Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 21, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    "PVfV W,'"'J,yf7',Mi!-
207 Second Slniet W.J30
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight miiI Thcm!?
Mat. 70j !ln. IT.
Korly-fourUi Ycsr,
nnlly- niiiiii msr.
nrpcrlnl Withdrawal ot Grrmnn
Aimy Unconfirmed Allies Pro-
Hi ess Slow, But Steady-Crown
Pilnce Continues Backward Move
mrnt Vienna Silent.
on tiii: UATTU'.ritoNT,
Sept. Itl, via I'aiis, rcllll i. 111.
Tin- weJlcin wing (tiuhl tliuil.
eouiiunnded liy Vmi Kind.) "if
I In- (leiinuii llni' Iiii been IIiimhI
liHoh lllinilt m'H'll llllli'" illllillg
lln liil loiiy eight limns hi n
4 t'iin'l In i'iiiiIiiiiiiiiin fighting 4
4 miilit mid day. 4
4 llnlli m into, il'iili iiliiioit
4 siiporhuniun fatigu. hmv tin "
4 uliiHi't ilelcimiiintinti mil to
4 .Mi'lil mi inrli ill' ground without
4 ii Icirilito si niggle, lint the
4 freihcr Ironps til the iliHiol 4
4 up llie allies have giiidiuill) 4
4 lnnril llm (li-nimiH l teei-dc, 4
LONDON, Hopl. 1.30 p. in. i:K-
Imul waited In nlu today fur con
firmation of llm report (hat tho bulk
o( tin (Inrnmn army linil begun to re
Urn from Franco ntiil prepsri'd for
another period of mixlnty mill an
Mnm which mum last nit long as the
great Imttlo of lliu A I mo, now In Itu
IimiUi ilny, remains uiptecj.dcd.
ThotiKh UrUIMi official say tho
allies Mill are gaining ground, their
progress necessarily in slow mid tho
pilhltr In beginning to feel that tho
turning point hi the. Imttlo inner Mill
ho reached until one side or tho other
has liffii outflanked. Tho wugges.
Hon that tho nllle would accomplish
thin Haturday or Huiidny on tho (Jer
mini rlKhl Man not fulfilled, and ap
parently their efforts aro IiuIiik con
tinued today.
Von Klurk Clietko Piriiiilo
For da) tho llrlllsh pros referred
to "Von Klurk' peril" hut o far
the Clerumn commander ha heeu
able to check what must hnvo heeu
terrific pressure from the Urltlsli and
French tuft.
Naturnlly I hero ha been no cor
roboration from (lerman nature of
Hie report thut n comparatively small
pint of tho (lermnu army propone
lo maintain merely a defensive po.
(Continued on page two.)
..M -
LONDON, Sept. lit, 11:0.1 p. m. A
Central News ilii-pntcli from AmMei
iliim hiings on offieiiil sliiteineut is
sued ut lleiliu, giving H"' lfiiiuin ;'
fount of llio events of the luillle in
ninthcm Franco, beginning with the
(liiiiimu withdrawal fiom the immcdi
nl'e vicinity of Furls. The htntciueul
says :
"Dining llio lusl week llm troops
of llio allies made mi nllitek on the
I'nilil'ied .(leriumi po.tilioiiH between
the 0no it llm Mouse, The Flench
went piolecled ou the west by tho
Fin in lines mill on llm cost by the
Meuo mill llio .Moselle.
"Tim (icrmmi troops retired slow
ly in ronroniilty wild the. plnn of tin
g'eiioiul staff uulil f.ivorublo p .
liiiiiK vvuin umched. Tho French were
reinforci'i! by troops Jnim Paris ,w
by iwinieM from lenlmciiU to llm
hoiiIIi of l'nilr unit fiom llelforl iooii
llm ofl'ensivo wliile Hum flout Pjuih
wi'io broiiKht up mid need In llm
"Tim plmi of llm Fivneli wus to ul
I n el.- llm flank of llm (lenurni i in'1
uliitr. Thin plnn won un-ueeesBfiil
mid the Fivimh mirlniiii'd hev'i
i. .(.on. Tilled ilu.VH nun the (leiuiiiiH
iiHhiiuii'il llm iiI'IViihIvc.
