Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 16, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ft i,
10, Ifltl
JuiIro W. It, Cnnon anil wife who
nro visiting In Sacramento, report
Hint Fny la suffering from n seven
cold, but nothing serious. Thoy will
visit Vorno Cnnon nt I.odl boforo their
return n fortnight henco.
At the regular meeting of tho llcJ
nHmn lodgo Saturday evening the
innttor of consolidation of tho Ore-Konlan-l'ocahonlas
Tribe No. 1 of
Jacksonville with Wcntonkn Trlbj
No, .10 pt Medford will be ncted upon.
A feed nnd smoker will follow.
Mr. llobert Ensoii, oxport ladle
tailor. Is now located with Mrs. E. d.
Myor'a dressmaking establishment.
Your pntronago solicited. Second
floor, Deuel and company. 1CS
K. J, Iewls of Prospect was n Med
ford Visitor Tuesday.
S.' S. Smith, wife, daughter and sls
ter loft Tuesday for Portland nnd Cor-
vallls where Miss Smith enters tho O
A. C.
beotiro flro Insurance upon your
fruit wlillo In n packing house. Low
rates. Special short term policies.
Guaranteed Insurance with E. S.
Tumy, 210 Garnett-Coroy Bid;.
J. D. Orth and family hnvo re
turned from Fort Klamath. Going
over they made- tho trip In six hours
from Medford, showing tho Improved
condition of tho roads.
-Kodak finishing tho best, at Wei
ton's Camora Shop. Over 1st Thea
ter. Mr nnd Mrs. G. W. Murray nnd
daughter.,. Mr, Win. Spatfor'd arid
Mrs. Wilson, aro visiting rcla
Uvea in Medford. Mr. Murray Js'a
brother1 of Mrs. Eleanor Mantc, Geo.
h Mcrrlman, S. H. Murray and Mw
m. U. Uortlon. Ilo Is county as
sessor of Kings county, California-,
being re-elected for tho fourth term
nt tho late election.
It. E. Inncs of Itoseburg spent tlfS
first of tho week In tho city attend
ing to business matters. 3
See K. IT. McCurdy for Aetna Fi
delity and Surety Bonds.
Tiio whlto Front saloon was
granted an extension of 19 days In'
Its llrcuso last night by tho city
council. Tho place recently went
into bankruptcy, and the extension
'wag granted to allow an adjustment
of the business with the creditors. K
Local supporters of tho Now York
Giants headed by ave Wood are wor
ried for fear their Idols will not win
ttyl pennant In the Rational league.
n&noa lean tne race, anu two
thirds of (he baseball fans are boost
ing them to win.
J. O. Gerklng; the best an aronnd
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Vain St. Phaser" 320-j;
Arthur Chesborough of Salem is in
the city for a- few days attending to
business matters.
Lem llawley of Watklns, Oregon,
spent Monday and Tuesday In Med
ford on business.
Authentic war sows received by
Mail Tribune leased wire will be
posted during the day at Hotel Med
ford. Workers for It. A. Booth, and Dill
Hanloy, republican nnd progressive
candidates for tho U. S. senato, aro
beginning to feci out tho voters on
how they stand. A 1)111 Hanloy club
has been organised among tho ladles
of tho Greater Medford club to work
up enthusiasm. Tho trend is strong
for Senator Chamberlain. Tho old
line stnndpat republicans aro luko
warm in their support of Dootb.
E, S. Tumy writes all forms of in
surance Excellent companies, good
local service, 210 Garnett-Corcy
Illdg. "
Hud Anderson, former "Prldo of
Medford," who has beun licked In the
last six months with tho name regu
larity with which ho used to win, has
decided to tako another whirl nt
pugilism, nnd "will appear in a bout
at tho Pendleton Hound Up. All the
tight has not been knooked out of
lilm, and fomo local fans still retain
tho notion that ho Is un uncrownel
champion of tho world.
Automatic base ball, that brand
now out door same, has arrived in
Medford. See it at DoVoes tonight,
just west of Hotel Medford.
According to figures avullablo at
this tmo tho Jackion County Fair
association hroko about oven this
year. In 1913 they ran H00 -behind.
