207 tSMMULm , , d SECOND EDITION WEATHER IJaln, cooler Max, M 4 I'reelp. ST. v.i m IT. 1 .-. ra fl rorty-fourlh Tsar. Pally Ninth Yr. t J H-J1ULJU 1J MEDFORD. OltlXlON, SATUKDAY, HKPTKMHKtt 19, 3011 NO. 1T5 I- 1 LJ -- t' - ' Medford Mail Tribune V ALLIES ASM GNKO F my an BERLIN CLAIMS SLIGHT LEAD IN ONLY MAN BATTLE OFA SN E Battle of Aline Likely to Follow Hie Course of Battle of Mime Each Side Strives to Drive Wedge Tltrouah the Other's Lftw Hand-to-Hand Flflhtlnfl Frequent. i- LONDON, Hopt. 10, 1 p. m.Jf ro llnnco can bo placed on llio Hrlll'li ami French assertion that ttio rlKlit wing or tlin (Jormaji armies, which nt retch acros northeastern Franco In Hlnwly falling back, then the battle of. thn Alsuu ccm likely to follow the coiirne of Mm battle of the Marne, for there It wb the (lermnn right which first fell back nrro tho river, Along tho ISO mllu front, tho rear of which I cnrred with gravel of thousand already klllml, two arm ies comprising million of men rap Idly approaching exhaustion nnd Maudlng In tronche of deep water, nwnlt nn uportunlly to drlvo ' wciIko through tho opposing lino rut J thu end tlio torrlltlu (train which must Ut at long nmpcror Wil liam' troop hold their now strongly entrenched potlllona, nml a long aa the allied force can fnco tho murd er on hall of projectile front tho hidden batterlea of their opponent. Itencwcd Activity lloth tho Drltlsh nnd the Trench reallio that It will tnko almost . auiwhuman effort to win, tho strength of Ihn (leriunit position bo Iiir emphasized In almost every dl patch from tho front. Thoio In London closely following the war bo their chief hnpo of thi allies In a pomImIo envelopment of the Herman rlaht wlnit undor Can eral Von Kltick, who heretofore ha ahown hlmtulf n tnaitor of strategy lUnowetl activity nn the part of tho allied cavalry nnd it klgnlflrnut move ment of filled troop to tho north nml wont of thn (lermaii line of rom tminlcatlon, toKether with n possible ndvnnrn of fresh allied troop from the northwest through Amlen, give expression to these hope. It mid tn IInihI TlKhtlnit Kyo wllncssc and tho surgeon testify to n paradox on thn modem battlefield tho recurring freijiieney of hand to hand fighting which no many military mon predicted wn n IIiIiik of tho post. Ilayonet wound nml other cumulatlvn evidence, how ever, show (hut the anldlera hnvo been engaged In a death grip during which they ronortcd to their side nrm and In noma rase to their hand, Another fact which Maud nut nmoug tho varied account of thn hostilities Ih tho utter prodigality with which (ho nermann throw for ward man after man In cIomi forma tion In nn uttompt to enrry n pol t Ion. Tho tremendous losses they hnvo nustalned leem not to changed thcio tartlcu, lull In Artillery l)cpatrhc from Purl Into night referring to n lull In tho Htrug glo nre taken to refer to tho nrtllcry only, nnd today limy kco tho most sanguinary litfnntry fighting idneo tho Mart of tho battlo of tho Alsno oiio week ago. llurlal of tho dend on tho battlefield goe on Hteudlly (lermaii prisoner aro being forced to perform Mil1 tak behind tho allies' Hue, where thousand of their com rade lay niter tho French nml llrltl IhIi advance New from tho eastern thontor con tinue to bo of tho samo character; that Ih to May, further report of over whelming 'Jtusslun vlctorlea again', tho AuBtrluiiH