Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 14, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tke tint -regular session of the
football team of tHo high school will
1-'bW tomorrow iitaht, and aboul
" sivtaBdldateewIll try (or nlnce"aoa
tWtNM. '
Mfeveft'KaW. expert lafllc
inner; is now located wnn .Mrs. k. h.
Myer'a ' dressmaking establishment.
YdWr patronage solicited. Second
floor; Deuel and company. 163
Jdse kspahole, a "Mexican employed
ob the Siskiyou division of the rncl
lie1 highway; had a ''Harrow' esckpe
from death Sunday "night, white at
tempting to board a southbound
freight. In crawltna; between tho
cars, a sudden yank of the engine
caused him to lose his balance an I
plunged nead first to the ground. As
, nieJt would hare It, he fell clear of the
wheels, of the tratn.
We can make over, clean and re
pair year eld suit, dress or cver
eeat. Pantertamr ISO
Paster Russet's eight days presen-
aatlea-at "The. Drama of Creation,'
jik tk PagatThaater dosed Sunday
aiftht, 'aad the regular moving picture
MH wM,ta returned tonight.
" jW-WWaea et'Taleat returned to
hlshome this afteraeea after acting
far three 'days ' ticket taker at the
eeaaty talri
t amaara" tVe Insurance nae your
frilt wMle'Ssa packing house. Low
twtea. ,Seeeal abort term policies.
Oaaraateed tawruce with B. S.
TH'm; S19 Oeriefi-Corey'lldg.
SherHf Stagier transacted'buslaest
and official matters la the city this
WHbar Certetlus k Bnndng a bad
ly aruleed thumb aa the result of the
eraak aa kw ante slipping.
CoM weather will soon be here. Let
us etoaa up your suit, Panatorlnm.
Al Pankey at Central Point spent
Sunday In Medferd Tlsltlng friends.
Chief of Foltee Illttsoa I making
aa actlre eamnalga for electle as
sheriff aa. the democratic ticket 6t
tha-November election. Other can
didates for eeuaty offices are begin-
alag t eall ea the voters.
;Nv year fall cleaning done as
at Fateriam. 150"
The hraaa fir that has heea rag
las a GrMfta treek the last thred
daya. has; heea extlagBlsaed.
and kleek haU.
i ( tfiiiun win mv nut 10 iae
J "akr Mmaclt at Ha regular nseetlas to.
marrow alght far a rerecattea of the
ordlnaaee providing that dogs j
maaaledi until October 1st, aa the so
called danger from rabies has passed.
Keaak flalshlBg the aest. at Wes
lea'a Camera Shop. Orer lata Taaa
ter. Erie Anderson returned to bis home
in the Blue Ledge district SuBday,
after spending the week In the city
See X. H. MeCurdy for Aetna Fi
delity aad Surety Bend.
The aame ef the postotrice at Hut
ton, Cat., has been changed to Cop
per, aad the office is In charge of C
S. Half, a ploaeer prospector of that
J. O. flarktar. the host all arena
paatamr Baker la southern Oragoa.
Alwaye reliable. Necatlrea mate ear
waarc. ttasa er place, stadia 281
Mala St'-Phaae IX8-J.
C. K. Davie, night clerk of the Hoi
laad, wIlfleaTe this week for the hills
Ib search et platinum deposits, and
ta trap and hunt. He may stay nil
wialer, aad'hemay stay only teB
day. '
I "IT"-"
Wa cleaa blankets, quilts, couch
overs, etc, antorium. ISO
Kala Is the prediction of the
weather bureau for the next 24
hears. '
Authentic war aews racelrea by
Mall TribHM leased wire will be
PUd durlag the day at Hotel Med
fard. " e
Miss Maude Xagadale or Saa Fran
kee, a former resident of this city
is visiting friends aad relatives.
