MEDFOKD ICAIL TIUUUNE, M13DV0RD. QKUflpy, w rnuRSDAY, September 10. ,ioh .& ! t 1 I:-' BrIV I Lw if' I I 't I): L ' 6 ?. r; ft !' let' -i. v IMPERSONAL RMrarr. A. lfnwk of Cenlfal T6lnt, Oree'n, announce to the Indies of Med tor 4 the rati ami winter opcnlm? of nllllnerr Snntembcr 11-12. Cnr faro os the auto car. wfll u paid l. Ml pttrjtyasis, ojrfi.pOjor moro. Tlve lnteBt ptwjrtJiaU vrMl ho shown. 1 t"? XllssFrsnccs Kinney was the guest tor Uw fook-nd of Mis Maudo New bury ,et post I.nnc. .Miss yftwintrv wlllye for ngcnc. tlie last of this Vcek 'whero ho will continue her Rtntllw at t)ie university of. Oregon. i,TltfctBrtllln5.plsode ot''criU of Paqljatfi ,s"- U lVr9 tonlKhl. HoiAncuriT assistant cashier, of tho First National imnk, Is on his va cation. 'Perils of Paulino" tonight only at It theatre. City Superintendent of Schools U. S, Collins and members of the school board concrrcd Tuesday evening on detail work, connected with tho city nchools, but nothing of Importance was concluded. Tho next regular meeting of tho school board will bo held next Tuesday evening. Mala St Phone 320-J. The annual work of burning brush has begun In the country districts. Don't fal) to see. "Perils of Paul ine" at It theatre tonight only. Miss Ina Cochran will lcavo tho end of the week for the fall term of school at the University of Oregon at Eugene, W'e can make over, c'oan and re pair your old suit, dress or over coat. Pantorlum. ICO There, U a misunderstanding among local sportsmen as to tho opening of the quail season. A. number tho planned on 'trips next Tuesday under the Impression that the season open ed September lCth, now discover October 1st Is the opening date. "Perils of Paulino" at It theatre tonight only. Krlc Anderson of the niue Lcdgo district Is In the city attending to business matters and the county fair. Make your winter home at Colonial Flats. 217 South niversldo. Joo If. Wilson or Talent Is a busi ness visitor in the city today. Secure fire insurance upon your fruit while la a packing house. Low rates. Special short term policies. Guaranteed Insurance with E. S. Tatar. 210 Oarnett-Corey Bid. f Cold weather will soon be here. Let . m clean up your suit.. Panatorlum. 150 Charles Hirschbergcr or the Wil low Springs district is In the city to day. Have your fall cleaning dose no atFatorlum. ICO J. H. Simmons pf Portland Is among the out ot town people attending t? business matters In tho city and vat ley this week. We cleaa and block hats. Pantor lum. 150 County Assessor W. H. Grelve e: Jacksonville was a business visitor in the city Wednesday afternoon. Ksaak finishing the beat, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Over lata The tar. t ' E. J.v Kaiser, ot Ashland Is a fair visitor today. 8mR.II. MeCuray for Aetna Vi tality aad Surety Bonds. A. D. Cornell of Grants fass is spending a few days In tho city oa business. J. O. Gerklag, tha best all around photographer in southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives ade any where, Una or place. Btu4o 228 Dare Woods and Judge Wttblng ton have charge of the entry ot ex hibits and tho clerical work at th? county fair. Take the auto car to tho Jackson county fair grounds. From Wednes day to Saturday will lcavo Main street for fair grounds at 7:40 and 10:10 a. m. and 1:10, 2:10, 2;-J0, 3:10, 3:40, 4:40, G;10 and 0:10 p. W, Frae 10 cents. 