N..'1 1 ' fry , w i i ' j a. H ' l.t- I, EM a1 1 &VN jt i If ' ' i ') MEDFORD MAIL tfUIBUNE, MEDFORD.. .ORKCION, T CAPTURE APIA GERMANSAMOA BRITISH PO T Lerwlen Official Dispatch Tells of Success Twe Turk Warsftlps -If luHt in English Yards Confis cated Report Germany Inflames Religious War Little Considered. WASHINGTON, Aug. 31.Tho British capture of Apia in German Samoa was announced In an official message from London to tho British embassy here. In connection with tho sclzuro ot tho two Turkish warships la English shipyards the foreign office cent tho following statement to the embassy: 'In accordance with the recog nised principle ot the right and su preme duty to insure national safely In time of war, this government took ever twe ships which were being built in England ter the Turkish goT eraneet hut had set yet been deliv ered to them. Ilia Majesty's gov ernment has net only offered to pay in full and return the ships U good conditio after the war, or .supply equivalent mew ones, but also addi tional and generous compensation for the use of the pre-empted ships during the war." At the British embassy It was said today no serious attention was beln? given to reports emenatlag from of ficial German sources of attempts to arouse disaffection among Moham medan sujects of Great Britain la In dia, Egypt and elsewhere. Embassy officials said Germany had long been seeking to enlist tho friendship of Mussulman communities but this had not produced any notable evidence of disaffection. LOCAL GERMANS GIVE CASH AID TO FATHERLAND Nearly n hundred Mcdford Germans met last night at Smith's hall to dis cuss methods ot helping tho Father land In tho present war and to col lect subscriptions for tho uso of tho Red Cross society. Ono hundred twenty-five was subscribed and wilt bo sent Immediately to tho Red Cross. This amount was swelled to $135 Monday and subscriptions con tinue to pour In, tho amount will bo considerably Increased in tho next fow days. Not only GoOrmans nro asked to contribute, but all those- who had friends or relatives In any ot tho warring nations and those who wish to help from humltarlan mot ives. It was poluted out that the Red Cross takes caro ot all wounded regardless of nationality, and It Is no breach In neutrality to glvo to the fund collected by tho Germans. TUG AND BARGE ASHORE IN EOG OFF SAN I UAN MONDAY, AUGUST 01. .MU lcao tho capital. Vorsons aro de parting r.iul taking their fnmlllon lth them as a matter or prudence. It Is toll hero Hint tho fewer tbo number of non-combatants In t'to city tho better. Tickets for trains leaving 1'nrls to day to tho west and south were all sold out last night, JAP DESTROYER ASHORE (Continued from Pat 1) hits liucu received here that nt Tito MSKJPTS uaiiuMff.-u Clilrii, iv Htnnlt ImIiiiuI oIiIkIiIo of Kino t'lmw buy, Iuim Ihmjii occupied Die ,1nimili'Hi Tim (Ionium foi tlrlcalloiiH or ThIiIJ: Tmi front Kino Vliow buy. LONDON, Ah :U, M:.'H n. in. -Ifonvy firing wnw lii'tml nt Dover llilx I shwbwbip' iiuijuti J.-1. j ' .." 'Jj ti'ju. . iiioiiiIiik, nlili'li ii)oiirci to cunlo from veelM nUihtf Iho French t'oiint, Tho olTiulitl liiin'iiii, It Ih uiiiuiiiiicimI, lain not uny liifoiuiitlKui on Ihu mill jt'iil. With Medford trade Is ftreaford made. mmmmmmmesBammmmBmmamsrm MORBID YOUTH Card of Thanks. Wo take this means ot thanking our friends, neighbors and members of A. K. ft A. M. for their kindness during the Illness and death of our husband and father. MIJS. B. J. HAMILTON" ANP FAMILY. 138 ft ' ; . ' - - j tTlU Medferd trae u Kedferd COMMITS SUICIDE Karl I elms, agvl til jenrx, com initio suicide home days np) in an isolated ciibni in the Aulelopi ctouti try. Young Helms hml lieen n re cluse for omc months nnd while liN dopondency is wholly unaccounted for, it is evident in the message- left indicating the degree of morbidity lending up to tho final tragedy. Three notes pf different dales, indicated the deep premeditation of his net. The first stated that if more would ac cept his method there would he less "crazy fools" in the world, indicating the process of mind Hint hnd insti gated the net; the second wns of n softer tenor, cou&iguuig lii.s pergonal