B. 8. Tumy writes all forms of In
uraaee. Kieellent companies, good
toeal serTice, 210 Qarnett-Corey
r. J.F, Redely of Grants Pass
sCSuaday'wl'th hjs family In this
speat Sunday with his family
city; returning to Josephine county
TT "' " reiurnea irom
tha'RawjSBy bUbo on the Umpqua dl
VMa Saturday, where he Is construct-
lBCfwaso road aad working nlno
1 1 -1 1 1 i .ii
'Antomatfe basar ball, that brand
fr'4oer game, has arrived in
Madfard. See it at DeVoea tonight,
; wti at Hotel Medford.
v Ta Wks' lodge has received notice
that a peeUl train carrvlne Klam
t th Falls Wks will attend the dedi-
aatary aaareUei for the new temple,
data, yet unftsad,
Oat tt at Pe yl$.
I SwwBjfp WSMnSVWflN W
if mm t 4 bTbtbH
mm sTwTwSLi
Tho regular mid month meeting of
ttio directors of tho school board will
be held tomorrow night.
The finest equipment in Oragoa for
printing fruit labels, Medford Print
tag Co.
P. 11. Klscr of the Klscr Photo
graph company of Portland Is in the
valley taking views to bo used In a
booklet to bo Issued singing tho
praises of Crater Lnko and the Rogue
river valley. Mr. Klscr has secure 1
several hundred magnificent pictures
of tho lake. Including ono showing
rainbow trout swimming.
Edison records for sale at 23c each
as long as they last, at Palmer's Pi
ano Place. aarnett-Coroy Bldg.. 24
South Qrapo street.
Ben Lampman, editor of the Gold
Hill News spent a few hours in the
city this afternoon.
Kodak finishing aad aupptlaa at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis
Owney Beddy of Grants Pass spent
Sunday in Medford visiting friends
and relatives.
Headed by a brass band and Joe
Beeman. wearing the dress of a Ger
man milk maid, aid painted up like
a French dancer an expeditionary
force of SO Gold Hill cltitens invaded
the city this afternoon advertising
the second raid-valley Industrial fajr
to be held at that city next Saturday.
Ashland, Talent, Phoentx, Jackson
ville and Central Point are on the lino
of march. The delegation proved
that moasbackkm has not completely
eclipsed the boosting spirit In this
section. The Industrial fair will con
sist ef fruit and farm exhibits, and a
salmon banquet. Athletic events and
a dance are other features of tho day
A large attendance is promised from
this city, and the fair promises to bo
the gala event of the jcar in the val
Dm. K. B. Plckel and J. J. Emmons
have returned from attending the an
nual meeting of the state medical so
ciety at Portland last week, where Dr.
Emmons read a paper that attracted
wide attention. Br. A. E. Rockey,
who visited hero last fait and per
formed several difficult surgical
operations, was elected president for
the ensuing year.
Hart Hamilton, owner of the Ham
ilton ranch at Eagle Point, returned
to San Jose Monday after a month
spent oa his farm. He stocked It
with hogs and Intends to go Into hog
ratting extensively.
Mrs. B. F. Vaa Dyke aad sob
Fraak. are resting easy at Sacred
Heart hospital.
CouBty Judge Tou Velle. Commis
sioner W. C. Leever, Engineer Vm.
Gerlg aad F. If. Kittredge Monday
made a tour of Inspection of work
underway oa the Pacific highway,
Skklyea division.
Attorney Bob Smith of Grants Pass
was in the city today.
WASHINGTON', Sept. 14. The
comptroller of the currency today is
sued a call for n statement of the
condition of nil national banks of the
United States at the close of bus!.
nesB on September 12.
(Coatiased from age 1)
left wing, composed of the flower ol
the Austrian troops, may bo caught
In a trap, making unconditional sur
render the only alternative to destruc
tion. The official statement given
out In Petrograd says that General
IteBBeakampff, In Kast Prussia, is
stubbornly retiring before a superior
force rather than risk the turning of
his left flank by the Germans.