In (Jnllcla nnd of tho stubborn pretiro on tho Kusalan frontier to tho north whore tho Hub alans, however, appear to ho holding their own. Decisive Attack Delni) Made South of Noyort Beaumont Stormed and 2500 Prisoners Taken Invasion of Alpine Riflemen Over the Vosges Repulsed Eastern Army Advances CENTER HOLD N6 I APANESE t AN AIM FRENCH IICHLIN, by wlroles to Rayvllle, I-. I., Kept. 10. Tho following offi cial Ktatemcut from tho (lermaii headquarter wn lucd teday: "It I reported that a decltlvo nt tack In botng tuado by tho Thirteenth nml Fourth army corp and parta of other German dlvUlou south of Noyon, with lou. "Heaumnut ha been tormed nnd 2500 French prleoncrn captured. "Attack along tho entire front aro IkiIiik enilly repulsed. "Many kuii and prisoner havo been captured, though tho number I not yet available, "Tho Invasion of tho Alplno rifle men over tho Voge Into tho Ilrcl nch valley ha been repuUed, "Tlio Herman eatern army con tinue It operation In Kuwnlkl pro vince nnd 1 advancing against tho IttiMlnn force. "DUpatche from Agram report that tho victory over tho Servian wn far greater than at flrt believed "Tho Hervlan wero coinplctoiy routed nnd wero driven In flight aoro tho Hayo river. Many wero drowned." French Have Advanced on the Right Bank of the Olse, Germans Bring ing, Reinforcements From Lorraine, Center Firm and Army of Crown Prince Continues Retreat. GERMANS DROP BOMBS ON JAPS. Fl ON AEROPLANES hnvo last I'lCKINO, Sept. 20, IMS n, in. The gin eminent ha limtltutcd overo meiuurr dcHlgnateiL aa mnrtat law, In eernl provlnceif and inany 'im portant cltlea. The (IMcovcry that rebel In tho capital wero preparing to tako ndtautago of tho govern ment' prcHcnt financial nnd diplo matic difficulties, I caualng acorc of arrcM and many execution, ac cording to Chinese report. ToHtal rommunlcatlon with Tlng Tail wn terminated by tho Japanese jeaterdny. From Information tie rled from rhlnoso nml other source In tho region of Kino Chow It np pear thnt Japaneae Infantry and cavalry are proceeding from I.um; ICow, to Invent Tlng Tail before landing lega nrtlllery ut soma near harbor. Tho Japanese legation atntc that roadn iiiuhI bo constructed before heavy uuiih can bo trnnvportod to po sition near the Gorman atronghold Oermans In tho Kino Chow dls trict report tnnt an noroplano huc- cefully dropped bomb on tho Jnp neo troop north of I'lng-Tu, killing SO and wounding 30 other. Tho foreign correspondent at Tlng Tn havo been tlencod. A correspond ent ut Clio Foo report (hat mombor of tho CIiIiioho Itod Cross to tho num. her of -M hnvo arrived thoro from Rhanghul nml established n hospital In u hotel. PAWS, Sept. Ill, .. Ill 1 1. m.- The oflicinl htiiteiiieiil uivui out ill I'ltlih (hi uftenioou hiivh the Kreueli have iiilviiueed on the rll.l hank of the Oifo, Hint the (lermnn nre lirinini: reliirureemeiiU from I.orrnlnc to Ihn river Aihiie; lliul (he iiiemv i hold-iii- firm on the eentcr, nml Hint the nrmy of the tlennaii crown pnncc continue to retreat. The text of the1 hlnlcuicnt in iih follow-: "Fiol mi our left whur, on the HkIiI lunik of (he river OUe, in the direction of Noyon, w.j have udviiue eil. We hold nil tho hcighlx of the n'ulit bunk of tin AUue. oppoHlte nn enemy who heemn to he reinforcing liiiiiKelf by (ho hriugitiK of trooM from Lnrriiiue. "Sceonil, in center llie (leimrius have