"'1., VPK a "is paq you MBDFORD MAIL TRTBUN13, aTEDtfORT), OT?K00N, TUTDAY .UWS'I m inn SjiJ;. feJU... K ' ft i bin a ,4 fri - t I!" I ? .1 KM V .i II s MCI)!) MAJL TRIBUNE ,AM fMT)IlCMlJl?Nf NKWKl'APKn rOMilRIIKU KVKllT AFTKIWOON ,, BXCKPT BUNPAT TIT TIM, v Of fie Mull Trlbun Tlulldln. 35-IMI Mwtli Fir itff t; tclPDhwi 76. ' Ttia Demncratlo Tlmtf, Th Mrdford Mull, Tim Hertford Tribune. Thn South-' rn OreKonlan, The Anltlnnd Tribune, 1 i ' ' " ' ' Tratcmiraeft batm One yenr, by nmll. .0 Omtmonth. bv mull Ptr .month, dMlverVsi by carrier in ,S0 Memoro, . Jacksonville nu b lrl rolnL-. . ,Fo MtturdAjr only, by mull, por ycr 3.00 Weekly, per ycnr - -,.. 1.S0 Official Paper of the City of Mtdfont Official l'nper of 'Jackson County. Hfltered. ns second-class tnalUr t Hertford, Orecon, under Iks act of Hairs I, 1878. FhII T(Titicl AVIro AncUul lVcwi WMh Mcslfor Stop-Owr 'cweav cxxctt&ATioir. Dally avemen for six months tndtns December SI. ISIS, S500. 1 DENVER. Colo., Aw?. 23. Find ings of the court martial which tried 22 offlccra and men of the National Gu aril of Colorado on charges grow Ins out at the Ludlow battle of April 20, woro matlo public today. All tho defendants were acquitted. Tho militiamen wero charged with murder, manslaughter arson and larceny, in somg cases the number of counts against ono Individual being high. In addition, Lieutenant K. E Llndcrfclt as charged with assault. on Louis Tikes, leader of tho Greek strikers, who was killed In the Lud low fight. Tho court martial found that Llndcrfclt struck TIkas on tho head with n rlflo but that tho provo cation was Biich that the assault was Justified. Ilcforc the findings of tho court martial wero published they were sub mitted by Adjutant General Chase to Governor Amnions for his approval. en IN ACTION FOR FIRST TIME ; LONDON, Aug. 25, 4:03 a. m. Tho French correspondent of tho Ex press sa) a the llrltish troops come Into action for the first tlmo on Fri day and Saturday. It wag only an affair of outposts and scouting, but interesting because of tho light it throw on tho exhausted condition of thn German advance guard. Tho correspondent centinues: 'Detachments wero scouting In tho country to the westward of Urussols und gputh ns far as Charlcrnl. Ex haukted though tho German cavalry wero known to bo as a whole, ttiolr success lay In continued rapid ad vances and It was obvious that thev "would push on attho first possible moment. "Ho whllo tho Iielglnng were sul lenly falling back towards the north,' tho lCngllsh cavalry wero busily em ployed feeling for tho inevitable Ger man advance, while tho French horse, foot and artillery came up from the eoujli and west.'' JEW YORK OPENS FOUR PUBLIC MARKETS NKW VOIMC, Am,'. '-''. Four pub lic imiilu't l'or the Mile of f noil Mip jlii'K direct from prowicd to coa ttiimci'i will ho opened to .Miiiiliitttun liproii"li .September 1. In itnumiitc iiiK Hie Ideation of tin- m.irki-iM to ilny Ilorougli 1'iiiiiilent .Murkr. hiiuI Unit until i'urllicr notice there would bo uo charge for spneo nnd that fiiiiuerri iiml deulcr nro invited to offer tlieir biippllca ut tholeulo or ,1'ctuil. ON BOTH WINGS LONDON, Aiir. 25, 11; ID a. in. Tho Central News circulates a des patch from i'Ails saying Unit an offl cial communication kIvcii out In that lly dcilarwi that (Ionium cavalry bo. loimlng to nil Independent division uv fl)nra(lNX on (lie extreme rlnlu frml on thn cxlrnnio left of llu jmw fi4M Of (H JHt'. 