Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 26, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Fair Max. fKJj Mln. IM.M
llcl. Hum. 20.
NO. 334
Korty-fmirlli Yrnr.
Dnlly Nlnlli Year
Cmi's Tumps Occupy Hie Whole ol
Eastern and Southern Half of
Eastern Prussia ami March Upon
Poscn Flrrce Battle at Gumbln
nrii, Whlrh Is Taken liy Bayonet.
PARIS, Auk. 20. 2:2.. P- ' A
t-tol t WM ill circulation till" II ft IT-
iiimiii tlnit Kmudiiii troops yesterday
occupied Mniicnburg, in Wed ''r,,H'
sla. 27 miles southeast of D.uirig.
Tim new ha nut been ijiuiriitucil.
LONDON, Aiix. 2(1,' 1 1 -"f I'- ''
Tim Ru-shm embassy 1 I" lecolpl of
lelogniniH friim tin1 general stuff
Si. Petersburg which niimiuiifr fresh
ItlHHiillU intone hkhiiihI hnlh ,,,r"
iiiiuiy iiihI Austria.
Thoo inoHeiigiM declare Hint Him
fdan troops HOW occupv the whole of
llii colcri iiml southern half of
nisti'in Pxasaju.
Mnrvlilug imi l'ocii
LONDON', Alltf. 20, 8-)0 it. III.
A dispatch to lliu Kxehange Telegraph
company from SI. Petersburg says
tlm Russian chief of trf niiuniiiicfr.
Hint since Sunday Hi"' Hnsiuu liivn
ion of (Inlii'iu mnl Prussia continued
uiilntoirupteilly along wide front.
While tlm ltiiMKimi right wing in in
vading Prussia nnil llm loft wing
entering (Inlii'iu, llm Hii-iii center,
composed of the grout bulk of tlm
nriny, in believed lo lm marching
.ilently Imi wllli leirihlo force on
Posen, IIh correspondent adds.
LONDON, Aug. 20. 2; 10 p. in. -
Ai riling to ii dispatch from St.
Peteishurg lo tlm Kxehungn Telegraph
I'ompiiiiy. (leiman I roups, retreating
In tlm ilirn'tioii of Ostierodiv east
I'riiHslii, cf behind llii'in nlioiil 100
peees of artillery.
Russian Au'ilu Victorious
LONDON', Air. 20, ll:.'il n. in.
Tlm Times St. Petersburg corres
pondent says Hint llm Germans who
ictrcnlcd by fori'i'il marches after
I heir defeat hv Hi'' Russians mil (linn,
biniien mi' nsscmbling u purl of tlmir
forms nt Koouigsberg. Tin- fk-rtmm
foi lifted imhIHoii on llm Hiver An
goiuh wan abandoned withoiil fight
'"' . . i
"Tlm roads beyond llm Augornb
nro strewn with cm t ridges, knap
sacks niul cipilpnmnt rani aside, in
llm hasty flight of llm (Icimnii
I mop-,1 snys the Times onriospond
"Ninth of Noldonboig Sunday mul
Monday there was stubborn lighlliix
in which tho Russians went again
victorious, largely through Ihi'ii'
Hiipi'ih iiho of tlm hayoiii't. Tlm
1'in'inv hora hail asxt'iuliUM tlm rutii o
tvvrutmth niiuy oorpf) in u forlil'ii'il
liosiliou. Tlm lluHHiniiH had to iu'Ko
liuln pi Ik ami haihod wli''. I laud
(Contlnuoil on pngo two.)
LONDON, A nir. 20, Hilda, in,
A (Villiiij Ni'WM dh-pali'h
f i inn 1'iiiii. hIiiIi'm pohllUHy
I In 1 AiinIiIii Ihu dt'i'liiii'd wuv
mi Japan,
7 t
French on Southern Frontier Repel
Assault of Germans All Along the
Line Belulans. Destroy Defensive
Works tf Enemy at Mulincs Brit
ish Bear Brtint-of Furious Attacks.
LONDON'. Am;. UK, r,:U p. iii
"II I ofllrlnll)- nnnounri'il Hint on
AiiRimt 2S, llm Tn'iicli, on tlmlr
noutliiTii frontier, wcro atlncVcd In
forro by tlm (IcrinmiH.
"Tho nttnek wim rcpulrtod nnil tlm
racmy rollriMl nil nloiiK tlio line."
INDON. Auc 2, 02 p. m. A
ili.npslcli from Anlworp lo llm Kx
chniiRi' TeloKrnph coiupnny o- llm
HidKlnu oimratlomi bvyoml MnUnos
wuro roiilluucil tlirmiKliotil lant nlt;lit.
