. :m-i""D7 r GERMAN WOUNDED THRO BRUSSELS OSTI2NI), Hupt. I. vltt l.iiiKhin, 12:52 p. in. AmiMIng to iidvlrim fro m IIiuhmoIh, ninny convnyn nr Our ihiiii wnundod fiiiin (liumiulli innehod llniHHolii throughout Wmltmwliiy night. 'I'lio (lorntnii nulhuilllea Imvo ftulilddnii all tinfflu oh tlio bottlo- Vlll'll llOlulllqUO In Ollll'l' lo plOVCIll Hit) public witnessing tlio nrrlval of UOUIldOll lllllll, (Jrmit activity on thuj-nllrniidn mih lo Im neon on Thursday, Trnlim bearing (lortunn (roopn wcto coil ulnntly ouhnIiik. All exit from tliu norlli slilo of llriuuU huu Iipuii I it lordlctcd. Tlio innyorn of tlio various suburbs of tlio IIoIkImi capital Imvo been In formed by tlio Herman military gov trnor of Ilrussel that they will bo held rpsponslblo for tlio maintenance or locnl ordur and tlio holding or MonlilnKon or Itostllo demonstrations. These offlcInU nro threnlcnpil, In Did i'umo or tlio slightest roiilrnvontlon of these orders, with tlio hnrahnst mrnn ii re not only against ilia guilty lint tlio ciillre community, Communication hotwodit OMond mid Paris In Intorriiptod. AMENHFISH RACKS TO BE ABOLISHED A telegram to (Icorgo I'litnnm from Governor Wont announces Hint Henry OWlnlloy In charge of the govern ment Hull propagation on tlio Pacific const haH promised to rumovo tlio llsh rucks from tlio Anient dam, which menus ii suspension or oporntlons liy tlio government on I ho lowur rlvo.. Tor n ntimtxir or yearn tlio govern ment has blocked tlio (nil run of Mcellicud mid sllvorsldo mi Ilium by placing Iti racks across tlio lowdr rlvor. This jenr n most vlgorou protest ivni ntndo by thq Jackson rounty angler to Boitnlor Chnmber Inln and' Governor Went against thorn operations, ST. MARY'S SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 The hlcli ncliool ilepnrttueut nt tit. Mnry' Acnduiiiy will riwopou !hiiIcih bur 7 and offer tho IiIkIi ncliool coiiidcm glton liolow In tho nulllno of tho IiIrIi kcIiooI anil Junior rollcRlato cottre or tho nchooU or tho SUtorn or tho Holy Nnmca In OrcKon mid WnidilitKton, Where thoro nro two or ntoro iiibjocta under n number lit any of tho rournot, It U undoratoo'l Hint theo aro elective Btibjccta an 1 choice U Krnntcd, Ktudenta muMt ninko Hm election of n coiirno on on torliiR tho MkIi ncIiooI departmonl mid nro not permitted to cIiiuiko It. HlKhlceii tnilta of work tiro required for Knttlunttoii from tlio standard IiIrIi aehool con r no of four yearn for Catholic Rtudonta, two of theto bo ItiR rollKloua ItiBtructlon. A unit U two homeiitern' work with recitation five 1 1 men n week for 45 mlnutoH. In tho followlitR otitltnn attention In called to tho laiiKtiaKo ami nitiile entirno and tho art caurno which will bo of Interenl to puptU who with to ilovoto u Kieat part of their tlttio to intiitlc mid art and t olilaln am doiiilo illplomnH, An a ninttor of fuel till iiiiihIo pttplln or tho ncndomy whether or tho IiIkIi mcIiooI depart ment or not nro tauiiht theory, bnr ninny and counterpoint, a reRUlar eo'tiHervittory cotirvo with Junior certU flento mid eoulor diplomas bolus nlvon, T STILL HOLDING OFF J'AHIK, Scjil. 