Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 15, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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1RAN6ro&T4 TROM ARvtlAUOUL TO frw.u.
m eiaaa SAUKC-am
''til1!! ' ' ' J. J I - . .1 J i'l .1- 1 ' Jl ' 1 '1 - J1
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1 -v --i I I ..'i-inVV
n- f n-h-Jir JQ .
l l-rw . i i i i i . i v - ,,--'W ' i "
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Declar
ing Hint tho establishment of govern
ment owned steamship lines Is & di
rect attack on tho Invested capital
and would mean tho ultlmnto destruc
tion ot steamship lines which tho In
genuity and wisdom ot a deserving
class ot citizens have built up ami
maintained In tho carrying trade oC
tho United States, seven members ot
tho committee on tho merchant ma
rine Introduced today in tho house a
minority report on tho merchant ma
rine 1)111 which was framed to mcov
conditions arising out ot tho Euro
pean war. Tho report la signed by
five republicans, Green, Mass.; Hinds,
Maine; Curry. California; Edmonds,
Pennsylvania; Parker, New York, and
two democrats, Saunders, Virginia,
and Thachcr, Massachusetts.
Possibly tho most dangerous effee',
of tho measure, tho report declares,
would be tho result its enactment
might have on tho position of neu
trality on tho part ot the United
States In the war.
'lHn Neutrality
The bill, continues tho report.
would. If it becamo law. stifle all
commercial enterprise and turn over
to tho government itself the power
to crcato a merchant marine, which
power could. It Is asserted, bo ex
tended and enlarged so long as money
remained in the treasury and as mucn
longer as congress should provide by
taxation to replenish the treasury.
"The purchase ot foreign steam
ships now used in the foreign trade."
nays tho report, "would not increase
tho number ot vessels now available
for tho over-seas trade, even It they
II , . wore granted an American registry.
and no evidence has been produced
that thcro aro not now mora vessel
avallablo for use In the over-seas
trado than could be used advantag
eously In transporting- merchandise
to the various markets ot the world,
and it Is distinctly claimed that thcro
la now ample avallablo tonnage.
Therefore, thcro can bo no emer
gency that calls for government
owned lines to tako care ot tho pro
ducts ot American labor and Ameri
can capital."
Granting that the situation seemed
to warrant the introduction ot a bill
to meet tho emergency due to the war
the report says, "the bill Itself goes
much further than the lino of emer
gency and opens up the whole ques
tion of tho development of an Amer
ican merchant marine by proposing
an absolulo scheme of government
ownership involving an expenditure
or many millions of dollars, which
cannot fall to demand an Increase, of
taxes which would have to bo boruo
by the American people."
Of Doubtful Expediency
Tho signers ot the report charge
that tho bill did not receive suffi
cient consideration at the hands of
tho committee and says that more ex
tended hearings might have revealed
some definite practicable system of
action. Alluding to tho vital need
of an American merchant marine, tlw
report adds:
"The mere buying of such vessel
of foreign constructions as might bo
purchased while the foreign war con
tinues would be but the first step In
a new and untried venture an ex
IKtrlmcnt of doubtful exjiedlency
which should not bo undertaken
without serious consideration.
"Tho establishment of steamship
lines is a business proposition. It is
not a political undertaking and
should not bo a political proposition.
If tho members examine this bill
with car they will fail to discover
therein a slnglo definite buslnesi
W, Williams, a harness maker,
wbb convicted In Jubilee Taylor's
court this morning on a charge of
hunting Chinese, pheasants and was
fined 125.00 and costs.
Williams, according to tho testi
mony, ot b. M. Lyons shot a pheasant
near Mr. Lyons' ranch, east of -Mod-
ford, on tho evening of Septembor 1.
Williams attempted to provo un alibi
liy Policeman Pot Mogo, who testi
fied that ho had met Williams on
Muln street somo tlmo near S o'clock
of thut ovoning, on (ho other hand
the slato introduced testimony show.
lug that Williams was seen in tho
ylliilt)' of (he Lyons' ploco about sun
down. Williams was reircentoil by
I), V, Miilkey, who surved notice of
NPIHrtl uriwr tli flHo was Imposed.