"Tim numiiiiilKhl hIiik Iiiih heeu
very uieutlv leiiil'oieed, ih Ii mm ii "ii
llm renter. Tho niilhl liuee U lirlrcii
lleiiii mi llm mid llu I'hu'hI of Ar
Milium. "Thv foilii'Ng of i'iiliin U hi'H'll
lillili'U'il i'linil tu alilcx,"
French Of flclnl Statement Shows
Continued Advance to the Heluhts
Violent Encounters and Enemy
Repulsed With Loss Center Takes
New Towns.
I'AIUH, Kepi. 'Jl, .1:01 p. in. -The
following offieiiil uuiiimiieeuieiil wim
cImii mil in Finis liulny:
"1'in.l, on our left wiiif: on the HkIiI
l.iiuk of llu ther Ole, we bine ml
vnueeil im fur iim the heluhlH of I.iin
NtKiiy, wimJ uf Nii.miii. To llie eiml
of llm Oie, mill to the nortli of tlm
lier Aitlie, Die (Iclliliin- buxe tiiven
eviileliee of u leeilliledeenee of neli-
"In the legion of ( t ikii there
Inixe been violent encounter whleli
ilhl un flop hort of buyouel
1liit,. The eiH'iny Iiiih been every
where repuloeil wilh ne. In llie
eiiuutry iirouml Klieims the ninny
Iiiih not iiinleitukeu uuy itifmitry lit
tack, eoiifiiiiui; liliiiHidf to urtillery
fne, iliieeleil ttfitiiit our front, fiom
heiuy nun.
"Second, on the eculer, in the
( hmiipiiuuc loiititrv mid on (lie wes
tern nloMs of the Aroiine rier, ,u;
exception beim; iiinilu of Soiiuiu, we
liuxe luken .MeHiiilles.llur iiihI
.Ii"-ij!i-H. In the Voere ilistriel the
enemy htdl IioIiIh the repon of Thin
court, mid has emiuoumleil IIuf-oii-chatcl,
"On our right uim.', birinine and
the Vohjji'h, there i r.olhinc new.
"The (tenumis uie lortif.unj; them
Helvex in llie illume of Delmiel, to
the Minth nf Chulcmi Saliuf,"
WASHINGTON, Spl. '-M.-I'ichI.
dent WiImiii had befote him todav for
eoiiNideraliuu a Ntninjc appeal that he
lead a movement to end the war la
Kuiope picxcnteil lo on behalf of
fully one million women, iucmhcr of
Miffriit;c oiKunixution In thirteen
count lies, iiifludiui; ueailv all iIiom)
enuiiueil in the conflict. The plea wat.
laid before the prehideut by .Mi.
t'niiie t'hapinuu I'alt of Now ork,
pifhdnit nf the Inlcrnalioual Worn
mi's Suffrage alliance, mid Mine. Itn
Kiku Seliwiiauu'r of lluncary, mmmc
tnrv of the alliance.
HciuestH thut Fiesiilenl WiNon
lake fin ly Nleps to help Mop the "III'-
fine weie m'ii! to the licadipmrterN of
the alliance in London by sill Iiiivo
iiH-oeiutious in Austrulia, Canada,
Iti'iitiinrk, lliillaud, Iluiigiuy, Italy,
Noiwuy, Uussla, Sweden, (lical Uiil
iiin mill (lermiius of the Foiled
Slut ex,
, WAV, Ail., Sept. 'Jl. A cloud-hui-xt
Hwcpt lliin I nun today, iloini;
heavy damage, but causing no los
of life. A More and hcven residences
wcro washeil down Mineral creek into
llm (lilu rivur. Tim houwes of the Her
otilcH Mining company were ilcmol
ihlied and half u mile of the (lilu val
ley railioad wished out with two
briilj;cH. Nineteen bi.ty-ton oie earn
were hulled into tlm creek, llie cur
rent of which swept down the main
htieet of tlm town, horiotinly iIiiiiihk
IiiK iiiauy hiislucHH Iioiikch.
CIIICAdO, Hepl, 'Jl. Thice roll
bcis I'uli'icil tlm FrmiUin Hipinre
HavhiKH hunk, located in u kiiImiiIi,
I'hIjiIIv Mini llie uitMiit ciikhlci' anil
cMcnpcil hi mi iiiiliiinoliilc (vilh mi uih
Liiuyn niiii) of money,
Historic Cathedral ot Rhelms, Most
Perfect Product of Gothic Archi
tecture, Wantonly Destroyed Vy the
German Artillery Used as Red
Cross Hospital.
