-.A (NUll -T . , 217 .10; 'r m MEDFORD Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Itnln tonight unci THerijr .Mit. (; Mill. 10. .' - Mail ft mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm V w A. ti.ll.Nliilh Yaar. I flfiST STAG OF RUSSIA CLAIMS PRINCECAPTURES MAfiNEBATTLE MORE VICTORIES IFORTATVEROUN ' "WON BV AIDES AGAINST AUSTRIA ASSERTS BERLIN Ml hrl Mflhi Qmnan Army Still Intact ami Supreme CAth yet te CwwJof Ire Claim Vktery "Incenteitablc" AllH,Ctitfmw Advance lei. m Heiwne Activity. .tirf. ,i I.0N1K)N, Bcit. H, 1:20 p, m, The flrst'stagn ot llio battle of Mm Marno.i which from thn numbers of flBlvtJij K engaged, tho extent ot the linn of tmttfVt and tho terrific slaughter, l perhaps correctly de scribed t "thn battle or tho ngos," appears lb hnvn Won won by tho French and Ilrlllsh armies, but tho main Herman army I still Intuct nnj thn supremo clash Is still to count. Thn present week may wo ven nioro desperato encounter than any which have yet taken place. Meli, thn capital or Loralne, and thn chain of forts, .tjicnco to Olertenhofen, on thn MomIIo. 17 miles north of Mots, form a strong pivot for tho Herman Irft, while the tlver course ami tho dente forests on (he frontTer, to nether with tho Alraiegfc roads, glvo thn Ocrmap a.rlfjy' of Invasion, now In retrea,,,. aphimtld opportunity" fo. defensive action, ahoulil thn French punult extend. thli 'far. resstas'oMlbllUleii Mllltejry.pbyrvers) prcseoall klnda of per plexlag po4blltlc'ln thn event of the Oerjte regaining tho posi tions they hldfore theyatarled tho ruah of l,6'Bo,oob)nen'on Paris, par. IkuUHy hou14'lhey,iueteea In Uk Inir back Any largo portion of their IdMSj "IncwitMtBble," In tho adjectlra used by rjeneral Joffre, commander In-chief ot tho Frejicb rorcea In dc crlblajr; the victory claimed by tlfo alllea along tho western battle front. Tho latent official communication from Porta Indicate that the advance U continuing all along tho lino with the alllea left wing now across the river AUne. Hut little news ant that or tho vaguest aort filter through from Dermany regarding the operations In Jho west, thoui(h It In evident from (lie to no of llorlln ot flclal statements that tho people arc being warned not to bo too optlmls lie, ai'Mr'tsAn reverses may bo ex pected. The Utest actual battle new In fl'erlln deacrlbea a aortln from Pari on Hepiember , which, It la - elated, ha been repulsed. AualrUiMa Severely Pirct ' Despatches from many sources, In eluding Vienna, Indicate that tho Aus trlan army In (lallrla la In sore straits, but the,' atory. of ita complete, destruction, la evidently exaggerated, as the lateat Uusslan reports Indi cate that tumoral Ruiky's forrea am nf 111 mecilng organized reitUlanco. It U evident',' however, from tho dlsposl- tlon ot thn combatanta that tho Aus trian center wu crumbled up, whlln tho left wng was hurled hack Into tho marshes ot tha river San, Thla (Continued on Page Four.) .,.;. n..i... AUSTRIAN DEFEAT AIMLAIN PETROGRAD RUiMOR LONDON, Beju. H, 10:50 a. in, A dispatch from Paris to Iteutor'a Tolo grim company aaya: A telegfliRsfroiii Petrograd to tho Matin' states that persistant rumors are current there that Hie larger pari of the,"A.u4rlau armlcn capitulated yestefday, ''The Figaro culls attention lo the fact that 'Italy, dlapluylng for the first Urn her detachment rrom ttt lilple itlllaHcu, bunded lo tho Porlo a protest against tho proposed abolition if thn capitulations, druwn up In lerpui MatijhNil lo (hut of Hid lilplo futHU pftvari, ''Th riHire kmuouhccm that den. pin) Van Hi, uuvmw of llio oicu ;il4' HWtMH dMlJeK V Ml I'd Aut !V, NyH4 Wb u Wife iohiJuiI, and m& &fwU M h HflKiiiH HmmM WMh uw la iimtihlMK mi mnmti fku W&n iMrM' mm Mwhi Ut mm & l"M- r attle Admitted Still In Progress Against German Army In Prussia, Though Successes Claimed In Gal Icia for General Haztky'i Army Against Austrians. PARI8, Sept. M, 1:3.'