Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 15, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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l I . I 1111 . I I I I ll II I I. I , , i ,
i -,11 I ' U . .1
My A. 0. Hnwlutt.
Tluv IiihI Hum tlnil I wmlo fur flic
Mnll Trillium I liml to Hliip lmil on
ncciitinl of my letter licliiu -it lone,
mill uV" m-nicely liny I'nul'N In tin
line of ' iiiJWH item in mill nionml
Htiglo Vollil, ho till lime mil Mnrl
, ,li. yillu iiyHHj'iii'M, iv ni if I Imve
'lAfutnir' t rltitiic ollu'r ileim ol
liilll mitll "'line fill ii ic lime, mi
will iinlififH'lifii ,b,v (oHinir ol llic M I'
ll vii I of .Mih, K. I'.. IIiimiI ol' l.nke
vIb' lioin lo vlil lu'i mother, .Mr.
A. N". Tliniiin, mnl iIhukIiIit, mill nf
Inr apeiulliig "t'vcrnl tluy hem with
liar mother mnl daughter, Mih. .IiicoIi
.Inline, limy, (mill, ,lr. Iloml mnl Mih.
Jumifc, rflmied fnr l.iikovicw lli)
TIiiiiimIiiv morning.
Men. Aylcc (licuu Iiiih liml IM I'nli
Ion, lln linos loml multcr, lo level off
ii intl of lu'i' ground mnl inil II in
tdinpc to irrjjjnlo it. 1 1 1 m I i liiniiij:
tint plnuu foneffil with now funec mnl
filing ll up In Hni1 "Imp", Inil I urn
ni'iy lo Inn ii to wiy Hint "he mnl Iter
nun. AiiHlin. urn tiluimliiir lo o In
("utiforuhi l upend (lie winter,
MIok Ixiilix llni'limimi, mm'oiiiI
. ilnirghlitr of l'rtifeMii' V. II. Hindi
nun it. (hi! piliidpnl of nut clinol, liml
iiilrllnly. pnrly Snlnnlny uflcrnoon,
SpUiirh.r mnl uli'iliiiiicil m mini
Imr nf Inir lit (In M'lionliiiiilc'. it Intuit;
her t rnf i lilrtlnlny. Her grimd
iiiullicr, Mr-, ICce, of I tut I o I'nlU, wu
mil viwit tutc her duughlcr mnl fmuil.v
dining tin' week.
p4 It. (Inlllher nf Arnilii) In., i horn
iitiug hi" fiilher-in-luw ami wife,
Mr. mnl .Mr. Jiinie JohIhii, mnl lii
itiirlii-lnw, Mi. I'd W'dfer.
W. W. WiIIcIn brought in nindlier
load of Illicit Iiin ViiiihiIii.v niuiiiiug
fur Mr. Huitliok. Mikt Sidlcy ol
Iriiki! Crook hInii look niinliier loud of
lioft to Mi-illonl Tin-liny. I liuuhl
Intro niil hi inv IiihI tint t while I wnn
thorw nl Mr. Sidlcy' Hint lie loiicwctl
hi MiliiKilpllmi lor Itic Weekly Mull
Ilnrrioiin lie, niio uf our noliil fit -Ixcif,
Iiiih moved fu Cunnllix, Or. I In
l i Imi'lii'lnr.
A Imly liy tin 11111111 of l.tlio, with
tliiic fliililrVii, iih.w.I iuio our (own
'riliiiiiln,l mill titriip'' lint Iioiini'
liiioiMi it h the lliilo'itcll hotixt', ho us to
Httiul Iiit cliililicii to srlutol.
Spt'iil.iiii: nliinit H'IkkiU, llirrc nr
four of imr prouiifin Mimniw kiuuk
fruiti hori In Mtnlfonl In nltciiil Hit
Miilfnr.l lilyli hvlinnl. They ere:
Miiinl Cirlnt l.ciiurc Wnlkfr, (IIiuIvh
Nitlwiplt niul lliuul llioun.
Mn. Mum! Stuklo or (lol.l Kill ix
nt tli'iK writing in uiupmiy of Mrn.
A. M. TliomiiM vlxitiut; .Mi, llitwlclt.
Dr. Thulium J. Kunin'k mul N. I'.
Mi'l.'moutul nf the Knrinck Vi'titriuiiry
Inclilulf of Miilfonl, WfU lun' fir
u I'liickmt illniicr ht wcuh. Th'
pronouuotil it fit I'lim. Thry vri'
RffHiiupuiiiitl h M'!x. t'lmrh'H
Tdi'IiIiiik of Mi'iiruril mul W. V,.
Itnnj" f Wuukimlui, 'i. Ami on
Siunluy wit liml fuiiitfi'ii Iiito for
ilinnor (noun) mnl li'iinuil Hint .Mr.
mul Mr. Miirilfllc llmluo wrn miiont;
(ho hiu'oIh, hut dm I won nwuy front
Inline, failed to leiim Ihu tuning of
tliu olliurM, Y. Hurt llmuillon, who
Ih Tor (tut pnvSenl huurdiiii; nt thn
Siiiinidi', mTiiinpmiU'd Mr, mid
Mix, iulf(i lo their Irune on the Itiv
eixiile rmieli, mi Koun liver, mul lif
ter Hpeiuliiin n Vw Iiiiiiih mi the
iniieli, wiih hroituht Intel; hy Mr.
