'v.W MEDFORD ftfATL 7RTBUNE, MEDFORD. ORISflOIW TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER .15, 1914 ""'f tfAGE'THRTCW GOLD HILL PLANS T Real Lubricaito tv EE DVER RESULTS OF AVENGEDESTRUCTION - tfM m M NEXT SATURDAY IT YEARS' PEACE PLAN E DEMOCRATS WN BIN S N COLORADO MINERS BRITISH WARSHIPS INDUSTRIAL A UN ETON VOT NG UPON THREE ELECTING CURTIS NEAR AS PATFINDER t U' H i i r An Iwllvliliiiil full' iiml tiiiliniui liul.ti will In) ylwn liy Ilic ii'iiii or (lolil Mill Hiiliiriln.v, SiiiiiiImt ID. Till 1'ollMUillK il'liltlllll till lil'l'll ll'- luiD'il: (lnrjji'oiii nif(i'iiiii nf iiinliii'; fnillM nf it rnillfiil Miltcv In iiiiiin iniilli illuiln.v; M'ir.'i'l iiiiiiiliic4 of llMtiiHH piliHiti.; iii-jmIiu'I'IIIIo iiiili' mill iiiiiii'iuim iMtiiix; iiiImm Mllll (M'llNMXI, tjllllll'll H t.N, Alli' iitlilcli'x in lii'i'ii I.iiiiIi'Mh; miiiIii polo mi iniiiniiix HitiitH : liiiitlntr Iimi'I( llio IiiiIIciciI liimr; I'KKxi'illni,' cm; niti; IIiiiImt liiicini'ii in llclilniti rliiiilij Inn of wnr li.v li'imifil TiojiuiN ((lolil lllll i'IiiiIIi'mx illU lllll win hi); ilmilltf ilh('N) kuiiii.v Mini; liillliltlioll, rlri-l.-r.S, SllVliry Nilvor MllllllHI HlTVt'llj opi'll. nir tnliloi rur oi'ii-nir iipiictitcn; K'hmI lliinp (jiilninj fri' fnri' in full iluy fnlU; uiinlt'il, 1 1)00 iii'IIm' upii' till'N. (illlllil I'U'llilln'n I'lllt'llllllltlll'lllj fire opi'ii'iilr IVhliuil "T fun; tiilnit I'll llllUlH ill Vlllllll'Villl", llllllll I'llll riTl; cit Iff tititn !ti n cnnu'itiuiw wi'l uiil'i'tti I'liiniviil; pimii'ir piif-ranl mi nipinu ltnit", ploiixiiiK piinjriiin pro- M'litnl. W liiiml liny' mnnil hull. CIukii n pcrfrut iln, In it pi'iTi'd uiiy mi i fliu- Hour in hptiniliil iniiMc, Spcciiil ivilui'i'il mU'i inn' nml oiio lliinl t'lin rimml trip fnini all Millcy point (fllriiiliili In Axlilninl), nml a Hpi'i'inl train Siiliinlay i-m'iiiiic In lirint; tHittii-M Iiiiiiic In Mt'ilfuril nml A-lilninl. I'OltTliANI), Mu, H'"t IT..- Tim iloniDi'intlo victory In .Muliio's stnto tiliiitlon yimlnnlny mis iimiiHiirvil by tlm nr.H7 plurality liy which .Muor Oaldoy C. Curtis, of I'orlliuiil itufeiil oil (Invvrnnr Wllllnin T. Ilnlnc. ro piililknn, for ru-uleellon nccoitlliiK to iniofflrlnl rnliiriiK from nil hut 37 of tlm DIM cities nml towns toitny. All four (oiikii'haihoii, thrco ri'tiiilillcntis nml mm ili'inotmt, vum lo-tiliicluil Tim loiiiimratlvo ruturns vallulilo from lis cltli'H nml towns rIw: llitlniin, roinihllinii, r.7,0fi2; Tnft, ro imhllnin, 2i, 121; Curtis, dumorrnt, 01, 2Ki; Wilson, ilonincint, &0.IM (liirilimr. proRTrsslvti, I7.H3! Koonw Veil, IHOKrctnhi', I7,U0I, E WHO VISITED CAMP MA RISCO OFF FOR THE ASKING for llio benefit mnl i;uhlmirv of IHir. lMltora In llm I'minmn 1'iiclflc Inlrrnnllonnl Uxpoaltlon lit Han I'rnn lro. I hit Koutlivrn I'nclflc cnnipiiii)' Iirm Jum limnM for cennrnt flint rlbu lion tliroURhoul thn world n folili-r. conliilnliiK lompri'lioimlvii mnp In rotor of San l-'rnnclicn, wllh euro fully roinpllcil fnrU n limit Mint clt) mnl tier iit'liUihorn. I'mi of thin mnp will not only rntihlo llm MtrniiRrr to find hid wny. ntiout tho rlty but nlo find iiilrl.ly nil otricln, prlnrlpnl hulldliiK, InMltiilloim, pnr!