Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 17, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ', V
Dlil ,nii Ihiiinv (lull inn cuiilil n-nl,
nl a iiuininill fee per milium, niill' mi
nolo Of (frnliml Vtllluu tin' iialiiiiinl
fnrdal foi 11' Htiiinin'i hwhe anil live
llielu flMlSBlttl'
Aer-nlilluff'U llm milimuil fore!
iiiiiiililil'.,l"Tliii liiHcxt uo of llui mii-
tlotlul flltt'ld I'HIlU Mil IV'OIU'M'M U
lUifirviUiunl cni'iiuinuU'liV I itv pen
.W p'uli" liitL HiIm nienutJ. Ho
imii'li lilu. been miiIiI iif,'llM?.iOiiiilHir
iTml Mn of llli' iiiiUniiiil IVri'ijl ll'i
tiiiilQij8, of lllcir wot In liilfli' iililfiju
it a liMtiliWM priij)us,itinii, Oml li)Ml
herd hut been Ki t-il to lln'tr tiiluV im
a people' playground, Where eiiii
due I'liiil iff ilt'Hulitl'liI iiH'reij
linn mint limn la Hie lii'iiiiiU'iil iuitti?
Kujny H)lxnu Hii'Mph
.Mirny ti ".vlvuii "fene" within !!
imliuiinl I'liiont Imumhtrj mot In pel
laiiiMiillv 1'iiinvi'il nhiinM fur the a-k-
in-. Go Into llii fniv-l mid pick nut
Jnur etililpftiir alle iihmtr oiho t renin
or liv the side of kiiiiii) lake or in the
high niniiiitailiH; then npply to tin'
umuo! Mtiiiiivlor l'r a penult to
nan hrtll' an 'iii'tv 'nr wi of Imul oa
wliii'h to oaluliliali tour camp. If
ynur ilioii'i' or ii il' iliii" not inter-
fete with otliui' foi it iiniw or Ul'l,
f it'll I unrtil it in yon upon itt jmy
nniiit if I In) minimi rental, which
iiiilal ion fioai $f In ?2 iieciud
hur to the loiiniloii ami thi mho of the
Aniiip fit''. Ynnr penult in uooil m
' iliifiiiltfl), tho only n'iiilrriiii'iil he
Ihir that ,m oaiply with l'orrl er
v)i-i irifiilqlimiii, rliii'ltv iniildtnl !
uiltoliiHi' nml Hi' pi event ion.
Sunn' I'ew people limit hrroaii' wic
to llii piiHullillilii'H of tialiiiiml I'iiiv"!
Otimp mIi'h ami nn aliemly enjoung
(lii'ir poiiiiiiht limuiV An example uf
Mil. kind o' fpccliil nil- i to lie found
hi township Jl inmlh, iiiiiko 7 t'tiHl, on
o Oregon iiatioimr I'urvxt, at lh
Juni'tioti "f Still creek ami ZigniK
rlwr, wliro there i naiti' a minimcr
oolony. So'ral pt'opht appliul o fa
iH-ivliny. for ri'iiti)U. itiid an a it
rfnlt rt Imi't ill' Inml i him.' IIichi'Jw'o
WtriHiiim with Kiirviyi'il ami laid out in
loltt. thirty-oiiit in nil. Tlii'v varV Iti
t(e frein lll-'.'. f'ot to HI.!)D tVi'U
Kliinwiili l.nKi' l)M'ii
Clftfi-ii pvniiil" haw nlrvwly hn-n
miilnl, 1 1 if iKuiaillics liavo liulll
tlftlr homit ami put tn improvi'im-iil",
nml npxuiiiiiiiti'H iinlii'iitc that it will
lint Im Ioiiij lii'Toii' On' liiilniiri of tln
hUt will hP talii'ii up iinihr (In hi
iiI. 'Ilir'ltiiilow mini, wlih'h luix ri'
JJ'iitl.v l.trii improii'il, 11111" llirmiKh
tjii- liui'l, ami it Ik niil.s thri'i hiairn'
nth' h tMlUmit'hih' frvni I'oilhimr.
, TIhiv an craltgri'i) lotn ami mimo
ajin.'.M-if trin'U'iirnllmr iialtomil for
il nl' Va-liinilon ami Oregon. In
fiii'l, tlit'iv arc -plciiiliil oppiirlnmtit"
for Miimnit'r canipi in xach Ini'iilitii'n
ttft KlHinath l.ahi', Orfon; Lake Clin
hliiil, Itiiki' Kicrlii'liM ami ('rc-ccnl
1'alii', Wiihhiimloii. i'vi'rnl sinanicr
liiilcls hai' liicil italili-iliiil within
tin1 i'orif h, hut thiTi i Mill loom for
iiianv imliMihial I'ampt or hiiiiinirr
hoau ",
Ituporli'il tiy Juckioa County Ab
trart Co., Hlxth and Fir Ht.
MairliiKxt l.lieiii'C
"ImIk W. It. Walker anil l.aura 1'
(Mai I..
Kail llostwiek ami ltoa lliekmon.
.lohu II. Kpaik nml Wamla lleiija
, Hairy (I. Ilrmicll ami Aha K.
TJiim If. Kimln vm. Anihvw Weill-
, nor, oiitpi' iimiu; imii' lor iinai; m
IraiiHeiipl in Milniue eouit.
