-7 tl 1 MEDFOUD TfATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKCION, SATURDAY, AVCWWV 2.0, 1014 PAGE 0.TTR1CTE 4 V I,'" I : ft tt V All t-ommtinlmttont should bo In by Friday. Address society odltor, or phono 8'J-J, Woilni'Hiliiy iiflciiimui Miss Doris lliinlny nml Minn Kllmilxitli Wwuiny entertained nt (ho llnuley residence In hunor uf MIiim Killtli Fish of I'hoo ntx. Tim affair was oik; of the prel limit nml iiiohL competently iirriiiiKnl that linn occurred nmoiiK tho youim ur not In Ashland for hoiiiii tlmu, About twenty Kiiests woru present, nil uliMlmo IiIkIi school friends of MlM Pish, The nftnnioon wits appro prltttrly called n "lavender shower, ' for nil tho guests brought lltllft sachet Iihrii and lavender stick of sufficient quantity to scent her llnon for many years to cnnw, The young ladle nil brought their fancy work, nml with social enjoyment passed itwny tlm afternoon. Thu decorations prepared for tho occasion were wry iinliiui nml beautiful. On tho lawn It it ii nrhor, which linil been decornl ril profusely with ferns, Invomlor but lerfllcs nnj flowers, Hero refresh ments were served. A "sent of lion or" wan provided nml decorated for tint KticMl of honor, Thu plain card were especially worthy of mention, being lltlln lavender cuplda. Miss l-'lih, who was the Rtieii of honor, U to Imi timrrlcil August 22 to Wllllum Thompson of Central Point. Tlio hrltlo.lo.bo has mnnv Ashland Mends who oiprcss tunny wishes for her fnturo happiness. Ashland Tidings. Tho marriage of Miss Clinrlotlo .nrhor of Kallspel, Mont., nml Mr, V. C. Junk) n was anlomulicd Wotlncs ilny afternoon nt tho l'resh)terlan church, llov, W. I. Hlilclds perform I UK tho ceremony. Mis I'cnrl Ziuher, sister of tliohrlilo attended tho bride iniil I'onl Hill was best lllllll. Mr. nml Mr. .Imikyn will bo. nt home to their frlomU nt iZo Nort'i Control avenue. Mm. W. II. Mcdownn, grand inn trotiof llin Kuatcrii Btnr of Oregon, li'ft' this wvok for thu conitt. Wbllo nun) ulitt will lxlt Mnmliflulil, I'lori'iiro nml otlnrv convt towiu. Mr, ntnl Mr. Win. I much, Ml lluntrlco OJorticn nml Mm. J. U. Ill own of Mlnnenpoltit, nrn mnkliiK nn auto trip throiiKh Northurn Cullfor nln, . ... Mm. Wllllnini nml itmightnr, Mlm l.noy of I.lttlo Hock, Ark., nro the riiumU of Mm. Wllllaina Mlstur, Mri. Win. (IcrlK. K Mr. II, llumbort of Kiirouo, who linn boon tbn Riiont of Mr. nml Mm. 0. II. l'lorro hnn rotnrnoil to his homo, Mr. nml Mm. Iloinur Itothormnl luuo rnturiiod from nn nuto trip throiiKh tho northorn purl of tho hlnlo. Mr. nml Mm. Krnnk Wlhton, Mlmi Wlltion nml Mln Knln Jncobs hnvo rt)(iiriiL(( from u tilp to Crntvr I.uko, Mr. nml Mm. It. N. I'uMur nml Mr. nml Mm, W. I iJulHoiibnry mo HpomllnK tho wonk nt Cmtor l.nko. Mr. llorbot Alfonl loft Woilnomlnv moriiliiK for 1'nlo Alto, Cnl., whoro ho will ontor stmifonl Unlvomlty. Mr. mnl Mm. Wlok Fox nml MIbh Kvolyn Tnylor hnvo rcturiioil from an oiitlim at (Irutor l.ultg. Mr. uml Mm, A. 0, Alton nml cbll Iron linvu letiirnoil from mi auto trl.i throiiRh Yollowbtonu Park, ' " " . v Mm. I'M Wnrnor mnl chlldron hnvo roliirnod from Nnwpo'rt, wboro' thov Hpunl tho Hiimmor. MIkh Mublo .lont'H rotiiiiiti thlH wook from n throu montlu vlnlt In Aburdoon, WiihIi, Mr. Wllllum Wostorliiiiil of Chi i'urii Ih tho RiioHt of bin hrothor, J, A. Woulorluml, , ' MInm CHlhurlno Mourn luu loliirm'il from lluilailny, wiuru hIiu utlumluit wiiiiiiuor buIiooI, MU I,iiiuIiio lllllgn uml MIn Ioiio I'ljiin iiuvu id(uriiv) fruni H xity t C'nli'Hlln, f Mr, Will Kmnwt liifl Tut'udiiy