Tho nttondanco was lowor
than last jcar, but tho expenses wero
Tho Iowa society will hold Its an
mini picnic next Saturday In Gold
Hill In connection with the mld-valle
Industrial Fair.
KdUoii records for solo nt 25c each
ns long as (hoy lust, at Palmer's Pi
ano Place, (laniQtt-Corcy illdg,, 24
JJoiith Grape strwit.
I'll HI
V "I . 1
ill II II Ml II
Weeks t McGowan Co.
I4 teW4
fttof hHwH7
NJtfMi r, W, Wtmkt IM-M
fkttm 4. V. Oft 711
Seven carloads of lloguo river val
ley cattle were shipped out last night
to California points.
H. K. Thomas of Itoseburg Is
spending tho week In tho city and
valley attending to busluoss matters.
' Oct It at l)o Voe's.
Fletcher Fish loft tho first of tho
week for California where ho will
take charge of n large pear orchard.
Hiram Mondor returned tho first
of tho week from an nuto trip to
Crescent City nnd Eureka.
For good pictures every day In tho
week attend' tho it Theater.
County Commtsloner Joo Smith Is
in the city today attending to county
J. M. Hoot hns returned from 1
business trip to Porltand, nnd Is
boosting for Hilt Hnnley for l S.
The finest equipment in Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co.
Don Rader of this city, who Is play
Ing second bnso with Venice in the
Const league, passed through the
city Monday afternoon en route to
Portlnnd, and was mot at tho train
by friends nnd relatives.
Sprnguo Ilelgcl of Gold Hill was n
business visitor In the city Monday af
Kodak finishing and supplies at
vtcston's Camera Shop. Over Isis
The oldest exclusive agency In
Medford, reliable protection, our only
business. Holmes, tho Insurance
Mm. Frank G. Owens Is visiting
friends in Portland.
Hair dressing, manicuring, scalo
treatment, facial and halrwork, hair
dyejjng. -429 M,F.H. Hldg. Phono 1S7
'- Attorney Gus 'Nawbury Is In Port
land on n business trip.
The high school football team held
its llrsj practice Tuesday night, 25
candidates turning out. Coach Mooro
Issued Instructions, and satisfaction
was expressed among tho athletes
that physical prowess rather than
social position would bo tho standard
for selecting members this year. Tho
team ls'ns certain of victory In all
the games as a bunch of Austrlans
Just boforo a decisive battlo with
tho legions or tho Czar.
" For good pictures every day in
the week attend the It Theater.
William Gerlg left Tuesdaj- night
for Portland to attend to business
cused of picking tho pockets of R.
Ryan in a Front street resort, was
ordered out of town this morning by
Pollco Judge Gay, upon the grounds
that he was a barnacle on economy.
LTo-coniiettltowna would take-in tho
neighborhood of $150, with" his board
and the helding: of two witnesses,
and the court figured his absenco was
worth moro than his presence In tho
county Jail. Downs claimed It was
his first offenBo. All tho parties in
volved in tho deal wero moro or lesa
under the influence of firewater.
Charles D. Gay is attending to
business matters in Ashland this af
ternoon, Victor McCray and wife, former
ly of Medford, now of San Francisco,
aro visiting relatives at Medford.
Rain, so earnestly hoped for In
August is falling spasmodically over
the valley today, with prospects of
continuation for tho next day or two.
U present it is that meteorological
condition known ns an Oregon mist.
A good shower with tho moisture al
ready fallen would put tho ground In
excellent shape for fall plowing. Ac
cording to amateur weather prophets
substantial rains in September as
sure pleasant weather in October.
M. Schrado of Willow Springs
spent Tuesday in Medford attending
to business matters.
Improvement was noted today In
tho condition of Gerald Sooysmlth In
tho Sacred Heart hospital suffering
from a slight attack of pluerlsy.
