ii:K , - 5kil. ' IfclJ..'. FAG m. w j ... .i .I i y ' , .----- -- I H T, 'II r 'sawVsT I f IDC Em ' i n lH w. iiji e a n, , - a . I '' It r? 1 1 i ( . . i. If ' I -' ."" I V If ' L :- ,. . j , .j. ; trt ' A ; r ?'. fc ir IV ;y r; , r c- 5 t r t It :;) - - J-. ? K " rfvi" 1$ I 'J : e v.t"if". viTWOf M.KDFORL) MAIL TRIBUNE. MlfiUFOKt). PUKCON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 27, 1011 , -,v . JU. AND PERGONAL up Uf MPPUm at Over Uti K. pnrttett,, tlio MotHonl taxtder Mist aniU Nothcrland of Uutto Kalis wM oqcup a park of Bwlng's Gun Hre (Jhe Mining Mason with n first e)M Hbb of tur. j 'ihSt. primary election was heM Ni.pel''Nrt county, pa)lfornla, yo tSsrday, And- n tclciliono ncsagi from Crescent City this morning an nounces that Superior Judga Chllds, "jw wa " candidate for rcnomtna tt'ni ha been defeated by about JO Y4. Tho campaign, aeatnst tlio jdg was e4eclaly ulttenOranti Pass Courier. Tako the autocar to the frea banl concert at Central Point this qven Ing. 136' Visit Uie mannracturcra sale of ataples, corner Main and Kir streets, Thursday, Friday. and Saturday by the Presbyterian ladles. itr.-amt Mrs. Dennis Stoyall and two children arrived this morning from Philomath and will spend a week with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. JMoTall were residents of Grants Pass fer sonie years, during which time ilr. StoTall was special correspondent for a number of the eastern mining publications, wroto a couple of books and many short etortea. He now do Totcs his entire tlma to writing. Grants Pass Courier. Mountain Meadow butter pleases all. .Keut's grocery sells it. 136 Miss CarlotU Banks has returned from San Francltco where she went In the Interest of tho F. K. Deuel and eompany store. Cash register for salo at De Voo's. The faithfulness ot'man to a dog to shown in an Interesting condition reported by the pollco in their canine muxxlng campaign. Several ownora of dogs tho last couplo of days hava renounced owaersblp as soon as thi dog catcher arrives, asserting the dumb brutes came and stay in their yard from habit, net affection. Dog owners also know the hours the dog catcher Is musl dogs, keeping tbeai titd up during the day, and letting them run leoose at nlghf. Tho Southern Taciflc company will run a special train, Ashland, to Med-1 ford and return vto aecoaffiodate tlMMM deilrlap to attend Daraarn ft Bail' circus August 29th. Spe etal vU leave Ashland at. ;30 p. . returahsR la Medfer 1:38 . an, nklg jm ttt. ; . , . 1? Mrs, JiMtia Bifert and little child of Roaeburg are visiting friends and relatives In, this city., The f Ineet qutyaaeat a Oregern fer mrinting fruit labels. Medford Prlat- toCB. " The premium Jlsts for tho Jackson county fair are being distributed, and liberal prises are offered for exhibits of fruit, vegetables, grains, etc. Automatic base bat), that brand new out door game, has arrived la Medford. See It at DeVoes tonight. Just west of Hotel Medford. Mrs. Dick Antle will (ctc xne first of the week on a two month's visit in Ohio and. Illinois, Notice. Two good barbers In this hop now, your patronage respectful ly solicited. Medford Hotel Barber Shop. Msq Mary Grigsby of Pendleton, Ore., Is visiting friends nnd relatives In this city. Authentic war sewa yecejred Vr Mall Tribune leased wire will be peeted during the day at Hotel Med ford., The body of John Krutzler, murd ered by a highwayman near Itcno, Ncv., Tuesday Is expected to reach Medford Saturday. Tree, props at the Medford Lumber Com wy. , , t, Ariel UVtsea of llollnp.d Jn tb-i city for n few days on nuslncss. All the new f till models. ln.Kabo Uve.mooei corsets are nere. Anrens, a A raialead of sheep ami cattle jwaiiad, through, todojd .Wednesday Coffee mill for salo at De Voo's. 8. V. Deck of Itoscburg attended to bualnesa in thU city Wednesday, pie fjlea onvthe Pennant, wrapped pread. - We, are sot advertising it, ju Jetting It have Its ay with the peiuijo, Poeltvely contains no alum. Made at Newtown Dakery. 