not luou'il fmm tlm deep IrciichcH eoiixtnieleil by them. On our right wine the nniy of the Oer iiiiiii cnwu prinec coutiiiueH iln movement of retreat. Our udvuiico in Lorraine h regular. "StimmiiiK up, the two opKiiin nr mice, xtnmgly entrenched, nre ileliv. iriiif,' I'tiitini nltnekx Jtlonj,' the entire frnut, uillmut it hcir Kiih)o to recoril liny decisive icnult for one tide or the other.'' CARRANZAIO BE AI WAN BAY CAPTURING TRAIN TOKIO, Sept. II). The .Jiiniie.e impennl triioM,.eo-oifriitiu Willi the JnpuncMU fleet, litnileil nt l.nuhiui Hay, Septeiiiher18, noeonliiiK to of ficial aniioiiucement lodnv. The cnvnlry on Heiileinher 17 enp tureil Kino Cliuw" htntiou mid circd u I ruin. Amon'lliu paHHeugem im (lie proiilciit ofj4lie Shnn Tiin rnil- wny, who wiih mane n iiriHouer. Theie wiik notreMtance to the .liiiMiii'he Inniliiiit ut IJiuhliiin. A Ci'iiernl ntlnek of T-iug Tuu U Ihouulil here to he imminent. PKKINO, Sept. 111. -AeeonliiiK to the iiilonimtioti received here, the fii flenmiu officer to he killed he fore Tt-lna Tun wiih Jin run von Ki euhneh, wlm, premiiH to pimj; to Kino Chow, whk Necoml fecretnry of me uermun icmuion nt I'eKin'. lie met hit. den Ih in n ulunui-h Scplein her 10 hctweeu inhume jjimrtln nt I.iti Tin?. The Sim ii Tuiijr. nnlwny, tlic presi dent of which xtun mnde n prisoner by tho Jiiniico, k Oenunti owned nml wnn opened in 1DUI. The mniii lino cxlemln froui'Txiti Tnu wot to Tmiiiiii. The enptur" of the htntioii ut Kino Chow wu4 eailier reported in newt ilUpntelicit. SUDDEN tIMP . mm wm DAY AND NIGH I H I AM T V HARBORS All-Night Filibuster by Senator Bur ton and Associates to Knock Out Appropriations for Columbia River and Other Streams President Re ported in Favor of Abandonment. RATE CASE TO BE REOPENED FO RAILROADS 72 LIVES LOST WHEN LEGGETT AT SEA CANDIDATE WASHINGTON', Sept. lbV-Th Vrolithle outcome of llmiKlibcnitioiu Of thn national comcutiou of militnry liml political lender in Mexico City October 1, when u proiional prcM. ilrut will he chotcn, wim n topic of iIIhciInmoii nmoui; iiiliniuinl ration of .'IrlnU here today. Tho undcrMuud injr here ih that (Icncrnl Cnrrnnin will resign m) tirxt chief uml thnt Kcnintido Iglehins Cnldcrou, lender f tho liberal wnty in Mexico, will he numcii proviKioual pr.'Milent. Cnlde ion will conduct n uenernl elc'tion, in which Cnrrmun c.K'cls to he -. vnniliditte. CIIICAOO, Sept. 10. -Wheat mnde n Middcri jump loilay of more than i cents n husliel. 'AHtonioliintr utrength of price ut I.iverjH)ol war. lnrsely re hponililc. Supplies there were re ported lo he ilimiiiitihiii(f. I)i patches wero ut SftW Ui.-ertiiiK' Mint ICiuiMiK milU Mere hcllinirull the flour they could make to u nbroud. AC-tt-r oiwninjr ll.. to IIU hialier. the innfket rcuuttil Nnmewhut, but (tiifk J)- in i lied upward npiin. Con INDUSTRIAL FAIR MRS . H. A. 1 LADIES GOLF CHAMPION (JMWCUVHi N. '., Hii. 10. Ml. II. Alllolll JlH'kkOII III' lll0ll (ton llie uiiiimiiI'm iiuIIoiiiiI golf clmm iioMlll liern llll iilli'lliooii, ileli'iil UK Ml" KlHhlf II, V. illiocnlliiil ol C'llli'uyit, hum up, (lol.l Hill, tlio I'tii-i of tlm ItoKiio liiwi' valley, when it ioiiich to gnicly, in holding it h hccoml miil-vuiloy fair today, nml ilcpilo tiufuxoruhle weather comlltiimH,!,! hUgivurdwdih, in iitlcnilniicc, A ileli'ulion fefu (In cny iiiik moiniiiK' tor iiie ichjiucH, uml