149 The public library will bo closed tomorrow afternoon on account of Medford day at the county fair, but will open as usual morning and even ing. We clean blankets, quilts, couch covers, etc, Pantorlum, ICQ tyasasuko Kobayaskl of San Fran- elsco, secretary of the Jupancso intcr- ' denominational board of foreign mis sions, addressed local Japanese at their community houso on Illvprsjdo ampue )Vjedqesday evening, collect' t lag funds for tho carrying on of mls- , s4on wprk abroad,? Tho visitor wai the guet pf Saito, , ' " Autheatta, war $ew received by Mail rrr lUMe laaaeu, wire win ve pealed djifini tha day at Ilotal Med- IWl." ' ? . , Tha fteaaf aquipstant IS Oragoa for IHbaiHft- f ruM labels, Ifedford Print- Hlfi).' ' musjiis, jpaipiii 7T35-I Fi T Tra f I ---- I I I I WttlyaMdiowinCo. IQIDBXTAJPUII M " lta pssjpsja sf v fTsasja jrw-v GERMAN PRINCE WHO IS LEADING AT THE FRONT m( Prince Itupprecht ot Uavarla, who Is commanding a large portion ot the Kaiser's army on tho French frontier. NO PEACE .REPLIES TO WILSON OFFER WASHINGTON, cSpt. 10. Presi dent Wilson announced today that ho would reply to Emperor William's message, hut that It contained noth ing to be construed as a desire for peace negotiations. The president told callers that b received no official word from any ot the warring nations about peace. Ho said talk about peace was still "In the air." GIANTESS OF SEA ASHORE OFF COAST OF SCOTLAND LONDON, Sept. 9, 11:50 p. m. Tho official press bureau issued tho following announcement tenight: "The merchant cruiser Oceanic ot tho White Star lino wns wrecked yes terday near tho north coast of Scot land and has become? a total loss. Alt the officers and crew were saved." Tho Oceanic made her last trip from New York to Southampton early last August, arriving at the Kngllsh port August 8. She waa taken over by, tho British government and con verted into an armored cruiser, Tho Oceanic was built in 1S99 at Dolfast byClIarland aad Wolff, Ltd She was CSS feet long and made her maiden trip to New York on Septem ber IS, 1SU9 when she was accorded a welcomo n keeping with her dis tinction as the giantess ot tho seas. Sho measured 17,274 tons gross. ENGLISH ILUE IL00DS ON KILLED AND INJURED LIST LONDON, Sept. 10, :5$,a, m. . Many distinguished names appear on the roll of casualties issued at mid night. Among the officers of the Irish Guards reported wounded or mining nro Viscount Castle Rosse, Lord Alastair. Robort Edward Innes Kerr, brother of the Duko of Itox- Allison Jordan, for three yearn clerk at the Nash hotel, will leave next week for Portland where he will make his future home. Emll Mohr ot the Medfprd hotel U spending a few days at Crater Lake and Is cut off from his base of in formation about tho war by a snow storm. There is not a forest Ire at tho present time in Jackson county, though tho woods are still dry owing to tho absence of rain. Very few campers aud hunters are In tho h!!a at tho present tlmp. Donald Newbury will leavo tha last of tho week to enter tho U. of O. ut Eugene. Automatic base ball, that brand new out door game, has arrived la Hedtord. See It at DoVoes tonight. Just west of Hotel Medford. Tho boys ot tho high school are making preparatipns for the forma tlon of a football team this year, tr chargo of Coach Moore. Tho team bad a very disastrous season hut year, wlnplng hut one gamo. Get it at Do Voo's. Dr. It. W. Clancy Joft Wednesday night for Portland to attend (o pro fessional matters. E. S. Tumy writes all forms of In surance Excollcnt companies, good local scrvlco, 210 Gornott-Corey IildB. Frod Ilarnqburg of Phoenix spent Wednesday lir MMford ou business. Kodak ami supplies at Weifon's Camera' Shop. ,'Over