vV WEDFORH M'AIH TRiniJNW, MPJDFORl), OlMXIOtf, AVIODXIWDAY, HTCPTRMBBR 10, 1011 I'AUK HYE p. I f C i r ' ' GREAT BATTLE REPORTED RAGING AISNE RIVER PARIIJ.Hepl. HI, 1 f'O it m--The .official eoiuiuiinlcnllun of Muinlny whlifli inferred Ui the pioeodlug iiay'a iliivi'lhillli'liln, Hdlil that lint olio'iny HllllWIIll it dlnpoidtloii lo ihrIhI nut tl of ttin Aline river Yesterday's offi cial eoiuiuiiiiloiitloii Hit lit that tho oiiHHiy liiul reacted on the Ijun from Ornuniiu mill iho finosl of L'Alglj', unrlli of Complomut. An n tilmplo 'nmr gunnl ulnnd imulnnt tlm nllloi till would tirnrroly hint 18 hours no ' Ilium iiuit be another Mil battle III iirocroM since HHiuliiv. Tim fnices (hut inustltiitod l'm center In tlm Imtlln or Mnrtm cnm nUo to be mhiIiIiik iinNltlnii on .tlm Kitinii Itno, while Ihe mown prlnro'iitiriny In Ar gouuu t iiil Iiimom to retrofit In tlint ill motion. Tlm (loriiiiiiift hmo on thin lino llio mlviuilnno or high Krouiiil wlllt tint right pioti-elml by tlm river. Olmi ami Alarm. If Hi" router nml loft am able in roniplelo n retirement In such mIiiidi iim to innliii n Miiiul on llio Miniit lino they niny lio nhlu to turn lain a gtmornl ituKitgeiiiiint nmlur iiinrit fuvnrablo comllllonH than on Hut Murim. Tlio hnlltwlluit HiIn time li Hourly MralKht from llio onsl In tho wont. In cum tho Gorman form nhouiil tiitlro ninln thoy would have, two line uf ri'lrotit by LniiMwy and ly Ktiilntt. It rpmaln In bo semi whether, un der IIih mlwiriM) eoiylllhiiis, tlm (lor ninnu titivs beuii nhlu In gel Ibelr ar tillery Into position through tlm mini. Tint nllunllon vrltl l iti-iqx'tulu In mint of ilttfiHU, Tor tlio heavy mini rontliuio ami under Hut clrcum ittnnrim, llio (luriiiaim could hnrdly gel llielr heavy artillery away. II irn rmtwirml lnit nlchl Hint IllU Indian rnvnlry liml nrrlvfil and wnuM Ko Into nrtlon. Tliln In nnconflrmeil. howe(if. nml ilonhtlittH tin oim will l.noV itefliilK'ly nliout tlicin until llirv lino inliiall) .arlliiputed In mi I'lmnRitaiiMil, NEWS OF RETREAT I.ONIKIN, S.'jtl 10 H:l"i n. in. A lUirdennx dipaieli n Ihe (Vnlrnl Kpw nyi "Anmnllnft Id Itflrlin IrlrRrnnK, tlio nowtinwr Ilium ten lily In Die liiptruetiuii of tlie Opiiiiiiii people mi leHNilnir "I llu ndieut or th- imniM whirli whim Intlievml In lie under Hie wiiIIh of I'.irin. The (wpitix endenxor lo u.xplttin Ihe i til mot iih vttntiii', iiddinir that tlm nnnl renlt iiiuM lie nwniled. "Tlio (lennan pnMie i nNo tnid to In1 impriwMil tlie iu'Wm uf tlie ili. n-tei-M whlili have oui taken tin' Aim tiinn in Clnliriti," EFFECT J LONDON. Sept. 10, 8;3r. n. in. A illNpnti'li to. lite Kxprenit from Itoin.t HlaU'N that tint two AiiHlrlan nnnlea romiiinmled liy (JoimralH Uankl and .MilfeiilaiiK' have Joined fontM nt Itxiuiow, i:i mtlou iiortJii'tml of .loiitK Ian and U2 mllon ilnu north of I'uoinnyl. In tlio courtui of tliln operation, tho illxpatrh hiin they Iohi tu per cent of their nnniliom, ST. 25,000 COTTON BALES COI.l'MUIA, H. (V, Boat, 10.- Twtmty.flvo thoUHiind hak'H of cot ton will lio talton by St. I.otils In- teroHtR In tlio "h'ny a halo rot(on' ' inovoinunt IioIiik proinoloil for hold In i; tho crop until tlio lOnrojiean oinep Koncy paBKcH ovor. A Krunt .inonl iaclini! lunnta auroed to liny a halo for each of Uh HOD Houthorn lirnnclico. T I.ONNIIfl.v; HfpCj io, stir n. in A illnpnleli t'loni Atlx'l'4 '" H" )''v' chnime Tt lennini I'ompnny niinoiineeH (Inil llm (hci'kuiMi'iiinii'iil hit "nl n 'Hole In Tni'l.wy miiiii'idi'iiliil with Hull of llic uti'iil poweiH, poni'i'iliinu the imiirilliiliiiiiH nl' Tipki'm yaiiliiln-lion-. STUPIEIES BERLIN AN