lvmn 'two MEDFORD MAIL TIIUJUNFJ. MBDFOttU. OKIWON. 'ITKoSOAV, SKPTKNrnKR 1."), 11)11 , OCAL AND iJ PERSONAL aofnid Booysrnllh Vho 1ms boon Buffering lron an attack of pluerlsy tho, last week was roinoNcd to tlio Sacrod Heart hospital Monday after noon. His comlltlon la not serious. Hoger Ilonnott mado a business Tnlcivt Monday afternoon. &. f jfcjln flickson'.hUns J berry, tmo.fllw most plcinrosqijo 1 flgnWJn NlfM jMlco nnnals. bound uxor to the fedural grand Jury . Monday by Justice of llic PoacoTay lor on a Yhnrgawfj-falslfjlng-affidavit's to secure a fcftvermnenl pension M-fts taken to Vortland last night, af ter failure to provide $2000 bonds. Mrs. Jarksqn Is now landlady of u Front street rooming house, nnd the Hoynl lodging house when It was a storrt center of Medford polltlcnl strife. Conxlctlon for tbo offense charged carries a prison sentence of from flvo lo ten years, with $300 to $1000 fine or bo f Mr. Itobert Ea. expert ladle tailor, Is now located with Mrs. E. a, Mycr'a dressmaking establishment. Your patronage solicited. Second floor, Deuel nnd company; 163 Otto Jeldness spent Sunday hunt Ing In tho Griffin creek district for deer with no success. D Oj Bitrkbardt; formerly malin ger of tho Star Theater In this city Is now owner of a moving picture thca ei fii Alblna. n suburb of Portland. ae$urfcvfn&' Insuranco upon your rrnit wniip in a pacisiog nousc wu rates. Sn'cctal short term policies. Guaranteed Insurance with E. 'S Tumy. 210 Garnctt-Coroy Bids. Moro water Is now running In Hear creek than at any time slnco tho nild dlo of August. Last week only a tiny rlvnlct was running nnder tho Hear creek bridge, but; now It Is a lirook', and the elastic stream Is ex lectcd to assume Its regular propor tions 'In a short time. ' Kodak finishing tho best, at Wei ton's Camera Shop. Over Is!s Thea ter. Adrian Itoso of tho Orlffln creok district spent Sunday In Medford vis iting friends. Tho leaves nro beginning to fall on tho trees along the streets nnd In the city park, though tho coloring, which adds charm to the landscape in au tumn, has Just begun. See It. II. McCurdy for Atna Fi delity and Surety Bonds. The Gold Hill delegation boosting their Industrial fair returned homo last night, after a six o'clock appear ance In front of tho Nash Hotel, dur ing which Joo Veeman executed a skirt danco. The regular mid month meeting of tho city council will bo held this evening. J. O. Corking, the best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any where, time or place. Studio 228 Main St. Phone 3'JO-J. Allison Jordan and wife left Mon day for Portland whero they will inako their futuro home. (Jaino Warden A. S. Hubbard of Ashland sient Tuesday in Med fori ou official business. Authentic war news received by Mail Tribune leased wire will bo posted during tbo day at Hotel Med ford. Miss Frances Heath of Eaglo Poln( visited friends In this city tho first of the week. Tlio funeral services of the late James Q. Smith were held from tho Perl Undertaking parlors this after noon ut three o'clock. ' E. S. Tumy writes all forms of in surance. Excellent companies, good local service, 210 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Tho fall term of tho grand Jury will open October 19th, and tho petit Jury October 2Cth. Coach Mooro of tbo high school is lining up his mon for tho 1914 team. Three or four aro candidates for tho honors of official punter, Seldon Hill being tho most promis ing. Automatic babe ball, that brand new out door gamo, has arrived In Medford, See It at DoVocs