Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 17, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.IlltOIS dlOWII III ll'ltllll III Ml'lll'lllll
mi October lit MM I, l'ir duly as jur
uiK during lln' October, MM I, loim nf
Hut l'nlti'il Klnto, iliMilct court for
the district of Oregen:
A. ('. Abinlmm, Mnl I'm (I.
Siiiiuirl AIiIi'immi, l.claml.
Villl.ini flow, Moilin.
rVimk IMtsworlh, l'niprt
1 nt .1. I lodge, Miill'inil.
II. (It Dux. .IneUoiirillo,
.1. C I..tI, Kctby.
Hurry K. Kinder, .Medfonl,
lo,. Harper, (Irani I'unx,
('. A. Heath, Oraots hiss.
('. I. Ilnliint, (IiiiiiIh I'iihm.
W. I). .IiiIiii, Williiias.
I. I). Ketley, (limit- I'nss.
(I. II. Ki'xIiMHiin, (limits I'uss,
I'. ,l. Kiilil, .Modloi.l.
.I,jii. Kiaeaid, Williams.
I!. A. Langloy, .lnek"onvillo.
Wf Ilium htaokcuiric, llutiii.
dim NlohoU, K.nulo Point.
1 1. Niedormoyer, Jacksonville.
II. N. Pinker, Omuls IW.
.1, (I. 1'nrMUiK, Hugo.
II. ll.'l'ateiloii, Mrilfoni;
Frederick IVIimim', Knglo Point.
I .'. Peidnc, (Irnnts 1'ni.s.
.Iiirii Pollock, (Irant Pass,
I. A. Pruolt. Miiiriml.
W. P. Oiiinlnii, Omuls I'ukn.
.1. !'. Hcddy, Mnirnril.
.IiiIiii M. Moot, Modioli!.
It. I -, (SriinlN I'iihm,
A. II. Killing. Medford.
I', M. Khnpleigh, M.dloid.
J. .1. Skinner, Medford.
Otic Smith, Kerhy.
Thomas Stanley, l,.il;o Oieek.
.1. T. Sulliwin, Mciifoid,
.lolui I". Smiilrll, (IiiiiiIh I'iin.
S, .1. Taylor, (Ii'iiiiU Pas.
('. K. Ten ill. I.ako frock.
V.. (I. Tmwhridgo, .Medfonl.
W. W. Tucker, Ornutx I'iihw.
V. (I. Viiiiili'ilnll, (IrniilK I'hh.
II. iii iic llclliii, Wcllcn.
It S, Mill, MnrVli.V. '
Willnir Williaiim. (IrnnU I'iihm.
A. I Wimrr, Tiilotit.
II, Wftml, (InmlH IVhu.
C. II Wnolfiill;, (IiiiiiIh I'ihh.
J. V 'rliiinii, I'lioriilx.
unsKiirmi, or., si-pi. i;. Afit-i
Winn iiiIhhIii fur iiciirly I wo jour,
tin) Imily of .luiiirx I lc wry, a tuininc
iriicctir, wiih ruiiiiil mi llm liiinkH
nt Stnrvi'oiil ori'ck, hi hoiitlicin
DiiiiIiih cminty, Muiiiliiy. ('onnii'r
.leuctt wih Miimnoiit-il mill uill liuxo
llic Imily ititcrrcil m-iir tlic cot licit'.
Ilcwoy iIumI.
Ili'wcy mill a -oiii.ti tiiiMi hy tl'
iiiiinii oMInrlou hin),nini'.M'i'iii'
fur lllllicinl yiLHrtrtroilt I'lri'k for II
ttiiiiilinr r yniri, wlini lli-wcy hinl
ilrnlv iliHiipiM'iirnl. Smrrlihi iur
lirh wi'iv fonncil from tunc to time,
lint no ti.icc tit" him wi fomnl until
loiluy, wlirn htinliTH ili-covcic.l IiIm
lioily lynijj uciir n tin 1 1 ciiiih' ilistniHo
from IiIh ciiliin. Am in'cunitclv iih
ciiu he ih'IcimiiiiM In left liH cnliin on
OHohfi- I, IlifJ, iin.l iiiulmhly ilir.l
from c.iiihuic In u .nuwHtnrm.
linlfiii I'nlkiiiH Wi'ilucMliiy nt
(IiiiiiIh INiHh ovcnnlcl the tlcuuiin'r
lilnl in tlu i'!iM of Ih htnli' vh. Mm
i'h! Di'Iiiiihou, Clmi'lci IIiihh mill F.