(, lioi. tiiln, cliiirclu-n, iiiouiiini'iitM, hotidit, cIiiIk, Iioiiicm of frntorunl orcntilxu tlmm, jitrrol rnr llim. tlicntor mid nvwupapiT iifflro, IokkIIkt wllli tho Importnut Ktriicture lit thu cxponI tlon. Tim Koy to tlm mnp I Hliuplo DiioiiKh to iiinkn It romlll) IntulllKlhlo. Tlm nmdliiK mntttr kIvcji polutoit "nil to what to mm. In .Hnn I'lmu'loro nnd how to mm It, liuportmit furf nhout tho clltuutf, miKKoNtliiiitt for rtothliiK, Mtntlnllrnl fuel nlioilt lh. il' coiuuiiTi-o mid IndiiHtrlr mid u ftiihlo to tlm vnrloiiH niKlmiriiiil I onihodlnl. Tho whnlo In mmtly nr imiKt'il In foldur form, with orr luiKvii In lilnrk mid whlto MlmwInK tho I'lirrj hulldluK mid Timor of JowoU, It U mm of tlm tuont rouiiriihiiiNo dty miipH mid doncrlptlvo fnldorn t'vor UhuiuI frco liy it railroad company mid hhotilil prnvo n flmt aid to thu MrnnutT within thu city' kuIc. TRAINS INTO MANE HI'OKANi;, W'lmli, Hit. in.-TIm CIiIciiko, Mllwauld'o mid St. l'nul rail wny for tho flmt t lino ran Ita trains contluuiitnl traliiH Into Hpohmm to day. Till wiih iiiailo poHtillilo liy tlm coinplutlon of a Htatiou and truck which nl 1111.500,(100. Thu Oro-Kon-Wiulilimton Itallroad and NuvJ Kiillon coiupany aharod In tho ix pdiiHo and will nlHo run It tralu Into tlm now Htatiou, An olahornto pro Kiaiu partk'lpntod In liy nfflclalH of tlm ioiiiIh atluuddd tho driving of tho liOlllllll Hpll(l), GERMANY TO GO HOME UOTTi:i(l)A.M, Hopt. II, via I.on ilmi, Hupt. ik, r:2& a. in. UuhmIudh iohIiIIiik In Ooriiiuny ho lucolvtit! pnriiiUnlon to tto hoiim. MuW'H fioin 17 to D yuaiH of i'kii mnl artlvo or l til 1 1 nd of firm a ro tkiptoi In lm iililor. Tho I vtui n of I.'iihIUIi, I'lmuli nml HoIhIuii ihlllwnn In tlnr iimny I tint ytd pninillluil, hut It in ilioiixhl llml Ihla U ninii'ly u imillvr of u fnw llU)N. The (liiiinl Aiiiiv ciii'miipiiii'iit rr Inter hhifuN tin followluc M'lcnilis at tcink'il tlm (limilh I'ah cnilivriiiK IiikI wri'k: l.rwi Millerl, (loM Hill, (li-oru.. W. Hull, .Mi-ilfonl: Saniiu'l llouk'tt, flratitN I.'u.m; FinUtt M. Piilncy, .Vrilfont) TlintiiiiH IMnii'iiiU, Mnltonl; A. .1. T. Smith, (lolil Hill; V. CiiKllii-k. AhIiIi.iiiI; V. S. KIiik, Tak lima; I'. A. I.uit;, Itn-rlniry; 1'olk Hull. Mi'ilt'oiil; II. .1. (lanliiiT, Crii tral I'oinl; W. M. Morris. (I..I.I Mill; John ('. ('riiwforil, I'l. .loims i'nl. ; loliu K. Crawfiml, Tnlnit ; H. I1. Ilaltlw iit Mi'ilfnnl; A. I.lc, Kokiii' llivrr; T. V., (Inintf. I'am.; Alfml Mnitli'll, (InintH 'uh; K.ia Wchlicr. Sams Valley ; Tiliumi lliiniian. )r li'ii; .1. ". AilnniH. Talfiit; Frnlii"' V. Srlu-ror, Sax iiKi Crrvk; J. I'. Savlf, AkIiIiiihI; llarni'v Itolf, Won If r, II, llcai'li. Afhlmiil; .V. II. Wlulr, A-lilaiiil; Sli'Mii II MciTM, Itouo IIimt; .1. 