toulght, Just west of Hotel Medford, A, V. JlroWn of Salem In among t'no out of town vUltors In tliu city this week. Senator II. on der Hellon of Well en la spending tho day In tho city on business. Got It at Do Voo's. Tlio full distribution of Sears, Hoc buck catalogues wjll soon bo on, two carloads of tli6 matter punning thiough tho city Motulaj night for Itosoburg, which Is tlio distributing center for the mall ordoi house for wuslurn Ori'gou. For good pictures every day In tho wovl( uttoud llm It Thciitor Weeks k McGowin Go. UKDKRTAXJBia JU4 AsitoUni ) ItUHM JM7 KJfl W, W, Wi iff rtmtm A, K, orr vim T flames Hotelier of Itosoburg spent tliVflrst'of the week In tho city mak ing tlio trip by motorcycle. A number of enthusiastic Gorman supporters who wngertfil coin and hnta thai the Kaiser's armies would be In Paris by the fifteenth, are get ting ready to pay the same. Med ford Germnns generally credit the retreat movement under wny as be yond tho range of possibility. Tho finest equipment in Oregon for printing fruit labels. Medford Print ing Co. r Glenn. Thomas nnd wlfo of Klam ath Kalla aro among the out of town visitors Jri the city. The European war has caused an Increase In the demand for war and historic books lit the public library, works by iorman authors on the roc ent progress of tho Kaiser's realm being the most popular. The writ ings of tho French philosophers are also in demand. Edison records for salo nt 23c each as long as tbey last, at Palmer's Pi ano" Place, Garnctt-Coroy Wdg., 24 South Grniio street. Arthur Chase of Gold Hllf spent Monday la Medford attending to bus iness matters. Miss Edith McNelly of Redding. Cat., Is x Idling friends In this city for a few days. nen I.lndley of Talent spent Mon day In Medford attending to busi ness matters. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis Theater. All the raro horses appearing at the Jackson county fair lat week were Shipped to Roscburg Monday, for tho Douglas county fair, that opens tomorrow. noth tho wet and dry forces ari distributing literature to tho country districts, and prohibition leaders, slate and county, aro making ener getic efforts to arouse Interest. This is proving n hard Job In tho face of the wholesale butchering In Europe. Tho only Interest notlcoablo lies In thoso people perpetually enthused over the downfall of John Barley corn. J. M. Kllgoro of Roglo River spent tho first of tho week In Medford on business. imzcns or Asnianu win Hold an "Enthusiasm Picnic" September 23th, to arouse Interest In tho campaign for tho ro-e8tablishincnt of the nor mal school In that city. Hair dressing, manicuring, scalp treatment, facial and hairwork, hair dyeing. 429 M.F.&H. Bldg. Phone 157 Stevo Martin, the S. P. brakeman, mysteriously shot In tho Ashland yards by two men, two weeks, ago. denies tlio allegation of tho Ashland police, and tho railroad detectives that ha was Intoxicated at tho time tho shooting occurred. Tho' grand conclavo of tho Shrincrj for the southern Oregon district will bo held at Ashland, September 24, with visitors from Jackson, oscph Inc, Klamath and Lake counties. Mrs. George H. Millar is visiting friends and relatives In Canton, Ohio, her old home " Workmen arc working night nnd day remodeling the storo room to bo used by ohn C. Mann after October 1st, adjoining tho present quarters. For good pictures every day In the week attend the It Theater. Intermittent rain fell over tho Roguo river valley for the last 24 hours, glvlnff.promlso of a substan tial full. ' Tho Hun-led barely