4stT?TttaS COLORADO MILITIA OFFICER CLEARED BY OUR MARTIAL SOCIALISM LOSES OPPORTUNITY IX7M1AT has hooonio of tho Whore is tho general strike that was It) paralyze tito efforts nf tho wnu lords "Whoiv tho refusal (o hoar anus against inoffensive follow-artisatis who happouod to ho horn ao.ross tho liortlor'f AVhat litis hooonio of "class 0011 soiousnoss" ami tho hrothorhootl uuivorsal? lustoad wo soo. tho socialists inookly oboyiug tho ooinuiamls of tho blood lust lords of tho earth ami niarohiuir proudly to tho slausjhtor along with tho rest of tho barbarians. Tho Gorman follower or Karl Alnrx published a proc lamation within tho month, styling tho demands of Aus tria the "most brutal ever made in all history on an inde pendent state and calculated entirely to provoke war." The call concluded as follews: Tho class conscious proletariat of Germany raises In tho nnmo of human, ily and cMHzatlon n flaming protest against the criminal action of the wn? makers. Wo nro threatened with n world war. Tho ruling class who in tlmos of peace, gag, despise nnd exploit you now wish to uso you ns food for cannon. Everywhere must ho brought to the earn of tho tyrants, "Wo Want no War; Down with War; Up with tho International llrotherhood of the Peoples." Yet the proletariat 'furnishes the food for the caunoi as cheorfullv as it toted Prussianism upon its back for tho oast fortv vonrs. "War temporarily routed class consciousness and human broth erhood. The German socialist is evidently willing to join the "international brotherhood of the peoples only when the German flag flies over Europe and the kaiser becomes emperor of the world. Likewise the English and French socialists have shoul dered their arms and marched to the slaughter, firm in the conviction that the brotherhood of man can only obtain when Prussianism shall be no more and liberalism rises from the ruin of militarism. IF. G. "Wells, the English socialist and author, writes: The opportunity of liberalism lin come nt last an ovorw helming op portunity. The age of mlltnrlsm has rushed to its Inevitable nnd yet sur prlslngcllmax. The great soldier empire made for war. which has domlnntcd Kurow for to years has pulled Itself up by tho roots and flung Itself Into the strug gle for which it was made. Whether It win or lo&o It will never put Itself back again. Whichever tetlde defeat or deadlock the capitalist military civlllin tion dislocates Itself nnd ends. However, as the first preliminary towards redrawing the map of Europe with the rankling sores Jo. ft out, French, English and Belgian socialists are firm in the con viction that Prussian militarism must be overthrown, eost what it may, lest it bestride the world like a Colossus and by "blood and iron" keep humanity chained to the chariot of barbarism Tor centuries longer. In its first great opportunity, socialism has failed. The socialist is still a slave to formula. Convention is still stronger than conviction. Loyalty to the ruling caste is still above loyal ty'to class or humanity. The crudities and injustice of the existing order are still preferred to the longed-for perfection of Utopia. Geography of (From Nntioiml (leograihicnt So ciety) Antwerp A city or Helium, re- panlcd us iIn principal fortified Htrini'diold. . Altliousli Mtv miles iVom the hvhi it is dill one of the greater henxirts of l'uroK', liecaiie the hroad mid deep SVhcldo river giv'K it mi excellent outlet. It" Mip ulntion U nlmoft entirely Mcmifh. Under Kiniwrnr Cliurle V it U miiiI to have been the mot miiii1diih city of ceiitincntnl Europe. At the mid dle of Ihe sixteenth century it liud u population ctliiuitcd nt I'J.j.OOI). Flic rcnt fairs held then nttriieted the mcrclinuls of the civilized world. I'n der the Spunkh regime it declined, nod in twenty .Venn fell to u popu lation of 3 "5,000. The treaty tif Wcxtpliulin closed Ihe Sehelde to i;ii Riling veohelft, und it was not reop ened until the French tid mi in 1711 1. Napoleon undertook to revivify tho city, lint it was surrendered to the Kii-li-li in 18U. It beuii to