Kiiwwous cuwpjttlut of killing of
p4mNM hvu bw Hiu'ltf l farmer
rUN4 lb VNlIf MHd hh effort will
U miv l put w wlf Katun wr
HRItl.iN, Sep. 15, (by wireless to
New York, via Sayvllle, L. I.) it
was officially announced In Uerlln
today that General Von lllndcnberg
has telegraphed Emperor William
that the Kusslan army of Vllna, com
posed of tho Second, Third, Fourth
and Twentieth army corps, two re
servo divisions nnd flvo divisions ot
cavalry, havo been completely de
feated by the Germans. Hho Kus
slan casualties wore henvy.
The number of Kuinn prisoners
U increniiuir. flenern! Von llinden
lierjr eoet on, mul I lie detruotiou of
the ItusMiui nnny continue. There
have been -poll- of war in enormous
The Nubian mmy of Grodno him
been defeated nl Lyek. It eompri-ed,
in addition lo liie tenty-fecond
eor)v "le remnant of tin corps
nnd n part of tho thinl Siberian
The Gennnn headquarter nn
nouueed at midnight thnt tin- henvt
fighting in Fmnce whs still undecis
ive. The Frcneh nssnult, it was Miitl,
had been repuled.
Prince Joachim, the ytuiiigeM -on
of Ktnivcrur William, mounded in lint
tle, is rviiorteii to be doing well.
A di-pnteli received here from Con
stantinople says thut eertnin nnvnl
instructors in Turkey, Hccued of
having committed depredations have
been prevented from doing further
harm. It i. further declared in tin
messnpe Hint the wireless apparatus
has been removed from the Hritwh
embassy in Constantinople.
PETItOGHAD, via London. Sept.
13, 5:27 a. m. Colonel Shumsky,
the military correspondent ot tho
Dourso Gazetto In a long criticism ot
what he terms the Joint mistake ot
Austro-Gcrman strategy, the effects
of which, he says, aro now being re
vealed on both fronts, considers that
the Gallclan victory wa.i obtained at
an opportune moment and that tho
transfer ot German troops from the
western to tho eastern frontiers hai
now attained Its object.
He says It Is fair to concludo that
tho Russian successes on tho Aus
trian frontier and tho Russian move1
ment In East Prussia were the pri
mary causes ot tho victories of the
Anglo-French army. The shocks ad
ministered by tho Russian army, he
declares, havo been so powerful that
the Germans were obliged to recall a
portion of their troops from France,
thereby facilitating the French task.
William Davis, of Griffin creek,
convicted of violation ot the game
laws, a year ago before Justice Tay
lor, and tho flno of $25 mado payable
on tho Installment plan, was com
mitted to the county Jail Monday, be
causo lie did not make any effort to
repay tho leniency or the court. DavU
was fined August 7th, 1913, and al
lowed to go because he had a family
to support.
The charge against Davis was that
ho was ruthlessly killing game In the
Griffin creek district, without respect
for tho law. Gamo Warden Hub.
bard ot Ashland visited tho Davli
homo Monday to remand Davis to the
county Jail, and found grouse and
Chtncso pheasant feathers scattered
about. This morning there was great
activity on tho part of tho Davis
household to scare up $2S to secure
his release
Two or threo more gamo violators
granted tho leniency of the court, why
havo forgot their promises to pay
their fines, will bo called to an
counting this afternoon.
LONDON, Kept. l'i, (If.'.' p, in
In u dispatch fiiuii Koine, diiliil Mim.
dny Beplemhcr II, lliu fiiM'jmiil
cut o Hie i;cliiiniiti 'i'ult-uiiipli com
puny min ii Iihk hern (ifli'iull) r'
polled HiKiii fium IMin Unit Orr
mini Jlullie kiiuiulroii, ulnrli i rum
punl of IwjI nine mul, imd III'
I niii u-i'j m uviiwi,
All liullcuilt'lit point to
......i..i..ii.j M'hZu t.kkw ;iiul tiriirttn
wuuniium. ....-. m ... .
The nnnuiil full flood of wood from
tho country districts to the city w
now in full Mvinir, and, as this it.
about the only necessity of life that
is not nffeeted one ttny or another
ottiiiK t the situation abroad, the
woodcutters ure doins a good Iium
ncs the price depending on tlie late
ness of the hour und the desire of
the suleHnnu to get home.
Local druirgisth ure just beginning
to feel the effect: of the war. I'rieet
of chemiralfi nnd toilet articles man
iifactiircd in Oermany nnd Kniuce
hate udtunced from 'J.' to 300 per
cent, ueeordiu to Joints Wold.
ifiignehin imd kindred compounds,
one of the chief exportation of Ger
many, lias soared the highest to date.
