Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 12, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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plaid Twtf'
' ;'
'VK T K r
? "lr?- aeortf Coram and children
retrirfced Friday from a summer'.
vMHTVlth friends nnd relatives In
Wtotegstln: ;i , y
tTeran tnakeiover. clean nnd re
pair yaujeM suit, dress or over-
cw. & mnwiHrn. 150
BIoWs'or Kngli ipolnt la r
hullitesa visitor In llio city today.
The big Packard SO-nassenccr ox
custon ear Is making trips to tho fair
every 30' minutes rrora all points on
Main street from llotol Medford to
Central avenue on a 10-cent fn'ro. US
K.G. Carlelon of Tablo Hock wa-i
a week Mid Meiiford Visitor.
Make yo'urmintor home a Colonial
Plata. S17 8outh niterstde.
f Tom Kelly of tho Griffin Creek
district la spending tho day In the
njr'ns a fair visitor.
eire nre insurance upon your
fruit while In a packing house. Low
rates. Special short term policies.
Guaranteed insurance with B. S
Tumy, 210 Garnctt-Corcr Blrtjf.
H, n. Tronson, tho Eagle Point
erchardlst, spent Saturday In Mod
ford. " CoJd weather will soon bo here. Lot
us clean up your suit. Panatorlum.
Harold Cochran leaves this even
ing for Eugene where, ho wll enter
the University of. Oregon.
Have your fall cleaning dono no
at Fatorlura. 150
V. D. McDrlde and wife have re
turned from a thrco months visit
With friends and relatives In Nebras
ka and other Middlo West Btatcs.
We clean and block hats. Pantor
Iuri. 150
C. P. Lansing of Salem, proprietor
of the Quaker nursery at that place,
spent Friday evening In tho city with
H. P. Patterson.
Kodak finishing the beat, at Wei
ten's Camera Shop. Over Ista Thea
ter. The Josephlno county grand Jury
returned a not truo bill against Wolf
Creek citizens accused of mobbing
the Iter. Smith, a former 'resident of
this city. Tho affair created a furore
of excitement In that district lait
See R. H. McCurdy for Acta Ft
Mlty and Surety Bends.
The next recular meeting of the
etty eouacil wilt be held next Tues
day evening.
Danny O'Brien who fought Buit
.Anderson a ten round draw la this
city two years ago acxt month, bat
tled Charlie White at Denver tho
first of the week, and wax on the
ahert end of a record for quick work.
O'Brien showed speed for about a
second, a,nd was knocked out In IS
seconds according to the official time
keeper. One clip on the Jaw was
enough to do the business. Denver
papers In their press notices herald
ed O'Brien as the conqueror of Bud
Anderson. He Is well known In this
J. O. Gerklng, the best all around
photographer la southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Mala St. Phoae 320-J.
Judgo J. R. Nell of acksonvlllo Is
spending the day in the city attend
ing the county fair and visiting
We clean blankets, quilts, couch
covers, etc. Pantorium. ICO
Mrs. Harry Porter of Gold Hill is
.visiting friends nnd relatives In thh
city today.
Authentic war news received by
Mall Tribune leased wire will be
posted during tho day at Hotel Med
ford. Cliicr of Police Htttson, lifter .1
ton days vacation will return to hi
post tho first of tho week.
The finest equipment in Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
tag Co. '
Mrs, Claudo Miles returned Friday
evening from a visit to Portland and
Willamette valley points.
Automatic babe ball, that brand
aew out door game, has arrived In
Medford. See it at DeVoes tonight,
Just west of Hotel Medford.
Allison Jordan and wife will leave
next week for Portland whero thoy
will make their future home.
Get1 It at De Voe's.
The bruBh fires on Griffin Creek
are still burning, and aro -visible from
Main street. A force of men arc
righting them, and no danger exists.