settled Ihe dnst,' and were typical' Oregon mists. Heavy rain clouds bank the horizons; This morning there was a chango In temperaturo, a coid wind springing up from the north. Gus Poppas, a local Turk has re ceived a letter from his father, who lives In one of the villages near Con stantinople, In which expectation of the coming of a Russian Invading army Is told. A Turk hates a Mus covite bitterly, and tho letter sas tho pcoplo aro anxious for tho fray. C E. Davis left today on a hunting and prospecting trip In the Apple gate country. Tho Southern Pacific section crow Is now performing tho annual task of tamping tho ties In the local yards. O. J. JohnH and wife of Spokane nro spending tho week In tho valloy lulling friends and relatives. Attornoy Porter J. Noff and wife, and Prof. Rebec and wife havo re turned from an auto trip to Crescent City nnd Eureka. County Clerk Gardner spent Mon day evening In Medford on business. Mrs. R. W, IIulil who hag boon sending tho summer In the cast will return to Medford about tho middle, of October. Tho pollen records show1 no ar tests tho last ten dilys foi drunken ness, speeding or leaving dogs nn niuwdod. the besetting sins with tho lurgeMt percentage In the pollen court. EASTERN RAILROADS ASK TO REOPEN INCREASE CASE WAhlllNnro.N', St pt .'. Tim eiiMoni nillvMiyi. fiiiuiiilly iulilliiniil (lie intorMiilo coiiiiiiuM'h eiimiiildoii lodn lor u nlii'iiiinK in lliu t-iili'rii ll'lwHiru nil I'll-"', mill In mii Uirni lo iiil Into j'll'iwl llin U our itiiI ini-M'iikji uliii'li I lie roiiiiiiMoii it' i ililly lUnii'il, AUSTRIAN DEFEATS E DEI VI1WNA, Monday, Sept. H. l6 n. in., vln Paris, Sept. IS, 1 n. in.- The news of Russia's Increasingly victor ious occupation of Eastern GnGllcln Is exercising n deposing Influence In Austro-llungary official circles and among the more Intelligent cluises of the monarchy, but up to tbo present time the mass of the people seem credously willing to accept as satis factory the meager official bulletins given out by the authorities. Tlioy welcome eagerly any report which seems half way encouraging. Thnt anxiety Is felt In higher cir cles, however, Is manifested by the long audiences the ministers of the dual monarchy are holdlug constant ly nt Schoenbrunn with Emperor Francis Joseph. Last Saturday the emperor received Count Von Ilerch told, the minister of foreign affairs, both In the morning and afternoen: there have been also a number of conferences since last Friday with tho minister of war and tho Austrian and Hungarian premiers. The newspapers of Vienna main tain nn extrndnrdlnnry reserve con cerning tho progress of tho cainpalgni In Gnllcla nnd on the Servian front ier. Papers of Sunday, September 13 barely mentioned tho bnttlo that Is reported to lime been raging around l.cmberg for tho last six days. The only Journal offering any com ment on tho l.cmberg sltunUon was the Ncuo Frele Presso which said: "Wo can say nothing moro than that tho high moral quality of tho Austrian and the Hungarian troops must eventually prove, victorious." A telegram received In Vienna from Btida Pest quoted the Hungar ian minister of national deTenso ns saying: "Wo stand well. Our position everywhere Is good; moro than this, I cannot say." The frequent optimistic public ut terances of Count Stephan Tlsza, Hungarian premier, lately have ceased and tho official bulletins given out In Buda Pest arc silent regarding tho campaign against Servta. VALLEY OF DEATH FULL OF CORPSES LONDON, SepL 13. 