BekjUaa Again Active
The Belgian mobile force has re
turned to its Antwerp base with tho
official explanation that it has served
its purpose in preventing German re
inforcements from Joining the army
la France. Tbla force operated for
four days is the Brussels, Louvaln
and M alines triangle, forcing the Ger
mans to abandon much of that por
tion of Belgium. la connection with
this movement It It reported that the
Belgians are cutting German coratnu.
nicatlons. Other sources declare
that the Belgians were compelled to
return because the Germans were
strongly reinforced from Liege. Tho
retirement Is said also to have been
expedited by a threat to burn Brus
sels. One of the most Interesting rumors
coming out of Belgium is a report in
a Paris newspaper that the German
governor of the occupied Belgian ter
ritory entered Antwerp under an
agreement of safe conduct In a fruit
less, attempt to coma to an agreement
with the Belgian government,
Italy Preserves Neutrality
Italy Is still preserving neutrality,
but has Joined the triple entente am
bassadors in a protest against the
revocation of the capitulations by
Austria evidently fears hostile ac
tion on the part of Italy, aeeerdlng
to newspaper reports from Home,
fr feverish effort are befog mad
to fortify Trieste again! attack n1
the mist la that ylelnity Is helun
wmmm Humttuut mu
MtiMrWiJ man tribtjsb,
' -J '
"If nnyllmi serirtus happen to mo
follow instruction. Don't take mo
to the luwpltnl."
These iiwtru'tition were found in
a note hook left Ity the lute Jmuch
0. .Smith, who died otuldenly Satur
day nt 11 . in. at his home on the
east side, after returning from the
moving- picture show. Mr. Smith nls
left the following memorandum con
cerning himvelf:
"Jnnuw 0. Smith. Horn June 'J,
18.11), at Denis, Mh. KnlNted May
8, 18(51, nt Portsmouth. X. II. Serv-
ed ns landsman t S. S. frijrntc Col
orado. DNchnrgt'd nt Portsmouth,
X. H.. July 3, IStVJ. Since then hnve
been in NVw Hampshire three year,
MnsMichnetts seven months, Ohio
seven months, Chicago four years,
Xcw Mexico one and one-1ialf year,
Missouri Vulley, In., five year,
Te.xns nine years, Whiting, In., seven
years, Colorado one nnd onchnlf
yenrs, Oregon
"If nuytliing serious happens, tele
graph the following." Then follows u
list of friends. "I don't know of any
relatives that need he informed," he
Aeiite indigestion is given by Dr.
Lockwood ns the muse of Mr.
Smith's death.
Mr. Smith owned n sandstone
qunrry on the east side nnd consid
erable property around "Nob" hill.
Funeral services will be held nt the
Perl undertaking parlors nt 3 p. m.
Tuesday, September 15, Hev. K. 0.
Kldndge officiating. Ilurinl in I. O,
O. l cemetery. Friends nnd nc
quuiutunees urged to attend.
crossing wmmgmr
Blame for the accident Inst Friday
near tho gns plant that resulted in
serious injuries to Mrs. H. F. Vnn
Dyke nnd her seven-year-old sou,
Frank, arc laid to three sources by
the Southern Pacific board of in
quirj'i which convened Sntunlay. The
inquiry board was composed of M. A.
henry) roundhouse foreman; I). C.
Hansen, roadmnstcr; Fred Hansen,
assistant superintendent; Scott V.
Davis, fanner, and V. II. Gore,
In the opinion of the board, "Mrs.
Van Dyke should linvo exercised n
greater degYee of care in going over
a private crossing"; "that n large
measure of responsibility rests on
men hauling grin el, who left the
gntes to n private crossing open in
violation of the law," and that "En
gineer W. L. Thomas did not exer
cise tho degree of care ho should,
first seeing the buggy at 150 to 200
feet, when it was possible for him to
sec nt C."0 feet from tho crossing,"
and "llmt nn earlier application of
air might have prevented the neci
Luck saved the Nntntorium from
destruction by fire Sunday afternoon,
when a gasoline tank stored in a
burning shed ndjoiuing the amuse
ment resort failed to explode. The
heat of tho fire melted the top of the
gasoline storage tank. Its explos
ion would have thrown a mass of
flames nguinst the side of tho Nat,
The fire department did not know the
gasoline was stored in tho shed.
The causes of tho firo are un
known. For a tjmo it burned fierce
ly, tho roof of the Nut catching on
fire. Threo lines of hose were play
ed on the bum, and tho flames were
extinguished in short order. The
dnmage Is placed ut between $2.00
and $300.