uiiollivi' ileleKiitio'ii will lea ye l)i k ufleiiioim uml cvcniiitf. A Hilver hi! limit hitmpiel will he hcrvcd to til iiomerH thU al'funiooii nml a pinui'iim of iilhlellu uveiiln Ik being given. A ihiiicn will clmrn thn ilny, Lending clli.cnx of the (own, headed by Jon lleciiiuii, nic imniilliiu' uroiiiiil iim Cii. iiIIiiiiiiiIuii. Mi'iiiiiuiUng I im ram. pnnl nn In nun rrnncikcii on New Vial' etc, iii'i'iiiiliuir lo iipoiU IiioiimIiI h'ick I'niiii Hie IIiIiik lliie. The Imvn Hii'idy I Imlilluir II hiiiiuuI I'lnilu in coiiiifclloii t lib Ibv full' GUN TO STOP WORK According to Ivlepliouo report to day, L. 1). Dollarhidv, proprietor of tlio Dollarliide tool roud, lias halted work on the Pacific, highway neur his place with u hhotgun. The county necured u right of way over the Del laihiilo laud, hut the property in question is mi id to be ,'overument land nml lollaihiilo cluiius hole right to run u voad ncros.4 it through the territorial frunchiMi grunted for u toll roud before llie creation of tho Ktuto of Oregon nt IcitHt this i tltu ver'hlon given hy Ihn workmen Ihnat eiicd hy Dollarliide. The mutter him been referred to the county utloiney, Willi in iiivestigittinif tl,e Shiio. POWDER FACTORIES "'H0,MI?,.8eiit, IP, by -way of prU, Ii 05 p, in, Keporta received hry atato that tho faitorle of Austria In which explosives uro manufactured uro being worked to their capacity day anil night. ArtordltiK to tho correspondent of tho Mvniauoro at Trieste, tho muni cipal Htilhorltlu of Trieste, whero the great hulk of tho population I Italian havo refused lo permit a po rial thurch nomIiv Imploring victor for AuiMiImii uruis, mi llio hiouhiU J hut (be war I roiilrary q iu tvntJ. Hlif ( fit hu iKtu pf tho tlly, m wiih more active nnd higher, mainly iih- Uie rult of export hiini. ui'HK dirlocd luxt night. Offerings were rather light. TTHi oKning', which' riugcd frotu.H ( IV-i '1. 'as fol lowed hy n udditioiiul piin. Oats climbed with other cercnN. Shorth were cons-picuous, on the buy ing' tide. Higher prices! for lms hc!cd to lift provision, but demand was not urgent. After n further usceut vuluo eased off ou in;; to reports Hint the advance would ciiiiho receipts northward to enlurge. The cloe wm.' unsettled ut l'i to U centu uhove last night. Afterward the market receded with wheat. Tho close un uenous ut lfa to 1 to IVa et ndvnnnce. MINE OWNEI SEND DELEGATION TOiCAPtTAL i lit 1IKNVKU, Colo., Sept. lO.Colo. ntdo coal mino owners met here to day to select n delegation to wait upon President WiUou in 'hhing ton next W'edmday nnd convey to him the objections of the operators to certain features pf the federal truce plan for cnilinj,' tho coal min ers' strike. It already has been nn luninccd that the different compan ies will make individual replies to the letter in which tho uresident urged acceptance of the pence proposal ilrtiwn up by llywel Dnvies uml Wil Kuin, It. J'niilev, iiu'dhton uppOiut'eil hyt tho secietiirv of labor. DIVIDEND PASSED ;?!!,. BYiGAS TRUST WASIIINOTON. fcpt. 111. The day and night ffcht -jii the river nml hurhor hill in the fcunte showed signs of n break today with victory for the filihuiterin republicans, when it became known that President Wilson favored ahamioniii the liiil and sUhslilutinir n new resolution to unpropriutc $P2,00l.Cli0 lo $l.").0i'0,- 000 to continue only those projects