Dud); lulu in lint ul'ltiminu, mul on
hU urrivnl found (I. W. Kt'lk'r mul
wife, mul Olr. mul .Mrn. Iluyh Cninp.
hell of Cnwci'iil Cllv mul Mm. K.
l'ntti-uii of I'm Hand. Mr. Keller 1
lumuip'r of iho inteiest nf nhh,
Wull To., eiinipiihiii (jollier luml,
hiiw iiiilln, ruilroiul wliMrfn, rmichcH,
(Ic., mid Mr. 'mupllill in I lie eiiilieei'
in chief of lloliK, Wall Co.'h mil
loml lilies. They hud eoine out In nil
Ci'i'heeiit City to (IruulH I'iish to he
present lit the opening of the ( Jriintn
I'MMnOrcHrriit t'ity rnilrond, mid rude
tip hero lo iit Mr. llmuillon, who
irt nut only it hiiNiucHi ttssoclnlo, hut
iV'Monnl frititdN, They ri'luruod lo
firunlH I'iihh Snndnv niulit.
TiicMlny, Mr. niul Mrs. Chuileh
Heed of ,ul;o Ci'eelc itiuOlr. mid Mt.
Koherl rteyinorn niiif I heir dniililir,
JIUs Itiiln'iln, of Mvi'ietl, Wnsli,, were
liuio for dinner. They iuvc heen vis
ilinj,' tho fiimily oV Mr. Heed for
tihotit to weehH,
W. A. ( ontltitiR, rrprcHoiiliiiK Slinn
& K'ti'l'i'lvHmt Fuipuiseo, Cul., mid
deorp' K. Moos, vle'c-president of Ihe
.lueliHon County Tii.Xiiavern' mul
WuKi'-KiiriilirN' I.eitjiin of M'edfoi'd,
fulled nt thn .Sitnnyniilo Wi'duexhty
for diuuitr mnl lo leuiit how your cor
KHpoudeiit felt with reuittd fit tint
hluieulde prohihiluiii iiino)iilitii5iil, niul
it tool, hint Just nluui! fifteen HeeiiiwU
In Iviiiii Imu I mIihiiI on Ihiil ipu'Hlluu.
He 1 1 led hurd o niul; iiiu hen Ihul
it would ruin llm hlitln itud every
Ihlu i'Ihii if llm Mule went div, liul I
Inlil him Unit wit would Irv it for oiie.t
mnl hvv, llu did mil iiieiillon llm miiIi
Jiiel of liupuyliiK or tWiKi'.eniiilnK.
hut IiIh vvlmlii moiiI hieined lo Im nh
Hoihi'd wild llm llimtfihl uf llm ruin
Ihul pi'olilhilioii winilil iiitiiiiipHhIi if
Hie Kliile wnl illy.
I', U. Hooij ii iiemntil mul lnJi'l,
inlilMi lui ol Mnlloiil. nilleil or ill))
jitT 'J'liiii.dii) un In mi) up Iv llm I
A nmtttlii,; of Iho HtocldioIilerH or
(lui lleuil Imlliin Toloilimiu rompany
wnn liulil In thn Coinnmrcliil Cluli
rumiiN Innl Kitdirduy. Tins orcuiilrii
tlon couitrlNiiii ulioul in niiliHorllier.,
Tim Unit Ih r. iiiIIiih In lunitlli, nxtctul
Itifc from thin rlty Into Hut Ootid lu
illiiu Kititlou ennl of AnIiIiiiuI, lln
milmerlliern helmc tho well-to-do
rnnrher In Hint lucnllty, ceveral of
whom iiinlntnlii city Iiouidh within
uittnleliml HiiiltH. (Mum, l.lmlHiiy Ih
lirecl'lenl; I'rnnlt W Moore, nrrnilnr
mill duo. Owen, Ireiouirer. Wltlioul
ihKilurliiK any illvldnuil, tint illrerlom
mivertlielimH niinortloui'il u Keimroiin
Ktim towiinU ioiIimIiiiiIIuI lielturnieiiU
ami rarrleil u biiiii: miiuuut (o niir
pliiH iirrouut.
Mr. iiiii) Mr. .1. II. i.itlH, of Town,
iirrlvttil hint Hatttrdny, to vlult mint
tiroiiH ndntlvtm hern, particularly Mrn.
K. II. WiiKimr, n nltir of Mm, Idtn.
They ntoppptl en rottto lo vlnlt a
iliiuithtnr In Colorado, Mr. I.ottn homo
town wan iiiiini'il after tint finnlly. lln
Ih oiiii of tho Rulmtnutlnl furimiM of
l.ouUn ronty In Iho llnwltry.) Rtuti.
tho rulMiiK mid kIiIppIiik nf llro ctork
IioIiik lilt HtroiiK hold.