Tho IU'IkIbii furrea iiueccoili'il In do
HlrnyltiK tlcfiMiiilvo work con
HtriiLtuil by Ihu nermann.
Cntnlry Annllillnliil
I.ON'nON. Aiik. itt. 1 1 :40 n. in.
Tho I'nrlii corronpoiulpnt of IttMitor'
Tt'li'Krnm comimny nan n rnld liy a
UiTiunii Mvnlry illvUloii In Jrcncn
lirrltory In roportcd liy tho 1'cilt
rarlBlnn, which ntnlcii that wlma the
(loriimtm nrrlvcil nt i o'clock Tuonlny
nioriiliig they oacountonMl n roKlumnt
of Kri'iich nrtillcry which practically
nmillillntptl (hum.
ItuforrliiB to tho flRhttnK near
Munii. llm pnpor Baym
"Tho HrltlMi boro tho brunt of six
furloim nttnekri. Woumlfil llrltlnh
foldlnm ili-claro (hat tho nllloi
ralnoil a vorllnblo hecatomb of tier
man corpicn near Mon."
Offcaolvo Moinicnt lleiuiimtl
l.ON'DON, Auk. 20, 7:30 a. in. A
itettpatch to the HxcamiKO TuloKraph
company from l'nrla ay tho Kroneh
war offlco ban UruoiI tho following
"In Lorraluo tlio allied nrinlei
luivo taken up a combined offensive,
movement. Tho battlo, recom
nienceil yenlordny. In mill raKltiK nt
tho llmo tills bulletin in Isiuod."
Unofficial inllllnry opinion Is that
tho fighting along tho Kronch-lleU
Klnu frontier continues. Qutot con
flilenro oxUts In l'nrls that tho al
lien will hold off tho Herman nt
tnek anil tnka tho offensive wlion tlm
proper hour arrives.
TS1N0 TAU, China, Aug. 20. A
fleinian neioplaim went up from
THinjf-Tmt today l reoonnoiler. The
pilot failed lo dineover any eviileueo
oC JnpaueHO wurhhip'i nt m'ii or of
.liipmu'he ItoopH on laud.
WASIIINdTOH Amf. 20. Far
weNleru hiikiii' lelinern won u urlory
mi'i' their imiiipetiloiN in New Or
leiiiirt niul New Voile Imlay when Urn
IiiIhihImIii itoiiimeicu (oiiiiiiUmIoii iip
puni'd llm I'hliilillhliineiil of now
nili'H on Niujcur from (7allfninlH piii'
tlui'liiH point m In ChieiiKO mid Ihu lir
I limy en h I of Him MImkoiiiI liver,
whh'li II Ik lii'llevrd will open llmnn
muiki'lM In Ihu vvIdiu timlnr, .
British Army Warmly Welcomed
Stands Brunt of Three Days' Fifiht
at Mens Germans Risk All on
Present Invasion Averane Twenty
Miles a Day.
LONDON, Amr. 20, 1:211 a. in.
"A I hint Hie Hnli-li nnuv U al jfripx
willi Hie dennaim," hiih the Otleitd
eorreHpondent of the Daily Mail.
"It win ti Kreat inoinent when the
Hrititdi nnnv arrived. Tlm inhabit
ah(H weyt mad with enlhimiiisin.
'The llritili niiuy Imi eome lo Del
Kiuiu!' exelaimed Hie onsK-ople
jleefull.v, ntitl nothiiii; win too pood
for tlieui. They had no diffieully in
oblainiiu; needed provisioni. The
popjilaee wai eacer lo iirovide for the
iilnrn, who leipiiiitioned ep,
bread, butler mid roffee. All rcipii
itioim were jmid for in Kohl.
"The civil popnlallon wm ordered
in relire in Hie direction of I'ninee.
The people regretfully shouldered
their Iiiikh of lielonj!ini mnl parsed
fileutly down the nad.
Iwllle lleKins Monday
"The troops ndvaueed lo batlle
poHilioiM nt !t o'clock in the morning.
At -I o'clock eight (Ionium nero
plnnei appeared, whereupon a flock
of Hrlllhli iicroplnue mse like binln
to drive them away.
"Then the artillery began lo talk
nud Iho air became thick with can
non powder. The groat .bailie had
begun. Korwnrd went llm infantry.
Hifle fire and Maxim fire added to
tlm boom of tlm big giiiw. Sunrise
mingled with llm slow of burning
forced and the flash of guns.