3:40 a. m. A dispatch to tho Chronicle from I'c trograd says: "Tho fiercest fighting of all that which preceded tho Russian victory at Lublin was In a gorge near tho vll lago of Mlkolaleff, which tho Russian soldiers reverently named tho 'Valley of Death.' "Tho gorge was full of dead men, lying In heaps, according to n soldlor who reached here today. 'When wj attacked, at 3 o'clock In tho morn ing.' ho said, 'tho gorge contained 15,000 Austrlans. a largo proportion of whom wero mowed down by tho artillery flro which plowed throng' tho valley In tho darkness. Tho Aus trlans surrendered and wo entered the gorgo to recoWo their arms', whllo their genorul stood quietly on a hill watching tho scene. Eight of his standards being turned over to th Russians was more than ho could bear for ho drew a pistol und shot himself.' " THIRTY-FIVE TO FORTY PERISH (Continued from Page 1) railroad. Tho train loft St. Louis last night nt 8:32 p. m. for Galveston. Texas nnd carried threo Pullman sleepers, two coaches, baggago and smoker and diner. All the equip ment was of steel. An early report sent by a physician who was on the wrecked train, said at least 20 pass- engors, Including Engineer O'Brien and Fireman Stockstlll woro drowned. A special relief train wffli Assistant General Manager E. D. Levy and a corps of physicians left horo Immed iately for tho sceno of tho wreck. Ovcitiiined In Gully Four cars and tho locomotlvo wero overturned Into the gully, swollen to a temporary lako, which runs bsdo tho track. Tho chnlr car and the smoker wero submerged, Seven bod ies havo boon taken from tho chnlr car, but It Is bollavod that every por ton In the two cars wasdrowned. This entlinato Was IiuhoiI on statements of trainmen as to tliu number of pass engers In tlio two curs, Ono of tbo prisoners In tub nub merged (hair cur was Miss Monii Campbell, a nurse of fit. Imls, Klio liroku a window and climbed out t'l thn slilu of tho iur. HIuihIIiik In wnlor, slio foil iibniit until liu touihuil the IiuiiiIh of drowii lug I'Usxi'iiKDis, Ah wh" gniimml u hum! Sim pulled wild nil bur clnniKlli. In IIiIk uy nIhi rescued fvn jiimMiii. CVIH CAUS SESSION IN OFFICIAL CIRCLES TAKING OF SEMLIN CAUSES REJOICING THROUGH SERVIA I'AUIS. Kepi. I 'J til p. m. The tiihiui "I Seinliii li ihe Son inn luw eiiueil srrcrtt ninuifotutioin niul rejoicing in ItulgiiuK', neiMtVjUtiif t n iltiulolt to Ihe lliixiis nRenev from NVIi. A To Devlin wiin "ling in nil tlio oluiivliei trtilny. On tlie nffoi imoii ol SepleiuliOi' 10 two Autrinn umiiiloiN nironolitl the Scrvinit cn'i'ilnl niul fircil iilioiil liltv -hot". The M-niiiu iiililleiy nt Holgrmlo nnd ut Seinliii replied, tlriv injr litem oflV A nutjiiiily of ihe Seilm niul t'nmN who live in Seinliii remniiieil in the city. The lliiutttiriiiii, Ooiiiiiiih iiik) ,lew fleo!. The tliuht ot ihe Aiitriuiw, the iUp.iteli -, icm'IiiIm'iI ii p.iuie. The detent ol Ihe Ati-tinui- on two m loon lieenmo npt.iuut, iw tunny of the wounded weie heint; truinported to Scinlui. The u-tiinn look uwuy -eveml prominent liodnset. MEXICO NOT YET WASHINGTON. Sept. 1.. II. Von Kckhurdft the iu'wl nppoiuted (ler uititi mini-tor (n Mexico, u-ked Seere. tnry Rr.vnii tlnlii .wlirii tlio Tinted Stnte- would reeogiuro u new gov ernment there niul learned thnt no eonclti-ion hud been reached. The miui-ter returned to New York, where he will remain uw tilting u tie-ei-ioti by the American coxcrnment a- to the time for recognition, ii Oerumny, wjlh other Kuropenn power-, will not accredit her mini-tor until the Tinted .States formalls rec ognizee tlio new ndini tistfiltion