K, S, Tumy writes all forms of In
aurauee, Excellent companies, good
total service, 210 Qaruett-Corey
-j. . Barkdull, chairman of tin
"democratic- county committee, return
d' Friday' evening from Portland
Where he was Interviewed at length
W iMtfltlwl prospects by the Portland
Two accidents followed In quick
succession, rlday,vealngat Central
aTcnae and X. -.Eighth street. Rol
and Flndlej-et Central Pola drftlnc
an, auto colhje'd with an auto driven
by B. Mulfcr of Grants. PaM. llr
en wind shields "nnd twisted lamps
were tho chief damage. Shortly after
una a team bolonglng to Gcorco nil
man becamo frightened and ran Ihto
a hiachino bolonglng to Charles
rathes. One of the horu .m.0i.
t "- '."WVM
a broken leg. A largo crowd gather
er. ne accidents occurred Just as
th0 crowd was returning from tho
comity fair.
Kodak flnlshlug and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Jala
Vanco Colvlg (Pinto) is now cm
ployed upon tho Nevada Rock llniw
a political paper published at Reno.
-ov.i uy colonel Carl Youmr. The
paper is assured of life until tho No
vember election and If tho right men
win at mo polls will keep on. Vance
work consists of drawing Picture
setting forth the "virtues of the select,
and tho faults of the unchoscn. Copies
of tho paper show tho Medford artist
to bo' as versatile as over with the
pen, with the inevitable skinny mus
tang In the left hand corner.
Roofs repaired and painted, w. It.
Smith", phone 917-M. 149
Owing to an error of the1 Judge.
Miss Elisabeth Munson was credited
wlta innngprlen Jn the fine arts
aepartment that should havo been
awarded to Mrs. Elisabeth M. Mor
rison. The similarity In names caus
ed the contusions
ne sixth episode of the "Slllllon
uoialr Mystery" at the It theatre to
night. ,
Ray Thrasher of Beagle was a
business visitor In the city Friday.
"Million Dollar Mystery" at Ii the
atre tonight.
Charles Strang, wife and daughter
and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Beall aad
Mrsw-Aane Bealbof Central Point arc
visitors At the venlton barbecue at
Riddle last Monday. Over 8 deer
Were served. Mr. Strang and Mr.
Beall returned by train, as the roads
were bad and left today to bring the
women back In his auto.
The It theatre shows tho sixth ep
isode of the "Million Dollar Myfc.cry"
Major It. L. Bowlby, state highway
engineer, arrived Saturday to look
over the work on the Pacific High
way. He spent tho dar on the Sis-
1 .- - 1 -
4m iiiniii .
At the Churches
4 -i.t..l iJinni'iHliliilnt
Kind OirNtlttn Uitirrti
t Corner Ninth and Oakdnle, will ap
preciate ou r ntteudanco nt the
church services next Sunday morn
ing and e,vculug, Wc havo a mirsor.;
In tho Wcincnt of thu church that
will help nil mothers to solve tho
problem of chilrcfi ntcudnuce. Wc
want yon to come. OurSunuay school,
ts organised on tho bst bails' for ef
ficient work and the classes are grow.
Ing as well as answering the needy
ot a,ll. Send your children nnd thun
follow. Time: JH5 a, in.
Morning sermen:
Christian Endeavor Meeting nt (':--io
p. in.
Eventng services at 7:30 with spec
ial inuste nnd large cholr. Subject
"Judging before tho Time." You
cannot afford to mlii there services.
We aro nho nrralngtng to start n
large class In "Training for Service,"
you may Join it by handing your namo
to M,rs. Paul or the pastor lu the next
few dsja. 'We will look for you.
Jecl, "Subslnnco." Ydncsday avn
tug testimonial meeting nt 7:46. ' All
are cordially idylled, S(udy school
nt 10 o'clockl All under lio ago :
20 nrq 'welcome. Reading room In
church' edifice, 2U2 North p.'fciUle.
open froln i:ao (o'4:30'tfiilly c'xeopl
Sundays and holidays.
Corner Eleventh, nud Oakdnlo.
Massos 7 and 10 rt nt.; baptlsmsYlo'
1 p. m. Evening 'toovotlotiH nt 7J.10.
mmmnmmm.u. .jw...j- i .1
11 m 1 hi ii)
4jsW SBSkl T
pt Wf WMW
kfyou grade,
Don't forget to visit the Home mil
linery before buying your fall hat.
Prices always the lowest. 1101 West
. '1
'Don't forget to visit the Home mil
liaert, before buying your "fall bat.
Prices the loVest. 1101 West J.lnth
street. 140
Clarke-UcBcry Construction com
pany will complete their contract by
the first of tho month for tho butu
llthlc pavement.