. p. in. In n dispatch from Pctrogroil to III" tin vnauRcnry, nil officio! rnmniuiiicntidn denial oh Hint Hie ItiiftHinn successes in Oiitlein arc enntiniiing. Tho dispatch from I'elrogiad in ns follews: 'This offieinl enmniiinlrntlnn was (riven out by Hie geiicnil stuff ledny: '"II Is necessary lo Him attention lo the Hicnh-r of wnr in (luliein, where the development of our Mie eeM pitiititincM. I'p lo Hie present time we huVf been prevented from phicliiK n Miffielenl Iniee in enhlern I'msHlii lo eoiiliniie Hie ittvnuimi liuppily Ikhiiii (here. It wnH for Ihii reason Hint the army under (leiienil Keiitieiikniupf bulled nlou Hie line from (lertlniteii (in l.ust l'nis-in, forty uiileH Hotilheiml of Kih-hIkx hen;), to l.ibiiu. "'(leniinn lroop4 on September II look up u teucrnl offeimive movement UKiiiiiHt tills tinny, exeeulinj,' ndvnnee moveinenlN townnl our houtheni frontier. It U lifieult on neeounl of Hie Kfoprnphicnl oliKtruelion in thi lerrnin lo know exitetly how ninny of Hie enemy were eiiKiigetl. It wns not until September 10, nhen llio great nllnek on the left rvin; of (lenornl Henriciiknmpf'n nnny wn mode, Hint Hie niimerienl etrriiKtli of thn enemy wivn revrnle'il. .They were 6uml to be much aniterior (o our forces. It U' nlotiK thin line Hint Hie buttle now riiKPrt.' " OFFICIAL TELLS OF THROUGH FRANCE LONDON, Sept. 14. A high offi cial Juki returned from tho northern region of Franco aaya a dispatch to Iteutor'a Telegram company from Pari, gives details of tha advance of the (lermana through Franco before they worn repulsed. Ho says tho enemy passed through Tourcon, Houbalx, Lille, Loual, Arras and Amiens with extreme rapidity ana met with little resistance, which ex plains tho leniency displayed towore. thosQ towns In the matter of war levying. Kverywhoro tho Germans appealed to tha civil authorities, promising to respect tho Uvea of tho Inhabitants ir no act or hostility wan commlttod against their soldiers. They arrived In LIUlo on Sept, 2 and departed tho nth. Tho Department of tho Alano Buf fered heavily, especially lu the north, violent nngagementa occurring at Mir son, Wasslgny, nohaln and Vervlna, (liilso wan entirely devastated after three separate attacks during which 12,000 aholls foil Into tho town, Ht, Quentln Buffered heavily and laon also resisted and delayed tho enemy'a advauco to Rolasons, Compiegno has not bcon damaged and tho forest of Compiegno wan not burned, Tho allies burned a quant ity ot potrol to provent It from falf Ing into tho hands or tho enemy, and tho heavy black nmoko therefrom mado tho belief the forest was oft flro. MADS REOPEN RATE CONTROVERSY WAUIIINUTON, Hcpl, H. Chair limn Clark of dm Inler-slute coin iiiuico i'oiiuiiIikIoh HiiHounred lust Nlglit Out lhn rdllnmds had given formal nwllrplflH Hint Ihvy wmild teo) la fit-HpvH k dviiu rulu UMHlHU, Thy HWWlMtN AvtiM hu tmain' pHl"IM 'r m fli In wi a ih w l lmi h IfrilM iN hM iUUtM mHMh t" RAPID ADVANCE MEDFORD, Meagre Details of Fighting With Al lies Given Out From German Sources Battle in Progress Over I2S Kilometers Front Reported lombardments In Progress. IU:ilU.V, Sept. 11, in wiiecx to Hie AHHoeiiileil Pies liy way of Sny title, h. I. -The lieailnuarlerH of Hie (leniinn nnny in Merlin todny k'v out Hie following ofl'ieial riwirl: "The flenanii erown prinee Iiiih enplureil Hie riieniy'' fortified posi tion MiiilhueHt of Venluii nml uow iMimliiiriliiii; willi heavy artillery Hie outer forts Ivinj; to the nottlli. 