fur m hrM vvU Mty Hi Hfl'ln Cit'. A vtiry plpnnnnt nffulr wn rIvoii In honor of Vlriilnlu I'luffuiu of Itono. biirR, by MIhh IMmh WoIU of Jntk hoiivIIIii rond, WiidmiKdiiy iiftornoon. "Tho Rniium woro nil vory orlRlnul nml chiinoiI iiiiich inorrlimint. Aftor thl n vory dnlnty buffet mippor wn rorvod 'I'll omo promint worn MIhhch (lorthn nml llotun Clnrk, Maty TIhiIiiIo, In.i llniliiy, Volinn McCrmllo, ItoIo liner, Dorothy Mlllor, Vlrnlnlit Hut f ii til uml IMiia WoIU. ... Mm, (loorRn Cnnodv nml hnr nliitcr Mrs. Wnrnock of Mlnnonpolls cnlor tnliiml nt liiiirhcon Trldny nnd tho Knouts Includnl Mr. Kcrby Miller, nml sUtor, MUs Kollor of Chicago; Mm, lloppln nml MIm Jntln lloppln,' Mm. AUn Ilrncklnrooil, Mrs. MondorJ Mm. I'oolili'a nml bor inothor, Mm.' HnrRonnl of Illinois, Mm. Win. Men.- oynnil MIhs llolon Mrnlny, Mm. Itowoll, Mm. Mary Noff, lm. Tor. tor Noff nnd Mm. I'nul Jnnnci'. ... Mm. Chnrlos Connor cntortnlnod at dlnnor at liar now homo north of Jacknonvllln Tuomlny iiIrIiI for Mrs. (Joorco Carpenter who loft Woden's- day for hor homo In Clilcnito nftcr vlsltlnc hor non, CoorKn llnoiio Car puntor nt Foothills nrcbnrd. Tims, dny nftornoon Mrs. A. C, HIiiRbnm en: Inrlnlnpil for Mm. Cnrpontor nt n noon dny liinchvon. . Mr. nnd Mrs. A. IC. IHiiRbniii outer tnlnrd at dinner Hntnnlny ovonlni' nt tho Country club. Their Riicata wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. llunbnr Cnrpontor, Mrs. KM in u ml Ilurko, Mm. Alfred Cnrpontor, Mlsnos Ixiulio Ilurko, Msblo Ilurko, Mndollno HltiRhnm. Moasrs, Chnndlor Kgnn and II. W. UlnKhain, Mm. Porter J. Noff ontortulncd nt luncheon Tuesday lor Mm. Wnrnock of Mlnnonpolls. Tho other Ruonts were Mcsdnmoa Wnrnock, F. K. l)ouel Wllnon, HrniklnrtM'il, Mndmu Noff nml Miss Helen Mcntoy. ... Mr. nml Mm. C. I. Hutrhlson nml Miss Fern Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. W, I. Vnwtor, Varnon, and William Vawlor and It. Hi'McCurdy hsvo ro- turned from a motor trip to Cres cent City. Mm. (loorKo Cnrpontor, who hni boon the Ruost of hor son nml dntiRb-tor-ln-lnw. Mr. ami Mm.. (loo. llooua Cnrpontor, returned this wook to hor homo In ChlcnRo. Tho Indies of tho Washington school PHront-Tcnclicrs' clrclo wcro entertained Wednesday afternoon av tho homo of Mrs, I.ouls Knlp. . Mrs. Portor J. Noff was hoileis nt n breakfast Wednesday Riven In honor of bor sister-in-law Mrs, War- nark of Minneapolis, Tho ciccutlvn bonrd of tlio tlroutor Modfnrd club will hold n meetliiK Momlay nftornoon at 3 o'clock nt tlio public library, , Mm. It. A. Antlo loaves Momluy for n Visit with relntlxon In Ohio and Illinois nml will Ik) uwuy u couplo uf months, Mr. nml Mrs. Wilbur Jouos nml family of itoss Luna hnvo returned from uu nuto tilp throuRh ICnstoru OrcRou. Dr. It. W, HtonniB nnH returned from n ton days ntny at Newport. Mrs, titoHrus will return next week. MIsh Mury (Irlunby nf Pendleton Ih tlio RUi'Ht of her slstor, Mrs, Hor- man Puriickor, Miss Myrtlo I.lttlo of IloBoburK U spomlliiR thu week with frlomlu In Mod ford, Mm. li, W, Knynrt linn roturnod from n liiiutliiR trip In tho HlHklyouH. Mm. F. W. Curnabau of llluo I.oiIho Ih HpondliiK a fuw dayn In Mifonl. ... Mr. nnd Mm. O, I DuvIh havo ro turned from a trip to Weed, Cnl. r . Mr. nml Mm. Walter llowno ontor tallied at dlnnor Tuosdny ulRht, ... MIhh Carollno JiicoIh or Ashlmnl Is Iho Huest uf rrlomU In M ml ford. ... Miss Cnrlolta Dunlin Iiiih returiiol fnnu a trip to Hsu Fraiirlsco, Mm, Harry Helm lias returned from u tilp to Under I.uko. t Minn llnlun I'ururker bin reluruH fiom