4 llOllllF.AFX, Sep). 'Jl, 1:1
4 1:1.1 p. m. The Freueh l'oiein
4 office has luiwunleil lo ueiittal
4 (otcriiiueutN ii prolent uuiiiu"!
the (lemillli botiibariluieiit of llie
Callii'ilrul of IHieiuiK, I'liueheil
in llie followinc terms:
"Without biin able lo imoke
even the nppearanec of military
niTiwsity, and for the meie
pi ni mi re of ietriieliou, (Ionium
ir.mii. tiiivi. Kiiliii'rlcil the cittll-
4 i drill of llheims to a hHtemutlc
4 mill fuiious boiiib.irilineul. At
4 this hour the fmiioiiH biciliea is
4 but a heap of ruins.
4 "It U llie duly of the Koveru-
4 mint of the lepubll- to ib'liouneo
4 to universal iiidiciuiliou Ibis re-
4 voltiim ael of xaiulaliMU, whieh,
4 in fiK over to the tlamcs this
4 Kiineluaiy of htstory, deprives
" humanity of an iueompnnible
jHirtion of iti. hi-toiie pntri-
4 mony."
LONDON, Sept. 'Ji, tlulll a. in.
The lllii'iniH corn'Hiiondeiit of the
Daily Mail Hcuds tins htory of the
daumue wrought in tho cathedral
"The uinjjnifiecnt ealhcdrnl of
nfieims'i whieh wn n nntunit inoinf
ment of universal fame, is now no
more than an empty Midi of chuired
and blackened walls.
Itcil (Yo.s FUk I'I)Iiib
"The fire Marled Sunday after
noon, after shells bad been crn-hiim
into the town nil day. More than
,il)0 fell between early moniinu nnd
sunset. A ipiarter of the city wif
hcl afiiv, the name-, cprendinx from
Mrccl 10 htreet,
'The cathedral on Thurolay had
been milled into n ho-.pitul for the
OonnmuvvouiHled ho as to heeurc for
IhebuihliiiK the protection of the Ited
Cross flajr. When tne first hticll
hlrtiek Uie roof everyone believed il
wii(j merely a htiay shot, but later in
tho day u (lerumii battery on a hill
four ndUb nwuy Iicriiii making the
preut (Jothic pile its paiticular tar
get. Target for llatlcry
"Shclnfler hticll crashed its way
into the old masonry and Monework
that had Mood the Monu of centur
ies, or fell into tin deseiled MreeU
round about. At half past four some
(Continued on papjo I.)
1'OUTLNI), Ore., Sept. 21. No
additional Information va received
hero today to Indicate thv exact mim
bor of thoso who lost their lives when
tho stenm uchoonur Fraucln II,
Kdt went down In n gain oft tho Ore
Kon .couKt Friday, AlthoiiKh tho
ahlpB list loft on Bhoro bIiowb that
tho tiasBcnBcra nnd crow numbered
tU, It jg known thut thoro wora addi
tional passenKers on board, making
tho total 70 or more, of which only
two woro rescued,
Nino bodies hud boon recovered no
fur this forenoon, Of theso, two
woro women. Sovoral vessels aro on
tho lookout for bodlcH In tho vlclu
lly of tho wreck,
Captain Morlyamit of tho Japanese
cruiser Idzumo, which picked up tho
l.tiKKOIt's "H. O. 8." cull am) Informed
other vesselH In the vicinity, today
scut tlio followliiK wlrclcHs to (ho
Portland office or Charles It, Mc
Cormlck and company, agents of tho
U'KKdti "Very syiiipntliullo con
dolences for slid dlmiNlor which re
sillied 111 llm loss of llm LcKUctt ami
It inuny victims. Very sorry wo
could not reuch see no of disaster In
lime ou account of llm Kroul dlslutice.
t'ttptnlit Moiljuinu, liUiuuu."
H HMflMt
4 FF.KINO., Sept J1,'J:11 a.m.
4 --.Mail advice iroiu Tsimo 4
4 state that Oie Japiinese lost u r
4 second torpedobout outside 4
4 Kino ClornvTIie esel v.a "link 4
4 by ii Oemum erm-cr.
; ' !