ARMIES UNCTION NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS EAGLE POINT EAGLETS ,,y A ' mvl"u writing lip MM m'uonnl of Inylwa ntnotiir her friends In thlfi city In tli.il In )w Luke Cli'i'li cnlintn I oiiillliil to xliili llial thorn wiin a number "T lli" chlhlicn in tlm loiir iIIhIiIiiIh fn llml Imnirilmlo vli-inilj win) limit been mUtinr form inudiici' l (alai to tlii'lr wlwnl fair. Tin- fair will In' held Hi'iiliinlior !il in lliu South Untie tl.ntm tVeh) illclMrt, nml llinv I'Xprrl to linvi' mini' of llio proimrii'iil inliifiitor-H ol the "tnle to lalui pail in llio piotinim. II wa voloil lnl miiNiiii o hold (lie nelinol (1ilrii'l fitlr nl the l.nlio fii'iik wliool lioiie, hnl mi aii'oiinl of the H(ifiirit. or wiilur mill tlm Iw'lc of ollu-r eon XI'llii'lli'lM IIih unoil it0ile of till' iIh. tiicl ilieiileil to Imlil It Jit the .outh llnllo nmIio'iIIioiim', oh limy liavo n iili'i, liiry" linll mtir li.v llio H'limil houm' nml nxpi'i't lo lone, fn mlilitlon In (hit i'Xi'M'ii" of (he M'houl flnr, n Kiioil (ilil-fililonuil I'oimlry ilniiri', whine ovi'i.lioily inn have it pmil time. There will he on e.hlliitoii Mime in I1mi emu. potaloi eanni'il fruit, pii'unni'il finll, ji'lliiw, !., iin en n lie fonml in llio tommy, nml il' imumIIiIu your i-oiriponili'iil will M(i illt'jit .lo ive (lie whole tiling it HooJJ WlltO'lip. Ili-v. M. ''. DmvIm, tho Stimlay Hftliool man. e.xpoelM o Imlil norvieod tit Annie on Sunday, Kcpliiiiliir '21, nt 1 1 o'eloek a. lit., nl Ymilnio irenl; the mime day at II p. to. ami at Tnhle iCiiek nt 7 KID p in. Tint farmer are Mill liriiiulin.' in iIumi ioj for .Mr. Ilnnlin. (Iri'eii .MntlmWN.Iinianlit In nimtlmr lot lust Saturday of rnrty.Miin load, nn.l V. W. WitllfK Iin hmfiKhl in two loaiU hioi'c I lal Hliile of the fnlln t'i liriiiKini; in llm linK", lie-nli! i. eial otlli't-H who.e iiiiiiiI'm I failed In o'l'tire. Wnlliir Wool told tin' Hint lie hud Inniiilil Hi'i liiinl of Im'u laxt Thiii-das, that kiiien it in known that I lie in lui.viiij; lnM llin H'iiilit eolne to I htlll to M'll. V. Ilailllninilton nml hi fomiittn, It. .M. 'hilniai, have httui lidini: over llio valley Inijiin; up a lot. of fine bloode, hrlMld. mown, lllld lot it I'llN 1'iilatiiiir to u" into tint liog ImxiniH mi it Miiiifwhal een-ive kiiiIp. Mr. Hamilton flailed t liir-t (.Monday) moiniiii; for IiId hoini' in San .lose, fill. .Mr. Cndroe, one of tlio proinincnt liiisiiie men of Ilnltu ImiIIm, ya n net at tlio Suiin.VHide Thursday inuht on Iiih uiiv Hi; .Mtill'ord. Your K'ukIo roinlttcornMinilcnl tool; a notion to ppt-uil tlm day, l-ri iluy, in .Midi old, nml hpeml n part of tin day iiitiui; Hie rounly fair, nml mi Hie ear with him, in addition to din wife nml ilaiiKhlur, llultie, I hern were V. I'. Iliiinmill, .M!km .lehxio Mm- ler, W. llnrl llainillon. It. M. Whit-, man, II. Pointer, .Ml Mninl forlie.H, ,lio Hand Itrowu nml Ml- (lladyx N'nlwiek, heide ipiite n uiimlier of KtrmiKerrt. I omilleil lo hlnte 'Hint a lecturer hy the inline uf Unwell eaine in on lnt Wctluiftilny uilil, the Dili JiikI., nml kio im n very iutcre-Hnv: lecture on "I'oilland After llaik." He hail n ptil u(icncu nml kept them inter eled for over an hour. . .Mix. lon .Moouiuvv, who ha liceu livim; fur t-oine time in Yukiiun, 'ah., came in on her I'ricndH on ThniMlay eve., and mi did her I'ntlier, .limit's tlii,M'r, nnive from Klumath eoiuily, via the Ilio-iic liver ninte, the iinm eventujr. William (Iroham of I'lunav lu lieen tniiUin regular trips luiulin Inniher from here to luiihl u new lliiiihit on hin place. Speaking nliout Inniher, there hcuuh to he ipulc