0. Ilolint", Murphx; .1. i:. IVtrrnoti, (liant Pa: Wnltor lltn itmiii, Kooi'Ihiik; .loliu (1. IwinU" iiiiiii, (Iraiitx I'iikn; I'lnlip Itolilinm, Alilmiil: Waller I1. I'owell. Alilunil; Selli IIomk. Mutpliy; IMwiii A. Wink, (Irani- IM-,.; 4. Florida, Krnl (.'i'.v. Mli'h.; Kniiik Ka-linfer, .lackfiiii Mlle; ('. (. Iliiiun. (Irautn I'osh; I,. ('. Sivi'ri, Uo:im Itivor; .lo-cph ('huinlii'rliiin, Wnlilo; A. ('. Spcni'i-v, AhIiIiiiiiI; (I. K. (Jeulnor, .Murphvj W .M. llaniiiim, Muri'liy; I,. I'ounil, Siilein; Ki'iimiii 1'. Sarcciit, ItoM-liuri, (Iroriio W'auisli.y, Kali I'oint; M. I.. Wood, KiikIo I'oiut; .loliu I'alri.l;, Id. Kim Wiver; .loliu .1. Moll, V. .'!. (Irout, (Irani I'm.; C. K. Hall, Al. laml; .1. I), l'ankei loelnip; A .MurriH, IVaiik I.i'kiiii, II, ,1, Lot u, (IrantH Pah;, loliu W. MilN, AkIiIiuio; .Iiiiiie Holman, II. A. Ilunlley, .1. I.. Ki'oWII, (limit Piths; 1). p. Anilrui, Meilluiil; I.. I'utiirr, .1. W. Ilelil, (Iraiith Piih; Itohftt A. .Mcl.t'iin, l.u AiikWi'; II. II. Heed, (liauth I'o-h; I'. M. Slrwnrt, KhjjIc Point; V. I J. P.il iiiit, A-hlmul; W. F. II.miio, .Iiiiuiv S. AiliuiiN, V. M. Tiirncr, (Iruulx Phh: O. K. Co., Itirsrhuri;; II. II, i'wW, .lames Mnlliuejv, Ablilaiul; .Inlimi I.. (liM'ii, If, I,. DUhrow, Draulh Piihs, William Kilt-eh, Ideliui-j,-; I,. II, TiifkiT, MeiU'tuil; .1. p. Ciiht-y, Mile II. Wiikenniii, Ahhlauil; .loliu 11. Ken milt, .liirkMimilm; Henrv l.inv, Ash laud; Oliver llowaiil, Miiiu'k Pa; (1. II. PiliieL. fl,,li! Mill- U'iIIImi.i II -. . .1.... ..T ...-.I. .. "Ml Twoiiimy, IVntiul Point; Fraiih Shaffer, Gold Hill; .1. . Hi'ithlt-.v,' ltoh'iii' lther; John W. 'mnk'ilioof, (Jiiint Pith; Mnriou Yount, Tiilcnl, J. W. Ilit'kh, l.irciuiH Vronuin, AnIi- Imiil; II. 1,. lteiil, .Murph) ; l.otiih Huff, Sclnia; Willinui Sooy Smith, .Meilfuul; J, S. Smith. Ahhlaud; Huoh Conjii'r, .Jnckhoinille; .Jaiui'K M llosii', Wihleiville; Nauo ,1. I.uueoy, ItosfhuiK; S. M'. Xtmloii, ThIiIp Uoek; ,lnui(H M.veir, AkIiIiuiiI; I), W. Mi I eh ell, Merlin; .1, (I, Coeshall, (Iriinlh Piths; William llixlmp, Waldo; John lleililen, Meilfonl; II. II. AIm'im.ii. CliriNtiau (liitiiiuel, (limit Piihh; A. Woody, Cotlouwouil, Cul.; John Far- rell, Wiltmi Spiiuh; Kuphriiteh Tut- hill, (Irants Puh M. ('. Sullivan, llirmu Iteniler. Meilfonl; T, II. II. Tujlor Koue Hier; .1. F. Carpen. er, .MeiU'iiiil; A, Aubuin, Muipli: loHepli Si'hooiioMM', Itouo ltier; It. It, ll.ilehki-w, L. II, Ki'iil. Meilfonl; (I, A. Ileriy, Murphy; .lolm denize, Ki'ilo ! .Imneh Cuili, ('. W. Steel, A. II. I.u.ier, John M, .Ioiioh, William Fnikes, Wnleriniiii Van N'p, (IrimU I'liKht; Wllhim S. Cliiy, Meilfonl; A. H. ('nihoii, Murpliv, ,1. It, William- Mm, (Iraiith Pus; I!, ,M. Joiiok, Itone. hum; lolm While, (lolil lllll; Samuel l(Uhell, Wil.leivillet W. H. .Moore, Meilfoiil; I'Aw, .M. I.lylil, l.elmiil. RUSSIA TO CANCEL ALL GERMAN PATENTS LONDON', Kepi, in, Oi.V. a, in A illiili'i I'i inn Pan xlti'N llu' IV liilo a iiiillimlly for llm hluifiiieiil Hull Ilia lliiiniilil iiW'liiiueill ha ile imli'il In I'liiii'i'l nil lleiiiimi palriiU Ulllllll llm 