Isis Theater II. Chandler of Bum's vulloy spent tho flrt of tho week lu Medford on buslnpsd, KdJMii records for solo nt 2pc each us lung oh tlioy liut, ut Palmer's PI uno Plttcu, Ournnlt-Cirey Mlclg., 24 Soull) fJr' tiOiil, Wilbur Jo new qf How Lane attend ed o ljudliiw jiitijtcrji n )iu tlty yftHiuHl ,,i , .t BtiiiiiiiiiiV ' r""iBiiiiiiiiiiiiStr bP!tSI1 W:. ' . i '.,",.; saL 'VwFOR CARRYING MAIL WASHINGTON. Sept, V, in v fi nal report submitted In congress, tho Hon rim coiumlttco ou railway pml pay 1)05 recommended nn enactment or n law Mibmttlluc spare, tor weight ns the batdft of railway mall rumumi- satlou nnd lm recommended rahM which will eld tho railroad com panies a rovotiuo slightly ly.-B than the averago rcvenuq ncelved from tho transportation of nasseligors, tho revenuo lu each Instanro being com puted on n car-tulle basis. It is esti mated (hat this will result In in- railroads about ?5.000,000 per an num, or slightly less than per cent. The railroads contend that they wore underpaid $13,000,000 per yrar. Former Senator Jonathan ilotirno, chnirmau ot tho committee, took uc-jthls region the only ba?n left for i caston In submitting tho report to call; rallying point for tho Austrian nn.l attention to tho fact that former Postmaster General Hitchcock ban urgently recommended tho enactment of n bill for railway mall pay which he later abandoned as unwise, and tho post office department, in two ad ministrations, has advocated four dif ferent plans for conncnatlug the railroads. Discussing the delay In filing tho report, Mr. Bourne says: "While I recognlted the desirability ot nn expeditious conclusion to our work, I believed It mora Important that we should do our work thorough ly than that wo should conclude It quickly. I should regret cxtcrmely and bo. deeply humllluted If our In vestigation had resulted, as did that of tho post offlco department. In our changing our attitude threo times and advocating four radically dlffuren: measures. Wc should certainly for feit all claim to tho confidence of congress If wo presented such a re cord of vacillation as did tho depart ment. If, in our anxiety to bo expe ditious, wo had repudiated threo plans wo had evolved, upon what theory could wc expect congress to bellevo that wo would for any considerable length of time, continue to ndvocats any new plan wo might recommend?" burghe, and tho Hon. A. Herbert. Captain Lord Desmond Fitzgerald, re ported wounded, Is tho heir presump tive ot tho duko ot Lelnster. Lieutenant C. N. Champions do Cresplgny of tho Queens Pays, klllol is action. Is a member of a family descended from tho crusaders. Hon. W.D. Slatcr-IIooth of tho Royal Horsi artillery, among tho wounded, Is ; brother ot I.ord Uaslng. With Medford traoe Is Medror.l made Sick JwtttJMt Is it possible there is a woman in this cquntry wno con inues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Ppkliam's Vcgo - --- ...w v, tnlilf rnmnniinrl o ln'1 n(t- tinually being published, wlu'cli proves betontl contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer, ing among women than any other onemedicine in the world? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine fori women- and every year we publish many new testimonials,. all gen uine and true. Here are three never before published: From Mr. S. T. Richmond, ProvlcJf nc, R. f Providence. It J. "For tho benefit of women whoHufferns I have done I wMj Jdutato what Jyli Pinkluuu'H Vegetable Compound ha done for mo. J did pomp heuvy lifting and tho doctor mild it caused a displacement, I have nhvnyn Ikjcii weak mA I overworked after )oy.bay waa bom aud inflammation het In, thai nervod prbn tnitiou, from which I dkl ijot recover until I had taken Lydia. Pink- when I hear of u woman with troubles likd mino I .try to'induo biir to take your ndlcinc. e."3Ir8. ti. rroYiueuce, J(. l. A MinUter' Wife Writ: CtoQuirr, Minn.