Kirkuonl, Jhn Ihicc nun wlioni Onlin
M. ,1111'kHOII lllll'KCH ll'Ulll'll lo c
lorl iiionuy from hiin.v Kirkwooil, one
ol I Iii ili'U'i'livt'N- who iiirliciiiilcil in
I lie uni'hl ol' .lui'liHin, mid ulio wiih
indicted hy (lm Kniml jury nloiiu wilh
Hum unit DciiiiIhuu, h coming; from
the ciihI'Io iiiii'iir n. u wiluchs mid
In Miami Mini iiiioirthu iudieliiient.
The trlul in dcluyed lo iiwuit hix ar-
livul, Comilv Alloriicv Miller will he
iiuhIhIi'iI in the iriihi'i'utioii hy A. K.
U4 ,
i I.. I', lliiiiiii(4lnn, imliiHlriiil field
wnikor, mid A. It. ('Iiiiho, Hupoivimir,
viHiteil our hehiml ouo ilny hint week.
School eloHi'd Fiiiliiv ul'leriiooii to
Uivn Hm pupilx it ehiinco In nlleiul
(lie eoiiuly I'uir n .Moilfonl,
(li'oi'k'o Yiiht nml family .iuul Hie
week eiiil in lliq AiileKiilo I'niiiilry,
MIhm FiiyCurver of I'lioenix Hpenl
Monday wilh I). K, HoainoH' family,
Mr. nml Mi'n, I ho or, Mr, mnl Mix,
.liliu (IinfliH, MiM, Amlicwti, Mi'". J
. Miller mnl ()i'iiic Amlieth Hun
ilncil uilli ' V Anili'imi mnl fa hi.
.mi iyiiiiiiii jr.coim who nn noon
linro h I ii to Jiuiunry with her lirothvr
on tho ranch rutin nml WuiIiidiiiIii
to ('oiiiiull III ii r fn. I lor tunny frlendi:
iiro noiry to hoii hur o hut look for
wiird to hr loturn In ii your or two
Mr. mill Mm, Htoiinct of AHhlnml
nro KiieiiU lit tho liomu of W, V.
II. I), .Ioiiom who llHM llDOtl llllt) III
hIiko hln rot urn from I'orllauil, Ii
Homuwlmt liiiprovoit nml with cooler
wenthur hero oxici(n to ho nhout
Joti linker Intiuched n flno hont
on ItoKiio Itltor Huiulny. It lit hln
own iiimiiifiictiiro nml In very nttrnct.
ho In liilr.lit rolom. It wiib chrlH'
(oiii'it "Violet," which Iiowm up wol'
Oil til" m(o,
l K, Wnhl wn In Moilfonl 1'nlr
week, nu oinployu of tho Jncknou
County I'nlr In tho nipmlty of hook
deeper, Mm. Wnhl In nponillnK.tlm
primcnt nook hi Meilford nt tho
Chleffollu Krorvry.
MlrM llortha Woolvorlon Ih nt
IniidliiK Mrhool In (lold Hill, n ntuilcut
In tho commorclnl courno.
Mm. V. A. Klllott, Mr. nml Mm
I.. J, Miller nml Mr, nml Mm. J'rnnk
I'lllott worn dluiior pucMtn Hominy
of Mr. ninl Mm. ChnrlvR Clininplaln.
Mr, nml Mm. II. II, No wero week
em) kiio.Ik of Mr. nml Mm. (I, II, Al
lien, roliiruliiK to Meitfnnl Hunilny
p, in. In their nuto. They were (
compnuleil hy Mr. and .Mm. I", K.
