aircnp'om) man, tr!ihtnk aircnFoni), okkoox, fi.tday, HEPTEMracrt is, 1011 PAOTJ TjTVK -? -vr Tit- jri--f r NK APPLE ESTIMATES 1 E 1 Huiiiidlino K tlrtoroiu proles' wiih limlllulod ly A. . Iliitoliiun. vlii.iri"lil('Ht of Hit' NortlittOHtorn I'llllt KM'lllUIUfl. Upon tlm Muuri'A lilvnn out hy t ho Movi'rniiiuiU us nil iMlliniilo mi lint iiiirlliwi'nti'ni upplo crop fur Hi" prtwiit m'uiion. Tim uovqi mucin report for Hid nl ii I ii (if Miintium, IiIiiIiii, Wnslilmr imi, mill om'koii wm i:i,:ni(i,niio luish nls. Tills. Ik wiih wild liy those who limit nxroptliiii to tlm (Inures, wn nl iniiHt ilniililn In renllt) lln iinrlliwiml urup. An (xplnimllon o( IIiIh null unit o wan usluid from llm United Htiitoa deptirtiuonl of iiKrlciillure. In ruply they hnvo nnld (lutt practically every fiirm In liilum liilo consldera lion, in) mutter how ureal or how miuill tlm tiri'luiril anil tluil under lliemi clrriiniiiliiiiii'H mi nllinnlii or lliu tipple production would fur ex ceed Hint or till) nrlnnl coininerrliil crop. As ii mutter of fnrt It In mild Hint liiYitMlKiillun of thin iipnrtniiit In recent years linn liulltuted that ap proximately only to pur cunt of the totnl )li'ld I commiirclnl. Tlio jntitel t'UllinntcH, lis suhmllted hy Mr. Ilittehiim a ml tlm offlclnl ro porter of tlio Xorthttoiturn I'ruP KxchaiiKit. which hroiiKht nliout Iheso iniiipnrliKitin, was approximately K. onn.ixlu for tlio northwest. Tlio department further state that lilMciul of n crop tnr In excess of tlio 11112 crop, which wan 8Sfi. xxfl.oou titmliflii for tlm United Mates tint jlid.l thin eur will approximate 2IO.:tiill.0IH) IiiihIh'Ih. W'IiIId (hi W rtiiiinwlint lurccr than Iho yield of l!iS whli'h wnM I IB.ilOO.tinil liimhcls It will h n relief In know that It will ho mmiio jr.,()OI),UllO ImihIidIs less tiuiii i!ir.'. Thom remains ttmn than tnn.000.. Din) hiiihcl or commercial apples to Im piorketed In llm United States Ihh inr, ariordlnc to tlio 10 per con'. Imsls, mid If HiIh purrrnnKo hold ttooiU ouerolly, men with tlm war nml lOtlii'i lniK-ntioo, wlilrh have, lioen Krenlly featured recently, one. ran' almost lielluvn that UiIiik nr mil mi hail nfter all. t MYSTERY A! THE IT Synopsis of PreredhiK llplnodes -llarKrcnM', tlm millionaire, a traitor iimiiilmr of Urn "lllnck llunrtrod" dar ingly itainpoK from their U'lircnnco hi a Imllnoii which In wrecked nt en Dim million itolnm mHlerlouly ills appear from IlnrKreovo's nnfo. Tlm Mack Hundred" nre determliii'd t" Kot It. They fall to find It In llnr r.renvii'n Iioiiio. A flendlnh nttempt to lildnnp Florence, HarKrenvoV lieau. tlful daughter, Ik foiled by Norton Next, they lireak Into n lonoly wnro hotiNo at mldnlKht, force open n niifo nml at (lint moment flint thpmnolvcH mirroumlml, all heliiK raptured except limine, tholr lender, who maken n ilnrliiK ecnK. Foiled aKln, they lure I'lorenro to u top floor tint, trap her, hut ahv thwart thum. Again they Kchoino; Kloretico despair nnd .lone, alarmed, remove n tin liox from It iiccret hldlnit place, HteulK nwny with It, hut U piirHtiud liv llraluo and it confederate. A thrill Iiik motor hoat chano endii In n com pinto unit of tlio puruer, Jnnc KpeedliiK nafoly nwny nml tlio tin liu, nllll uuoponed, lying nt tlio bot tom of tlio Hen. DeHpernte they next luro KJiironro nml Jone lo on old mnimliiu, trap Florence, hut, In tlio nlclc of tliuo Norton nud Jnnon ren cun lier'nud while .lonca ImttloH win ltl hnndiid with tlm piiriiora, I-'lor-(inco nml Norton gallop away, UplHodo No. 7 The Doom of tlio Auto llaiidllri, The hnttlu wnui'H more florcoly. Hhnrpor lieroiuvn the fight fit wit. Tlio 'lllnckllundriHl" now leoort to tlio nuto ImndltH, I lav Iiik dlKcovvrvd Hint Folioiiro rlilos homohnak every morning, nccoinpn iilml only by hor riding nmstor, they fm m ii now attack. 