their. WHEAT BREAKS TO LOWEST LEVEL CHICAGO, Sopt 13 - Tho decllno In wheat prices based on reported successes of thn allies, was checked thfs morning on tho Board of Trade. May wheat, which closed at $1.1 Hi yesterday, swjd to $1.1 In thp first IS minutes ot. trading. Another storm of selling began ho foro tho session was hnlf over, and prices broko to a lower loel than nt tho worst of tho seml-panlc of tho day previous. May wheat fell back four cents to $1.11. Tho new de cline was duo to roports of tho sur render of a German army under tho command of General Von Kluck. T DUAL EMPIRE'S ARMY LONDON, Sept. 15. In n dispatch from Copenhagen tho correspondent of tho Central Novva quotes tho Ber lin Loknl Anzolgor as saying that tho ruaHon tho Aitstro-German nrmlcH were defeated In Gnllcla was Russla'ti numerical superiority, thn Russians exceeding tlio Austrlanil and tlio Ger mans by SriO.OOO irion. Tlio Austrian Iokh'cs' liai'o boon enorinuus, sonld rbiidnentH losing all their dfflccis. Tho Russians broko In suddenly between tho armies of General AuffenborB and Oenoral DankI, making' retreat absolutely necessary. MEXICANS EXPEL NEW YORK, 8ot. 15. Word Was received today at tlio lioudquartors horo or tho National Railways of .Mexico that tliu constitutionalist gov ernment had expelled nil operating and other officials of tlio road in Mexlio from their positions mid sub stituted IIh own employes. It was nil- pouiicod hero Unit this would bu niudo thn subject of uu offlclul com. plaint to tliu Washington gowni moiit as nn net of coiiflscullon on thn purl Of llll) (OIIStltlltlOIMllUlM, Uujt Tortr llfisnlyH to MmuliO ttor, JuUmnn cl mm, llm beet, mill Uwwvy pironlr liumw luduslri U RECOGNITION DECIDED UPON RAILROAD MANAGERS WAR TAX NOT TO BELEVIED ON FREGHT TRAFFIC WASIUXflTON'. Sept. II. Ties! dent Wll-on ictitrhed to tlio ciilltnl thi- iuoiiiiti ut II o'eloek mid diove iiilinediiilelv to the while limwc, wheie he hud n eonfeioneo with eon gics lender, oxer Ihe nr levcuiio hill. Semite lopulilieniw nt n emifOi'- eiiee lodny detenniiU'd to fight tiny Vnr leveiuie iiien-itie m tinv lorm. ('hiiiiiiiiiu Tnderwood of Ihe wny mid menu- eoiiiiuilliV yielded today to proto'.tK of doinooniU ugiiinst the tux on freight nnd uyieed o let to niglit'H eiiueus decide. Tlie pre-l-dun. Mr. Tnderwortd th wn not committed to n fieight tiix'iiud would )iot iu-i-t on it. ome deiuoeiutn, like the rvpuhli oiiiw, me oppiwcd to nnv war las. The eoiifeienei f the repuhlieiili senalorH nppoiuted Senator- Sluool, .Mi'Tiiulier, Smith of Michiunn, Weeks ami Steilint; to take charge of tlio oppo-ilion und notify nheulees lo re. tiiin ut onec, unless occupied will political cnmpniuiis. WASIIIN'OTON, Sipt. l.V l're-i dent Wilson, Senator Simmons and Representative Tuderwood decided Into toilnv not to insist uu a freight tnx for emeraenev rcvenuo in the face of opposition within the demo cratic rank-. A sule-tiltilc plan will he submitted to the democratic house caucus tonight. SOUTH AFRICA LONDON, Sept. 15, 10:20 a. m. A dispatch from Capetown to Router's Telegram company say that tho Fourth South African Mounted Rifles commanded by Colonel Daetson, dfter two night marches, surprised tho German form which had ocunlcd n drift CU in 1 1 ot from Stolnkopf In tho Nnmaqualand. After n sharp skir mish thn Germans were compelled to surrender. Another Capetown dispatch reports that the action look pluro nt Rnmnns Drift, nn Important strategic position. BATTLE HINGES ON PRINCE (Continued from Pax 1) ed tlinl tin- KiuiinnU of the