"ThiH wan Monday. Tlm baltle
continued Tuesday and probably will
continue for necnl day, either
itlono or merging with the battles on
the left and right.
KcricK of l.lnkoil llnttlin
"The great battlo which in now in
full Hwing along the whole French,
British and llelgian line really a
series of linked battles forming what
may well bo tho decisive engagement
of Western Kuropc. It in a supremo
effort by Germany to break into
France, an effort which, if stopped,
inunt mean disimter to throc-miar-tern
of a million Oenuati Koldiern.
"Thorn seems to ho no soldier left
to guard the (lonnun lino of com
munication. All is being har.aided
on (ho success or tho failure of this
blow. Tlm (loiman advanco has
been rapid and steady. Their eol
iniiiiK havo averaged twenty miles a
day hiilco limy reached Brussels."
MANC1II3STKU, N. II., Aug. 20.
Dr. K. Duma, tho Auiitrtun-UunKar
Ian ambassador to tho Unttod Stae3
today announced that ho had received
a wlroleBd iucuhiiko via Sayvlllo, L. I.,
from tho HuuKarlan secretary of for
elgn affairs, saying Hint "tho em
peror Iiuh roiuiunnded tho Austrian
crulner Kaluerlu KlUnbulli nt Tiling
Tail to tako up tlio flulit togellier
with llm Herman navy, Dlplomntlo
lelutliius with Jnpuu a ro broken off."
or Iho JiipniioNo uiubuksy nur Iho
Hluto deiuirlmeiil Inu locvlved coil
flriiiiitloii of Hid iliH'UruHou of war
by Atmlrlu up lo 'i n'oloeli IbU uf(er
nuns, ttltlmUKh iimHKen dlieet fiom
Vlfnnu (in nl Iter Miibjei'lu ii'uiIiimI
Amuilt'un oH'iniiiviil.
II Bpgrfiik. tBt! l -rI2iHKBiiiiiHIII
1 1 ff'mtmJ--' v.'3&.kkkkkr4kB I
1 1 L'iiikiiK' V '" viKSiiBHkBvj I
!rrHikHT J. Wi, kkVkkBBkk
I I nMf '' vBnl V7TfKOTHkHPlnkkkkkkSI
s SJ cAJpriri. "vxtrcnMT VAUWurau.' $
i. ..i. ...i vi...M.n, ,..,Miiii.m U n
.vlil b nieeU lirlhf nluan to emit it micwuwr. He I one or tlio promlncut
inemler. and may W elovted the new I'ontlff to head the Ilomaii CutholK
NKW YOIHC, An?. 20.-Nearly
fifteen hundred Americans slranded
in Fun)p at tlm outbreak of the war
reached New York today on the
Scandinavian lino steamer O-ear II
from Copenhagen and the Italian
liner Taromina from (lenon, Tak-niio
and Naples.
The Oscar II brought in 1104 pas
sengers, of whom 7S4 camo in the
steerage. Nearly nil were Ameri
cans. The Taonnina had 708 aboard
and several hundred of these were
Americans. Sixty-seven Amorionn
eamo in tho Tnormina's sleemge.
Among tho ships sailing from New
York was, Hie Wilson liner Fninciseo,
with two ,47'cahber riHes mgunted
on her rear deck. These, her offm
ers said, were meiely a saluting bat
tery. Her destination U Hull.
Tho destruction of a HritUh collier
in the Hiver Who was witne-od by
Mrs. Hmina Muir of this city, who
was in Vienna at tlm outbreak of Inf
inities between Austria and Russia.
While- proceeding down the Hiver
Who sbo said they saw a Hrili-li eol
lier strike a raiiio and blow up with
all hands. Their boat stopped and a
government boat came nlongMilo with
the news that F.ngland had declared
war. Mr. and Mrs. William Hitt,
the latter formerly Miss Kathoriue
Hiking, were in Norwny at Iho out
break of the war. They said they
had made tho trip to Copenhagen
without unusual experience,
The Campania), with 400 passen
gers, many of whom were said to bo
Huglish and French reservists, and
the France, with approximately fiOO
passengers, wl of them Fieueh re
servists, sailed today.