a IM uf llimher taken uwuy from the linn her ,nri hero thin full. ProfeMMif (', K. .loluiMiu, who N tcuehiu Mdmol In Ilia Tahle Itoek Hchnol distiiel, caine over Saluiiluy on the P. A: K., hpent tlio nihl with uk mid while here ave nic his 'mi!i xcrihtion for the Daily Mail Trihuni-, M thai ho could keep !u touch with Hie iiiitHtlo world mid keep posted on the war iiovyh, Aiullcv Meyer ami his coiihin, lMdie Mcvci'M, uf Luke. Creek, cniim nut I mill .Miilloitl Satiirdny iiflCruoon and speiil the nihl with im nt Ihe Suun.Vflile. Amllev Meyer Idol; the lir-l pri.o nl the eoniity I'nir up pn. laloi'K, e h one of tlm cinileHtnnU in the Luke t'icck M'huul ditrie in the indiihliinl fuir to he hehl in South Untie, on the 'Jlnl lust,, nml Lee Cluley Ionic the firt prir.it on corn, Ho ulho is one uf tho context. nnlH'iu tint district fair. Koy Afhpole, one of the IcadiiiK moichuuU, paid me lis huhfcriptiun In Ihe Daily Mail Tnlniue thin uioin iii),', and ho did TIiouiiih M, Niclmls, (he dt'inoeratie and pi'oliihition can- tlidato fur Hie hlale senale, nlo paid mo IiIm Nulnmription to tlm Dully .Mail Tjihunc, nml James Oweiirt paid me Ills HUuseiipllou In Hie Dail. .Mull Tribune luM IVi'day. Tlm people find (hut tlu'V imiHt hme Ihe Dally Mail Tribune to k''I nil Iho iicwh nil Ihe lime, Do It Today Kimolvo lo Mtiioko lluv, JolllllKIU cl nun, tho best, and tbeioby pntronliu lipiuu Industry, tl I CENTRAL POINT POINTERS , -.. .: - .i.r.-.;: . .-.-.-.::.-.."... i .ill", mi milium in jiiunt'iiivni'i tho flrnl of tlio wr.ok. MIkh lleiodt' Kuiidiill vUltod In ltu)(iiu Jllver tlio latter part of hint week I'ri'd I'nrra In a IhihIiiom vliltor In HoKiin Itlvur thin week. I'aulun DIboii han ruturimd from a ImnliifHH trip to Portland. Ml Inn AiiMln of Kanllnn Crcuk upent Huinlny with lior pa real it heie. .1.' I'. Kelly of (Irlffln Creek watt hIihIiIiik liamlR wllli bin ninny frletulu Hero Tiiinolur. Mr. Kelly wan for merly of tlio ftoctlon KaiiK Imro anil tliln wiih IiIm flnt vliilt liuro In twolvo jeiirn. Mr. nnd Mm. Hay and ilnnxblor Arleno worn tlio :iui1h of M1m Kluanor Hay, the (ennlier of tho Wat Id im illittrlct Mhool at Watkluii Ktiu day. Mr. and Mm. W. K. Prlro and fam ily, II, II, CormdliiK nml clilldrnii, J. W. l-'reouinn, wife ami dauKliter, and 1'reii Wlloy and ctilldroii enjoyed n day In tlm Applewito country; tho flrnt of tlm week. ' Mm. Miothhirn of Med ford vvhk a rnwiil vIMtor at the W, U, irho rl deni'i here. MIim Audrey Ilollimn of I'bneiilt wan hero fur tho week end visiting relative-,. Mr. mid Mm. V. I), llropliy of Tnl unL and MiiHtir Inland llropliy of Mod ford worn out-of-town vUltorM hem tlm firm of tlio weidt. Ml mh Akiiuk Ininlap leavo today for KuKcno whuro nho will bo a tu deoL at llio unlverHlty. , MlHtf Until Hoy. I of Oablaml U Hie flimtt uf Mlm (iludya Ultimo at pres ent. TluilulloM of Iho M. !:. church will Chi) u clilckeu Hopper at Hie ItoHtel linll Haturdny ovciiIiik. The price will bo lint muall miiiii of -Ti centa nml every onu l onpolnlly urKod to at tend nnd huvo a plenmnt time. Mr. ami Mm. J. W. Murrltt tran naoted biulnenK In Hold Hill recently. Tito enturtnlniuent plvcn by llio Willow HprlnK renldenlB Monday evenliiK wan a decided hiiccwm. Tho opera hoiiro wan packed to Kh enpac Ity mid the wit and humor of tho playern plensed Iho audlcnco Im iiieimvly. Tho most IntcroMlnR fea ture of the program wan an Indian war dance, danced by four. kItIh nnd four luiyi to perfecllon, , l'ontnmner liny Tex nnd wlfo wcro nt Pronpect Sunday. Molvln nilmad mid Zeb DorM will Unvo thl week for tlm OreKou Aprl cultural