. w. If, .
WASHINGTON', Sepl. 'Jl. The
llnli-h cmbas-y todn anuouuecd
receipt of llio 'following from the
London foiein olfi
"Correney is lieiiis riven lo stories
emuuatiiiK fiom (lennnii situree-. of
iitleniuren untavurable to the HritiMi
1'niise by cv-cnbiuet iniiii-.tor-. laboi
miiiibers nnd others in Filmland.
'The' sliitemeulh are probnbly
largely based ujiu siK-celi which Mi.
Munis was ullcgrd tolmve made, lint
which wns nn ciittre fabrieatiou in
vented in (lennniiy.
"Any labor member-, nnd other
who may have sup:eMed that it
would have been lidtc for this coun
try to remain neutral did so us pri
vate M?r-onh and npt as reprventinx
nny party. Arthur Henderson, now
ehainimn of the lob-ir party, has
made a stronc spceeli in support of
the :ov eminent, Qeorpe Cooke sooke
innllyRlrerfi: Jii ns'milar sne at
fr Pl,..r..lilll'. niout'lllir ,111 111.' Illll.
nnd (he tnrliaiueiitar. commiltes of
llie Irndc unions issued a mniiitcMo
on Seplember II npprevinj: the manner
in which the labor party hu re-pond
cd to the appeal mud. to till Hilitieul
parties to jjive their co-operation in
M'ciiriinr llie enliMmcut of men for
the war.
"Alt imrlies nre united n- lo I'l.'
justice of our eiue, nnd all are de
termined to see llie wur to a Miece
fill eoucluxion."
WASH1NOTON, Sept. 'Jl. I'resi
dent Wilson e.pieed today to con
gress his nppieeialioti for the reso
lutions of sjmpalhv passed at the
time of Mrs. Wilson dentil. His
mcssn);e follows;
"I lmve received at the hands of
llie secretary of the senate the reso
lutions of s.vmpathy passed on the
occasion of the death of Mrs, Wilson.
II was very gracious of you to think
of me in my hour of deep affliction
and 1 thank oit with huccic grati
tude. It is comfotliuyr to me to think
that we aie comrades in the conduct
of life ns in the conduct of the na
tion's business nnd Hint we are bound
together in liiuuau sympathy as men
us well ns in duty as servants of the
people. Your courtesy nnd (bought
fulness I deeply appreciate."
NF.W YOUK, Sept. 21. Charles
Goudorf, "king of tin wire tappers,"
and two of lu gang wcro sent to
stateV prison this afternoon for
swindling F.ugcnc Adams, an Kiiglish
caterer, out of .f 111.10 in a fake pool
room last July.
(loudorf was sentenced to five to
ten .veins in prison, Ciimles Cuiboiiell
to two to six .veal's and Joseph Co
hen, one lo three vent's.
BAN DIKflO, Col., Sept. SI, Ar
riving off Point Loiiiu this morning
tho llrltlsh cruiser Newcastle,
stripped of ull uniieceiary gar,
dropped anrhor u mile and n half
from shore, t'upluln M, V. DIkkIc,
coiiiiuaudur of llm U H. H, Han DIcko
ami visited tint llrlllsli vlro eotisul,
He suld ho would proimj northward
toward Hsu FiuiicIko Oils MuruUe.
Official Ortjan Declares Government
Has Not Even Considered Matter
Honorable Conclusion to War
Must Be Forthcoming First Re
gret Bombardment of Rhelms.
IIFIILIN, vm Guidon, Sept. 'Jl,
fli'Kl a. ul. ('oinmi'iilinx m the al
legcil slatenienl of Count Von llcrns.
lotff, the (lenurni ninbasand,ir to the
Foiled States, linil his oathm was
looking for peace on condition Mint
the entity of (lennnii territory would
be preserved, or (is o presented in
Washington iii-p.ilrlii'-. the North
Ocrinnn (larilte, llie nffieial organ,
declared in its issue of September 'JO
Unit the government hml not even
considered the inn Iter.
"The assertions nrc intended," the
pncr says-, "in fosier the iuipiessiun
that we have fired of the war, in
spile of our victories in the ent and
In (he west. Fence overture-; may not
be looked for until the war, forced
ruthlessly on our people, U brought
to an honorable conclusion."