William 0. Sharp i.owly appointed
ambassador to Fiance, sailed on tho
HI, PASO. Texan, Aiie. 20. Clou-
oniU tlla ami Ourogou nrrluul nt
noon In Jtuirec on their way to tho
jieuco confereueo la Bonorn. They
expect to mieuro peiiunMou irom inu
Ameilcun civil and mllltury uulhoil
(0H to puns Hirouiih Texas, Now Mex
ico ami Arlniiu In llioli' ihuuI trulu
with a mnull enroll dUurmud durliiK
lm trip, I'crmltiilmi from (ho Ulo
KOVeriiorH )i'l hum uoi icvii rereivvii
ullliijiiuli ihu lnlu mid war ilepml
intuit at WukliliiKliin Imi iilveu iwi'
mlmduu for ihv vifudllluH,
member of the Sacreil ("ollece of C'urdlunli
MAHSIIF1HI.D, Orr., Aug. 20.
That there was a naval encounter
about eighty mile- off Coos Hay this
morning is claimed bv a number of
person along the coast. Mayor L.
F. Simpson of North lleud telephoned
from Shore Acres, about twentv miles
southwest of Mttrdificld, that he had
distinctly heard the roar of cannon
which commenced about 10:30 a. in.
Operators at tho United Slnte
wireless station at Cape Blanco con
finned this report, saying that firing
was heard distinctly tlierev They
stated that there were two single
shots and after a short interval two
broadsides were distinctly heard, nnd
later more cannonading. They esti
mated that tho firing was about 80
miles off shoro mid nppaprently
northwest of Cape Blanco.
Vessels arriving hero today from
San Francisco saw no warships.
Coastwise vessels have not reported
any) although one French and two
German vessels hnve been reported,
without eonfinuation, to bo some
where off this coast.
LONDON, Aug. 20, 3 p. in. Pre
mier Anpiith in tho house of com
mons this nfternoon rend a commun
ication from tho commauder-in-chiof
of tho forces in British Southwest
Africa saying Iho authorities of
TogolamV the Gorman colonial pos
session on tho west coast of Africa,
had offered to capitulate on terms.
In reply, the British officer said thai
Hie capitulation must bo uncondi
LONDON, Aug. 20. C a. m.Tho
military eorrcupoudeiit of the Times
toduys sas:
"Wo mnl they mul (ho Dutch need
huo uo doubt (hut I lie Hiiuuxutlon
of ull tho North Una ports from the
HlrnltM of Dover lo Dmdvn will fol
low u Herman nurcens u tlm war
a suiTcvs which would only 'be pr
llmlnury lo Iho roiireiilmllflii ull
Herman (foi( mi Ihu huIiJiikuIIoh of
L'UKlaud '
Belgian Evacuation of Town Orderly
Battle of Charleroi Described-
Town Shelled by Both French and
Germans and Occupied by Each in
Turn Heavy Losses Follow.
LONDON, Aug. 20, Ti p. m. The
Paris corn'siMindent of the Times, on
Iho battlefield early in Hie righting.
snys he met n few miles outside of
Philippeville a. Belgian officer nnd
Hie paymaster general of Xamur, who
told him the town of Nainur had been
occupied by Gennans. It bad been
subjected to n furious bombardment
and Hie Gennan fire was so well reg
ulatcd that Hie first Tew shots sil-
cnci-il Fort Mareliovelelte on (he
northeast and Fort Mnizere on Hie
cast. Fort Andoy nNo suffered
badly and was almost out of action
Two Korts Silenced
The story centinues:
"The Gennans entered the town
without encountering much resist
ance. Fort Dave, at the southeast of
the town, and Fort Wepion, on the
opposite. Mile of the Meuse, nnd Hie
line of forts to the north, still resist.
"In spile of the elaborate prcpara
tions with .wire entanglements,
through which passed an electrical
current of l.'iOO volts, and (he liberal
use of broken glass, Xamur fell into
tho hands of the Gennans on Sunday.
"The Belgians evacuated the town
in an orderly manner. All rolling
stock and motor cars were removed
and the station master left on the
hist locomotive with the railway
cash box under his arm. The Belg
inn troops numbering about 3000,
passed under the protection of a
French cavalry screen, within Ihe
rrench lines."
The correspondent adds:
Six Forts SHU Ureslst
"Thus the Gennans have done
much to win mastery over the two
banks of the Meuse almost as far as
Dinant. They, however, left behind
them six of the eight forts of Nn
mur, which, it is expected, will yet
cause them considerable annoyance.
"Later on Sunday the French nr
tiller' in its turn opened fire on the
stricken town of Charleroi. The
Gennans in the earlier stages of the
engagement had poured their shells
on the upper part of the town. The
French now emptied their hail of
shells on the lower section of the
town and under a supporting fire
from their urtillery tho French in
fantry advanced slowly in the fooe of
a stubborn resistance, on the town
they had just evacuated, retaining
several villages and becoming once
more masters of tho line between
Tliuin (eight miles southwest ol
Charleroi) and Metax.