Why not tako a Sunday plcasur;
ride of ten miles in tho auto car.
Costs only 25 cents to Central Point
and return. Leaves overy hour Sun
day from 9:30 a. m. to 10:30 p. m.
iue episcopal i.eacuo zavo a
"wclnerwurst" society on tho bank of
Bear creek on Wednesday evening. A
bonfire was lighted and each person
roasted their own Wienerwurst. Cof
fee was served for liquid refreshment
Everybody was then treated to a fill
of watermelon. After a short busi
ness session the remainder of the ev
ening was spent In telling stories
around tho camp fire. Over fifty
joung people enjoyed the evening an.
all departed voting It one of tho "best
Tho Ministerial Association will re.
sumo the Monday morning meetings
In tho library building September li
at 10 a. m,
Edison records for sale at 25c each
as long as they last, at Palmer's Pi
ano Place, Garnett-Corey BIdg., 24
South Grupo street.
Tho following Is a partial list of
the students of this city leaving to
day and tomorow for the O. A. C
at Corvallls and the U. of O. at Eu
gene: Misses Vera Olnistead, Ini
Cockran, Loultu Armstrong, Iren
Smith, Ruth Lawrence, Ruth Nye.
Ruth Wilson, Louise Williamson,
Carolyn Illttson, Nellie Mitchell,
nthol Purd), Mildred Gerjg, Harold
Cochrap, Ned and Fred Yi'as. Wil
liam Yter and Cdlson Marshal). '
Willis Thomas of Gpd IHU syont
Friday In M'ed.'ford attending .i busi
ness matters.
For all kinds of hair work and
switches mado of real hair see Mad-
umo L. L. Ilcame, ZiC North Oak-
Though the speed cop has been oa
tho Job, no one has been urrested to
dale for sepedlug to and from the
fair grouqds. TUIh s as a rufe ono
o tne pest uariesfs for the city.
6. Yob of the Little Applegate la
spending a few days In the city on
Wilbur J yum of floss Lane was a
business visitor In liu qtyf this aft
noon, A, V, Ilean of Itoseburg is sidohk
(be out-of-towu visitors In the clly to.
FrtHk CaiIIm sad wffe of Kagle
PIh sent Kildsy sfltrrNoen In fed.
Medfortl MetlunlUt Kplxiut.
Corner of Bartlett and Fourth
streets. E. Olln Eldrldge, pastor.
Services Sundar as follews: Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and S m. Subjects
morning. "America's Greatest Insti
tution." Evening. "Tho Aftermath
of European War."
Sunday school, Including adult
Blblo classes for men, womcu and
young ladles.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening,
S o'clock'. Theme, "The Iron Gate."
Epworth League Sunday eventng,
6:45 p mi Excellent music by chor
us eholr, under tho direction of F. E.
Edmcades. Special feature tor Sun
day. You are Invited. '
Anthem "Fear Not O Israel"
Cornet sole Mrs. Edgar Wright.
Anthem "Praise Ye the Faith"
Puct "Jesus, Lover of My Soul,"
will bo sung by Mrs. Mclvln Bankc
and Mr. Edmcades.
At .ton Lutheran. 312 V. Fourth
tsreel there will tio no mornjng sor
vice. Bible school nt 10 a. in. 13v-
cnlng service nt 7:30 o'clock. Como
and worship.
UnpllHt ChuiVli.
Rev. H. W. MacOUllough. Phd.. pna.
tor. Morning worship, II a. in, Tlia
pastor will preach at tho morning
service. Blblo school nt 9: !; nl 3:30
p. m. and 7:30. nr. Gentry of Chi
cago will hno charge of the services
B. Y. P. I', nt 0:30.
(Yiitt-til Point IbtptlM.
Rev. W I. P. MncCnlloiiRh. pastor.
Morning worship nt 11 a. m. Even
ing worship nt 730. Bible school at
10. 11. Y. 11. V at C.30. Tho pastor
will sprcak at tho morning nnd even
ing services. Strangers welcome.
Dr. Gentry of Chicago will begtl
tho holding of a ten day's scries of
meetings lu tho Baptist church begin
ning tomorrow.