WAS(!IOTO.V, Sept. H.-TJie foicign office today cabled to
tho Hriltoji eiiihai.hy liern un omphatio
denial of the n-jmrt of n revolution
in India. The ilidjmlcli huvhi
"Tiie klory of u revolution In India
which Imx been Kien out by Oermim
It'UlltioilK ill CDllllIll (.lllllllN. s u
heir iiivt'iitioii, Tlio eiilliuNliiNm' in
lildiu v.ilh leuurd to tho war iu moki
Ytm U( iha mt
Tkefa it wlisa you swok Our, JW
h alfari aud nUrwiia kvm Mu
steptorp," oiHM,oy,
1 - .. !! 1---J 1
Julia Jackson' nlias Julia I.oveni
berry, former landlady of the notor
ious lloynl rooming house, warf
hound over to the next to tin of the
federal crand jury hv Justice, of tht
Peace Tnvlor this moining upon the
charge of fnlsifvin" rffiduvils to tho
pension department in an effort to
secure bounty from the government
for the military sen ice rendered by
her husband in the Indian wars of the
southwest. Her bonds were fixed nt
f.'OOO. The complaint wnft filed hy
District Attorney Cur-nee Kennies.
It i ehnred in the complaint that
on February 1, Hi 13, Julia Jnekson
mnde an abdication for a widow's
pension, claiming to he entitled to
such pension ns the widow of Isntii
Jackson. She nworv in her affidavit
that the soldier, Isnrfo Jackson, had
died and thnl she had jicVer inter
mnrncd with any person since the
lenth of said soldierv Under the law,
if she hnd mternmrrud after this
death of her first husband she would
not ho entitled to li ensinn.
It is claimed Jiy the government
that the defendant, subsequent to the,
dealh of her first-husband, did inter
marry with Johu'I,ockctt in Tucson,
Arizonn, on August 'J'-, 1003, and
that the statement in the affidavit
thai she hnd not' married was false
and untrue.
After tho declaration or nupliea
tion for a pension had been filed with
the commissioner of isnsinns, the de
fendant was called upon to furnish
further proof of her right to the pen
sion nnd she made a similar affidavit
before li. I,. De Annum! and swore,
before him Hint she hud never mar
ried since iho denth of her first lius
Sir of Medford's ten churches arc
firo traps, according to investigations
mnde this morning"-by Fire -Chief
Lnwton. In the half dozen houses
of worship the dpors swing in, con
trary to the city ordinance mid conii
mon sense. In cnse of fire or pnnie,
the chances of "worshipper escap
ing uro. reduced fq' tho same chance,
that a fanuer lias" of winning in af
three-shell game. T"Tho doors of four
lodge, rooms nlstrwipg" in. Notice
will be served to damply with, (lie law.
Contempt for safety from fire is
further shown by the discovery to
dntc of 100 residences where gasoline
is stored without protection. Most
of the homes hnve taken steps to
ward complying with the ordinance,
but a few still cling to the pioneer
ways of storing Inflammable mater
ials. Chief Lnwton reports' that condi-
tions in the business district, 'wheie
tlio insurance regulations are rigid,
ami inspection often, ore excellent.
TOKIO, Sept. 14. Vlce-Admlrai
Kolchl FuJII accused of bribery In
connection with the naval corruption
case of lost jear, has been sentenced
to Imprisonment for four years an
six months.
FuJII was at ono time naval attache
at Berlin. Ho was .ordered before a
court martial in February of this
Brush this through fsatd, HfsleM
locks and they become dark,
glossy, jravtafttL
Hair that loses Its aster aad lustre, er
when it fades, turns my, dull aad lift
li, is caused by a Isek.ef sulBbur la the
hair. Our grandmother made up a mix
ture of Sage Tea aad Sulphur to ketf
br locks dark and beautiful, aad thou
sands of women sod msa who value thai
area color, that beautiful a, shade ef
iiulr which U so attractive, uet ealy Uua
old-time recipe.