A warlike, spirit that would glad
den tho heart of Kaiser Hill provaded
20 Medford and three' Portland citi
zens Tuesday night In front of tho
Nash Hotel, and tho pollco had con
siderable difficulty in preventing an
outbreak of hostilities. A man bs
tho name of Robinson employed by
tho S. P. claimed that his neutrality
had been violated by an Insult of
fered by ono of tho I'ortlanders, and
that nothing would Bufflco to heal
his wounded honor but n limbering
up or fists. Officers Cady and Craw,
ford finally quelled tho disturbance,
and tho pollco woro on tho lookou
this morning for another outbreak.
All is quiet now,
A. Scholz of Redding, Cn! Is vis
Ring friends and relatives In this city
for a few days,
J. II, Davis of Trail Hpcnt Tuesday
In the city on business.
It. Davidson of Willow Sprints is
a business visitor In tho city.
II. E. SmithVoii of Hpokaue U
spending the woel: in tho tlty.
Attorney) W. E. J'IiIpiih attended
to lugul matters in Jacksonville to
day. County Commissioner Con Louver
of Omul Point is In the city today,
Arthur Itulil, brother of It, W,
Itulil, editor of tho Hun, bus un ur
III li In Ihu lust Colllont' on Iho Ku-
ruuun war.
Keveial uulo urrnuls wore mr
rawly avorlbd I hi imirnliiK owIiik In
Ml'rry pvOMM, I'ttUkluii sldddliiK
Up to noon today ,09 of rain has
fallen In tho valley In tho present
storm, nnd moro Is predicted for to
morrow. Tho fall Tuesday was .0-1
of nn Inch, and .05 this morning.
Farmers nnd fruitgrowers welcome
tho change. Reports say heavy roln
Is falling In tho mountain districts.
Secley llnll who returned from Cra
ter l.nko last night reports snowfall
nt tho lake hut Insufficient to hinder
traVcl. Ho left ngnln this morning.
Superintendent Will G. Steel of tho
Crater National Park left Wednesday
for Crnter I-nko. .
LONDON. Sept.JC, 3:U a. m. -Telegraphing
from Rome the corre
spondent of tho Dally Express says:
"Tho surrender of tho Austrian
army led by General Daukl nnd vo.i
Auffenburg Is imminent. Tho hetr
to tho Austrian throne, Arch Duke
Chanrles Francis, Is with General
Uankl's army which is entirely cut
off from communication.
"Five Gorman army corps .march
ing to tho relief or tho Austrlans hove
beon checked nt Grodek ly the third
Russian corps. General Dankl'a nrmr
Is caught in tho morass west of tho
river San. Further west a flanking
army of 100.000 Cossacks Is awaiting
It. Its artillery hns been lost, Its
cavalry is In the bog.
"Tho last hopo or tho Austrlans Is
to concentrate between the triangular
fortress works of Przemsyl, Cracow
and Jaroslaw. They can accomplish
this, If nt nil, only by tremendous
IJrrorH of ,ouinul"i,ui mill oininioi(
were ivctifioil by the eily enniiell nt
il ifuulnr ineitHuiT Tueidn.v niglil.
The nrriiiuuu'o iviUirln tlmt nil
dti!;. Iu mtmileil until OoHier I, mi
(lie crouiuN tlmt tlmv were linhle to
jo mm!, vh ri'sciutk'i), nnd, Piuiiiu'K
of the eily need no lomior lie'Uirtuivi!
by leather lunl wlie straps mor the
Mtnnt. t'oloiu'l Snrxriit lei! the t'iuhl
fur the Hflinu of llie linn, nnd eoun
oilmen Porter mill lliirjrnivo npNweil
the change for Minn1 u'lixnu,
A f.V.I.'JS error m the street nie"i.
ineiil 011 properly belonging o Kred
Os-enlinmgc. on Ihversiile nvenue s
ordered reeltrU'd, Hie owner piitni!'.
imr In remit .'fl8!HMl liiilaucc dm) fur
City Attorney Mofnlie was in
structed ti prv'pmv nn ouliiiMiu'c for
liidilim; the fiiVthcr pliuilin uf wil
low mid poplar tree in the city.
Thi"e tree niv nllcjiod to nniw prin-
cipiillyMlowiiwnnNi the 100N liurtiiif
seuer nnd wuter w.