I'ifwl luliinialioiial Hank uf South
Miii.I, WiihIi., in, K. W, f'anler ami
(lieu hiliriek, writ of attlielimeut.
'I'lie Ilulloek Men'aniila Aiit'ue.v .
P. W, I'Viixti iiiitUm In iYeoer money.
.1, l Ji'iikltiH vp. , II. Ham, Hher
il'l'n mtuin' uf 'naiililio'uH,
W. K, C.. h; Ihtrrv K. Hpanhl
iiir ft nl, eeillfieale of levy,
In the i'hIiiIi' of .IoIiii Itoruuiii, or
ijar of heaiinj.', filial aeeouat ami
jial repoil. ' .
1 la Hie ettateorjWio', VaiiKlinJMn.
euloiv ami appi'iiiTiueut,
t' Heal I'Mnlo TraiiHferH
V. II. Iliirvny lo A. I , Har
vey, hind In Ni'i III-JW-.'IW . Ill
(I, W. Mi'Nahh el uv in lloh
ril lleiifio, land III Atli
(ami r ""
I, A. Mni-n el uv to Ahhy K'
'I'hoiumi, lot III, hlk. ",
Mi'iiriml 7ll
HMimv IhMin el n In A. M
Chilli el iUi Inml in Cmilinl
. j'oini Id
IJIuni'hii V. Mlneiu In Lilly II.
jTliueui, I'd) neii'K In li.
Hri.'W. J
u -in
nocis Fewer. Bank De
posits Greater, .;
aiur.c:iA7Ta .u, mrnivtoAtrtio
nummNo rnt'.jiiTU vm:
aihSATUiinronv or,
" ' dry tuv;:iu 'touu.
I'llltll(ll) llMllOlliiriil. Iiliilillllr of Our
Tlii'h is only i no fair way to
Ami out what Ovogun ilry will tin
for Onfall 'I'l'mt in y inili
rfatinj: whiit UrcKUti ili'.v Iijih ilonc
fur pai'lM nT Oi'l'kuii ikjw
So far an rim In lunrni'il, in
Jjili'Ui, .OiOiNin City, ItOHcliilr,',
Allmny, Kui'iiit nml otlior Oit
gun dry towiw, liiikliicx.i htiS Ip-i'ii
hi'ttor in nil IIiiiN, huvii t lint uf tho
liihinii, in every dry town.
Why, I'U'll III I'L'iltlk'luii, wlilrli
.'otcil Mi-t uifti-r lii'liiH dry, hut
which will prohiihly vote iliy, niuny
iiierrhniili aic now in fuvor or n
.try tuMn mill dciiarc tulltTlldiis
wcic IjMUt, liuiliirw lirltrr unit huil
li'lM'fewiT lien liter town wu dr.
, - ,. , lltilldlnn Kow Itttttr.
1 1 1 Sult'ln, hulhldu hm lircil
rcntrr slnrc the tnwn vi nt rtry,
llirri' mi- hut frw vacant hotuc,
mil those vm'itut me ilokciihi'il in
hneki." i'raellrrtlly every kalAoii
'nit .bi'i'ii rr-ti'iiuuleil hy oilier llneit
if hiixlii.'st, and one of the prlncl .ilooii illei lint heen repliicud
hy a Mile new huihlliitf lilock.
.SViiiv Sultm went dm u $a0,00t)
brlvk Imlldlnu lint hern trtcttd anil
n J 1 0,0(10 limine I'loof; It goliitf (.
DoeKii'l look at If dry Sutcin hurl
that town, duet II Y
lieltcr BullJlac Result.
Snleui win I dry Jauiiiiry 1, 101 1.
The htilhllnu. pennlti fur the finl
i-lHhl iiiouths or I'Jtn, when the
town iui wet, total 3SH,.H'.r. Fur
the Tint elxhl tnuullis uf IUII they
were J ITJ,Xll.ri, an increase of
Anitlher luttnnee' or a dry town
helping litullleitl Alceine or the
Million alwitiN iiieaits heller husl
uois. fur tliL'tiuouey that uuee went
In the Milium goes Into trade.
Cheeks eatlied uncc'lii naloOnt are
eaihed III Motet and pail of llieut
me spent there, in place of In the'
stiloont. V
There were !i.r.l arrests for the
fii'M seven months uf I HI 3 In Salem
fur diuiikfuuess; In till I the nr
rettt totaled only 17 fur the :aiuu
Htores r.nlarno Ireniits.
The Ihii'e.liiiKi'.sl stuies have hud
lo reintulel Iheir piemlsrs heeauso
of Inereaspd huslnest, when other
towns wet al tlial- -have lir'en com
In Oiejion (!lly arreslt have de
creased (ill per cent.
Violations uf the .state liipinr laws
(hnollct!tfluj anil mj foi Hi), are uoW
less Hum one-half.
Von see the saloon men never
used In olicy the law In u dry
low n the) have to ohey it.
BauU Depo.lti larrcme.
Deposlls in llie hnnks have In
creased. There Is moie huildiiiK.
Dad dclitt are heliiK rleared up.
Collections are easier. Not one mill
check hut heen caslird In u .saloon.