French paints, rouges, etc., have ulso
jumped. Mr. Wold s.iid the iidvuncs
would hnvc no appreciable effect on
tlie price of prescriptions.
The war situation has caused an
inclination to raise the price of Hour,
ment and canned goods, nil produced
ut home, und it is predicted that ttlicu
the United States iugins to export
heavily it will he the lever to hoist
the price.
Meut allows an inTCue in Port
land nnd Kan Francisco markets, hut
tho ptiblio market acts ns n governor
LONDON, Sept. 15, 4:10 n. m. -According
to the Dally Mall Investi
gations at Liverpool and other ports
mako It certain that foodstuffs and
raw material aro still being shipped,
even from llrltlsh ports, for -tho use
of tho Germans. Shipments mado
from Liverpool last month ot canned
goods, feeding cakes, flour and cotton-seed
oil, wcro ostensibly bound
for Holland, but comparison with ox
ports of other years makes It more
than probablo that they havo gone
to Germany. One Liverpool firm, the
Mall says, has refuted to supply Its
Rotterdam correspondents with cor
tain raw materials until Holland
t-casos to supply Germany.
Made in
One Price
C 'A I0o
j I OK , 'iOv.
Caiv of Norwii) and thence to the i'lrth of Forth und Kust Kiiglaud ports. I-rum i.eiiu nun nun me iiixtiaiiH nnvo n cienr, MiraiKiiiumi nin......
of It to tlie Channel, mid can be lauded at Oitteml. CiluK Hnrv, CberbotirK r wlierever. In rnet. thu Imiiietllulu exigencies deinaml. I'or the hnudlliiu .d
the iirniy wlil.'h Russia can uiily. the praetlealb' unlimited facilities of the llrltlsh trnusHirt serxko aro nviillablc. An-baiiKfl, whh'h lias smldi-ui)
spruiik- Intu imiiuiui'iK'o un u oInt f eintiarUatlon of the Itutstnu troops Is dlstimt fniiu tho .Nurth I'ape nut morn than forty-elisht huurs' steifttilug for :m
laud's sleiiuiers. ami from North Cape the run can be made to I.elih by thuso name esels under modernto stertinlni; in about fifty hniir
Five "days finiu Aa-luiimel to i.elth tuny be regarded as a fair steaming run for Kimland's fast troop nhlp. ArehmiKel Is In dln-et railway connection Willi
Vologda' to the unulh The distance Is :ill miles. From Vologda to Moscow Is .101 miles, innkliii: a total illstance fmm Moscow to Areliangcl of 7(M mile
or lis bv 'JOti mites than the distant e between New Vork mid Chicago, and atiOut the same dlsinneo be'weeil'l'arls and llerllu. The Aivhanijel rallrt
lie tf the Krtat military strait's:!..' roads of l:utu. It Is the knowledge tnat tln Russians ure mining that has spurred the allies, doubtless, lo innliil.ili
un iinluoUeu loie U-Iilnd wtilili the relnft'iveiiients, of which Kitchener has hinted but Meter il.eii. may iiuno up a reinforcement tthl. Ii may Im
tvi:nitltd as iin'l" 'Sil In i.o alter- I ie as Knt-'laud's nsv umliitnlns eouiunind t the sen nnd tlirnuv'ti It tan imurw uu opuii rudd from Arvhdiikul.
preparatlvns by Great llrluln 10 throw nu euoruiou-i um of HuhsImii troiis Into Franco directly ncrui the Geriiinu Itno of
practUally uulliultcd supply of iiu-n it comlug fiom Archiiugel and i:tntcrlnn. on the Arctic coast of Russia, around the .North
r ----- ...
Germany's armies J,o the north and
the cast of Paris, after retreating for
upwards ot 50 miles toward tho Bel
gian frontier, aro today making a de
termined stand along the river Alsno.
A news agency dispatch from
Dieppe says that General Von Kluck
has been enveloped by n French en
circling movement and forced to sur
render with a largo command and a
quantity of guns and ammunition.
