Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 19, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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irEDTOT?n yirm TnTmryrc. araproTm, onrcrioyr. satttttoay. RT3PTTSxmi3T? to, tor "
Mr. I', II. Ilmistini or lltirkayn Or
rlnirtl nitiiriHMl to MeiUonl K.itiirtln
fuMii Wiilvllln, WiihIiIiikIuii, lrliiKlii:(
III lirltlw who Him MIhh IIdiiuIii i
or Mniirlii, Imlliiiiii, Mr. ami Mm
llnimton Mill ho nl tionio to llutlr
frlmuls lit ilivlr imlinnl liniuc, .Mr.
ami Mm. Mull. mrimtii of tint lirldn,
hnvii lici'ii IhIiIiii; at IliicUoyii or
cluiril llio iiiut wi'i'l,.
Dr. nml Mm. i:. II. niiiurson nr
ilvml In ,MiiUril I'rlilny oviiiiIiik hi
routii fur lln'lr homo lit Hullo I'nll.
lnllhiK with Mr. nml Mm. A. IV Htmi.
tl l wlilln hurt. Mm. Kiiuirsou wnn
.MIhh Mnry I.. Cox until tint Hclitli of
thin moiitli wlinii itlm uinrih'il Dr.
Ilinrrnon at ln;r homo lit Hiinla Ann.
Tho MIhm'n Mourn ntirtnliiil nt
tliHr homo on Koiilh Oriuimi stnt'l
VitiliMiln' wlii'il a sum lug rlllli vnuh
Thono prrmnl worn MIhuhh Vora
Dully, 'no Ciirrin, I'lorciirit JmiHcii,
l.tiiKi'lmrry, I'litrt'ino JoIiiihiiii, Iter
nit ItiilnTlH, Cora t'tlxy nml Allco
Mr. nml Mm. I'mmI ltor,irn or I'o
rnlollo, lilolm, hnvit Imtii ki'"I" of
Mr. nml Mm. IM Amlrnws, who in
trlnlniil at illinmr for tlixm Hominy.
Tho othr kiiknU Hi'rn Mr. nml Mr.
J M. Knot, Mr. ami Mm. ! Hoot,
Mm. !., Mr Dmhl rainier, Mm
Win. Mcitlcy ami MIhh Jiifiiliin
Mm, IM AmlroMM Iiiin roslKnoil thn
rhitlriiinimhlii or tho miislrnl ilcimrt
nieiil or tho (Iri'nlcr MctHonl Cluti
omIiik to nmiKTotm otlur ilutlos ntnl
Mr. Win, Isnnrs tins uccoitil tho of.
riro. I'lnns nro living innilc for somo
wry kooiI prottrnm mul voryoint d
vt'ry enthusiastic over tho work.
At n special iiipoIIiir hHil hy tho
WoilnvmlBy Htmly Club thlit wtnOc
Mm. l,o win Wnkiininii wan clorti'il
vli'.iri'nl(lriit. I'our now iitcmlit.r
wcro cloelcil to ni(mhrnhli: Mm.
P. 0. I'nKf, Mm. It. V. Biennis. Mlnit
YoiiiiK nml MIm I. Ma Aiutln,
Mm. McCrny of Knn l'rmirlco, hut
n fornicr resilient or Mcilfonl, who
linn lii4n vIuHIiik frlomU nn.l ruin
tlti'it here, left Prlilny for her homo.
While htro Mm, McCruy wns oxtcn
lely eiitertnlnoil,
Mr. nml Mm. Itulpli Hnnluoll on
torlnlni'il Informally Thursday oven
Iiik to lolohrnto their woiIiIIuk mini
xersary. llrlilKo wni played tho first
of tho oiiIiik nftcr which thuro wn
Mr. mul Mm, (1. V. Murray nnl
iliiiiKhters, Mm. Win, Spntfonl mi'l
Mm. I.eo Wilson or Cnllforiilii, nro
v I mk frloiuln In tho city.