The official statement given out
last night made mention of the bom
bardment of Itlicim-. It said that
llheims was in the battle line nf the
French nnd thai Germans were oblig
ed to bombard it. The necessity for
this action was regretted, but the
fire of the French, it was stated,
came from that direction. Orders to
save the cathedral at llheims, lmve
been given.
Tho statement also made reference
lo the progress nn other Kiints of the
line. In ibis recet it nys:
"The attacks on the French nre
nronrcKsjinr at several noints in the
central, Voges. At Donon, near Sen-
ones, tvvent.v -even miles southeast
of I.uueville. near Smiles, in the Ger
man Vnsges, their offmsive has been
"There is no news from the east
ern (Kussiua frontier) camp."
NISH. via London, Sept. 'Jl, 10:10
a. m. An official communication re.
viewing the Servian enmpaign says:
"The enemy's attempts to cross the
Driun ou the LoMiitr.n and Katcha
line have again failed and all the
Austrian attempts to cross the Save
on the Mitrnvitzn and Shnbatz have
also been unsuccessful. Nothing of
importance is rcimrted from llie Save
mid Danube front.
"The enemy, retiring from Vishe-
grail, Hosuia, forty miles southeast
of Sarajevo, uhandoncd all his stores.
Our troops seized 120,000 kilograms
(about 11.(100 pounds) of flour, ;I0,
000 tins of ment, many blankets, a
field hospital with 100 wounded and
nil medical Mores and forty railway
"The Montenegrins, after carrying
llie forties of Fotcha and Gorasda,
in Hosniii, captured Jahtika, on Sup
(ember 1.1, mid took Kogatieti on the
"The morale of our Iroops is ex
cellent, but llie AustrimiH are com
pletely demoralized and nre fleeing,
"The Montenegrin army is only fif
teen kilometers (about ten miles)
fiom the Uosiiiau capital nnd has
capt u red a large amount of booty,"
pitoiEsr or fh
WASHINGTON, Sept, 21, 10M5 p.
m, Tho French umbassudur Jules
Jiisseraud presented today llio pro
test of his governor us given In Hid
foregoing dispatch lo the slate do
parUitfiit ami personally read It lo
VtH-relury llr)ttii. It whs slmmd by
Foreign Minister Deli-asm.
Burton Tells Senate He Will Be Sat
isfied With Lump of Twenty Mil
lions to Be Spent by War Depart
mentSenate to Remain Continu
ously in Session.
1VASIIINOIO.V, Sept. 21, Tho
filibuster on the river and harbpr
hill was resumed today In theWnalo
amid the possibilities ot compromise.
Chairman Simmons of the finance
committee said Informal conferences'
with Senator Ilurton, leading opp'on
ent of the bill, developed that botu
sides lulKht yield some points. Mr.
Ilurton told the senate ho would bo
satisfied with a lump appropriation
of not mora than 20,000,000 to bo
spent by the war department.
In Session Continuously
After a conference with President
Wilson, Chairman Simmons said tho
senate would stay In session contin
uously until tho bill was passed. Ho
expected a vote tmorrow night or
Wednesday. There was no Intention,
he said, of making the bill Include
only projects already under way, and
the president bad not Insisted on
such a plan.
Senator Simmons called at tho
White house primarily to discuss tho
Alaska coal leasing measure, which
President Wilson is eager to hav
passed. The senator told the presi
dent the bill could bo taken up after
tho rivers and harbors bill.
When Senator Burton learned of
the plan for a continuous scslon ho
declared he was prepared.
Ilurton lreparMl
"I brought with ma a suitcase,"
said lie. "and am prepared to stay
right hero so long or my strength
holds out. In my sultcaso is a
lounging robe, and I hare-picked out
a soft couch which wilt be of ser
vice when reinforcements give mo a
chance for rest. The outlook is for
a finish fight."
When Senator Simmons made
known the purposo to hold tho sen
ate In seslon until the bill was paw
ed, several democrats asserted they
would not agrets to another nll-nlgnt
session. One defied the senate to
moke him appear.
IU1KHL1N. Sept. 21. Tho Swedish
cxnlnrcr Anders Sven Hcdln. Is a
guest of Emperor William at head
quarters. Ho will be allowed to vUJt
tho eastern and western fronts In or
der to give n non-partisan account of
the situation.