'A luiltle Ih hi proreKS between I'nrix mid Hie river Mume over n front if l'J.' kili'iuetei-h, htielohiug from Naiiteuil, in the yes, thero the KtiliNi forees re, to Vilry. The erown prinee'n nnny ii separated from the main Imttle by the forrst of ArKonne. .M "Tlie iinnies of Hie erown pnneo of llavarln nnd (leneral Von lleeriiiK'" im' in formal halite near the upM'i fo.elll. ".InmeH V. flernnl, Hie American utnbnxhnilor to Qennnuy, Iiok Riven out vn ihterview to lh pntK (lenyinp penijstent rejort Hint tho United StuicK wiih prepnrini: to join the al lies ; that Mr. Whitlockt the American minUter pt lirimneN, had nttnclied the mayor of HrusheU to his staff; Hint tho American tln liiul been nut cil nt Ghent; Hint Hie Tiiekerton inci dent wriH unfriendly discrimination npiinit fl en nnny, nnd that lie in ml- .iwiinf Americans to hurry dwny he- eaiiHe the I'nited Slntcrt wns goini; to wnr. "flrncrnl Iliuileubei? linn defeated the HussiniiN, him oivshciI the litis, si nn frontier nnd up to Hie present time IiriK taken 100(1 prisoners unit Ims captured eiglity guns and mn eliineKiius nnd neroplnneh." Aiitweniep'H Ilepulsetl Another official report Issuod to day sfiys: "Tho sarrlsou at Antwerp has been repulsed. "Thn crown prince's army Is now attacking tho forttt between Verdun and Toulon both sides. "Prince Joachim arrived today Ik llorlln. and has been lodged lu Hello- vuo Palace. "Last night's official dolalls ot tho battlo tq thn east or Paris cannot et be made public. A now battlo to the east ot Paris cannot yot bo . made public A new battlo Is In progress which up to tho present has been fav orable tq tho Oormans. Reports from Paris and London of a German defeat uro declared untrue. The retreat of tho Russian army In Hast I'ruBnln nppeara to bo dovetopln g into flight and demoralisation. Gen eral lllndenburg reportH tho, capture ot 1C0 Riina and between 20,000 nnd 30,000 prisoners, "Tho London Times confesses that tho attemptn at recruiting In IrelanJ have railed." , GERMANS REINFORCE FORTRESS OF MENET PARIS. Sont. 14. SMC r. m.A Hayas Agency dispatch from Pctro grad aaya that the Qermana aro send Ing Important reinforcements to tho fortrcsa'&r Memet (the, northernmost town or (ho Gorman empiro on tho Baltic, TH' miles northeast or Koonlgs- berg) which threatens Tllsft. The, RtisBlan Imporlal council Is ex amining, tho laws for tho administra tion or conquered Prusslap and Aus trian territory, T TO SEE BELGIANS WEDNESDAY WAMMNUTON, topi. H, 8er (ury Hryuu hmuouncimJ lain today en iHflpI u( u wewuKe frnHt 1'rwliltfnt WIMn (hu( Ihw HflglMN MtNflU wWHJmt Mtw In iMa wMr to HMiirJMiitM 4hniM (frmtH u4r PffiSIDEN OREGON, MONDAY, ..J l.JjIH,!. I . . SERVIAN MVASION OF AUSTRIA MEETS t Nlfill, Renin, Sept. II, via I'nris, rsl0 p. hit- The Kervintt offennivo moVeiiifpt continues Mieees fully on Hie lft bnnk f (he Save; "On our uoitliein front, lif ter taking Semlin, our troops htlll continue' hiiccrssfiilly to puisne thefoffenfiw. The hur ried ilfpnrfiire,of the enemy nt Seiiiliu can he climated by the (inutility of protiuniis, efpiip nunl, anuiiand, ntntiiiiniliou nnd other wnr witlerinl found In the town. jf "Our troop were reepiveit willi iiideifcrilijilile eiillinsjnsft! in Seinliu." 4 4 4 t T REVENUE TAX ON WASHINGTON, Sept. H. Presi dent Wilson probably will not endorse a freight tax In the wur rovenue bill. In the face or party opposition. Chair man Underwood or the ways nnd means committee called off a meeting of the committee ioday pending tho president's returnfto Washington. "Unless thn president says to us that we must have this freight tax," said Mr. Underwood, "wo will drop It Immediately. JSVo cannot pass ' It without the president's request." Several protests against tho pro posed 20 cents tax on domestic wines were received today from Cali fornia wine-growers associations, who