The German general staff, however ,1)10 llrltlsh cruiser Pathfinder, with
announced today that heavy cngago-,a loss ot 2IC lives, In reported to
ments wcro being fought by acncrnlihavo been destroyed by tho flro of
Von Kluck's right wing to tho north-'several llrltlsh cruisers,
cast of Paris without a dcclslvo result Sharp skirmishes havo taken placo
so far. Tho French attempt! to In tho Shantung peninsula of China
break through the German lines wero between tho German defenders of tho
said to havo been repulsed. Klao Chow concession nnd a landing
Reports regarding tho operations forco. A measure was Introduced In
In East Prussia contradict each oth-, tho llrltlsh parliament today sux-
or. From Potrograd It Is said that
General Rennenkampff has resumed ccodlngs on tho Irish homo rulo and
tho ortonslvo and that tho Investment Jtho Welsh disestablishment bills,
of Koenlgsbcrg still is In progress. Queen Wllhclmlnn, opening parlla.
llcrlln advices, however, aro to the ment In person, emphasized tho neccn
offect that tho Russlau general has slty of (ho Netherlands maintaining
suffered defeat nearly as severely as tho strictest neutrality In tho war.
nCRLIN, Sept. 15, via Amsterdam
and London, 12:05 p. m. Tho Gor
man general staff today gave out thn
following anneuncement:
"In tho western theatre of war tho
right wing of our nnny has been en
gaged In heavy but undecisive bat
tles. Tho French, who endoavorod
to break through our lines, wore vic
toriously defeated.
"At other points where there has
been fighting, no dcclslvo results
havo been reached."
TRINIDAD, Col.., Sept. 15. John
It. Luwson, Colorado member of tho
executlvo board of the United Ml no
Workers of America, Hiirrenderod
hlmselr toduy to tho sheriff of Las
Animas county to answer Indictments
charging him with 12 murders In con
nection with tho coal miners' strike.
Ho was released on 1 16,000 bond.
CO., HeulUo
1 Lb. 'it"
... .
that of tho Russian dlsastor at
Further Pctrogrnd dlspatchos esti
mate tho casualties of the Austrlani
In Gallcia to total 300,000, nearly
one-third of their forces.
Tho sinking of tho German pro
tected cruiser llela of 2010 tons by
n aubmarlno ot tho allied fleet Is an
nounced In an official statement Is
sued at llcrlln. A major part of tho
crew was saved.
Tho Gorman submarine which sank
pending until after tho war the pro-1
LONDON, Sept. I."), Il;07 n. in,
In it dispatch from Knine tho corre
spondent of Hid Ceutial Ncwn Miys it
is declared there Hint tho members
of tho Itoumiiniuii ministry have ten
dered their resignations.
In addition to plenty of fresh al
orooer diet, tnose sunenng irosi
roper diet, those suffering from
or who are predisposed to Tuberculo-
sis are recommended to use Ecknun's
Alterative to stop night sweats, bsntih
fever and hasten recovery. This medl.
cine, by reason of Its successful um dur
ing the past, warrants the fullest inves
tigation possible by every sufferer.
Eckman's Alterative Is most elllca
clous in bronchial catarrh and severe
throat and lung affections, and In up
building tho system. It contaliis no
narcotics, nor harmful or habit-form
ing drugs. Accept no substitutes. Bold
by leading druggists. Write to the
Eciunsn Laboratory. Philadelphia. Pa..
'or booklet telling of recoveries.
Price $1 mid $'J u bottle.
Wjys, Wearing diamonds
r. is :... i ,i...
fjf. ivveryoue Knows iimi
ISBE ...1... I.... ....1 ......i.l...
fi nun nils ll i'iih-imujiiiiiiii niviiun ,. ,,.,r.. ,..rn ,',-un,
' llii'iii t'liil mil ulilitirtlllr llllHltliell' I lift t Villi lllll l llMlul mi
- .,,,., .-i. ...- p-.,...,.,n -.., - ". ..(
II ..I II Iu I III... I,. ..... I.lll.ll,. I..
I'ciii;, nun ii ii iiiiiiiini iiiiniii, im ynj i.i, in nurresn liy li!lUllg II Ml lllll lli'l miccchn,
11 Ih IhimIiiohm for n ImimIiichn mini to hhow lliMt he im niii ssi'iil, lor II Mil) liiluu; liliu mine
mul heiliiri'iihloiimiri, mid llieie U no heller tvny In xliovv llml you inn niii knCiiI IIimii liy
vti'iillng well iiliosim iIIiiiiioiiiIn, All mir dliiiiioiidh mo imnei'lly nnled liy expciw, nilli
t'xnt't hi'IkIiI?! iti ! mul louesl pi Ice innikcd In plnln J'juiiii'm, Helcclloim sejil ttny.
ulit'1'u on iipprowil.
t I
212 Writ Muln Elite!
. . . i . . ... .il.u.L. ...i..