V'ruiv a'iuu, but wni nlmot ruined in the military opcrntinn? of 18:10 und thereafter. Jfetherlu'iil ictaiucd the right to levy navigation dues on the Schcldc, wliidi laid u heavy hand on Antwerp until 180:t, v(ivu it wus eoiiimuted bv the pii.Miient of about $7,000,000. The city nnd liter are defended bv a number of udviuiced fortifies mill bv rampart, eight miles long. 1'nrt of the environs cnn be placed under witter. The l'ortili entions were built to herve iik ihe rallyitK' trrouud for lite JJelginn tinny in cni-c it was overpowered in the fiehl by superior iorce. Iwinov (Nong-hee) - The capittd ot Miicrtlie-ct..Moelle, Friuicc, mi the muiii line of ruilroud between I'nii and Strasxbur. Itn pupulatioii i" triteu nn 100,000. It is uboiit ten nult'K tiom the Qcriniui frontier, thir teen miles ciiht of the stronghold of Tout, and thirty-five mile went of ninth of Kpinul, Chailc the Hold pcrinlu'tl nt its gatew. T'io mty be- TAKEN FROM TRAINS TOUT lintON, .Mich,, An. U."i. Ten AuHliiiin renertints from Chi cago am) Milwaukee, who weie en route to New York, liuvo been taken from tuiiiih on the Oriuid Trunk mil wuy at Sainiii, Out,, acrobH the Kt, (.'loir river from 1'ort Huron, ami are being licld as pnxniiui of wur, it wak learned here today, flu piui'liasing tlieir tickets tliity failed to realize they placed llicinoltcH jn Ihe liainU of lint caeiiiy on cnlcilng Caiiailn, II U probnhlo hey ttill he laLcu n To I'oiilo iiml held iiniil Hie cloke or Hie vnr, socialist poaeo propaganda? fever and barbarianism have the War Zone came French in 17(ili, wn occupied by the allies in 1811 and 1813, mid put (o rnn-iMii by the I'niosians in 1870, wliieh wtto paid by France. Strasiburg (Capital of AImicc I.orruiin. tienminy, two miles west of the Kliiue, on the ritcr III, which divides here into five liruiieho. It is twenty-eight miles from the French frontier nnd is one of the .strongest fortrc-.es of the (Ionium empire, bavin;; it circle of fourteen forts. The University of Slrotlititv was refoundrd ns the F.mcror William's university in IH72, and its library has 800,000 toliimes. The population is upward of 30,000. Strasburg held out agaiu-t the (icrmnus for nix weeks diiriie.' the Fninco-l'rusHiiiii war, finally mirrendeiln September 7, 1870. Dinant (Uccnoiig) Taken bv Hur g it tidy in ltOb' and nil male priotici shot or ciiUHcd to he drowned by be ing forced to jump into the river from the cliffsj this llelginn city has had an eventful career. Louis XIV rup tured it in 1073 and the French held it for thirty cnrs. In 1818 the Dutch built the citadel which is still the sight of the place, but which was dismantled long ago. Dimwit is u favorite ummer resoit of the Itelg iiuiH. It is about fifteen miles due nonlh of Xiimiir. Charlcroi (Shar-Leh-Kwa) A town of southern Belgium, on Hie Sumbie ritcr, mini) twenty miles abote Nnniiir as Ihe crow flics, nnd about twice as tar by tho riter. It is the center of the iion district of Itclgium mid enjoys water communi cation into France ns well us aeros.s Belgium. It was ceded to France Mum alter it was founded, and wax ortifiml by Vaiibau so strongly (hat it twice held out uguinst the attacks of William of Orange. The fortilica tions later wereiazed, but it was rc foitificd in J8KI by the older ol Wellington. These fortifications were Xinally dismantled 'in 1831). MVjrui'i'.'-j." raff--. . ur' flfflflB PAY E T WAKIIINOTON, Aug. 