Colk'Ko. - WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETS I Convurnatlon I n relaxation mid' not a funclm: trhool or n gamo of cheHH. II. H. Plcknrd of Albuipiorque, X. M.,M lKltlm; his ltem, Mm. D. M. McXanscr mid MUm IC. Plcknrd. Tho W. A. Thompsonn entertained Phoenix frlemlH Sunday. K. T. Xenl nnd family left !n thulr car for Corvalll Thumday. Mm. Prank McKee wan trammel ing bUKtuenii In Medford Saturday. The bent feature of many of tlm trnuhloH wo are promt to worry about In Iho fact that many of them never come. Mr. and Mm. Harry Klrclier of Hellvllle, IIIIiioIh. wcro vlaltlns Mm I). McXnHer Saturday and then loft on tho nvenliiu train for Canadian cltteH. Mlxa Amy Itlnehart loft Tuoflday for fior homo In Oaklmid after vUlt liiK Mm. 1 M. Palmer for lx weokp. Today In tho tomorrow wo worried about yoHterday, and never happen ed. Tho Sunday School cIiirbck of tho' M Insert Helen Parker nnd Cecil Creed plrulcod In tlila district Saturday, J no Klrclier and wlfo of Albuquer que nio vIhUIuk II. S. l'lclcard nml fnmlly. Mr. Klrclier In Inspecting IiIh latereHtfl In this dliitrlct. , Mr. and Mrs, J. P, IloiiKlnud uud youuKe.it daughter loft on tho north ern route for Chicago mid other poliiU of -111101X111, While nway the will ,vlalt frloiulrt mid mint lv on ami III about pIx wcoIh will ruturii tho Hoiitheru riioto, I Tho (IriuiKo us.slnted by tho Central Point band gavo n inlcoilnnoons pro Urnpi ami dance, nt tho C. P. open homm Monday evening which wnn a decided buccobh both financially as well an Boclally, Tho Indian wiib a novelty, Mloa NorcrosR n Anna HBUl wiib a Hcream mid tlio other featurea" wero enjoyed as well. AUSTRIAN LOSSES RUN SEVENTY?PER CENT LONDON, Sunt. Ill, 1:50 n, ill. A dlripatrh received Jioro from Home wi)H (ho Trlbuua'ri Pelrograd corre- Npomlent declare It U reporled In tho Hun-Ian capital Hint tho AiiMtilans havo lost 70 per rent of their total (iffeetlvu available troop, Inrliiillng "J50.P0O men liikuu piluo.rra by (ho RiihsIiiiu and Hervlmiii, Tho dlupuKh iiiIiIm Hint AilHlrln In w IMiilrnnltiir tnt: ecu tu protect Vluium uud llu Jh Poii.I E Ilcportud by Jirktron contily Ab troct ,Co Jlxth and Kir KU. !Ciiriilt WiJIinm KyjrJni.ii n,. .Jumex Ovv ciih ei iiljvf4wVl..ni. , Kmlly MjUx-''' w. nVliiinliim V. IISin(iiii ilm)Tflc Slulo of1 (Jri""ii . Frrd Jlnen hurt, transcript. llic I'lmwr J.iiatber (o. tu. Aitmn Weuillerhy ut'rur. iiiwhuttlw' Hi. .1. M. h-fo v . V. W. Slnirrtelli, II. I. IliucrifVc nml 1'reii Weok, me IiiiiiIi lion." Itcnl Kfilaio Tronnfrni ,1. P. Ittnlilf t u io yint Ah- Ihoiiy. lotj tu (jiii-ii Aune ndililiou, iudioril, half In terctit in Ini't IC, Huovvy Millie Orcllfld miet mid In ltd In nee. H)Jlr-lW $ 1 C. II. Ilntllnjr lo A. If. Ifnwli'jt hall' intiirOSl in llih (Innle ipiartz lrlirirt . ... 1 Iteilhn M. Otlhpv ( Viola M. Sloiie, IH.-7, blk. :i, llmi moii'w addtlion. Medfunl . HI Mntlie H. .Sllitw ii vii ti W. ('. Sandert-ou ct nl, lol in hi I.. O, II. It. uililili'oi, AMiInnd. 10 ('. W .THphiit, eduiiniKlmtor .r II. II. Tifphii, ( John Suiitlipeter, IiiihI in er. 11- :i.-- iw. . - :ioft fl II. Lvueli el a v In iVh-r V. .loliu-on, laud oi ve-. 17 .1.1 IC 1,200 ill' .1 HAVE FRANCE? LONDOX, SOpt 1(5. y 12 a. m. A Central Newn dlieatcli from Home itiote n tolegraiu from Hanoi, Swll xerlaud, to tho Meinagoro atatlng that the acnuani nro roorted to have received orders to rvtlro as far afttlin right bank of tho Ithlno, com jilclcly evacuating Prance, llelglum nnd I.tixoiiibiirg. POLITICAL CARDS ifqit txiw.vrv ui:n)iiii:ii.' I hercbynnnnunro myself aa tho democratic tamlldato for the offlco of county recorder of Jackron couti ty, lo bo voted on nt the pcncrnl election on-Koytn,br;. 