142 ' ' Miss Catherine Moara bus returned frem a, six week's stay at Berkeley, California, ;Jf .W, Diamond returned Wednos- day from a business (r)l' to Portland r,Jbe McClaln of Roguo JJIyer tran naat4 1uglnew in thin city Wcdnes- Mountain Meadow bujtor pleases alt, Kent's groeery le Jt, 13? , (OJtjaerCf.awfbrd of the police force Jertjal morning on a (rip io Crater "Tho Knlth of Japan," by llnrada Is the latest addition 6 thY nblc library dealing with tho war sltua- lien. , Kodak tinlshtijB and Weeton's 'Camera Shop. Theater. J. S. Howard, tho rather of Med ford, la intensely Interested in tho European war nnd Jins a mapx nnd n packag. of pins, with which ho marks tho ubb and flow of the great armies. 4 l'otel, Medford. dining room .now opens at six a. m, and Is o'poa all day. Charloa Palm has returned, from Pelican Day to attend o business. J. O. Oerklng, the best ati around photographer in southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any where, time or place. Studio 328 Main SI Phono 330-J. Andreas Price, who wont on n rampage In tho Oakg billiard hall Wednesday afternoon was fined l tn the pollco court this morning. A payment of J3 was made, tho ro malnd'cr to bo remitted when convenient. I have leased the Wheeler Apart ments, 24C South Itiverslde, to open September 1. Mrs. Grace Burrls. 135 The S. P. will run spcclaf trains from Grants Pass and Ashland and Intermediate points for the clrcui Saturday. Best for every meal, Mountain Meadow butter at Foul's. 135 Jt. N. Foster and wife, and W. F. Qulsenbury and wife returned on Wednesday night from an auto trip to Crater Lake, Pelican Bay, and Klamath Falls. They lost their way between this city and Ashland, ow ing to being forced to travel over aa unknown road at night. Call J. W. Mitchell for lawn mow er troubles. Phone 36. Thunder and lightning occurred over tho vafley Wednesday evening. and a few drops of, rain fell In this city, but not enough to wet tho pavo nient. The )ast heavy rain In this city was July 13th. Two counter show-cases for salo at De Voe's. Water Superintendent Tranna an 1 Councilman Hargrave left this morn ing to Inspect conditions at tho city Intake. On meat case for sale at De Voe's. Frank Loder. et the electric light company, arrested while speeding to twra en , uw iigaw mown out, -uj- ilghtaing, appeared before Police Judge Gey; tab morning, and was dls- Get It at De Voe's. Eight, drunks appeared In tho police court this morning, and were given fines of from G to $10. As most of the gents were out of funds. they will repay tho city by working on., the streets and sewers. When in Ashlabd try the new Co lumbia Cafeteria opposite Elks' tem ple, for good cats. H. N. Lowo, proprietor. 136 Miss Pearl Zacher of Kallspcll, Mont, leaves today for California, after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. V. C. Jenkyn. Best for every meal, Mountain Meadow butter at Foul's, 135 Joe Wilson of Talent is in mo city on business thls'afternoon. Ladles desiring high sctjoql girts to work for their board and high school gins aesiring sneu piaccs win kiuuij send their names to Mrs. o. i. uavia son, 720 West Eleventh street or phone 723-Y, chairman of committee College Woman's club Miss Gladys Armstrong left this morning on a trip to Crater I,ako. See Jt. H. MeCurdy for Aetna Fi delity and Surety Bend. "The monument of Win, Hartley, the Coos BBy bachelor, 'built by F, B. Waltc of this city, costing fSOO, Is being hauled Into Marsh'field for Installation this week, Koaak finishing the best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. 