Wnhl mid Mm, liny.
M WolVrrlou linn hH'U Itld up
'with Ironhloj thnt nro Ten I whllo
thny Innt nml ho did tho propn.
mnoutit of KronnliiK. Ho hnd n folon
nml n rurlniiirle. Dr. Chlxholm wim
cnlled nml hotli wero laucod,
Mr, and Mm. I). II, Hlend, worn
dinner KUesU Knlunlny ovoiilnj; it
tho l.)nn Hiulth homo In Cold Hill.
Mm, KprnRiio nml MUs lUrpor
motored to Medrord Friday. Mm.
(Iny returned with thorn from hor
flrxt weok'n nchool dutlun nt I'hocnlx.
Tho Iterrentlon club hni reaiiinoJ
moetliiRH nml hnd a dollchtful not
ItiK Tlinrndny with' Mm. 1. II. tad
mh - lio'ptHiia.
Itivomldo hm tho honor otnklnK
flrt prlto on poum at the Jarknott
Cnujily" Fnlr, Hi II, Nye wn kIvcii
flmt on a hox of Comlco eam.
Tho pnrty rIvcii In tho McDonald
lioimo on lllvornlilo Knturday ovo
wan without iiii'tlon tho most en
Jotnhle nfnflr uer clvcn thcro. It
Ann rIvcii In honor of MU Lyndnll
JnrotiH who lenvra till wcok for
Council lllufft, and wn n complete
mirprUo. A few frlondu went to
hur homo and Informed hor of tho
KnllmrlnK. nenr hy. Mr. Nye hrouKhi
hi Vlctrola nod old mid yotniK en
joyed tho dancing. No ouo wmi por-
mlttvil to tm h wnll .flower and fow
cIiopu to hu, Thono present from away
woro Mr. nod Mm. FrnnU Klllott,
Mr. nml Mm. II. II. Nye of Medford;
Mr, nnd Mm. Btonnctt of Aahlnnd,
and Mr. tirlimldt of Ornnta ran
Other prouont ero Mewrn. and Men-
In men W. W. lllttlo, I. II. l'nrter.
O. II. Aldon, F. K. Wnhl. I.. J. Miller
and I'. SchiiiimhurKr, tho MIhkon I.yn
dull Jnrolm, llcrlhn Woolverton nnd
Itetn ItohhliiM; .Memim, C. II. Aldo.i
Wnhl Kr., (leorgo Jncolnt, Joo linker,
Al Woolverton and Mm. Koltlni.
DtirltiK thu ovoulitK IIkIiL rofreMi
intintH wnro nerved roiiltliiK of enko.
fAtidwIchea nnd coffeo.
Tho CiillfornlU'OreKon Tower com.
pnny Ik pleaiod lo linvo accurcd the
hoI'vIcom of Mm, Kllnor Meachum Hld
ItiRlon, who will kIvo limlructloiiB in
electric cooking In Medford hoclii
iiIiir Sept. 18, nt 3 p. in.
Mm. ItodliiRtou Is .acknowledged
to ho tho KronlCHt expert In electric
eookliiK In Aiuer.vr.. hayliiR tteen III
tho Kervlco of tho lltishoa Klectrlu
coinpiuiy for novoral yearn. Ueitldoa
heliiR well known a a lecturer on
elect rlc nppllanroH Mm. HodUKton U
ii Kritduato In Bilontlflo Hiibjecta and'
ii mottt miiconiirul toucher of bclontlflo
Mih. ItedtiiKton Ih tho youngea'.
dnughter of Hon, A. II. Mcacham,
well known In Oregon itlonoor Jilatory
mid InheiltH her fnlhor'a wonderful
gift of ptihlle Hpeuklng.
