Welsh army corps.
Dojt Todar
Beiolvo to smoko Gor. Johnson cl-l-ars,
tho best, and thereby patronlza
borne Industry. tf
Ilecently of Boston announces tlint sho will shortly open n studio
for Instruction In tho
' (Simplex and Kindergarten)'
For children between thcyngcs of flvo nnd sixteen. A systematic and
easily comprehended course of Instruction for both tbe young and
Arrangements for this courso can bo mado by phoning .111 -J.
A later announcement will bu made giving location of Htudlo.
' -, '.r.i
'I . .
' ........
mr v Ifl III
f 1
These shoes are mado with lots of room for flvo loos, hug tight
across tbu Instep nnd (Jood.-Vour Well stitched, which ipouiiH n great
saving In stocking,
No pilces lower than ours when tho shoos uro as good. Como
try it pair, Hl.cs it to 'A, button and luce.
wi: Liicn
1M Helm's plnco In Jacksonville,
which hns been open for business
every dnv tho law allows since I.SR!!,
will close October tilth, the date
upon which Its license expires, nder
fi2 years of operation, The phuo l
ono of the pioneer landmark of
1...1 ...... .......i. .....i ii.. rii... vinllrf
. .luci.puii (iiiiiiij, nun ,i .
I shelter a icllo hlslor) of the dnjs
when tho Hague river vnuey was
.voting to mini, and .lacksonvlllo was
at tho height of Its gloty. Tho plnco
was first opened by Wlnehou .t
Helm, and handed down to tho son,
IM Helms, who Is now In charge,
in the car!) dajs the building wns
ii... .iiitnilni. iilnmt nnit 1'iMltnr of life
mi- nn. iiiii. ,...... ...... .-
In this section. After tho gold ex
citement passed It wn the gathering
place of Saturday's for the entire
llogiie river vnlle. Hero also enmo
tho prospectors to spend tho gold
the) wrested from tbe earth.
A collection of pioneer relies vnl
ued ut K0,i)00 Is on display In the
bulldliiK. It U Utile known. The
first piece of gold found nt Jnokson
vlllo Is on dlspla). A photo of three
men hanged by vigilante at Yreka,
and a piece of rope, with which tho
Job wns dono Is nlo In tho roller
tlon. The first pool tables over set
on on the Pacific const, transported
nround Ihe Horn by water to Eureka
and packed Into Jnrksonvillo on tho
back of burros Is nnuthcr of tho at
tractions. Every possible manner of
relic Is on exhibition, mutely telling
pages In tho early history ot Jack
son county.
Tho disposition ot this vnlunblo
contribution to ploneor llfo has pot
been decided upon. It would be nn
oxcelleut addition In tho exhibit
building ot tho Medford Commorctnl
NEW Oltl.EA'XS, Ln, Sept 21
Tho Now Orleans Cotton Dxchnngo
will begin quoting spots Wednesday,
It -was announced today. Attornes
for the exchange todny ruling that n
trailing contract iimdo oh tho exJ
change Is binding whether the ex
change Is closed. This, according to
view of nctlvo brokers, materially
changes tho situation ns It affects
Octolsir contracts. By this ruling
October shorts can buy spots, nnd
longs will be forced to receive tho
cotton on contract.
Miss Venltn Hamilton desires ti
nunounco that sho hns opened n
piano studio nt 010 North Central
avenue nnd Is prepared to teach
pupils from tho first rudiments to
the highest perfection. I '''
Why Not
Oet tho host smoko, Gov. Johnson,
and also patronlin horn.
( kl-.k--l.raUU.4Ilr4
blQk lIIU I Mt cl ! iflIU'
TPt l,M. MWI Villa Ilia UIU.
IU I Ut tcl .14 iflIU
Tl xWr. Hj,
ftniiki. A.fin-'lfKii-TK
tn !
y &
Let 'em Kick
Boys always do moro or less kick
ing principally moro.
Lot 'em kick with n pair of Hol
land shoes mndo with tho Tel-Til-Tip
It won't hurt tho (ips any as thoy uro
with IndlHtructnblu solo leather.
9 "flooa Qrli"
TIIH ;iahi)
s &w fetor.
Lint Silioul ttf I'Uuu
Instructor, AccQinpanist, Coacli for
Ensemble Singing
Studio 1105 West Mnin St.
'V H. II. Ihiunmit
mimktottftffMtae' 1
"The School of Modern Methods"
I'.very boy nnd girl cannot attend tho University or
High School for four eari: but every boy and girl enu
attend tho Medford Commercial CoIIi-ko for six mouths,
or a vcar, ami got an education that pnya dividend for '
School nil yenr. Graduate assisted to positions. No
term divisions now students mny enter nt any tlmo.
Day nnd evening sessions.
Call, telephone 1C-L, or write, for full Information.
Salem, Sept. 28 to Oct. 3, 1914
For Agricultural, Livestock', Poultry, Textile urnl
other exhibits.
Horse Knees, Shooting Tournament, Mauil Concerts,
Boys' Camp. Moving Pictures. Children's Play
ground, lice. l)fitiontrntiou, Animal Circus and other
l'Yco Attractions.
Send for Premium List, and Kntry IMaiilcs.
Vov parlieulars address
FKANK MKKPiDITII, Secreltiry,"
Salem, Oregon.
Kxtra Kancy .lonathau Apples from (lie
Westerlund Orchards
$1.50 PER BOX
(K'xtra Fancy)
These are the finest apples in the Koguc Kiver Val
ley this year. Send a box home or to your friends
in the cast.
To the
Josephine County Fair
To He 'Held nt
Tickets will be sold to CI rants Pass
from all points Kosoburg to Ash
land, September 21, 112, 2!1, 21.
Final return limit, September 2(1,
Full particulars as to fares, I rain
service, etc, from nearest agent of
.John Al, Scott, (IciKtral Passenger Agent,
Phono 361
II, I, Vanflllder J3
V OKI) g
4 !!
i -
r ?
i I ."
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