A -ix montliH' lniinr license win
"routed to tho Hotel rci!forl. Ai
eialil-iiclt Internl sewer wim orderct
on Dakota nveuue fnxu Klnj; to New-
town Mrvetn.
Minor riiiiline lm-iiii, wiw trims-
, . .
(Continued from Pnio ,)
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 10 Mcr
win Huvery, nei! 8, died today from
burin received llirong'i the explosion
of a can of gasoline with which hi-
mother wns kindling 11 fire yestcnlay
nt their homo in llallanl. The
mother, Mr. Oleirn llevcry, nnd Ed
ward Ileer-, another hoy, died yes
tenlny. The father nnd two other
I'liinm'i) nre Mttlerin irom severe
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. IE. At a
meeting of tho congregation yesterday
at the Tabcrnaclo Daptlst church, un
animous approval was given a propo
sal to call Rev. Robert MacCullough,
Ph.D., of Medford, dr., to tho pastor
ato or tho church, succeeding Rov.
Luther Little, MPuarho resigned to
accept an Important post in tho cast.
(Continued fross pate 1.7
have turned the tablos on too in
vaders, but tho next move is with'
tho Get mans, whose armies are still
in great force and on ground more or
less selected by themselves.
Tho debacle for It seems noth
ing less In the Austrian armies,
means tnat Germany will havo mom
and moro to rely mainly on herself;
henco thero will be a grcator inter
dependence of ovonts in tho eastern
and western field of operations.
ItAlser d'oes to Front
What new forces Germany can put
into tho campaign In tho western
area must henceforth depend in a
great measuro on how far snn can
neglect tho Russian movement on
Dreslau, tho capital of tho Prussian
province of Silesia, 190 miles
southeast of Berlin.
According to reports today, Em
peror William himself has gono to
East Prussia to tako chief command
of tho German armies opposing the
Russian invaders. Ho may nnvo
gone there, but llttlo credit is at
tached to the assertion that ho pro
poses to tako the active command
out If the hands or a fighting gen
eral of tho caliber or Von Illnden-
Tnoro la tho usual diversity of
stories today regarding tho Austro
Servian operations. Tho Austrian
general staff claims to havo driven
tho Servians out of tho province of
lianat and from tho eastern district
of Slavonla.
Kervliiim iu IIniiK'ry
Tho Servians however, horotoforo,
have shown a marked capacity for ro
apiearlng in the same or bettor po
rtions after these "defeats." Thoy
now claim they aro bombarding tho
Hungarian town of Orsova.
incut. What such 11 plan cannot com
pass, tho opinion uf mnuklnd, tho
final arbiter In such matters. wIM
supply. It would bo unwise. It would
bo promnturo for n single govern
ment, however fortunately separatod
from the present struggle, It would
bo Inconsistent with the neutral po
sition of any nation, which like this
has no part In the contest, to form
or express -n final Judgment.
Most Welcome GiicMm
"I need not nmuro that this con
clusion, In which 1 Instinctively feel
that you will yourselves concur, Is
spoken frankly becauso In warm
friendship, and as the best means or
perfect understanding between us,
nn understanding based on mutual
respect, ndmlrnllon nnd cordiality.
"You aro niowLwelcomo and wo arc
greatly honored that you should hnv-i
chosen us as t!c friends beforo whom
you could lay, any matter ot vital
consequenco to,yqiirsclvos,.tn tto con
fidence that your cause would bo un
derstood nnd met In the sauto spirit
In which It was conceived and Intended."
' The .liickson county lioniil of
citiiiliKiilioti is In scson for (he pur
pose of pitHsinjr on the iiMchMuctit
'rolls, just completed hy (Tut county
assessor, mil! hcuHitv icuiiosIh for the
reduction or other adjustment of in
dividual viihttilion.