Hur tnlkH on homo topics nro ex
ceedingly riiHclutitlng mid her hcnrorH
never grow weury of her llltlo talks
on "Modern Home Making mid Keep
ing", for Mm. Itedlngton miys It Is
"one thing to iiinko n homo nud mi-
other to keept,"
Tho uoliool of eloclrlo rooking
which will open Keplemher 18, i p.
in., will ho III ehurgo of Mm. (Minor
M, llodluiftoii, II, H gi "dilute touch.
er of Nclentlflo nuhJettH,
Mm, lledliiKtou upeaku to crowdel
Iioiuk'h, mk hundred women holm
turned uwuy on tho flmt day of her
"Home Manufacturer Cooking
Hrliool" In Houtllo, There In never
dull iiiomuHt it thu two hour Mm.
Itedliiitloii Ulk, whllo alio toniiocU
Hie moil MppetlnlHK UNd dainty dlhe
dhtliiM which am wrved lo the and.
I on re u (he rlo of the vnluu,
Mr, nml Mih, llowntil will pcml
ilia wiu'er on tint (Indium place, Mr.
ninl Mix. Oruliiim will leave for Ihn
east in it few day lo hponil lint win
Mm. .Icllie Cliirno enlerlnincil Men.
ilituicH MathewH, Dick .IoIiiihoii and
Kiigeno HolloivM TliiiiHilay,
Mih. Daw wiih ii Medfonl vinitor
the Itiht of Hie week.
Kdwlii I'iot returned from Klninath
county WoiliifHilny.
Amoii iIioho who ntlcmlcil the fair
in Medforil were Mr. mid Mm. (lainoh,
.1, ('. Ilnnnah, Jot; ittnl .Ml Miu ami
F.llcn Itaitie'.
Schuyler llamiaoml wiih down
from l!lk creek a few dajn ago.
Ml. llackiiH nf I'.iillaml wiih the
UiH'f of lleiin1 Frei Hi Snliiiilay
Tho front did ipilt.) a hit of ilnin-
oge Up 1,'iinIouH,
John Walker made n trip with fitti:
to the lake it few dnH ago.
Will IIoiihIoii hcgitii milking nor
hum Moitdav.
Monday wiih a Iiiihv nml inlercxt
iug day for a iimnhor of the chil
dren, iih hoveral hcIiooIh nponcil that
day. John Ncnloii hegan in Hie
Central; Mi Kom' Kealmi in Hie
Iti'occ ('reek, Mi'hh Ida IIoiihIiiii in the
Long Ilraucli mid Mjsh Florence Kiu
eald in the Dehinger nap. -
Air. Price and family of Medfonl
untold out In Wallace CoffcenV Sun
day. Mr. ami Mn'. Morgan ami Mrs.
Mitiiay havejiiHt it'iiiincd from Cra
ter I .like Mt. Murray iitnl hoi
miii while I hero.
lolui KohertHon uml family air
vihitiug Ii!h parents.
Mih. Henry Freueii called on Mm.
I'ctlTgrrw Hiindny.
Uugeue IIcIIowh look it load of fine
ling, to Fugle Point Tiii'Hilay.
Fred Petligrew him huilt n nice
mlilition to hin limine.
During the pant few day really
lrmiHfei'liiie Iiihiii lively. O. Win
ter haH Hold two iviiilonci'H, one on
AlliHou Htrert ninl another on Union,
holti to local parties. Fnmk Tchige
or'NVhriiSkii Iiiih imrchiihod the Jan.
Lowe'raheli of ,.1(10 norc, eat of
ttiwn. Mc-dunif. Jack nod Fergn
hoii, inteix, have ptirchiihed the
Whituiiirj' rrctileuco, on Wvolfti ntreet
mid will make Ahluud their M-nna-ticnt
home. Louis Ililtv Iiiih hoIi Ii
hoine on I'nioii street to V. A. Stew
art, from Arir.oun, wlio Iiiih iiIho pnr
chaved Hie cu"tern More on the hoitl
cMird, J. (1. C'or.ort of ItoHchurg Iiiih
scoured the Cole reHideure proerty
on II street mid will remove here.