'Florence nud the tiding Minuter ride alonn (ho liver toad, A file alarm i'iuuom tlm ilillng iiuiBter to flue hack to lilti Hluhli'H, Floreilci) lido pu nlouo, Tlm Imp hn n (irked mid nftnr hoiiio ovi'ltlng ni'tlou, Florence Ih round In tlio tollH of (ho haudltH, u prlnonor In a lonely hut. Norton appearing on Hie menu of tlm fire, mooh the rid ing niiiHler lelurii itlono, fnnrn tronclt. nry, Jump Into mi unto mid Hpeud nut ovnr llm liver road, I hi Iruce tho hIkiih of iilruggllug In Hu loimly hut -HiiiuHlum lit llm door, flithln n ton Kin Imi I In villi llm guarding IhiiiiIII mnl win, Tlmlr oHcapn mid llm ptirxull hy Hin leiiinliilnu Imndlla t It t tl Ih wild milmi mnl miiU In (hi imul imniiiliiihlii milii illHimli'i' over llliiniil, Al II Tlmulur limlitlil inn) mini' ilu I'lhu IU niilK. COMPILED ill Mil I lteiort(iil hy JnckHon County Ah tract Co,, Olxth mid Fir lit. Clrciilt V, J I. NorernM vh. (leo. A. Hut Motlmi to open up aid iIIhhoIvii older ami to allow (leo. Ilntx lo appear n nun of llm dereiidaut. W. A. loodrlilgo v. V. II. llnr vny and W. II, llnrvey a iiilinlnl trntor of tlio mUaln of MarKnret A. Harvey nml K. Ilnrwiy rind Opal Harvey. InfnutM. Hull In it'iully to foreclore iiiortgiige. , I'l'ohnti) In the nutate or .lonepli Wnlter do lenHed. I'etlllou to niipolnt iidmlii' iHtrator with will annexed. In (he matter or the nutate or John 0. Wlillulirnd. Order to how rnu'e why i 'ii I eMntu nhould nit hn found, III (he matter of tlio entitle of Juu. (I, Hinlth, deren(iil. 1'etltlon to proliate will nnd appoint executor. Mmilnue l,l(en.( Kniuilel I. (Ivhh nud IIiiKcllun Jnlinnon, Meal IMule 'rrmikfer Mollln T. lllmK, executrix to K. I'. Wallnio, V. .J lot 10, CroHtbrook Orchard Trnct. deed I. O. 0. I LodRo Medford, lo II. I. Wnllhcr. lot 2, hlk. 17, Odd Fellow Cemetery, cemetery deed Molllu T, ttlank, widow, lo K. I'. Wallace, V. 4 of lot 1C. CioMbrook Orchard TriiclH, Q. C. I). . . .. 3fi2 ASHLAND NOTES Anxiety over what might pukmIIiIy deeloi Into n enne of h)dropholiln U helur. eaiiHed here pending medlral In tentlgatlou. haul Juno Alvlu II. Chapman, living In the Klughury Spring neighborhood, Houlhcnitl ot (own. wit bitten by n pup which had accidentally been kicked nud wnt parnbieil. Later on not only tlm dim, but vuvernl other nnlmal In eluding n row, died under HUplclou clrcum'tance. In tho meantime- .Mr. Chapman ha gone to Portland to ieok medical advice. Ho left WVdncxilay ewnlng, taking nlnur. with him the row'n head which wilt be itiilnnltled to nu examination nt the hand of pattlcur expert to deter mlno If there aro trace of r.tble. Quite a number of former Aidilani! reldnl, or the relatives nt local pardon who wlir; marooned In !.u rope, hno either returned or uro on tint wny llev. Frnnk llrlgg. broth er of A. C. llrlgg of tho local fruit iiHuorlatlou, lit F.iiKlnud nt Ian' ncroiinlH, expecting to nll Sopteinber 10. lie wn iircompnuh'il by hU fnmlly mid me( with hoiiio lutorotliig experlenci'ii In (lermmiy, notably nt Dremlen nnd llerllu. Ho Hpeuk lit high term of the uniform courtoy or (lerman official. From