All husluess men .say trade is hel
ler. Which onttuers the question t to
whu the cru in. come from all over
Oreoon for i dm town.
I,. Adams, one uf the leudltiK Ore
(ton City niurehuiil.s, said:
"Slnec Oivtton City went dry,
husincss has unicli Improved. Co.
lections aio easier, have fewer
had hills on my hooks than 1 had a
ear utfo, I'conle nuv havu u ten
dency lo liny their oods al home.
1 used lu cash 15 checks uu mill pay
lights. Nnw I cash .1(1, The ahull
lion uf tho .saloon has liiincd a vast
.sum uf money dally into I he chan
nels uf trade In (henou City,"
All uf which answer the iptcs
lion uf whether u town is hetter wet
or dry.
rIJ dttli,nint by Hit OomiutlU of On
HuuJuO, 7IH Moi.u lluliaiuf, 1'ditl.Dd, On,
Wo, tho umlurHhined land ownorn
and teiiautH of IiiiuIh I) Iiik north o(
upier Tablo Hock and all country
adjacent to, ami lonml Aiilloch and
1 1 Ion ); I e, warn all liuuteiH not to uhoot
or utliitrwlNii treuianu on mild iiiihih.
Thin action lit taken to pioveut dam-
ami to atock and other proieity h
poiHOim who do not caio which way
(boy Hlilmt. Wo ihciuroro autholni
any iuojut officer o aruiHt, ami wo
will prnnecuto any hunter found
lumtliiK 01' tr0niimliiK on mild lands
without wrilltui pennlNDlou from
proper )hi'coii.,
Then, A. ll.--, II. II. llmlKai'M. I!.
M. HlKhiim, 0, ) Caen, I,. M. Hueel.
J. W, IHhIihi.i, Mrn, H. II. rjiuijM, Mm
M. Hu.o, V. J. IIoh'I, 15, f4, Cumi,
M, II, (lonli-ii. Mm, M II. (IniduH, ,
II. I'lii;, i, 11. VHhchi, JuIiji IHmIihiii
WEDFonn rta'tt. Titrnimw,
V V, Clmiininn, ,t, II French, M. A
J VfHwyilt, W, it. jt. i.iwr once J. V.
IIoiIK'tk, II, )t. rilnuM, Mm, II, A
l)ru, J. K, (llimM, K, Viil(cdr. H7
niVER and HAnboVfs
WAKIIINOTflV, Hll.' 17. Tin'
vluicnth nniiinil ricrt(i)iil'llMilMii
COMaiTN W'l. I'lllllfll tOlfllS" I" HH'I't
lii'io l)ff'ciilh)r (1-1 1,
I lierohy aunyimeo mynolf on tlio
ilouiuernllc cntnllilnto for tli'j ofrica
or county lOtordur of JaclfHuti conic
ly, !u 1m voloil on nt tlm r.Mmrnl
nicction on Novoinlmr .1, 1 D J -I. 1
ole)ti'i. I will ilo my duty (in I hnvo
In otlior ronpoiiHllilo jioolllon tlmt I
hlivo holil. IJ'i: I,. JACOI1H.
(I'nlil Ailv.)
I wluli to pliiro my nnmo hefon
0io volcrn or .luclicon counly ah nn
Imliipeiiili'iit rnnillilQto for county cor
oner. JOHN A. I'KIt!,.
(Pnlil Adv.)
iVjtt lli:illl'r
I hrriilty iintiiiiinco myjo-lf mi tliol
(lemocrittle nomlneo for nherlff or
.IneliKOii county to ho voPjil on nl tho
I'.unciul ol(!(( Ion .VovtiinliiT 3. Ill t -t.
J. l 1HTT80N.
(l'nhl Aih'.)
r -
Oltlll.V.VXCH SO. HliJ,
tao oii of totiMiructlnK tho nnmo
and nrn.ltlliiK the ilinnnur of enrrj
Iuk nld iumi.iiKiniat Into foil affect
Tho city of .Mcilfunl ddtti orda.i
II fl folliiWH!
Hettloa'j. WliercaR, thoelty cilah.
(II did hirelofoio prmlil.t hy ordlli
ance fur the HprrhiK uf tho owner or
liroperly adj4Cont? to and beaerited
Uy tint coimtrucllon of tho lateral
newer luri'luufler dcucrllied to ap
pear before mild council ami hIiow
rniiiio. If any, why wild property
itbould nut bo a"e0il for tho con
ritructlou Id dld newer, nml did fit
a limn for henrliiK nny audi protctt.
which notice wan Klveu In accord
a in i. with nld urdlnnnio taoro than
(en da)K bofoie thu beKlnnliiK of tho
coiiKiruciion or anld newer, but Jin
prolem nKulimt anld conntrtictlou or
a.m uii)iit of tho cont tboreof wn
jnado by nuoau ami unlit nower wa,
ii) fi.iiu council, ordered constructed
And wberen. the cot if the eon
H ruction of nald newer him Ihh'h
Hindi, mid hereby In di toriutned to bu
the miiiii or $581. Pp.