3, ltH,- If elected, I will do my duty as I have In other rcnponsJbJo position that I Imvo hold. LKR L. JACOI1S. t (Paid Adv.) COItOM.'lt. 1 with to plao my nanio befors tha votcm of Juckton county as an Independent cnndldato for county cor oner. "9J0IIX A. PICUL. (Pold A'dv.) .-w- IfOIl HUNT I'UUMHIIKI) APTS. FOR RKXT Largo sleeping rooms, and, modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 247-L. 222 South Holly streut. I'Olt HKNT PllltMSMI.il ROOMS FOR RKXT- Pleasant room closo In. very reiisonablo. 237 North Cen tral, phono 45-J. 155 NEW TODAY 1500 acres, fenced and good build, lags, half meadow, mid halt valuablo timber, Kliunniii county, Orcat par gain at 1 10.00 pey aero. One-third ctudi, liberal term's ou balance. ,2C00-nrro ranch, teu miles from tho railroad In uoutheahlern Wash ington, n fine wheat proposition, 90 per cent U farm land, adjoining hurt jirodupcH from 20' ttv UO bushels of wheat per acre. Prlco J1C.00 per acre, will tak" soma jncomo prop erty in trade, and toruiB on some. C. D. HOON WHY? STOCIC RANCH i It Is my busluesa to know Iho best buy In Jnckeon county and have It optioned at tho lowest cash prlco. That' best buy today la n ldo-ucro stock ranch, 100 acrca loam soil, Ir rigated, now In grain and alfalfa No bettor alfalfa land In Jackson county, ditch built covering 140 ncrod, perfect wator right, alone worth 110,000.00. This land lies between tho Applo- gato river and the foot hills, all bot tom land, best ot rnngo, most de lightful cllmato, no snow or fog. Modorn, now bungalow, barn, foucoa, corrallg mid orchard nil ready. This pi a co should bring $35,000.00 will sell for $18,000,00, half cash, $3000 worth of machinery nnd stock with pluco. Ideal homo and iloott ranch, Host I huve uvor offorud. l'irt Nr.t'1 lliiuk Uldg., I'liouo 10-J J. C. BARNES COURTHOUS NEWS I I'oit m:r-iio.Mtii avd iioo.mk mnyTklin OA iilYar board at M rV W. T. Vofk, 1Z0 Laurel n(. K,t ass; . r--a - - "',:J . yon m:.vr iiof;r. KOIt HUNT Six room biMKnlow wllh full baHoinMit. 711 Kant JackKon fit , v$r,.p(b W. II. j:vor bard, 10 J Went fllb 8t, FOll HUNT- Tbrco room honim. In Mrto coinplotoly now, 7.oo per month, llerbart Uiunnpncli nt Kluvtrlc Kitchen. I-'Oll HKNT -3lx room hoiio. plant urcd, plumbed and kooi! nloepInK porrii, uail nt 736 W. Alder. U 1'. Crilfrefi. JCS i'Olt UKXT Xlcoly furnlnhod fivo r on mod bungalow, cloto In, doolr ablo location. 417 Jay St., corner Booth Uakiiaio and Jay SU. lr,2 I-pil llBXT Klthor flro room or lx room bungalow, clone In. Might furnUh partly, new A-l, phono 317, 'ivoningii rjr,.ji. r-'j't-- . ag..rv-,-.-r.Xj ion itKNT hoi'ki:ki:i:pio KOOMH t I'Olt ItKNT Kiirnlaliod boiisckt-ep- ing rooms, km; alno linll Itodroom. 'ZZ Hast Ninth. 10 1 KOIl HKNT Knrnlclicrl houtokcop- ing apt thoroughly cleaned, re novated, now inatiagomont, Itotit reasonable. Tho Oxford, 223 W. Main. 153 I'Olt ItKNT Modern honneltcopin ' rooinr, iia and bath. Call nflor -1:30 p. ni. Phono Or.-ll, 2'J Tal ent hi., off South Central ave nue. IRC fok iti:.vr mikci:m,..i:oi;s I'Olt HUNT -Team and wagon for hunting trips. Pliuuo 71U, 15 1 IOIl HA I.I" IIOMI-STKADH I'Olt SALK- Itellnciulshmcnt near Medford. Hnoti. Telophono 8-1-4. iiooiib or en-nlngs. 1",3 roit ku.J' iiouih- I'Oll HAM-: Seven room bungalow. Blrlrtly modern, lot r.Ox.Tl,. plenty uf fruit nnd berries, large out buildings. Will no 1 1 cheap, phone 117-M. mornings. . I'Olt SAM URAL j-STATi: I'Olt SALK at a nacrlflce. ono of tho belt 120 aero floguo rlror bot tom ranches In Jackson county. All level land, water right for Ir rigating 100 ncres. U you aro looking for a, general farm this Is your opportunity. Kor further In formation wrlfo . tho owner, box 100. Medford Malt Tribune, Med ford, Oregon. IS t KOlt SAW. T.1VKSTOCK FOR SALK Two good young horsei. cheap. Phouo &39R2. 