IIOKDKAl'X, tin London. Sept. I,
'J: I.) a. m. Tlie position of the tier
man enntn prince's army which
forms tho pitot of lliu change of
front forced llMin the enemy by the
allies' sum's, is pnvnrious, accord
it tr ( (lie opinion expressed in offic
ial mid military circles here.
Tlie French fort to the east of Ar
irontie, it is said, huto made retreat
in that direction imposihc. Tins
n nu v is therefore n 'obnlily inotinir
northward, it is fmuicd here, in the
hone apparently of joining the other
Herman forces along the Mexiures-
i St. (Jiii'iitin-I'fiiiiiiie line, hut tho
French ure already pursuing the der
miins to the north of lllieiins ami mil
ititry men hero think this is it fan
chance thut the crottu imncc's nnny
"'"V '" ,,"t otf'
2 for XXI
A cloie fitting, graceful collar with
martly cut curved front, that admiti
of caiy cravat ticing.
CLOETT, PEAHODV k CO., Inc. Makers, Troy N. Y.
Bartlett & Netherland
Taxidermists and Furiers
You know our ability as Taxidermists.
Fin's dtmnod, repaired and remodeled.
Now furs made to ordor and earned in
stoek. "VVateh tho windows at .lOwing's
Oun Store, 132 AV. Main street.
gives uu nir of piospeiiiy llml biiugs
.ii i .... 1.1..1. ...:.i ,i....
iiiamoiius urn who, iiuii nun no one
..I.I.. ........ ,u .... rirMl.i.lnuo ......111 II'
LONDON, Sept. fl. .1 ;!I0 . in.
The iil'fiuinl pM'ss, Ijuienii.'ncttng for
the Hclgiiui legation 'fu London, hus
made pnblio lliu sceoml rcpprl of the
llclunin commission appointed to n
ipiiie into aliened (lenniui ittiocilicH
it Louvaiit mid in tie ilitiic around
This repot I review IneldnitR heio
In lore generally lepotled, hut it adds
the documents nnd evidence on which
lis conclusions test, It will he pub
lished in due course.
The commission finds Hint on en
tering Loutain the (teimiius ieipiis.
lulled food ami lodging. (Icruiiiu
hoops took possession ill" the ensh ih
nil the Lonvuiii hangs, hurst open
houses and pillaged end committed
other etcesses. The reMiil then re
lates with cousideiublo detail two nl
Icgcd instances in which women wero
utttiugvit lit Herman soldiers nnd lis
mt!n that llieie hnte been instances
where women and cldldien huto heen
stubbed with bayonets mid tjieir legs
cut off. One case is cited where it
woikiiiuii, eoteied with Kerosene, wiih
thrown into a Ininiini; house.
Of Die liuruiui; of Louvulii, the ic
poit suts;
"rjser.ttliiug lends In prute Hint
(lenmin reglineul, llirmiuli misDike,
fned ut one utiolher. At once I lie
Hermans began boiulmrding the town,
pretending that Chilians Imd find on
their troops, n suggestion denied by
nit witnesses,"
To spread Hie fire in l.ouvaln, the
report charges, (leiminis entered
houses und threw baud gicundoM, Tin
commission contends that from set
enil places in Helgiiuu the male pop
illation hits been sent to (leruinny nnd
forced lo work nt liarvcliiijv ns if
they were slates.
LONDON, Sept. 15, t;02 n. tn.
Tho correspondent of tho Dally Now
nt Ostend says that two Americans
who arrived there Monday from llriu
svls made tho trip partly by foot.
They had a rough tliuu of It, but
whoreter they met Germans the sav
ing ot their American paisporta so
cured them pollto treatment. At
Hottonmnm, they ramo on a party of
German soldiers lu a tavern and tho
nontenant In charge of tho party In
vited the Americans to slug n song
for them. The Americans oblige!
and the Germans reciprocated by pro.
vldlng tliniu with u good dinner.
giculcr hiicccsh.
cull wejir iiicm
,, incn, VOH iii'iu
lliu iiiiul l.i liens-
,,V ..,., ... ..-.-.-
I. I.I.I.. I, , l-.l,
A.i mi-.i