Now tbereforo nnld city doth ordain
nml declare Hint each parcel of pro
perty dcxctlhcd below la adjacent tn
and bojiefltod by Hint certain lat
eral newer cljibt Inchon In aUu, cou
nt ructed on iMkota incauo from .Now
town ntreot to Pencil Mreet, and that
tho proportion of the cott at aald
nower which each of nnld pnrcela of
land nbotild bear, based on tho bene
fit derived renpectlieb bj nnld sev
eral triictn of Inml, In tho nmoiiut net
oppo.ilty tho description of cadi par
cel tielow, and that ench uf wild par
coin In actually benefited In the
amount net opposite ita dcucrlptlon
below by the construction or nald
nower and that nnld novornl amount
roprencnt tho proportional benertta
If nuld neveral parcel from nnld
nower. And each of nnld parcels in
hereby nnnenied tho amount net op
ponlto It description liolow for tho
ronnlrucllon of nnld newer. The name
appearing nbovo each dencrlptlon lie
Iiik tho nnmo of tho owner, or re
puted owner, of each lot or parrel.
Anticnimont for an eight Inch lat
eral nower on Dakota nsonuo from
Newtown ntreet to Poach, fronlui;o
iocs root.
Annennment No. 1--Mario Otter
dale. Lot l, blk. 1, Tuttle'a Second
Addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, hnvliiK a fionlBKo o( 133 feet
on tho nouth nldo of Dnkotn nvenue,
na dcHcrlbed In vol. 92 page III) of tin)
county recorder' record of Jnckson
county, Orejiou. 13!) rt.. 55c, $70.. 13.
AHaeHament No. 2-IJ. HonnlnK
bnvan. Lot 20, blk. 1. Tuttle'a Sec
unit Addition to tho ctty of Medford,
Oregon, bavlHK a frontnKo of HO It.
on tho nouth nldo or Dakota aiuiiuo,
na described In vol. S2, paKO aS of
tho county recorder'a record of JacU
roii county, Oicon. 110 ft., CDe
Aneniiioiit No. .1 Dick llradley,
A pnrcet of land marked "H" uu tho
mail oi tao cuy or .ieiiiora, vneK.
in Tiittto'H Second Adilltlon to tho
city ot Modfiird, havlim a rrontiiRO of
HO tt. on tho nouth !do oC Dakota
nvoniio. aa dencrila'd In toL 101,
pHKO an 4 of the county recorder'a rec-
onlH or .incKHon coumy, nrvnii. ,u
ft., 550, $77 00,
AmuMHiiumt No. I K. H Crotliera
A parcel of land marked "F" on tho
nmu or tho city ot MeiKord. Oregon,
lu Tuttlo'B Second Addlllfm to tho
city ot Meiiroid. unvliiK a irontnKo oi
141 ft. on tho HoilJh Ido ot Dakota
avenue, a descrlbeil In vol. SS, paK
;0 1 or tho county recorder'a leconU
or Jackson county, Oregon. 140 ft.,
55c $St.U5. , , ,
AnneHKiaeitt No. ri--ilior. Kbel.
Lot 10, lMikor Ptaco Atmiuou u you
city of Mdiirord, Oregon, halK ti
rioiitiiKo r f'O f''1, on tho nortli
wide ot Dnkotn avenue, aa donerlbod
In H- 1777 or tho county recorder is
leconU id .lacknon county, OroKun.
110 Jhra"'.!- Ida 1, W.lle
Lol 17, Parker Placo Addlllou In tho
city or Motirord, OreKon, liutliiK u
riuntHKii of 00 II. oil Hte Vr' ,",,lV
o( Dakota aeuuu, aa oemi wi m ..
701 or thu county lernrder'H lee
old id Jueliaoii nullity, Ori'ipm. DO
"XllS-Kif N..7 Ida J, Wll
Lot Ih. Pinker 1'lai o Adilltljin to tho
illy of Meiironl. OM'KUil, liuvlliK tt
fMJldttKOOf 50 II MII ilfcat lll .la.
or liulinDi uvenmt, u do,. dhil In
IU 701 d Hi" ";" rtt.oriiMj ''
nH.uf JucLnou county Oiuuou. &u
An orilluuiico iirhckhIiik tho pro- or,),, Or.lnckon' county, Oreon. 40
petty mljitcmit to and bmicfllo.l by ,. cr.c $22 00
il,...,,l.l,i",,, !'.',!,n." wiw''r ro"" Section 2. And It la hereby or
Hlrncted uIoiik Dakota aveniio rram LUpi.f- an(J ordalnod that snlil cv-ral
Ai.WtOWil Hlreot In Punrli cinutl f. I .. . .t... u ...... ., ,.
--.-, , ., . - , iii i nyriiivaiTiiiniB nnri iiiii iii'im ititi i hit
ft,, i, f HUH. I
MTCmro., oijfion tttfrsday, skptembtctc
Anni'DMinc-iit .Vo. R Helen O. Dll
ton. l-vt S , lnrli r I'Ihco AiMUIoii
lo tho city of .Mnlfuril, Oiorou, liny
Iiik ft frttnkrt of ' it. on tlm nort.i
lilo of,njitfnjvi.v'-ti'ip, nn ilcctll)ml In
It l?Jfi or tho county recorder's rcc
onl of. Jnekimii county, Orekon. 50
,Afl"nH"tiie.ttt N'o fl -Holcn O. 1)11
Ion, Lot 20, J'nrl.or llnr Aililltlon
to tint city of .Meilfonl. (irexan, hav
liiB n frnntnKo nf in ft, op tho nort'i
rilile ijf Dnltolrf, nvnmi an ilpucrlhtut
111 H-12Ui of tli county recordor'u
rt'i'ordit pr .TflcJ.r..r county, OrKon.