Tho HI Miirh'n (lullil held n very
jileiiMiiit ini'utliiK Thumilny nftor
iiikiii. On nicoiiiil of Mm, Mnrmo'i
havliiK movoil nway lior plnco hh
trriimiriir wiih fllloil hy Mm. lIcNkctt
Aftnr hiihliivKit ini'iillnu iliilnty ro
frmliiiiontii wot it ncrviM. hy M'hiIhiiio
C'latk nml HwoiiiH.
Mm It W. Utihl nml llttlo ilniiKh.
tor, Itoxnnmi, who hovo hoon Huml
Ink tho Nuuimor In thn omit nro ox-
jiorloi homo alioiit thu (Iml ot No
Mm. (Ilonn McDonnlif nml ilaiiKh
tor, Ml hn I'orn, hnvo rnturnuil to
tholr homo In I'luKNtnff, Ariz, uftor
vhtltliiK frltimlit In Moilfonl,
Mm. P. A. Iloynolilfi lian rotiiniRi)
Tho orKnnlrnllon of llio Itouniloro
club wim (Oluhrntoil Prlilny nlnlit at
tho Natalorlnm hy dm kIvIiik of (i
ilaiii'o. I,nnt nit-lit mih tho Initial
iliuico of n norloM lo ho Klvrn thh
wlntor. Tho followliiK nro Inrlmlnl
In tllOKO Illl'H'llt: .MIkno Union I'llr.
mkor, 1.1'llm Wnllhom, Mnrlo nml l0.,,er hol,u' "l '''-rkoloy, Cnl nftor
Uiun (laloH, Joiiii AmliTMiii. Uurni" ",nKU,jr '"" vs"" ,wr nn' " w
IMC.', .Im. IIiiiIko . Kllono Allen. (",,y""l,lH of U"H Unu"-
l.llono Porl, Pnthorliio Hwom, Mnr
Mr. mill Mm. Cornlnt; Konly ontor
Inltuiil nl illnncr Prlilny ovonlnu for
Mr. ml Mrn. I'roil CowIon nml Mr. ami
Mm. (,'onro I'loro.
Mr. ami Mm. Pi oil Cnwton nml
rhllilron lono tho flml of October for
l.i'H AiikoIoh uhoro thoy will upouil
tho wlutor.
Minn Mablo .Inn oh Ir oxncctoil homo
noon troiu Ahonloon, Wanli., whoro
lm Iiiin boon HpoiulhiK tho Humiiior.
Mr. nml Mm. K. V. (.'nrtiir, Mm.
l'lckol nml (,'nrtor ltrnmlou hnvo ro
turnoil fiom n trip to I'ortlnml,
Mr, mul Mm, Tom Piihoii nml Dr.
Htruttou or Portland hnvo rclurnoil
from mi unto trip to tho coiiHt.
Mm, Halailo mul MIkh .louollo louvo
Siimluy for Now York, whoro thoy
will upouil tho wlntor,
Mr, nml Mm. Murlln DonnoiiKh
hnvo rotiirnoil from an oxlomlcil vIhK
at I.oiik Hunch, Calif.
Thn TunHiliiy Luncheon Club wnn
oiitorliiliioil thlH wuuk hy Mm, Clur
on co KnlKht,
MIhh Myrtlo Olnon of Willow
HiiiIiikh. lu tho miuHt of frlomU In
Mm. 0. I. IIiiIoIiIhoii onlortaliioil
(ho Niillu llrhlmi Club IIiIh wook
Mlitx I'lninnro VaiiKliu linn ro
IiiiiioiI from a vUlt wllli frlomU In
Mr. nml Mm. I-. M. Klino of Klum
(till I'mIU uio vlillliitf In Moiiroril
MIm I'lirony IMin U vlllln
fiultvi In AlilmJ.