Nowadays ws get tale faenetaj WiMuse
by asking at sav dsf MMAfitc a aw
eat bottle of "NySlmmt aM awl
Bhur Hair lkme-ly," whlah aarhaas the
hair ao naturally, aa evealr, thai aeftadjr
aaa iKNMibly UI) it bat hasa aaalied. Jas
aidw, It Uks ofl dasMkuf, fiaaa feala
iteblajf and MlisgTalr. Yii T
dawprti a nimmt ur MM'tesjab wWk H
aM arsw iiiu tbrvutw ear kr, Uktag
ww mall strand i a ,biM. Uf aaerar
lag tke gry hair 4lisaasirs but what
(Might Uio UiU wrw WmOi's Naja
sad Mulfdiur Is tlint, JUM haaklsS
darkealaif the Mir a Um fmm
lUrn, li skm ltkUkH fism laad
1H h4 Byirm I4fl nmwuw a
1. I..I U !-LJ-LX..U BL -
Tho following rewords wero mndo,
by the Judges at the county fairs
General display, A. N. Wright, first
Box of Newtown, first. V. C.
Frltscho; second, N. J. Garrett,
Box or Jonathnn, flint, Slater John,
son; second, Wenterluiut orchard.
Display on plates
Threo varieties, first, Monitor orch
ards; second, Clins. Oswald,
Plato of(Nowtowns, first, SuncreJt
orchard; second, V. C. Frjtscjie.
Plate of Bpltsenbergs, first, J. A.
Wcslerlund; second, N. J. Garrett.
Plate of Jonathan, first', Monitor
Orchard; second, Krncst Webb.
Plato of Ben Davis, first, S. V
Beck with; second, Potter and Gould.
Plate of Bed Cheek, first, Potter
and Gonld.
Plato of Arkansas Black, first, J.
Anderson; second, Medford orchards.
Plate of crab, first, Monitor Orch
ards; second, A. N. Wright.
Plato of best new seedling,, first,
It. II. Paxson; second, B. F, lloia
Plato of Winter Banana, first, J. A
Wosterlund; second, Monitor Orchard
Largest sound apple, (Irnt, A, N.
General display, threo boxes, first,
W, J Ilarticll; second, Bear Creek
orchard; third W. V. Barnum.
Box of Cornice, first, II. B. Nye;
second, W. J. Hartxell.
Box of ilartlott, first, Westerlun
orchard; second, N. J. Garrett.
Box of Hose, first, W. J. Ilartfell;
second, C. W. Aberrromble.
Box of Winter Nells, first, r Thies;
second, C. A. Myers. ,
Box of Howell, first, C, A. Myers.
Display on plates
Three varieties, first. Bear Creek
orchard; second, Chas. Oswald.
Plate of Cornice, first,, Bear Creek
orchard; second, Bert Hooker.
Plate of Bartlett, first, Bear Creek
orchard; second, Illahee orchard.
Plate of Anjou, flrat. Bear Cree
erchard: second N. D. Brophy.
Plate of Bosc, first, Bear Creek
orchard; second W. J. Hartxell.
Plate of Winter Nells, first, F.
Thlcs; second, F. II. Hopkins.
Plate of Howell, first, Bear Creek
orchard; second, C. A. Myers.
Piste of Clalrgeau, flrat, B. Wood;
Plato or Beurre Faster, first, Latta
and Hopkins.
Plate of Idaho, first,. Bear Creek
Plate of Scckel, first, B. Wood;
second, Potter and Gould.
Plato of Fall Butte, first, F. H.
Largest sound pear, first, D Wood,,
second, II. D. Powell. A
Display on plates.
Three varieties, first, A. x Wright.
Plate of Early Crawford, first, D.
M. Lowe; aecond, J, Q, Martta,
Plate of Late Crawford, first, D.M.
Lowe; second, J. G. Martin.
Plato of Klberta. first, Chas. Os
wald; second, W. H. Watt.
Plate of Sulway, first, A. N. Wright
Plate of Smack, first, A. N, Wright
Plate or Golden Cling, second, E.
Plate of Mulr, flrat, J, G. Martin;
second, D. M. Lowe.
Plato or Italian, first, D. M, I .owe;
second, Mrs. Peter F.nsele.
Plate ot Petite, first, A. N. Wright;
second, J, L. Deramer.
Plate of Sliver, first, Mrs. Peter
Fnsele: second, D. M, Lowe.