1,11:10 p. in. It ix ol'ficiiilly mitioiiuceil UpU tho oppo,. iiiir ainili'H "nroiiini I'iiiik intve not coiuo in contact. Tlicy eoiitiuuu their movement taking poiiitlotiH," Tlin Htatciiiciil ntldhi ''The (leniimiH Imvo been cheeked nt Veiilun. Tito Freneli uro miih'iimi fill in l.omiluo niul tlm Vokki's. The ABO hllualioii Iiiih not clia(;cil." I'liblle Heboid .Nollio , Tho city .ncIiooIh upon Monday, Huplomhei' 7. There will bo n iihwiIIhk of all tho tliiichiirn of the Meilfonl mcIiooIh III tho auditorium or tlm IiIkIi ncIiooI, Hftturduy, Hnplitmbui' n, at Hilt) p. m. All chlldieu who will Im nlk youiN old buforp tl(o cloko of thflrxl uiu il er will b'a Mdmltli'il Monday iiiorn IDtfi Ireldciulicc 7, If, 'A, CUI.MKM, m IEN MORE TRIPS TO CRATER LAKE Tho (Valor l.nlio Auto Hlngo will ninlio (mi iiionl iniiiut UIph to (.'rater l.nlio nflur this week. Tho year ho fiir hiiN been vory nureiirinfiil with tliu best pnrt of tho sentum icmnliiliig (or tourists to visit tho luku. fliiptoni hor Ik iilwnyn it delightful montli to IhII IIiIh fuliioiiii icanrl, iih Orator I alio huutim to ho nl It prettiest dur ing tlio curly niiinmn months, Tim rdaiU nro dusty, but tho cool wenlhitr ninkoa tlio trip a iiiott on joynblo 0110, Many locnl pooplu nro walling for rain bororo vIMllug tho lulio IIiIn montli. In nil probability tlio last two wooha will ond with it rush to tho Inho, Tho Mall Tux I conipniiy will put on nit extra niito stage Septem ber 1 & tit to accommodate thu tour Ists, ,i i ATTGRNEYO. H.LAWLER CALLED fit DEATH Died, nt tlio liuine, i!7 Hock court, Oirii Hugh Kuwlcr, nt 11:1.1 Hi in.) of imnil.Vhln, njjed '27 yearn, n native of Illinois. Ih'cniMcil loavitH a if(. Kniioy A. Lnwler, niul imrviitrt nn.l .1 liniriirotlicr ami tun nixtern nt 1(iih. villu. Illi Dfi'PftHfiJ was m nicmlirr of l(nlivilli III., l,ode A. P. niul A. M. Hotly will lin forwiiltli'd to Itu-h. vlllf, III., for Inirinl, iiccoiiltmnli'il by niH ne niul miner. .Mr. hauler Iiiih been a rehlilen'. of Meilfonl four yciin. OBITUARY. Dii'il nl the InmiK of hm pareiitH, .IdM'pli (). (Irey, Jr., ill .1:10 11. 111. f lilmnl jMitnonliijf, iibciI lit yearn 11 monllm '-') ilnyK. Son or .Mr. .ind Mit. .1. (), drey, unlit of IIII110U. I.eaven IiIm iarciitii ami three hrntlier.'. ruuenil Keniect'- will ho held u( I'erl I'mlerliiklnir 1'iirlorx, .Sntiinlnv, Kepteinber f.lh lit 'J ji. in., IJov. 0. IJ Klilridi'f olTieintiiiK. llurial in I. 0. 0. V. celot'terj-. . .. . Reported by Jncknon County Au tract Co., Sixth and 1'lr Sta. Circuit HiimoII C'niictiolt va. C. W. Cno bolt. AttalKnuieut of lien, J. I JouhlUH n. W, II. llnm. Kiln Until, his wife, mid S, 1). Hloufor. ct nl.. Motion. T. W. Illll ct nl vi. II. M. Mender nan. Order for aurvlco by publlca Hon, Y. II. Allen va. KlorlliiR Mining Co,, nn OrcKon corporation ol al. Suit to forecloHO a Hen, Karmera A FrultKrowera Hank va, J. 1 lleilily and Mary !'. Hoddy. Ac lion lo recover money. I tent IvMnlo Traiufcrn Chrlotlnn Church or Phoenix to School DUtrlcl No. 4, lot 2, blk. S, IMioenlx, W. I).. .. 1.000 Mabel l.ara ittuli to Italpli V. (loodmnti, et ux, land In 39 I K W. I) Itnlpji Goodman et ux to Mabel U. Uimb, laud In 30 1 1C, W. 1) (leorKo K. OwlnnK ol ux to (Icriinlta M, Moore, 10 aerea In see. 11 twp. 35 S. It. 4 Win. Van Oootheni at ux to OuorKO T, OwIiikm, 10 acres In HOC 11 twp. 35 S. It, 4 Wr.i W. D. J, C. Drown ot al a Jennie M. Carton, 1C acres In bach, II and 1(1, twp. 37 2 W., W. D John Artioll ot iix to Kmnla JohiiHon, land In hoc. 20 twp, 35 II, 2 W. mid In boca, 25 ajttl 3U twp. 30 2 W., Q. C, U 10 10 424 1,000 1.000 Hltnoii M. Unwk to Mallnda J, Ilawlc, 158.05 acrcg In aeo, 22, twp. 3i 2 1: w. i) ;1 W. W. lllalock ot ux to J. M. Wagner, Y, 1)., lot In AbIi- land U, K. to Billion M. Hawk, 15R.05 aerea In uec. 32 twp, 35 8. It. 3 K patont. 