The .summitry of tho tux mils
jrdiows u tola! value for. usxcsxmcut
purposes ol $fJ,nlH,(wn, Iho assess,
meiit omittiui; the mitro'ud laud u,rnut
liimls, ynlued nt mr-r $(l,Wlu,l)IM. The
omission of this property hii put a
serious crimp in count v finances, as
un Inxe.s were paid on this propel ty
this vcar, allhouuh the enmity was
torccd to pay Hie sluto its iniioilniii
of tuxes due from the u'ntiit lauds. Il
will uecessiiiite a Iiik'i levy this year,
no matter how much economy in ex
ercised hy the county court.
Tho .sumiiinry hIhuvn nn follews:
8!),018 acres tillable html. ll,!llil..Vll
l.l-l.",!ll(l ncrcs non-lill-
nhlclaud ll.S'j!l,li;i0
Improvements 011 deeded
' laud - - . . - .. I.0ll,:i7(l
Town ckn . ... .,:uio,:HU
Improvements on town
lots .... :i, 1 1,1 ,2:10
Improvements on tiuiil not
deeded or pnteulciU . U.'i, 17(1
Merchandise or Moot; in
trade . , (UlH.lliO
.Machinery mid eipiipmeiit !IOH,(iSr
Hants, warrants, mort
gages, notes, moiiey,
etc. . .. .. . r..V.,0!.'
burin machinery, wauoii,
etn. .. . .. .
1117 nuloiuohile.s .-I..
5,-l'JI horses and mules:.
LONDON, -8epl. hit, 111 IB . u.
Tho third butch of treasury IiIIIh Is.
sued for war puriHiHCH wnu (lonled to
day with the vniito ease as worn tho
earlier publlu Ihhuos, Todio'n f 7ft.
000,t(Miwim divided tiunlly bolween
s monthn nnd twelve monthn bills.
Tenders of frlUMI teio received for
tho former nml of for tho
1 hereby nniniiluCo mvnelf mr tho
deiiiocnitlp-liomliieo for shcillf of!
.liirkHon codnty to bo voted on nt the
gciieiul elect Ion Novoinhnr it, I UN,
(Paid Adv.)
Tho mont cnnnomtcnl, oIoiiiisImk and
germlalilnl ot nil ntilluoptlcu 1 11
A ulu!)l Arttiflepllc Pcrwder lo
be dissolved in writer as needed.
As a nntlafJtlo for tlniidieii
In tronttiill cntarrlr, liiflntiitimthin or
ulceration m mme, throat, nml that
caused by feminine lltlthiuiiupiM,
Tor tun yearn tho Lydla 1". I'lnlilmin
Medlrluo Co.hitH tccoiiimtmditd Pfutlno
III ther private corniHiKiudtuuw with
winneii, Mlilch puiviHi Km miperlOflly.
Xvonieii who havo beta const' say
It In "worth Itn welHlil in gold." At
druitftlsth. r.Oo lmif. Iwt. of Uy mall.
Tho Puxtfiii Tollnt c iwHtim. Muss
Drink lots of water and stop eating-
meat lor a while If your Bladder
troubles you.
Office at Mcilforil l'liinnimy, Phono
IU. Mght Phono 70 1, Mctlroiil llolel
Answers Alt t'nIN, Day or Muht
El," 1'J cattlo .
liltU2.i sheep am! pmt
i,'il).l 8WU10
013 ilogs ...
02.') bee stands .
Toln! nssessinent
:i,o 10
ifliyi 18,(171
LONDON, Kept. 1, it-iO p. in. A
dispatch to the Evonin;,' News from
Copenhagen says that ninoiig the
deaths reKirtrd in the latest (lermnti
cnsunlty list are those of Captain Von
Hothusv' Hup and of Count Sauniia
JcKkcIi. the Mi-called "I'litlemiin
Gideon Xenslrr, the Anslrinn me
teorologist, hns liccn killed on Iho
Hussion frontier.
NOME, Alaska, Sept. 1.-Thc
eleven rtiirviwirs of tne KlefiiiihAan
hhip Kiirluk are ntill oil the revenue
cutter Hear. Koine- of them came
imhoro for short la-riods, hut they
are Hiifferiu from nnrc feel. Cap
tain Mnrtlelt warns theiirnot I" walk
too miieh.
(Continued from taga 1)
that infest the hind ho Hiihdiud.