llcrlln he went to the Hague, ltev. 8. M. Dor- rnnre, former rector of Trinity church here, landed In Honton September C. Hit canio oxer on the l.aronln of tlm Ctiunrd lino, nnd not w'llliHtniulluK tho vomol wn pnlntod pronounced tiltrnmnrluo huo In or der to dUtract ntlentlon, It wn hnlted twice on tho wny over by Ilrlt IhIi crulner. Over U00 repatriated Amcrlcaiu went among tho l.nconln'u pnBioilKcr. Ml Ilerllin Cawe, nUlnr of Mr. F. 1). Wngner, remain In MnrnelllnM, tamthcrn Frnnco. Sho I mi nrt Htudent mid writer, nnd re port condition not far removed front tho iiormnl in Hint locality, Mm, II. II. Day, mint of Man.tgo Nev, combo of the West urn Union, In KiippOHeil to hnvo iinllud homo front Franco hoiiio time since, but hna not been heard from recently. Slio had been traveling oxtunnlvely on tho con llnonl. hnv. K. II. HIckH, former pastor of tlm local lluptlst church, who Rtnrtcd hoiiio two lnnntliH ago, iicroiuiinulcd by n I.nuo county friend on it tour around tlio world, tho ob jective point being a visit lo tho Holy l.mid, ha dropped a, at night fo Hut tliuo lining, but In mippocd (o bo otltl(lo of tho Bphero of the' Kuro peau wnr xono. Kenneth .McWIUIam, Mnrgnrot I'nt ternon and Marian lIodgHon loft TlturHilny for Corvnlll to enlor vnr Ioiih courHe nt the State Agricultural College. Can oil Wngner hn iiIho ro joined hi clanHca In tho HPloutlflc coiimo nt tho State University nt Kit gene. Mr. Win. I'alteihon nurled for Portland Thurmlay, where who will pit tho rail nud winter montliH with jior two duughlorH who reldo In lh' vicinity of Hio motropollrt, (leiieiul Hitpeiiiilondciit l.eo, or Urn )oiii0 Ivaulu linen, accompanied by liU family mnl Invited giidl occu pyluK it private car, punned Ihioiigh roiilli TliiiiHday evening on till ex leiiilml lour which will Imimlo llm Ciiuaillau roiiile, niilliinal parlm, mid nil (Im iluiiiiil I'luitlit ci)al i own I. w y ' loitmi Alli'iilloii, Tlm Inwu Hiniely will lipid llielr IUM llll'lllll III I'llllllluilMII wllli tlm luilu.lllul J'ir ul (lulil IHH, uv HOUSENEWS Hattirdny, Kuplombur IP, Thomi hnvliiK no coiiveyuiico inny vo In Hie DO piiHiigor I'acknrd nuto which will leavo llm Kxhlblt build lug nt 0 .10 it, m. J'nro for tlio round (tip r.Or. Hold lllll wilt give im nn Iowa comer mid n fine tlmo I nHxtired. All lowntiK In tho valley nro Invito I to bring one or thonn old (Imp dlnnor luiHkot le tlio meat, wo will till eat Ft on linked Kulliiou. COM.MITTKi:. SUIT TO FOmiCMIKF.A i:ON'llt.CT ni.'CliAHI.NO TIIF. KI.Mi: A MOItT- OAfli:- HF.M.MON5. AV. If. Norcrou nud Udu M, Nor cniNH, hi wire, l'lnlutlff, v, (ieoro A. Ilulr, Dofendnnt, To Oeorgn A. Ilutx, thu almve named defendant. in tiii: Nash: of run static OF OltCao.N, you nro hereby reoulrcd to nppctir nnd miNWer tilnlntirr' com plaint now on file ngalnU you In tho above untitled court nml can ho on or boforn Friday, the 18th day of Sep tember, 10H, which ilnto In mihro (iient to tlio expiration or nix week rrotn tho 7th day of AugiiRt, 1011, which I tho dntu of tli flrnt pub lication or till HUiuirioii", mid ).i nro hureby notified ir you rail to np pear and nnwer, ror want tlierenf, plaintiff will npply to tlm court for thu roller prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt: Thnt plaintiff do hnvo nnd recover Judgment ngalnxt you for tho cum of 13480 US. with Intercut (hereon from Juno 7, 191 a, nt the rnto of r, por( i ''in per minimi, logeiuer witn mo further