10 1 TAILE ROCK TAILET8 John Yiucenl mid wife of Jmtksim villu hK'tit Sunday hero wiih rela tive. , , F.nil Mny Jiiin returned from a trip in iioniitu'ii ITiilifornlu, Tlm I'ierce IIi'im, of Tolo nru 1ml liiK' tiaw mi Hid Ciiilon ami Conner riiilclit'. ('nil Jlcclic, llio genial HUicntkor of Hut Annie ioihI dlhlrlcl, vinitril fririiila. Iifj-c Huinlity, Many lino fili mc ln-lnjc IhKch ffi'iu lim iIvit liy luwil fUkeiHinii, COURT HOUSE NEWS mSPFOltD MAJ13 TRimJKB. Allien iMiieli on IImi iibiilll Milder Hi" river, wnH (IoIiik IiiimiWx in fphlo Hock TucHiliiy, Mr. HokmiIhisv Iii Ii'imId to put in n tilx-lioiho motor niul pump next cpiiiiL' In iriiiito IiIm nincli, which hoi ilcrn mi th river. I In Ih very oplllnlli! nlioiit Hid tutui-o or thin ronnlry. (Ili'ilil, May mid Hoheil Hmlth have piiicliiixcil a nioloi'ciilo mnl 1110 hiciiliiim; II in, The (IIiimh hrollicr Imvo finUhetl IIiioIiImk for Hie hcioiiii mill ii'Iiiiii I'll'liiniici In lhi-4 prei iiii't llujro were a lillln I11010 limn Kl.'Miii IhiMicIh ol t;riiln,wlilri wiik nbotii HIIII) IiIoiIicIh mIuiiI iitlhe prcioiH 'liiinilc, Hi'vurul ucrcH will be mciIiiI to hweel cliver IIiIh full iv Tablo Hook I'liimeN. lliirhyllnycM mnl wife nro lit tin linpyiiriK Hi'" I' Unmix 'a km, 'oiil liaH been reeelV il froni the crowil nl Creneent C'itv thill Ihcy lire luniiix tlio lime of Hieir liven and proviAioiiH lire oliiir like liclil niiip. A motor 1 1 nek loaded with fnml luro from the ("onncf raneli ptiMMCil throuuli here Miilimlny. The load Wiik mo lilult that n inmi cat 011 top In move till) lelcplioiix wire r-o iliat it roulil pitxs under. The two liltln ilnuutilprx of t'linrlcn I'nnkey nniveil Moinlny rrom KI11111 ntli comity mnl will pctnl tomc limit with their (rmtdiuiitlicr, Mr. II. Yin. cent. Hevernl of the neighbor jiitlicreil nt the Seabiook home Iiim week mill were enlertitinril wllh Mime fine 11111 ie, lifter whleli waleriiieloim wee ercl. Will Adam-, who ha n fnrm vnvA uenr (Vntnil I'oint wiIh rcnewin; old iif(UuinlniicfM here Miiuilny. Mrn. .1. S. Hcpmi ilepurleil WeilueH liny Tor the eiint, where hIio will nrob. nbly ninke her futiite home. Mrn. IIppi I1111 been 11 j;imi1 iteiltlior and we nre forry lo nee her leave. I PHOENIX PHYLERS (I. A. Ktaniiaid of A .bland spent putt of the week in town on liiii lien. II. Kline of Meilfonl, prohibition candidate for United Hlnte fcnalor, wiih in town Wednesday vveiiinp. Mrn. T. Mnlmrcn wiih called lo Miniicholii Tuexiliiy by tho nertoiiM illnif of her father. Architect C. 0, Potyur or MedfOnl apent H few iluy in (own attnerin tcmlinu the cotthlriictiou of the new xclinol building. Mm. Swolley arrived hero a hhort limn iijjojt from lown on ntt cxteudeil vli.il with her mother, Mrs. V. II. Hutlibiin. Y V.. Furry mnl A. S. Furry mnl riimilio relumed flout Dead Indian lust week. . Jf Mrn, .1, F. Worltnaii wiik cnlleil to I'ortlitml Thurhilny by (lie illuexs f her mother. M'rx. Mona Smilli ami son rclnriud TitCMluy front northern California, where, they spent the. milliliter. F.. ('olemmi mnl fa mil v relnrnrd from Utke of the Wooda liihl l?Mlur. day. Mr. mnl Mm, Curl (.pent Tuewiliiy in Hosue Hiver mnl (Intuit I'lthU. The IMiocnix mnl ntljoiniiij; seltool iliNlrictx will hold im industrial fair .Saturday in the I'liocnix nchool. Illtf Auction Halo or GinmI. Tlmo of sale, next calurday, Bep tembor 5ttt, 1014, nt 1 o'clock p. in. rinco of Kale, tho aquaro natitlt of Main Direct, nttd enat of tho 8. V. railroad, Mcdford, OrcROti. Oood to bo Bold. SotnothliiK everybody necda: Olio Reed piano, ono lartio cnali roRlstor, 70 chalra, 0 stands, 10 dlnlnR .tables, largo quantities ot dlHhea, ono roll (op desk, ono atcatii cloHot, ono Ico box, ono coffco urn ono blR cnblnot, ono clothes closet, argo quantities of Ironwaro, ono largo restaurant ratiKo, nlno rolja o( lino leum, two bundles of carpet, quanti ties of Bllvorwnro, granltewaro, tin pans, trays, etc., etc. Moro than a carload of kooiIb to bo bouRltt at your own price. Itomoinber tho dato, Sat urday, aeptombcr G, at 1 o'clock p. m, VM. ULRICII, 142 Auctioneer, NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil at Its mooting to bo hold Septem ber 15, 1014, for n license to boI! malt, spirituous and villous liquors In quantities loss than it gallon nt Its place of business oh West Mnl.i Btreot, city of Medford for a perlqd of six months, HOTEL MKDFOKD. Dated bept. 3rd, J0l4. n-i .