Tho MIbhcii Alvemon, or Indlnnn.
nud MIkh NVIIIo Iton, of I'ort Mor
eno, Colo.. huv relurnoil to tliulr ro
Mpcctlvn ilutleK In tho Aiililnnd puhllj
nelioold. A Koodly portion of Mln
I(om' vncntltm woh pnd ut Ana
rorti, Wiith.. an tho umt of Mr. uthJ
Mrn, J. It. Ilurimtt, foruier ronldunU
Dr. I. (I'SweiU-nlinrp, n duloKnto
nt tho recont iimetlnK of tho 8tuto
Mmllrnl norty nt I'ortlntid, w
elrrlt'il olio of Hip roumellom of that,
W. W. ('nliUcll, loenl rnpllnllM.
returiioil Knturdny from Harbor, In
Curry eounO. whrro ho owiib iten
rIvo tlnilier IioIiIIiikh and townidto In
ln(H. Mo reporlH Hint n colony
rrom Knu Clnlro, Wl.. nro prcpflrliiK
to limulKrnto to (bat nectlon; Aluo
Hint thn llrnohlnc I.tiiuhor company,
u California roncorn, hni Inntalled .1
Jl.r.Oft.nOO awnil1l plant In Hint lo
cality whlrh will Itppln opernllon In
November with nn output of 000.00.1
feet per tiny.
Auitiut Hchuerinnn contlntion to ro
main with tho big lumber company
ut McCloml, Cnl., ni n imlrRiimn In
Itn niercnntllo tloinrtuuut. MM.
Hrhuoriunn anil tho hoy. 1'reil mil
HIIHuK. rnturneit from their nimmer
otitltiK In that locality preparatory to
tlto I111U rnlerlnR ncbool, '
J. II. P. .Mnmin, fnmlllnrly Itnown
nit "Alphabet" .Manon, wuh hero IrhI
week, Intnrvlewlm: railroad men nnd
other cllUeim hy virtue of I1I1 posl
Hon 11 trtivelliiK lunmonKor nrienl of
tho WnnhtiiKtou-Sumiat route, with
henilipinrtorM nt Kan lrnnclro,
IMviddent Spronlo of tho Southern
Pacific, was In town Saturday durln,;
tho Udiial teriitlnnl Mop nt thin sta
tion, nouthbomitl In hi prlvnto car
"llerkoley." Tho Renin! nud orbnno
hli;h official wnn In hi mom optlmln
tle vein. ArcompnuylnK hi wag T.
O. Kihvnrdu, of 8nn Kranclnco, gen
oral Auditor of the nyHtoni,
The llattle of Arinni;eildon was flK
tnatlvoly fought out over iiRaln Sun
day, nt tho YIuIiik Tbeater, In n pub
lic nddreH hy W. A. linker, of Port
land who rniuo hero under tiio an
Hlilcen of tho local hrntich of tho In
ternational lllldo Students associa
With tho nppronrli of cool weather,
trouipA nro gcttliiK to ho morn Im
pudiuit even If not innro In iiiiiubera,
Kntiirday inomtiiK, nt tho homo of A.
II. I.eofluhl, on tho western outaktrU
of tho rlty, ouo itrow ho Insolent nnd
luslntout In doimtiulB for food tbat
Mr. I.oofleld luohlllied on tho npot
nnd without wnltltiK for reinforce
luenta to nrrlvo placed t)io uiiwolcoiuo
Kiieat Iiom do combat.
Seven motor oitrn filled with Hold
Hill hoio.terH took poxbeiou of the
Plmrn Monthly nfternoon. They
hrouulit iiIoiil- i hmul nml looted their
Inn n necordiiifjly in hehnlf of tho niiit-
vnlley liur Sntiirdnx, Sepledinher-lH,
A Fpct'iul trniii nlloVdiiiK icdneed
rules will return visitor ut midnight
of Hint ilule. The boosters wore
IiiiiIkoh endilnieoued, '"A (link l'roiu
(ioh Hill."
('Iiiinkch iii llm until service, "Ink
inj; eri'eiit hero TueMhiy, revcrno pos.
ltd deliveries of piveut seliednle, Xo,
HI, m living nt 1 1 ::i,'i u. in,, eiurien
uiuil eleur HiioiikIi to Sun Frnueiteo,
wliereiiH No. 15, nniviii ill ,;,r0 p,
in., luiudUm until only uh fur ux Ah
luml. , Dr. (leoiKf ! Pmhloek of Toil,
luml, hIiiIii Niiperiiilenileul of emiKie
(,'iilloiiiil houio luiriwiohN, ot'eupicd lln
uilpit ol llm loenl ehureli Siimlii),
11 lieiiull ol Urn hoiim iniNhlouui'v
inoveiuepl of (hut delioiiiiiiiiliiiu, Hit
wiih 11 former puxlor nl ICeolmk, In.,
mnl Veimilliniii S. Dak,
II. J. (lunlimr of Ativhw or
r-merv HMVMV
iicinlilmiliiMitl of ihu In I nkc, mi Hie
Miill'niil dilili nnd pipe line.