Wlmf can 0110 expect when llicsy
bands remain nnd pillugu wherever
they wWiT They luivo 110 laws, no
coulrolliiiK force, J'hoy iiiuiilcr mid
plunder where they will, with mi pen
ally if fi'iight.
"If lli'erc Ik o Ihi nn nlljiimle kc
Ileineiit of Iho .Mexican trouble, il
1111M hu hroiiKht nlioiit hy the Wnilcd
Ktnffrf, Tlmt would tiiko -100,(100
men ninny yearn mill 11 viihI iim of
money, 'J'licru Mould ho no ulory ill
It for ih Unili'tl Huics-iiily (he
iilinliln of Ihu Ihlng, ami jt Im a
iiielloii If Iho gicjil CMih)o would
i'iiiii n Jool lliu hill."
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to express our thanks to
tho W. O. W. tho W. Jt. C. and the
Kpworth League, also to thn tunny
friends of our sen and brother, who
so kindly nsslstod us and by their
contributions ot.florai offerings re
lleved our lorrow. These tokens of
respect for tho departed and of sym
pathy for the afflicted will long bo
roinombered by thosa to whom thoy
woro given.
J'ltANK A. IircilDAN,
Khics in 117 per cent of Iho hii'sl hoin-crt of the citv 111c nothing
inn npcruiiircs tor smoke ti pour
throiiKli, and defectic, according to
llie report of Fire Chief Law ton to
tho city council Tuesday nielli. Sel
dom, if ever, wns tho 1 evolutions pro
viding for I lie plasteruu; of (lie cliim-
neys complied with, unless the owner
stood over the contractor mid watWi
cd every move of the trowel. In the
buildings of pioneer construction the
bricks were laid upon top of one an
other, and rifjid economy was prac
ticed in the iiso ?,f murtnr.
Tile tire department is now engag
ed in its iuveslipiiiou of conditions
Mirronnding tho Murage of gasoline,
and nccini; Unit holders of permits
coiuplv with the law. The fire in the
Imni near Ihu Nalaloriiim Suinlu.s
revealed (,'iisolino that the lire depart
meat knew nolluni; ahout, hut Hit
tank stood he tent of heal.
Iho regulations preseriliiu
blornge of hay will he rigidly
When you wako up wllli,backaclio .nnd
dull udiiy In tint kidney ii'lim It g-u-crally
iiii-iin you Imvo Uva entlng too
much incut, ) a well-knuurn sutlmrlly.
Mont forum urlo scld irlilcli ovmrotln
tlia kliltiry. In tlmlr rlfotl to (liter II
from the blood mid they brcomv sort of
pnmlytcd and logg)'. U lien jour lllny
get iluggUh and clog yini mint rrllcrn
ttirm, like joii tilktn your UiweUj to
InuThig nit th UsIvNt urlnuiis wmtv,
vhst yiiu Intra liAckuclie, sick lifalhp,
dlfty ipcll jour (Uiiuach sonr, tungihi
I coated, anil vrhen tlio wcalhrr b ImiiI
j 011 lio rlipumittie twiner. Tlio urluu
U cloudy, full of M-dlmont, ClmnnvU olUn
K-t suio, water wnM nml )nu 100 obllgi-l
to iwk relief twu or tlirw Uiucj durlii(
tho night.
lilthrr con.ult a gnml, rrllaMo phynl
cUn at onra or get from our plmrn-uiUt
aUmt tour ouncra of Jnd Haltsi tako
a tutdrtfK)iiful In a glamt of water
Iwfore brcikfsst for a fnw du-a and your
kidneys will then act line. ThU faiuoiia
alU U inado from tlio nrld of f;ra-a
and lemon juice, ctimblnctl with lltliU,
and has bren UK-d for Kneratlnti to
elean and stimulate elupttUh kidneys,
alw to neutrally arid In tlie urine an It
lui onp'r Irritate, tints rntlliij; bladder
.Tad Halts It a life saver for regular
meat' eaters. It Is lnexM-iiie. cannot
Injure nnd make a dcli)flitfiil, elfrr
rodent llthla-water drink.