-.j; fii si'a.n..tji,jL..i.) ja NEW TODAY I am back from my stay on tho ranch au'd-havo listed the follewing: A gooiLflvo roomed modem hquap, In desirable location In Oakland, Cal, Worth, 13500,00 and party will bb hero Saturday to look for a place hero ot like value to exchange, ICO acres of alfalfa and grain land, well Improved, together with a hun dred hoM, and a lot of cattle, horses, tools, and crop, Everything goes at ItO.OOU.OO 4ukl bo quick action, ,A msu wants a small reach for HS0MO oasb. C.D.HOON MEPJTORT), ,.OTCKqON, C'ITV 'nilMHUHKIl'K .VOTICIJ. Notlco In licroby fjlvon that tho clt of Mudford, Jncknoh county, Orecon will (nko up and cniicol tho following Jmprovi'monl llendw: Noa 002h mnl 002C, ilnlod April It .moa. No.'ii OOIC and, 00t7, ilnlod. Octo bcr J, J(8,, , .f No. 0900, diitod Uclobi.T J, I010. No. 4'M), tinted October I, l!M0. No. 03GG, dnlod October 1, IIIIO, No, JLTil, tinted October I, 19M. Also tho following Water Main HeiiiIm: . ' No. 002,1 of fioilen "A", dnlcil April I, 1010. No, 10 of HcrleM "U", ilaled April I, 1!M1. Intercht on tho obovo named IioiiiIh will ceano nt the ncxl neml-nnniinl In torent pnylni; period October 1, 1014, Dated Kopt. 1, 1011. aVB If. HAMUKI.8, H2 City Treaituror. hi'it to i()iti:ci,osi: a coNTitArr ii-:ntiti.vc Tin: hami: a mout. m rMOl-SU5UfO.N5. W. If, Norcrons and Lola M, Nor cron, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. CeorKo A. Ilutr, Dofpndnnt. To Ororffo A. Hutz, tlio nbovo named ilcfcndant. IN TflK NAMK OF TUB 8TATR OF OHKOON. you arc hernby required lo appear and answer iilalntirf' rnm. plaint now on file against you In tlio above entitled court and can so on or beforo Frldaytho 18th day of Bcp- icinucr. mis, wntcn dat Is suwe. quent to tlin expiration of atx wceka from the 7th day of August, 1014, Which Is tho dato of tho first pub lication of IhM summons, nnd yoa aro hereby notiried If you rn to ap pear and answer, for wnnt thereof, plnln tiffs will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt: That plaintiffs do liavo and recover JtidRntont npnlnnt you for tho sum of J4S0.88, with Intcrost thereon from Juno 7, 1013, nt tho rnto of 0 per cent per annum, together with tho further sum of $300 attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements heroin and in said suit Incurred, together wllh such other and further sum as upon nn accounting had for tho care and conservation of tlio fruit trees and fruit crop on said promises as mny no lottnu Utto unto plaintiffs; That tho contract attached to plain tiffs' complnlnt and marked Kxhlblt a, no decreed to no a mortRngo In security of tho nbovo mentioned ameunts: that tho premises therein described, sltuato In, Jackson Coun ty, urcson, to-wu: 4i ' ' IJiRlnnlnK at a poltit which la six teen and 10-100 Chain S'nrlh nt ihn Southeast corner of tho Thomas Hop- wijuu i7onauon L.ann uiaim number Hfty-flvo (56) In Township Thirty seven (37) South. ItanRo Two (2) West Wlllatnottc Merldlnn. nnd run nlnK thenco North five and 23-100 chains to nn Iron dobl In thn rmmtv road; thenco KastKlevon and 10-100 cntiius; tiicitco South Five mid 23-1 on chnlttH. lb euro Voal.i:ivrn nn,l in. 100 chntiiH to pTaio