Mini or f.100 nttoruey' fee, nnd coms nnd cllbiiroment horclu mid In rnld cult Incurred, together with hiicIi other mid further nun as upon an accounting had for tlio naro nnd ronervntlon of tlio fruit treoi ntul fruit crop on raid piemlne a may bo round duo unto plaintiff: That tho contract attached to plain tiff' complaint nnd marked Kxhlblt "A," be decreed to bo n mortgage In uocurlty or tho above mentioned amounts; thnt (ho promised (herein dorrlheil, situate In Jacktion Colin (' Oregon, (o-wlc lleglnnlug nt a point which I rIx leen nnd IP-100 chain North or Hut Southc-iiM corner or the Tlioiiim Hop wood llounllon Land Claim number Flfl)-fln (r.r.) Iii TowiiNblp Thirty eveil (37) RoilHl, Itango Two (2) Went Willamette Meridian, nnd run ning thenco North flvo nnd 130 00 chains to nu Iron pout In tlm Count rond; thenco Knit Kleven nnd 10-100 chain; thonco South Flvo nnd 2.'l-10fi chain; thonco Wcit F.lovcn nnd 10 100 chnlu to placo of beginning, con taining flvo nnd SO. 1 00 acre or land, ftnvo nnd excepting therefrom n 'trip of Imul twenty (20) feet wldo extending along nnd tnken from the west Hide of nbovo -ileHcrllicil tract, tint Hnmo Uilng renerved for public nil right, tltlu nud Intcrrst In nud to raid described premle. or nny pnrt nnld nevernl hiiiii mid Intercut there on; that defendant bo foreclosed of road purpone. bo Hold n upon exe cution for tho purpoio of ntlHfln; or parcel thereof, mibject only lo tho right nf redemption aa by law pro vided, nnd thnt dfcndnnt bo debarred nud enjoined from nuKortlug Any In eret therein, Hiibjcct only In unh redemption right n provided by law; Hint plaintiff bo plnrcd lit ponsoHnlon of nnld premlre nud tho whole there or nnd Hint they hnvo mich other nnd further relief nn to tho Court may reom In good coiiKclenco Just nnd iMjultnblo. ThU HummniiR I publlhcd In tho Medford Mall Tribune, n nowpnior published dally nud regularly nt Med ford, Jnckoii County, Oregon, by or der of Hie Honorable Frank M. Calk in, .ludgo of tho nbovo entitled court, mndo on tlio Gth day or August, 1PH. directing nnld auiumonn to bo pub UhIumI onco n week for Mx nnccesslvo week, the first publlcntlon thereof bolug on Friday, tho 7th day of AtiB uit, 19H. W. I. VAWTKH. Attorney for Plaintiff. NEW TODAY Speaking uf l)l'enlfleil I'iuiiiIiik No. 1 32 acre of orchard, nnd nl fnlfn, plenty or both, fine Jeroy cowh; fluo bungalow mnl other buildings, In center of vnlley on paved hlgh wny. hook It over. It Is innkln good money nnd priced nt 1 11,000. There nro fUOOO.OO worth of low proteiiumts. No. 2 - CO acres, iindor Irrigation, tho finest, chenpoat opemteil system In thu vnlley, 20 acre of flvo-ycar-nld penr In fine shitpe, the bnlauco l Ideal dairy nnd garden, uud farm pro position. Good bungalow, stock nnd oquinmenlB. hook It over nt $12, 000.00. C. D. HOON WHY? STOCK 1UNCII It Is my business to uuow tlio best buy In Jncksan county nnd ttavo It optioned nt tlio lowest cash price. Thnt best buy today Is n 100 ncro stock much, 100 acres loam soil, Ir rigated, now In grain nnd nlfalfa No hotter alfalfa land lit JacKaon county, ditch built covering 140 ncroa, perfect wator right, nlouo worth 110,000.00. Thin laud lie butwe-ou tho Apple gntu river mid thu foot bills, nil bot tom land, best of range, must de lightful climate, no snow or fog. Mudurii, now bungalow, barns, fuiici,s, corrnll mid oichurd all ready, This place hIiouIiI bring f 35,000,00 will fell for $18,000.00, liuir, cash, f'jooQ worth of niuclilnery ami stupk wlli place, hleul homo unit slupb raticii. Hest I have out offered, I'lrM Nl'l IImiiU lllilg.. liiomi IV'l-' J, C. BARNES POUTIOAL OAnpS I'ou countv ltFCoitnnit. I horoby announce myxulf n tlio ileuiocrnllc candidate for tlio offlca of county recorder of Jncl;on coun ty, to bo voled on nl Hid, perioral election on Kovcinlior 3, IOM. If olocted, I will do my duty im f Jinvo In other rcuporinlblo ponlllon (hat f hnvo hold. UM U. JACOIIB. (I'nlil Adv.) COHO.VIMI. I wIhIi lo plnro my nntno bcfori tho voter of ,lurkon county n nn Inifuimndeiit cnndldato for county cor oner. .JOHN A. I'F.ltl,. (I'nlil Adv.) FOIt MIF.IHFP I hereby announce myrelf nn tlm democrntlc nominee for nherlff of .InckHon count to bo voted on nt tho general election November 3, 19M. .1. F. HITTflON. (IMId Adv.) FOIt IIK.ST- ll'lt.MHMi;!) ItOOMH FOIt HUNT l'leannl room cIoho In, vury rensonnble. 237 North Cen tral, phono tr,-j. irr sr. ,,:: -! j.1 '- t j ire foh hi:xt ili:m.siii;i aits. FOIt ItKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modsrn bousokcoploit apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phone 247-L. 222 South Holly strcnt. s fou iti;.M nucsr? FOH ItKNT Cooil tlx room hoiifie, clone to school $.".oo. Humphrey. 15 i:. Mnln St. 257 FOIt ItF.NT Unfurnished or nicely furnlhe(l fho room bungalow, tloso In, 417 Jay St.. corner So. Onkdnlo nnd Jay St. 1'." FOIt ItKNT -Six room buiignlow with full basement. 711 Knst Jackson St.. Jir, no. W. II. Kver hnrd. 1013 West Dili 81. FOIt ItKNT Wilier flvo room or hU room bungalow, close In. Might furiilnh parti), new A-l, phono 317. ovenlnga 42C-H. Foit itKNT hoi;.si:ki:i:i'1.o ItOOMH FOltitKNT riirnisliuii I hoiiVekecp Ing rooms, gns; also hnll bedroom. 234 Kast Ninth. 1CI FOIt ItKNT Modern hoiisekecpln,' rooms, gas nnd bath. Call after 4:30 p. m. Phuno 5.1-11. 219 Tul ent St., orf South Central nve- n no. . . .. . ICO FOIt ItKNT -MIM'KI.IiANKOUS FOIt ItKNT TVnm mid wagon for hunting trip) Phono 719, 101 saI.i: hi FOIt IUSUS FOU SALK Foven room bungalow, ktrlctly modcrji, lot. 50x3 1C, plenty of fruit aud-Iierrlcs, largo out bullillngs. Will oll cheap, phonn 417-M, mornings. FOIt SAI.K IIKAIi F.STATI. F7)u"sAhK--l0 acre dairy nnd hog ranch ultnnted .bno-qunrter of mtloj irom Talent,, pre., on raclilc hlgli way, nix rooin bungalow, water tower, good barn, other outbuild ings, electric lights; over half tho lain! la Hear creek bottom soil In alfalfa. If sold nt onco prlco $8000, half cash, term on re mainder. Deal direct with own er. Address P. O. box 491, Med ford; Ore. FOIt SAI.K nt a sacrifice, ono of tho best 120 ncro Iloguo river bot tom ranches In Jackson county. All level lnnd, water right for Ir rigating 100 ncres. It ou nro looking for a gcnernl farm this is our opportunity. For further In formation wrlto tlio owner, ho? 100. Medford Mnll Tribune, Med ford, Oregon. 154 FOIt SAI.R- T.IVRSIOCK FOU SAhK - Flno Jersey cow, flvo years old, gives rive gallons rich milk nor ila, freah September 0th. Jns. Campbell, Kings lllghwny. 253 FOU SAhfi hlttlo pigs; Hose and Cornice cull pears. W, J. Uurt xell, phone 4C8-J1. 2b FOU SAhK Ono span of good young work horses. Call Dr. Helms of fice 154 FOU SAhK -Two good .oung horses, cheap. Phono 539112. 155 FOU SAhK A good team, wagon mu harness. Inqulro of or wrlto Mrs. Poo, Uoguo ltlvor, Oro. 225 FOU SAhK-Cheap, n sound, black mule, eight yenrn old. Inuulro of Dr. W. It. Stokos. Phono 07-J1. 