WANTED To buy first-class milk
cows. . A. McCurdy, 220 Soutli
Laurel St. Phono 133-J2. ' -
Preaching at1!! a, m.,
"Health and Life."
Preaching at 7:30 p.'ni., subject.
"Tho Momentary and tho Eternal."
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Primary Sunday school at 10 a.
KBdergartcn at 11 a. ru. for tho
chldren of all parents 'attending
cburc,h- - ; ,. .v1 ,,
Baptism of children nt tha norn
Ing service.
Y. P. S. C. E. at C:30 p. in. Special
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30
p. m.
Rally day In all departments of
the church Sunday, Sept. 27th.
All are cordially Invited to theso
WANTED Ford runabout or tour
ing car. Model '13 or 'II. Ad
dress P. O. BoxfiCl. 150
WANTED To exchange ten acres
land two miles east of Eagle Point
for medium weight five-passenger
auto. Address P. O. Box 207, Med
ford, Oregon. 151
WANTED Loan of t300 ofr thrco
enrs at 8 per cent on closc-ln Im
proved residence, on paved street
with sower, water and cement side
walk; will show registered tltlo and
all asscssmcntafpald before closing
loan. Addrcu l O. Box 207. Med
ford. ' 151
Jacksonville Preitbyterbui.
Morning worship and sermon at 11
o'cleck: Subject. "What It ts to Be n
Christian." Evening worship with
sermon at 7:30 o'clock. Subject:
"Obedience." Wednesday evening
worship with discussion on the sub
ject: "Christ Stilling Lifo's Storm."
Scripture text Mark 4:35-41.
These services are planned to help
and strengthen In every phase of llfo;
come fn tho spirit to receive.
Oakdale Avenue Melhodliit.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preach
ing at 11 a. m. A council meeting of
all the members of our church will be
a feature of the evening beginning at
7:30 p. m. Everybody Is Invited to
attend these services. Our annual
conference convenes nf, Tangent, Ore
gon, September 17th. II. M. Bran
ham, pastor.
I-'lrM Church of ClirUt, Kclcntlnt.
Sunday services a( 11 o'clock. Sub-
SEPTEMBER 1 1 to 21
Wutcli for tlie Folder Ten Coupon i
Ins paper. CMi (Uc mine- 'Jlieyur
worth -(h: to v,nl-
We R?te :T!iese
Take lulvtintiige of thi Sn'ei Sule.
Soutli Cwitrnl.
Spehial jRotind Trip Fares
To Hie
''). Do Held nt
Gold Hill, September 18-19
Ticket w to thu.nljoyr JioIhIh will lie nolil by the 8. I'.
from all p'ointH Oleiuliilu to Ablilaml, iiicliinivtvKi'l't.
17-18-10. Final return limit Sent. 'JO.
'Full particular m to frfrex, train M-lietluU-,
Agent of (lie
ele., i'rom iieaiitnt
f wsuwaer Ml
v 'A 1ST: J I
John hf, Kcolj, (Ji'iuthI I'limwr Aiil, 1'oriltfH 0(' '
. - -1 -u-1
WASlllNC'rON, Sppt. 12 Tiio
lierman embassy toduy reieived tho
fololvvlug wlrolesM from Uoillut
"(lenernl HlndoiibuR'n vIclorloiiB
progress in wnst i'rus,sia coutiuueH,
Tim ItUHxInus attempted to. rlhivi
tiu prossuro on tholr defeated loft
lng by launching the twcuty-qecoiiii
army cot pit ugnlust tleueral 1 linden
burg's ttauk, but according (0 offi
cii)! reports, wero defeated.
Suvornl bntturles wuro enpturud
from tliu main Russlnn forces,
"Tlioro Wfta no ncwa, until eluren
from tho western front, whero llio
sirugRle preaumnbly U continuing.
Tio Saxon army under (lenernl Von
llnuscii seoms to have fought bril
"The Relchibnnk weekly, report 13
the best since the outbreak Of tho
war. Noto circulation has been r
ddced 90,od0,00ii in gold rttul In
creased )22.fiUO,000, showing Iho
bank I bearing, tho strain of war
very satisfactorily."