Mrs. Marie ClirMiiin Wo.tkiiiH Iiiih
I'lime into posessiin of' Ilill-ilulo
ranch, up the canyon, including a
limine and twenty-one acres pinch
used of MV. W. K. Stone, nml rumor..
are Hint this proN.rty will he con
verted to snuitarimii ptirisises. J, W.
HitHkins, a prominent rancher of the
Klninath Hcctimt, has purclutHed of C.
I. Fager lw- and one-half acre nt
the jmicliou of lOwa and (larficld
streets, uml will adapt hiuiHcIf lo the
life of a "retired fumier.'1 II. II
Vohs, SotiHieru Paeifio employe, Iiiih
purehiiHeiof Harry Mat ho- the Iioiimi
and hit corner of rillh uml C xtrects.
There nn oilier trmiHfeiv, hut llioe
are Miffioicnt as mi inde.n of Mune
Ihiiiv' lining along tltehe linen in thin
vicinity, Added o Hicho local traits
Cers in p .f'J.'i.OOO deal lirewing for Hie
oxoliaiip' of a hccHoii of wheal laud
in I'uiitlillii county for various prop
erlies, u portion of which in repre
sented hy mi extensive raneli in ter
ritory tributary to Ashland.
Polyteidinie hcIioo) ina'terH take on
addit'iimal eomplicalions, Kurly in
Hie week several levjen were made
upon the phyMcal eiptiiuaeut Htmed
here hy parties tlinHatinfied over
M'holarHhip matteiv, A wiie from
President (lihson tit Oakland, Cat.,
states thai he will make every effort
to rcoien the school hy Octohcr 1,
and urges citizens to co-operate with
him in having ProfeMi' Hardy, who
was formerly here, return and lake
oliitrgo of the inhtitution. The presi
dent thinks (hat concerted aetioit will
win out,
From Hie eliinalic 'uxtivnie as he
Iween t.'alii.xico, on Hie Mexican har
der, and Ycjlowsthjio park, will he the
experience of Hie limt Coiled Sluton
cavalry, n detachment, of which pass
cd through noithhound Monday, un
der the command of Lieutenant Pi
ca rd.
On Monday, (loorge W, Dunn, no
compauied hy P.d Hughe uml the
iisou hrolhers, Itnxs ami'H) made
u flying liip in Judge DiiutiV ear lo
Inspect a riinoll propeily in Joseph.
ino comilv, near Holland. They left
Ahhhind ut 7il." In Hm ulornlug, ar
living lioiim at 11)115 in Hm evening,
covering a ilitiiiico of 1(1,1 miles, The
lime Included an limit's slop r.t
(liiinls Push mnl four lioum inspecr
lug Hm properly, which l a raneli of
ll'.'ll aori'o, limdvlng n piinliiise price
ut ifl'.'.OlH). The iiiilu l ii imoiIchI
'nid, whhli link hii'ii In lisp hrei
VMttfi, U nlMylHK 11 IlllillV Htfjv jwl
lo Hie test on (lie WtiiI SIihiiIt out
ing in Mnrshfieltl. Ten gallonrt of gas
oline were used on Hie round trio.
IM ward llniloy, u I'omiht coiinly
Judg(' of ('urry roiinly, ami prcsonl
resident of First av'ctue, in this rlly,
has hccii serioasH til for some lime
W. It. IJeiiiiell, who sihiiiiioih ill
Ashland nnd' winlorH in Hid llluf.f
Ciih, a flxed'hnhil wnieli lie Iiiih' fol
lowed for the im-t neven ears, left
for lln southern town Tuesday.
C. W. De Callow,, of Piiip
hurst (which, hoiiig IraiiHhtted iud)
the olns-ic vi'riiaeuhir, means the
shaku of old-time memuries) was iri
town early in Hie wcck laying in sup
plies. Incidentally, ho drought ill a
load of southern California loitrints
as ballast, they Inning boon camped
in that locality. Mr, lie Carlow con
ducts the hotel at I'iuehiirsl, ai.d
Mis Lulu De Cm In a ih polinitreKH.