Advices from Vienna deny tho re
port that Henrlc Slenklewicz, author
of "Quo Vadls" Is a prisoner of war
of the Austrlans. Ho is In Vienna en
route for Tirol and Is preparing to
wrlto n book on his experiences In
the war.
Tho croWn counsel at nucharest,
capital of Houmanla, doclded Satur
day to continue tho strictest neutral
ity. The Novoo Vremya of Tetrograd
reports that tho destroyers of tho
German embassy in Fetrograd, who
were arrested, havo now been re
leased, as the destruction of tlio em
bassy was prompted by "noblo nn.l
patriotic feelings,"
Dr. Frldtjof Nnnson, oxploror and
author, Is reported at Chrlstlanla to
have emphasized amid a roar ot ap
plauso that Norway must arrange tho
closest military union with Swedoa
for safeguarding In common their in
dependence. 1MESE BOMBS
l'AIHB. Sept. 21. 3 n. in. Tele-
Kruphlng from I'utrograd n corres
pondent of the llavas Agency, says;
"A dUputcli received here from
Vludivuitok declares that Jutmnww
aeroplane, throwing bo in In haw dt
4roi'il two of Hie Important furls
Tillitt Tuu."
Forty-eighth Eruption and First Ac
companled by Earthquake Four
Craters to Volcano New New
Ciater Mile Below Old Hewn Out
Smokes Furiously.
ItRDDINO, Cal Sept. 21. After
a night ot smothered muttering ana
rumbling, Lassen Peak exploded to
day in a sharp thunderclap which
rocked tho house at Macomber Flat,
distant nino miles from the mountain.
The eruption today is tho 48tn
since tho pre-hlstorlc volcano woke
to new life May 30, and the first that
has been accompanied by an earth
quake. At tho time tho shock was felt 3
o'clock in the morning the activities
ot tho mountain wcro not pronounced
enough to mako themselves visible
from a distance, but at C o'clock,1- a
vast volume ot sulphurous, ash
laden smoke and steam was seen
pouring from a flssttro ono mile be
low the older vents.
Tho mountain now has four craters
tho ancient one, still sealed; tho
new main crater, closely adjacent; r.
third crater, formed by the eruption
of tho past three weeks, not far be
low the main crater; and tho fissure
blown open today.
Twice yesterday the two new cra
ters spouted, clouds ot smoke, but to
day, the daylight showed them Inac
tive, while the lower vent was fur
iously busy. Smoke' and Heating
ash veiled the entire mountainside.
Telephone communication with
tho forest rangers stationed at Mia
erol and' the lookout vantage oh
Droke-Off Mountain has failed, pos
sibly duo to tho earthquake. Six
hours after the shock tho latest cra
ter seemed as active as ever.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Intro
ductiou of the emcrgctiey bill to ruiso
$103,000,000 by taxing beer, winew,
gasoline, bankers, brokers, amuse
ment proprietors and commercial in
struments featured the program for
todayV se.ssioii-of' the house.
Democratic Leader Underwood,
who will pilot the bill through the
house, plans to call ia the nteusuro
for consideration next Thursday un
der u special rule. He believes it in
assured of passage by the cud of the
Tho bill, introduced ns soon as llio
house met, puis responsibility for
collccling of the telegraph mid tele
phone taxes on the companies
through sworn returns. In 1808 the
public wns requited lo affix a stamp
ou each telegram.
All federal, state nnd municipal
bonds and stocks mid bonds issued
by building and loan associations
Unit loan only to their own stock
holders nre exempt.
In taxing life insurance policies, S
cents for each .f 100, the bill provides
that policies Usucd oil the industrial
or weekly payment Alan, (he tux will
bo -10 p er cent of the first weekly
premium, the company to pay the ta'c.
Th tax will not apply to fralemel
beneficiary societies it nil imsocitttionf
comlucttul by the members for their
exclusive benefit and not for profit.
The $100 theater lax in cities of
1.1,000 population includes moviug
picture shows.
Tho tobacco tax is to take effect
November 1. It exempts nil leaf to
bacco dealers whose annual sales do
nut exceed 1000 pounds.
nilt'AflO, Kipt, Sli-'lHMHM Hf.
frugn (rained another victory 4ty
when Judge Owvhu 1h Ike twMiy
court ruled llmt the newly mtrm
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roomy f'ioiiiiwwH, nmr mm
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