Williiim UithIiiuu mul n nelplilnir nf
llU. ol Cliniiu, fiienl ifjit uluht heie,
niul ii did John lliKiiihnllmpi nml 0
ipiiT 1 1 mil 'i'iM'i, pIio.u minie
1I11I uu kutu,
tivi'd riimdny f(r n HJt.wi(l;liiH
hrolliii't A. ft. (hiiduei', of Huiilii Ann,
Cnl., ulii wilh IiIh fmillv, Iiiih lieeii
hiiiiiiiiei'iiiK liere, Tiio hrolliern nre
no Hlrnnuci'M lo hoiiHii'iii Oreyoii,
linviutr vIhIU'iI Iho Aidilmnl Metlfonl
Mt'etioiiH herelofore. They will iiinkf
their Ihinl trip of Iho m'Mmiii In i'rt'
ler f.nke.
KepteHeulnlivoH of ll'ie Kiiiilliern
I'liflfio, under (ho direction of llul'ii
Kleelc, urriveii heie Moiuluy to kiiHut
thitii prelimtmiry lo wiitini; up the
mineral MpriUK project in on mlvcr
iMuti wny for th puhlieily Iniienu of
the t'Otiipmiy. The olfielnl plmlo
rnpher of Hit; compnuy nccoiiipuui'd
tho party.
lleniy C. (luley mid fmuilv lire it
illn rehiiiven here. They were for
mer rcHiilctllM, Mih. (In ley heiliK the
ilnilhlcr of .1. I'. Hnilvc I'or tiver 11
yelir llirv Imvu heeu lUiutf iii South-
orn Culiforniit mul Atlomi.
I'M WnlcnH, 11 cdrpenliTi who Iiiih
heeu 11 lechli'iil hero for the pant four
yuupi, left Monduy for Mn former
home nt Jerome, Mich., for mi indtfl.
nile ftny. To the iimlilien of vinu
n nrM-ciitn iiici'lmnic ho pohucmch
thoNe of u fine finder mul im hiicIi
will he Kicnlly iiiieil from the nmk
or Ihu Mctlioilixt church eluir.
The Inhorntorv or ill. O. Krohhneh
in n luihy place the-c tiny. I'moot..
Iiiu' friiitn for (he I'mimuu expo-ilion
in under wny. Sileelion nre lieirijf
xeeiircd from nil over Hut county, mid
in view (if (he iinpoitiiucc of tint ex
hibit onlv the very lop notch pci'.
men! nre hcimr iim'iI.
I). W. HturKla of tho Meadown hart
olil IiIh ranch to tho Cottorlll Ilror
nml he Ih tnovlni; bin family to Anato
for the winter inontlut.
Mr. W. O. .loluiBon nnd koii T.po,
canto In from I'ort Klamath Tliurn
day. Mr. nud Mr. Ilcrt Clinpninn nml
Mm, . W. MnrrlHoo wero vliiltoni
nt tho MeiUord fair I'rldny.
John tllithnm I hniillm; crnln to
Med ford.
.Mr. Hitch of Jacksonville I haul-
Ing hay from tho Ilert Chapman
ranch nt HcukIo.
IIiirIi Mac CrolRht of Ilenelo itart-
oil for Texan Prliloy.
.Mr. nml Mm. Italpli Dean nnd Mm.
nnd MU Taylor of Willow Spring
wore vlnltora Riindny at tho 8. II.
(lln ranch.
L. ,M. Sweet of HenKla wnn n Med
ford vlxltor Saturday, on the wny
home ono of hi homes wn taken
tick nnd dlel near tho Modoc much
William Cotterlll nnd I). W. Stur
K of tho Meadows wero In Medford
1). 3, Poreo nnd on of Tolo wcrn
In thl urctlou Friday looking far
hoc. Ilo Iiiih pot ono of thn fluent
crop of corn In tho county.
Mr. nnd Mm. Mnc CrelMit nnd
family motored to Med ford Friday.
Tliomn (lodtrey of Ileaclo I build.
Inc n dance hall near tho Ilea pie
D. IliiMell of IlenKlo I hnulliiR
Kraln to Medford.
J. W. Scott of Medford wna out to
lit Autloch much Saturday.
Mr. nml Mm. Conley nml fnmily,
who hnve hcen visiting .Frs. ConleyV
niier, Mm. Ilopp, iluriiiy; the Mimmer,
left Monduy for their home in Culi
fiirnid. Kov. nml Mix. Itopp uecouipiin
ietl them ux fnr n Axlihipd.
Mis.H Keln Senrs vNiteil InM week
wilji Mm. MeDoiiuld of Knncherin.
Mr. lCneeluud wiih in Kiltie I'oiul
the firnt of Hie week linviiiK home
ileutul work done.
Anions the girls mnl boy- who
huvo come to (own to iittend our
IiIbIi boIiooI this winter nre: Misses
AuiiPv, Allen and .Nellie Smith nml
MeshM. Morril 11ml Alervin Hood.
Itnlpli Wrijjlil left Snturdnv for
Ahhhiud to mnke n brief hoforc
rt'luruiiiK (o (lie O. A. C, where he
will eh 11 senior tliin yenr.
Mm, Stodilurd's eoiioiu, wlio lias
been visl(iii Jut, lyfl TliiiMiIuy.
l.vtn IVelor left Kndirdny for I'ey
(011, where he will lemdi this winter.