6rer IsU Thea ter. The electric power company ?ai out of commission for a few mlnutei Wednesday night owing .to lightning. See the new dancing model corset In tho Kabo Live model corset. Ahrcns, e(Nii iiiihiiiiii ' . . nroutTAxwa af W WsW JWvPsi UP CRUISER SEEKS GERMAN SBATTLB, Wash., Aug. 27.the British cruiser, Italnbow, tho Japa neso cruiser Idzumo and the swift cruiser Prince (joorgo, are cruising off Vancouver Ulund seeking tho Ger man Mlpzlg. They thluk the IClp- xlg kntl a' steam schooner whch loft Seattle recently with coul, have n rendexvous off tho northwest coait of sneouver Inland, and tlmt tho steam H'boouer and (lie llpxg aru In cemmunicHtloii with h private wireless station on l'ut Hound, Ymi U. tbm Itasi Tnf u when en twok (ir. J(Hju- 4r n4 vul4 Uom l4u mm m not lit STATE KfUN .... IS NR MESSIER The Jollowinir oxtrnetrt'from loi ters written by a Connor MelfrlUc, nv Sulcm residonl, t R 0. Uott winkle, Snnthcrn Piielfio jjtinislMnnn, explain Uie eonfusion rvlnllvc l ' 11. Jlcsslcr nnd Nick .lorry lioiujr 'ow fincil in tlio stnto nylum. The firt letter of August 11 from Snlcnwulst "J got your loiter tnnkiii: ituiuiry nhout N Jorry nnO J. II. Messier, and went right over and made in quiry, nnd they tuld me both of tho imrtiea were there, Slessler was in bed nt thu time, but .lorry vna up in the wnnl. It was lato tonight when I was over and I did not see cither of them." The second letter, dnted August 23, rends: , "1 received your second letter Inst night that created a doubt n to the- two people being there ut the nyluni, nnd I vmndo nuothor trip over then tiits morning- nnd reminded of a for mer visit' nnd (.hawed them your last night's letter. At first they wild they wore there, but when they came tn look up tho tinmen tlicv found they were different. "In tho case of Mei-lor, they say if ho is there he i there under a dif ferent inline, and what got them balled up on Jerry was the fact of their having a mini there who U nug get crazy the came as Jorry. They thought he wns the man I was in Miiiring about. He was way down on the nsylum farm, three mile away, but Hie.v went mid got (lie committ ment papers with picture .attached, and he was not the man." II SE Of VACUATE LONDON, Aug. 27, 3:22 p. iu.A iliimtelt to the Havn Agency from Kmguyevntz, bcrvm, declares that the Austrian army lif evacuated the Snnjnk of Xovipazur. The Sanjak of Novlpazar is n strip of territory lying between Montene gro and Scrvla. Up to tho tlmo of tho Balkan war In 1013 to belonged to Turkey. By tho Berlin treaty of 1ST? Aus tria-Hungary was empowered to garrison certain strategic points within tho Sanjak, but theso troops following tho annexation by Austria of tho provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were withdrawn During tho Balkan wars Austria Hungary again seized on the occas ion to occupy tho Sanjak and this occupation In largo measure served to neutralize tho Servian victories In those wars. ' niirv nAfCiiir CAir I Tho I&psI salo over hold in AloiUoi'd. A sulo Unijc (u bo iiomoiitoi:mt. The Halo wiwitflon of n HIVUiih'. 1 think hv this tinio that most of ym know that wo do junl. an wo mlvprl too. , JL 1-4 '.ir- f'U JL.i ii-iL .Li Jul kuix nL:XJc iw toJlmVA in Hiiiiiss inn ! sails in i-u Ba.aji ' v. nc iiccu UK WMi aim nc jug uuhik w uisiu . V 6M H 4 fcft Amir nfr iff mi imi mm mr mrnam m m rai mni mw s mi m imi an Vwm li llv IWI IT v I ' Im fV I i llll I I FRANCE PROVIDES FOR VOLUNTEER OFFICERS , LONDON, Aug. 27, 7:25 a. nv A despatch to tho Iteutor Telegram corapspy from Paris announces that President Polncare has ulgaod n de cree ermitting tho nomination of officers to a superior grado for tho duration of the war without any con ditions as to seniority. Under this docreo It will be pos sible to, replace immediately on tho 'field officers killed or wounded, by young officers, who by their bravery and zeal, prove themselves worthy of high commands. The order will not. cause future difficulties, as all such nominations .will be subject to obligatory revl ion after the war. FOSTER OF FORT WAYNE ARGENIINEAIKAOOR WASHINGTON, Aug. 27, Sam uel M. Kostor of r'ot Wayne, lnd was brought forward, jr ,oftJcal. cir cles today as thp iirobubjo,ciolco. of President Wilson as the first ambass ador to Argentina. David It. Fran cis of fi.t, Louis has declined tho pout. PRINCE LUltPOLO jOF . , AVARIA J8 DEAD AMtfTKKDAM, via London, Aiw. 27,. IIM IS iii.'J'Iip TWegwur today hnx lliut i'rini'0 l,ui!)o(l, i'liut (.on f L'rown J'rijic'i J(iimri'clit f M' vwrin, U I mid ut