m vllt m( Aliml, ft MIm MMrm Himkh In MIh.I Thu wedilliiK or Miss IMItli Fish, IniiRhtor of Mr. Theodora Fish of Phoenix nml Mr, William A. Tliomp hoii of Central Point occurred Hun dny afternoon nt tho homo of tho Initio's parents, Dr. Ilnllllo or Phoe nix offlclntlliK. Tho brldo wns Rotvnod In white crepe do ihonn. Only the relntlvos nnd Immediate f i lends of the family wore present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thompson will spent their honeymoon at Vautouvor, II. C, ami on tholr return will ninko their homo on Mr. TliouipsonVi ranch near Central Point, Mlirn Mildred Rerlix wns hostess at a,.illnuer Tunwlny ovoiiIiir Riven for tho plnnsurn of her kuohI. MIrs l.ucy AVIIllnmH, The other Kucsts wcro Miss Inn Cochran, Miss I.uclnda Coch ran, Miss Jean Anderson, Messrs. (loorge VIIiim, Nod Vilas, Walter Mer- rick, Kuiemou Merrick and Frank (lorlR. ... Miss Hut h Merrick returns today from l.o me Ilonch, where sho seut tho Htinimnr, accompnnylnc her Is her uncle, W. It. Morrlck, of I.ons lloarb, who will mako a short visit hero, MIrs Mildred CoVIr nnd her Riiect Ml kk l.ucy Wllllnms, Misses lua nml l.ucluda Cochran, nro spcndlnR the week-end nt Omnia Pass, thu Rticst of Miss Pnullno Coo. Mr, nod Mm. Mcminn Pururker of Ashlnml nml Miss Mnry OrlRsby of Pendleton spent tho wcok-ond with Mr. nnd Mm. II. II. Patterson. Mrs. ItoKlnald Parsons and chil dren left for their homo In Senttlo Friday, nfler spending tho summer nt IHUcrcst orchnrd. Mm, Itntph llardwoll entertained tho Tliursilny llrldpo club this woek This In the first meotliiK of tho club for several months, Chnrlea Hay ami Hnbert l'cloiuo who havo boon spending several weeks nt Nowporl returned Thurs day to Mcdford, ... Mlmt J uoness lliitler Is exectcd homo soon from Spoknno, where she wont to ntteml the weddliiR of Miss Nenloy. Mm, A. M. Carey has returned to Medford nftor an nbscuco of over n )enr and Is staying at Hotel Hol land. . Mr. ami Mm. I,. Martin leave this week for HosoburR where thoy will mnke their future homo. Mr. ami Mrs. OcrlK, their Rtiest, Mrs, Wllllnms, and Frank CcrlR toft Saturday for Crator l.nko. V Miss ltono Myom and MIsh i:ilsn Itoth Myers left this week for nn ox tended trip In tho eait. WHAT $10 DID FOR THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydta E.Pinkhm'VgeUbleCom- pound Which Brought Good Health. Danvlhe, Vs.-" I have only spent ten ilollara on your medicine and I feel so mucn itciicr win did tohon tho doctor was treating me. I don't suffer any bearing down pnlnn at all now nndl sleep well, I cannot ssy enough for Lydla E. Pinkham's Vcgota blo Compound and Liver Pills as they have dono so much forme. I am enjoy- tog goal health now and owe It nil to your remedies. I take pleasure In toll fag my friends and neighbors about thcm."-Mrs. Mattib Halby, 501 Col sjubone Street, Danville, Vs. No woman sufforlng from any form f female troubled should lose hopo un til sho has given Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetabla Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal IngroiMonta of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a moat valua Lie tonic nnd invlgorator pf tho fe male organism. Women everywhere Utar willing testimony to Utu wonderful' virtue of Lydla Ji Pinkham's VetfU bin Comxmnd. If run liuvfl Uit slightest dnuht IkHt 1yillH ICl'lHkliMHl'N Vtf0lM WM!MiioHmllllhi'liyiiii,HrltM twIHUIM'JHUIiniM.Medlt'liintV. (HMtlHHUul)yyHM,Wnwilll'H' nmd mm4 hwhwihtimI by h whhmh The Indies of the Pnront-Tenchcrs' circle who met