'J3. On mo. lion of Demociutic Leader I'mler wood, the house voted today to de duct from the pay of mumhers for all time they are absent exceut in cne of illncsr John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Audita! M H, IIAIITMCTT IioHi M. 41 n 47-Ji AuibuUum rlw lilf ihirv POWER SITE BILL TO DEVELOP WEST GOES TO SENATE WASHINGTON, Aug. aft,-Tho iidmlntAt ration bill aimed al tho de velopment of water on publle lauds through n system of leasing cites to private enterprise went to tho Hcnntu today after having been approved Igr tho hoiifc. Its pasting?, coutoiult Its author. Representative Ferris of OMOiuuui, would mean a ."greater and rlchei went.'' llo said. It would afforl menus of pumping water for Irilgn tton "at a minimum cost unit bo n great factor In the ipnnson of our. agricultural possibilities and the ro elnmnttou of tho nrld lands." Tho bill authorises leasing of tho water power sites at a nominal rental. After the revenue therefrom circu lates In tho reclamation fund 20 ears half of It reverts to the federal teras. u ry aud tho remainder to tho ntnten In proportion to the power leased Tho lenses would extend for DO jears. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Ai c 2'.. Monle out llrown, deposed iniiuiger of the St. Louis Federals, has nuit base ball, iiccordlng to iurotmatiou iinn out today bv mi ol'tn ial of the St Limit FederuN. It i sid Itiitwn will return to bis home in Tertv llnute, Itid., todliy. Next winter he will go to Cnlifnriiiii to look at ur l(is inining uleriVHs. Iliown. tt i said, feels the St. Louis- club lias not in ranged a snt isfacton tniiistVr for him hud that his dityi as a big league pitcher art numbered. ARE TO EXTEND ROGUE VALLEY CANAL DITCH J. It. Nell, vice prciildcut of tho Itoguo lllvcr Canal company arrived In Modforil yesterday direct from Kurope nutl entered Immediately upon u study of the local Irrlgntlnu itltuti tlon. Although ho (undo no announce ment for publlenilon, It Is known on tho very bent authority that tho cannl company will xtart the extension of tho high lino dllch in thn Into fnll If tho ncccssnry signers nro norured. As tho arid scnuoii of 1911 lias converted practically every iiroporty owner Into nn Irrigation advocate, there seems to ho no doubt but that operation will start this winter and the canal will bo supplying water In tho summer of jyir,. Domestic Scientists particularly nhould read V. S. Mill Ictln No. 10H of tho Dopt. ot Agrl culturo on the Hiibjcrt of Aluminum Compounds In Ilaklng Powder. CRESCKNT BAKING POWDER Is a typo of those experimented upon and meets nil requirements of a l'uro Food Pioduct. IWc IVr lb. All (iCOCCIh Crescent .Muuiifiu'tiirlii Coiiiuny Seattle MRS. IT. L. LEACH Expert Corsotiere 32G North Bartlett. Phone HGIJ M. Get Your h'oxt Hu!t of K LOTHES MADi: AT L E I N riticr.s tg.i.o Hi Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Peaches Booth 20 Public Market JANES BROS. AUSTRA MASSES E ItOMK, i.i huK Aiw. :!.", lU'M n. iiu- The Seclo un Hull not with Hlniuliiij; I lie denial of tin Ainllli Kiivt'tiiniuul, coiluiu Aii"lrimi lniow u iv muMiiitt mi the Unlinn Irnulicr. Tim moxciiiDiitH were dixcicel nt Cirw't Iml unlet from Vlmiiin in the lnl I'oltv-eiuht lioiti eouipellsfl prucipi Into tii'tiou, tliu oUei'tN til' wldch wcie visible ul Trent, wlieio (lit'ie is no iueVsKunl nioM'iuonl or Iruoi. The nter iidiN Hint there nn nln HO, 001) Allmnitui 'troop.- ul 1uiiIiiiicK. GLOVE MAKERS STRIKE FOR HIGHER WAGES OI.OVKUSVII.1.K, N. V. Aiik '-'". About 1 21)0 Fiilttei count j;ltvf cullois formnllv ilc lured u Ntrikc tul,, iliinanilini; In-'lii'i wpge , MEDFORD Saturday, Aug. 29th barmumamiley tfll Grand and Glorious Union "THE WIZARD PRINCE OF ARABIA" ORIENTAL SPECTACLE AND BALLET Meal Muniilnclr tiM.nitiiua I'm ilnrllnn In hr lll.lnr) nt I'timnlri. Jnrnll tlrrnni f'.iiit. Trttt nml .XlmurUy'a .Moil Vlvtil i:i.crlilll.i tUtlloils Completely Re-Crcaled Arena rur.n Tvrr.nvtTiovAM.v tti:wi. in KUI'I'.oTltl MI. t:itl M.IIIMI"- tic. xenon Tir, idiixttric, .xmtlxi.isTir ami iiii'i'iuiiixxi . Tir I'liAxtiMiiNi iv iiiaiiiivnnti AltX FKtT AliltOI'.MI AMI AI.OIT. fl lliiniiip llrnlnril II Olrlirlllra In Xlrlil n 'I iuriinitiiit iiiprlilr salllMr) In CuntrUol rrr-Kmliiriirr. WORLD'S RAREST, COST- L1EST ZOO AND ANIMAL NURSERY 110 DKNS OF WILD UEASTS, HHRDS OF ELEPHANTS AND CAMELS, INFANT GIKAFFE. 