l!jmiijiIJoii td lliii lirnnl, J'rliu'ii Lulloli wuh huni Jn mn, Ih It Today Hwrive U) swioke t)9Y, JfdiBWM M tr, (h lm, una iwy Ht.rwl)M Wo linw thvoo largo roouirf, but wo aro ovot'loadod. Wo aro 'i'aniu'd foi' rouni as woll m nwli. W lint irnhiLr to hfild a ton dnvs' salo (hut will irlvo us moro room ami also moro cash. n p " it . i . B V MaVf ' rt v 1 m "i ' sale Mans saturaay mornine ai 5a.m. The Big Store Will Be Closed All, Dy, Friday to Hammer Down the Prices and Mark the Goods I . ! . I 1 ' ' anuj,ii'it;i'S wtu-ij alroadv tho loAVost, jn the wivst lu olhor words, wo olniiulo have .CbioaKo.pi'loos, but; in .oVttor to act tlio m) mid mako r.oom foi' now Wods oomiiif?. w1 will mil thorn .deep. o aro goiiiK tjiiiakotliis"saloa. stdo long to bo ronioinborod. Tho following prices will bo gootl as long as tho goods last (luring this sate: AH YoK- 1 1 Ml is a Squint to Convince You that You Never live Seen Their Equal ' iOiloEll'ui JiAVri6i.-v.,,.WY H papui'sirjNootllt.'s for 10 0 spools oL i). i'. uow uiroa(i,.jiv jpoob " " a a a I i i 1 - iiroa(i..JLUC a jo iiamiKoiviuois lor oniy 5 Oo Load Pencils ., 10 ...10 111! f lfic CcilVars for only lOt' 1 lot of Ladies' Now Shirt "Waists at 10 J bars of Fixiry Soap at 10 :j bara of Crystal 'White Soap at lj) II boxes of Tatohcs at....' 1W rolls of Toilet Paper tit oniy '. l'Oa li 10c packages of "Uiiion Leader Tobacco 15 iS JOo packages oi! Velvet Tobacco at - 1 2 l()o packages of Prince Albert Tobacco at J f li lOc.paekages of Lucky Strike Tobacco at 5? 2 lOo packagcssf Tuxedo Tobacco at 5j ;i fit! packages of Diirhain at Q$ t A 5-lb. ball of Uiiiding Twine r, M, ' ' K-4 jSWmamaT I mm I Men's New Suits The' Very Best in. Style, and Quality -Grays, Browns, Blue Serges and Mixtures-$15, $18 and $20 Suits, and a Great Marty of them All Wool $12.50, $9.98, $7.50 and $5.99 ljai- smA Ladies' Skirts arid Coats We have just landed a job lot of Ladies' New Coats, this year's sf-yle; .well, .just come in ami see t hem, $2.50 and ,up. Now, don't Ui tho price scare you come and see the coats. Ladies Hose Children's Black Cat Jlpse, sold all oyprai2J5c, while they last, the iaU' only lOliuft'JUAa WKri c. - xaawiiAwu. v-V-n. 7 BOYS' SUITS One lot of Hoys' and Youths' l,ong I'ants Kuils, some of tliein sold as high as $12.50, going at, choice, only $1.08 Boys' Ivnco Pants Suits, the very latest, a lag iih sortuient at, elioieo '. -. $1.1)8 Remember, we need the money, nothing, reserved. ")0e Suspenders, good ones, al '. Ifi All 2;V and f0e Neckties at 15 Wool Sox, the kind wo always have... lOt) A 2oc. box ol Writing Paper "? One lot of Suspenders at, pair tK v...j57 One lot ol. Men's Work Shirks at.'. :,.,....n- &W All now dollar Watches go at...., Six'BIJts $1.75 and $2 Suit Cases go at 8 A 25cJcan of Tal emu Powder for only .10e? 'v . ;; ' i :. . ' A. 250 bottlU'of Perfumo at ,.10t '.) .buiiehes of iKu velopes at ....10 I f . BIG TEN CENT BROOM SALE 'A Lot of Good 25c Whisk Brooms, One to Customer at 10c each i ii t i Mi.. ' ) tt ! 1 " r-r r-l ." i i : "Work Pants 75f Jumpora , 4fy Llttlp Poys' Ovorulls $2.00 Corduroy A lot of $7.50 Itiyii ni 15s? ants . f 1.48 Coats, sale price at Williams' Shaving Overalls 4fM only $2.08 Soap 5t 49? All $2;5d,tlTats, sulb price $1.48 Any 1 Joys' Hat in the A lot of Shaving, M Prushos at 10t A big assortment of Men's Now JlutH.75 bouse for lour Pijs. SECOND HAND GOODS AVo have second-hand Tools, Pjirnlturo, Stoves and Wo have second-hand Hedding, Quills, Ulaiilcels anil iMiiHical Iiistrumeiiis. Wo have Scoond-llimd Suits Pillows. . ...... for men up frpjJi Wity A, Cood JJ'i Immber W'gon, all tjomploto; aiitoiuo- Ladios' Wuits uj from U87 bilo; Hecouu-Iland Coals at ! bits; nil kinds of Vests Ladles' Long Coats up from.. 50f at U5f , 120J134 Nori! Front. Street WILL H. WILSON Cheapest Stores In the West i ? t T f ? ? T f f ? f Y T t t r r f ? ? V T T t ? ? t ? T t V ? ? ? T i t t -i ..... . v.. .if bum luquHry, tit) & if. mtmmmm9 $ 1 4 i fHfw3fWtii!wT0n!WmTWWir3iily, VfiW'vvJwTJWfl0v&rWtWfV 7W. rwmWfWW r w