Afr, Stoekiimu, wllh some loenl as
sMithls, U fuirvoyiii u few miles
down (he creek for .un irrimilion pro,
A Imliy aiil wiv horn Wcdiiesdnv
lo Mr. nud Mrs. K. W. Smith, but it
died nlniosl inuiu'dinlely. Dm. Holt
nnd Seely were in iiUemlmico nud (ho
inolhor is Hlin;? iiIoiik nicely.
Miss Kncehin llildretli is vlhilins
tier iiunli Mm. Duel llildretli.
Mi', nnd Mm. C. . IVelor nnd
1500 ticroH, fonrcd ami good build,
lug, Imlf meadow, nud half vnluablo
llmbor, Klnmulh county. Great bar
gain ut $10.00 por aero, One-third
rush, liberal lornm on bulanco,
'J 000. aero lunch, led mlloa from
Iho railroad In noiitheawturii Wash
Iiih,Ioii, 11 flint wheat propofjtloii, HO
Iter rout I furm luml, uiIJohIiiu land
prod nee from SO to ho htishrU of
w)icnt pur mitt, I'rlitl f5 nu pr
ttcie, Will luko voiiiu lifomn prop
mly In irudt't mnl lni nu e
duuKh(,prMrgihnici lil t--k from
it wcek'M ciitiip nt ('ruler f.nkc.
Heporlcd hy Jackon County Ah
trnct Co., Illxth nnd Kir Kt.
II. (I. Duller. ichl n, ',, Hohore,
imiteiiiilmnuV ,i n.
.lohlf H. McK'torje v. Delhi M.
Scht'hlc, Kiiorifr relu'11 of service,
.Iiiiiiph A, I'jiriiiiio Y0. tfGllic F. I'nr
rinm, iiffiiluVil.
A. II. Wifnicr x. J. .M. Hoot c( ill,
JiickNon t'o'iuty Muildin & l.onii
UfHoeiiitioii ". W. F. Sillieiixer et nl,
uolh'c of inoli'iu for jiitlxmciit on
C, II. lU'imrnlh n. feliii K. Brown
ol nl., miuurioiih for publication.
I'xlin .lloxic h. Herbert ('.
Iloxie, uioliou to "at cimc for trial.
W. II. SWnit -. (Jeo. F. Kirijf, iif
(idnvit for ptihlicntion of i.iiiiiiii.iiih;
order for iiibIiHtioti of Miiiumon-,
Kcnl liittitc TmuRfer
II, I'. MVMntfah et ux to Frmi
r.i);i Oluck, I'd on Oukdulo
mi 11 lie, .Medford .. ?
Waller IfoynohU el ux (o 0,
A, Morse e?( ux. lot 111 llk.
IS, .Metlfonl - -
.cm K. Dnlinck lo Mnry D11
huek, luml in Hunker Hill ad
dition, Medford - .
Mabel F.viiiih to Ito-o D. I1
leron. luml in Crimthrent:
Orchard Trnets .
N. I... IliKh el nx lo . A.
More, land In m-c. 'Jtl-IIS-IW
O. A. Mon-cel 11 to KHrn
belli llreo-JO, Inuil in hoc. '-'(!-.'IS-IW.
. ... .
W. C. I'llllo Cl UX to .IilllieM
II. Smith, lot l-'J, linle
lleicliti Fruit Funn
(Tnrencc Wheeler 1 1 ux to Mur
tin Mnrleiif, land on Kiver-
Mile nveniii', .Medford
Clurcncq Wheeler et ux (o
II. S. Ifcctl el ux lo Oregon
Montnnii .MInfn Mllliiirf &
.ManitfneliiriiiL' Co.. html in
twp. to-i w., :i8-:iw., :u-'JW
.reilforil Ilenlly & Improve
ment Co. toOUn Arnapivr
it uv. lot :t, lilk. 'J, Wnlter's
Addition, .Mcdrord - . 2.7.'0
OYSTKIt DAY. X. Y., Sopt. 15.-
Colonol Kooiovelt will tlevoto two
weeks to bin coming campaign In tho
middle wet. llf will leave Now York
next Thtiraday nlRltt nud will makn
hi lltt Mvcctb In kblta, Kan., Sat
urday nlKht.
for ror.vrv iti:coitii:u.
I hereby announco myself na tho
democratic caudldato for tho offlca
of county recorder of Jackson coun
ty, to ho voted on at tho pcnorall
election on November 3, 1914. If
elected, 1 will do my duty as I hnvo
In other responsible position that I
bavo held. LKE h. JACOUS.
(Paid Adv.)
I wish to placo my namo befon
tho voters of Jackson county aa an
Independent candidate for county cor
oner. JOHN A. PERL.
(Paid Adv.)
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms, gas; also hall bedroom,
231 East Ninth. 101
FOR RENT Ftirnlshoil housekeep
ing apt,, thoroughly cleaned, ro
novated, new mnnngoment. Ront
reasonable. Tho Oxford, 223 W.
Main. 153
FOR RENT Modern housekeeping
rooms, gag nml bath. Call after
4:30 p. in. Pliono 55-11, 219 Tal
ent St., off South Control nvo
nuo. IM
It la my business to know tho best
buy In Jarksou county and have It
optioned nt tho lowest cash urlco.