oPbejtlitnlnK.'con- ininuiR nro nmi so-ioo acres of land, flnvo nnd cxccptliiB thererroni a trip of land twenly (20) feet wldo extcndlnR nlotiR and laken from tho west sldo of nbovo described tract, tho snmo being rcserr'cd for public road purposes, bo sold an tinon pie. cutlon for tho purposo of satisfying saia several sums ami interest there on; that defendant bo foreclosed of all rlfiht, title and interest In and to said described premises, or nny part or parcel thereof, subject only to tho ilfcht ot redemption as by law pro vided, anu inni lucndant ho debarred and enjoined front assorting any In terest inoroin. suiijcct only In such redemption riKlit as provided hv law: that plaintiffs bo placed In possession of said premises nnd tho whole there- or anil (hat they hare such other nnd further roller as to tho Court may seem In good conscience Just nnd cqtillnblo. This summons U published In thr Medford Mall Trlbuno, a newspaper published dally nnd regularly at Mcd ford, Jackson County, Orokon. by or der of tho llonorabto Frank M. Calk ins, JuiIro of tho above-' entitled court, made on tho Otlt day of August, 1014, directing said summons, to bo pub lished otico a week for bIx Bitcccsslvo weeks, tho first publication thereof being on Friday, tho 7th day of Aug ust, 1014. W. I. VAWTKR. Attorney for Plaintiff. HOAltD OF KQUM'ATION NOTICE. Notlco is hereby given that on tho second Monday In Soptember, (14th day), 1014, tho board ot equlllia Hon will attend, at the court housp In Jacksonville, Jackson county; Ore gon, and publicly examine the as sessment rolls, nnd correct all errors In valuation, description or quhlttloa ot lands, lots or othor property as Bolsod by tho assessor. And It shall bo tho duly ot persons WHY? STOCK KANCH It la my business to know tho best buy la Jackson county and have It optioned at the lowest cash price. That best buy today la a 100 acre stock ranch, 100 acres loan Bell, Ir rigated, iiow Id grain aad alfaUa. No better alfalfa land 1b Jackson county, ditch built covering 140 acres, perfect water rlgat, alone worth 110,000.00. This laud lies botweea the Apple lata ttver and tho foot kills, all hot teat land, best ot range, noat de lightful climate, bo mow or fog, Modern, new bungalow, barns', fences. cerraljs and orchard all ready, Xkle place should bring 1115,98(1.00 will sell for 118,000.00, halt easa, 12000 worth of machinery and stock with Iih, Ideal noma, aad ,etoek ranch, Hest I have ever of fared, Vim Nat'l Umk Mldg., Whhm UtoJ J, C, BARNES FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER- 4, Intiircsted to appear nl tho tlmo nnd place appointed, Dated this 2 (Hi day of August, lDH,nt Jncknohvlllo, Jackson county. Oregon. 140 W. T. GHIBVU, Assessor. Fou UF..vr-iFi3itrriHHK Arm. FOIl HUNT Three room npartmcut furnished, gas, brick building, rent mtHonnhti', IffthlM, phono and bath free. 223 W. Mali), 142 FOIt ItRNT Largo slftoplhg rooms, and modern bou&ekcApIn; apart ments, prlea tcry reasonable. I'boim 247-U 222 Bouth liollr alreot. FOK 1IF..VT 1UMS)IKI TtOf)MH FOIt HUNT l.nro sleeping rooms, moilorn, 1 1 South Orape. 117 FOIt KKNT Largo, well fitrnlshod front room, closo In, ery reason nblo. I'hono 4'-J. H3 r Foil itfc.vr--hocst? FOIt IlKNT Small furnished house, on paved street close In. Call 730-lt. K. II. French. 11,1 FOIt ItFNT Modern, up-to-dato housn, new, Including two acrcg or ground, D1C Vcst Jackson St. 140 FOIl KKNT Five room hotlso, part ly furnished, Phono 717-11 p. nt. 1C4 FOIt KKNT Klthcr flro room or six room bungalow, close In. Might furnish partly, new A-I, phono 317. evenings izi-n. FOIt KKNT Furnished hottso to re- nponslDio party, easily divided t rent in suites. Addrcfs W., care Mall Tribune. 