maintained It would put the grower out of business. Among numcrnua substitutes tor tho committee's plan was one pre sented today by Senator Robinson of Arkansas. It would tax automobllei CO cents or f 1 a horsepewer: certain soda fountain drinks ten cents a gal lon; beer an additional CO cents a barrel and an additional tax on cigar ettes. RUSSIANS JUBILANT LONDON, Sept. Jl, 10:30 u. ni. A Petiograd dispatuh to tho Central News deM'ribes n seme of tremen dous enthusiasm on Hie first TUnht of the imperial grand oeva season when a bulletin deserililn the destruction of the Austrian army between the rivers Rug nnd Dniester wns mul in the middle of Hie performance. The Russian hymn was miiij: over and over again ami the national an thems of the allies also wen sung, while. Hie ambassadors and ministers of those countries bowed from their boxes. Tumultuous demonstrations toot plneo in the streets, tho crowds al most fighting to jet newstuipcrx. The Russian minister of commerce nnd industry Ims dispatched a com mittco of engineers to tho town of Stryj, GnlieinJ recently- occupied by tho Russians, with a view of study ing the,' resources of petroleum in Austria to meet tho hhortago of naphtha in Rtissiu. JUDGE ABROGATES LAW OF CALIFORNIA HAN FRANCISCO, On)., Sept. II. rOn (ho xiouiid Hiut it fine of irlft, 000 h tiny U mi executive tout -ruin mis penally, Judge Mum ice T, Dool lug t, the United Ktule ilUlrh't t'ouil bulled u pi'imiinenl injunction Ioday ieiainlig AHHH'y dviul II, H, WtbU mn4 lh )Ml'mid iwwil. kUm flimi enfoiclwrf le lujullikt plo. liw of (lw itipW IW tul jwh-m by (Jut bil Iwlflntwv, iniul tb A. m'ImH liie At jpmtn; u m W1iv ttt m Mw4wjw Piu'iLi vmt ymnutu UN OPPOSES FREiGHTSHIPMENTS OVER VICTORIES SEPTEMBER 14, 3914 ALLIES' PURSUIT RIVER OF A1SNE Fording Successfully Made by Both British nnd French, Armies, Despite Strong Opposition Crcwn Prince's Army Reported Driven Back Con flicting Reports From Galicia. LONDON, Sept. U, -I'lB p. m. Tho offieinl press bureau this after noon issued Hie following statement: "All dny yesterday the enemy 'stub bornly disputed Hie pansnge of the Aiciie by our troops, hut iif spite ol Hie difficulty of fordin the"riVr in Hie fnee of n slroiii; oppohition, nenr ly nil Hie cnn-iiic were secured lv siiusel. ' "On our rh:lit nud left the Fiencli troops were confronted with a sinii Inr Insk in wltieh, like oumelves. Uiey were Micressful. Mnny more prison ers were taken. "It is reported from thn Freneh he,'nlfUarters Ilia) tha Oennnu cniwn prince's nnny hnd been driven buck nml Hint he hart mowil his liesidipiu. (ers from St. .Meuebnuhl to Montfnu con." HeportM eoneeminj liio fighting in Hussian Poland nud (inlicia tire, con flicting. If appears tltnt Austrians have met serious reverses, hut con tinued stniggles es'aldihh Hint they linve not been completely overwhelm ed by the Htissinns. f-till less is def initely known of the operations in Kant Pmssin. Aeeonlins to neeount from Pctnigrnd, n Kussinn nnny is before the capital, Kocnilicrp, hut official ndviees two .lays uro stnlci! tlint HtisMan force-, v.'erc botuliarditijr Kocni.sber;r. The Helf;inu nnny operating- fnim Antwerp is repreeutcd ns hnrnssin the Geunnns in Hint vicinity to pre vent Hie two Oennnn nnny corp there moving south to the aid of the Gennan main line. Hclgian official reports ndmit Hint their forces were obliged to retire after a eounler nt Inek by the Oeniums THREE YEAR TRUCE FOR STRIKE ZONE DENVER, Colo., Sept. H. -Announcement was made today that n conference of coal operators or Colo rado would bo held In Denver Satur day to consldor President Wilson's proposal tor a threo year truce In tho miners strike. J. F. Welborn, presi dent or the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, said