An-lro-lliiiiunrinii foleo will ho kept within its wiills until fhe end of the wnr. Rtilan fiMiipalgti Reports 'of operations on the east Prussian frontier ore contradictory. Ai iding to IVHogrud, fleiierul Itcuticukiiinptf hn resKmed the or-fen-ivo lifter winning mi ciigiigcuiciit on the holder, while ihe pjiino Itiis-iiin source report that the investment of Kocnlgsheri; is eoiitiiiufno;. On the other hiiiid, Rcrlin state that Ifi'n neilkiimpff'M deleitt is ulmo-t km grent iih the preceding RiisfJiui ilisusfur in tliin region. Interest in the naval phuso of the wnr Iuik been soniewhnl htirred hy the newH from Merlin of the d,H mo tion of the (lenniiii light eruo-er Ilelu hy ii joihiunriiii1 mid Ihe imofricial htory from a Scotfish newspnper thnt tho os of the Ilrilish eiuiser Path nndur luu heeii nvenyed hv the wink ing of Iter hiihmiiriue iiiitiigoiiist which went down under a hail of shots from llntish warships. Forestalling Famine Outside the zone of military oper iilions, the chief inloli'sl centers in tliu efforts or tliu (lermiii), Dutch and French govcrnuieiilh to foiestnll the possibility of famine wthong their pooplcH h.V regidntliig tlie uo of eer tuin staples. Tlio regulations mil only foihid ihe ilso of mine lliiiu n certain amoitiil of these staples for purposes other than for food, hut in hi met Ihe people in the most econom ical way In uo llicm. Tho story that Itimsiuii Hoops hud heeu lauded on tho continent lifter coming via England from Avcllanyel Iiiih met with foimiil niul Hpecille do uinl both fioiu the I'ulisli ollieial piCHs huieitii niul fioin llelgiiiu of ficinl hOitrccH. You Get (lis nest There Is whon you smok Gov, Joon sun cigars and putronlxo homo Indus trios. With Mudfnril UniVi ts MnlfoiM nmilo Offlru Ut fc(fonl Plinifliaiy, Phoiio 10. Nlrflit Phono 701, Medford Hotel DR. A. W. KOKINEK VETERINARIAN Antin 1II ThIU, Dy or Mhl BRITISH WIN JAPANESE CLASH WITH GERMANS ' AT KlAO CHOW (Mil MO, Shantung Piovlnco, Chlnn Hiiinhi), 8epl III ):in p in, ht Po king, Hold. 15. Tho first encounter between Gorniiin niul iipnuelui forces on hind occurred thin moinltig when thero wero ii number of idmfn klr inlsbes between patrols of tho nu testing (ones ut a point clone lo Chi .Mo. Previous to thoio engagements a (lerntnn aeroplane flow over (ho ills 1 1 lit. Tho .Inpnncso fired on tho Hin di I no. but wltbpUt success, A cnuntdonthlo Jnpnnesu furco Is Sii mllort to tbo north of horo. A dispatch received horo from Wol llsin (T.O miles northwest of Kino Chow) su)fl 50 Japanese troops ar lived tberti Suud.i, PHUINO, Hept. K. A lepnrl re celved hero from Tslng,Tau of tier mini origin, derlnres that it vangunrl of Japanese vnwilr Is at Kino Chow city. Germany Ait-! Later The sumo icpoit IAis been trans mitted to the government. The Jup-iiue-e Minguiird coiisUIh of thirty men. Three hundred more onvnlry men are eloso behind them. The (lermnn chuigo il'iiffniron in Peking, Huron Vou .Mallnn, has no tified the foreign office thnt IiIh piv eituiient reserves tho right to deal with China, nt the present tituo nnd in tho future, iim it see fit, hicimsc of the alleged breach of neutrality on the purt'of China, in permitting the landing on ChineHii territory of Jap anese (mops whoso destination was Kino Chow. The Ocniiiin goctiiment further reserves the light to exact ooinpensntioii for the lo-cs which il nnd Ocrnmn subjects uiiiv sustain n n result of this action. Hold Nations Protest The (lermnn etui rye disputes (he Chiiie-o conlenlion that the siintition m nmiiogot's to thill