That best buy today Is a 190 aero
stock ranch, 100 acres loam soil, ir
rigated, now In grain nnd alfalfa
No bettor alfalfa land In Jackson
county, ditch built covering 140
acres, porfect water right, atouo
worth $10,000.00.
This laud Ilea between tho Apple
gate river ami tho' foot huls, nil bot
tom laud, best of run go, most do-
IlKhtfuI cllumto, no snow or fog.
Modern, now bungalow, harm, foucos,
corrallg and orchard1 all ready,
Thin plucoKhnuld bring $35,000.00
will sell Tor $18,000,00, half cuh,
$2000 worth of machinery nnd stock
with plaiNi. Ideal home nud dock
ruHeht Hl I hve ever offwrud,
Fli4 AVl'l HuHk lhlg,, I'lmuM lOJ
HOOM AND 1IOAHD or hoard nt Mr.
W. T. York, 120 l.nurol at. lfl(
tag j.-.ise's .v,a .aarr.t-. w - -i-SSijr
vim jji:.t iint'sn?
" - -i 1 -1 1 1 1. . -1 ii. 1. - -t. 1 i in. -i-
FOIt HKNT Threo room houap, In
hlo complettdy now, J7.00 per
month. Herbert l.nuuHjtath at
Wurtrlc Kitchen.
KOII HUNT Oood alx-room hounr,
near bcIiooI, C SO; wnlor paid,
llumphroy, phono r7CI 151
FOIt HKNT Blx room Iioiibo, plant
crod, plumbed nnd Kood alcoplu
porch. Call nl 735 W. Aider. O.
F, CholKron. 1G3
FOR' HKNT Nlcoly furnlahod flvo
roomoil biinKnlow, cloao In, dntilr
nhlo locntlon. 417 Jny St., corner
South Onkdalo nnd Jay 8ts. 1 52
FOR RUNT KUher flvorootno7'lx
room bunjjnlow, close In. Might
funiUh partly, now A-l, phono 317,
cvenlnRfl 42G-R.
for iti:.TrruuNiHiii:t) aits.
FOR HKNT Largo ilooplnjt room,
and modorn bouackcoplnf apart
ment, prices Tory reasonable.
I'bopo 247-L. 222 South Holly
for HK.vr Fuitsisuni) noosrs
FOR HKNT Pleaaanl room cloao In,
wry reasonable. 237 North Con
tra!, pliono 45-J. 15
run hAi.iv iceiinqiiianmcnt near
ileuionl. Snap. Tclonhona 8-F-l.
noon or ovcnlngg. 153
FO R 8.1 f.R 1 1 0 UH K8
FOR SAM; Kevcn room bungalow,
strictly modorn, lot 50x315, plenty
of fruit nnd berries, largo out
building. Will aoll cheap, phono
417-M, morning.
bungalow, built In convenience,
largo lot. will r.ell cheap or ox
chuuge tor ncreago near Medford,
Koaoburg or Dugcno. AddreM
box II.. caro Mall Tribune.
FOR SALH at n aacrlffco. ono" of
tho boat 120 aero Hoguo river bot
tom ranebcif In Jackson county.
All level land, water rfght for Ir
rigating 100 acre. If you nro
looking for a general farm this Is
your opportunity. For furthor In
formation wrllo tHo owner, box
100. Metlford Mnll Tribune, Mel
ford, Oregon. 154
FOR SAI.i: Two gooj young horsci'.
cheap. Phono 539R2. 155
FOR SALTS Forty ahotes and om
cheap work maro. O. 1 Schcnicr
horn. 121 N. Orapo Street. Pbono
819-M. 152
FOR SALK A good team of horse.
wagon and harness.
Knqulro 30'
Hast 9th.
FOR SALE A good team, wagon ana
harness. Inquire of or wrlto Mm.
Poo, Hoguo Illver, Oro. 223
FOR SALE Cheap, n sound, black
mulo. eight year old. Imiulro of
or. w. it. stoke. Phono C7-J1.
FOR SALE Chickens, half grown.
White Leghorn. WyckoH strain,
price $3 and $3.50 per dozen. 105C
Court St. 152
FOR SALE Nearly new Toledo
range. C. A. Myers, R. F. D. No,
4. 153
FOR SALK Fresh prunes delivered,
two cent per pound, n fow lug
boxes of Haitlett cutis, 50 cents a
box. Call S57-H. 153
FO it SALE$ 00 Rncycle wheel I n
good condition; also Winchester,
IH guage pump, unused, take down.
Phono COS. 152
FOR SALE Upright piano., first
class make, until Saturday, Sep
tember 19, $100 for cash deliv
ered. 237 N. Central, phono 45-J.
T 153
FOR SALE Rest paying wholesalo
. nnd retail confectionery In New
Mexico. Would tako ns part pay
ment, a small, modorn homo In
Medford. For particular, address
box 34, Hoswoll, Now Mexico. 159
FOR SALE Electric range. Phono
25-J-l. P. O. Ilox 223, Medford.