;io ii., one, . i. 'i
Anmpnt No lo - Tioton O. Dil
lon Lot 21, J'flrVf-r J'Mco Adilltlon
to tho city or M(ifonl, Orcon, Jinv
Iiik n,Jrmitiign or '.n ft. on tho north
Hliln lit ualioln mi-rnio nn iloinrllioil
In It - 1210 of tti county roolIr'
record of .lmjkr.101 county, OrKon
:o rt , r.rrc, fz7.n
AKmitnuilL .No. 11 A. rt, Ciln
nliiKlmni. Mil 22 )'arkr IMnro Ad
dition to the city, Pf Mi'dford, OruKon,
linvlnn a frontni;- of r.o ft, on tho
north Hide of Oakoia nvonuo, n do
ncrlltcd In It 171'" of tho couhty to
rordor'B rocordn nt .Tnrknou county
On-Kon. 50 ft...r. .'. $27.50.
Amu'iutmanr No 12- T, W, Dcrr
Lot 23, 1'nrker IMtire Addition to the
city of Mi'dford, Orenoi), linvlrlK ft
frontOKo of 50 ft on tlm north nlilr.
of Dal.olu nveiiuo, an di'tcrlliml In
It Tltl of tho couniv rncordcr' rec
ord! of .InokKon foatity, Oregon
ft., BOe, I27.C0
AHueionnnnt S'o. 1.1 O. O. Alien
derfer. Lot 24, PnrMr Place Add!
Hon to tho cily of Medford. OreKon
lint Iiik frontnpc or 50 rt. on the
nortli xldn or UiiKota nvennn, a do
ner I Ix.-d In It -1712 or tho county ro
(order'i record or Jncknon county,
Urveon. 50 rt.. T.'.r, 127.50,
AHueKFiuent No H W A. Moffat.
Lot 1, Parker l'lncu Addition tn the
city of Mvdford, Orei;on, hnvliis u
fioiitajio of 1 JO ft on tho noith ulile
of Dakota avenue, an dottcrlhcd In
It I Ml or tho couuli recoruer'H rv-
entered In tho Lb n Docket of nald
city, nudxtUnt thur"iiion. notlco Ihi
Kit en to Uio-owner or reputed own-
of, of nald proiurt,nud that the
naillO no onioreeii uuu iiiikuu-.i hi nr
mniiuer provided l tho charier of
nald city for the collection or unaf
meiit (or t he Improvement of
ntreeta therein.
Section 3. It I further ordered
that the notlco nboio provided for
bo puMlned one time tn a new -paper
publlihod and or cnorn circulation
In nuld city, In tho tannuer provided
b ordinance No. ,7 13 of and! city.
Tho foreRoltiK ordinance wrni
pnnetd liv tho city council of tho cltv
of Median!, OreKon, on tho 15th day
of Hoptomber, 1914. by tho following
Porter, aye; M'dnkl, ne: limer
ick, no; HnrKeiit. aye; Ilarsrave,
aye, and Mlp,'yf.
Approved K)ptimilK.r 15. 1 n Hj
Attent: ... Mai or,
R. T. VOSS, t
Hccorder. -
To tho owner, or reputed owner, of
ench parcel of property described In
the (orcgoInK ordinance, a named
therein and In tho Hen declared by
nnld ordinance, nsrccorded In the
Docket or City Lion.
You nro hereby notified that tho
niKusumcnt deoliired by the foreolm;
ordlnnnco hn'n heen mndo nml the Hen
therefor entered In tho UIt Lien
Docket, nml that the nnmo Is due and
you nro hereby rejifilred to pay tho
nanio to the' city recorder within ten
day from tho service or thin notice.
which nervlco i mndo by tho puull
cation ot HiIr notice and the torego
lac ordlnnnco one tlmo In a newnpap
er published and or Renernl clrculn-
tlqn In cold clt, puraunnt to nn or
der of tho city council or nald city
Itecordor ot the city of Medford.
FOR RKNT Pleasant room closo In.
very reasonable. 237 North Cen
tral, phono 45-J. l5
1500 acres, fenced and good build
Iiikh, hall meadow, and half valunblo
timber, Klamath county. Great bar
gain at $10 00 per aero. One-third
cash, liberal terms on balance.
2000-iuTo ranch, ten miles Irom
tho ( railroad in southeastern Wash
ington, a lino wheat proportion, 90
p5r cent Is farm land, adjoining Imi't
produces from 20 to 30 bushels ol
wheat per acre. Prlco $1.1 00 per
acre, lll tako nomo Income prop
erty lu trade, and ternm on some,
It Is my business to ltiiow tho best
buy In Jackson county and havo it
optioned at tho lowcBt cash price.
That best buy today la a 190 acre
stock ranch, 100 acres loam soil. Ir
rigated, now In grata and alfalfa
No b'ettur alfalfa laud In Jackson
couuty, ditch built covering 140
acres, perfect water rlitbt, alouo
worth' $t 0,000 00
Thin laud lies between tho Apple-
gate river ami the foot bills, all bo'
loin laud, buut uf range, most du
llyhlful climate, no snow or fog.