under wny. The. original bill jiro (Kiscd ..":,000,0()ll. OfllcitiN said the president VKev ed the hill should 1j uhandoned in its present form, becnu-e gmeriimcnt Jevpimes already fulliuu becntise of the Kuropean war. must be supple mented hy n wur tnx. The economy measure will extend all ulniijr the line, even increases u salaries In of ficials will be abandoned. Ilet for FilibuMcrs About noon Senator Norrw imH'd into the chamber, lejninjc on u cnue. So however, the filihiisterers got n rest, consenting to let (he majority take up the rending of the bill item hy item, with the un lervtnnding' that there would ho no limitation m amendments. The democratic sena tors sought information on the presi dent's (msitiou uml declared they would meanwhile cou'inuo the fight for the bill. Shortly after 0 o'clock this mom- injr, when Senator Burton had occu pied the floor more , tlinu twelve hours. Senator Kcnvi.n tsIUVf.l liim nnmnierut'iv Muecdkljin forcinp 'v 'jluwl((9ij'A'lMj5t o'C-iiio quorum. 4!iTriifcrtiV"fim: Nvuittoget senn- Interstate Commerce Commission Agrees to Reconsider Decision Re- gardlnrj Increase of Five Per Cent Asked Attitude of President Sup posed to Have Influenced Body. NKW YOltlC. Sept. 10.-Ilroetori of tho Ujiltod On and Electric cor poration, which operate gas, elec trio light ami ttroot railway compa- nle In various parta of tho west and south uiiiiouutod today tho suspen sion of tho seiiil-uiiiuul threo per cent dividend on tho first preferred stock, Tho amount of till atork otitvtaud fiiK I fU,:3S,UI)0, In UkltiK this action tho illicilor asserted that bo. causit of I ho lliianclul iiom, It w ilwipied advlssblM lo vouivrtv Ibi rtiifHiallou'it rtUHrtM. tprs to the chamber, Senator Hans dell proposed that the scrgeant-ut-arm-, he directed to icmict the at tendance or all seuutirs now out if llie city, ns curlier ordi rs had npnlicd only to tlioc in Washinplon. The or der was agreed to after Senator Ken .von made an unsuccessful attempt to secure nn nmeudment exeinptiiif; sen ators engaged in political campaigns. When he ipiit ttilkinjr Senntor Burton left tho chamber to uct sonto sleep. IteiritftgUHl Senate It vvus n red-eyed, bedraggled sen ate that snt in solemn silence and lis tened to interminable criticisms of the measure today. Kor the senate vvns suffering from th effects of un ull-nighl session. Democratic lead er of the Semite, ablr.s'iiprWted in loint of utimhers, had brought to bear ever' parlianicntarVlieck they COIUil filtd. ill HU "effort 'to lircnk- llie ,3oiUriuou''f ffclw pf.rilr ninj harbor ilifonmumii hn parted tiy Senator Hurtou. rntehinKr parliunientury strategy for stiittegy, Senator Dur ton, however, held the floor mid ssike houietimes to an almost empty cltufnber, nnd whenever ho could to a full nt tendance brought hy a care fully engineered demand for u quo rum. . EMPTYWLLAGES T WASIIINOTON, Sept. II). The in tcrstntc commerce commission today decided to reopen thn eastern rata ndvnnnce case nnd will hcin hearing- on October 10. The decision of the commission comes iikiii the rccc.it application of the nmds, which wn made nftcr President WiNon had icceivcd a rep- resentntivc committee of railway oreMdcnts nt the white house. How fnr thnt conference ir.ny have gone toward preparing llie wny for n rc- DN-nini; of the case h not known. It was said nt the time that