Itailroad men who N-ramhulate
nbiMil thee ili iiM headipiiirlers in
leriiiitlently iih well as at staled in
tervals, have hien for the pant two
days, Superintendent llarkhaller and
party, Mitithhoiim! in Hie pnvole ear
Siskiyou; Ocorge . Gillette, train
miiMtor; 0. TIioiiiiih of Dimsimiir, and
P. J, Kindilow tif San Franeieo,
agent ami chief rtHpietively, of the
Southern Pacific detective bureau.
Koine of life fined speeiniftiH of
amateiir photography, the handiwork
of iiiriiilier of the local Siskiyou
Camera elith, are being exhibited by
CreHter Klcrciisoii, an art in which he
excel. He Iiiih nlrcwly won a l"'
camera from the (Iraflex. oflieiul
piihllention of the Knttman eompuny,
mid liberal cash prizes from the La
ilio' Dome Journal.
School authorities of Hie city din
trie) have bought apparatiiH to he
used in leaching organized play. Al
each Heboid there will be n plav hour
under Hie direction of the teachers.
For Hie larger' pupils there will be
such games an volley hall, comer
hall, idavgrotimnhall, outdoor bus
ketball and tenuis. For the little
folks running- games will he directed
hy the teachers. On each ground
such appnrnti'iH An teeters, swing
and giant Htrides will he installed.
The play maniinl published by the
Mate department will he followed.
At Hie legtthir si-vimi of the city
council held Tiuvdav night several
mat ein came up of local iutsirt, in
addition o routine affnim. The hobo
problem during the coming months
was disciiH.ed. The iiintiillntioti of a
rock pile was fiountll uxm. One
teiuler-hearteil counoiliuiiti suggcHted
instead that the soup ho thickened up
a trifle, while oilier olficiaU were of
the opinion tllat'flte1 silup ought to
be thinned to the accompaniment of
hard labor. The moM important ac
tion taken was in regnrd to the Pa
cific highway work', oieeinlv that
portion on the wotein tiut skirts oT
the oily. A committee of three was
iippoiiiteiU,.iuuliillu Mayor Johnson,
ulul Coimeilmen Wftro uud Heaver, to
meet with the highway commission
and county eourCTh the furtherance
of Mime eiptitahle soluiion nf the eon
trovciy. Stteli a eonference would
imply the elimination of Hie conten
tion over the Hilling proerty, allow,
jng the highway jo run prao;ioally
wheie it now in, reducing the grade
oj" Fanihaut lull to lrum to st
cent in that locality riiy slight devi
ations in Hie right of way. The rail
road crossing would remain at gntiL"
mid he protected by nn eleelri" gong
alarm. It is taken for granted that
Have All Gone Since Taking
Lydia E. Pinkkam. Veg
etable Compound.
Terro Hill, ro.-"Kiadly ermlt rno
to give you my testimonial in favor of
L,ydla E. I'inktmm'B
Vegetable Com
pound. When I tint
began taking it I
was Buffering from
female troubles for
some time and had
nlmoat all kinds of
ache pains in low
er part of back and
In aides, and press
ing down pains, I
could not sleep and
hid no appetite. Since. I have taken
Lydia & Pinkham'iiYo:etblQ Com
pound the aches nnd pains aro all gono
and I feel like a new woman. I cannot
praise your medicine too highly. "Mm.
Auaua-rua Lyon, Terro Hill, Pa.
It Is truo that nntura and a woman's
work has produced tho grandest remedy
for woman's ills that tho world has
ever known. From tho.roota and
herbs of tho field, Lydia E. Pinkham,
forty yearn ago, gave to womankind
a remedy for their peculiar ills which
has proved more olncacloiis than any
other combination of drugs over com
itftunded, and today Lydta K. Piitkhani's
Vegetable Comwuiul U 'recognised
from roast to rosst m Um sUudsrd
remedy for woman's ill.