that all operators, In cluding thoBo having contracts with the United Mlno Workora or America, had been Invited to participate. Officers of the United Mine Work ers will leavo tonight for Trinidad, whero a convention or unlou minora will bo held tomorrow to consldor tbo president's proposal. It is expected that the delegates and officers proa ent will number about 130. ' At union headquarters It was statel that John Lawson, Colorado member of tho executive board of the organi zation, 'had bcon indicted at Trinidad on charges ot murder and arson grow ing out pt strike disorders. WITH GOVERNMENT A.NONA, Sopt. 1-1, via Paris, Sept. H, 7:25 a, m.-Passengers auoara tho steamer Galllpoll, which arrlvea today from Dalmatta, say anti-Italian demonstrations are ot almost dally oc currenro at Ban Henlco and Bpalato because Italy did not Join (he trlpl ulllanco. Many Italians, It was mid, fled clokely watched by the police, LIVE! LOST WHEN MAT SINKS IN MISSOURI f p sawi a ass HT. JOSIIPH, M., A, l4,-v viiil le nie bWit'V'H hi huw hv-wi o uhi'H (h wiwmhI um Aril" lbeti uMk lu Hw Mloowttoj iiwr Imv lU IW nw'h A WWmr 4 nlwu im Uvw h Imvi Ufi EXTENDSACROSS IN ARMY IN FULL RETREAT BEFORE ALLIES Fiench Official Announcement As serts That Kaiser's Troops Are Re tlrinn verywl:cfe; Abandoning All Positions Which They Erected to Cover Possible Retreat, PARTS, Scpl, II, :i:t(1 p; m.-jll wns officially uiiiiouiioril. litis (ifter iionn 1 lint the GennaiiH nre still re tiring everywhere. They nre.nbnn ilouiug all Hie po-ilions whieli (hey erected lo eovern Msible retreat. The official statement follews: First On our left wing the ene my Imil preruin.il. to Hie north of Aisen, between Comiueiifi nnd'Vinis sons, n line of tlefcnse vifieh -'it 'wns forced lo abandon. Koine ilrljieJi mrnts wliicti it bad i.etd nt Amiens now have retired on Perrone ami K. Quentiii. ".Second On Hie renter the Ger mans have taken up n defensive jssi tion behind Reims, but were tumble lo hold it. In llio Argonno region they turned back toward the north beyond the fore. I of Heinous nnd be yond Trninconrt. "On Hie right wing the ret renting movement of Hie Gentians is general from Xnney lo the Vosgen. Vester ilny evening French territory in this vicinity had been completely evacu ated." STEINMAN. NORTH ip unui 10 Stnte Iligliwny Engineer II. u Rowjby made a tour of (neotinn of the'work being done ou'Vie Pacific highway Satunlny :nl fonnnlly ue cepted as completed that portion of the Ris!iyou diviMoji, fnm Steinman crosstns north. Mr. Rowlliy rejorts tlint sntisfno tory agreements have been reached willi the Southern Paeifio Railroad company reganling the overhead crossings at Dollarhiite nnd Stein maiy and Hint work on both erossinus nre under way. A slight chniigo n the rouil ot Siskiyou tunnel entnir.ee wns made, taking Hie highway below the tvilrond rigiit of way. Grading will 1 e mostly finished by October I, thougu ome rock work will not be completed until a month later. Xo agreement litis been rctichetl ro. gn nling Hie proposed Hillings cross ing at Ashland. The railroad objects to Hie RillhiRS crossing, as it in volves un eighty-foot span. The. company wants to place tho crossing under the rail reel south of the jin's. cut grado crossing, hut tltis makes a dangerous curve in the road. The railroad wants Hits ctossing to be in two Kimns, with concrete wnll in the center of Hie mad, vhieh Hie stale highway engineer will not pennil. The matter is deadlocked and no effort will he made, to pave this portion of the highway. The highway is being graded from Darren to the Klntntith junction for paving operations. PANIC PREVAILS IN AUSTRIAN CAPITAL LONDON, Sept. 14. A dispatch to tho Central News rrom