Kiiorlto Hoiitler, Mario lllfoit,
Anlilon, l.ucllo Aronnnor, Vlolot Cnii
loy, PlUnhoth HIM ami Jo.toplilno
Hoot. Jay (loro, Itobort l'olour.o,
Orirrilh CowkIH, Ailrlnn Honk, Itnlph
I'lorco, Marvin Mltcholl, Arthur All
ilnr, Itnymoml Mllmrho, Carl Hub
hnnl, Jiuiii'N Vnnro, Wnltor Ilrown
llornro llromloy, Milton Hchuchnnl,
llnrolit Hunch, Plnyd Hart. I.loyil
Wllllnmxon, Dolph PhlppR, John
Dommor, Prnnk nml ClinrloH Itny,
Noil ami Cliiirr.i Vllnn, PrnuclN lion
iiott, ChurloN Cnrr, Mnrk l.oonnril
Itmly AhIiIiiii, Kukuiio Nurrlcmi, Par
lor llriimloii, Nun t'nllioiin, l.olnml
Noo, HiiiinIoii I, Iiik, Paul MoDuiiitlil,
WIInoii Walto, Itohoit KIiiIojhIiIo.
Mt'iiry Houtlor, Pari TotiKwalil, Hto
ou Nye, nml Nick Oolinmi. Pncully,
Minn liortlm Wolrh, Proromtom I'rntt
nml Monro,
A vory oujojnhlo blrtlulny pnrt
vnM glton Minn Itutli Pholnii nl her
homo on Pimt Main ntroot Woilmm
lay aftoriioou In honor or hor birth
tiny. Iti'fronlmioiitH worn norttnl by
MIm l.ucllo Pox nml MIhh llornlcu
Thoo proHont woro Zolln Poffloy,
Jl)IO MlllllloX, ItoDo IIUIIllKIt, Ittitlt
MlllliiKH. (Ioorla Itvililon mul Mildred
Ml Alvn Amlomon nml Mr. Harry
llonnott, both tif this city, woro
unltoit In innrrlnKn Weiluumlny, Hop
tombur 17. nt Anhlmul,
lloth brlilo nml Krooin nro well
known hnvliiR rotldnd in tho vnllpy
Hm Kreutor part of tholr llwin, nml
nro wiry popular.
Tho Woiiimi'4 William Mnnloy rlii'i
of Jnckiton county hn mkoil tho Mall
Trlbuuo to Mtuto that (ho club linn
hoen foiimlcil by public uplrltoil wont
on of tho county, Irronpoctlvo of roll
Kloii, polltlcnl, or other club affllla
lloim. Mr. tt. A. CodilhiKton, chief clerk
of tho Pnclflc hlKhwny lort this ueo'rf
for Haleui whoro ho will wod ono or
SnliiHi'M popular noddy glrln. Atlor
n nhorl woiIiIIiik trip thu youni; cou
plo will mako tholr homo In Moil
ford, MIm Mnbol Scott of California, who
hag boon vlnttlng hor friend Mm. II.
P. Pfolffor, linn rot ii mod to hor homo
to tho rorol of her ninny friend
Mr. nml Mm. P. J. Noff and Pro
fomor nml Mm, Itebei: returned thin
week from an auto trip to Creiucnt
Clly ami IJurekii.
Mr. nml Mm. Alllnon Jordnn loft
thlH week for I'ortlnml, whoro thoy
will maku their homo.
Mr. nml Mm. John Orth nml rhll
drop hnvo returned from nu nuto
trip to Kliimntli I'alln.
MlHti Mnmlo Itaitndnlo of Han Pran
rltiro In tlnltliiK relntlvoH In HiIh city.
MIkh IMIIIi McN'nlly of Heddlnn.
Pill., Ix WhIUuk trlomlK In Modfnrd.
Ml k llolotm Oamon or Akblnnd Ik
tho Kuont of frlomU In Medford.
MIih Hnlndo In ipendliiK tho week
end with MIhh Caroline Andrew.
Minn (ioiio llorton oiitertnliied the
Thurtidny llrldco Club IIiIh week.
Mm. OoorKo II. Millar lit vlnltlui:
In hor old homo In Canton, Ohio.
Minn Mildred llnyncH of Hoddlnn.
Cat., In vIkIHiik In Moilfonl.
Tho I'Mhlnn tlitem ontortalned
Wt-dnomlny for tho KnlKhtH.