10r FOR SALE Forty shotcs and on cheap work in nro. O. L. Schemer horn. 121 X. Orapo Street. Phon-i 819-M. 152 FOR SALK A good team of horses, wagon and harness. Knquiro 307 Knst 9th. 1S2 FOR SALK A good team, wagon anj harnens. luqulro of or writo Mrs. Poe, Roguo Rtrer, Oro. 223 FOR SALK Cheap, a Bound, black mulo. eight years old. Inquire of Dr. W. R. Stokes. Phono C7-J1. 155 FOR SAM" MISCKLLAXKOUS FOR SALK Somo 'antiques and San Francisco flro souvenirs. Uox C. Mnll Tribune. 154 FOR SALK Chicken, half grown, White Leghorn, Wycknff strain, price $3 and $3.50 per dozen. 1051; Court St. 152 FOR SALK Xoarly now Toledo range. C. A. Myers, R. F. 1). No. 4. 133 FOR SALK Fresh prunes delivered, two cents per pound, a few lug boxes of Hartlctt culls, 50 cents u box. Call S57-R. 153 FOR SALK $00 Racycle wheel in good condition; also Winchester, IO guago pump, unused, take down. Phono 005. 102 FOR SALK Upright piano, flrat clasa make, until Saturday, Sep tember 19. $100 for csh deliv ered, 237 N. Central, phono 45-J. 155 FOR SALK Rest paying wholesale ami retail confectionery in Now Mexico. Would tako rvs part pay ment, a small, modern homo In Medford. For particulars. addronB box 31, Rosvvoll, Now Mexico. 15!) FOR SALK Klectrlo range. Phouo 25-J-l, P. O. Uox 223, Medford. Oro. 1Ti3 FOR SALE -Onu now si II. P. Ful lor ami Johnson gasollno cngtito Gun bo seen at Rex plant. Phoenix, Phono 15-F-4 or wrlto California Rex Spray Co., Phoenix, Ore. I IK LP WANTED I'KMAI.K WANTED Woninn to do cooking and general housework. Phono 1-F-21. 1C3 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Sowing by lenced dressmaker. St. an oxpor- 2 1 (!ouoiiei 151 WANTED Steady ranch work by young inmi with good hublts. Can milk some. Addrcbg Uox A, caro Mail Trlbuno. 15J WANTED Jupunoeo, boy wmitu auv kind of house work by hour. Phono 401.lt. Sbltuoda, 102 WANTED- Middle aged woman, good luurokuupor Add cook would like n Plant with a widower or muall fain tly for tlm whiter, country no objection- llox .U Oiuiinukuuper). or pliunu 317-M. Hi wa NT !: i m i nt n: t,i,i n kous NTKfT--DrciVninMrisr 307 ' 'RmI Hlxtll utrcot. 1B2 WANTKDi-Ti buProlf tojT of flnt (U-fik. Addres box 200, care Mall Tribune. 1S1 WANTKn At onco.'loftil ot $.ir.00i can glvo KlIt-edKc Mrurlly; will pay S per rent; tllno, ono lo two yoarfl. AddreftB box 718, Medford, Ore, . 1 WA.VTKIl Day boarders, ?5.00 porj JLJ ';oUth Xvy- iilj WANTHD To piirclmfio well ml proved lltMo ranch two to ton aeroa In ta tiMi- If .it'rtctt frriix in W 1 who wllltako wm. property at Rend, Ore. anr) somo cash, drex box 313, ltnnd, Oregon. Ad, I 159 WANTHD-Single room, hot nnd cold water and u of bath, 10 n month. IJox in. Mall Tribune, U-tVTIln Vnnnn ....... fn- t.ri.lln purposow. Answer giving numbur..r'Aj'R AUT.O SPJtINO CO Wo dencrlptlon and lomtlon. 11. M i Whitman. Kagle Point, Oro. 133 WANTKD To buy fIrst-claaH milk! cows. I). A. MrCurdy, 250 South IiurolSt. Phone 123-J2. FOR 1'XCIIASOn FOR KXCIIANOKIncomo proporty for Improved alfalfa ranch with wntor. Address box 18, earn Mall Trlbuno, 151 FOR KXCIIANOK For Moilfort business property a general farm of 120 acres on Roguo river, and 4i0 ncrea o timber near' Ruottt Falls, crulies about 19,000,009 feet. Tills Is a gjl( .edgq jiroposi tlon. What ham yon got to offer? Wrltn tho owner, bax 99, Med ford Mall Tribune. 