Petrograti dated Saturday rays It U reported rrom Ruclmrcst (bat a punlo occurred lu Vienna on receipt of tho news of tho rupture of Bemlln by the iJervlant and that thousands of uuemploya aro parading the struts or the capi tal. The military torMi and the stock of uniform proved lnwffltliHt a1 the (bird levy of renerrWs a leslNif lo lbs front Ih (IvIIIuh alllro, Husylwiis Ih lh nuwNf t MM, Mtl f( Is KH W Ik Mr M UhmfwM k UmM Hv Ufiaif w H mmm m urtai uAjiuuii liMJr Uf Ussi P'SBBBPSSBSSSSB mf fSfr SSBBBf PACIFIC HIGHWAY FINISHED nun 0. ino . "1 a run I, iriKTiW FVFN Mm f . a i Revenue Cutter tear Brlnus to Nmm Survivors of Stefausssn Explora tion Ship From Wranl IsJawt Two Died on Island and' Efflfct Members of Expedition Mtofef. NOMB, Alaska, ept. 14. -Th Rcvenuo Cutter Bear has arrived hera with eleven survivors of the crew of 'ha Htefanmton exploring ship Kar luk, who were rescued from Wran gell Island by (he gasoline schooner KUig nnd Winge and transferred to tho Rear, Tho survivors are: William tlrl McKlnlejr, maKnetlclan, or Clydebanlc. Scotland; John Munroe, chief engi neer; Rert Williamson, second engi neer; Robert Templeman, steward: Ernest Chase, assistant steward: Fred William Auer, rireman; 8ea nian Hadley; Eskimo man, wlfo and two children. Died on Wrangel IsUshI Oeorge Stewart Maaloch. gcologhit, or Hamilton, Ont., and Ocorge Rret ty. a fireman, died of scurvy on the Island ami were burled there, BJarne llamen, assistant topographer and' geologist of Chrlstlanla, Norway, ac cidentally shot and killed himself with hlg own gun. He waa burled on (he Island. Eight members of the expesHtkm aro missing and are clr4n un for dead. They are: Alexander AnJor. son. rirst mate; Charles Barter, .sec ond mate; John nrody, seamB;' If. King, seaman. These rour left the wreck or the Karluck. elgttfraiie?rre Wra'Bgell Island and were never sees again. AHster Forbes Mackay, surgeen,' of Edlnburg, Scotland; James Murrar, oceanographer. of Foxflold, Habits, England; Henri Beauchat, anthro pologist, or Parts; Thomas Morris. seaman. Never Reached Safety t These rourjalso left the wreck of tho Karluk, never reached Wranolt Island, and must have perished. . Tho Dear tried to get In tune, with the former revenue cutter CorwJn, which was fitted out by Jaret Llnde bcrg as a rescue ship to tell the Cor win ot tho rescue." The Rear could hear tho Corwln, but was unable to send a wireless message, so the Cor wln at last accounts was ofr Wran gell Island thinking the Karluk'a men were still ashore. Counting the eight men who per ished on the loo ..wjille trying to reacfc land alter the. .Karluk waa crushed, the threo who died on M'ranenli Island and Andrew Norman,' of the Anderson party, who committed Jul cldo by shooting, wh.llo insane fym exposure wllo )psh,"l3 members of. the Stefanssou expedition have died. TO REINFORCALtlES hONDON, Sept. It, 7:40 n. m. -In conrirmed tho -statemejit Hint Rus. slan troops ,nro In DolBlum. .y,.., Afterndon papos of Ghent.ahe.jeor-,",. RUSSIAN TROOPS BELGIUM n dispatch from' Ghent' o thowcorKes 4toptvrf days oVlnVelKatlon lie lla.i respondent soys publfshed )tj8iitw '. '", urday a itteraepf toilorn ) ,yJ Countenberg ween'Mrs! J I.ouva(n, by ft Reiglaa arwy AH?.'5 forced by RussIaW'treoiti,'" ' t" , Ills investlgatloas efftfM4 flUs;' what their numbers way be It weM bo Indiscreet to tell," hi says, ' ' ' Continuing, the rre4ttfNt4 ins. (Ions tha tunMlblllly (hat the Kwxtoft Is not Hie only arssy rttoMlitd fes) UelglMNS, IAVIHK t. 4, UH s, m. OUhM'Mw (mm AwtWM'f l4 Uit4 O KgwtJwt ky & igkm fw whuu wwi m im Aistiw 0HLt awfww. Tuir wm sWMV MMP 1 ...'J.. al . .- 11 ,!. S issjiMi jit U mud jtaw mm tmtm Lummm .. M . ' . - - ... "" WL "it w. .V, s C, A.' r ;. Fpr ' mbW utyi,