- .j,Kj -
PL mifKL
on nciORER urn
Tile iimil seiiHon opetiM Ot'lolicr I
uiul icninliH open until Oi'lnlicr ill,
It (Itu'H nnl iipeli Nepli'inbi'l' LI, tiv,
ti'riiiH'iuHlv iilileil 111 "eiliiu,lii.V,(
IfHiie. IVrsniN ImnlutK1 iiutl licftire
li... j. ...11 1... ............ 1. ..1
liiu unison opi'iii win in' luinvi'Mimi
In the lull oeii of till' llltt.
l tntm isn nm
''Kilo Anderson, Who hns been uptjnd
ug tho week lu Medford will lemo
for his homo In the Bliui
1 iw I
s.)itii -Aiiuu yniijiil iiiwi.?;, .1?
Ilie Oivlmul Himid Irm-U loil Hupl
lemluu' H ul tliu liuum (if IiIm huh nt
Nowfiml, Dr., where'liu httil Uifi Hi
nieml tliu hiiiiiiiiit. Ilo luul "Jlvml
iH'iir Afeiiriinl rur lliltlin'ii ielt 01
luwtilg rUillgi'iiwInifi iiiul wiin u nnlho
oi; t'liiiiiiln niid Mileitij!l!iH'lilil4;i'
lMlliuMfl in ll,!lin1 BlnillfflnllBan
(ninliig liU mnrlf ly uJi'oli'
fin. . .1. H111 1 . 0 New lull 15 Mix
hmlv wiiVliikon in Mleli1u nt; In
U'liuriu ny tun Hm i! in" lue I"
viii wideU l,iio wit uiul lilghly IV-mh'i-UmI
uiul Ichm'h a liuiiu vilVllL'U'
fiieiuU In uiiiiiiii Inn iK'iMMimu - '
'Your children's health by feeding
milk from Inspected cows that has
been pro-cooled and orlatod with
modern appliances and scaled la
sterilized bottles.
MoralaK and Afternoon Delivery.
H. II. Untiintui ill Norlli !raH) Wreet H, I. Vandlldrr
School of BookkcopHig, Shorlhand and Typewrit- ' k
Ing, English Uopartmont, Riisluons Practice nnd
v I'eiiiiinntihlp, Commercial Law and Arllhmotlo
Nov Pupils Sliy ICnter at Any 'Hum
&Dny and Night School Now In Session
It you are necking n business education that Is practical,
then wo shall hobo to havo sou with us.
Since tho primary object which most young people have In
attending a commercial school in to sccuro nvnllnbtn pie
pnratlqn for business life. It Is Important that they select a
school which has a course of study embodying tho largest
amount of practical Information cryntallred (ads, which
will bear..dlrectly nnd effectively upon the work which they
will hnvn to do. and which can bo mastered In tho shortest
possible time.
Box 2 IB, MrOford, Oregon.
Bartlett & Netherland
Taxidermists and Furicrs
You know olir ability its Taxidermists.
IKiirs fleanetl, impaired and remodeled.
New furs made to order and earned in
itttuk. Watch the windows at lOwing'a
Ouii Store. .112 W. lain street.
our mH Quarters
I am open for business in my new storeroom, No. 212 ICast
!Maiu street, where I have more room and am better fixed to
display my slock and take care of my customers. I have the
largest lino of. fine new and up-Uwlato goyds to show this fall
1 have ever had.
Martin J. Reddy, The Jeweler
Buyers to Share in Profits
,l,ower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August , V.))l, U August 1, 1013, and
guaranteed against any reduetion during thiC lime:
Touring Car . . $490
Runabout . . . 440
Town Car . . . 690
K, 0, II, Detroit. All cars fully equipped.
(In tho United Htiics of Apiurlca Only).
Further, we will bo ablo to obtain the maximum effic
iency in our factory productioiu.and the minimum cost
in our purchasing and sales departments if wo can
reach au output of aOO,(KK) cars between tho above
And should wq reach this production "wo agree to pay
as the buyer's share irqnr '10 to $(() per car (on or
about August .1, 1010) to every retail buyer who pur
chases a now Ford ear between August 1, 10M, and
August 1, 1015,
Fpr fuylhpr particulars regarding theso low prices and
profit-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford ih-anch or
Dealer. i
q. E. GATES, Acept
Sinrm BuildlnK Meiiforil, OrK(n
tin M'
irtsMTnjisjiw .
? -