In Uw Pmkham Laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., are Mlee contalng hundreds of
thmuands of letters frem wemwi seek'
ftg health many of tttew openly state
over theirown signatures that they have
legem! their health by Uklng Lydia
Ii. I'mkhai' VegeUble OoHipuundj
04sJ hi '' Me that it hu saved thew
the Southern Paeifio and tho highway
commission are willing to comprom
ise on such a plait, and without,
speaking for Hie otliur two memhers
of (he eommitlee, Mayor Johnson
certainly favors it, cj the end thai
the uncompleted link in Hint locality
nlay be finished up without further
I). M. I,owo is busy collecting ex
hibits from lite several fairs, including-
lite county one av Med fori I. lor
a )ig display at the tlote fair nt Sn
liin. The various .iehool Tjdmttriiil
fiirs throughout tte county will also
Wearing diamonds gives an air of prosperity thnt brings greater mit'cess.
Kveryone knows that diamonds are high, ami Hint no one can wenr them
who has not considerable moans or ftist-elass credit. If, then, you wear
them you are showing positively Hint you ure at least on tho road to pros
perity, and it is litimmi nature to pay tribute tu success by helping it to further success.
It is business for n husines man to show that he is Hiteecssfiil, for it will bring him moro
nnd better customers, and there in no better wny to show Hint you arc successful than by
wenring well chosen diamonds All our diamonds are correctly graded by experts, with
exact weights, ipialitic and lowest prices marked in plain figures. Selection sent any
where on approval.
212 East Main Street
Case Briar Pipes
from $3.50' up
y Case Genuine Meerschaum Pipes
ranging in prices from $4.00 up
to $12.00. Your choice . . .
', i.
, F. O, D. Detroit, All "ra fully equipped.
(In tho United States ot America Only).
Further, wo will bo ablo to obtain the maximum offic
ioncy in our factory production, ami tho minimum cost
in our purchasing and sales departments if wo can
reach an output of 300,000 cars between tho above
And should wo reach this production wo agree to pay
as tho buyer's sharo from $10 to $(50 per car (on-' or
nbout August 1, 191f) to ovory retail buyer who pur
chases a now Ford car botweon August 1, 1914, and
August 1, 191;").
For furthor particulars regarding these low prices and
profit-sharing plan, tico tho nearest Ford Branch or
C. E. GATES, Agent
Spurt Hulldlnif Medford, Oregon
ilssisl in making up the exhibit, whioh
will he a carload one front Jackson
Willi the nrrivni of (he fall montli
an impetus is being given to tho so
cial element, notably, fraternal gnlH
erings. Alpha Chapter, No, 1, (I. it.
S., has entered into lite spirit of th
season. At the refreshment hour oji
Tuesday evening it iHltoiited a neJ
set of cliinn, coiisisliig of 1.1(111 in
dividual pieces', the a ont importatn
adjunct lo lublc eipnpment ever se
cured for Miisonio hall. Tho ohiip
ter now has n meiahcrship of 2.VI,
Pipes! Pipes!
ranging in prices
to $7.50. Your choice
We' Carry Complete Lines In Tobaccos
.. Confectionery and News Stand
Jet st A els A A eas A A A sfc sti
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, nud
guaranteed against any reduction during that thue:
Touring Car . . $490
Runabout . . . 440
Town Car . . . 690
Tho fourth tiunrlerv eonfereneo
tho local M, F,. elm roll wiih held on
Tuesday evening, Her. II. J. ati Fo
sen, district sitpcriiitondent, prc-id
lug. Various offi'eliiEs veru elcetiid.
Strong resolutions wero adopted coat,
ineuijiug the work of I ho proxctit pas.
tor, Hnv. W. J. Douglass, nml re
iUO!tting Hint ho ho oMitintird in this
field. Among law dfkgatos selected
to attend tho Oregon general confer
etiee at Portland next week wero A.
W. Heaver, Mrs. II. J. Van Fosseti,
Mrs, W. J. Douglass, 0. T- Hillings
and Dr. 0. W. (Jregg.
! !'