Plate of Hungarian, first, D. M,
Golden Gate Tea
r. .a tf
dee winuowi
fUumu door fliwli KiriTlWiT.
liHk, lWwtfJ
h tor iy
ii - J. 1 VJfJ
4 '
lato ot Drndahaw, first, 1), M.
Plate of niuo Damson, first, D. M,
Plate of Yellow Kgg, first, D. M.
Lowe; second, Medford Orchards,
i $ut"
Plate soft shell Almonds, first, D.
M. Lowe. i j . '
Plato XU Almond' first p,-M.J
Lowe. ." '"I
aierrlea Quart Can
noyal .Ann first, Mr. J. T fl"H
.--..iii-. -r -JV ... f... i.a..i
piTMTiun, nvvuuii, .'l in, tt in. i)uiti,
lllng.'ffrst.'Mrs. J. 1.. Hemmer'
second, MrsJ.T. Hummervllla..
Oxhoart, first, Mrs. J. it, Domtuer,
second, Mrs, JjTt Summcrvtlto,
Display six 'hasktvlii, flrt,'J Mrs
Peter Knsele. " .1 ,
Dliplay on plates, flrat Mr. Peter
Knseln; second, A. N. Wright.
Plato ot Condord, first, Monitor
orchards; second, J. A. Westerlund.
Plate of Isabella, first, Mrs, Peter
Plato of Muscat, (Irst, Mia. Peter
t Plato ot Sweetwntor, first Mrs. Pe
ter Knselo.
Plato ot Mission, first, A. N.
Wright; second, X A.Wstrlunil.
Plate 'of.tose of Peru, first. Mrs.
Peter HisWe.'J1 "'
Pata'$ofrTay. Ilrst, Mra. Plcr
Knsele seftftnOiq. H. Klnkkert.
llerriea -
Plat., strawberries, first, Mrs. 3,
L. Demnier: second, lMward Jlall.
' Can Loganberries, first, Mra. ,w.
Fjord, second, Mrs. It. II. Paxson.
Can Blackberries, Ilrst, Mrs. Win.
Ford;" second, Mrs. J, L. Demnier.
Can of iltaapberrlM. first, Mrs. H.
II. lUWen: second, P. II, Waddell.
" ' Nectarines
Plato of seven, first, I). M. Lowe.
Tlate of seven, first, D. M. Uwe.
Resolve to smoke Gov. Johnson etr
lrs, the best, aad thereby patronUe
borne Industry. tt
if WmUtr Mtkan ytv-lrkk
i lata 9t waltr.
rscalariy eveaiaally pre
daese kwaajr
f treatle ia seme. farm or
ether, saya a wsH-kaewa authority, fee-
cause the arie aeid la meat eacitee the
kidaeys, they sesenta ovsrworksdi g
ahsagtsk; cleg J aad .eause all sorts el
dlalrsM. BarUeuIatly saekacbe aad mis
ery la, the kidney .raghmt fheumstia twia
gee, sevtr hsadsssiss. aeid stemaeh, esa
etisatiea, terpld llvtr, sUeplsssaMS.
Madder aad urlasry krHatlea.'
The mosssBt your hsek hurts er kid
bts area't aetiaar rlaht, er U,H44r
heihera yea, get about four ouaees of!
Jad Salts from any good pharmaeyj i
take a tshlsspooiiful la a glass of waUr
Wort breakfast for a ftw days a
kidaeys will thta act Bb. Tbls fsmeus
sails la ssade from the add of
aad Ismoa Julee, eemblaed with lltws,
aad kaa bsea used for geasratlcaa ta
Suah lilnaagsd kldasya aad sUalU Utm
i aorssal activity; also to aeutralii-a the
acids ia the urlae so it ao leagtr irrl
taUe, thus eadiag Madder dleerdsrs.
Jad Salts eaaaot iajufa anyeeet
makte a delightful tfTtrveeesat litUa
waUr drink whisk millions, of km a sad
wosaea taks bow 'and tha to kesp the
aianoys aaa urinary organs clean, taus
svwuiag mrteus aiaaey
avwuiajf mrteus amaey dweaae.