155 FOU S.hl-MI8CI.M..XI.OUS FOIt SAI.K- Hhoiln Island Ited chick uiih; itUo fruit Jars. Phono 2!t- M. 856 FOU SAhK Tomatoes for cnnnlni lc. Phono 710-M. Kii FOR SAhK Somo untliiuea mu Smt Frmiclbco flto BouuMilm. llox d. Mali Tilbuno. ' 161 FOR SAhlrl'prlKht plauor'flrHt cIohs make, until Saturday, Sep tombor 19. $100 for cash dollv oied. 237 N. Cvlitial, phono 15-J 15i FOU HAI.K Hint paying wlinlemilo mid lelull confectionery In Now Mexico. Would lake nn putt pay liieut, U kiuull, nioilein honin In Medford Fur puitlculais, addre. liox 31, llowwwll, Now Muxlco, 100 fojT"halk oihi tie w" Tnr"F VuV lor unit JoIiukoii kniiuIIhu einilnu (full be M'i'il ul Ilex plmil, I'IiihuiU I'lioiio Jf I' I PI' Ml Hit FullfnrHU JUv. Wr Uu.r i'lmiMU, UN, WAN'I l.l H1TUATIONH WANTKO Itellablo, oxiorlnccd mint with team, wnni Minrge ot stock or fruit rmicn. Almoi Wright, Phoenix. Oro. 158 wXntF.IJ Position orTfrnll or stock rnncli by experienced mnn. Ad dress box 101, roulo No, 1, Med ford, Oro. 15S WANTKD Hewing by an exper ienced drossmaker. 21 (leneseo Ht. im WANTKI) Jnpancso boy want nnr Kind of liniiso work by hour. Phono 40 J. It. Hhltnoda. ICi WANTKD MiriCF.hlANKOUH WANTKDPenV "shook In half boxes" llox 27, care Mnll Tribune, 25". WANTKO flood live man or woman to tnku the oxcIiihIvk ugency for a I sanitary telephone attachment, j Homouiing new. An excellent sell er, Investigate, Tribune. Ilox X., care Malt j 1W I WANTKI) -100 Angora goats on tho shares. Address bor K., enro Mall Tribune. 158 WANTKO Day boarders, 15.00 per week. 145 South Ivy. 257 WANTKDTo purchaso fell Im proved little ranch two to ton acres In or near Medford from partrl who will take some property nt Ilcnd, Oro.. ana somo cash. Ad dress box 313. Ilcnd, Oregon. 153 FOIt KXCHANOR FOU KXCHANGK Ineomo property for Improved alfalfa ranch with water. Address box 18, care Mnll Tribune. 151 FOU KXCHANOK For Medforl buslnesj property a general farm or 120 acres on Uoguo river, and 4S0 acres of timber pear lluettc Falls, cruises about 19.000,000 feet. This Is a gilt edgo proposi tion. What have you got to ofrcr? i Wrlto the owner, box 99. Med-1 ford Mall Tribune. 154 FOU KXCHANOK Flno stock ranches for Medford city property. Clark Hcally Co., Phlpps Illdg. KXCHANOK Want to sell or buy nnytblng7 U C Under, 114 N. Front St. Phone 125. Nuff Kcd. IXJST LOST Iluccr robo between Medford nnd tho Tom Taylor placo. Finder plenso leavo at Mall Tribune. LOST, STUAYBD OU STOLKN Small bay ntnro, branded S S on liln T 11 nn left shoulder, from my pasture on Crlfflu crock, ro'-. ward ror tniormation. it. J. nonar. phono 529-J5. 15G MONP.V TO LOAN TO LOAN We bavo money to loan on Improved country proporty at eight per cent. Phono 317, Car kins & Taylor. - - - nUHlNKSS mUKCTOKY C'arUnge OAIUIACIK Oct your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 325-L. F Y. Allen. X Stenographer SIIOK UKPAIUING First class she. repairing, on modern electric machlnos whllo you wult. K. N. Ulden, located in Kldd's Shoo Store, Phono 313J. Notary 1'iibllc HKLKN N. YOCKBY -Notary nub lie. Urlng your work to me at the sign of tho Mall Trlbuno. Instruction In Music MlT FUKD A ir on" 11 A I G HT Teacher ot piano nud harmony, an nounces season of 1914-15 begin ning September 7th. 1914. A lim ited number ot now pupils will be nccopted. Courses In harmony and musical history to all pupils this season without extra charge. Pupils recitals. Halght Music Studios. 