143 FOR IIF.KT HOUHFKEKPI.Va IU)OMH FOIt KI.W'T Modern housekeeping rooms, gas and bath. Call after C o'clock. Phono 55-11, 210 Talent St.. olf Bonth Central Ave. 1C5 FOIt KKNT Modern housekeeping rooms. 345 North Dartlctt. 24C FOIl KKNT Housekeeping rooms, gas: also hall bedroom. 234 Kant ninth. 1C4 FOIt KKNT Furnished hotisckcon Ing npts., thoroughly cleaned, re novated, now management. Kent reasonable The Oxford, 223 W. Main. 153 FOK SAUr HOUSES FOIt 8ALK Neat homo for family of three, good lawn, garden, chickens, berries, electric lights, telephone, etc., will sacrifice. Ford car. good condition taken on part. 737 West Fourteenth St. 148 FOK SALE OK TKADK Modrcn bungalow, built In conveniences, largo lot. wilt sell cheap or ex cltnngo for acreage near Mcdford, KoKchtirg or Eugene. Address box II., raro .Mall Trtbttuo. FOK SAI.H Seven room bungalow, Mrlrtly modern lot 50x315, plenty of fruit mid berries, largo out buildings. Wilt sell cheap, phono 417-M, mornings. FOK SALE HOMESTEADS FOK SALE Snap, homestead relln qtilshment, IH luiloa from Tolo. II. C. Hutchinson, Tolo, Ore. 143 FOK SALE LIVESTOCK FOK SALE A four-year-old milch cow. Phonu 039-114. 142 FOK SALE Good team driving pon tes, harness and light hack, will trade for wood. James Howling, 20 South Poach. lis FOK SALE A good team, wagon and harness. Inqulro of or wrlto Mrs. Poo, Koguo Klvor, Oro. 225 FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE Pcachfs, Albortas and Clings, prunes and cull Hartletts. Geary ranch, phono R13W. 143 FOK SALE Two h. p. Fairbanks gas engine, pump, Jack, practically now, bargain at $30.00. Phono 201-K5. 146 FOR SALE Upright piano, standard make, $100.00 rash. Parties leav ing town, Address box 00, cam Mall Tribune. 143 FOK SALE Ford touring car, 1014 model, threo mouths use, party leaving for Alabama. Phono 443- J. or Write W. (J. Pickens, 105 Prlco St., Ashland. 145 FOK SALE Dried Petlto prunes, So per lb., any quantity, f. o. b. Med ford. Robert Dutton. FOK SALE Hoavy 3Vi inch wagon, California body, flno condition, u bargain, mono G7-J3. . 14,2 FOK SALE OR TRADE For hay or grain, hack with pole, eight foot bod, Phono 77S-J. 142 FOK SALE Four horso Wltto on- glno and pump on skid, 'w. II. Everhard, 1013 West 0th St. FOK SALE Cadlllao car in fair con dition, now tires, will soil It taken ii iva taia nwi aa, vmswm or 350, Write ty M.. Tribune. tt at onco for care Mall FOR SALE Laying liens, ' ducks, Cyphers Incubator, furniture, sacri fice, phone 201-K5. 143 FOR SALE Ono flvo passonger, fotlr cyiludor, so n. p. Mitchell or win trado. Address box 65, or phone 302, Jacksonville, Ore. 147 FOIt SALE Household furniture Kimball piano, M. O, Carton, Rons Lane. 146 i. i ' wiiiti lilllflt To leaa on improved raaakoa. later I par 4at "iMuraBco That laauraa." n, . rriKm sBnUr aTssNssi iLljUlikkkJmA svmT A BJJkJuaLi PwPW m j BBVPBaBBB' Bjp BJ pBBBBjppBJjaaVfJ WU lyn hamj- -M!H:r,r,Af:of;H. k illW lllStlSteAnlSMII fok hai.k Felllo awcet prunes, largo, rlpo for canning, Crandolt orchard, phonoUl.l-KI. 1 13 FOK BAM-; Ititrtlfrtt penrit, Just A Ilttlo under packing size, i ' ccntit per pound, Liberty orchards, phono uyi-ii.', iioiweoft il';;ju nnu or nfler 0 p. m. l-.ti'l 143 FOIt HAM: .Second band goods Bold at auction Haturdny morning, Hep tutnber 12th, corner Main and Fir. t lit) IIKI.I' WANTKf) 51AT,K W'A.NTKD '' ipcric'irc6il""ii'ro " lrBiir ttnto man as General aci-nt for Jrtrkson cotthly, lioadritiartcra Mtd foril. CJrngon company, rcgulnr nnn-pnrtlclpntlng i-oitclcs. ono POllcv absolltlolv new. Wrll.t giving full experience, corrcspoild- onco coniidenil.11. Address V. i box 200, Portland, Ore. 14! II FliP WANTIM) VI'MA I.K WANTKn-AVomcn, self gnarnhlood hosiery to friends, neighbor's and general wearer; 70 per rent pro fit; make ?10 dally, experience tin necefsary. International Mills, West Philadelphia, Pa. 14J WANTKII SITUATIONS WANTKO Work a((cTlc1iooT7nl beforo school In mornings. Ad dress lox 73, roulo No. 4, Mcdford. Ore. 143 WANTKD Japanese boy watata ahy kind of house work by hour. Phone 4C1-H. Sbimoda. 