Untllo of Churleroi
"At G in the evening tho fighting
censed, both sides being worn out.
On the next morning before dawn the
French artillery again bombarded
Charleroi and once more the troops
of Franco swanned tho slope toward
tho lower part of tho town, recaptur
ing tho villages of Chatelct, Boufi
oul , Mnrohienne and Couillet. The
fighting at this stage of tho engage-
(Continued on page two.)
CHICAGO Aug. 20. Hxciled by
predictions that the Europium war
would ho long-drawn-out, tho wheat
market soared today and a hulf hour
before llm close wild 7 to H cents
higher limn yealordny'rt clone, De
cember wheat sold nt 1.15 mid thai
for delivery next May at 11.21.
Wry lilllu grain wan iietiiully
houuht mid ohl The purchiiMt of
o(),00(l hoehcl of M.iy uhvut ulon
mum ftiifni'U'iit lo udwiHi'M the luletf 2
cents pour Ihe dote, Kotm cur) lo
Mill he rcirul hoil tm4 mu ttt'l"
in mi Inury lo luU piuJIU,
Belgium Ceflfratulatcd by Premlw
Asqulth Losses Only lntMlfy
FlftMkii Splri-EiMrt SwH
With Neeel f Mre Trwf-rriH-sian
Advance Sensatleflal.
LONDON', Aug. 2d, 4M0 p. m.
SInco tho withdrawal' of th tilled
armies to the detenso of the French
frontier, virtually no news hat
reached the public of tho military
operations In nouthcrn cnislum.
Owing to tho difficulty of compil
ing a compact Ilt along fluch an ex
tended front, no details of Brltlik
casualties, which Premier Asqulth es
timated yesterday nt 2000, yet b7e
been received. This delay is In
creasing tho dlitrcag of anxious rela
tives of men at the front.
Belgium CoiiffnttHMcii
The announcement, ot lowes, how
ever, only seems to have lateatMled
British determination, judging frost
tho extra work being performed fey
the recruiting offices today. This
tenacity ot purpose was further evi
denced by Premier Asqulth la the
House of Commons this afteraooa In
making tho announcement that he,
proposed to ask King George to eoa
vcy to tho king ot the Belgian the
admiration with which Great BrHala
regarded "the heroic resistance efhl
army and people to the wanton Inva
sion of their territory and an as
surance of tho determination of this'
country to support In erery way the
efforts ot Belgium to vindicate her
own Independence and the public
law of Europe."
The premier declared further that
the Belgian government was taking
steps to get the established tacts ot
eQrmany atrocities as related In the
statcniont given out yesterday by tho
Belgian minister here, to the knowl
edge of tho whole civilized world.
No Compulsory Service
The opponents ot compulsory mili
tary service In Great Britain momen
tarily raised their heads In the House
of Commons today but the premier
re-assured them. He said there was
no Intention ot Introducing this sys
tem. Ho added, however, that
Secretary of War Kitchener needed
alt tho recruits ho could get. H
was a great mistake to think. Pre
mier Asqulth declared, that Great
Britain wanted only 100,000 men.
Tho rush ot tho main Russian
army toward the Fortress ot Posen
in the German province ot Posen, It
true, is regarded here as the senBa
tlonal news ot tho day. It might
account for the Germans falling back
In eastern Prussia.
The report that tho French have
abandoned their positions In Alsace
has not beon confirmed, although It
is labelled as official by the newt
agency which carried It. Other ver
sions ot the samo official statement
do not contain this reference and the
French embassy today declared that
It knew nothing ot the mutter.
NKW YORK. Aug. 20. The
Japaueso attack on Tslng-Ttui t
T the fortified port of (he terrl- T
lory of Kiao-Chow, has failed
ami tho Japanese are preparls
for a siege, aecoiding to u cnWe
iiipmuko received here today by
Count von Bernsjorlf, German ,
iimbnwKHtlor (o Ihe 1hIIwI
SIuIcm, frofu Ihe OerWHH )
bunny nt I'eklH. T
Coimi Von Drwlrft mW
llmt Ihv i'H hie Hiimuw fwwitihf
no iK'IhIU hut mi Ay mum'
i-4 m fnllnrn ( m Jhim'mm. j4 T
J luck nnd. lh jtrtwMitji f
iill'U. -