Modern, now hiiiiKalow, barns, (encos,
rorrulU mid orchard nil ready,
This plum should brliiK $35,000 00
will sell for $111,000,00, Imlf ensh,
12000 worlh of mai'hlnury umi stuck
with place. Ideal boiuo jtm clock
ruiii'li, Rest 1 In vo uvor offered,
I'li-l Nsl'l Hank llhltf,, Plioim lUll-l
I'Oll HUNT flllt.tlMIIKIJ A1TH,
roitTuNTKnrKO " rtocptii rf'"rotihi7
and modern bou-okeopln;- apart
niunti, prlcca rcry roasonablo.
I'hono 247-L. 222 South Holly
FOIt tti'.vr HfiChr?
FOR HUNT rnftirnlahcd or nlcolv
rurnliitied flvo room ttunKalow
rlugii In. -117 Joy St., corner Ho.
UnKdnlo and Jny St. 155
FOIl HUNT Blx room hunKnlov
wiin run naaeinent. 7J1 Kant
Jnck-ou Ht , $15.00. W 11. Kvor
hard. 101 'A Wwt !tli Ht.
FOIl HUNT Three room hoiiKo, ln-
aiuo completely now, $7.00 por
month. Herbert I.auri'pach nt
Klectrlc Kitchen,
FOH ItKNTaix room boime, plnt
orcd. plumbed and cooil aloeplhK
jiorrn. call nt 730 W. Alder. O.
V. ChelRPii, 16S
FOR ItllNT IJIthor Hvo room or nix
room bungalow, doso In. Might
furnish partly, now A-1, phono 317,
ovonlnKB t25-H,
ion itnxT'i:i:pi.nV;
FOR Itn.NT ' - Furninhed iioiin-'kpij
InK room, cn: also hall U'droom.
234 Hunt Ninth. " 101
FOR lli:XT FurnlMicd hounekrop-,
iuk opi"., iiioroiiKiiiy cleaned, ro
novated, now mannRoment. Rent
reanonable. Tho Oxford, 223 W.
Main. 153
FOR RKXT- Modern houckeopln
roouiH, gag and bath. Call after
4:30 p. m. Plirtiifl 55-If, 210 Tat
ent St., on South Central an
nuo. ICO
Fim iti:.vr n.sci.i.iiAXi:oL'.s
FOR IlKXT-'"-Tam and " waKon 7or
liuutlnK trlpn Phono 71U. 154
rou' sa'li: MOMF-STCADS
FOR SAM- Reliniiulnbment near
Modrnrd. Snnp. Telephono S-F-4.
iinuni or oumlnga. 153
FOR SAM Seven room tjiiriRalow,
ntrlctly modern, lot 50x215, plenty
ol fruit and berrlcn, larKo out
bulldlnKX. will sell cheap, phono
417-M, momlnga.
rott HAM" ICIUIi t'-STATi:
FOR SALH at n nacrlllce. ono ol
tho best 120 aero Roriio river bot
tom ranchra In Jackson county.
All lovel iniid, water right for Ir
rigating too acres, it yoti nro
looklnK for a general farm this la
your opportunity. For further In
formation wtlta tho owner, box
100, Medford Mall Tribune, Med
ford, Oregon. 154
FOR SAL1.-Llttlo plga: nose and
Cornice cull pears. W. J. "Iart
tell. phono 4CS-J1. 23b
FOR SALK Ono span ol good young
work horses. Call Dr. Helms' of
fice. 154
FOR SAM Two good young horses,
cheap. Phono 539R2. 15.1
FOR SALK A good team, wagon ana
Harness, inquire ol or wrlto Mrs.
Poo, Koguo Rlvor, Oro.
FOR SALK Cheap, a sound, black
ululo. eight cars old. luqulrn ot
Dr. W. It. Stokes. Phono C7-J1.
FOR SALK Tomatoes lor canning
lc. Phone 740-M. 155
FOR SALK Two well tireless cooh
er, matrcfncs, bed springs, all near,
ly new. Am leaving town. 105i.
Court street. 253
FOR SALK Some antiques and San
Francisco flro souvenir. Dox 6,
Mall Tribune. 151
FOR SAM- Nearly now
rango. C. A. Mers, It. F,
I). No.
FOR SALK Fresh prunes doliyered,
two centH per pound, a fow luj;
botes of Hartlett culls, 50 cents a
box. Call S57-R. 153
FOlTsTLl'wiprlKht piano. Urst
class make, until Saturday, Sep
tember 19, $100. lor deliv
ered. 237 X, Central, phono 45-J.
' 153
FOR SALK -Rest paying wholesalo
ami retail confectionery lu New
Mexico. Would take ns part pay
ment, a small, modern homo lu
Medford. For paitlculara, address
but 31, Roswull, Now Moxlco, 159
FOR SALK Klectilo nnmo. Phono
25-J-l. P. O. Uox 223, Medford.