1C2 W'ANTfcl MWMtttiAXKOUS WANTKD i)ay"boardera, Ys.OO "per week. !. South Ivy. 2C7 WANTBO Clean, cotton rags, at Mall Tribune office. WANTED To purchase Well Im proved little ranch two to tea acres In or near HCuford from partr who will take some property at fiend, Ore., ana some cash. Ad dress box 313, Ilend, Oregon. ISO WANTED Entire furniture of three or four rooms, must be good. Phono 122-K. LOST LOST A brooch with Japanese moonstone settings, on Monday evening between town nnd S. P. depot. Lcavo at tho Mall TrlbUhe office. 144 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN We have money to loati on Improved country property a: eight per cent. PIiobc 317, Car kins t Taylor. ' u FOK KXC1IASGB EXCHANGE Want to aell or buy anything? U O Rader. 114 N. Front St. Phone 125. Nuff Sed." ; ' -r r.,.c-u: r ',. BUSINESS DIKIXTOKI Chfarefractor DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise K. Hedges Mechano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. TUesa systems, Including dietetics, curt Hto gymnastics, hydro-thcraphy; etc., produce results In both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Mala and UartleU. Hours a. m. to 5 p. m. Othor hours bj appointment. Phone 170. xfciNi mw'M- DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, nerve specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Garnett-Corcy bldg. Vapor bathe and scientific massage given; needle spray, head and shoulder shower la connection; advice ia dietetics, medical gymnastics, bydropthorapy. Lady attendant Phono, office 043, reldeaco 611-11. r"' ' "' InMructlon in MhhIc MR. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher ot piano and harmony, an nounces season of 1014-15 begin ning September 7th, 1014. A lim ited number ot now pupils will In accepted. Courses In harmony nnd musical history to all pupils thlg season without extra charge. Pupils recitals, llalght Music Studios. 11C South Laurel St., Mcdford, Oregon, phono 176-K. MRS. FLORENCE HALLIDAY IlAIGHT Teacher ot tho art ot Blnglug, tono placement, dia phragmatic breathing, body poise, opera, oratorio, concert reportolro, classes in sight singing and read ing. Children's singing classes will bo formed. In these classes ot six tho foundation principles of cor rect breathing, tono placomen'.. and sight singing will bo taught, llalght Music Studios, 116 South Laurel St, MRS. HALL1DAY-HAIQHT-W 1 1 1 also conduct a class ot younger piano pupIIs this season undor Mr. Halght's direction at tho llalght ' Music Studios, 1'lC South Laurel Ktronf i TTSf GUUSIFIED BUSIMIM AlfD TIL1PHOHI DIRECTORY 's A Qnlck, aafteV, roiaranoo for Busy reoa4o BalosJ Hay. Hoar, Food, Grata . L. B. Brown. Ruse Mill, alao . poultry auppllea. 