15 1 f FOR KXCIIANOK Flno Block ranchcH for Medford city properly. Clark Realty Co., Phlppn Uldg. KXCIIANOK Want to sell or buy anything? V C Radcr, 114 N. Front St. Phono 125. Xuff Sod. LOST LOST Ruggy roho botween Medford and tho Tom Taylor place. Finder ploaM leavo nt Mall Tribune. LOST Gold rimmed eye glasses and button, $1 reward. Leavo at 31 fi North Central Ave. 152 LOST, STRAYKD OR STOLKN Small bny marc, branded 8 S on hip, T R on left shoulder, from my pasture on Griffin creek, re ward for Information. It. J. Ilonar, phone 539-J5. 150 LOST Lap robo on Jacksonville or Ashland road Saturday. Please leavo at Trlbuno office. Jr. - j.i -! -, !- I MONKi TO LOAN TO LOAN Wo have money to loan on Improved country property at eight per cent. Phone- 317, Car kins & Taylor. nusixnss mickctorv Garbage GARRAGK Get your premise cleaned up for the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good Bcrvlco. Phone 32S-L-. K Y. Allen. Stenograpncrs SI10K REPAIRING First class she. repairing, ou modern electric machlnos while you wait. E N. Uidcn, located hi Kldd's Shoo Store, Phono 313J. n-x.- Notary l'ulillc HELEN N, YOCICEY Notary pub lie. Urlng your work to me at the sign of tho Mall Trlbuno. Instruction In MikIc MIL FRED ALTON I1AIGI1T Teacher of piano and harmony, an nounces aeasou of 1914-15 begin ning September 7th. 1914. A lim ited number ot now pupils will bi nccepied. Courses, in hnrmony and musical history to all pupils mis season without extra chargo. Pupils recitals. Hoight Music studios, 110 South lmurol St.. Medford, Oregon, phono 17C-R. MRS. FLORENCE IIALLIDAV 1IAIGI1T Tcnchor ot tho art of hinging, tone placement, dia phragmatic breathing, body poiso, opera, oratorio, concert repertoire, clashes In sight sluglng aud read ing. Children's singing classes wilt bo formed. In these classos of six tlio foundation principles of cor rect breathing, tono placemen'., nnd sight singing will bo taught, Ilalght Music Studio:,, 11G South Laurel St. MRS. HALLIDAY-HAIGIIT --AV 1 1 1 alao conduct a dass ot younger Piano pupils this season under Mr. Knight's direction at tho Ilalght Music Studios, 11G South Laurel Street. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND -TEUSPHblfl DIRECTORY A Quick, Handy, rcfcrcnco for llusy People Haled Hay, Flour, Feed, Grab L. U, llrovvu, Rusa Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Rlvorsldo.... Phouo G39 Civil Englueors Osgood & Drown. T. W. 0 good. Asso. M, Am. Sop. 0, E. A, Tboo llrown, deputy county surveyor. Medford National Hank Uldg ...Pboue 262 Klectrlo Wiring, FixliireH, Huppllee Southern Oreou Electrlo Co., Mazda Lamp. G South Central Avcuuo............ Phone 215-Y Farmer Impleiueiits Hubbard Drotheri. Full line of John Deere make. For a pe dal price on bugle. 33C East Main ...... .....PbnB $11 Pliiiiiblng and Healing Vuu It. Puinuu. U Witik Urve..M.,M. .............I'lwEe I HllfilNlMM DIUKOTOIIY Atlomry' POIITKU'J.'NKIT, WAtif. MRALHY Atthmeyw-nt-LftW, Hooinn 8' and 0, Mndford National Hank llMK. A. B. IIKAMIW. LAWYBIt (iarnfltt ' Corey bldg. Win, M Cofvlg. rore M nniWln COLVKI & HODERTB. LAW YKUS Mrfdford NmionaP Rank Hulldlng. II. V. MULKUY ft OKb: W. ClI'RHY Attorney at' Law, JacRiuirPCoun ty Hank tliHillne. ' , ' ' ' iniwiiini jfc.n.i wum i .. j NI-'VTON W. UORDKN-Aitornoy at law, room 7. Btmrta bulldluir. Mnd ford, Oregon. Auto Supplies; aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tha Pa cific northwest, tsn our spring when othors fall. Bold under gunr- anteo. zc North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ortf. Chiropractor DR. A. IL