Ore. 153
FOR SALK One new nix H P. Ful
ler and Johnsou gasullno engine
Can bo seen at Rex plant. Phoenix;
Phono 15-F-4 or write California
Rex Spray Co., Phoonlx. Oro
WAxWli teHalde! itxperienced
man with team, wautH cimrgo oi
ntock or fruit laucii, Atmoi
Wright, Phoenix, Ore. 15S
WANTKD Girl iittendliiK school
wishes place to stay nml work for
her board. Phono 217-L. 153
WANTKD--Position ou fruit or stock
much hy experienced man. Ad
dress box 101, route No. 1, Mvd
fotd, Oro. , lbs
WANTIcii' Hew Iiik :-by 'nil U.pur"
leui'cd dienkliiuker. 2 It (leni'.i'i
Ht, hit
WANTKI) HH-iidy rmii'li work by
PUIIU liiuu with itmiil hublU, Cuq
u mi
it. ,
iiiiiu mime, AiiuroMi uox ,t, ruio
Mall Tlihunu,
WANTl'JI) Jai'unrM boy hhhI Hf
lilml uf liiuisii wuik hy hour, I'buuo
4U1 II, Nhlmodu, HI.
17, 1.011
tU'Lt' WAXTI'tJ ltAM'
WANTI3D VVomnn to do cooking"
ami general hOuflotvorl:, Phtihel
l-F-21. , lf.3
WANTKD (lood Hvo man or woman
to tnlto tho 'jXcluMvo agency lor a I
Pffnllnrt. Intmll.ntl, A I
Something new. Mi excellent sell -
er,.nventlBatd. Ilox X., care Mnll'
AiiKor. KOu"SrTlho
ess bor K., care Malt
share. Address
WAXTKD To buy roll top or flat
desk. Addrcnx bo 200, card Mall
WANTKD Day hoarders. $5.00 per,
week. 115 South Ivy. 207,
WAXTP:n To Piirchano well Imi.
provort llttlo ranch two to Ion acres
In or nenr Medford from pnrtr
who will taltd j-omo proiwrty ' al
Hond. Ore., nno fonio cash. Ad'
dress hox 313, Rend, Oregon. 159
WANTED Single room, hot and
cold water and urn or bath, $10
a month Ilox 10, Mnll Tribune, '
WANTKD Young ow for breeding
purposes. Answer Kiting number.
description attd location. R. M
Whitman, Kaglo Point, Oro. 153
for i:xciLxnb
FOR KXCHANOK Inromo proncrtr
for improved alfalfa ranch with J
water. Address box 18, care Mnll;
Tribune". 151
business property a general land
or 120 acres on Rogu.o river, and
480 acres- ol timber near Kuetto
Falls, cruises about 19,000,009
lect. This la a' gilt edgo proposi
tion. What have you got to oHer?
Write tho owner, box 99, Med
lord Mall Tribune. ' 1.11
ranches for Medford city property.
Clark Realty Co., Phlpps HdK.
KXCHANGK VVant to sell or buy
onytlilnr.7' u C Radcr, 114 N,
Front St.' Thorn 125; Null Bed
LOST Ituggy rolio betwei'n Medford
and tho -Tom Taylor place. Finder
please leave nt Mall Tribune.
Small bay maro, branded S S on
hip, T It on loft shoulder. Irom
my pasture on Griffin creek,, rp
ward for information. R. J.' Ronar.
phono 539-J5. 1A;
LOST Unp robo on Jacknonrilto or
Ashland road Saturday. Please
leato at Trlbuno orrito.
TO LOAN Wo liavo niouey to loan
on Improved country property at
clsht per cent. Phono 317, Car
kin & Tntor. '
OARUAGK Get your premises
cleaned up lor tho summer. Call
ou tho city garbaga wagons tot
good rervlco. Phono 325-L. F
Y. Allen.
SHOK RKPA1RING First cla-a shr
repairing, on modern olecfric
miichlilcs .wlillo you wait. B. N.
Hlden, located In Kldd's Shoo Storo,
Phone 313J.
Notary Public
HKLKN N. YOCKKY Notary pub
lic. Urlng your work to me at the
sign of tho Mall Tribune.
Instruction In Music
Teacher ol piano and harmony, an
nounces season ot 191415 begin
ning September 7tb,-1914. A lim
ited number ol new pupils will b-j
accepted. Courses In harmony
and musical history to nil pupils
this season without extra charge
Pupils recitals. Halght Music
Studios, 11 0 South Laurel St.,
Medford. Oregon, phono 170-R.
HAIGHT Teacher of tho art ot
singing, tone placoiuent, dia
phragmatic breathing, body poise,
opera, oratorio, concert roportolre.
classes in sight sluglng and read
ing. I'Ulinrou's sluglng classes will
be formed. In these classes ot six
thu foundation principles ot cor
rect breathing, tone placemen'.,
and sight singing will be taught.
Halght Music StU'llos, 11C South
Laurel St.
ulso conduct a class ol jounger
piano pupil till season under Mr.
Hnlght'd direction at thu Halght
Muxlc Studios, 11G South Laurel
A Quick, llaudy, reference for llusy 1'coide
llalett May, Flour. Feed, Grata
L. H. Drown. Russ MR), also
poultry supplies. 139 South
Rlvortildo.................... .l'bou 529
Cttll ICmilneerti ,
Osgood . if Drown, T, W. Os
good, A8so, M. Am, Soc. O. K.