with Mm. Louis Kulps Wednesday enjoyed an excep tlonnlly pleasant nftornoon. Tho so cial hour wns enlivened ,y music nnd recitations. Mr Kilgar WlRht rend erlnR two cornet solos with Miss Flor ence Ornves ns nrcnuipnulst, Mrs II O. MnnnliiR coutrlhuttnR reelliitlonn which woro received with much op preclntivo InuRhter, nml Mm, Harry Tucker dellRhtcd the KatberliiR ftlth seierat musical selections, fiiuons them beliiR two of her own componl Hon. Tho hostess sorved Ice rrcatn nml enke, AmotiR thoo - enJoyltiR her hospitality wore Mesdmues It. t. Klnleysldc. C. 0- Power, 0. X. Wilson Ilerthn Cowley, Margaret L'vans, P H, Dnlley, I). Woods, 8. II, Ornhnm, Hnrry Tucker, K. It. Hceloy, C Walk er, H. O. MnnnltiR, Miss Ornves, Mensem KdRnr WIrIiI and H. II. Orn hnm, Tho first regular meetliiK of tlm Pythian Bisters, niter their summer vacation, will bo held nt K. of P. hall Wednesday, September 2, at K p. m Tho following officers ll preside P. C, Mrs. H. 0. Workmnn; M. K. V , Mm. J. A, Perl: M. of F., Mm, John llutlcr: M. or It. ami C. Miss Mary Hnswell; inanaRir. Mrs, F. Isnncs; K J., Mrs. It. It. Kble; protector, Mrs. Kruest McKce: Riiard, Mrs. Asel Hub bard, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. DelllnKer enter tained at dinner tor their house Rtio't Miss MadRe Humbert or Hurciic. The other Ruests were Miss llertha Pierce nnd Miss Mnrlo Sccloy. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Hoy loll Momlny for their homo In Kansas nfler a short stay In Mcdford. Mm. Lewis AVnkeuinu entoftnlnvd the Nullo Ilrldgc club Thursday ot this week. Miss Josepliluc Hoot Is spcndlnR tho wook-end with friends in Ornnts Pass. Mr. C. M. KnRllsh left Monday on a trip to Dakota and Colorado. Miss Carolina Holmes of Salem In tho guest of friends In this city. -, Mr. Jay Ooro lias returned from n three weeks stay at Colcstln. Ml us Llda Austin left this week on a trip to Northern California. a , Mils Kuuls Sperk left this week for a trlplo Portland. MONTH IvA I., $u7Tau7- -J!). The Princess Pntriein Cunmliiiu lilit in fantry, fiit unlive troop- fiom North America to leave for the KurnK'uu wiir, Miileil today. 1000 strong, nbonril the While Star liner Megimtie, niuiil milu neem, for n secret dcHtinution. If Old fashioned stoves nre furnaces. And such Kitch ens ore much like boiler rooms. Always there is soot and smoke and gas and ashes. Always a fire to be built, constantly watched and stirred. Always a lit ter of the old-stove uten sils. And always a task to be done. Is your wife always to spend those hours over a hot, dirty fire? If you could only know some times what she is thinking. P r v. Dr. R. W. MacCullough to Talk On The European War Crisis aiiiiiiiiB ' ' aLLLLLalBlK' '" - y aaLalBBiBlH BBBBBalBalBalKiil. jjr'- BaaaiBaiBaiBaB Dr. MacCullough will aetlvcr an Interesting lectiiro on tho present ICuropcau crisis. Its relation to 1Mb Ural prophecy uml to present day politics, nt thu Christian church, Fri day, Bcpt I Hi, nt $ v ni.- There will bo a musical program OF TO LONDON, Atiir. 20, .li.1 p. m. A Uritifli rrui-er nrrivul in the Xore (oilny uitli 2(H) (lennnii prisoner on lionril, tliielly fnnn the Geromn enii'-er Mainz, wliirh wax Mink by n iiiitifli fleet in the recent nnviil en Biigcmeiit off Ciixlinven. TRAIN SERVICE CEASED JUST BEFORE BATTLE PAWS, Aii. 2'J. 1 p. m.