Southern Oregon
Electric Company
Uijlif, Ileal mid
I'owop Wiring. (Jnl:
oiip csliiimlo lici'orc
lcUhiK your job; "
:iir S. liivpiicK'lt!;--"
Inzda Lumps delivered
tight Housekeeping
Fully Modern. Prices Reasonable
Hnvo you tried 117 If not. tot .1
roll today, It will plcnso you. (luar
nnteud. Mndo by
Phono, Xntntorliiiii llulldlnc
Iowuiim Attention.
Tho Iowa society will hold their
10H picnic In connection with tho
Industrial Yu r at Gold Hill, next
Haturday, Stptoniber 19.
Those baling no ronvcynnco may
Ko In the ,10 passencer Packard auto
which will leuve the Kxhlbit build
Inirat 0 : .'i 0 a m, Faro for tho round
trip DOr,
Onld Hill will lvo us an Iowa
cornnr and u flno time Is nssurod.
All Jowaiis In tho valley nro Invite I
to brim; 0110 of those old tlmn dinner
baskets -Urn the tuests, wo will all
eat Freo linked Hulmon,
Vou lUt ihu Hmt
'Vm Is whim you suiok (lor, Jui)u
sou ciKur sud nutruulim home ludus-
Willi thn consummate skill and
riico of 11 lilit weight champion tho
city council Tiiesdav nluht hidcstei)-
ped any reference l Ihu hiiiV of the
California-Oregon I'lnvcr foinpiuiy
iiKiiiiiMt the city. It Ih in the. hands
of tw'o Hpcohil counsel and t.'ily At
torney McCahe. Spccml Counsel (lus
Ncnhiiry is iu I'oillainl on mutter
in connection with tho Hiiil, ami when
ho return Ilium will ho a coiifcrcneo
of the I eKiil talent and the council,
A compromiso U now out of rea
won, upon tho Krouudi Hint tho prev
ious council favored this move, and
it would never do for this one to ap
prove tho 'move. Tliorc in also a hen.
timciit iu Ihu council that I lie loss of
tho suit In (ho cilv, will) Iho attend
nut heavy costs would (each (lie lux
payers n lesnoii. Thoy voted down ul
11 hpecinl eleelion un niiicndiiieiit to
tho cilv chin lor Ihu'- would huvo
compromihed Ihu (nml le.
'i "1
Why Tfot
(let the best sinoKe, (Jor, Johnson,
and also ptronlM'tnm
t ' ' J ' ' ' '
" f
FOIt HALK -Onu spun of kooiI you 11 u
work horses, (,'hII Mr, m' f
flro, 16 1
No War Prices
on our
Goodyear and
United States Tires
Wat 1I1 for spcilflciilioim on tho
ltll.1 t'adlllnr the wonder of Hie
.Motor Am:
HiMN-lflrattoiiN for our 1 II I " Hup
iiiolillo liavtt arilicil.
Till: TWO HI -ST CAItS IN Till:
WOltLO FOIt Tlliri'ltH'i:.
Golden Gate -Jea
pons will ue Fnurm
See Windows
Second door oant liivl Nal.
IJmik. Phono WJ
Never. Shown
Such an assortment of Women's
Khoes In Hiiappy and stunnliiK Htylea
for nil occautoiin a h wc urout you with
this season,
Wo havo Hhocs lo fit ovory Worn
nil's foot, fancy mid porno.
fli.oo nil aleni: tho lino up to K-.00
Dull Kid, Qiieou Cloth
Wolt, 91.00.
- M
f "iiooa fFu"
ng 8 Sioc. Stora
FOI HAI,I oiiislm-s
Jo, J'ho10 170.M.
for tuiinliB
Bar tlett & Netherland
Taxidermists and Furiers
You know our nliillly nn 'rnxiilci'iiiiHlH.
Jf'uin lilonuod, ropnirod ami rtuiiodtildd.
Now I'ui'H mi(16 lo order unit cviiTlud in
Hloek, Wtltili (lid window i IBwIiiff'o
(Jim Hloro, J 12 V, Miiliirilruol,