HEbciKsT Dr. Iiotilso Ii! Hodgos Mochano-ThorapUtH, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts, These systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thoraphy, etc.", produco restiltH In both acuta and chrenic: dlucascs. Consulta tion free. Ovr Douol & Co., cor ner Main and llartle'.t. Iloura II a. m. to 5 p. m, Other hours by appointment. Phono 170, DR. It. J. LOCICWOOD,,, Chiropractor, no'rvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205. GarneltfCorey- bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; needle spray, head nnd shoulder hower In connection; advice In dietetics, medical gyinliastlca, hvdroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phono, office 543, msldonca 511-R. Kmployinent Agency Wa are here to help peoplo get re liable, competent help. We fur nish help in almost all lines of business. Wo make a specialty ot competent rnon and wives for ranches. We solicit your patron age. Hlttner's Heal Kstate and Employment. Uurean, Rooms S and 7 Palm Hulldlng, Medford. Phone 8S8. Mr. Dyrd Caster, Manager. soccesser. Deatlste DR. W. M. VAN C. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. SCOYOC DentlcU Garnott-Corey Hldg., suite Medford, Oro. Phone 856. ai TnuMfere EAD3 TRANSFKR & STORAGB CO. Office. 42 North FrontgL Phone SIS'. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Pliyealrlaas aaa SBrgeoave DR. P. O. CARLOW, DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 41G-417 Garuett-Corey bldg.. phouo 1U3C-U Resldeace 2C South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physicians. 303 Garnett-Cerey building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. EMM EN6 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eye scien tifically touted and glaasea sup plied. Offlco 228 East Main St. Hour 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. ua. Phone. E. D. PICKED. M. D. Office Jaek son County Dank bldg. Office phone 43-R; rcaldenco phone C8-R. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER Physi cian nnd surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Iloura 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and. surgeon, l'uonee, office 30, resl- deuco 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12. 2 to 6. DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD Phyoiclaa and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E. Main. Phones, residence, 814-J2; office bl-l. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician ana Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums dou, 215 E. Main St. Phoue 77. DR. MO M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr. Lydla S. Uow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block, Phono 1C0. Ileal donco tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. PrlnterN una Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the beet equipped printing offlco la southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf lodgers, bllllug systems, etc. Portlund prices. 27 NortU Fir St. "-r5- 7-r- r: - , . . . .j Itakery Royal cakes. Bakery, broad, p4ej, Corner Main and Gran. -.-..........,.,Plioae, 17 Furniture New and Second HmT Scott Woolf, succeMor to Ut doff & Woolf, complete boim furnlalmra. Special )ow prlees, ou Axmlnlstor rug, and fural turo. 22 South Kir: ,'..PliMi Guns, Aiiiiiiuul(iou,.Hportiet "rytt Kwlug Gun Store, tltkiMM tackle, siwrtlnlj (.' iH ' West Malu ........PhoHe H Real Kotate, Loan and iHreetNMtjti Page Drirwler Comiihim,. tjWM lauds, sub-dyloBsf 3Z4 M$td. Mln m.. rbm4im Hlaido aMl rnutw Uh Him o. v, KrtN 0e, rwM i ww "vllWaf'Tli