A, Tliuo Hrovru, deputy couuty
lurvoyor., .Medlord Natloual
Hank' llldg ..........l'hoao 262
KltHlrlo Wiring, Fhtun4, Hiippllee
Boulhern Oregon Klectrlo Co,,
Mu.da Lumps. 6 South Ceutrai
Avenue Phone 21C-Y
l'riHer liiiplemeols
Hubbard Hroibers, full Hue of
John Dwru wakei, for p
Ust prhws ou bUKKlwi, D9C
Kstl M., . -I'keue III
rlUHlhlHK MHll l-t)H
Van II, IVirnuu, It iflrik
Ufs,,...,..,...w,.,.....lkrtH) mi
iiubixi:! mrtRcnxY
porteK jNKri'4, wat. r,
Attornoyt'at-Law. Rooitii 8' and
0, Medford Nntlonat Hank bldg.
A. B. REAMF,3, LAWYKIt tJa'ruWt
Corey bid;.
, W M. Colvli. (lww M. lfolinr t
COhVia ft UO. HKllTO, LAW VI 1 H-
; Medford Nntlonhl Hittik' lltillillng.
" !. ,i. !. W.lH . I , I. !.!
' B- r, "LKBy fA 0E0', W. OHMItHY
iV"?,rno'Intlf,l'w' 'aeU-'1 Conn-
, -uiit. wutiuiuni
NHWTON W. HORDRN Attornffy at
law, room 7, Sparta hulldlui. Mod
ford. Oregon.
--- - ,. i m (
Auto Htipptlrii
I nro opc'ratlhg tho' Inrgest, oldest
nni "st otiuippcd plant In tho Pa-
ciric northwest. Use our UPrlngi
when others rail, Sold under guar
antee. 2C North FUtconth St.,
Portland, Oro.
Dll. a. It. IIKDQKS, Dr. Loul K.
Horteca Mrchano-ThornnlHt. Chiro
practors, Spondylothornplsts. These
systems. Including dietetics, curt
tiro gymnastics, hydro-thoraphy,
etc., produce results in both acute
and chronic disease's. Consulta
tion tree. Over Deuel & Co., cor
ner Main and Dartln'.t, Hours 9
a.'m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205.
Onrnctt-Corcy bldg. Vnpor
baths and scientific massage given;
needlo spray, head and shoulder
shower in connection; ndvlca in
dietetics, medical gymnastic,
hydropthernpy. Lrffly attendant.
Phono, olflco 643, residence 511-lt.
Kmploymcnt Agracy
Wo are here to ho people get re
llablo, competent help. We fur
nlsb help Jn almost' all line of
business, Wo matfa, a' specialty of
competeot nidd sna'0wlve: for
ranches. We1 solicit your1 pateoa
age. imtner's Real Katafo, ami
EuiploVftlrtflt' liurwtt, Regius 6 and
7 Palm.llulldlntf. Xwlford. Thoae
858'. ,' Mrs1. Byrd Caster, Madaiier,
Carnett-Corey- Dldg., suit
Medford, Oro. Phone 85G.
Ofllce 42 Nortli Front St. 1'boaa
315. Prices right, Service guar
anteed. I'iiycslclaiu aun Bargeoa
MAINS CARLOW Osteonatbla
physicians, 41G-417 Garuett-Corey
bldg.. phono 103C-L. Itwldence
26 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303 Gariiett-Corey
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMKNS Physlclaa and
surgeon. Practice limited to oye,
car, noso and throat. .Kyes scion
tltlcally tested and glasses sup
plied. Office 228 East Main St,
Hours 8:30 a. tn. to 8 p. m.
K. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack
son County Uankl bid?. Office
phono 43-R; residence phone 58-R.
cltin and surgeon. OHIco Palm
block; opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
DR. ,R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon, rnones. offlco 36, rest
dunco 724-J.
Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
DR. S. A. LQCKWOOD Physician
and surgeon.
Practice limited to dlsoasos ot
women. Offices 232 1-1. Main.
Phones, re.idanco, 814-J2; oIHco
It. J. CONHQY. M. l),r-Physlclan ana
Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Luuie
den. 215 K. Main St. Phono 77.
DR. MU M. M. DOW Physician and
surgeon, Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os
teopathic physician, offlcca 3-4 SU
Mark's block, Phono 1U0. Rest
dence the Dow Hospital, Central'
. Point.
Printers n(1 IMUllHtiers
best equipped prlntlns otllco lu
southern Oregou; boolc binding,
looso leaf ledgera, billing syBtoms,
ote. Portland prlcca. 27 North.
Fir St. . . . .
llakery, bread, pie
Corner Main aud Qratie.
., ,- .-....-,,.Phou j?
luiiilluro Xni mna Second Hand
Scott Woolf, successor to Mor
dull & Wooll,, compleia bouM
lurnlshers. SpeclAl low price
on Axmliilster ruKI and lurnl
tutu. 22 tioutb Flr... ..Vkoui
(luun, AmmiinllloM, Hpurtlun fli-oig
BnliiM Qua 8tot, II.W.lH
tackle. spartlBK khbhs. ill
West Mslo .....f.PkoBe 431
lti' li-lale, Loan Mill f"rt-'tftriti
iKu iriMir ujiimIU
lauds, sub'dlrlsHs,
Hlaldi) hh4 rVutwr i
6. V, Kills fc 0l 1
Nf si Ht HO
i r