effects to his immediate relative, and the third was n request ns to the dixMHtion of his body. Melancholy and lonesonicncss oro attributed as the cause of hi rash ness. Xo coroner', ir.out'j,t was held and the remains wifl b"o flipped to California Jor burial., WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. Tho Canadian lug Iovno, tho ntout pow erful ex-el of her kind on the Pa cific tionM, friul the binge- America, formerly a famous CJhuui clipper, went on the rocks one mile wt of Kanaka buy, Sun Junii island, la-t night in n den-o fog, nild nre report ed n total lo-s. The Anierien was londed with coal, and was lcing low ,ed from Seattle to Vancouver. The Lome wns owned by Ihe Pugel Sound Tugboat company and was valued nt $00,000 and wn not injured. The America wns built nt Quincy, Mass., in 1874 and was of 11)08 net ton". Vor ninny jenn she plied between Boston mill New York nnd the Orient, taking out general merchandise, and bringing back ten. She had n beauti ful caned figurehead nnd hnd been n lucky boat, never having met with a mishap. She was converted into n barge several years ago. The Amer ica was owned by Griffiths & Sons of Seattle nnd was valued at $20,000 ivith small insurance. Tho coal wns owned by the Pacific Coast company nnd was covered liV insurance. Removal Sale i of Sweater Coats x ' X X X t MANN'S OKNTUATj AVKNUK, N10AU l'OSTOFPIOl Removal Sale of House Dresses PARIS PWEPAWES FPU 6ERMANS (Coatlnued from Page 1) With Medferd trade ! VHAtoTO made. trains depart InR today havo beer. sold. Whota families with their hand baggaRo camped In tho lines whero they ato their meals nnd slept as best they could. Tho Qua! d'Orsay station was closed at noon. The crowd ot per haps 1000 persons then In lino worn told that no moro tickets would bo sold today. Only a few left their places. Tho others resigned them selves to a wait of 18 hours. President Polncaro who has been seen but rarely In public slnco tho war began, being overburdened with work today visited the military' hot' pltal of SL Martin and spoko to many of tho wounded. No official Information regarding the military situation on tho frontier? has been made public up to noon ts day. The nnusual animation to bo noticed In the streets of Paris today was caused chiefly by the thousands ot persons who are preparing; to Y & t & Mix Hr if1- "'r ll'i If i- IIjLI J lfsssVlselll I I II IN REMOVAL SALE SUIT DEPARTMENT Attractive Prices on Attractive Goods Tmi llitmififiil Viuv Knit lniidn nf nil-wool imitnriitlM. linw -li-tiiitl j.v;i wiiiiuini j..v... ....w, -- :r """ -,-.--.------- $19.98 cont, now stylo skirt; why pay othew .OOi Our price, each ' Now 'BalninccAU Coats, roatlo in this 'Hcason's rt r styles, good matorink, 10.00 vol ucs,,now at, eacu, oniy , moat attractive $7.98 LAiVOGUS SUITS .....f 25.00 up to f 50.00 LA V00UE COATS .: f 12.50 up to f 35.00 $6.00 WAISTS $3.48 New Crcpo De Chine Waists, all colors, real !$ val- 'J AQ lies, salo price, cach..$3eTKO $1.50 WAISTS Mo About 100 LiiiKOrio "Waists, new styles, up to $1.50 val- QQ"7 ties, now, each Ov Special Sale and Demonstration of rU A I L f If II lW aillIV VJlKJKJWiJ ''Sethi niw &tmless switch-it's a winner "Mm. Itiutt, an expert haii; dresser fromNuw York, is donidn strating for a fow days the wonderful rHoinlen switch. Every shade of hair perfectly matched. Switches from $3.50 up to . .f35;00.- Itwill iay you tp,seo .her., Hair dressed .ErcowjtU every purchase. "'" ' ' " - ' l! BSBBBBBBBsflaW t X t . I Ui4 1915 SSrmkMm Mmn m "" ' "Car of the ,.. ---'- mv m vmencan Faiiiily $1200.00 f.omb.eiBtroit IMPROVEMENTS Longer wkttlbase . Mort room ImproTtd body Improved upholstery More power Larger bore Larger valves Better carburation Improved Combustion chamber Special quiet cams Valve tappets operating in oil Improved motor lubrication 13 clutch plates Intake manifold water jacketed New type radiator Improved steering Easier clutch operation Improved starting and lighting Non-stallable motor Improved ignition Left drive Larger pedal pads it i Rear springs eemi-elliptic , - ( Longer front springs , . Springs self -lubricating Larger wheels ' . Larger gasoline tank - One-man type top New