'UiIH'. HLIILIN, Mu Copi'iiluitjrii mnl Loiulnii, Kepti'iiihi'r Li, II ill1) u. in. Another day lnm pat-fcil without imw of Hie uteat Imllli; near Pari, enii 1'iiiiiiiiC wliiih no itpiiitM nor iletail Iiiim- hi'cii available Hineo a week itfs. Thu eiit'tal hluff, in repoiihe to a ipii'Ol eliiuaeleiieil llm p'ticral it -untioii a "fiivorahle' hut rel'raincil I ii mi iiiiv conmieiil whulever oi;r the roiirMi of event iin'n tlm firt day of Mm llnylifh ami Freiirh ultnek mid tho wilhilruwal of tlm (leriumi HkIiI winjs' on Seplenilii'f II, A reHirt whieh wit in eiienliilioii in parliamentary einli' lat itiht that the operatinni hail alieaily re hiillcil in a j,' re a I vietoiy found no i-ouflniiution. On tlm contrary, it appear that the Imttln eau Mill luM Mime. lime. A eouti'Kt of Kiieh reat extent mnl from willed o much ile pemls will not he deeiiled in u hhort time. The Melyiaii army, whieh is ipiite Niiriounileil, iieeonlini; to Maleiaent here, ha heen iilteiuplin throiiKh re pented horlic from Antwerp to play at leant a pint in llm ar, (The ecu hor ha here deleleil further refer eueex to the operation aiouuil Ant werp). Itepoil eouie of miiiiII lutttle with rendered Freneh forec in Noitlheni Alaee, near Thiiiiu, (lehweiler mnl Sulr, hut with the cieeplmn of tlue there i no new from the wivt. "llm uertnmi pnv-unmiiiy are pushiiie; reinforeeuieut forwanl, mid the uuiiouoei'iiieiit that their armies, with a united front, hne le-iuned the olfenite. ittiiv perhaps he expeettd In two or three day. Much piohahlv (le'iul on the tap iility with whieh the unity umtur the eniwu priuee complete tlm isolation of Verdun and hukc ilelf loose from Ihis oliMarle in onler to he in a po-itiou to ri'Miine major oiientltou. submIneInks i Tit INI DA I), Colo, Hcpl lrOno day jireteilluK tlm unnlvcrmtry of the Innuiiiico of the tall for tho Colorado conl Htrlku, offkhilH of tlm United Ml no Workers of Atnorlrn and dclo KiituN ruprcRentlnK tho nrloui local iiiiIoiik In dlotrkt nuniher 15 asuciu hlod Imro today to roimldcr the qucr tlon of a tfireo )ear truco aiiKKcnlcd by Prcalilctit Wllion. Many of tlm dcetatf woro pre cut at thu convention of anl year which on Kcptmnlmr 10 voted unanl inoimly to call out tho mliicra Boptcm lier 2.1, Frank J Ma) cm, Interna tional vlro president, "Mother" Joncn, tlm iiKi'il Dtrlko lender twice ImprlR oned diirlnK tho tumt )enr In connec tion with the atrlKo, John Lawnon, Intnrnnlloiial uxcctitlve hoard mem ber, nnd John MtLennnn, president of district number l', nru amonK tho offlrlnlM attcndliiK Tho terms of the proposed truce as prepared by n federal committee of conciliation nctltiK for tho depart ment of labor and submitted by Pres ident Wilson Iticluiln tho appointment of a Krlovnnce committee by the pres ident; "open shop' londltlons and non-contractural relations between tlm miner and operators; publication of tho wbro scale; ro-cmploymeut of strikers not convicted .of crimes, and tho withdrawal of tho federal troops In the strike zone Tlm ffellnir -"prevails that tlm terms will ho accepted by tho strikers. GERMAN CRUISER llFltLIN. Sept. l.'i.