11C South Lnurcl St., Medford, Oregon, phono 17C-U. MUS. FLOUK.NCR HALLIIUY HA1GHT Teacher of tho art ot singing, tone placement, dia phragmatic breathing, body poise, opera, oratorio, concert repertoire, classes lit sight singing nnd rend ing. Children's singing classes will bo formed. In these classes ot sK tho foundation principles ot cor rect breathing, tone placemen'., nnd sight singing will bo taught, Hnlght Music Studios, lie South Laurel St, MUS. HAhLlDAY-HAiailT W 1 1 1 also conduct u class ot younger piano pupils this season under Mr. Halght'n direction nt tho Halght Music Studios, 11C South Laurel Street. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Handy, reference for ltusy People HaliHl liny. Flour, Feeil, Ornln L. II. Drown. Russ Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Kltorsldo .........Phone G29 Cltll Kiiglueors Osgood & Drown. T. W. Os good, Asso, M, Am. Hoc, O. K. A. Theo Drown, deputy couuty survivor. Medford National Dunk llldg Pboue StJU Klei (ilo Wiring, Fixture, Nuppllusj Houthoru Oregon Klcctrlo Co,, Muxda Lamps. (I Bouth Ceutrsl Aveuuo ........,...,...,Phouo Ilfl-Y Fsriueni liiiiilumeiil Hubbard llrotbur. Full Hn of Johu Duuro uiskfi, For ip cla prices cm biiguls. 336 L'vtl MlH......,...,-l'li0U 331 Plumbing mnl llMatlug VDU 1. J'tHrwu. 33 Kurlli UfHjlMMMIMf VU( VM IIUHINF.S.S milKOTOHY AtlorJify POUTKIl J. NKFF, WM, P. M BALKY - Attornoys-nt-hnw, Hoomn 8 nnd 9, Medford NntlnnnI Hank bide. A. K. HKAMKS, LAWYBIt Coroy bldg. -Oarhott- Wm, M, ColvlK. Oeorgo M. Ilobort COLVIO & IIOHKUTS. LAWYKIIH Medford National Hank Dulldltig. II. F. MUhKKY & OKO. W. CUKUftY Attnrnoyn nt haw. Jackson Coiln ty Hank Uulldlng. NKWTON W. HOftDKN Atlornoy nl law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon. Auto Supplies LAHKU AUTO SPUING CO.We aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use our springs w)ien other fall. Bold under enar antco. 2C North Fifteenth St. Portland, Oro. !rr Chiropractor DU. A. U. HKDOK3. Dr. Louise K. Hodges Mechano-Tliornplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsta. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thcraphy, etc., prodtico results In both ncute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuol & Co., cor ner Main and UartlcU. Hours S a. m. to, 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. im. H. J. I.OCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist Kooras 203-204-205. Gnrnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massugo given; nccdlo spray, head and shoulder shower to ccancctlon; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics, hvdropthcrnpy. Lady attendant. Phono, office 543, rldnnre Dll-lt Hmploynient Agrncy We are bore to help psople get' re liable, competent help. Wo fur nish help In almost all lines of buslneHs. Wo mako. a specialty ol competent men and wives foi ranches. We solicit your patron ago. lilttner's Itcal Kg t ate and employment llureau, Rooms C and 7 Palm Building, Medford. Phone 858. Mrs. 11) rd Caster, Manager successor. Dentliu IJU. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DU. C. O. VAN SCO YOU Dentists 1 Garnctt-Corey Bldg., suite 310 Medford. Ore. Phone 85 C. Transfers EADS TUANSFEU &. STOUAGB 1X1. Office 42 North Front St. Phoni 315. Prices right. Service guar tntced. 