2 P. M. TWICE DAlLY-8 P. M. I'lr1 I'rrfuriiinnrr rm-rileil by GALA STREET PARADE Admission to Cft JJ.,.!,.,.,,""W Everything I www rn it i. Downtown Ticket Office at Haskin's Drujr Store Tickets on Sale Show Day Smut! Price ns (dinged nt Show droiiiKls COME IN and hcc llio PALMER FRUIT SIZER Tho ono used in Hood Kiv- or'fj largeot packing house laat year Daily duiiioiiHintlioii al Hit hIoi-o J'oriiKii'Iy otjctiiiicd Uy iii:hma iiiiotiihiih !)I7 l-JiiMt Main Hlrcot ARMY ALAN FRONTIER mt.m . m'tuP iW & PAGE Tlieatre Cool, Coint'olliilile, Well Vetilllnleil. Momhty and Ttic-day The Silent Witness In Two I'ArtH Simple Faith A Drniuii of tho Heit The Barnstormers A Kurco C)noxly The joys of .a Champeron A Ulppluit Kitico With Hllm Jim, the lllimuii Toothpick Hear Hie Ijitrge PAGKTIIKATUI.OKCIIIvSTKA IIAHKV IU1WI.I l Dlictlnr ADUIiTS lOo CIIII.DItKS Tie Dooiii Open 7;1" Ihitlio (Image of Piouinui Tomoiiott PAGEIMtre Coining Wcdticsilny-Tlnimilrty Trey 0' Hearts Head tho Btory In tho Medford Hun fioo tho Picture nt Thlrt Tlieater TT Theatre .Mutillii).'l'iicsility MkIiIk Our (rlutuai Girl No. 18 Hues Sari, New VorK'n Ureal Comic Opera Hucicin The Faith of Her Fathers Tho Keel. lliwiulKnl Heart liilereKt, Itollnuco Drnnm Withering Roses KnmoiiH "llcauty" I'llui IVaturliiR .Mnrcaret I'Uher and Harry Pollard In Do l.uxo Htlo Some Rogues and a Girl ItclTutico Comedy You Cuiinot Arrord to MIkm It for 10c Here Wcdiiexdn) -'I Imtxliiy Pl.'ltll.SOK imi'I.i.m: LOOK HERE Automobile Owners Wo sell Mlcliclin ami Good year Tires nt llio same old price. No fnerenso on ac count of the war. CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 Bust Main Street Med lord 'J.'ho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Alado any time or place by appointment Phone H7-.T We'll do tho vest E, D. WESTON, Prop. TO CRATER LAKE Aula HIiiko lent oh al 8 a. in. on Monday, Wednemliiy nnd Kiiday, lloiind-tiip ft 18 tlcliclu liouored uulil Knitcmber III). Kprclal ralcn lo Crater Lake for paiticH ol' lito or more, Kour, five mid Hovuii-piiHKeiiKcr (our iii carH, HeiiHonnhle rateH to all cUIch nnd polntH, KKi(ditt ralcn for nil-day uurvico nnd lnru tourliiK purtluH, Hall Taxi Co. I'luirin 1IIII, Hfoly iiml Coinl lu( Mrit, STAR THEATRE Sprclul niiiititiiicriiiciil of Fall anil Winter Dookliis, sprclflu (talcs later ns they nppcar X Mary Pickford Every Week Wc will present this celebrated Utile actress every week In one of her for mer successes, STOMAL NOTH-'Tlio Mintf JH. ford .Sinnle 'HihiI UeUutB" aroi1il iiiii tuiirodiielloiiH. of Xtliuiur .pttliU of llio Ulumpli Htudlo and kIiow Hih olmriniiiie uelio" on her ulimh t faiin1. The pitttutT Mm piorioaueed Hie lnirit initio ie nllmetiou eter howii. We are hhowtu (hum bv special !fiiiet d' many of tmr pillion. In aililltliin wc will have Cxchtslvn Sliowiiis of tho Klaw and Erlanger Attractions linl'idiii.,' in Motion I'm tuns Midi Inlii"" line -i' il Strong Heart, Seven Days, The- Fatal Wed ding, Men and Women, etc. The General Film Co.'s J.xclll le Seitlcc of l.lceilncd l'n-lllles, illi'ludlll . The Million Bid One Wonderful Night Judith of Bethulia, etc. r Frohman Shubert, Brady, Belasco and Kleine Attractions ('inning soon Keliiiu of llio futoritu and lucoiapariiblo Musical Woolsworth's And Ihcii' Apl i:n'citH, Al all Hoick lint luatcHl poMJlhlo value In .Million l'liiiliuji'ailiy, i ' 10c Admission 10c Ta All HliimlnjtH AlU'l'iiMiiix i(iil l'ti'itlii , fg& jf inr TMHtf - mufwiiif ww -9Ms t