v, .ii. It oMfcfcd during the l(iisso-Jnpanee wnr. IU declurcs that China should have given notification of the extension of the fighting nine before Ihe JHpun-c-c hiudiil, Iherrh.v iiieime the Our minis iipml oiMirtunity to muko use or this territory. In h previous pro test Huron von Miiltxuu deelHred that the Chinese government should have hiiudfil the JiipuuoM" mini-ler in Peking his iMssHirl ulu'ii .liiHiuese I mops landed at Lung Kove, The Jtipnlieso leviitiou, on Its side, has protested to tin' foiciiiii olfi ' against (Icnnaii and Antiiaii sol diers, elnd us civ die us, travitnig flom Tieiilsin lo Tsui Tltll h Ihe Chinese railroad line. Kliio Chow city Is about flvo miles outside of lliu Klao t'lum' boiindiiry to tbo northward, Why Not Get tnn best snioKe, Gov. Johnson, nnd also patrntilrn homo VisitMyOffice A visit to my of flro will ciitirn jo.i to reallzo tbo dlfferiiuco between ono who Ii n specialist In tliu fitting ot glasses to tlio , ) and thoso who merely fit glasses us a sldo II no to their business. When you need glasses havo mil fit thorn for you, mid tlioy will bo right. DR. RICKERT -- Ho Knows How flulto 11! Over Doiial's Light Housekeeping Apartments Fully Modern. Prices Reasonable COLONIAL FLATS 217 KOtJTII ItlVF.ItHlDi: , LOOK HERE Automobile Owners We sell Mlclitlln untl Good yew Tlrfii at tlio siime old price, No Incrcaio on ao ceunt ot tlie war, CRATER LAKK MOTOR CAR CO. I U am WlnrUWU REMARKABLE CASE of Mrs, HAM Declnrcs Lytlia J. Pintclmtn'it VcKctnblo Compound Saved Her Life und Smu'ty. T Shiunrwl!, Mo. "I foci It my duty to loll tho public tho condition of my iieniio iimoro iisuir yoiiriiuxllHne. 1 hud falling, tbtlnmiiiii' tlnn mid congestion, female Wuiil.uess, imlus In both shleM, linrKncheniliiil lieiie laifdown jtiilns, win short of nunnery, ntmoiii, hnpntleiit, lnuisiil nli'iwil turn lilfrhts, and liiul tiflttlliir fctrriivtli itni cnfrfD'. inero was niwnysn tear nisi dreiitl In my mind, I had cold, nervous, weak sclls, hot lUshes over my Imh.j. J had a place In my right sldo thnt win no sore thnt J could hardly Uw tho wflRhtof my clothes 1 tried ntnllrliti'i nnd doctors, but tiny did me little h-hhI, nnd I never expected to rot out ngitin. I got l.ydla R rinshum's V-jfetuI lo Compound nnd Hlootl I'urlller, nrsl I cer tnlnly wutild have been lugrnvxarhisn aslum If your medlcliii had not saved mr. Hut now I can work nil tiny, sleep well nt night, eatnnythlrtf I wnnt. h.vo no hot llnshrs or wvik, in rvoun sjielk All ntns, nrhes, fears and drnuU aro gone, my houso, clilMrvix nnd hushaml nro no longer neglected, ns I am almort entirely free of tho bad Hymptmnn 1 Iwd before tailing your remedies, awl n'l h pleasure and happiness In my Ikuhh." Mrs. Josns Ham, It. !'. I). 1, Him SI, Mitunrock, Missouri. If you w tint speeliil nilvleo , 'n I.jilln i:. I'liildiiini .loillelni' Co., (ooiilUlciitlul) l.ynu, MhJjji, MRS. H. L. LEACH Export CorsoUore 32G North Bartlett. Phono 503 AI. Southern Oregon Electric Company Li,')it, riojit ami Power "Wiring. 0l our cKliinatd hi'l'oro letting yniir'job. JJin S.' IJivci'sido. IMioiit- 18!)-lt Alnxdn Lnniim dtilivtMvd WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 KnsL Alain Streot At g! ford Tliu Only I'l.vcliigivti Commertdal IMiotograpliois in SoulluM'ii Ot'OKon Ncgalivp.s Mult; any llnio or placo ly nppoiiilnuini Phono 1-17-.J , Wo'll do tlio vest E. D. WE.STON, Prop. FOR SALE STOCK in tlio Farmers and Fruit Growers tfiift "' For particulars iiiltlrcss J. F. REDDY MIJr)!'OUn,OHIOON SS3) i MtWH Ro f A j . i-WtSl"