--"? havo suirered very much witli Irregularities, pain and inflamuiatiop, bjlt your wonderful medicine, Lydia K. I'ink. ham'rt Vegetable Compound, hiw'niado me well and I can rccommeml the Hamo to all that are troubled with themj complaint." Mth.Jkh nik Akkkman, co Itov. IC. Akkiimak, Clotiuet, .MlnncHOta. From Mr. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Alfc Bouth Quinoy, Mahh. 'Jlio doctor will tliat I had organic troublo and he doctored mo or 11 long time ami I did not get any relief, I wtw m iw k. rniK uam vegctahlo lvinioiind ad. Aw. v.HItutil unit T rl.l It .wl .n.. .1 .u.n..r I..' fUzmrt'mM- linkclMHl tho flwt Imtllo. I conllnued tadlm; it all through middlu life and win nowftHtiwig.hiHilihy woman and twrn my own Jiving. Mr. Jani; i, tvrnrsvn, 4v im;iii;u ni.f roiiiii ifuH'y, .MttKH. aWHIata r.VMfA V.VlHKHiM 'J Yiur roMr ttmr u III Iih iititui'il. BORDEAUX REPORT CLAIMS RETREAT llOUDHM'x', via l.oijdon, SoU. !, 11 'IS p. m.-7iTni following1 otrlclnl communication was Issued hero nt 3 o'clock thli ntternooiii "On tho whole tho Germans seem to be beginning n movompnt of ro treat. "Tho strategic position of ths French troop. Is Improving, but nno ran not Judgo ot a buttle, oxtoudlug ovor tofi kilometres (about sixty three miles.) "Tho Germans seem to experience certain difficulties lu provisioning. "In general tho I'rench troops suom , ho gaining the advantage." GREAT RUSSIAN ROLLER (Continued from Page I) time to asMsfthclr sorely prossod al lies In Gallcla. Ilu.vlaii4 Drlxlug (Ji'tniiini. Ilcpurts from Polrogntd ludtcatn that tho Husalnn arms alreudy are driving tho Germans before them ou i tho western bank of the Vistula. In Gorman forces is Cracow, the old enp ttol of the kingdom of Poland, situ ated In Gallcla In a broad plain, on the left bank of, the Vistula nnd not more than thirty miles trout tho fron tier ot SIleMa., if. this place full before tho onslaught of the Russians, It Is fell In London that tho annihila tion ot the Attstro-Gormatt armies la the southeast may rrsult. The Russian adtanco now occupies almost a straight line from Koeulgs- berg on the Ilaltlr lu East Prtmli, to Cracow. If Austria Is disposed or. a tremendous battle lino from two to threo hundred miles long may sweep Into the German empire. ItrltWt Fought Gamely. Many English breakfasts went tin tasted this morning while tho peoplo read the graphic account by Floll Marshal Sir John French, comnmnd-er-ln-chlof of tho Ilrltlsh forces of tho continent, of tho heroic fight, mado by tho Ilrltlsh expeditionary forces ti keep from being annihilated. Llko a wildcat pursued by hounds, tho Ilrlt- TOO I.ATR TO rjIWlBfliSTy. FOR SALE 40 sliok'j and one cheap work maro. G. L. Sthermorhnr, 121 work mare. G. L. Schermcrhorn, 121 N. Grnpo St., phouo SI 9. ir'J Offlco nt .Metlford I'linniMcy, IIioh? 10. Night Phone 7111, Mrdford Hotel DR. A. W. KOKINEK VETERINARIAN ' Answers All Colin, Day or Night AJH 9 A .,,,, Ml. i) W WK nil U n. .:.!.! nn. il.