C. Honllnient uuj nallro. I ,
1). Tho Am. drntiintlnt an n inor
nllnt, ):. Tho itplrllunl nolo In American
drama. ' j
Tho iilithorH represented nro IMncro
.lonen, Wild, Darker, Hhaw, OnlHWor-'
thy, Kennedy, Jlculer, Howard, Pitch,
ThoinnH, Walter, Moody mul Hlioldon
Tho co time IncludeH Hevernl bnokii or
roferotico by muh nuthom mi Jlnlo, i
Knliiu, HtrmiK, llapttood, Mohoh. In
tho oiitllno coiiipnrlxoiiH and rontriula ,
nro made, IndlcatliiK that n niOKt In-'
toroRtliiK opportunlt) for dlkcuxNlon j
will bo found In thin course. I
Count! "I", Including inch authors
nn Hhaw, Plncro.-Oalnworthy, Darker, j
llouHinnn, YontH, (IreRory, HyltiKo, lb-1
koii, Iljormten, llniiptmnn, Hudcrtnan.
Maeterlinck, Keinon, .MacKnyc, An
dreyov, IloRtnnd, ICcheRnrny, Wlldo,
and J on en given an opportunity to
compare Idenn and characteristic of
different nollonalltlen. Qucntlonn nro
iiiaiIo out for each play.
Tho riuontlon ban been nnked who
Iher theiio courwti nro oiien lo men.
Thoy nro available lo niooiui who It
n member of the Drama Ioiikuo.
Mm. Prank Owen
frleiidi In Portland.
it vliltlnK
Mr. J. W. Diamond In attending tho
fair nt ItoRehurg.
MIm May Hollo Tlioman loft hero
on tho 7th ror Moimnioiilh, Ore., to
complete her Htudlen ror n life certifi
cate. Whllo hero hIiii wnH tho Kuont
of MIrh Murjorlo Korr of South Con.
I nil.
Mm. J. H. Yoiiiik. Mm. I.. J, llaynos
mul Mm. I.. WIIhoii or California who
hnvo been tho kuoMh of their mother,
Mm. Jnnn Hooker, hnvo roturnod t'
tholr homoR,
Them will ho n iiiooIIiik of tho oiu
rational cum m It loo of tho Drmu.t
Ioiikuo at tho library WoduoHilny lit
I ; II 0 p. m,
Mm. .lack ItobliiRon (ueo Hanoi
Tiro) of Twin PiiIIh, Idaho, In via-
lllni: her molhor, Mm, MnrKHiet Tlcu.
W. P. lllmlorluiiK of Portland U
vIxllliiK IiIh old tlmo f i lend, It, I),
I Ionium, 20S Tripp ntroet,
MIhh Kutli Lilly of (Irantn Purk
wiih tho KueHt of filonda In Mod ford
thlrt week.
MIhh ChrUtlno HurtwlK of Canada,
Ih tho KUtiBt of hor llor Mm. 0. N,
Mr. Harold Amen of MoiiIukuo,
Cnl Ih vIhIUiik frloiulH In thu city.
Tho books for course II, "A Rcanon
with Pnpllnh prone drmnntlits of our
day," may ho found on tho Drmun
leaKiio nil oh oh nt tho library.
Tho coumo In divided Into plnya on
A. Social TniKedles.
II. Social Satires.
C. Coined) Historical PantoM
leal. I). Problems of tho day.
i:. Sentiment and satire.
A. StlrrlncR of national conscious
nous In American drama.
D. Social satires.
Because of Terrible Back
ache. Relieved by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Phllailolpliln, I'n. 'l"sulTeri-l from
displacement mul inllammutlon, and hod
sucn pains in my
nid us, and terrible
backncho so that I
could hardly stand.
I took six bottles of
Lydia K. Pinkham's
VoKotublu Com
ound,nnl now I cun
do any amount of
work, sleep jjood, out
i;od, nnd don't Iiuvo
n bit of trouble. I
recommend Lydia E.
I'lnkhnm's VofteUblu Compound to
every sulTeriiiKWomnm." Mra.llAUKV
l-ISIIKIt, IOU Juniata Street, Philadel
phia, I'n.