the railway men usked the president for un np jeal to the countrj' to treat the rail roads in n spirit of oopcration, nnd the president resMiii'lcd by sending n sympathetic letter to Chairman Frank Trumbull of the Chc.Micnkc & Ohio. The railroads aUo rskrd the com mission to modify its recent decision, which granted increases west of Pittsburg, nnd denied nil iucrcasci between the Great Lake, and the At lantic seaboard. Under, the Jaw the commission cannot modify tfint or der without hcnrings; the decision to reopen the ense brings the whole uetion up again for review, in which the railroads will press for llie ." iwr cent increases throughout the territory eiist of the Mississippi nnad north of the Ohio and Potomac; rivers. Western rnilroiids already art? prc- purjnje flppljciittonii for Hicrejjfevm fryj(frJe?KH.rtha uh'th'e? Mn-ml-iW Jbgtn i trtt't) -rdieaifux ' It will hlivo substantially before it applica tions for increased freight rates from the-Atlantic lo the Pacific. HEAVY RAINS SLACKEN HEAVY ARTILLERY FIRE IKS Only Two Aboard Steamer Resetted -Dtcklead Shifts in Heavy late and Vessel Turns Turtle Sixty Miles South of Columbia Surviv ors Picked Up by leaver ami It. ABO PRZEMYSL ftanmrtQ J lYicmyl,Jln;Cla- LONDON, Sept. 19t 3:33 p, ui. TelegruphliiR from. -Amsterdam a cor respondent of the ContralNows says a Ulspatch ha from Yletiua't tae villages aroua jrva. bftvo bqeavacauatcjl by their InhabtUhtB oft libi 61AA otHho Aus trlttnmlllluryl,autlidrlVtU''Tho vil lagers havo boon, .ecut to .tho west ward, )Cntrenchmenta aro being dug nil around Przemy! uml tho fortress which ha a garrison of 00,000 men, has been provisioned for two )vars. PAUIS, Sept. 10. 0:'J0 a. in. Fragiuenth of iiewu from the fron confirm the serious character of the vjoinbat on the Alue. Some of thetn wounded on Thursday, who have ar rived here, say the lighting vvns oven more violent titan on the Ma me, nnd that tho losses on both sides must bo heavier. The Kugtisii, as on the Murue, nre hearing the brunt of tlio counter attacks nnd aa conductim? themselves brilliantly. After a four days' constant huru meriii tho Gorman mtillery slacken ed its fire last evening' during1 u heavy downpour of rain which lasted all night. The trenches must have been nearly filled with water, dimin ishing greatly the advantage of tint defense works ptepared hy the Oer maiis nnd at tho miiiio time, adding to the sufferings of the wounded. Keturmug' confidence is shown in tho return to Paris of many who took refuge in lloideuux and other pro. vincial towns on the approach of the; Germans. Some of tho new simpers ASTORIA, Ore, Sept. 19. TlM San Francisco and Portland steam ship Dearer, Captain Edward Maaea, docked at her pier here at 12:30 o'clock today bringing amoag her passengers ono aurvlvor from the wreck of the steamer Kraacle II. Leggett, which sank In a gale yes terday about 60 miles south of tk Columbia river. The survivor was Alexander Farroll, a paseesger, who was confined to his stateroom by ex haustion aftcn ten hours of float ing about In tho seas from 3 o'clock p. m. of Friday until 1:30 a. m. this morning. The Dearer wn not In sight aor in contact with the lost ship, but raa Into her wreckage about midnight, at which time she found the Associated Oil Steamship Frank H. Duck there, with ono man already saved and eat board tho tanker and her boats out searching for more. As the Beaver lined up, tho lifeboat from the Buck came alongside and asked that Far roll, Just recovered, be takes ea board and the unfortunate hmb wm brought on board aad glrea ere'ry possible care and attention hi ex hausted condition demaaded. Load Shift fat Gate During a heavy gale aad la a ter rific tea the deckload oa the Leggett shifted suddealy. The vessel eap slzed Instantly and sank before heat could be lowered:. -2 ,. .