-i. in .. T. IticjiMo.Ni), 1W Yvio Htreet, MV,ttlllHK. unil uuuu.....i 11 t9WK Mm Ish forces backed sttthornly toward tho river Olse, constantly tahowltttt Its teeth, but realising that It must attnlu tiie fiver "I lcrlh, Geiierul French's frank confssloi) has fallen llko a bombshell on Urn English milw lie, who up tti the present tlmo hnM not been permitted to know how hard prossed their army has been, On August 2ti tho Ilrltlsh forces, according to their commander, facod tho bulk and Mronmii ot four Oer njaitjRrfuy corps and were In danpor of tipipg surntiudi'tl atuf dost'toyed Tho heroic stand of tleueral Smith Harriett on the It At Ish undoubted) saved the day, Ou this day tho Ilrlt lsh stood alone; even the French ey airy ou account of the exhaustion p' their horses, being unalilo to cove" the retreat. Great comfort is doijvo i liy tho llrjtlslt public front this re port, particularly fropt the Indication that throughout thco trials the)" troops never lost llielr tuotale. The feeling of optimism which has prevailed In England during tho last twenty-four hours had only one clieclc this was tho report of the wreck of tho steamer Oceanic. BRITISH FORCE GERMAN?' LEFT (Contlnuad rrom paa 1.) ronstltutoi) on toh hotttst linttlos or tho war. Yesterday evening a largo numlnr of automobiles loaded with stretch ors, sMMdid nut of I'arls toward tho cast. This fart mlKht surkos! also that jostorilay's action was ono or the most costly advantages so fa nalnod hy tho allies. Thn Gorninns scent to havo real- Ucd that they haw bevn led Into a danKorona position, for thoy havo lirotinhL up rclnforcomonts for their left. In spltn, howover, of their ties porato attacks, tho Kngllsh troops not only hold tho nround already Kalncd, but forged ahead. Whllo thn official reports fall to Indlcnto that tho direction In which tho Germans havo retired, It Is bellovod hero, that they havo withdrawn to tbo north east In tho direction ot Kpcrnay, a town about seventy miles front l'arli. Menace GenosH Flank The Ilrltlsh troops, having crossed tho river Ma me, aro now In a post tlon to follow up their succeas. Tho aro menacing tho Germans constant- IN OUR NEW QUARTERS I am oiitjii for business in my now sloi't'i'ooni, No. 1212 Kant Traill strcot, whore I have uioro room ami am bt'llor fi.vt'd to display my stock ami take cam of my oiiKtoiiiops. I havo llio largest Ji'ne of fiuo now aud np-lo-dalo gootlri to show ihin fall I havo ever had. Martin J. Reddy, The Jeweler ly with a turning movement. This Is particularly true, Insomuch ns tliev ImvM tho support of tho Frondi forcot left on tho batiks of tho t Ivor Ourei), who nro ready to ileal with any li,ur itittii reluforcemenln ',' thnj." may' bo lroult lnto action. t aii morning a nun ot counern in automobiles, coming from tho right ing Hues east of tho city, has been arriving nt the headquarters of Gen eral Gallteul, tho military command er of Paris. (iivut ll co or HrllMi, An Anmrlean well known as nil nutoiuohlllot, Is now attached to tho headquarters of Hlr John Frenen, rotiimnniior of tho ilrltlsh fore ou tho contlnont, This American, speaking of tho situation to tho esn', NoTit'i-:. Wo, the ttndorslunml land owners ami tonauts of lauds 1 y I n k north ot tipper Taltlo Itoclt nnd nil rotmtrv adjacent to, and round Anttorh mil lteaglo, want nil hunters not to shoot or othenvlso trespass 011 said lands. This action Is taken to provent dam aKO to stock and oilier property It persons who do. not enre which nv they shoot. Wo theroforo authorUo auv proper officer to arrest, and no will prosecute any hunter found shnutltiR or trespassing 011 said Iniuh without wiltfcn permission fiom proper persons. Signed: Tlieo. A. Glass, 11, V.. Itndgers, n. M. lllKhaiit, O. T, ('as.!, h. M. Bwoet, J. W. lllgham, Mrs. 9. II, Glass, Mn. M. Case, W. J, Itodgcrs, K. M. Caso, M. II. Gordon, Mrs. M. It. Gordon, II, II. Perry, J. B. Vincent, John lllghaiit, W. C. Chapman, J. II. French, M. A, Vincent, Mr. It. It. I.nwreiice, J. P. dodgers, i;. I.' Glass, Mrs. n. A. Dyer. J. i:. Glass, P. Walker. 