Oro. 153
FOR SALE Giado Duroc pigs, two
mllea north of Medford, Do liar
runch. O, F. Hurd. 151
FOR SALE Ono now six ll. P, Ful
ler nnd Johnson gasoiino engluo
Can ho scon ot Rex plant, Phoonlx,
Phouo 15-F-4 or wrllo California
Rex Sprny Co,, Phoonlx, Oro. '
WANTED Woman to do cooking
nml general housework, Phoiiu
1.F-21. 163
'- - - ' ' " " r- 1 1
young man with good hiihlt. Ca-i
milk some. Addrcwa Ilox A, cum
31 tali Trimiiio. 10 J
ranch hy experienced man. Ad
drca 1). It, 11,, Mull Tribune, 161
WANTKD -JupanoBo bey wants any
kind of homo work by hour. Phone
401.11. Shliuodu, J0H
WANTED Mldillu uml woman, good
hmiuliiieptr mit I'OWk would llko a
nluiiV wllh 11 wliloucr or awull funic
ily for llm vlu I or, rwuwliy m oh
jui'llmi Jluk, 961 (huMovktMipiirl j
vr idiuwi j)7'Mi IW
307 Kast
Hixth street.
WANTDD -A( once. loan of .1500
can give kIH'-ccIro security; will pay
8 per cent; tlmo, ono lo two year.
Addrcf box 718, Medford, Oro.
WA7.TK?)-Day boardem, i"T.0o 'per
wank. liT. Hfiillh Ivtf 9P.7
.-- f iWtn, M, CoItk. Ueorgi M. HobOrta
WANTKD To purchnao well lm-COl.VlO L UOfJF.RTS. i;AVYF.ItH
proved llttlo ranch two to ton aero Medford 'National Unnk lltilldlng;.
In or near Medford from partv ;; ,,,. ; ' . ' ' .'..'".'.:: ::
who will take aomo properly nt D. P.MUI.KBY A OKO. W. OIIKIUW
n,,,, n,. .nA .nm. ...1, t,t t Atlomoyu nt l.AMr, Jackaon Coun
Hona, Ore, nna aotno cnan. Ao- tv nni lhiiiiiinp
dro box 313. Hond, Oregon. 159 ty "anK ""'"""Rf
nZuTZZZ f.nt .ml
,r nn 1 .,. nf l?h tin
it nnd uif prbntlv $10
dtrtlrl ak tt
n month. Ilox lf, Mall Tribune.
WANTKDI.oan of $1500 for thro
year at H por cent on cloo-Iri im
proved reajilence, on pavd utrcot
wild rower, water nnd cotnont aide.
,oru' X"M
. i--.-n v - 1 ... -1 1
WANTHD -Young ow for breeding
jiurrtoft. Anawer giving" niimbftr,
dcacrlptlon and location. H. M.
Whllmnn, Kaglo Point, Oro. 153
WANTED To buy flrst-clas milk
cow. D. A. McCurdy, 220 South
Laurel St. Phono 123-J2.
WANTKD To oxchnngo ten acres
land'two mile cam of Kaglo Point)
for medium weight flvc-passcnger 1
ntito. Address P. O. box 207, Med- J
ford, Oregon. 151
- .,, ...I ., 11. .. . I... 1 .
FOR KXCIIANCKIncomc property
for improved alfalfa ranch with
wntcr. Address box 18, caro Mall
Tribune. 151
business property a general farm
of 120 acre on Hoguo river, and
430 acre of timber near Rtiottc.
Falls, cruises about 19,000,009
feet. Thl I a,gl!t edge proposi
tion. What havo you got to offer?
Wrlto tho owner, box 99, Med
ford Mall Tribune. 154
ranches for Medford city property.
Clark Realty Co., Phlppa llldg.
EXCHANGE Want to soil or buy
anything? U C Hadcr. 114 N,
Front St. Phono 125. Suit Sed.
Small bay maro, branded ,8 S on
hip, T R on left shoulder, from
my pasturo on Griffin. creek, re
ward for Iii formation', R. J. Ilonar,
phone 539-J5. 15C
LOST Lap robo on Jackson rlllo or
Ashland roatl Saturday. Please
leave at Tribune office.
'. -. i
TO LOAN Wo havo money to loan
on improved country property at
eight per cent. Phono 317, Car
kins & Taylor.. - u
GARBAGE Got your premises
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good service. Phone 32S-L. K
Y. Allen.
SHOE REPAIRING First class she-
repairing, 011 modern electric
machines while you wait. E, N.
Illden, located In KIdd'a Shoe Store,
Phone 313J.
Notary- Public
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic. Drlng your work to me at the
sign of the Mall Tribune.
Instruction Iii Murfc
Tcachor of piano and harmony, an
nounces season of 1914-15 begin
ning September, 19H. A llm
Rod numbor of new pupils will be
accoptcd. Courses In harmony
and musical history to all pupils
this season without extra chargo,
Pupils recitals. Hatght Music
Studios. 110 South Laurel St.,
Medford, Oregon, phono 17C-R.
HA IGUT Teacher ot tho art of
singing, tone placomont, dia
phragmatic breathing, body poiso,
oporo, oratorio, concert rojiortolro,
classes In sight singing and read
ing. Children's singing classes will
bo formed. In these classes of six
tho foundation principles of cor
rect breathlug. tone placamou1..
and sight singing will bo taught.