131 Iduth V Riverside ..Phoao 5841 Osgood ft Brown. T. W. Oa- , food, Asm. M. Aw. See. 0, B. A, Theo Browa. deputy eounty s anrvoyor. Medford NtUil v Baak Bldg Phoao III aVfotrM Wlrtag, Flxtwoa, MpaWaa " outhora Oregon Btootrta Co., Matda Lampi eath Coatral . Avenue.... Phono IH-T llliaBsAntf uuJJtsjsUAtMdLst jr W IBBJBOwPBTB B aBtPWBpsPWBBI Hubbard Brothera. Fall Mao ot Job itoajra osakaa. rov aa.rr aWbPfloM on hngglooTlf IMMK o1WwoojIP I IHwuMnc a Van Tt. PairajMK P Jft' L PAGE ,&stVi1f.n j ujjaaL-jjjja1 ''J,wHm huhinfjw. iniKcnm fy0'piMH wWWnJf ssstafcajirtassajss4f POKTF.R J. NKFI"4. WM.' I. MltAI.Kt Attorneys-at-Law, Reoi;8,a(sl 9, Bedford National jfeak kfldM A. B. KKAMKS, LAWYKRCaratV- uorey bin;. Wi, lf J'alili. l1ni'J "t te,.l. COLVld A KOHERTH, LAWYMRS Medford Wat Ion Al Dank HHlliflag. IJ. F. MULKEY fc GEO. W. cilKHKY Attorneys at I .aw. Jackson Coua- ty Dank Dulldlng. NEWTON W. I10flt)EN-Attoriiey at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. Ahio ftttppllee LAHEK AUTO SPRINO CO. Wo aro operating tho largest, eldeot and best equipped plant la Hto Pa cific northwest. Use our aprlRga when others fall. Sold under guar-' antee. 26 North Fifteenth SCt Portland, Oro. We are here to help people got re liable, competent help. Wo laf nlsh help la' almost all Itaaa of bnslnes. We make a epeelaR of competent men aad wlvoa for ranches.. We solicit your patron age. BlltaorV Ileal Betas ad Employment Rnroan, RoetM a4, 7 Palm Building, Medford. Phono 858. Mrs. Byrd Castor, Manager, successor. Deatlirta DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey Bldg., aalto Medford, Ore. Phone 8S6. SIS OBS Tnmefeni BADS TRANSFER STORAQB CO. Of flee 42 North Frost 8t. P)iom 315. Prleee right. Sarvleo guar tnteed. OARDAOB Oet year premleea cleaned np for tho sumssor. CaM on the city garbage wageaa for good service. FkeM 32S-IX IT. Y. Allen. SHOE REPAIRING First otasw fth repairing, on nsodem ' eleetrte saehtees while yon .wait. B. K. Bliion. leeated la KId4'a Bftoo aHore, Phone 313J. ES ffeaaey rtrirfae 1UCLKN N. YOCKBY Notary.. hHh Me. Brlag yonr work to mo at tk alga ot tho Mall TrMMaao. . iaissaMBM esaBoaaaeea PhyeelilaM waioi DR. P. Q. CARLOW. DR. XVA MAINS . CARLOW Oeteooatbto physietaM, 416-417 Garnott-Corof mag., mono i3s-u 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OotoeiMithlo phyaklana, 303 Oarnott-Corog building. Pnono 884-M. DR. J. J. BMMRN8 Phyaklan nnd surgeon. Practice llasHed to eye, oar, nose' and threat.' RyoO aeioa Urieally tested aad glasses ono piled. Office 238, Bast Mala St. Hours 8:39 a. as. to, I i, a. Faoao. ' E. B. P1CKEL, M, D. ortteo Jaok son County Bank, bbig. OffUo phone 43-11; residence phono l-R. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Offleo Pa4nt black, opposite Nash Hotel. Iktura 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 118-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY-rPhyslclaa aad anrgeon. - Phones, offleo 36, resi dence 7 2 4-J, Oftloa hours 16 to 12, 2 to 5, DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phyaleka and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Office 233 E. Mala. Phones, residence, 814-JJ; oftiee 814. K. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Oner Hutchison tt Luma den. 210 E, Mala St. Phono 77. DR. MO M. M. DOW Physician aad surgeon. Dr. Lydla S. DoW-Ot-teoithtc physician, etfleee a-4 St. Mark's block. Phone 160. Rost dence the Dow Hospital, Coatral Point. i -k Printers and rmillsmot MEDFORD FKINT1NG CO. has the best equlpjved printing offleo' la aouthorn Oregon; nook4 WnaMag, ' loose leaf ledgers, hilling systems, eto. Portland prices, 117 North Fir St, " T . . J wi. . -u; . rsimmmafmmmmi 3C Royal Bakary. tnUP'Hh " toakoa.- Ceraor MeJ aaskf' e ;u .iriajojo m FawnHare Ban a4 Bosanl Batsi oott Woolf, suiaajiar I jfcr- m Aasalalotor rttfa'ssasj KrluV Uro, 88 atM-lf rfaoja sal BetaatL laNMaf aBdl osMMatawadsl sBMMoaavoaeieaaawioiadyP"JMP 9fJV iTiSsnf r 5v Wfcl A Wit B tJHBjJfc , j vt. - .! . "1 ' i ' W. Mi, Hwntui wbv rrn U