1'liycfliclans ana Burgeons DU. V. Q. CAULOW, DU. EVA MAINS CAULOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Corej bldg., phono 103C-L. Uesldence 2C South Laurel SL DU. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath! physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Pnono 904-M. DR. J. J. BMMKNS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 Bast Main .St, Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. . Phono. E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Hank bldg. Office phone 43-lt; residence phono 68-lt. DR. MARTIN C. DARDER Physi cian nnd surgeon. Office Pa lit block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. H. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, otflco 30, resi dence 724-J. Office huUrs 10 tc 12, 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd surgeon, MYRTLE S, LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to dlseabes of women. Offices 232 E. Mntn Phoues, residence, 814-J2; office 814. R. J. CONUOY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. 0er Hutchison & Lums deu, 215 E. Mnln St. Phono 77. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician una surgeon. Dr. Lydla H. Dow Os teopathic physlclnn, offices 3-4 St Murk's block, Phono 1C0. Itosl dence tho Dow Hospital, Contra) Point. Printers nud miill-thcre JIKDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office Id southern Oregon; book blading, loose lent ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portluud prices. 27 North Fir St. llakery Royal Dakory, bread, plea, cakes. Comer Main and Grape. -..Phone 31 1 unilliiie Xnvv nml Kccoud Hand Scott Woolf, succossor to Mor doft & Wooir, complete house furnliliern. Special low prlco on AxiuluUter rugs and furni ture. 22 South Fir.. -Phone V Ouns, Ainiiiunlllon, HporHng tlio4f KwIiiks Gun Store, ffshlui tacklf, sporting goods. 12 Wwt Main Phone 431 (a KafMltf, hlHUU ami iHVMfUUNltl Pane Druwlor Compauy, farM lauil, NUb-dvloiis, 330 Kst Main -..,....,...-.K..P(be I3 li, '. KilU Cm, 39 WwU (IrHIIO'-WMIMtMMMmmMtlHMIM III - it MRS. H. L. L1AOX Xxpert GorietUrt., r u i tify 82G North Bartlctt, Photin n03 M. Light Housekeeping Apartments Fully Modern. Prices Reasonable COLONIAL FLATS 217 SOUTH Rivkitsbi: Southern Oregon Electric Company Li;il, ITeiit aiul 3'ower Wiring. Oct our cstinihtc boforo letting your job. 310 S. Kivnrs'ulc. Plionc 189-R rnzdfi Lnmns delivered DAISY BRAND BUTTER Havo you tried HT It not, get a roll today, it will ploaso you. Guar anteed. Made by WHITE VELVET ICE CREAM FACTORY Phono, NataterlHtn IlHUdlHf. WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Main Street Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any time or placo by appointment Phono 147-J We'll do tho rest I. D. WESTON, Prop. Cheap Excursion Rates to Crater Lake Ob All Next AVeck, Sept. Uth, 10th, autl IfHh Hound Trip 1!.00 Excursion tickets good for four days. Tho snow Is all gono nnd left th9 roads In fine shape. Tlio lako was never more beautiful than now. A. flno opportunity to visit the lako at the host time of the sea son. Wo nro going to put on extra cars to accommodato tho peoplo. Phono 100 for dnto and seat num. her. Auto stages leavo at 8:30 a. m. on Monday, Weducsday and Friday. Hall Taxi Co. Phone 100. Bcelv nud Court Hull. Mora. UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPiED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South lllvorgide Plioiiu 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWigK Vwprii,. V Al .' M