Another Witnmn's Case. I
Providence, R.I. "I cannot speak
too hlehly of your Vegetable Compound
as it lias done wonders for rno and I
would not bo without it. I had a dis- '
plnccment.bearinK down.and backache, '
until I could hardly stand and was thor- i
oughly run down when J took Lydia E. I
Pinkham's Vetretablo Compound. It
helped ma and lam in tho best of health
at present I work in a factory all day
long besides dolnff my housework so you
can seo what it has none for mc. I fpvu
you permUlon to publish my name and I
speak of yoar VejUblo Compound to
many of my friendr." Mrs.AuntL Law
son, 120 Lippitt St, Providence, R. 1.
DituRcr Slcnals U Women
aro what ono physician called backache.
headache, nervousness, and tho blues.
In many cases they are symptoms of
some female derangement or an inflam
matory, ulcerative condition, which may
Ixs overcome by taking Lydia E. Pink-
linm sVegctanie compound. 'Iliousanus
of American women willingly testify to
Its virtue.
WtilniiK diiimomli phc nn ntr of prosperity Hint brinpn srenler snecexi,
Kerfn' knows that ilmmomlH nro liijib, nnd that no one enn wenr tlicm
who Iiim not oonnidernble menim or fimt-elnHH oredit. If, then, you wenr
them you nro liowinK po.itiveiy thnt you nro nt lennt on the rond to proH-
peril V, nnil it fn Iiuinnn nuttirc to pay tribute lo sneeoKi by helping It to further huocohr.
It it jiiirtf for it bininc-H nmn to rIiow Hint ho in mieconful, for it will brjiiff lii'm more
nml bettor nistomcm, nnd there h no better wny to liow thnt you nre mirccMiful than by
wenrinx wen enoei iiinnionii. n our iimmomlH lire correctly imidct bv cxncrt. w ilh
utiil loKi-xt iiriecft innrkeil in plnin fiireM. Jolectionn went nny-
exnet weights, iiaIitio
wliero on npronl.
212 East Main Street
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1011, to August 3, 1915, and
guaranteed against any reduction during that time:
Touring Car . . $490
Runabout . . . 440
Town Car . . . 690
F. O. I). Detroit All cars fully equipped.
(In tho United States of America Only).
Further, wo will he able to obtain the maximum effic
iency in our factory production, and the minimum cost
in our purchasing and sales departments if we can
reach an outinit of 300,000 cars between the above
And should we reach this production we agree to pay
as the buyer's share from $-10 to $G0 per car (on or
about August 1, 3915) to every retail buyer who pur
chases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and
August 1, 1915.
For further particulars regarding these low prices and
profit-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or
C. E. GATES, Agent
Sparta Building Medford, Oregon
tS33MSMM l S$M h
.-mjV !.4lrl AkTrWrMl.if.f j
I'llUU lirJ ! ti.U rl.llHV
ltN. Mii UU IUmi IllUMk Y
riii.c'iu ik'rrHH
ttlWtiVn 1 1 111'
Wfi "V nniirtniSTS nTmiVHFRE
llllM l'll.l,r.
Under Auspfces
September 23, 1914
(I rammer School and Collmro
Preparatory courses. School
estate- coiniiriHes 100 acres of
fertile laud. Complete gym
nasium, indoor and outdoor
athlotit's. Library, study
halls, competent instruction
in all branches. Send for
rates and boeklet: "Where
boys aro trained to think."
Yamhill. Oregon
Bartlett & Netherland
Taxidermists and Furiers
You know our ability an TnxIdcnuiHtH.
Turn cleaned, repaired and roiuodelnl,
New I'ni'H mario (o order nml fn.T.cil in
Hloek, Vleh fliit wlmlfiwii nt KwIiik'h
(limHIore, J WW, MdliiHlrcel,
N. Botto, apple buyer of San Fran- -
cisco, who purchased many cars of
Rogue River apples last year through
me, will be here
Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 21-22
at the Hotel Medford, prepared to
talk business to fruit growers regard
ing sale of present crop. Do not
ran to see mm.
s l