-r-Train MTiice boiweeu 1'nri. uml Boulogne i Mipi'iulcil tidii until further notice. It i pro-tuiHiI here that thi step wiik taken because tho nllieil nrmies nre nboul tii engnj;e the (Jer- maiw on or near the railroad line running into llotiloue. With Medford trade l Kidford made. Hughes Electric Ranges You can give yeur wife this happiness. It means new health, new frdm and an extra hour each day for rt and pUaiurt. You can save Iter all that tlnuj and work and trouble for 3 cents a day! Step into our ghow room, $w tint rw I ughee Range, See how slinpte hi opera tkm-bow dTkiwit in couMimpikxi of fiwl. You can't afford to b wkbout it. CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY "resm m mhoiord, okkgon m w. mm m. In chargoof Miss Florence Hazelrigg. Tho entertainment Is to lio given tin ik r the auspices of the Young People' Leaguo or the city, Wth tho purpo.io of raising funds to place n bltilo In every hotel room In tho city. GERMAN illfAf I WASHINGTON, Au;r. 2J.- Kutan troop-, nro thirty kilometor.s from Lembertf nml Seniminnny lienilipmr terx has moved fnnvnnl to Zalovo. neeonlini' to official .li.-uiteheH today to the Freiieh cnilmy. lie fop; Nuney the Freiieh triMiiw founil 210t) Oeniinu dcail nml before Vitriimint loOO ilend. Ihirtlelt Vvatn. ' Our last car of Itnrtlctts wHI ko to the cannery Monday. If you have any Ilartletta bring them In bforo .' o'clock and wo ran hamllo them. No worms and nothing under two Inches can bo used. CO-OPKRATIVB FHUlT GHOWKHS' ASSOCIATION. Ttth Modfnrd trade u Medford mad Which- Furnace or Kitchen? Do you know that thousands of women cook their meals by the snap of a switch? Yes, in kitchens as cool and clean and tidy as any parlor. For there is no grime or dirt or reeking gas in electricity. And the Hughes Range heats the food and not the kitchen. Women are fast finding freedom from the tiresome kjtchen tasks. They deserve it. A few years from now they'll how it in apptaranc and Am(A. ERWIN, WITH 348 LEADS NATIONM LEAGUE BAHERS C'HICAOO, Aug. 2!). Host if win's .148 kcops In the lend of N'a tlonnl Lcnguo bnttoro, according til figures published today, but another Ilrooklyu player. Dalton, who hat played lit U9 gnmoB, Is the real pare settor with 3.1. Orant, New York, In third with 331, Then comes Decker, Philadelphia, 325; Oonzalqs, Cincin nati, .124; Dnubert, lirooklyn, .lltt; Mngec, Philadelphia, 312: Connolly, IJonton, 309; Wlngo, St. Louis, 300; Phelan, Chicago, 304. lirooklyn with .270 heads the clubs in batting, and Now York Is next with 2C2. Manager Herzog of Cin cinnati leads In stolen bases with 31. Dick Hoblltxol, Iloston Jeaitf, the American League batters, with .SttfJ. Next are Jackson. Cleveland, Hi; Collins, Philadelphia, ,iS2; MHelraM. Washington. UT, Cobb, Detroit, 3C; Crce, New York. 341; gjfeakiw, iloston, 328; Iiaker, Philadelphia, 32 cj Crawford, Detroit., 328; Mel nls, Philadelphia, 312. Philadelphia, with 269 and Detroit with 249, lead In team hitting. Mallei, New York, with 48, is ahead In stolen bases. Tho three leaden among the Na tional Leaguo pitchers whose total won and lost games number mom than ten, nro James, Doston, IS and C; Doak. St. Louis, 17 and C; Ru dolph, Iloston. 18 nml 7. In the American league the leaders are Itcnder, Philadelphia. 12 and 2; Plank, Philadelphia, 13 and 3, hJ Leonard, Iloston, 19 and I. Domestic Scientists particularly should read U. S. Bul letin No. 103 of tho Dept. of Agri culture on tho subject of Aluminum Compounds In Dating Powder. CRESCENT BAKING POWDER Is a type of those experimented upon and meets all requirements of i Pure Food Product. U5c IVr lb. AH Grocers Crescent Manufacturing; Company (Seattle' 41 ' i , b i ( v aV w ' ijv 11 yl z sx lttMrt ?-- ,