147 Bartlett & Netherland Taxidermists and Furiers You know out' ability jih TaxitlormislH. lull's t'loaiiutl, rcpairotl ami ivmoclelutl. Nt'W fiii-s inatlo to ordt'r anil carriotl in .sfni'k. Waiili llio wintlows a( I'lwiug'H (inn Store, 112 W.lain si rcol. w EtSUmFi I J " I ih ,i r , Buyers to' Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars EffccfivQ from August 1, 10.14, to August 3, 31)15, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time: Touring Car .. . $490 Runabout . . . 440 , i Town Car ... 690 V. 0. 11. Detroit. All ran fully equipped. ' ' (In tho United States ot America Only). . Further, wo will ho able to obtain the maximum effiisr inncy in our factory production, and tho minimum cost, iiuour purchuaijig aud'sajes dopartmenls it wo; can reach an output of 1500,000 cars between tho above ' dates. And should wo reach this production wo agree lo pay as tho buyer's share from ijilO to (0 per oar (on or about August 3, 3915) to every retail buyer who ntiv- ' chases a'new Ford car botwoon August 3, 31) U, find August 3, 31)15. . , For further particulars regarding theso low prices and Srofit-sharing plan, see tho nearest Jtord Jiranch or leiilor. P0RD MOTOR CAR COMPANY C. E. GATES, Agint . Spartu Building Medford, Oregon said thn nplrlt ot tho Ilrltlsh soldiers wns cheerful and that they woro con fldenl of wlnnliiK, Tho Ilrltlsh troops nro In iiiuoit greater form than roiuntoiily Is nip posed, ho said, I'Ikuith for mllllary teiisnus tiiiint h avoided. Ono liuiidied thoiinaud GermaiiH paused through Grecy en llrle, In tho I)eiartmi)iit of Huliio itml Maruo, Humify night mid Monday luiiriiliiK. Thuy wero lettilniu A part of this column vvnt mniohln ; eight uiuii nhrenst, A largo detachment of (leriuitiien airy which was cut off from tho urm nnd touli teCiigoiii 11 forest laNtinlght Is now surrounded hy I'rench tljuipn. ! - '- .''''' I STOP SUFFERIHG FROM - ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER "t want every Asthma sulforcr to try my treatment entirely nt my rUk." Dr. KudolpliHchlfTiuanimnuouiu'ts. "Goto the druuRiit tlittd tit-low and grt a 50 cent nackase of my Aulun.ulor and ihoulil It (ad to give Initant relief, this druggiit will cheerfully tcfimd your money without any question whateser." flic Doctor 18) further. "N'u nutter how violent the attack, how olntlnalo the caic or what tlc Ii4 (ailed, my Atthuutdor and Aitluuaitor Cigaretle will gite iuilattl relief, tuually lu 10 second hut always wlihlit IS mlmitci. of tiuinllcitrd lcliiioulaM nliundauily prove wlul my remedy lu done, hut 1 Know it will do the faum for others. I am no positively rrilaln that It will produce Initant relief and will I found the let remedy ever iiinl that 1 have no fears of nuthoriiiiiK thU drutiuiit to give this guarantee or of lila kliiR called uioii (or tlic refund ItiK )( money." No risk whalcur It run (11 liujlii thlt remedy under thlt podllvc guarantee. l'crsons IMng tlicwhcrc will nip tilled binder the tame guaranlec by their ical druggiit or direct hy Dr. It. Stluff maim, .St. I '.ml. Miuu. 1-ur ule hcic by "T" "4 M AXS I n m ! I7-M, ) hy h vvhtnu mh4 hm lu imi niidMHtiv, liimiMi imtnif . -. Mi m &ff PTwHSl