- The dcrmaii enii-er llela has hcen sank h.V a miIi iimriue. The lleln was a i-mull pinteeteil emier of L'OIO Ion. She wm ;iS feet lout; mid earned n erew of ITS men. Her animmeiit wiis not heavy, eoiisislintr eliielly of liuht kiiiis. It I uotiihle that the llela was sunk by a submarine just its the llrttisli oruiser Pathfinder was scut to the Imtto'it hv a (leniian iihum rine, nml it Ik probable ilmt this was a tcprixnl on the part of the Hnti-li tor the loss of tlm Pathfinder. It is not aiiuouuecil where the llela was sunk. LO.NDONN, Srpl li, lll.'i a. In. An enciip'incnl took place jcMcr ilay near Alosl, fifteen mile ninth weht of llrti-.sel. Iiitvveeu (icrtifiiii eavalry nml it Ikluimi ipitel. tiling iletiii'hiiKiit in iii'itniear-, ueeenlii: to mi Ontvntl dispateli to HeiiterV Telcsniiu epmipuiy. The Gctuiiiu Iosmw are rcpijrttd to he heavy. Twcntv thopyiiiil (lenniiii;-, the dispa eh s.i.v, have evacuated AloM ,halil to ifiplurA tlieij Irxips cIm-. jvliuii'. 'llefiinVflieiV ilep.irtun' (Jie (lernuuis rciimVt'ii their fllij:, which had lift n fhinjf over i!ie railway la tiou. Contniry to icph'ith previously eir eiilatid, the prison .at Lmivain remain- intact ami .-till hohU prisoner. KING OF ALBANIA ' APPEALS TO ITALY (1KNF.VA, Sept. 1-1, via Pans, Sept. l., OVu a. in. Priuee William of Wi"il, who I- -till at Liikiiiih ue eofilin ( t'i. u vv'spjtperh here, has appealiil to It, Iv to protect Albania. fHMff II . km i I -.1 this week only cut it out it's worth . f c,nt I liana' IkU caiman la Itacanman at four at al hit ttara. Il.your smccr Iim no FOL CAM'S Gnldin Hale Tm In llm. ha ran irl fnr vaii ,i., Special Vilua oKrmf, uwa cnecriuiiy lorwaru mm a tin gie iucKiue t nur rrsuur price, oiinuuii any chan nel no uiina!f, and we nay nun hit rrouur profit In siliiltion. Buy tho flavor you utually ut. II ou tiavo no cnoiro recommend OUcIc and Uimii. This la Hie new toll scaled tin ot FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE TEA This coupon is worth 29 cents to you A HALF POUND FOIL SEALED TIN FOLGER'S cArEEN TEA Regular price 10 cents Special price 20 cents At all croccra If accompanied by this coupon. SKI'. 14 to Jl. HII I.A.FOLGER&CO. Tha old ttyle canon la with i drawn hy ui Iron) tale be cauM Ihcy do not kcp Ilia Ira Iron and clean. Dealer loae nolnlnii by tho change. lTTlll!aTSr'iiaBBS8aTfrM aHaVaBaBBBBBBaavLBnBBBi -l rwmr vm WiVx. or El w,vr.i. -m. W v. ,. wiov -ki, & rK, ' -jm yjsKs : .; ?s xvHaMst-w-T?x3at. . SiamJSxVvywSBraB?us-C"'wVm '.vfim ttwsssS&m 1 1 iiKiKa m,km-:mmmm "V&SSv, W . 