-.., ... . ., , The captain of the ateaaier Daisy Putnam, which arrived ia pert Jut before the Dearer, say he saw five or six vessels playing searchlights oa dno central point, presumed to he tto wreckage of the Leggett, at '! o'clock this moralBg. lie was sat equipped with wireless and could set learn tho trouble, but evidently the i boat were searching for survivors ol tho wreck. In his berth aboard the steamer Dcaver, Farrell told of the thrilling experiences connected with the slak ing of the vessel aad his miraculous escape. He said: Wreck Dencribed "I am at a loss fer words to de scribe tho terrible disaster. To be gin with wo loft Gray's Harbor at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, Tho crow and passengers together numbered, I think, about 75 persons. We had no troublo in crossing the bar but later in the day the sea be came terribly rough and the wavei rolled mountain high. In the after noon condition became worse and tho Leggett began to pound heavily and the captain gave orders to Jetll- , son the deckload. Soon after the seas swept off the hatches aad the hold began to fill with water. I think this was about 3 o'clock la the afternoon. Some time before thla Captain Jensen, a passenger, but who now seemed to take charge of the ship, ordered the passengers iutj (Continued oa sag 1.) LLOYDGEORGESAYS teiiuiornrjlyjut. IJordy Jjisjro getting reurtp"1uU, y'eguiu. Tlm fljiuly Muil "comes back today. The p eminent, however, will prohiibly remain uiiiu uie war is practical' ended. LOSS OF SUBMARINE REPORTED IV BRITISH LONDON', Sept. l), (Jj,1 p, in, -The JltilUh iiilmiiiiltv iiiiiioiiiict'd llio o of hu wiihiiinrlue AIM, helunif. jug lo Ihn Auliiilluii licet. No ie lull iii'ie given ju the cuh I'ri'W the Autliulluu uoviTi'rll D'jwrl injf hi MONTENEGRIN PORT UNDER BOMBARDMENT LONDON, Sept. 19, 8: 52 a. m.-. h dispatch from Uomo the cor. respondent of the. Kxthange Telegraph lompuuy say that six Austrian top pedo boat have bombarded AMI vurl, u forllfled port of Moutvuegro, They mude a umM, but frulll ef( fort Ut destroy tho Vmuvk wrlf slallwu, Ku da wage wa luflMtM H IhvlwwH WA UNAVOHM E LONDON", Sei. 10, I p. m. "TJivro is no mini in this hull who throughout his political life has re guided the prospect of engaging in war with greater repugiiuuce ikuji myself. There is no man either in side or outside thU hull who is more convinced thuu I that wo could net hayo avoided the present wur with out national dishonor.'' r This was the text of u which David LloytLGeorge, eiis lor of tho ei.'HWHr, uuide U Queen's hull this u(tntum to are WeNli ciiiiishhi ft Kild Ufkii Klli'lifiiuiJ new army, T)hi tJkwmi' , lor went on u uy ha nay Um which ilUrMid4 U mmUmu4 hniKir WH dmwstl uh4 Chmi Mfkak mtm hirnwd hy Unmrntk iMlmlLm to MmA ll ItrlrpaiiiliiMir. mHt ti iMwUy K mtm -.! 'i x 4 VI , '$. r il ! -il a A l il I - I I 'll 1 4i '3 i