Hatght Music Studios, 110 South
Laurel St.
also conduct a class ot younger
piano pupils thq season under Mr.
Hulght'a direction at tho Halght
Mublc Studios, 111! South Laurel
A Quick, Handy, reference for flusy People
Halod llay Flour, Feed, Grata
L. D. Urown, ltuss Mill, also
poultry supplies, 139 South
Rlvuraldo..................Pbone Ca9
Civil Enulucer
Osgood & Drown. T. W. Of
good, A wo, M, Am, Soc. C. K.
A. Thco Urown, deputy county
surroyor. Medford Natloual
Hank lildg...,.........,..MPtiouo 28t
Eleitrld Wiring, FDturtw, HHiplle
outhru Orugon Electric Co,,
Mania Lamps, 0 Houth Central
Aveiiuo , .-, I'liou 16-Y
Faruier iHipleuivnty
Hubbard mothers, Full Mb of
JohH Dtro Make, Fw ape
e4a iirlM ftu UKtHft, K
Ka MlH , ..IliHHe 13)
l'lumW d Haling
Vmh H, l'i
Mum, la HwlU
rumt m
PORTEllJj NfeFF, WM. V. MKLtit
Attornoys-nt-Lftw, Itoom 8 and
0, Medford National llaok bldR.
- - .
v,ur iiiuk.
NBWTO.N W. HORDnNr-.AltqtBcy at
UlV r00m 7' 8"nrt ""'dlng. Mod-
foni, Orncdn.
rord, Orogdn
clflc northwtmt. Una our uprlnw
whon nthnrt fall. Sntil nnrTa vnai.
wnen otnor ran. soiit under guar-
an too. 26 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Oro.
DR. A. It. HEDGES, Dr. Louise K.
Hedges Mechano-TherapUts, Chiro
practors, Spohdylotbrirnplsts. Thooa
syrtcms, Including dietetics, cu ra
ti to gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., produce rosulti In both acute
and chronic .disease. , Consulta
tion frco. Oviif Deiiel &' Co., cor
ner Main and Hartle'.t. Hour 9
a. ni. to 5 p. m. Olhor hoars by
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor,
nerve specialist Rooms, 283-264-205.
Garnslt-rorey ,bldg. Vapor
baths and sclentlflu roawwgo given;
nc'edld spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advice la
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydroptberapy. Lady attendant.
Phono, office 543". r&ldeace 5 11-It.
Employiitevt Aiwcy
We are hero to belt people net re
liable,, competent, .help.. We fur
nlsti help In almost air llnea of
business. "Wo make a' ipecIiHy of
competent men and wives for
ranches. We solicit your patron
age. IljUner's. Heal Estate, and
Employment Uureau, rtodma 8 aid
7 Vilm Bulldinr. Medford. Phoae
858. Mr a. Byrd Caster, Manager.
Denttou n
t. .
Garnett-Corcr Bldgr..
nl6e' SI
Medford, Ore; -Phone 858.
Office 43 sNorth Front St. Paoae
315. Pricea right. Service gear
nteed. M i "a aaej
Phyeelcla una Bnrgeome
physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg., phone 1036-L. Realdeae
2C South Laurel St.
DR. W. Wv HOWARD Oateepathle
physician,. 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMKNS PbyHclaa and
surgeon, Praetice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat, Eyea scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Office 228 East Mala St,
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 9. m.
E. D. PICKED. M. D. Office Jack
sen County Bank bids. Office
phone 43-R; residence phone G8-K.
cian and surgeon. Office Pals,
block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hour
10 to 12. I to 4. Pboqe 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon. Phones, office 3C, resi
dence 724-J. Office hour 19 to
12, 2 to 6.
DR. S, A. LOCKWOOD Physician
and surgeon.
Practice limited to dtecasea of
women. Offlcea 232 H. Mala.
Phones, residence, 814-J2; office
It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. Over Hutcblsoa Lunis
deu, 216 E. Main St, Phoue 77.
DR. MO M. M. DOW Ihyslclaa and
surgeon. Dr. Lydla 8. Dow Os
teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St,
Mark's block. Phona 1G0. Hmi.
denco tho Dow Hospl'tuI, Central
l'rlutqia eafl 1'iiUUslieM
best equipped printing office la
southern Oregon; book binding,
looso ledf ledgers," bllllm system,
etc, Portland prlcee. 87, Xorta
Fir St. , ,
Royal Bakery, -; 1,
cake. Corhpr Mala aad fJi!
Parnltiire Nt ami t4tm4tU$mt '
ddff A Woolf, eowVlelIKiV'
furnisher. Serial1- low rHa5
j?n .AxmlnUler ruje a Utt.
Gutm, AmmHHHUm, HvHt 4Ntaia
Kl" HrH ,',, llff
Wwl MoIn ..,,.J$im4 )m
Kntl fMM4f,
UialJu llJ Hiiii - - " "
0, r, KrU
aa ai
1 - """"
I . Auto h'tipptlc
1 ';
, 1
. -1
, r.
6 I