1. XSIMB. i--in i i .".i ,R.vtwnaB Bi 1 ti AlKWiXvKK I .'i?)hWvtTav v wmyLWLm r.A.p h w ww mm ' I .111 11 111 1 MkUUjlTtAiTn lBLKaWLaal f ,' .vwjai is riAvoits CCVLON. INDIA (alica) KNOUHH MCAKrAT tilC) opioNa (stack) J, A. rOLOICIl tc COMPANY Mu it I'rsHi'Uiu l he oiicii, linr Ii uiu n)Uli lur wis iiu auNPoworn tiinimi MUCH k QHtlH (tlNHISl LONDON', Kepi. J.', .':0."i a. m. -The HcoIkiiiiiu today Male that llm (lermaii Hiibniariue uliieh sank the Mrilish cruiser Pathfinder hn itelf heen niink. (Ju Wednesday last, tie (online to the aeemiiit, a part of the llritish Hilt on the lookout for Ger man submarines, heeanie nwnre of the presenee of one. The Hritih vcn--el divided when tlm xiihmurine np peaied with only it pcrieopc hhovv inf.'. Willi "rim patience the British cruiser waited for the renpcnrnnce of the submarine, which occurred in a dramatic fashion, Hy some tni cnlculution, prohuhly in a final effort to escape llio cniiscr. the hiihmar- ine'h conniiiir tower mid tipper tnie ture hiiddenlv appeaivil in the midst of the KiikIIhIi veshel. Tile conning tower had hardly broken the Mirfaeo of tho wnlcr 'when the firM Hritihh Him marked it. The doomed vessel wiih within nme of ovcn Hritish cruisers and from every one of them im crushed on'. In ten second seven shot entered the frail shell of the submarine. ZEROLENE 4he Standard Oil for Motor Cars It keeps the motor cool by perfect lubrication. Dealers everywhere. Ask our nearest agency about delivery in bulk. Standard Oil Company (CAurowax) Hertford Patronize Home Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN TH E ROG'JE RIVER VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME SCREENS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN DOORS WE Make Them If you want a good Porch Swing, let lis make it. Pacific Furniture and Fixture Factory 13. G. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop. 113 S. Hollv Street Medford Iron Works E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and .v. Machine Works v. Pacific 401; ilomo 298L. lies. Pac. 5P31; Ilmnc 22711. For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRIGATING PIPE Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grap St Tolephone 890 Keep Your Money at Home We make a specialty of Door and Window Frames and Inside Finish. Also Doors and Windows. QUALITY TIIE BEST. PRICES RIGHT ' Factory Corner Eleventh and Fir Streets. t Medford Sash and Door Co. aJMamaWSBSi&S Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 3, 1914, to August 1, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time; Touring Car . . $490 Runabout . . . .440. , Town Car . . . 690' V, O. D. Detroit. All cars fully equipped. (In the United States ot Aiuorlca Only). Further, wo will bo able to obtain the maximum effic iency in our factory production, and tlm minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments if wo can reach an output of 300,000 cars botweeu tho above dates. And should wo reach this production wo agreo tp pay as tho buyer's sharo from $-10 to $G0 por car '(on or about August 3, 1915) to overy retail buyer who pur chases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices! and profit-sharing plan, sco tho nearest Pord .Branch or. Dealer. FORD MOTOR CAR COMPANY C. E. GATES, Agent Spurtu Building Medford, Oregon r :H 14