I ii i
Bartlett & Netheriand
' it ' '.
Taxidermists and Fuftotnf ;;
You know oui ability ns frnxlifarmlRis.' '
Finn filennod, ropairctl nnd feinodelc).;
Now furs wado to order aiicl cArrlediil
stock. Watch tho windows t EwJnJi'8,
Gun Store, 112 W. Main street. i I
i. i..
vY4 Klve. ' A II,"
'' Rv f9mwTlr
taaHal 'Jl laWnVXM
mmmmWrtJlrJ VhT'
1 ' .AmmmWB'vW 'JJll
WmmmmMl 1114 I
I ebbbbbHJ f aasW 1
4 . t -
' At the
'. ..HilfH of
u" ., ..) utu jan. jij. ui. an u
We will pay f 13 per ten for tolna'
t,oea until October 10. Caa, use mora
Bartlett pears nnd Klberta nad'atulr
H9',4 Talent, Or.
-'" i !...
laaAssMsMW BTBaBBraaBB
lia Smtcm t . DUmam ,ra
CWaaael bbm! B1mkI v
PurafWti t .
TtM wt h w H.,S. S.,nirvfl
St th Wr It thk Uto4 eltMCS.
a wta lodsr wttb hU lla Sll broirs olitt
ir htci tula In a rik or, twu stiff ul
s. S. K. sad h In a wusder ta tMftelit, sit
rltsred op.tkla hrsllky, rs Wlfkf. a big
mil rtpUtts lh dtuop. What Is B. a. a,
tkat rsa arconpllih jinrh weT(sJ . r
sulii? first of all It Is . asters mtU
rls. J.Ui Milk, eaaa ssd otkfrfoo lkl
nn not b kltstd,.B. .,, awse H I
Nstst for ! t" ewrroist' dkwste
Ju. toU srrrtat ftaerUHesw P. . B, a eMibtsatlta" of MrkytaMaa drava.
H ts a Brrssratlta attKi.t'asMIMBal
plaWtfcst reUtH ilfBBfMHHs pottaty
ef wbst w srfV nil wt Mast airs fa
Iks blood to ruustrrsct Ikose Vttteetl
tra4srlts tbsi,aseaM; . tkfwsaaeat iHH,
If H.wftfl not ft ourrnvml si sj atssjs ?a
sustsla us, altd by saeakaeMM M
n. b. n. ibrr would b skstr rUat )t
sy of us ur titles tklleaoea. . I
art a bonis f a. b. BV4aa9 frfm'aa
dmcslst but b rtrtrol to avoia tk sub
stitutes flBfJ of on tkt uswsry. H. K. M.
U prtprtJ only bj Tka HUt SpotlScOi.
A3 Kwlft Bids. AlUata, Oe., aad 'for (!
vsit utHtti sdvltSyWtlta klfe eur
trinptosis ! tbttr ialrsl BVaartatei.
Tkff will lk tfrilleat csrs'ef.foa.
SEPTEMBER 14 to 21
Wnleh for the Folger Tfft 'CoiitxiiiB.lri
thiN piier. Clip the xumr. They uro
worth 'Jlln to you. .
We Redeem These
1 ' ,
Tuke ud vti ut nue of thin Kpcciul Hule,
South Ci'iitrnl."
l'h tn.
.. j..,.iu' . ewwsywssnsPswsBwaawaptr
TheCuruin i' ,
Shoes and' thai ktask Jaiaa ot
lumhrav,beB aomljki
these few days, ' -
picture abawa aaaaai V
of the nMI',
'- - - - -
va 'Bn'Pi'1 irmsmaiHVf
rashlons that
at will aa Mra h .V t
I 4 V.- 1 . ' . A' I
careful dreesara thla 'aaaseM,
Hhowu end at their beat kWe, - ( :
... n.vnwnF(
, a 'if . l
. 'a- ..
Oup4Ht w
' " 4ftWak','
i)m UUwiiw,
SfaYjtjr sHP'jaslBlBlBlBa'BBKflrX. ml
m( M 1 mYjMmmmmYmW
"! fR!?1
".j -,'
, i n ' o - m mwitm