windshield . ( Transmission speedooaieter 0rive Lock on ignition- and lighting switches ,rt r i Automatic spark advance ' Throttle lever on steering wheel" " Ignition and lighting switches on cowl board Exclusive non-glare dimmer head-, light Exclusive design tail light Improved axle shaft and hub connec tion Non-skid rear tires Illumfnated speedometer Linoleum-covered running boards Ney style top cover New side curtains to swing open with doors . . Crowned fenders Heavier flywheel 14-inch brakes Concealed hinges Flush door handles inside A highly specialized, individualized Hupmobilizcd motorcar, which gives you, Ave believe, more jter vica and comfort for your money than you can find if you comb the market a dozen times over. Listen to the details: SPECIFICATIONS Mere Fewer Motor, 3--lnch loro by D', J -Inch Btrolto; cylinders csst en bloc, with water Jacket iuco between barrels; valves l'i-lnch clear diameter, mushroom tnpputs, with special sbapo cams, very quiet; valve spring cham ber closed by oll-tlght cover, so that contact rio mado In an oil bath. Now sliapo combustion chamber, larger valves and larger cylinder bore produce moro power, Multiple disc clutch, with thlrteou 13-Inch plates. New Type Carbureter Horizontal type bolted directly to cylinder block. Gas passage between cylinders, eo that intako manifold is boated Its entire length, assuring complete vaporization of oven tho beavist gasoline. Impreved Oiling A system already highly efficient mado still bettor. Pressure feed from ilywhcol to main bearings am connecting rod bearings: cylinder walls lubricated by mist from crankshaft. Mflslern lonltlen Ignition from storage battery, with automatic spark advance. Typo rapidly bolng adopted by progressive engineers. Single Unit Electrical System Generator and starting motor com bined, driven by silent chain from front end of crankshaft. Huppltes ' current for starting, ignition and' lighting. Makes motor non-stallable. , WesUnghouso 12-voli system, Longer Wheetbase; More Roem Wheelbase, 1 10 Inches; tires, 34 by .' 4 Inches. Itoomy flrc-passenger .body; 2 Inches more leg-room In front, 7 Inches moro In tonncau; full tufted upholstery; concealed door hinges, flush handles. Front springs, 37i Inches long, practically flat; rear springs, semi-elliptic, C2 Inches long, swung under axle; springs self-oiling. Drakes, 1'4 luchos In' dlahiolor. Left Steer, Center CentrJl ' '' eonlcr of cowl board, Speedometer drive front transmission. Neii-Glare Dimmer HeaAifMe JJupmobllo design. Upper half of headlight Jlags corrugated. Kills re flector glare," complying' with many city ordinances and giving full Illu mination on road. One bulb In headlights. dlmraeeTt will through resistance In switch. No side-lamps. Steering wheel atleft; goar change rbUIMMm SIM OWHT IHWIII and hand brake livers at driver'.' VM Mftteenji'fcalloa gajwllne fesikj in right. Speedometer, staring aiid.Meowl; rajavsen ttshleMi' (Itfjl lighting switches moupUd ffuhh rf'Mljjf uprhaws,. hajpjldjustablefey ventilation. Oiia-man typo top, at taching to windshield. Crowned fend ers, with flat edge and without bead ing. Tall lsmpoxeluslvo llupmobllo design, Illuminates license plate unit ontlro width of road for considerable distance behind car. Non-skid tlroi on rear; do'mountablo rims; carrior at rear for sparo rim and tire. Light ing and Ignition switches controlled by Yalo louks. Hpoodometer. Hebo rail, foot rail and cocoa mat In ton neau. Coler: lllue-black wth ma roon running gear. I'rlco, V. O. II. Detroit, Includes complete equipment. -M-MMMM a mm'? yi li1 d .. &$ m i$ h The motor car world is on the eve of announcement that will shako tho high-grade market to its very foundation, r riitv fcldi rfrrr- y diflacs say thoy arc about to offer u FOR 1915 motor car which marks developments and advancements so grcajt) sovnst, so yidespread in their scopo that pst ocliiovemonts pale almost into insignificance. You may place your expectations as high as you please, we do not believe you will bo disappointed, as their formal announcement will bo a revelation, CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. effeet4AeeA4AeAesAA4,A444a a wi h V l l